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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  February 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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i advise you to have a doctor who you can trust for how your baby sleeps, but you can’t do it 100%, and you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr. i will still give birth to a child and marry dima. the child died. let's see on the weekend. i'm your son. what? you lied to me all these years, how could you? you are my mother. what do you want? how did you know that seryozha was alive? now your wedding is under great threat. and this... boy
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binds them more tightly than your ridiculous courtships, if everything could be returned back, let’s start all over again, and it’s a turnaround for me, i ’ll solve this problem, it’s difficult to cross the abyss of lies, seryozha injured his spine in training, because of her, our son may remain disabled, she took everyone’s life, she ruined my whole life, we can’t cope without you, it’s even harder to take a few steps towards love. on saturday nar. in the far north-west of russia, above the arctic circle, lies a true treasure trove of nature, the kola peninsula. sometimes it is called russian lapland. nature on kola is amazing
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diverse, including taiga, mountain ranges, and tundra, where countless herds of reindeer roam. in the north, the kola peninsula is washed by the barintsevo sea, warmed by the warm atlantic current; it does not freeze all year round. in the east and south, the peninsula is separated from the mainland by the ice-bound white sea. some scientists believe that the northern cradle of humanity - the legendary hyperborea - was located right here, on the kola peninsula. we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, are you with us? yes, when? my soldiers came running, they
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carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes my grandmother, she herself is hungry, but she brings this curba to the shelter, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across people like that. caring, support in word, hello, dear soldier and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, and a little about the greatness of those...
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we are trying to destroy, the pope of the royal naval fleet in great britain has no time, now we we call little britain, demonstrating its power, ended in failure. for the first time in 8 years, this was an important test, the mighty london decided to test launch the triiden 2 missile, which can carry nuclear warheads. the british submarine vanguard was able to enter the ocean... rises into the air, but the first -stage accelerator does not work and the formidable weapon , worth as much as 32 million dollars, instead of flying 6.00 km, goes to the bottom of the ocean and almost takes the submarine itself with it. the rocket, according to official information, fell into the water just a few meters away. from submarines, the piquancy
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of the situation, as they say, is added by the fact that on board the almost suicidal submarine at that moment there was not only the commander of the british... fleet, admiral ben key, but also british defense minister shep. look. this is the kind of footage i was hoping for at mmf in the uk. i hoped that, like in 2012 , the test launch of the triident missile from a nuclear submarine would end in success. however, during new tests off the coast of florida, immediately after launch , the triden intercontinental ballistic missile fell into the water just a few meters from the submarine. a real embarrassment, which led to even more questions for the british ministry of defense. the ministry itself has already laid all the blame on some anomaly during testing tried to reassure that triident missiles were still safe and effective. at the same time , during the tests
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, the british minister of defense grand chaps himself was on board the nuclear submarine vanguard, along with the commander of the british fleet. according to sources, the triden rocket flopped.
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well, firstly, crew training, and then checking the entire control system of the uk’s strategic nuclear forces, and, of course, the technical reliability of the missiles. so triiden 2d5 missiles - this is an export version of the american main nuclear sea-based intercontinental ballistic missile for export, which means it was an advertising campaign, but no, we also really want to advertise it to the fish right away, i want three at once, that’s uh. this means, this is an american-made missile, and such missiles are used by american submarines, they are the main ones, which means, apparently, this missile, these test launches, which they are conducting training test launches, aims to test the reliability of the system
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strategic nuclear forces, two unsuccessful launches in a row, i remind you that correctly, it was noted that in the sixteenth year it was empty from the island of florida to ascension island 9. so this suggests that the naval strategic nuclear forces of great britain need a thorough reworking. first of all, of course, we are talking about the fact that britain will now have to purchase new missiles from the united states of america, but this raises an interesting question: in the united states of america the issue of producing nuclear warheads is also a question. with there are big problems, the reliability of the british nuclear warheads that are on these missiles, judging by the nature of the tests of these missiles, will also inspire great doubts, so the question of recreating the reliability of the naval component of the strategic
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nuclear forces of great britain, in my opinion, is not in my opinion, but for sure this is the only component of the uk’s nuclear forces that is under very, very big question; they are now creating and putting into service, before the thirtieth year, they must accept a new generation of submarines, carriers intercontinental missiles , these vengard types should be replaced by the dreadnout type, but apparently, the drednout is undaunted, but apparently missiles are easier to rename than to repair, which means, yes, no, well, they are made in a new way, new boats , but the missiles will remain the same , so this... this question is very, very doubtful, thus, great britain’s claims to revive its great role, yeah, mistress, mistress, what mistress of the sea and mistress forrera of the icelandic border, here everything they have now is
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apparently being pushed aside, attempts to make britain a new world power are also turning out to be nothing, because they cannot make such missiles themselves, so they buy them from the americans. i can say by way of illustration, at the end of the eighties, at the very end of the eighties , we had a unique test. which no one did, this operation was called behemoth, then it was released from a submarine, simultaneously in a salvo, for the first and only time in history, all 16 missiles, all 16 missiles reached their intended targets, here they cannot prepare one missile , this speaks for itself, and of course, in this context, i want to mention the problems that ... the british fleet with surface ships, they have the latest the ships entered service, these are queen
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elizabeth type aircraft carriers, two of them, queen elizabeth prince of wales, and uh, six ships, first the prince broke down, then the queen, the prince was repaired, the queen broke down, did not go to training, but they say they patched everything up, everything is there like new now, and of course everything is like new, but the fact is that of these six destroyers, one was in service. which were sent to the red sea, and there it is also unclear whether he received a missile from the houthis on board, or whether his engine or power plant was broken, but one way or another he was dragged out of there by the nostril for repairs, so what does this mean? the power plant of these ships, they have this problem, this is really a breakthrough power plant, but it hasn’t been brought to fruition and almost all the ships are new, this type about... 45 type dering, these destroyers, this same queen elizabeth, together with
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the prince of wales, are currently not combat-ready, it’s just curious that admiral kean, who was present on the submarine during the exercises, said last week that we must prepare for war with the russians, and putin plans to attack nato, well, this was apparently a planned exercise, if putin is... getting worse and worse, indeed, everyone is undergoing treatment, everyone is healthy. about our country,
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putin visits the kazan aviation plant, i inspected four, this is important, this is important, four modernized tu-160m, into the cockpit of one of them, he personally got up and sat at the helm, we will show you after the advertisement. you brought flowers. premiere on rtr. aksim, is that you? you killed someone, or what? no, no, no, did you notice the robber? no, do you think i ruined the bank? and the security camera recorded your car. only i know about this. anna would not have covered for a criminal, even if it was her own brother. anna is a medium. today on rtr. there are places that
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fascinate because they are part cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history. explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is.
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i dream of a wife like you, alla yuganova, i’m different, we’re different, you know, you’re a prince, and i’m nobody? lyuba, lyuba, draw me happy on saturday on rtr. provocation is
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treacherous behavior.
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russia, russia, a big festive concert dedicated to defender of the fatherland day, live broadcast on february 23 on rtr, everyone sit down, david. in short, you won’t believe these hands they themselves are reaching for the back of the head, you knew and were silent , hello to you through the window, but the bullet really doesn’t take you, i said weapons on the table, dima, why are you here, and where should i be, hit
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yourself in the brain, chaos of the ear, now they’ll start go for a walk, guys, mom, don’t go until the wind blows, they will be there. fyodor dobranravov, mikhail porechenkov, vladimir minshov, sergei makovetsky, vladimir moshkov, we gave the bandits a good punch here, film by sergei ursulyak, liquidation, all weekend on rtr. so, traitor to the homeland and defector kuzminov, who was hijacked by a russian military mi-8 helicopter and cold-bloodedly shot his colleagues, was killed in spain, you won’t believe it, bravado, zelensky’s adviser believes. according to him, representatives of the sbu said that
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only ukraine could provide his security, but he still went to spain. spanish police today officially confirmed to the new york times that the bullet-riddled body of a man found in a parking lot in the city of alicante, a spanish province, really belongs to kuzmin. last summer maxim kuzmenov escaped by flying to ukraine and handing over his military helicopter in exchange for half a million dollars. in russia, everyone considers him guilty of the most serious sin that a person could commit. treason. ukrainian intelligence officials warned kuzmyanov his life was in danger and urged him not to leave the country, but he ignored them and is believed to have moved with his money to a small resort town of pastel houses on spain's mediterranean coast. now kuzminova, who at the moment of dessert, he was 28 years old, and it seems that he suffered the same harsh fate that
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ukrainian officials warned about. two spanish police officials familiar with the case said the body of a man found in the coastal town of villa hayosa, riddled with bullets, belongs to kuzminov. a ukrainian military intelligence spokesman also said he could confirm his death, but declined to go into detail about the circumstances. spain in direct contact, my colleague, own correspondent at state television and radio broadcasting company, daria grigorova. sales, hello, what is the main version, what are the police saying, where is it? there is a version that kuzminov did not hide what he did, how he lived before, and generally abused alcohol and drugs, our spanish colleagues suggested this, but
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the police have generally remained silent for now, only some leaks we can read in the press, the investigation of the case itself the murder of kuzminov is now classified, while the spanish national guard said that the details of this case will be reported by some other country, the department, of course, did not specify, what kind of country... it will be, but we probably all understand what country we are talking about, and yesterday our film crew worked in alecante, we were at the scene of the murder of maxim kuzminov, it happened on the ramp of a residential building in the benidor region, municipality alecante, i must say that this area, which is called lascala, as local residents told us, is 50% made up of people from the former soviet union, not only russia, ukraine. belarus, other countries, in my opinion, kuzminov chose a somewhat strange place to get lost in to the crowd, because his act was , to put it mildly, known, his face was known, but
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apparently he did not try to hide. we talked to kuzminov’s neighbors, who lived two doors away from him, he said that the guy had not lived there for long, there was even a suspicion that he did not live in this house, but was doing renovations there. but again there are questions here, everyone knows the amount of money he received for his betrayal of his homeland, and why he was doing repairs in spain, this is also one of the mysteries, there is another version that is actively discussed in spanish press, trace of his wife, perhaps maxim kuzminov was married, but relatives do not confirm this, but the spanish press writes that shortly before the murder a few days... kudminov met his wife, who came to him in spain, and then this is why the killers came to him, who fired from five to twelve
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bullets into his body, here the versions differ, and the police officially, i repeat, say nothing, there is only confirmation that kuzminov was identified by fingerprints, since the passport is in the name of a citizen of ukraine 33 years old it was a fake, obviously this is the passport that was given to him so that he could somehow... hide on the territory of spain, but this is how he met the end of benedorm. olga. thank you very much, dasha. daria grigorova, correspondent on direct line spain. they really shot , as they say, from six to 12 shots, including in the back, in the face, and then they ran over him in a car, that is, someone really, really didn’t like him, one can guess who. please, i ’ll continue this logic about britain, yes, this means that the british not only have failures here , my colleague partly mentioned
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that they don’t have much success in the red sea, they wanted to make such an american-british naval armada, well, the americans are doing something, although it’s also bad, the british don’t really succeed there, they don’t have a combat-ready navy, besides, there... they try to train the ukrainian military at their bases there and so on, but the ukrainian military is very dissatisfied with this training, they mock and bully these the british, they say , they can’t really teach anything, but from them they can only learn how to fight against the afghans there or, so to speak, how to fight in slippers, in a real war it doesn’t teach anything, on the contrary, it’s even worse, so to speak, well, they kind of teach how there is no need to fight, they showed us how and what they can teach, we need to take a break now, advertising will come back. it’s practically impossible to hide here anywhere, everything is clearly visible,
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there’s gunfire, from the dugout borya will have time to send a short video of how he’s walking along endless zaporozhye chains, his last report, we don’t want to, we want to, who doesn’t want to, why is it here then, the homeland must be defended, the point was born i went on vacation, but i held it in my arms and back. now we are standing in the trench where i personally dug, the tv, everything is there, in principle, so not detached, as they say, from the world, the guys who are here at the moment, they are writing history, 15 km from us, this line appeared contact, well, we are approaching the position, heroes, special report by boris maksudov. it was important to him to see with your own eyes those whose ordinary life has turned into an everyday feat. premiere. saturday on rtr. from the first note, beauty
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, repetitious, from the first phrase, a bird in your hands is better than a feather in one place, you swim shallowly, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, business, or something, from the first class together, for everything we do, we are also responsible together, in all this crap. i’m opening for you, team, brake out of the car, run, the whole team, just look at the platform, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, they’ve come
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big. changes in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room in absolutely no faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are in sight turn into projects, i adore plants, i'm generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes... real stone flowers will soon bloom, after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr.
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the kamchatka peninsula is one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. the nature of kamchatka is unique, geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant faults, lakes. but the main pride of kamchatka is its volcanoes. ice, stone, fire-breathing giants. the most powerful of them are included in the klyuchevskaya group. the majestic klyuchevskaya sopka is the highest active volcano on the eurasian continent. volcanoes of kamchatka are
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a world natural object. heritage, here the natural life of the kamchatka peninsula has been preserved in pristine purity. so. in kazan at the gorbunov aviation plant, the supreme commander-in-chief inspected four modernized tu-160m missile carriers, intercontinental, supersonic, strategic bombers, missile carriers with variable sweep wings, this is the largest and most powerful bomber in the history of aviation, it is also called the white swan for its graceful beauty. putin. i personally
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climbed into the cockpit of one of them and even sat at the helm. in 2005, the russian president had the opportunity to pilot the previous version of the missile carrier just a tu-160 without the letter m. it was a 60-minute program, watch the news for now. on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio of tatyana remizova and most importantly by this hour. and at the beginning kazan, where vladimir putin arrived today. immediately upon arrival, the president headed to the gorbunov aviation plant. the head of state visited the new workshop and inspected the modernized tu-160m ​​missile carriers,
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which are one of the components. putin personally boarded the plane and sat at the controls. having learned that the missile carrier did not yet have a name, the president proposed naming it in honor of the first president of tatarstan, mentemir. shaimieva. today, as reported in the kremlin, vladimir putin will meet in kazan with foreign leaders, including from kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan and kazakhstan. well , a series of international contacts began with negotiations with the president of the republika srpska of bosnia and herzegovina, milorad dodikam. thank you for accepting our invitation and coming as a guest of honor to the opening of such interesting, hopefully very popular competitions in the future as... we are grateful to you for your support regular relations with russia, you support many of our endeavors, including such a noble event, in my opinion
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, associated with the memory of the victims of nazism, you personally even take part in the march of the immortal regiment, we are very happy with what has been done, i really count on... , what will be done even more in our relations , welcome, i am honored to be here today, i confirm the good relations of our countries, as you know, we are under the protectorate of the west and under their constant pressure, but every day we try exclude the possibility of joining sanctions against russia. in the evening, in the presence of the country's leaders and foreign delegations , the official opening of the international tournament will take place in the capital of tatarstan.
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helicopter pilots of all types of aviation of the aerospace forces are, without exaggeration , the most combative; they are closest to the ground, to the line of combat contact, to our advancing units. every combat mission is a real feat. every day they see the enemy up close. for courage and heroism shown during the performance of a combat mission, supreme the commander-in-chief presents military orders honoring army aviation. vladimir putin arrives at the chkalovsky airfield, accompanied by the minister.
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the main center for combat training and retraining of flight personnel of the army aviation of the army aviation and... 487 separate helicopter regiment, the president addresses them to their comrades, those who are now performing tasks in the northwestern military district zone. i am glad to have the opportunity today to present high state awards to aviation units and units of the aerospace forces. their personnel, soldiers and officers showed courage and bravery during a special military operation. they flew thousands of combat missions. demonstrated the highest skill in solving assigned tasks. through your selfless military work you have proven your loyalty to the oath and the best traditions of the russian military. these
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traditions have been formed over centuries. our great commanders, soldier officers, devoted sons and daughters of the fatherland. we are proud of their achievements and victories. their names will always be a symbol of the courage of the boundless respect with which the people of russia treat their native army. in in accordance with the presidential decree, the 344th center is awarded the order of suvorov, the fifteenth brigade is awarded the order of zhukov, and a separate helicopter regiment is awarded the order of kutuzov. military personnel of the banner group demonstrate awards to the formation. this is a solemn military ceremony. a feeling of pride - for the fact that the actions of the personnel are so highly appreciated , the president hands over to the main command of the aerospace forces a list from the icon of the savior not made by hands, this is a list from a commemorative
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icon, which has enormous historical value and special spiritual significance, it has long been the patron of the russian army and is a bright... symbol of our military victories, our traditions and faith. may this icon continue to protect, protect and strengthen our soldiers. to our brothers, we treat the representatives of other traditional faiths of russia with the most attentiveness, they are next to us in combat formation, they are next to us spiritually. i congratulate you. with the adoption of this image. this relic
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is considered the protector of russian soldiers. she was depicted on banners and placed above the fortress gates. with a reply to to the president, addressed by the commander-in-chief of the aerospace forces, viktor avzalov. allow me to express my gratitude for your high appreciation of the merits of military units, aerospace forces, as well as the transfer of a list of man-made icon spaskas. comrade supreme commander, allow me to assure you that the aerospace forces are always ready to carry out tasks to defend the fatherland. but very soon some of the officers will return to the nwo zone. the motto of helicopter pilots is success in the air, victory on the ground. dmitry petrov, mikhail alterkop, yaroslav borisov, sergey ukhvaryonok, news from the chkalovsky airfield. russian troops in the zone. special operations improved the situation along the front line in
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the donetsk direction and occupied more advantageous positions on ovdeevsky, the ministry of defense reports. seven counterattacks were repelled in the lastochkina, kirov and pervomaiskaya areas. the enemy lost three tanks and eight armored vehicles. an ammunition depot was destroyed near the village of mayaki. this is footage of the evacuation of two american infantry fighting vehicles , bradley and m-113, captured in avdiivka. the ukrainian armed forces' equipment was abandoned during the flight from the ukrep region. base of the armed forces of ukraine. in kramatorsk became the target of a missile attack at night. in the footage published by ukrainian media in the first minutes after the attack , polish speech can be clearly heard. in the village of vesyoloye , kharkov region, a deployment point was destroyed by a tornado-s high-precision missile. and today the chief of the general staff visited the command post of the group of troops in the special operation zone. valery gerasimov presented state awards to the military who showed courage and bravery during the liberation of avdeevka. according to
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the ministry of defense, gerasimov also carried out operational meeting, where i heard a report from group commander andrei mordvichev on further actions in the ovdeevsky direction. a long-awaited event for our colleagues from state television and radio broadcasting company belgorod. today , broadcasting has started there from a new studio: modern equipment and technical solutions, space for creativity and non-standard ways of presenting information. premiere of the updated one. studio on our broadcast in the report by sofia kitral. 20 tons of metal structures, 6,000 screws, 2,500 km of wires and more than a kilometer of led strip, a lot of money for installation a lot went into the new pavilion. we were looking for the most durable flooring that could withstand tons of tv equipment. we tested and experimented and found the best. the floor in the new studio is 10 tone triple tempered glass, technically reliable. visually beautiful, our technical capabilities have expanded from a new
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multifunctional studio, we will go on air on two tv channels at once: russia-1 and russia-24. the project is unique, we have been working towards this for a long time, and of course i want to thank you for your support and direct participation our general director oleg bardevovich dobrodeev. oleg bardevich dobrodeev could not come, but asked to convey a big word of gratitude and congratulations on this historical event, and the opening of a new btrc studio. belgorod. we will add new interesting content to the existing news releases and morning summary programs. these will be a variety of formats: opinion columns, interviews, thematic talk shows, debates and even press conferences. brighter, more interesting, which means, uh, the audience will increase. if it increases the audience, however, will reach a larger part, for a larger number of people, not only in our country, but throughout the world. therefore, this dynamic is important to me. yes, that we continue to develop in all
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directions, and your team is just another confirmation. the new studio has four cameras at once, several plasma screens help enhance the visuals, and the high resolution of 2 mm per pixel controls such a powerful and varied image in real time. our technical group. for state television and radio broadcasting company belgorod, this is a truly long-awaited event, because it is necessary. the creation of a new studio on a federal scale has been long overdue, and over the past year i have visited several regions of the country, brought different ideas from everywhere, we analyzed the experience of our colleagues and created our own unique project and successfully implemented it. we were able to implement all our plans thanks to the support of the all-russian state television and radio broadcasting company and the governor of the belgorod region. there is still a lot of work ahead, it is not enough to build a new studio, it is important to use it all correctly resources. there are many new cool projects ahead of us. in the old studio we say thank you
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for your years of service and turn the page. once again we check the lighting, sound, and camera operation. sofia ketral, andrey kazakov. belgorod. russia earned a record $16.5 billion during the year from grain exports. the head of the ministry of agriculture, dmitry patrushev, reported this to vladimir putin. the president held a working meeting with him late in the evening in the kremlin. according to the minister, the range of supplies is also expanding. so this year china will begin buy our pork. special attention to humanitarian food supplies. we wanted to talk about our action.
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for the implementation of the humanitarian aid program for our friends in africa. next, we will tell you: the central bank has revoked the license of kiwi bank, all payments are suspended, what will happen to clients’ money on deposits in qiwi wallets? we'll be back after a short commercial, did you bring the flowers? premiere on rtr, maxim, is that you?
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did you kill someone today? no no no. did you watch your parents? no, do you think i got banned? security camera recorded your car, only i know about it. anna would not have covered for a criminal, even if it was her own brother. anna, medium. today on rtr. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or
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a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard , sleeping, this is how i sleep as a child, but this will... you will be happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr. i will still give birth to a child and marry dima. the child died. on the weekend, i am your son, that you lied to me all these years, how could you, you are my mother, what do you need, how did you find out that seryozha was alive, now your wedding is under great threat, and this boy binds them stronger your ridiculous courtship, if everything could be
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returned back, let's start all over again, and i turn around, i will solve this problem, it is difficult to pass over the abyss. it is even more difficult to take a few steps to love on saturday on rtr. voting at your location: mobile voter. if on voting days you find yourself far from your polling station, then... you can vote at your location at any polling station in the country. to do this, you need
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to submit an application no later than the eleventh of march to any election commission or to the mfc or to government services. and you can vote at the chosen polling station plot. every time i cry, it’s very hard to remember, i went into my house, sat down on the floor and said: i’ll stay here, the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, the donetsk was shelled very heavily, but we decided to it’s evil to have a wedding , the main thing is that we are together, ours, ours don’t abandon theirs, from monday to thursday on rtr, everyone sit, i’m gotsman, guns on the floor, quickly,
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david markovich, you won’t believe them, your hands are reaching for the back of your head, you knew and were silent, hello to you through the window, and you really the bullet doesn’t take, i said the weapon on the table, why?
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within the framework of this program it is much
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broader, we are talking about things, but i repeat, the tasks that we are solving are to create a modern school space for young citizens of our country, and in all regions, in cities, and the program is financed not only from the federal budget , all regions joined it, adding it to the list of priorities; the project currently costs 418 billion rubles. what does it mean? translated into quantity, this means that about 1950 schools are made at the expense of regional extra-budgetary funds from constituent entities of the russian federation. the video links are just those institutions where the project has already been completed; the world’s first female cosmonaut, valentina tereshkova, studied at this school in yaroslavl. it turned out to create a simply unique institution. and the design project "path to the stars".
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to make schools cultural and educational centers, on the basis of the simferopol boarding school for gifted children; during the time the program was being implemented, an entire children's center impulse grew up, following the example of the sochi one sirius, the best students study here this year, 10 years since they returned. to your historical homeland , thanks to the decisions you made, first of all, but decisions were also made in all directions, from the point of view of education, and you and sirius have contacts, of course, the main methodological center is, of course, sirius. in veliky novgorod they try not to forget the heroes and the past of the present. 80 years ago veliky novgorod was liberated, on february 22 the last village, then leningrad, now novgorod land, was released and we remember this month, it’s not. each
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restored school has its own unique appearance. at a school in the belgorod region, where security measures are now extremely important. we are talking about the entire border region as a whole, and its educational institutions. i ask you to pay special attention to both the government and the regions on all issues related to the safety of students. here you need to act extremely clearly, strictly fulfill the established requirements, including... equipping schools emergency communication systems with the police, video surveillance, alerts, establish a safe access system , create conditions for the work of specialists responsible for the protection of school buildings, and in no case should we forget about the people who teach in these schools, the president asked everyone to submit a proposal to attract teachers in rural and remote areas of the country. andrey grigoriev, nikolay zakharov,
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alexey mashchikov, lead. north caucasus district. national guard awarded the order of zhukov by presidential decree for courage and heroism demonstrated during a special military operation, as well as for high performance in combat training. on the territory of a separate brigade in grozny, 14 servicemen who distinguished themselves while performing tasks also received awards. current fighters and commanders of the russian guard demonstrate examples of exceptional military valor, confidently following in the footsteps of the generation of winners. at the same time, the awards are gray.
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investment projects in this area. a clear list of procedures was provided, including the creation of the ship’s hull at a russian shipyard, moreover, from domestic materials, and of course, the preparation of design and technological documents should also be carried out here. we hope that the decisions taken will help speed up the renewal of the fleet for the needs of fishing and will ensure the utilization of our shipyards and also other related industries. well, and
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most importantly, they will increase the supply of aquatic biological resources to our country. the central bank stated that the credit institution was involved in settlements with shadow businesses, including crypto exchangers and illegal online casinos, and also opened qiwi wallets with using personal data of individuals without their knowledge and conducting operations on them. in terms of assets, kiv-bank ranked 89th in russia and was not a significant lender to the real sector of the economy. however...
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payments for approved claims will be notified of the results of the review, working days will be sent to the applicant, and will be carried out during the liquidation procedures. today is the 60th anniversary of the writer and literature writer, the author of the cult novels , aviator evgei. in russia and other countries he is known not only as a talented writer, but and as a researcher of byzantine and old russian literature. having met once, it is impossible to completely separate; our ekaterina fisenko will definitely not forget this quote from the laurel after meeting the author. it seems that everything in this office is going as usual,
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only the clock hands are moving counterclockwise. chistov says: there are two things i can’t do: put on socks and tie shoelaces. 20 pages of a new novel are ready, chapter one, murder on barmaleeva street, and if so, the scene of the incident. chronicles and his work immersion in time plasty, that time machine that takes
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us centuries back, sometimes i need to put my hand on the manuscript and wait for a while, 10-15 minutes, until the pressure like in the bathyscaphe doesn’t... his novel is like a grown-up child, native to
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another, now kusturica is going to take off the laurel, and yegor konchilovsky is an aviator. this is an environment that requires a different level of immersion in the material. and the most difficult thing was still here. this connection with the russian orthodox code is somehow grasped by the heroes who come from chance, here robinsonson cruise, a fellian who will star in aviator. an elderly lady from st. petersburg came up to me, she said that i had a book from which they read to me, robinson cruz, my grandmother read it the same way as the grandmother in the novel the aviator read to her grandson, she wanted it. i wish i had this book. another example, a funny photo, lev dmitriev and dmitry likhachev in identical caps. vodalaskin himself had one of these; he once mixed up likhachevskaya’s outfit. i put it on, somehow
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they didn’t even notice it, didn’t notice it. 60 years life the work of the russian writer is just beginning, which means there are still many timeless novels about the russian soul ahead. ekaterina fesenko, sergey ishchenko, alexander burushkov, elena fenoshina, bladshakiev, lead st. petersburg. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website , follow developments in russia and abroad, stay with us. increase the capacity and volume of transportation by rail in the eastern direction, open a new one for russian companies. contribute to the development of the regions of siberia and far east. on bama , the construction of the new duseolinsky tunnel was completed in record time. about what significance the implementation of this large-scale project has for the country.


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