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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  February 25, 2024 8:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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but i believe that for us, for russia, biden is more preferable, and judging by what he just said, he said, i am absolutely right, because this is an adequate reaction to what was said on my part, why, because he can’t tell me, volodya , well done, thank you, you helped me a lot, we understand what is happening there from an internal political point of view, and this reaction is absolutely adequate, which means i was right, and what i said, i spoke primarily for our audience, and not for the american one, but you, you’re russian journalist, that’s why you asked me what ’s best for us, that’s what i said then, that’s what i think now, and i can repeat biden, biden allowed himself to make all the statements when talking about nuclear weapons. us politicians threw
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a tantrum about the supposedly possible deployment of russia and such weapons in space. our position is clear and transparent. we have always been categorically against the placement of nuclear weapons in space. but now for some reason in the west this topic is being raised again and on such a fairly high emotional note. how do you explain this? the situation they would like, in our opinion. renew and encourage us, perhaps so awkwardly , to dialogue on passion-stability, uh-huh, i agree, most likely it is, yes, i agree, in space we are doing only what other countries, including the united states, have, and of course, you are right, they know this, as for negotiations, we have never been against negotiations, we have always been for negotiations, this also applies to ukraine, and as for the suffering of stability, we have never given up here either...
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we do not refuse, we need to figure out what they want, they, as a rule, want to achieve unilateral advantages, this will not happen, the desire to defeat russia is so strong that the united states, their subordinates, is already one step away from directly engaging in an armed conflict with a nuclear power, they have created some kind of headquarters there, and abroad, abroad of ukraine, which is actually planning all these operations, yes, this is actually, this is not even an external issue.
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on the airfield of the chkalovsky airfield , presentation of state awards for combat the supreme commander-in-chief and the minister of defense speak about their attitude towards each military personnel to those who stand at a combat post , the president transfers to the command of the aerospace forces a list of icons of the savior, a hand-made image , patronizes the russian military. we ourselves.
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the capital of tatarstan, but first, putin has a marathon of bilateral meetings in kazan, the president of kyrgyzstan sadyr japarov, everything is also good in the relations between the two countries, one can judge from the footage of the beginning of the closed part of the meeting.
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new negotiations are starting, i came to kazan and president of kazakhstan kasym zhamart takaev. it is clear that behind the scenes we are talking not only about the games of the future, but also about the current great geopolitical game. the russian economy, despite very difficult conditions, has achieved great success, 3.5% is impressive, 3.6 3.6, good, naturally, this has a positive impact on the course of our cooperation, when meeting after meeting, this requires everyone services protocol services special concentration and even physical training a second to exhale and further coordinate and organize what is happening,
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they do this with their hand over their mouth, no one can read their lips. another important meeting with the president of uzbekistan, shavkat mirziyoyev. it’s impossible not to pay attention to the mood, the members of the delegation are also like family, a political day turned into a political evening, a meeting with the president of tajikistan, enamels. rakhmon, met like this, and then talked without ministers, one on one. and obviously, these words from rakhmon
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to putin were not at all about the events in kazan. nerves of steel, thank you, everything will be fine, thank you, everything will be fine. steel nerves apparently have foreign ones. from political circumstances, any types of discrimination and double standards. such games are when a real sports game is combined with a virtual one. good evening, i am the leader of medical workers, russian, inventor and entrepreneur of the first in the world, this is a completely new format, these
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are additional opportunities, well, a large number of football players , including basketball players, hockey players, they can gather their team here, come , take part, especially the prize fund very impressive, it seems to me, even for football players. conquer immediately scattered, now it is the most popular computer discipline, the task
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of the second half of the enemy field is a strategy game, the story is unique, and were sold out within a few minutes, this story begins right here.
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rakhmon also sticulated in a conversation with president mirziyoyev that he even fell in time with the music, but next to the russian president sat kamilla valieva and at this ceremony a brilliant athlete, whom international sports officials frayed all the nerves, i was able to distract myself. from kazan, where, of course, there was a detailed meeting with the head of the republic minikhanov and a very informal
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conversation with shaimiev, putin went to chuvashia. in every fire. and on every street they waited for the supreme commander-in-chief during the day. putin, putin’s motorcade on the chuvash roads, a trip through the village appeared in the evening, an unexpected stop and in order to capture what was happening, then you need to run, because the car with journalists in the motorcade is one of the last, and putin’s is the first. despite the frost, the president decided to go out to the people gathered in this one of the villages of chuvashia.
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subscribe if you want to see the most interesting things, much earlier than the rest, you waited, waited, yes, yes, waited, finally, but how long did they wait? 5 hours, 5 hours, yes, even the children waited, we sit, stand, wait all day, now we’ll see how the situation develops. occupy second place
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in industrial development in russia. and the meeting took place in the new cultural development center in the small town of tsivilsk. it’s so nice to see that the money doesn’t disappear anywhere, it’s invested in the right place , in the right place. many development issues the republics decided during the meeting, our program still saw what happened immediately after it was completed. the president completed the meeting on the way back and stopped again with local residents, there are even more of them here, let’s see for ourselves, unique footage, how it looked through the eyes of the residents themselves, and you’re freezing here, oh, how cold your hands are,
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good night, good-bye, the general excitement is here was such that one can, of course, understand the non-stop excitement of the chief physician of the local hospital during a tour of the updated medical and obstetric center in in the village of rynzina, who said calm down, calm down, and this, you know, calmed me down, i sort of collected myself a little, i think i managed it, earlier in general, i apologize, i was a little worried. excuse me, please, these vaccinations, metological examinations
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, preventive ones, all this in this treatment room, we carry out all the procedures, injections, the sampers-obstetric station, i apologize, directly excuse me, please , of course, he is a fir-obstetrician funk, he is carrying out preventive examinations research, this is oh. i already have everything they're starting to suck, sorry, and we are very grateful to him for creating such wonderful conditions, a small, modest, small building, but the quality of me.
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but everyone clearly understood everything, of course, when presidential hints were made calling for help on this or that project. 200 million for the web, well, what is 200 million? i understand everything, igor ivanovich, since he stopped working in the government and started working in a bank, he has changed a lot. the country is qualitatively changing from within, becoming more self-sufficient, more sovereign, more self-confident, this is the time of russia, new russian brands and manufacturers were surprised, and those who promote these brands in huge china, putin tried.
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yes, of course, the manufacturers, of course, took their breath away, super, and the president also tried it on himself, a facial moisturizer, of course, and tried it on, ironmon, you just need to cut it off, have a snack, whoever has it, they gave it and up to -50 and we are proud that the bushlad filler from russia apparently liked it so much that the president left right in it, good luck to you, thank you very much, goodbye, but it’s okay to have the sack taken away, but no, you know, well, this young man immediately won favor not only with his
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project, but also with a lot of personal information, now i have five children, that is, five children, but how old are you, 36? family values ​​in russia are something that millions of people around the world sympathize with, you said that you fell in love with russia, but that’s it, you didn’t fall in love with anyone else, well, they probably already fell in love with you, this is 100%, so no options are excluded , you can add your husband's last name, let's see, for example, yes, maybe we we are quite tolerant and... towards people of non-traditional sexual orientation, we just don’t stick it out and don’t think it’s right to stick it out, let all adults live as they want, no one limits them in anything, but as for children, i i’ve already said it many times, don’t touch the children, as always there were a lot of questions for putin , let’s finish, can i have a small, small addition, no, no, i ’m already acting as a moderator for you, this is not to give you
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the floor, you see how we actually have a dictatorship . i am the only guarantor that it doesn't happen. and that evening the president also held a big meeting about the massive modernization of russian schools. already more than 4,000 school buildings. during the teleconference with schools, of course, they talked a lot about russian history, and even after that, putin also spoke with those who help provide teleconferences. no, on the ground. after repeated communication with academician valentin yanin, who devoted his whole life to the study of birch bark documents, they told a lot about the history of russia at the place where
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the ancient court was located, they found a birch bark the subject became clear to the letter. court proceedings, and a few years later, almost five or 10 years later, they found another court document, and it became clear how the trial ended, it’s just amazing, i’m sorry that she’s in this state, but she has an interesting story here inscription: don’t ask, don’t tempt, this story about excavations in the novgorod region was broadcast many years ago, and it is all the more important now to recall this fragment of it: i don’t know who was the first to joke that kiev is the mother town. pavel, what is known about the president's schedule next week? meetings with members of the security council, but of course, the main event of the week is the president's message. this is for the federal assembly , of course, relevant departments are involved in the work, but putin always prepares for the message personally until the last minute, making edits, so that only he himself knows the final text
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, we are waiting for the message to the federal assembly, this is setting tasks, and putin will set these tasks on thursday, moreover, given the political calendar, this will be for the next at least 6 years. it can be assumed that we will talk about what is happening on the battlefield. for the homeland and about relations with the west, the truth is behind us, about ever new attempts to crush russia and its inhabitants, to make them suffer, such humanists about what’s next, to do everything for victory, in such a turbulent information age it is important to have reliable news sources, telegram channel zarubin , exclusive footage before the rest, subscribe so as not to drown in messages from many telegram channels of the same type, well , next sunday only our program will tell you more about big politics than others, this is right to the point, thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week, and we will meet the audience after a short
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pause, i’m waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening, the west is returning to its roots, robbery, looting, this is how it began its global expansion, this is what the americans are doing now, the british, their european henchmen, have extended a new package of sanctions to 11 countries that oppose russia’s international trade, firstly,
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they declare that we took a wrong turn. after the collapse of the ussr, they hoped that russia would become another obedient puppet. in this they deeply miscalculated. this is not the russia that, frankly, we wanted. honestly, we wanted, we wanted a partner who would be oriented towards the west, who would become european. however, this is not what putin did. how desperate is terrible? this is the situation for ukraine. through all this, putin also destroyed his own country. and we will continue to tighten the stranglehold on him and force him to seriously sit down at the
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negotiating table, or we will continue to live with the russia that he created, but which is not the russia that he promised his people. which russia does lolg think has abused its people? women, come to your senses. firstly. should live, we would like to see , who cares at all, what do you want to see, and we generally would not want to see a usa in which there is a century, we would like to see a usa in which there were fundamentally completely different politicians who thanked mother russia for the fact that it is from the time of markven, so what do we mean, who are we, who are you anyway , someone elected you, someone like that speaks on behalf of the american people, so a little in give me a feeling, it’s like...
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we’re not just talking about biden, but we’re talking about the fact that investigations will be carried out into everything that has to do with the financing of the ukrainian case, not only hunter biden’s son will come to light, but all the schemes will come to light, including which, apparently, involves many representatives of the current american administration. nulan stood with the historians of this case, where the money goes directly to finance their small family business. the so-called institute for the study of war, there will be many questions for all figures the biden administration, who since
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obama, in fact, many of them... government for them it will be judgment day, their judgment day, when we win, the curtain will close on their corrupt rain, the sun will rise on america's bright future, i believe this our last chance, your
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victory. that's what i want, success will be our revenge. the closer we get to our country's glorious liberation, the more desperate the biden regime's persecution of us becomes. it becomes more violent. we were right about everything. so, believe me. our country will sink to unimaginable levels, just think about it, in another 4 years of biden's rule, the hordes of illegal immigrants in panic crossing our borders will exceed 40-50 million people. medicare, social
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security, health care, public education, will cave in and collapse, everything will collapse, just as you're sitting or standing there, everything will collapse. it should be noted that sensible voices are heard not only in america, but in europe, just don’t look for them somewhere in the eastern, well, let’s say, rabid part europe.
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which is how ukraine adapted its military production to new conditions. this war began back in 2014 with riots by ukrainian neo-nazis. also, russia's argument is that nato should not continue to expand eastward. and today nato is already going that far. that ukraine should become a member state, i personally consider this the basis for the outbreak of world war iii. it is shocking that there is no peace plan, that the european union is not using its full weight to secure an immediate ceasefire, that the only plan is to support the mutual murder of the slavs. i’ll show a film
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today, it very accurately characterizes the russian character , it’s about the guys who took the fight, on june 4, they stood in the direction of the main blow of the nazi offensive, withstood it, now they continue to fight there on a temporary ledge, i ask one of them, hero russia has nerves, he says, there are, at the tip of the bayonet, here we are, therefore, no matter what they say, no matter how sanctions they impose, no matter who they threaten us with, we look at them and think, what are you like, we just understand everything, we see you through and through, what with your olanda, what with your gutkov, gutkov tusa i... i thought
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that a person at least understands what he is saying, but this must be shown, then there is such a motivation, i think you have never heard before, our strategy should consist of only one thing, this is an inagent. the regime disappeared under us, in our present, and so that we can still take part in the formation of a new country, what it will be like there, we are now trying to decide here for the people, the people themselves will say what they want , to live together, to strike, and so on, so it seems to me that when we are now talking about what needs to be done now, now we need to build a strategy together with ukraine, together with the world coalition, because in fact , no one has any plan for russia, there is no strategy, and kasparova talks about this every day, and many of us also say: now we must turn to the people of ukraine, to its political leadership, let’s join forces, putin is common the enemy will be in the kremlin, there will be no peace there will be, there will be no security for ukraine
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, there will be nothing, and you and i will go there to say, cooks, waiters, taxi drivers, as was once the case with that russian opposition, with that russian emigration that fled the country in 1920, it turned out that this is forever for them, at least for... that generation, i would like to see, then it doesn’t matter, i would like to look at a cafe that will hire this fat vile traitor to work as a waiter, but as far as everything is, well, he just listen, purely vlas, yes, nothing changes, a traitor , he once wrote a letter to yuri vladimirovich androp, please accept me, that’s how he was crap, he stayed that way, but remember how he loved power, oh yes, geno loved power before losses. consciousness was in raikov’s party , if i remember correctly, how he was right there tearing his vest on his chest, and then, as soon as the business with a private security company , something suddenly immediately
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felt such a current of opposition to himself, which led ivovna to the path of betrayal, bitter traitor's bread, margaritna, that's what it's called, remember? this an indecent joke, but how did you breathe, how did you breathe? and listen to what he says: the peoples themselves will decide whether to be together or separate. it is he who verbalizes the dream of the entire collective west that took shape a long time ago, and this is, in fact, the only strategy towards us, by and large, that we must fall apart, in part, they succeeded, thanks to ourselves in the first place.
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turn in the other direction, we remember what happened in the caucasus, i remember what happened in kuban, in my native land, that it seemed that this vector was no longer possible adygea, tatarstan, yakutia, how they nurtured and are still trying to nurture
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these sentiments, they pour a huge amount of money into all this, only so that we fall apart, it’s disgusting to see when russian people actively contribute to this, and of course all these people. should be tried under article 275 of treason and nothing else , you and i often talk about this, and this should be forever, they should know that they will not wait, as they dream of another ephemeral beautiful russia of the future, shrunk to size the kingdom of moscow or, which was once a suburb of vladimir, this is their dream, they should know that during their lifetime only two things are shining for them, or eternal immigration
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will be the way it is, exactly the russia that it is yes, this is the russia that, as she says , vladimir putin promised his people, or that it seriously seems to them that... such one, a completely different people, the people are waiting, can’t wait for him to leave, so that finally live like gutkov, but they can’t help but understand that this is there is the russia that russia wants to be, they cannot understand that until february 24 , 22 of the second year, the main part of this very russia insisted that the war begin, some loudly, some quietly, some in the soul , someone in the heart, but the overwhelming majority of our citizens... could not come to terms with the fact that, as it seemed to us then, we
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abandoned our people in the donbass for 8 years, this is what russia is, not because putin is something he promised and didn’t do it, but because that’s who we are, eat, don’t mess yourself up, and we ’re proud of the fact that we’re like that, but why are they like that? twitched, because obviously , public opinion in the west is changing very quickly and joyfully, this is the result of many things, including... taking this opportunity, as they say, i will say thank you to our guys, who in the most difficult conditions, when we were cut out from everywhere, literally on february 25 , they were able to build a whole huge network, already a whole empire of partisan projects, which works with public opinion, conveying the truth to the western audience, and look what’s happening, i’m only talking about numbers, in the twenty-second year almost all countries the g7 considered the population of these countries according to surveys , considered the main threats to be britain and japan
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, everyone else is already naming migration, heat, even heat is already higher on the list of threats than russia, global warming, something else , the french are afraid of terrorism, these two , too, it seems to me, will remain, britain will remain in gordon this year, because... in japan the opposite things are also happening, we launched a survey on our japanese satellite and were simply shocked by its results. poll: do you think it is necessary to continue helping ukraine restore ukraine? this means that this survey received 8 million views in japan in japanese, you agree, this is a lot, this is really very, this is one tweet, yes, that is, we launched it on twitter in the former, former twitter, now social network x, results: 58% .
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about the beautiful, based on their indifference
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, they ended up there, voluntarily risking their lives, of course, this is the merit of both the commanders and our entire army in general, but look what they write about this in the west, what our enemies themselves, unkind or unkind, write about this , what to call them, and what westerners write, what this is due to the fact that there is not enough ammunition, one village after another is being lost because there is not enough ammunition. i think there is some truth in this, of course. why don't they have enough ammunition? because there are endless disputes in the power structures of western countries, which volunteered and pledged to help them, about what kind of help, help, help, sorry to provide, and why these disputes in turn are going on, because public opinion is changing, this is never cannot be underestimated, public opinion working with public opinion is the same weapon, a tool as...
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now is an exceptional historical chance, amazingly created not by us, by their stupidity, their hysteria, their madness, i dare say devilry, a historical chance for the second time in its history , to captivate the world with an idea, after all, it’s a communist idea
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, don’t underestimate it, it’s the same thing, i’m appealing to you, leonid, well done, but it’s really... thank you dear, so this idea, it fascinated many people, huge number of people, and it was not for nothing that he was in the states macarthyism, yes, what was macarthyism , it was a fight against this idea, they were so frightened by the cuteness of this idea, the fascination and charm of this... idea for a large number of people in america itself, not to mention the rest of the west, that they didn’t even care on their own, once proclaimed values, freedom of thought, freedom of speech, these endless freedoms, they have one idol, freedom, freedom, whatever it is, freedom, we fight for freedom, well, because they it's already freedom, wait, wait a second, now it's
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how an infection, like an infectious disease, will infect everyone, and what will we do about it, we are capitalists, the idea is brilliant. it’s another matter that what we wanted didn’t come out of this, but we won’t give in to it now, i’m talking about what ideologically, in my memory, it seems to me that we have never, neither before nor after, been able to offer there is something in the world that can make us a beacon of a beautiful, pretty idea, now this chance has come, because the world is completely obviously going crazy and has already gone crazy. a world in which a canadian father is imprisoned prison for calling his sixteen-year-old daughter, she, naturally , he was put in prison, because she believes that she is not she, but it, and he, being a normal person, refuses to call her it, to admit that she is it, my daughter,
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dear, i love you very much, everyone is going to prison, they are taking away children in the state of washington, in the usa, this is the state of washington, this is not where washington is. capital, on the contrary, in the north-west, laws have already been passed that children can leave without informing their parents, change their gender, they will be helped, they will be kept in in some special institutions, and parents have no right to know anything about it at all, because what, because it is a medical secret, a medical secret, yes, a medical secret, a medical secret is sacred, a medical secret even for parents, normal people. .. they are afraid to live in this world , they are afraid of their children, they are afraid that now the children will go to kindergarten, now the children will go to school, all this will begin, and then there are two ways, or the children will be brainwashed, they will inevitably start poking around in your the torso of something out of themselves, remade for the benefit, happiness and joy of the pharmaceutical companies of this entire crazy lobby that
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is doing this, or, if children are more subordinated to the influence of their parents upbringing , then... they will simply be taken away from their parents, this is a terrible dystopia, not described, however, by neither orval, nor huxley, nor zamyatin to me by other famous authors of dystopia, such a thing would never have occurred to them, although they lived and wrote only a few decades ago, not so long ago, people are therefore normal people, are perplexed, furious and in great fear, now we have a historic chance to solve a huge number of problems. because, you see, all the economic measures that our country is taking to ensure that women give birth more are wonderful measures, moreover, these are
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unprecedented measures, i’ll say this offhand, of course we need to dig deeper, but offhand in no country in the world there is no such thing, maternity capital is hundreds of thousands of rubles, hundreds of thousands, how much is it already 800 or something, oh well , some crazy figure, which means you have a birth certificate, you have this kind of help, this kind of help, whatever, and we recently conducted a survey. i was just interested to see, we haven’t published it yet, i ’m talking about it for the first time now, we’ll publish it soon, so for how many citizens of our country do you think the question of having a second child or even a next child does not depend in any way on economic motivations, 50%, 50, 50% told us that they didn’t care, of which, as we were told in the survey, 20% of which did not even ask for any such help at all, even for... capital, that is, 50-30% applied, but this does not matter to them, that is, 50% of citizens, and this is obvious, the wealthiest
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part of citizens, the most active, civic, social, etc., make the decision about birth a second child, not because they will be given more money to raise this child or not, but for completely different reasons, and we know that this is how the world works in principle, that most people give birth in the lowest countries, this is a medical fact, well , europe is bad, poor there... some you have a lot of well-being in germany, well, it’s the same with your audience, it’s your audience, it’s not the same, we’re not in the audience, we’re not idiots, we didn’t ask the question in the audience, we ordered an all-russian survey, i i never refer to polls in the audience, because this is not an indicator, you are absolutely right, people who read our sources are completely optional, they represent the entire demographic that lives in the country, no, we order real polls from real sociologists who they do this and this. their result, do you understand? well, so , that is, in this way, even if we pour in money, we will not solve the issue of demography, and
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most importantly, we will still get small citizens, of course, who still need to be raised, absolutely right, this is the second question that we we decide that we get people who are more or less young, because basically those who want to move are those who have small children, that is, young people, why do they want to come based on everything said above, they are afraid for the future of these little ones. and another most important task that we solve is we we are gradually becoming that same bright city on a hill, a certain dream that america managed to become over the decades there, thanks to cinema, thanks.
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we just have to work harder and put it into such simple, understandable, and at the same time safe for our state bureaucratic procedures, so that we don’t miss this historic chance. they have this madness, by and large it has always been there, they are carried away by some idea, they have such a psychology, among the americans first of all, and in general in the west, they are carried away by some kind of idea, they throw everything under the feet of this new idol, which...
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against bell, when an eighteen-year-old girl who gave birth to a child named buck was forcibly sterilized, why? because
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she was, she was 18 years old, she had a nine-year-old intellect, her mother was. in sweden, forced sterilization stopped, including children, for a second, in the year seventy-six, 30 years after the start of the second world war, 31, yes, they forcibly sterilized not only those whom they considered defective, there a thirteen-year-old girl was sterilized, for example, because the priest complained that she was not studying the bible
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well, she was probably mentally retarded, she should be sterilized, these are all documented cases that sweden... hid for a very long time, only recently they even admitted it, they began to pay some kind of compensation there, at the very least, well, relatively recently in the nineties, they also sterilized children born from inter-marriages, too, what is this, this is not nazism, not fascism, the real one, they are like that, if you believe this same their very eugenics, if they are generations like this, they will always be like this, but we are different, and i encourage everyone here. who processes the decision, because, as far as i understand from this meeting of our president, this decision was made, so that these decisions are processed quickly, efficiently, clearly, and we would not miss our chance, we must now, when our country is at war, everyone in their place , show a little more enthusiasm and a little less indifference, except for those people who are at the front and those people, their
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families, their relatives who stayed here, the rest of the country, those people in this the country that is responsible for anything needs to remember a little in the morning every day that the country is actually at war, and we need a little more enthusiasm, so many decisions will then be made quickly, i want to remind you at the end that in besieged leningrad in forty-one, the most terrible year, when this bread norm was 125 gm for employees, there 250 for workers, a lethal norm, that is, with such a food norm a person cannot survive, and if he... how long - for a time it feeds like this, this besieged leningrad gave the front during this time, in the forty-first year alone, hundreds of tanks , hundreds of armored vehicles, several dozen armored trains, millions of mines, shells, tens of thousands of air bombs, these people who, with an incredible effort of will, hungry and cold, forced themselves to even just get out of bed, they also managed
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supply the front with everything, we all need to think about it. and become a little like them, everyone in their place. advertising. address of the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast on february 29 on rtr. look. love is when look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let 's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, takes it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign simultaneously for one, two, three , subscribe , watch, watch, maybe we’ll come to my place, just
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watch a movie, we have a special 60 minutes program on the air: we start the episode with breaking news. 60 minutes, don't miss it, tomorrow on rtr. the kamchatka peninsula is one of the most environmentally friendly places on the planet. nature kamchatka is unique. geysers, hot springs, glaciers, giant times. lomy , lakes, but the main pride of kamchatka is volcanoes, ice, stone, fire-breathing giants, the most powerful of them is part of the klyuchevskaya group, the majestic klyuchevskaya
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sopka, the highest active volcano on... kamchatka volcanoes are a world natural heritage site. it's pristine here. the natural life of the kamchatka peninsula has been preserved in purity. catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, you have chosen the right place, have you ever wondered why there is a fish?
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mm, mm, yes, yes, yes, once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, food formulas on saturday on rtr, and why you are alone, there is a suitable one.
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before passing it on to mikhailovich , she develops what margarit said about what makes us attractive, well, it so happened that i had a few free hours and ended up in syria, for which special words of gratitude, well, i have to look, well, there’s also an interview to be done , i hope i will show this. very directly, i liked my interlocutor, and what he said, how he spoke, very bright, very bright, well, besides this, of course, he spoke with the group, well, that’s what
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surprised me, i drove from the dutch heights to tartus, that is, there was everywhere, here is our flag, dutch heights, it was hard there,
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it already signifies calm, just like lataki, here comes our military police with flags, that’s it, the level of calm immediately increases sharply, the level of terrorist attacks drops, passenger planes have agreed, where ours can land, there will be no attacks, we agreed that the ships will enter, if ours leave, there will be no attack on the port.
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women, children, old people, that is, we really help, and this is reflected, this flexible approach of ours, it is very, very...
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well, it’s impossible to even describe, well, i ’ll show this separately in a program there, but to make it clear, what are we opposing, who did the americans support, the americans supported all these bandits, terrorists, trained them, and still continue to do so, in one of there was a pool in the town that was filled with the blood of the killed, the executed, where heads were simply chopped off every day, just like that, the kurds, it doesn’t matter, women, children, for them they are...
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and i think that what we were talking about here, that it is russia that is able to offer humanity the question, which part of it will support what russia can offer, but precisely its own view of the future, we talked about the manifesto of the future, we talked about how to formulate the future that is called upon unite the peoples of humanity and offer they have a completely new view of the world, not for the revision of existing western institutions there and so on, but precisely for the formation of a completely different attitude, based on those principles that... the majority of humanity, but i would like to say right away that when we here we are talking about some shortcomings of certain directions of our economic policy, we are not trying to highlight any negative aspects associated with this, no, we are trying to show that in fact our country today is only the beginning of the future russia, and we worthy this russia, but we , unfortunately, do not have time to swing for a very long time, so we sometimes often, perhaps, quite harshly and...
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since it doesn’t work directly here, we will look for indirect approaches, so for us this is, first of all, an opportunity to assess the enemy’s potential, another thing is that we must evaluate our ability to adequately respond to this, but i would like to immediately, well, at least my position is that the development and uh plans for the development of our economy - this is not an answer to the sanctions, god forgive me, the sanctions only provoked that economic ideology, which today is called upon to recreate. russia, therefore sanctions are
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a serious instrument of influence on the country, but not the reason why we must develop, we are developing in a completely different way, that today russia has the potential that has been outside for a long time, mikhailovich, forgive me, i can i’m wrong, but the sanki people remind me of how a gardener grows a bush, so the sanki people took it, so they cut off all the side ones and we go up, like they failed, that is, the sanctions somehow had the opposite effect. they said, in fact, one thing, one thing, i’m not saying that it’s the only thing, but one of the important, one of the important results of the impact of sanctions is the breakdown of consciousness in people’s heads, the rejection of the liberal approach. this is an important aspect, but this does not exhaust the entire economic policy of our country, but i would like to say that there are
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things that today, unfortunately, if you do not respond quickly to them, they lay, well, some set of problems in the future, look, i... we promised to study the reaction of the enterprise, so we studied it, took several industries, for example, kamaz, and the industry in general, in general everything related to trucks, to production, to the purchase of trucks necessary for our country, well, the scale of our country suggests that this is important element of the economy, then we took up the topic of bearings and so on, i just wanted to say briefly, look, we have the largest kamaz enterprise, we are proud of it, it is our national pride, let's just look at the numbers for... the previous year truck market increased by 80%. this is about the issue of overheating of the economy, this is about the fact that our demand is supposedly simply out of touch with supply, that’s why it’s 80%. ours
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today, this area is fourth in the world, and its gap from second or third place is not so large, only twice, that is, our potential is increasing at a tremendous pace, but let's try. go inside the numbers and we will get with you that kamas today , until the thirtieth year, has planned to increase its production by 50%, excellent figures, we must support, we must do everything so that they develop like this, but if you look at the real numbers, its share in the russian market today has decreased from 24 to 18%, what does this mean, china has come here, china and this is with you, and this cannot but worry us , how can it be, today we are giving away the market even to our... neighbor, our friend, our partner, why should we give up our market, today we have these kind of numbers that should set us up for the fact that we need megaprojects, we need a second kamaz, a third kamaz, in general, this industry cannot be supported by just one enterprise, but since the demand is enormous, it
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will continue today tomorrow, which means it is necessary to create megaprojects, and what megaprojects are, this is , first of all, of course, a government decision, attracting private capital and financial policy, well it can’t be without finance, because it’s against us... advice, we’ve already talked about this here, china is not just chinese cars, but chinese cars produced in china under completely different financial conditions, where there is incentives states where the interest rate is low, where there is support for exports, and so on. but why are we so calm about this today, and this causes potential damage to the topic of import substitution. yes, we are happy, of course, we are resisting not only sanctions, we are moving forward, but why are we not moving so actively. at our own expense, because our own economy should prevail, look at the bearing industry, there is no sector in industry where there would be no bearings in one form or another, soviet the union produced a billion bearings, you know how much russia produces now, 30 million, this is not, of course, we import a lot, but again
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we import and this is also a megaproject, and this means what, by the way, our president speaks about this, he does not in vain he pointed out that today we must create a new economy, a new outlook.
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it’s also impossible to enter the domestic market without exports, but why are we always embarrassed to talk about this, and why today kamaz trucks, which are excellent in quality, are not so in demand , i put it mildly, they are not so in demand in africa, latin america, because the price is different, so stimulate, again , monetary policy, but this is obvious, you must not only support the manufacturer there, but also create conditions when he brings to you not just a car, but an entire service going after this car, then africans will buy. and today, by the way, kamaz has plans for other industries, other enterprises engaged in this industry, to increase exports, support, but this is the next step, today we are talking about brix, brix is ​​really... not just an association, what we have today is what we manage, well, today we are at the head of this process in kazan, there will be a summit there,
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listen, there are six months left, what will we offer, we will offer, we are again in no hurry , we reason, why bother, today, by the way, in these sanctions there is, again, a financial block, what did they talk about, what did our opponents or enemies begin to put pressure on, this is china, we know some elements, china, turkey, banks , it has its difficulties, listen, this will continue until we offer our own... currency, well, a tool, a financial instrument, bankers know well what it is, they must understand that there is no time today, we must not just offer, but already approach implementation, digital is it a currency, or is it a currency that will allow us to combine the potential of our economies that provide this currency, well, listen, we are providing our common currency - this is incomparable with this unfortunate dollar, but we do not yet have the institutions that manage this process, let's work on this and let's go to the kazan forum. in order to offer, well , at least a digital version of a common currency, well , finally, at once i touched on the banks, i want
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to say that last year we heard a statement from the leadership of the financial sector that, well, they lost in the twenty-second, so in the twenty-third, a fantastic profit in the amount of 3 trillion rubles there - this is compensation to the banks, well, for those unfortunate losses, for those losses that were in the twenty -second year, listen, this year we have in the month of january, the banks' profits are 360 ​​billion, we are reaching a new potential, if this continues... this year the record will be broken, listen, no one is discussing, we don't need to withdraw these funds, well, but maybe we already let’s think about the fact that this is a real source of support for our industry and not only the military-industrial complex, because the impulse that the military-industrial complex set, unfortunately, was not supported by other industries for one simple reason, due to the high discount rate, and we should not fight this, this is, this is not, this is a special case, but we must ensure that the general view of the future... of the near future and the distant future through the eyes of our government in implementing
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the tasks set by the president is one thing: we must all work together to implement this complex, and not to fight for their narrow interests or consider the banking segment or even the industry only together, only in one impulse, no matter how loud it may sound, but in fact i want to say that today there are all the prerequisites for this, and there is no need wait neither for a message from the president nor for a confident victory. you can say this, you know , we think there a little differently, well
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, practice, the criterion of truth, as we were taught, yes, let’s still rely on practice, and not on false liberal views, which are no good for our the economy, except for terrible crises, was not given, you said correctly, practice, the criterion of truth, you often remember, even rita has already begun to remember our soviet communist past, and this is correct, and this is good. i'll say more me everywhere, i am with the chevron coat of arms of the soviet union, i was a drummer pioneer detachment, but i want to draw this parallel further, the fact is that you said correctly, it seems like there is no need to wait for a message from the president or elections, maybe, maybe there will be a new government , no, it is necessary, unfortunately, in our conditions, you are right
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, i see that they were talking about trump, about trump or about biden, the more he talks like that, the more my heart skips a beat sometimes, well , they won’t let him come, you know, if he's all ready to go into this barrel and somewhere, you remember what the story was when trump at his inauguration said: “i’ll drain this swamp here and i got it, but the point is not that i made a mistake, that i didn’t do just that, so would have done it." and the ministry
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is showing itself even in times of a pandemic, but these tasks that you just started talking about, cars, construction, shipbuilding, mechanical engineering, they are very large, you are right about bearings, but i am a mechanical engineer, i have a specialty, i know how complex it is the problem, from the finances that you are talking about, which must be provided, to the metal, and off we go, off we go, even those nationalized enterprises that we saw in chelyabinsk, we... many people don’t understand, but it’s just the metal that should go to our army today, and not to the west, not for export, these are the programs that we must revive, they must be made, of course, professional, i am also for this, i am for the new government that will now come after the presidential elections, and we definitely need to talk about this with you, but i’ll move on now, i want to return
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to something a little different, to the very policy that was discussed before me. i recently , i saw this speech by frank walter stanmeier , president of germany, on june 16, as i remember now, the twenty-first year, when the horse horshof was opened, it seems, in the city of berlin, this complex of karlsho, karlshof, karlshof, exactly, a heartfelt speech this president, well, really soulful, she touched me so much, he spoke for a long 30 minutes in front of this audience, it is now on the internet, i i went there specifically yesterday. listened again, a heartfelt speech, where he begins with germany’s attack on russia, on the soviet union, more precisely, he speaks, however, about ukraine, about belarus, about russia separately, but he says that russia underestimated its own, the soviet union underestimated its security , so he starts about that officer boris popov, who is in the forests near minsk, he
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was captured, he spent the whole war there in these concentration camps, suffered in poverty, which means that those...
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germany, but he finished his speech again, in the words of this petrov, who said that all issues today should , of course, be resolved peacefully, and he supported this pathos, saying that he died a month ago, this petrov, that means, but listens his widow and daughter via videoconference, and suddenly, now, even then, i was looking at it, our ambassador was sitting there in the hall. there are many other countries there, but suddenly now a thought occurred to me, and he spoke then, he understood what merkel said later, this was only six months before beginning - a special military operation, he understood that he was the president, that you speak so heartfeltly, so sincerely that these words make you want to cry, he always says
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what they want to hear from him, but nevertheless, i’m saying it now not in order to re-educate him there, he is already in the word. already agreed with them, stalin then agreed, everyone knows this in yalta about the world order, in the basement, but how can you deceive all of humanity for centuries without possessing this sweet-voiced, absolutely deceitful, but heartfelt pathos, every time you say everything, but he understood, he understood perfectly well, he is everything for us,
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because they are complete liars, i say, i don’t say it just for the sake of it. he also cried, that’s how much he cried because of what, because he didn’t finish us off then, some relative of his was crying, i ’m moving on to why i remembered this speech, because what alexander mikhailovich said, to recreate this entire economy, all our security today, because only we ourselves can, i remember the conference that took place in podzdam, where we were promised 15 billion for restoration, instead... they lowered the iron again in 1946, they lowered it, and gave everything to the marshal’s plan for europe, and we still restored everything, we did everything, but we made
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a lot of mistakes, which, unfortunately, when the army sucked everything out, led to some socio-economic imbalances, so today i got a call from my director of the boarding school, that’s how it was set up in luland, i was just transferred there, so i got to know him then , he is buryat, he is 90 years old. i i wanted to say that how old is he? 90, yes, he’s 90 years old, and he called me today, today, and we are with him, and he really read my speech there, about the russian language, about nationalism, about nationality, national traditions about how to evaluate in today’s conditions we talked about this difficult situation a lot, and when i say that there were some things that we overestimate today, we even remembered the same word to the kid today, and it’s like he fell out of love.
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said once again, here we are to the west, and this one, two, but when you speak, tell me why, that in socio-economic terms, i say, we assess the tasks within the country as a danger, this showed, rita picked up this one, because it was necessary to imprison the bastards, and not squeeze them out from the outside, you see, and 2 years have passed, and no one stands on ceremony with us, so they take action against our artists, the same ones in australia now, they immediately declare nothing...
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when i talk about these dangers, i’m talking about specific dangers, you understand , that's why - here you remember lenin with his philosophical steamships, or solzhenitsyn, when he was deported there in the fifties, there almost in the sixties, these dangers face the country today to a much greater extent, because even then the state understood these dangers and removed these people from its sphere, but there was no internet , but even here and here they weren’t, and here they weren’t given newspapers there. still a danger to society, and today this danger that penetrates us through the internet is much greater for our society, no matter how much we ridicule them, they find
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tubes, why did i remember the director, we talked about another danger, about nationalism, about regional explosions, which are one way or another in mongolia, then i talked about armenia, you are showing the flag, the danger, the huge danger facing our country must be responded to tough and adequate. it means that, you understand, it’s not strict and adequate everywhere , well, yes, maybe, maybe you need to be appointed, but nevertheless, i’m saying this for a reason, i’m not just saying, rita tyk said, yes, they are there they don’t have anything to think about, no, they think, they’re good they understand, they just need to show this more often, where you will be if you are left without russia, where you will be deceiving your people, i invite the french adviser, i spoke with pashinyan.
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here we can formulate it strictly, everything is very simple, when there are enemies, when there are how? margarita and i have been saying for a long time and clearly , laws must be passed, people who violate certain articles must be held accountable from all sides, article 275, first, second, there are calls for no matter who calls, yolanda , dima, shmima, i say, you think i'm just like that i say something, i think, because it’s poison.
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how many years have they been talking about this, all the real estate that can be used to generate income, which is then used for illegal activities, of course, volodya, well, how many times have i said this here, well, well, they left a million somewhere there who were scared, but those who are the enemy. who says sanctions on russia, we need this , we need that, we need it, well, they, they won’t even hide , they accepted, accepted, finally, finally, in years, but i like something else, that here we have margaret simovno , now the manner is like this, will stick in order to become famous, then some big-faced pseudo-patriots from made-up organizations started yapping, i have just one question for you, big-faced pseudo-patriots, why are you not on any of the sanctions lists of major countries, while
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margarita and i are on everyone’s list? how is it that no one noticed your yapping activity, why is this happening, your yapping is in no way visible, yes, i’ll tell you this, only those who want to be saved can be saved, in this sense, that’s what he’s talking about margarine, this is clear to me, because people with traditional values, these are the people from whom it is required. in order to move here, they understand why they will move here, they will really save their future, but in this sense , i think that if the west wants to take away its own future, then there is no need to interfere with it, it is only necessary to save those who are ready to save themselves, who are ready to take action, what is the problem with the west, they thought that they would spin all these transgender stories somewhere, but it turned out that they would have to...
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spin them at home, this is not we won't have children, it’s not us who won’t have a future, it’s them who won’t have a future, whoever wants to be saved will save, will be saved, i somewhat disagree about our wonderful victoria noon, i have bad news for her, i have this feeling that she will be imprisoned not trump, any next president of the united states will imprison her, it could be nicky hale.
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despite all their convictions, there were some different people, starting with ours, with ours, so to speak, the money of the minister of economy, the provisional government, who was actually arrested in tretyakov’s white house, executed, if my memory serves me right, in paris in 1942 for collaborating with soviet intelligence, before anton ivanovich denikin, is it possible that among these there might be people with principles? no, this is an absolutely unprincipled gang, united by only one thing, grandmas, these are people who are busybodies, and all of them, that is, i look at these parties,
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this is a convulsive belt where they can snatch at least something, at least a little thing, yes, and i think that the squabble that they are about to begin. it will be their death sentence, and there is no need to interfere with them, but of course, any possibility of receiving money from here in any form, fees, renting out apartments, at least something, must be cut off with an absolutely unwavering hand, without waiting, here i svanovich must agree, without waiting for elections, the formation of a new government , all of this , a fundamental difference, excuse me, here’s one word about emigration. that white migration that we are talking about, their fundamental difference with these is that that white immigration never left, did not work against their country, and these they haven’t gone through customs yet, that’s it, they’re already writing a letter to kasparov, with whom, connect with this,
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connect with this, show me to that, i ’ll be useful, of course, i just want to agree with this, there were different people there too, this is not the one we're talking about, that's why i said the white emigration we regret, the one we're talking about. yes, but still they were there too, the story develops there differently, but you know what’s most interesting and maybe, here i again agree with margarita, the worst thing is, because i’m watching in the west, this is, of course, possession, these are demons, but you know why it became expressed this way , i see
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, the worst thing for demons is when their own people stop listening to them, or those whom they considered their own, when strangers, well, of course, punish strangers , they destroy, they doom death , they tighten the noose, now their own, this already speaks of how deep the crisis is, in this sense, of course, the choice before, especially the europeans, is very difficult. who are you at this celebration of life, they all thought that they were at this table - the gathering was delicious to eat, but it turned out that they are game , and specifically everyone is sending them, well, concluding my speech, you know, i still have to
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say one very unpleasant, but important thing for me: victory is still very far away, victory is still manifesting itself in the fog wars in separate contours. our enemy understands that he is losing, our enemy will increase the pressure in every possible way, our enemy is inventive, cynical, cruel, succumbing, but it confuses me very much that there are still only the contours of victory, but how many fathers of this victory have emerged in our country in recent weeks? , is there a little us people who say: no, this is me, yes, here we are now, we ’ll hang a garland now, this is us, a little, is it too early to celebrate the victory?
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where they were in the very difficult autumn of 2022, it seems to me that we need to look very carefully at these fathers of victory who appeared out of nowhere, which i emphasize is still very far away, and i would say that very serious unrest is indeed beginning in the west, they are still did not go into crisis. they will turn into a crisis if we
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work correctly and hit where it hurts the west, but everything that happens in the west is just necessary, but not sufficient conditions for fulfilling the tasks of a special military operation in the form as they were formulated by the supreme commander-in-chief, they are only conditions for victory at the front, but not a reason for yes... i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you
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sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about whether to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we there are five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i'm beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, is this flirting? obviously, just to have a look, let's go , it must be edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 1000, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use it, the program is five for one, i’m oops, five for one on saturdays at rt. what kind
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of job are you planning to look for? any, just to get to the shteif, what? irina shtaif is very unknown fashion designer. yeah, albert, figure it out, come up with something for him. i'm hiring you . thank you very much. cleaners. it seemed to me that this new girl could help us. that's it. it seemed. talent cannot be bought. necessary. create your own collection to show it to people, i’ll try, talent can be stolen, the whole collection has disappeared, albert, what ’s wrong with the hall, there will be a fashion show of my collection , you still have nothing to show, it turns out that he deceived me and not only me, lace on saturday rtr.
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voting by location: mobile voter. if on voting days you find yourself far from your polling station, you can vote at your location at any polling station in the country. to do this, you must submit an application to any election commission no later than march 11. either at the mfc or at government services, and you can vote at the selected polling station. for the good health of our empress. hurray, the wisest empresses in history. you have two lives, mine is yours, and i am. but why was there another 30? all of
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catherine and other historical series only on the platform let's watch.
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far, we still have a long way to go, i don’t have the feeling that the front is crumbling, the resistance of the ukrainians is generally quite stubborn, they are fighting for every village, and we still have ahead only in the donetsk direction, such fairly large cities as konstantinovka, kramatorsk, especially kramatorsk with its huge industrial zones,
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escalate, because otherwise they simply won’t understand, the same thing is needed for the f16, no one will base them in ukraine, they won’t even base them at airfields, at airfields basing, they will land, they will land or take off from airfields on the territory of moldova, which means they need to hit them there, if they come from
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romania, then they need to hit them at airfields in romania, we have all the legal grounds for this, and if there are deliveries of taurus. in ukraine, the houthis will have to get everything too ; by the way, i must tell you that i will not name specific ones, so to speak.
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trump, because he ends his article that all this can only be done by president trump, who, so to speak, if he wins the election, and the article is about what, what it’s called, why america can’t do everything , that in principle , that it was considered that america could safely, so to speak, administer several conflicts, it didn’t work out, what
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to do, we need to crawl away, we need to crawl away, withdraw our bases, so to speak, especially from nearby east, leave there in qatar and bahrain as a base, saudi arabia is not a friend, the arab emirates is not a friend, so from there. we need to leave, we need to leave europe, gradually shifting all this onto the europeans can only be done by donald trump. well, remembering, so to speak, the rhetoric trump, which, by the way, i read recently, back in 1987, trump expressed, so to speak, doubt that no, he is a follower, yes, he is very consistent in his attitude towards nato, and what he writes there. bolton, that trump in general in the eighteenth year, so to speak, before the summit in brussels, asked him a question: wouldn’t i now create a little furor and
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announce that the united states is leaving nato right there at the summit in brussels. and what bolton writes is that i persuaded him to come close to the red line, but not to cross her. well, trump listened. it's a pity. all this, well, is probably pathetic. but, nevertheless ... the europeans are very worried, they do not rule out that trump may, so to speak, arrange something, so to speak, as he says, reformat nato, hence the european plans and his army, and recently scholz turns out to be , planned to create their own air defense system, 21 countries expressed a desire to create a european air defense system, it must be taken into account that... since 1962, in europe within the framework of nato there has been an integrated air defense system pro, it consists of three zones,
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coinciding with the boundaries of the theaters, there southern, northern, central, it consists, in principle , of national air defense regions, although only germany and great britain have completely, so to speak, independent national ones.
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they practically failed, well, they took and exposed our agent, well, how can that be, vladimir vladimirovich, blinkin already said, be careful, then it’s half a step before failure, petrovich, you are now taking our scholz and practically bringing him to light, you just understand, here look at the germans, don't listen evgeniy petrovich, create an independent system about, a twenty-one-power european
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country, the baltic emirates and...
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integrated into the overall system, they are not integrated, moreover, i repeat once again what has always caused me, so to speak , firstly, no uniform approach, they are not surprised that this long list is nomenclature, all of these are several units, 10, 15, 14, 20, everything is different, different service systems, different spare parts, everything is different, although, of course, they are, so to speak, the caliber may be the same, but not the same system, not the same systems.
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for some reason we play giveaway with them , for some reason we supply something to america, i think that we earn a dollar this way, we didn’t even block the flows to the baltic states, which we could have simply dried up for once, we didn’t even block the flows to ukraine, i will say above that we need to carry out a very clear audit today, stop completely and not even think or try to flirt with them, we must understand that they do not exist, they are an enemy who has set the task of strategic destruction. that means everything is good with us for us it is bad for them, we must implement it, help the houthis, help the houthis, help the iraqis, help the iraqis, give north korea everything they need, especially since we have common land borders, stop playing tricks, stop tolerating the nazis, these are the arguments, here’s how and why, as they say, on may 9, 1945, everyone will wake up as anti-fascists, as the americans say, stop
9:59 pm
playing the good guy, stop playing the bad guy. please, can we first stop political tourism to kiev? political tourism to kiev, that’s what you offer destroy the city of kyiv, or what? no, why , there are three buildings there, i’ve been proposing to start with this for a long time, no one else will come there, and it would be very good to do this, so when they already moved there, it’s interesting that what would what would have happened after that, would anyone else come there or? i think that the current political week, which has ended now, took place under one sign, the sign of avdiivka, all their speeches, such an active stir that is now... happening, it is happening precisely because this victory, the victory that was won , well, in general, we believe that this is a village, it’s not a large city, yes, but nevertheless this was a key, key
10:00 pm
place for the western political establishment, because they themselves pumped it up by and large , by and large, well, yes, the speed of the fall is their disappointment, and this is scary, scary what happened, of course there are no collapses of the ukrainian army there, of course, but this will certainly continue, but... this caused a reaction that inevitably led to to the fact that a number of leaders began to speak. i noticed another trend, in the last week, there are 10 days, you noticed that the rule-based order has gone somewhere to the side, here is kirby, there, let’s say, who are our talking heads, also nulan, yes, blinkin , now they are talking about a free and open international order, by and large, by and large. here's how


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