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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  February 18, 2024 5:51am-6:11am MSK

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absolutely there you can avoid some, conditionally there children will not have some character traits, no, i don’t agree, well, everything is very individual, it seems to me that you can raise five egoists, everything is very, that is, you can raise a work collective from five, five individual entrepreneurs , yes absolutely, you said it correctly, yes, no, let’s get to know you, that means everyone has found out their ages, that’s understandable, what is this grade now, sixth grade, but that’s already more than half of school? well yes, it obliges is it possible for a person to somehow imagine his future or does it liberate him? i would like to become a history student, or an art historian, how did this desire arise, did something influence it? well , yes, a very long time ago, when i went to school, i immediately went to additional history classes, i just really like studying history, memorizing all these dates, learning all about the ancient world, parents? i suggested, my parents
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guessed right, well, my mother is just a philologist, a byzantinist, i apparently have a history of a global trend or something, now i will study only the ancient world, i know the ancient world very well and in general the history of the ancient world, yes, i like it, it’s right there in my head, no, you study, you enrich yourself with knowledge, and then how can this be somehow make it a source of daily bread, so that somehow? i could live on this, i don’t know, maybe i’ll become a teacher, maybe a schoolteacher, maybe a history teacher, i don’t know my profession, i’m going to major in what department i’ll go to, i think i’ve already decided, well, maybe another 5 years will pass there until the eleventh grade, maybe my views on life will change, something else will change, you’ll go to bloggers, please don’t give me any hints from the audience, you yourself said that views on... history is not
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only events and dates, this is an idea, this is an idea, yes, this is how this is the structure of society, this, this is a lot of different stories, this is social science, this is history itself, these are historical sources, that is, there is archeology, even sometimes the russian language, that is how speech developed, well, when such a purpose already appears, should we be upset about what might happen in other subjects? i’m good at mathematics, i ’m doing well for a while, some topics are really bad, that is, it’s just a swamp, well, yes, and it’s a little frustrating, he may be upset, and yes, he may not forgive, he may yes, please tell us briefly about yourself so that we can imagine what you do, well, i’m in the eleventh grade, at the moment i’m preparing for the unified state exam in literature and english, at the moment i’m... aiming at the faculty of philology in
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moscow state university, i am striving there by leaps and bounds, i discovered the amazing world of literature, before that i was somehow not particularly interested, i was distant, now that i have directly encountered it, i realized that it can be incredibly interesting to consider different works from the point of view perspective of time and how the idea of ​​a person changed, how the problems and themes of different works changed, different literary trends, let’s say, it’s interesting to explore yourself, looking back, i was a year ago, i was two, yes, i still have photographs from that year and i look at myself then and now, and i see dramatic changes, because i did a huge amount of work on myself, i changed my appearance, i lost weight, looking back, i did this consciously, yes consciously, that is i really strived, i worked for a very long time, it was a lot. there were ups and downs in my attempts, but
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still i managed to achieve my, well, not my dream, but to achieve what i wanted, and now, looking back, i understand that all this was not done in vain, all my efforts were crowned with success and i’m very happy, let’s just say how much weight you lost, 10-15 kg somewhere, that’s a lot, well, yes, how much does it change your worldview? in fact , the worldview is changing very much, when i was full, i expected negativity from people, an advance, well, yes, i took everything with hostility, i was already ready to defend myself somehow, now i understand that , well, no one wants this, well that is, well, you can be open, it’s a great happiness when the social circle in which you are, lives the same, yes, watches the same films, loves the same books when there are those. very
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unexpected, because usually here we are, courses and life are kind of separate, now we are in life , we are friends, we hang out in addition to courses, we help each other, we discuss all this, we periodically have fierce debates at some various topics , we prove to each other, we quote, it can be incredibly interesting, at some point we even had the idea of ​​forming a kind of circle, like in the film the society of dead poets, it all ended with... some opportunities for us there wasn’t much, but our union is peculiar, has a very fruitful effect on our work and on our relationships, let's just say, ksenia , i really want to talk to you too, you
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have one family, i have already counted more than one philologist, there are historians, he and i have something in between, what is left for you choice, i love music very much. i’m very glad that i went to music school, thank you mom, thank you dad, there was a time when i really didn’t like it, i really didn’t want to, it was painful, yes, how long did it last, well, about a year or 2 years, ksenia, what in this is the time parents need to do when the child doesn’t want anything, leave him alone or show some kind of persistence, well, i’m glad that mom and dad didn’t allow me to quit music school, because then some new strength came, well, the most important thing is that things started to work out, when you realize that you can do it, well, that’s it, it’s just inspiration, it’s new strength, some kind of motivation, and then everything just goes uphill. how many years does music school last? 7
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years, in what year did this self-enlightenment come, when it was no longer necessary to force or allow to quit, when it was already independent initiative appeared. at all. i experienced big changes in the sixth or seventh grade, it’s almost the end of school, well then you already feel like such a professional, and everyone there is kind of small, you walk around so proud, what an instrument, a flute, when everyone is at home, it seems to me that something is happening to me, as if i were not me, premiere on rtr. we have never met anywhere before, why are you looking at them like that, are you normal, so pretty, i would fall for it, it seems to me that our mother has gone crazy, money to find out the criminal, what sanyai, she is sick, you need to think like
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a criminal, but not like that, he has taken possession of me, i look at women just like him, he instills his thoughts in me, you are abnormal. how are you coping? you are probably very tired , you want to rest, somehow relax, it’s just written all over your face, are you sure that you are not having these, not hallucinations, anna is a medium, and you know who the killer is? yes, from monday on rtr, lol, dear, shaking. shifts, big changes have come, into the new season with new renovations, with a slight movement of the hand, we from this room there are absolutely no faces , we are making three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator
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into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant person.. maniac real stone flowers will soon bloom in our heroes' living room. after dismantling, much will become clear. and dreams become reality. how? look. let me into your home. big changes. today on rtr. everyone sit down, i'm gotsman. stvolyna was alive.
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ursulika: liquidation all weekend on rtr. those who want to keep up to date, watch the week's news, the program for advanced people. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, today on rtr. when everyone is at home, girl, girl, the chula didn’t
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lock the boys, the key was broken, who will make a new one, or the boy, in your opinion, will sit in the closet until he’s old, and i’ll leave the door open.
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this idea comes to my head, maybe it is completely wrong, but there are examples that confirm it, that i don’t take talent , genius is not discussed at all, but talent is from god, abilities are from luke. may be a person has many true purposes
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, but no, probably as a result of one thing after all, depending on how closer he gets to it, it turns out whether it will take place or not, not necessarily in some creative or some other way. then elevated professions, or whatever , and the stronger these abilities, the greater the temptation, because you can bet on it, bet on it, as a result, always to the detriment of something else, there is a risk... that to the detriment of the main thing, well, this is becoming clear, but that’s why it says middle age, it’s and it becomes clear at the moment when you have already jumped from the tower, have already pushed off, and then i realized, in vain i went with one hand and not knowing how to swim, and you are already flying, and they didn’t pour water there, and they didn’t pour water, forget , this is a real tragedy, when you still can’t turn back, alexander, what do you think your parents’ fates were like, how many of the years they lived were they happy? well
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, to be honest, again i will quote the classics of the lazy and incurious, i know very little from their past, well, even in ours in a recent picture, katya katya, there is such a phrase when a granddaughter accidentally... finds out something from the past that her grandmother touched, why didn’t you tell me what the grandmother said, and you asked once, i found out quite late, that my mother is the daughter of an enemy of the people, that’s what he is my grandfather, whom i never saw, naturally, he graduated from the timeryazev academy, was the director of an estate of medicinal herbs and was a tolstoyan, in thirty-eight, in my opinion, he was shot in tiflis. lisi, because there was this estate, he is nikita, nikita, yes, nikita vasilyevich, in
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my opinion, but how dad married her and made a career in general, he was quite a big boss, in terms of construction there were some installation parts, somehow it didn’t affect him, didn’t i know, even about the war, not him, not his mother, not his father, the friends who fought with him together, at the end of the war they were all recalled, because when they started working in the factories... they didn’t really like him, dad, artyom karpovich for you, yes, but my mother didn’t work, because she graduated from ignace before the war and didn’t have time to defend her diploma, how did your parents deal with you and your brother
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? the freshest, the first to return to moscow at that time. when he was watering the flower beds there in the morning, it meant it had to be earned, the rag-pickers came in steamers, the rag-pickers were there, there were also these very same grinders, sharpening the scissors, with a squeal, it was the rag-pickers, it was the old man, the old man, the junk picker was known among the children as, what
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girl, are you selling galoshes? yes, i’m selling, this galosh costs 100 rubles, how much? no, 100 rubles is too much, let’s give 2 kopecks for it, and you and i will part as friends, okay, merci, what kind of relationship was there at school, well , school was actually a separate story for me, for some reason my brother and i were parents they gave a special school with in-depth study of the french language, the first in the country, there was french from the first grade, and there were a lot of hours, the class was about 30 people, it was divided into three groups, and that means each group of ten people had its own teacher, that is , there was no chance that you would not be asked at all, i decided very early on what i wanted to do, even where exactly i wanted to enroll in stroganovka,
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so somehow for other subjects my interest has cooled, especially... in the exact sciences, physics, chemistry, and when mathematics began there, the sines and cosines themselves, from which i still have secons, cosecons, yes, secons, cosines, bradis tables, logarithmic ruler, lies somewhere, geometric progression , algebraic functions, well, how everyone has suffered, people have suffered, they started talking about the patient, but there were such bad marks,
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no, my mother went there regularly, it was he who came as a nerd, introduced himself, i told him, that yes, it’s really a very serious matter, your son was removed from the class for bad behavior, he says, so what, no, this is just the beginning, but at the same time a student was removed from a parallel class, then what they instead ...


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