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tv   Formula yedi  RUSSIA1  February 24, 2024 9:00am-9:26am MSK

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the crown goes to the very top of the sky, the roots go down, from the space of the sky to the earth, everything that exists is known to this tree. in the book leaf fall, i tried to reflect that when the leaves fall off, these are not leaves, this is knowledge. i was in third.
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so we couldn’t sit down, we stood like this, we listened, suddenly bring someone some water, they told the story sedately, let ’s say, they take one story about some folk hero and one tells, say, 20 minutes, another one tells, then a third one tells, then a fourth one tells, then we listen to all this, the youth absorb it into ourselves, sometimes it turns out that such a hero... we liked that we children went out in the morning, made our own swords, ran around, that i was such and such, we taught, absorbed into ourselves what what they said, so we began to understand something in life, i was born in the perp region, in the city of kudymkar, there is a village next to it called bormatova, bormatovy, when i arrived there
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for the first time, i went out onto the street to the village, i i met bormato ivanov vasilievich, full of his tykes, four people, but they are not friends friend is never confused. my uncle graduated from flight school, a combat pilot, he fought in the caucasus, he was shot down three times in air combat, crossed the front line three times, wounded, he still crawled out and walked again. enemy, but he also has military awards, and orders, the order of the red star, and he also has a medal for the transcaucasus. my father, when he returned from the front, he went to work as a teacher, but after the war teachers were paid pennies, there wasn’t enough, and he and his mother had nine children, so he came my brother comes to us in the urals and says to my father, let’s talk south to us.
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we were surprised by what was here in the south, he said that he had apple trees in his garden, the apples were falling, lying like a carpet on the ground, no one touched them, pigs were eating them, we were so surprised, how could a pig eat an apple, we there were apples , we’ve never seen apples, no tomatoes , we’ve never seen anything in the urals, it’s already cold there, and we started asking mother, let’s go and see how it’s like this... can it be a miracle that pigs eat apples, here father got ready i moved here, bought a small kitten in the maikop region, we moved in with him, i love it, i took up tourism and practically went through all the mountain systems of the country, pamir, tien shan, altai, sayan mountains, the popular urals, transbaikalia, baikal region, barguzin, i went through everything, karakum .
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i kept comparing where it was more beautiful, and it turns out that ours is the best. from childhood, everything that came into your hand, you had to make something out of it, it was like this, and gableline was me, when i was a student at the krasnodar art school, it was an elective, i met them, i understood the meaning of how it was done, i was passionate about painting, so the tapestry faded into the background, when the children were born, it is impossible to take up painting, because... you always need
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to do something, well, every artist knows that it is impossible just take a job , even just draw it on a wall, there must be some kind of idea, some kind of plan, otherwise there is no point in this work, especially since such a labor-intensive process as making a tapestry, it is lengthy compared to painting or with graphics, so force life itself...
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songs and prayers are called these songs with religious content, there was a lot of information, so he gathered us children, he had a lot of grandchildren, thank god, we were sitting here, he told various stories, fairy tales, legends listened, listened, and then he stopped at the most interesting place, well , you’ll come tomorrow, and naturally we all ran tomorrow, again, grandpa, tell me, this is the situation of transmitting information, well, from a loved one, from a sincere person, it is somehow absorbed into the child’s consciousness immediately, and maybe it it was precisely these conversations with my grandfather that became the basis of all creativity, in his youth
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it seemed that he would live forever, and he told so many interesting things and did not write anything down, i still reproach myself for this stupidity, this is me. .. i remember everything , i relive it all over again, this information surfaced in the form of various works, of course, he played all the musical instruments there were, people came to him to study, some had even become artists, that’s what he generously shared his information with all people, and the fact that he knew a lot of things, and the fact that i , guiltily, did not capture it anywhere... described, this one around, this is how the lives of saints are done in icons, yes, there is such a style of icon painting, i tried those fairy tales that he told us about, to capture the plot from there, below , how our national hero,
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the nart sau sarukha, is born, this is fire, below, and fire above, it was he who brought fire to the nars, when they lost it, they needed... to warm up in the winter cold, i have this idea further in the creativity of this fire, which must go further, excuse me, i forgot that you read other people's thoughts, i thought that i liked you, i... can invite you to dinner. anna medium on monday on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. into the new season
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with new renovations. with a slight movement of the hand, we create three different functional zones from this room, absolutely without any glamor. idea. they're going overboard, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i'm generally a plant maniac, from the living room of our heroes real stone flowers will soon bloom , after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams will become reality, as you look , let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr, you will return the money to me now, if you do not repay me this week , in a day i will take away everything you have, everything, you will soon meet
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your father, well, my father died in an accident when i was 22 years old, which means this is a threat if you find... the person who is tormenting me , i will forgive your debt to victor, this work is important for both of us, but tell me, you have there is a camera in the office, listen, speak after me, no, i need to act from home , your wife has obvious hostility towards you, your daughter does not respect you, sometimes it’s easier to understand other people’s problems than to overcome your fears. why did your father reinforce the barn door, who was locked there, pure psychology, on friday on rtr.
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all their 12 auls went under this same thing
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, when vlashchukai means they started to destroy the aul, they said, take your people from the cemeteries , re-protect the grave, it means, well, the parents did it in the adgeska and then they gathered, they said these mass graves are also ours, they transferred everyone. i had that grandfather who fought, and this one fought, and was wounded, that one was also the eldest grandfather, he was a very heroic person in general, he was always on duty, this one was a cavalryman, he told me when they were preparing, he says, horse riding, he says, i’m nobody didn’t let me forward, he says, but he was always the first, i
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think that i’m a happy person, i ’m the last, maybe in this city i managed to meet with the passing generations, those partisans who fought here , who were alive, i’m with them with each meets i wrote down their stories, they were included in this book, that is, all the other writers are already, either they will use archives or fantasies, but there will no longer be direct, reliable facts like this, transmitted directly to me. in 1942, after the battles for rostov-on-don, the germans broke through to the salsky and kuban steppes. here there was operational space for them and... there were no russian fortifications that could stop them,
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the city of maykop was not prepared for defense, the city heroically defended itself for 5 days, these 5 days made it possible to create a powerful line on tupsa defense, the germans could no longer deploy tanks, narrow roads, mountains all around, then these germans ... they couldn’t do anything with them and began to defend themselves, i also captured the period when
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there were living veterans who held the defense, they told me , that they were given only three cartridges, and it was strictly forbidden to shoot us in simple situations, each cartridge must have a target, when there was a threat of a breakthrough of german jagers towards sochi, then the 379th gorozherk regiment was sent to defend the belechensky pass, and the village of guzeripol remained uncovered and the third company was transferred there; within 24 hours they had a hundred-kilometer march from the sea, they only managed to go down to the belaya valley to take up defense, the next day the germans had already arrived and they took up battle with them. the battle for the village of guzeripl was similar to the feat of 300 spartans, with the difference that there were only 100 defenders of the village. the enemy
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outnumbered them many times, but the caucasian ones became our ally. mountains, the battle went on all day, but ours chose a very convenient position, set up machine guns, and they didn’t let the germans through, the germans tried several times, went on a counterattack, but nothing worked out for them, they lost a lot of soldiers killed, on our side there were only three casualties, the only village that was not captured by the germans and was not occupied. all nations with a long history of development necessarily have a madonna and child. i say, how can it happen that we don’t have this madonna and child, well, you
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know, it’s not customary for us to depict a person as such in a religious way. consideration, long journey, passed ornament, it is deprived of small , unnecessary details, it is more stylized, it turns out , more harmonious, stable, so, constantly repeating, in the sense, it is impossible to attach any extra little touches and so on, it turns out that these are their images, women’s in in the form of a promother, namely a promother in the process of childbirth.
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i found a lot of them, and the most expressive from the most stylized to more like naturalistic, say, images, i took this range, i got five sheets in a certain composition, in a certain vortex, that they are creating this life, five tapestry depicting circassian madonnas. at first there was a reaction, a surprise, and then oh , what is this, they wanted to look even more closely, at the last personal exhibition there was an interesting case, well, a lot of people came, everyone looked , everyone was inspired, they left, and then
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enough comes to me an elderly man and says: we liked your work. but we didn’t understand anything from your works, please, for us, i thought five or six people would come there, 20 people, older adult men came listen to what i was going to tell, and i walked through the entire exhibition and told about each work, why it came about, what meaning i put into it, i was interested in what they were interested in, they asked questions, and it was so nice, this one here - the moment was so inspiring that i don’t work in vain, that they are interested, people are interested in looking and seeing something in my works, my older brother and i are still in vaul, he was in second grade, i was in first grade, and we’ll steal the belomor with my father,
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we smoked for a year, then he caught us. explained that it is necessary to play sports, and as he said, it means that all four brothers stopped smoking after that, then in the neighboring village they opened this about 6 kilometers away, which means a samba wrestling section and the older brother, i , well, about 10 of us, probably 15, went there , well, not everyone was accepted, but at that time we were already physically strong, we worked hard, in sixty-nine i graduated from school, i also wrote poetry. i was good at literature, i entered the philology department, then i already knew that yakub had been coaching there for several years, yakub kamboletovich koblev is a legendary man, he is recognized as the best judo coach of the 20th century. koblev created a unique scientific method for training
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athletes, trained world and olympic champions. founded the world's only institute of physical culture and judo in maykop. the facade of the institute is decorated with busts of champions. this is a real pantheon of sports heroes. the vodgei are proud of them and look up to them. remembers the name of the teacher, yakub koblev. was in appearance, yes, a calm, balanced person, smiling, friendly, like a grandfather, greeting each other like that, and yakub too grew up in the mountains, and he constantly climbed from the mountain, he also walked like this... and he always sees someone, he always said hello like that, but in training it’s generally like a beast, but
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he has the most severe control, he we had three training sessions, and uh, well, the students were also a bit difficult, but jacob tried to help everyone as much as he could, we had our own group, champion of the world, the olympic games, then the union, very... famous wrestlers among us, me personally was the national champion in spartak, winner of the ussr cup, it’s a shame, you learn, let alone overdo it yourself, learn from the impossible, make it possible, the great heroes of the ancient epic are hardly just a figment of the imagination of folk storytellers, all of them once...
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today in the clinic of dr. myasnikov , cytokine. storm, who might experience it? medical terms, how they affect your health, but this violation of intraventricular conduction has spoiled the blood of so many people, so it beats, but it happens like this, then there’s a pause, and sometimes the body goes into overdrive, it starts everything, that’s how they squirm in the neck, is this good or bad? very often we find a find that ringenologically similar to multiple sclerosis, important rules for health. how to treat the liver correctly , how to take care of it, you can mock it as you want, but it doesn’t hurt, it can kill a person, it
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can lead to being like this, you have to think about who you’re eating with and what you’re eating, eh, my stove says thank you to me, black magic in the food industry, how healthy products become harmful, how the food industry is useful. it would seem that it makes the products harmful, doctor, are you crazy, then with flour and you make white rolls, and you cut off all the vitamins, it increases bad cholesterol and lowers good cholesterol. hello , says doctor myasnyakov, he’s showing me, you ’re in my clinic on the belarusian channel russia-1, there’s a lot of stuff on here, and today we have a guest, a little puppy, he ’ll help us talk about permissiveness. such a topic, just go here and see what’s going on, because we don’t have a section coming soon, about permissiveness.


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