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tv   Taini sledstviya-4  RUSSIA1  February 28, 2024 2:10am-3:51am MSK

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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. good morning everyone, good morning. well, the time of winter is ending, and we will gladly say goodbye to it. andrei petrov and anastasiabrovina are with you, we greet you with all our hearts and we will do this every day. well, just to cheer you up today, let’s start with some interesting physics and explain why in zero gravity a paper airplane can fly forever, master.
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russian cosmonaut konstantin borisov, who is currently on watch on the iss. what seems familiar on earth, but doesn’t work here. if you throw an airplane with its nose up, the structure will fly up and will not fall due to the lack of gravity. well, if you send it into slow free flight, then it will be picked up by the air flow and will endlessly carry the catch at a speed of 10 cm/s. and if you open the window, who is faster, because there is a draft. what seems unusual on the iss, on earth we have daily, routine, spam calls, now robots have joined in on the annoying calls, so the question is: how to stop this? you are pre-approved credit card with a limit of up to 500,000 rubles. there is a robot on the line, unlike a live operator, the interlocutor with metal in his voice, as a rule , remains indifferent to requests not to disturb or remove the phone from the call database. considering that valeria’s daughters have smartphones, the family receives up to twenty calls a day. case when
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they called me during a math test and offered to buy products for joints, and once they called me and said that i could write off my debts. valeria's eight-month-old son does not have a smartphone, but even he suffers from intrusive telephone offers to take out a loan or buy another miracle cure. you put your child to bed for an hour or two, just to have everything perfect, when you suddenly receive a spam call. at the same time , it is now almost impossible not to leave an information trail in the form of an address, email, or at least a phone number. spam calls. began to persecute alexandra after she opened her individual entrepreneur. as soon as the girl opened an account and registered on a couple of services necessary for entrepreneurs, she there was literally a barrage of spam calls. according to my calculations, the bulk of calls occur on monday-tuesday, and this number can reach up to 50 calls per day. it is obvious that alexandra was a victim of a personal data leak. from the point of view of the law, this is a serious violation, but in practice it is almost impossible to find someone who shared a database of other people’s phones. to find
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now those who leaked this personal data onto the network, this could have been a very long time ago, several years ago, this is impossible, and yet it is possible to punish those who this personal data is actually used, and it was precisely this logic that bryansk parliamentarians decided to use when they submitted to the state duma a proposal to tighten punishment for participants in the new conversational genre. the changes we propose are the introduction of a new special administrative offense for non-compliance with advertising requirements. higher administrative fines for citizens in the amount of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. for legal entities from 300,000 to 1 million rubles. true, not yet it’s completely clear what to do with those who engage in spam almost legally; there are often cases where a person left his personal data as part of a separate purchase or promotion, and then is forced to receive spam calls for years. it would be logical for commercial companies to provide such a procedure that if a person fills out some...
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hurricanes are becoming stronger, scientists say, their intensity has increased markedly over the past 40 years, so much so that it is worth expanding the classification, adding a category six storm, they say researchers. well, of course, there is a feeling that other cataclysms, such as tornadoes and floods, have become more numerous, they are now more powerful. in the morning studio, leading researcher at the department of meteorology and climatology at moscow state university, hello, hello, hello, we can actually draw conclusions. being
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ordinary people, since the ocean is becoming warmer, thanks to the shedding, it means that the wind itself is getting stronger and the appearance of more and more powerful storms is inevitable, right? no, that's not true. the tropical storms in question are neither becoming more frequent nor stronger, at least in the north atlantic. yesterday i made a graph myself, it didn’t fade, i plotted 40 points, all the strong tropical hurricanes are of the fifth category, uh -huh, uh-huh, over the last 100 years, starting in 1924, apparently, neither the frequency of these hurricanes nor their strength is getting any greater, uh-huh . no directional changes occur, it seems strange, it would seem logical that in a warming climate over a warmer ocean, in warmer air, with greater abundance, tropical hurricanes
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should be more frequent and stronger, however, this is not the case, what is the reason, the reason is apparently that we are talking about tropical hurricanes, now a sixth category is being proposed, one. a colleague suggested introducing a sixth category for especially strong ones with speeds of 86 m/s or more, are you for it? i think that the need for the sixth category is not obvious, because in the north atlantic not a single vortex has yet reached such values, but you tell me, category five, it turns out to be absolutely destructive, 70 m/s, but we are talking about extremely high wind speeds, enormous destructive forces, to divide this category even before... only a few such hurricanes of the sixth category
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proposed with wind speeds abnormally high above 80 m/s were observed , but not in the atlantic in the pacific ocean basin? you can’t predict them , i don’t understand, because they are so powerful, it’s not always clear where it will shift, it can unexpectedly deviate from its intended trajectory, go in a completely different direction, which actually increases over time, this is damage, damage the hurricane generally increases, but this is not a natural phenomenon, it is a consequence of the increase in the world's population, you expect an increase in the strength or frequency of hurricanes, no one knows, they may occur. their occurrence is difficult to predict, they can occur in different regions, over the pacific ocean, over the indian ocean, over the north atlantic, but the facts indicate that over the north atlantic, in the zone in which hurricanes are usually assessed on the safir simpson scale, hurricanes of the sixth category it hasn’t
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happened yet, it’s still a shame that it’s impossible to predict such things yet, because you’re really right, the population is very it’s dense, well, you can predict, but the forecast is not always justified, unfortunately, you somehow want to get rid of people. we are waiting for more accuracy, thank you very much, our question was answered by a leading researcher at the department of meteorology and climatology of lomonosov moscow state university mikhail koshchenko, they woke up the whole country, thank you, not to shout down, but cool, the golden collection from azer tea is a breath of luxury in every cup, start your morning with different flavors of wonderful black tea, morning is time to brew azerchai. come on, let's all get together in chorus a show of unprecedented scale, this is our present, you are our real, you are our russia, we are all watching together, on friday at 21:30, gonko disappeared, vanya, anna medium, prime minister, today at
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21:20, well, maybe we’re not very - we want, but robots are trying to penetrate our lives more and more persistently: walks up the stairs, recognizes the owner’s voice, gives a paw and does not need daily walks, not a dog, can perform the functions of an ideal pet companion, thanks to a complex knee cooling system joints, iron friend overcomes obstacles, maintains smooth movements, with the help of four microphones it recognizes the command and interacts with the user, and cameras and sensors allow you to navigate in space. they...
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they are born during the rainy season and before the drought they need to have time to mature and lay eggs. it seems that if fate were more favorable, the tropical fish would live longer, but even here the aquarium is in ideal conditions. its age is underdeveloped, this gave scientists the idea to use natobranchius to test potential geroprotectors that are capable of to extend a person’s life, we add a substance to fish food, we have two groups , a control group and a target group of interest, we compare how much longer life in one group compared to the control, however , it is not only long life that is important, but its quality in the control of aging people natobranchius shows age-related changes. cloudiness of the lenses and a condition similar to human osteoporosis, in which the fish begin
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to hunch over. good geroprotectors should combat this. as such connections here, in particular, we consider immunosuppressants, that is, substances that suppress the immune response. one of the key, most common hypotheses of aging in our time is the hypothesis that in old age the body begins to activate it nonspecifically. the system against its own components, that is, when the immune system is activated to a lesser extent, so old age comes a little later. and these are fish of another species, zebrafish, helping biologists who decided to save people from stress and depression, but first the experimental subjects themselves need to be put into such a state, they are shown predators and at the same time their movement is constrained, as a result they float depressedly in the lower part of the aquarium. purely visually we observe behavioral patterns. they are very easy to read and you can immediately understand whether the fish is in an anxious
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state or whether it is calm. similar research can be carried out on fish, but fish are cheaper to keep , it is easier to determine their well-being by external signs, they have the same stress hormone as we do, that is, cortisol, they react to human medications for stress, depression and anxiety , if a potential remedy turns out to be effective, then zebra wandering suddenly begins to swim as if nothing had happened, and doesn’t even really... hide from predators, just tries to stay away from them, then a new life for old things , how to make something useful out of something that has already served its purpose, tips in a few minutes. artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me with the goal of generating love and subsequent official formalization of the union. on saturday, maybe we'll try one microbiomes. with a kiss, it’s just that my experiment didn’t go a little according to plan
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, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in my head, butterflies sometimes flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies in my stomach, so i have it too , we’ll sleep together, they’ll let you go, i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me ! you love him, daughter, i hate him, that means you love him, by the way, about butterflies on saturday on rtr, your favorite songs are played in our studio, let's go, birthday, your favorite music never gets old, they sound real.
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will you meet your father soon? well, my father died in an accident when i was 22 years old. and that means
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it's a threat. if you find the person who is harassing me, i will forgive the debt to your victor. this work is important to both of us. tell me, do you have a camera in your office? he's kicking me out of the house, i need to act. your wife clearly dislikes you. your daughter doesn't respect you. sometimes figure it out. on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we’ll start, always will help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how
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an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly? a bowl of macaroni and cheese will always support you, it’s a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, i sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, here your health will definitely increase. dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr. oh sport you are life. and at the same time, an entry in the guinness book of records, the oldest fitness instructor in the world is 81 years old. a us resident
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received a certificate. previously, this title was held by a sixty-five-year-old american girl. things, you just need to show your imagination, they say , well, someone is setting records for use by experts, now instead of an old suitcase there is a comfortable bedside table, instead of a broken piano there is a desk. man, excuse me, but haven’t you seen my red suitcase, it’s so new, this one, i mean it was new, but maybe you could throw it there a little more carefully, hand me the suitcase, please, i forgot my laptop there, some suitcases last only a couple of trips, but this does not mean that a bag that has told the world needs to be immediately sent to a landfill, a slight cosmetic repair can turn luggage into stylish
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real estate, after both the frames and the suitcase have dried well, you can finally connect them together. suitcase will make an excellent bedside table, and unnecessary cardboard sleeves can easily be turned into a coffee table, so the apartment has been furnished with furniture, you can give a second life to any old thing, you just need add a little fantasy, this is how an old cutting board and a bunch of unnecessary dishes turned into a chic vintage table stand, all life is a constructor, and the surrounding objects in it are details, some bloggers live by this principle and earn likes, just give them something to redo , this guy, for example, is from an old piano with... but bloggers don’t forget about our smaller brothers, it’s hard to imagine a more comfortable cat house, social networks have literally been taken over by
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the fashion for recycling. old things, because in talented hands an object that just yesterday could have ended up in a landfill is today again in demand, even in a new role, for example, a drum from a washing machine has been making things clean for half its life, and now it gives people light. in general, a conscious approach helps people generate less waste and realize all their creative talents, and you can also plan in advance a second life for your favorite thing, but what?
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a show of unprecedented scale, this is energy, this is drama, on friday at 21:30 on the russia channel. morning of russia, don't forgive me, the main thing. the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. over the past week, russian troops liberated three settlements in the dpr, this is a victory for lastochkin and severnaya. about the results of the battles. in all areas of the special operation, sergei shaigu spoke at a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. the minister also noted that in other directions our fighters have a continuous and powerful fire impact on
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enemy targets, so the ukrainian armed forces cannot restore their combat effectiveness. particular attention to enemy losses in manpower in technology. on average, since the beginning of the year, the enemy has been losing more than 800 personnel and 120 units of various weapons every day. stabilize the situation and prevent the collapse of the front. as a result of the meeting , the russian army was tasked with other areas of protecting the state, the main emphasis being preservation. stability in the central asian region. together with colleagues in the csto, russia will hold the largest joint exercise there 2024. on
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tuesday evening, the bsu shelled the village of suzemka in the bryansk region. three residents were injured, as a result of strikes in the belgorod region, three people were killed and six were injured. ukrainian militants opened fire on border areas more than seventy times. they fired artillery and mortars, launched kamikaze drones. cars and apartment buildings were damaged. one of the drones. attacked a car in which seven construction workers were traveling, three died on the spot, four were seriously injured. two children were also injured as a result of the artillery shell explosion. the road to norilsk airport is reopened for transport, weather is gradually improving, a non-storm snowstorm and squally winds with gusts of up to 30 m/s have been raging in the northern regions of the region for the second day already. it is almost impossible to move around the streets on foot. dozens of flights have been postponed at the airport, with hundreds of passengers waiting to take off.
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the holes and irregularities are hidden under water, the last few days in the northern capital the temperature has been above zero, and these are the northern kuril islands, the beka volcanoes, a huge table of ash has thrown out and covered the island of paramushir with it, there is no threat to the life of the population, the ministry of emergency situations reported. far eastern... olympics of surgeons started in khabarovsk, 140 students from all over the far east, as well as from china and kazakhstan, are fighting for the title of the best. at the far eastern medical university, they will have to show their skills in theory and practice. nadezhda lyakh read more. a complex operation is underway on the blood vessels of an unusual patient. why specifically a rat? this is not a veterinary competition. rat vessels imitate brain vessels. competitors are given 4 hours to complete such jewelry work. the next audience is preparing for gastric surgery, a human organ replaces a pig's organ, complex surgical challenges of the olympiad are accepted by students from all over the far east, from china
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for the first time from kazakhstan, urology, traumatology, the theoretical part of the total of more than twenty-five difficult tests. the winners will go to the russian capital for the international surgery olympiad named after academician perelman, and there is also a special prize from the chief traumatologist of moscow. i always choose one person. already from the final round, which i invite to residency at moscow state university, this not easy to get at all. moscow specialists are interested in these doctors returning to their small homeland. over 20 years , the number of high-tech interventions in our khabarovsk territory has increased 70 times, and these are the people who will increase these times even more. nadezhda lyakh, alexey shabelnikov, lead khabarovsk. authorities of peru. roads leading to the ancient city of machu picchu were closed due to landslide precipitation, cars were not allowed in, train traffic and hiking trails were stopped. travel agencies and tour operators were urged to take this into account when
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route planning. earlier , several landslides in the area injured 17 people and several are still missing. a hundred-meter section of the railway line was washed away and is being restored. machu picchu is a citadel of the inca civilization, built in the 15th century, it is located. at an altitude of 2.5 km above sea level it is considered the main attraction of peru. don't switch. the millionth descent since the beginning of the winter season was recorded at the mountain air ski resort in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. the popularity of this holiday destination is growing in the next 5 years; it will be among the leaders of ski resorts in russia, asia, and the pacific. region with details. the guest from primorye does not yet know that she is on the way to unlimited gifts. hello, we congratulate you, you have made your millionth
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bite. today, yes, seriously, a serious milestone for the complex itself, as an incentive for new peaks, in terms of the number of descents per season and visitors in general. we plan to reach 2 million. these are our plans, we hope that if we can get to this point, we have an 8% annual increase in visitors, that is , compared to the previous year, we plan to break our records. two mountains, 22 trails for more than 40 kilometers, five cable cars, all compactly literally in the center of yuzhno-sakhalinsk, people come from all over the area for the mountain air. an international-level resort, we really like everything, that’s why we come here often, relax here, the combination of everything, snow, free skiing, prepared slopes, that is, we probably have no analogues in the far east. hot spot for the photo at the top there is a geographical indicator with the vast russian mileage. and it’s not in vain, among the signs there are the names of not only far eastern settlements, but for example moscow, st. petersburg, kaliningrad,
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because guests. from the western european part of russia there are more and more people here every year. experienced skiers from big cities compare sakhalin with popular traditional slopes: fewer queues, comparable prices and service. we skied a lot at different resorts in we've been to the arctic circle in russia, we've been to the south, we've been to many resorts in the world, and i can say that mountain air is definitely one of the best resorts in russia. of course, the complex also attracts locals, there are sections, coaches teach children.
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a few days ago, he miraculously survived an attack by ukrainian militants. how are you feeling now after the surgery? thank god it's better. thanks to our doctors. ambulance doctors brought yaroslav to the hospital in just 10 minutes. every second counted. doctors spent more than 4 hours in operating room to remove a two-centimeter fragment from the myocardial tissue. the process was led by stanislav moshkin, a doctor.
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this is difficult to consider as a complex operation , there was damage to one of the main arteries that feeds the heart, this is the so-called anterior branch of the left ventricle. for accurate diagnosis and detection of the fragment , angiographs and x-rays were used directly during the operation. the situation was complicated by the proximity of one of the main vessels to the fragment. doctors removed the metal from the heart and quickly transferred a vein was taken from the leg, and a shunt was placed from the autovenous vein from the aorta to a healthy area of ​​the anterior interventricular artery, bypassing the affected area, which was damaged by a foreign body or a fragment. open heart surgery was made possible only thanks to the use of modern technologies. this is one of the most high-tech equipment not only in
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this operating room. in the world, a heart-lung machine, it allows you to replace not only the heart, but also the lungs during surgery. minute monitoring conditions, uninterrupted oxygen supply and blood circulation. there are only two such devices in the republic. doctors say a shrapnel wound to the heart is one of the most serious injuries. this was the first time that doctors performed such a surgical intervention, and one complicated by damage to large vessels, in the dpr. the patient was immediately taken to the operating room... an operation was performed, the fragment was taken out, the patients are now going through the postoperative period. now yaroslav trunov is recovering, but he faces a long rehabilitation ahead. victoria shinkarenko, anton khobotov, lead donetsk. all news is always available on the media platform. we watch it in the application or on the website. stay on the russia channel.
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come on, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great! okay, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing is good morning, good morning, it’s nice that you joined us, anastasia chernobrovina, andrey petrov to you. not welcoming, time flies, it’s already february 28, yes, wednesday on the calendar, these shots will help maintain the mood of the working week, they were taken by employees of the far eastern maritime reserve, a baby
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spotted seal has appeared there, the baby seal has not yet left its mother, it differs from the adults not only in size, but also in color, while the baby is white and fluffy, such yumtsov were nicknamed squirrels, but after a month it will begin to moult, spots will appear on the body, it is no coincidence that they choose this place to give birth and raise their offspring in the reserve; they feel completely safe. well , we also have human offspring under protection, but as for care and education, many parents complain about the inaccessibility of kindergarten, it either very far away, or his work hours and the work schedule of moms and dads don’t match. what to do? he ran late, he was late, and the kindergarten was already closing. well, sit down, let's go home. so, almost every day there is a garden near the house, but in order to pick up the kids, the mother is forced to take off from work and make her way through traffic jams across the city. the children are worried, the teachers are on edge. i was late, wrote that i would be there at 19:15, for which i was told that we could not be in
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the garden with them, because i had to leave the garden gate at 19:00. teachers can be understood, they they’ve done their work and want to go home, but the gardens were created to help people, so that moms and dads can work in peace and still have time to run to the store. only the times when the whole country started their shift by gutka have passed, but the schedule for preschool institutions is still the same. and there are people who are forced to leave home at 7:00 in order to, say, get there for their work shift. they collected it before, some have grandmothers, some grandfathers, whoever works, always takes the last ones, there are a lot of people who don’t have grandmothers, i don’t know how they cope, but maybe they ask friends, or are forced to hire a nanny, or transfer the child from a regular kindergarten to a paid one, like matvey, i really didn’t want to, the dad complains, the son got used to it, he had friends there, and it’s expensive, but what can you do if the system not flexible? firstly, it’s constant stress, for some it’s even a change of job, or even a rejection of some prospects, even a career, it’s not the garden for us, but we for the garden, but it should be the other way around, in this garden of everyone those who are picked up later are put into an extended evening group,
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where children don’t just sit and wait , they work with them, if they are hungry, they can feed them, we have more teachers here, that is, someone came in the morning, someone will sit until the evening, until the last client, we call it , experts are sure, if there was a desire, parents have the right to raise the issue of opening an after-school program with the administration, and if they refuse, to complain to higher authorities. there is a decree, actually from the ministry of education, which says that different groups can be created, it can be a general daily group, it could be a late-stay group, it could even be a 24-hour group , even this is possible, another question is from whom such an initiative should come, most moms and dads don’t have time to walk around... the office, that’s if they are sure that the place is in the garden there is, that when you need to adapt to them, this will become an incentive to have another child. we need to identify some final need, calculate, we need so many such places, so many such places, that is, we essentially need to identify it, determine
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put it into a formula, into a mathematical one, and provide exactly those opportunities that are needed today. with such an assessment, they once began to solve the problem of the shortage of kindergartens, thousands of them were built in 10 years, now the task is to get the country out of...
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so, for example, how do you like the long-standing initiative: to reduce the working day of the mother, while there up to 3 years, while the child is growing, include her stay with the child in her work experience, for example, why doesn’t everything move from its place, it is moving, now it has been decided that from this year the mother will receive benefits child care, whether she works full time or not full time, but you are absolutely right, discussing, for example, a four-day work week. i believe that we need to start with women who are raising minor children, this
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would be quite logical, and it would be possible to come up with other mechanisms for stimulating employers so that they, say, create comfortable conditions for such women, for example, reducing tax rates on transfers to social security fund. mom must choose for herself she will be with the children, then the state must provide appropriate benefits as compensation for the costs of parents raising children, this is a completely different format, but what if. let the mother choose the need to work, then we must think and provide the most convenient nurseries, child care, so that they are available within walking distance, within financial accessibility, the question is, maybe that social nanny should have been there then, even if not for the whole day, albeit for a few hours, but as a substitute parent such a one could come, let’s say two children come there for 2 days, there 2 days a week, there three children come 3 days a week, a very good story, i support it, moreover, this is now. we are just developing and with the support of the public
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chamber, in some regions this has reached such a level of development that not only large families receive the services of social nannies several times a week, but ordinary families order it as a paid service, this is what worries me about our wonderful in conversation the phrases "some regions" are good a good idea, that is, in the year of the family and the child, when we ourselves are broadcasting that... we are falling into a demographic hole, all this, at least a lot of this is very hypothetical, still non-hypothetical, the fact is that social our policy is carried out at the regional level mainly, of course , each region has its own characteristics, capabilities and its own system, we started, yes, i understood, then i’ll pick it up, the regions began to at least remotely give women the opportunity to work, sometimes it’s very necessary there literally a couple of hours, and just enough for someone to stay. we are ready to contact
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the ministry of labor that we need to change the list of social services that have been adopted at the federal level, we will supplement it with a full-day service, and for child care and supervision, public social services, thank you very much, our guest was the chairman of the commission for demography, protection of family, children and traditional family values ​​of the public chamber of russia, sergey robalchenko, thank you very much, spacious, warm and almost silent in
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as part of the national project for safe and high-quality roads, more and more regions of russia are receiving the latest public transport. last year alone, more than 4,000 modern vehicles, electric buses, buses, large and small class trolleybuses appeared on the road. all the details are in our material. impressive smooth ride elegant vestment of the new. the skopol trolleybus gave it the unusual name admiral, however, the passengers themselves call it nothing more than a miracle trolleybus, it’s very convenient, firstly, it’s easy to punch tickets convenient, a very big difference, noticeable, it has become much more convenient in terms of the fact that even to enter not only one, but an elderly person, a person with a stroller, with small children, that is, they drive close to the stops, one step, just imagine, during the trip the passenger can use free wi-fi, charge any of his equipment from... an electrical outlet, and
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the weather here is always good, warm air in winter and fresh in summer, thanks to the climate control system, driver galina kurylenko, laughingly admits, has never received we receive so many compliments for our work, we get pleasure, probably with every flight, because the ride is warm, cozy, passengers praise the rolling stock, in just 3 years new trolleybuses were transported to... according to the national project for safe and high-quality roads , 14 transport vehicles were delivered in 2022 funds, in 2023 another 27. electric transport and use the most popular routes, these are those routes where there is a minimum interval at peak times, a sufficient interval between peaks, routes operate from early morning to late evening, we see that the new rolling stock and the regularity of transport services, of course, affect passenger flow. our
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passengers actively began to use trolleybuses, just since 2020, thanks to the national project for safe and high-quality roads, regional vehicle fleets have been replenished with almost... 6,000 units of new modern public transport, of which 5,278 buses, 282 trolleybuses, 240 electric buses and 156 trams. but in the tambov region, drivers and passengers are gradually getting used to the new buses; in small towns they attract increased attention, we tried the bus, sat down, there is even wi-fi, that is, you can recharge your phone, everything is convenient, cozy. the color is incomparably blue, the color, by the way, is not just blue, but azure, as on the coat of arms of the tambov region, the main attractions of the region are also depicted on the body, and today in marshansk 10 vehicles ply along the four most popular routes, very impressive, convenient to drive, comfortable
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the interior is very nice, the buses are warm, this is very important, everything you need for driving is there, similar to a public one there should be more and more transport on our roads, because it not only makes the life of passengers more comfortable, but ensures safety for all road users . and then sporty and romantic. what else do viewers say about the film ice 3, adding the epithet the most? we'll tell you in detail in a few minutes. premiere on rtr, it will even die if we don’t move from here, the air here is unclean, where will we move, to leykino, or what? you made the absolutely right decision, these are our first residents, i saw what would happen to the people who buy a house there, maybe it’s all connected somehow, anna
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is a medium, today on rtr. come on quietly, i said, this is a library, thank you, he only calms down from your words, he’s also divorced, my husband was called for an hour, so the shelf needs to be hung, the wife, when she told him to hang the shelf, went to hang the shelf, and you’re not a man , the history of a big country, premieres on friday. on rtr, what kind of job are you planning to look for? anyone, just to get to steif, why irina shteif is a very unknown fashion designer, yeah, albert, figure it out, come up with something for me, i’ll hire you, thank you huge, cleaning ladies, it seemed to me that this
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new girl could help us, that’s exactly what it seemed like, you can’t buy talent, you need to create your own collection. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the underbos, the name of which character from pushkin’s works, everyone knows
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how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you can tell? it's humorous, i'm chopping oak, not plucking, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don't know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now beep, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rt. sun loungers instead of skis and bicycles on a zipline , in general, who cares, this is what it looks like now... a winter holiday at one of the ski resorts in the french perineas, but all because there was practically no snow here, the ski slopes
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only opened during the season twice, yes, it’s a little empty, so as not to go broke, local managers offer other entertainment, for example, go to a barbecue, fresh air, the weather is something contributes, and now the staff is thinking about whether to finally retrain from a winter resort to a de-seasonal one, or maybe take much more, ride on the puddles to us in russia, welcome, what what, yes, yes, we have enough snow and yes. enough, by the way, the third is already breaking records, the excitement around the film let 3 does not subside, in two weeks more than 3.5 million people watched the romantic drama, and the first and second parts were wonderful, but it left an unforgettable mark in my heart, so i would like watch it again, this is the feeling after its aftertaste brings tears to your eyes, and you want to believe in a miracle, the third film has become even... more emotionally inspiring, all viewers note this, fast-paced hockey is contrasted here with graceful figure skating. sasha gorin continues to climb
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the sports olympus for the sake of her beloved daughter, who , in turn, is trying to become a champion, like her mother once was. i liked the fact that the film touches not only on the sports life of figure skaters, but also on problems in their personal lives, and how sports helps to overcome all life’s problems, you get charged by this energy and... you understand how important love is. three years is the case when the continuation increases the dignity of the previous films. alexander petrov plays the father of his grown-up daughter. this plot device opened a new chapter in the lives of our favorite characters. the relationship between father and daughter, yes, it was very interesting to watch. a sensual film about love and family values. the whole thing - you watch the film, you sit under tension, but you don’t understand what will happen next, it just touches your soul. this is to love your own. loved ones and appreciate all the time, a touching and at the same time ironic film speaks to the viewer about very important things, teaches them to make decisions and take
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responsibility for them, shows how important it is to find a common language with parents and inspires them to fight for their sometimes fragile love as ice. family fight for their happiness, for themselves, for their family , for their loved ones, so well, this impression, this life-affirming story, proves that every dark streak will certainly be followed by a bright one, if you believe in yourself and your loved ones, it seems simple and... but of them our life consists of a film about love , about self-confidence, about the fact that even if it doesn’t work out 530 times, but it will work out 530 times the second time, the picture doesn’t let go even after the credits, so the most devoted ice fans at the end of the session accept the challenge and go to prominat with the steps service, users of the social network vkontakte need to complete 177,000 steps, those who complete the task have a chance to receive a reward, and on february 29, vk zvonki will host an online meeting with the actors of the film. they will answer questions and show exclusive footage along with their the characters will try to bring the onset of spring closer. and then the meat is not made from meat.
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we’ll talk to an expert about the taste and benefits of biofake in a few minutes. let's start, let's start with a smile. morning of russia, don't oversleep the main thing. ukraine is hiding the true figures; real data on kiev’s losses were presented at the ministry of defense board meeting. the houthis are blamed, but they do not admit to repairing internet cables between europe and asia. it will take 2 months. traffic is blocked and orders are cancelled. in greece, taxi drivers went on strike for 2 days. the news will tell about
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main thing in the studio vera tarasova. hello. the main news from the special military operation zone comes from the avdeevsky sector. after the liberation of lastochkina, our units took control of the village of severnaya, not far from ovdeevka. in this direction over the past 24 hours, the enemy lost almost 500 people, two tanks and three infantry fighting vehicles. over the past 24 hours , more than 1,100 ukrainian militants have been eliminated in all sectors of the front, and a dozen artillery pieces and combat vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces have been destroyed. in the area of ​​​​the village of mikhailovka, nikolaev region, a ukrainian su-25 was shot down, 69 drones were destroyed. the ukrainian army lost 444,000 military personnel during the special operation, figures that are more than 10 times higher than those cited by kiev, sergei shaigu presented at a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. the head of the military department spoke about the liberation of new territories,
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equipping russian troops with new types of weapons and equipment, as well as strengthening our... csto. alexey golovko with details. at the board of the ministry of defense , sergei shaigu sums up the results of the battles for all directions of a special military operation. particular attention to enemy losses in manpower and equipment. on average, since the beginning of the year , the enemy has been losing more than 800 personnel and 120 units of various weapons, including foreign- made ones, every day. in total, during the special military operation, the ukrainian armed forces lost over 4,400 military personnel. almost half a million casualties among military personnel in the ssu. such data completely refute the figures from kiev, because zelensky a day ago spoke about only 31 thousand of his soldiers killed. and even then, this statement caused bewilderment
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throughout the world. the fact that the number of dead vysushniki is hundreds of thousands in the west. directions of protecting the state, the main emphasis is maintaining stability in the central asian region. together with colleagues in the csto, russia will conduct the largest exercises there, interaction 2024. alexey golovko, news. on tuesday evening, the ukrainian armed forces shelled the village of suzemka in the bryansk region. three residents were injured. as a result of the strikes in the belgorod region, three people were killed and six were injured.
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ukrainian militants more than seventy times they opened fire on the border areas and beat them. kamikaze drones were launched from artillery and mortars, and cars and apartment buildings were damaged. one of the drones attacked a car in which seven construction workers were traveling, three died on the spot. four were seriously injured, and two children were injured as a result of an artillery shell explosion. the state duma adopted in the second reading a bill banning the placement of advertising on the resources of foreign agents. this applies to any platforms, websites, blogs and social networks. it is also prohibited to advertise in the media and on the internet.
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in some areas, cars simply float, holes and bumps are hidden under water. the weather has been above zero in the northern capital for the last few days. and these are the northern kuril islands, the ebeka volcano threw out a huge table of ashes and covered the island of paramushir with it. there is no threat to the life of the population, the ministry of emergency situations reported. in other news, the yemeni government is led by the houthis. stated that it did not cause any damage to telecommunications cables and accused the israeli media of libel. on tuesday morning information appeared that they allegedly damaged there are four submarine fiber optic lines in the red sea that connect europe and asia. the israeli publication globus wrote about this. the accident led to serious network disruptions in the gulf countries and india. repairing submarine cables can take at least 8 weeks. polish
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farmers who demand. benefits for ukraine, a ban on the import of its products and a change in the green deal announced by the eu authorities paralyzed the center of warsaw. miners and hunters joined the march of dissent on tuesday. thousands of people marched in a column along in the center of the polish capital, past the parliament and the prime minister's office. dozens of tractors were driven into the city and a damaged abrams tank was symbolically transported through the streets, although it was made of hay. the procession took place to the sounds of the siren horns of the drums. the demonstrators exploded. firecrackers and firecrackers were lit. protests by farmers in belgium continued, but on a smaller scale than the day before; as a result of the clash between farmers and police in brussels, several people were injured on both sides. the demonstrators burned tires and hay and threw eggs and straw at the law enforcement officers. police used gas and water cannons. a two-day strike by taxi drivers is taking place in greece. the drivers participating in the strike do not take orders, drive in columns along the streets and block
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traffic. they make a number of demands, including: interruptions in the operation of ground transport and flights to the islands. don't switch. a short route through the anador estuary has been put into operation. the winter road will connect the regional capital, the village of coal copy, with routes and a length of 5 km. report by vladimir nikitchenko. ice crossing of regional significance across the anador estuary is open, now motorists can quickly save time and get from the regional capital to the neighboring village and back. the interdepartmental commission drove
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along the new winter road and was able to personally assess the quality of the route. wind loads during the formation of the ice cover formed heavily hummocky ice along the road. the length of the regional winter road is 5 km, which is 2.5 km shorter. federal highway, the ice thickness is from a meter or more, these indicators made it possible to increase the load on the roadway; vehicles weighing up to 12 tons. the regional ice crossing across the zanador estuary has become wider. now traffic is carried out along one lane about 50 m wide. closer to anador it is divided into two. one wide lane makes it easier for heavy equipment to maintain the track, and gives motorists room to maneuver. when driving on a winter road during bad weather.
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rescuers who are part of the interdepartmental commission remind you that when going out on the ice, you must follow simple safety rules. safety rules for ice crossing - this means that the distance between cars must be at least 70 cm, the speed limit is 30 km/h. according to the contract, the winter road will operate until april 30 inclusive. vladimir nikichenko, arseny gusev, leading chukotka. all news always. available on the media platform, watch in the application or on the website, stay with us, let's start,
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let's, let's do it with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so. morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing, good morning, good morning, andrei petrov and anastasia chernobrovina are with you, glad to see you, join us, it's very nice when we can introduce.
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they don’t say goodbye and don’t remember names, about the same number categorically do not accept requests being ignored, but every fourth does not want to listen to stories about the personal lives of colleagues, loud conversations on the phone , jealous laughter, they are also angered by sharp smells, aromas, untidiness and slurping, listen, well, we we also chat a lot in the telegram channel, but this is our profession, we hope we don’t ruin it, yes, because we are ideal colleagues, and we exist, and we exist, our scientific team too. an ideal team, by the way, in full agreement with each other, is developing an industrial technology for the production of monosodium glutamate, its consumption is high, but the goods are mainly purchased here in china, and i would really like
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to understand how this additive affects health. i am very glad that it is now sold in any store, because i can’t imagine asian food without it now. outwardly, it cannot be distinguished from ordinary salt; on products it is designated as additive e621; in ordinary language it is a bulk white oil is nothing more than monosodium glutamate. it is his student eva tolochnaya who uses flavors as a flavor enhancer when she cooks at home. it gives an unusual taste that simply becomes brighter, richer, and tastier. mami even has its own name, translated from japanese as delightful, but how else can it be described? delicious, if it is a salad, it gives the taste of meat, and if you add it to meat, then such a rich taste of meat, the taste of which is so difficult to refuse, especially for those who are hooked on it after fast food or asian cuisine, we must say thank you to the takiy chemist, in 1908 he isolated the salt of glutamic acid from the kombu algae, a bitter sweet.
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we feel sour, salty tastes in some parts of our tongue, but the taste of mami is felt by us across the entire surface, which is why this taste seems so rich, we want to eat such food again, many are so accustomed to the bright taste that they are now looking for the additive on the shelves of regular stores and add it to familiar dishes, i naively believe that it is different, not the same as the industrial one, but this additive is the same the same, it is made from the same species... using the same technology, which means the effect on the body is the same, scientists have conducted hundreds of studies on the benefits and harms, the conclusions are ambiguous and still cause controversy, because glutamic acid is one of twenty amino acids that are found in all protein foods, from meat to soy, that is, we are familiar with it by nature, but a synthesized substance in large quantities can cause complications, a study was conducted on mice, and there they obviously gave six times the norm, and naturally the mice from...
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allergies, malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, it’s good that they didn’t die, but went blind. systems, obesity, diabetes , monosodium glutamate, i attribute everything, so far only one thing has been proven: there is a psychological dependence on products that contain monosodium glutamate, and you want to eat this product more and more, this leads to the person overeating, in addition, many people unknowingly use glutamate in everything from rice to baking and ice cream, which is fundamentally wrong. msg works with protein foods, protein foods and vegetables, and for the effect to work, only 1 g of the additive per 100 glutamate is enough; msg should appear in home cooking only in emergency cases, doctors add, if, for example, you need to make the taste a little brighter defrosted tasteless meat, you might say, how is this tasteless meat? well, if the meat is not made from meat, for example, artificially grown, composed of plant components, imitation or analogue, well, this is already a protein mass, based which...
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should we be scared or happy, well, let 's consult with a specialist, in the studio , director of the federal scientific center for food systems named after gorbatov ras, doctor of technical sciencesana kuznetsova, oksana aleksandrovna, good morning, good morning!
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the term established in legislation is the ratio of muscle, adipose tissue , connective tissue with or without bone, that is , what we get from an animal, everything that we do not get from an animal can be called anything, but not meat or milk, well here yes, because we allow, not against the word there, and vegetable cutlets or vegetable dumplings, how will they be grown, the chinese grow some in bioreactors, some in 3d printers and so on, if we are talking about a vegetable product, then it will be grown in the field, because the main component - this. soy, nud, these are now the most active components that are used, if we are talking about a bioreactor, then this is no longer vegetable and not yet meat either, these are individual muscle cells that are grown in a certain broth, which, in which there are a lot of plant nutritional components, the cell grows, until no one can still reach that piece of meat that nature gives us, and now the most important thing for us is all this, that’s all that...
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there is a good, real steak meat, well , it can’t be, it’s because our body has become so accustomed to it over a millennium, or it just seems so to me, because i love it, maybe you’ll convince me? and you say: no, guys, we’re just not used to it yet, plant-based is much cooler, or is it from larvae, there is also squirrel, they seem to say more , in fact, i’ll probably support you on the contrary, that meat really cannot be replaced by anything, for us meat is a very important cultural element, because
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when we meet at various feasts, we don’t we’re sitting over a dish with crickets or vegetable meat, you won’t recognize it, it won’t stick out like a cricket straight from the bag, it will just be formed there by biomass. with meat, real, good, high quality and not only veal, pork, it’s vital a necessary product for the human body, and it’s good that we still have enough of it in our country, absolutely, and we can still feed the whole world, thank you very much, our questions were answered by the director of the federal scientific center for food systems named after gorbatov, russian academy of sciences, dr. technical sciencessan kuznetsov. have a nice day, thank you very much, thank you, message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin, to the federal assembly. live broadcast, tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. you know, i'm a little
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i didn't make a terrible mistake. anna medium, prime minister, today at 21:20. you drive more quietly, but you won’t go any further. presented in switzerland. electric car with a maximum speed of 45 km/h. this one is suitable for teenagers, and also for all those who have not yet passed their license. the car really looks like a stylish children's toy and can easily replace a car, scooter and bicycle. well, according to all documents, the new product passes as a means of individual mobility. there’s only one question: where can you travel on this? well, you can learn in the parks, but of course you can’t go to the city, but in general it’s such a good thing, it seems like you’re driving , it seems like you won’t continue, yes, well, another electric car recently arrived at russian car dealerships, a real one, not for children, and they assemble it in kaleningrad, have the manufacturers managed to adapt it as much as possible to the harsh russian winters , ivan zenkevich will tell. the russian manufacturer of electric vehicles evolute is systematically expanding
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its model range, now the ice skype crossover has been added to the range, the design is interesting, the shapes seem to be sleek and deliberately rounded, competitors. he doesn't have much, maybe electric car skywell et5 or rechargeable hybrids cherry tiga 7 and chingan unik, but the latter will be larger. recommended retail price - 4,920,000 rubles. true, taking into account the state subsidy for domestically assembled electric cars, the amount is reduced to 4 million. the interior is cozy and attractive. now it is fashionable to make bright contrasting inserts, and the handle is selector. transmission, as if made of crystal. there is a chair with integrated headrests installed in the front, it is comfortable to sit in them, there is reliable lateral support, and the rear it’s a sin for passengers to complain, there is a large amount of space allocated, the car’s equipment is one, but good, six
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airbags, climate control, panoramic roof, all-round cameras, as well as heated front seats, steering wheel, windshield and washer nozzles. the design is sufficient. only front-wheel drive is offered, so there is only one electric motor and it is located in the usual place under the hood. peak power is 204 horsepower and a gearbox is used instead of a gearbox. on the go in the cabin it’s unusually quiet, the engine doesn’t growl, but this doesn’t prevent the acceleration dynamics from being very peppy. 100 km/h is achieved in 8.6 seconds, top speed is 180 km/h. another thing is an active driving style. autonomy, the traction battery discharges faster, but if not reckless, the range is 511 km, although in winter, of course , you can’t travel that much, part of the energy is spent on heating the cabin, the lithium battery located under the bottom captivates with an impressive
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capacity of 85.9 kv. you can charge the car both from a regular outlet and from special stations. in the first case , you will need to recharge the battery. about 15 o'clock, in the second hour, it seems that we are gradually ceasing to perceive electric cars as a curiosity, askai can offer vigorous dynamics and a good range , if they could reduce the price for it, it would be very good, then the hurricanes are stronger, the flooding is deeper, where do the sixth storms come from categories and is it possible to predict serious natural disasters? disaster, we'll talk to a specialist, in a few minutes, be with us, no one should know that i am hiring a psychologist, so you will get a job with me as a live-in maid. your main task is to find this joker, i do all this
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for your sake, i want to know who writes these nasty letters to me, you must stop going where you go, i can’t, timur, then he will find out everything, i advise you look around when you walk down the street, because the person who writes you letters is really mentally ill and dangerous, you were sitting in a restaurant with this monster and... did you do this for our sake? i have life is going to hell. why did i fall in love with you right now? i know who writes these letters to you. who? pure psychology. on friday on rtr. there was no sadness, the woman bought a pig. should you get a pet? and life will never be the same again, it will set everyone in the mood, it
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’s an incredibly charming face that you forgive everything, they don’t get bored at all, well , then i clean up, i’m not bored either, because each of them is a real star, a secret of dreams, how do you feel about it agreed, the snake is red, our hearts sank, you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, trouble, listen , let me help you, look at the weekend, my business cat, actually you work here, it’s okay, you’ll excel, yes, what
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a shame, my husband, mistress, or maybe we’ll go somewhere, you can withstand a stab in the back, i won’t give you a divorce, i understand, just dare to go outside, today i was actually kicked out of the house by my husband, come to me, but how to survive the blow to the very heart, what are you doing? get lost now no, you are my wife, lover , and who are my daughter, and i came to talk to you as man to man, listen, you don’t want to kill someone, you can arrange it, only your heart is vigilant, on sunday on rtr, there are places that mesmerizing. because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready,
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explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here , taste it, oh, my eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. prices for country
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houses and cottages in recent months, alas, have increased by a quarter, the demand for the same area, on the contrary, is naturally falling, experts attribute this primarily to an increase in mortgage rates, but for those who are still thinking about buying, it’s worth be vigilant, the number of offers for problematic real estate is growing; how not to buy a house in the bag, daonova will tell you. in the office of a real estate agency, roman portyanko selects a country house in the desired location. the man liked two options at once at significantly different prices for 10.6 million rubles. in the first case , the house is completely ready, in the second, in order to move in, the man will have to invest not only additional money, but his own time and energy. the entrance is not cleaned, communications are limited in terms of electricity, they only allocate 5 kw per plot, well, for year-round living, this is not enough for me. there is a water supply system, well , a sewer system, i think this is a solvable matter, we’ll do it ourselves, we’ve chosen a flat area, we’ll have to look at it in the spring. whether there is groundwater there, and it would also be a good idea to check whether the house is located in a conservation area on land
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intended for agricultural work and other legally unsuitable areas for living, because houses with similar problems still exist on the market not... installed on them the minimum price in trying to sell illiquid property to an ignorant buyer, in order not to fall into the trap of real estate and unscrupulous sellers of scammers, first of all it is worth checking a number of documents, information about the plot, the category of land that the plot belongs to and the types of permitted use can be found in the public domain, you can request an extract from the unified real estate register, or contact lawyers who will conduct a legal check of the site, as well as request... you can independently obtain an extract from the unified state register of real estate for 290 rubles in electronic form and for 350 on paper, but if you order a detailed check from lawyers, such a service can cost from 7 to 30 thousand rubles. if the legal house turns out to be clean, but its price is still suspiciously low, most likely such a property must either be completed or carry out various communications at your own expense. the difference in the cost of such a raw house and a finished one
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can reach 50%. buyers need to understand what's inside their yard. of your site, but one way or another you can restore order, you can complete the construction with your own effort, we will put up a fence , we will finish the house there, electricity, a septic tank can be dug in, sewerage can be solved, water can be drilled, we can solve this issue, but it’s very expensive on our own, for example, for a house 100 km away, electricity supply will cost 170,000, install sewerage about 150, gas from 30 to 110 thousand, water about 100, heating 350-400, ventilation system about 250, more than 1 million, while a finished house in the same area can cost about 10 million rubles. it turns out if you complete it with your own if only a house can be built, then buying it in its raw form will be even more profitable than a completely finished one, but if the village does not have a road, playground or other infrastructure, then solving these problems can cost the future owner of such a home a tidy sum. let's start!
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep the main thing. the news will tell about the main things in russia abroad. in the studio of vera tarasova. hello. over the past week, russian troops liberated three settlements in dpr is pobeda, lastochkina and northern. sergei shaigu spoke about the results of the battles in all directions of the special operation at a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense. the minister also noted that in other directions our fighters have
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a continuous and powerful fire impact on enemy targets. therefore, the ukrainian armed forces cannot restore their combat effectiveness. special attention. losses of the enemy in manpower and equipment, on average since the beginning of the year the enemy has been losing more than 800 personnel and 120 units of various weapons every day, in including foreign production. in total , during the special military operation, the ukrainian armed forces lost over 440 4,000 military personnel. after the collapse of the military command's counteroffensive. the armed forces of ukraine are trying to use the remaining reserves to stabilize the situation and prevent the collapse of the front. as a result of the meeting, the russian army was tasked with other areas of protecting the state, with the main emphasis on maintaining stability in the central asian region. together with colleagues in the csto, russia will hold the largest exercise there, interaction 2024.
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on tuesday evening, the bsu shelled the village of suzemka in the bryansk region. three residents were injured as a result of the impact. in the belgorod region, three people were killed and six were injured. ukrainian militants opened fire on border areas more than 70 times. they fired artillery and mortars, launched kamikaze drones. cars and apartment buildings were damaged. one of the drones attacked a car carrying seven construction workers. three died on the spot, four were seriously injured. two children were also injured as a result of an artillery shell explosion. the road to norilsk airport is reopened for transport. but it is improving, a non-storm snowstorm, squally winds with gusts of up to 30 m/s have been raging in the northern regions of the region for the second day already. it is almost impossible to move along the streets on foot, dozens of flights have been postponed at the airport, hundreds of passengers are waiting for departure, and st. petersburg drivers have to cross the roads. the thaw turned city streets into lakes and canals. in some areas the cars simply float.
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potholes and irregularities are hidden under water. the last few days in the northern capital have been positive. temperature, and these are the northern kuril islands, the beka volcanoes, a huge table of ash was thrown out and covered the island of paramushira with it, there is no threat to the life of the population, the ministry of emergency situations reported. the far eastern student olympiad of surgeons started in khabarovsk, with 140 students from all over the far east, as well as from china and kazakhstan, competing for the title of the best. on the basis of the far eastern medical university, they will have to show their skills in theory and practice, nadezhda lyakh for more details. a complex operation is underway on the blood vessels of an unusual patient. why specifically the rat is not a veterinary competition: the blood vessels of rats imitate the blood vessels of the brain. for such jewelry work. cadets are given 4 hours, in the next classroom they are preparing for gastric surgery, a human organ replaces a pork one, complex surgical challenges of the olympiad are accepted by students from all
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over the far east, from china for the first time from kazakhstan. urology, traumatology - the theoretical part of the total is more than twenty- five complex tests. the winners will go to the capital of russia for the international olympiad in surgery named after the academician perelman. there is also a special prize from the chief traumatologist of moscow. i always choose one person from the final round, whom i invite to the residency program at moscow state university, this is not at all easy to get. moscow specialists are interested in these doctors returning to their small homeland. over 20 years , the number of high-tech interventions in our khabarovsk territory has increased 70 times, and these are the people who will increase these times even more. nadezhda lyakh, alexey shabelnikov, lead khabarovsk. peruvian authorities roads leading to the ancient city of machu picchu were closed due to landslide fallout. cars are not allowed, train traffic and walking trails are stopped. travel agencies and
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tour operators were urged to take this into account when planning routes. earlier , several landslides in the area injured 17 people, and several are still missing. a 100-meter section of the railway line was washed away. it is being restored. machu picchu is the citadel of the inca civilization. built in the 15th century, it is located at an altitude of 2.5 km above sea level is considered the main attraction of peru. don't switch. the millionth descent since the beginning of the winter season was recorded at the gorny vozdukh ski resort in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. the popularity of this holiday destination is growing in the next 5 years; it will become one of the leaders in ski resorts.
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local school teachers. naturally, everyone was very scared, so the first thing we did was follow safety precautions. the yuzhnosalinsky slopes today are a large investment site. what is on the territory of the mountain air, the eponymous tor mountain air, allows you to attract investors for construction. the most recent, ambitious project, it is on the territory of mountain air that they are starting to build the first
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five-star hotel complex on the island. the project price is almost 2.5 billion rubles. the investor is a russian company. however, objects in the priority development area are now being built of different classes. sergey bondarenko ilya velikanov, leading the sakhalin kuril islands. a unique extraction operation. from the heart were carried out by doctors of the republican clinical hospitals in donetsk. the victim came under fire from the ssu; a shell exploded a few meters away from him. victoria shinkarenko with details. now yaroslav trunov. feels well, but a few days ago he miraculously survived an attack by ukrainian militants. how are you feeling now after the surgery? thank god it's better. thanks to our doctors. ambulance doctors brought yaroslav to the hospital in just 10 minutes. every second counted. doctors spent more than 4 hours in the operating room to pull out a two-centimeter fragment of myocardial tissue.
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managed the process. one of the main arteries that supplies the heart is the so -called anterior branch of the left ventricle. for accurate diagnosis and detection of the fragment , angiographs and x-rays were used directly during the operation. the situation was complicated by the proximity of one of the main vessels to the fragment. doctors removed the metal from... promptly moved on to coronary bypass surgery, a vein was taken from the leg, an autovenous vein, and a shunt was placed from the aorta to a healthy area of ​​the anterior ventricular artery bypassing the affected area, which was damaged by a foreign body or a fragment. open heart surgery was made possible only thanks to the use of modern technologies. this is one of the most
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high-tech equipment. not only in this operating room, but in the world. heart-lung machine. it allows you to replace not only the heart, but also the lungs during surgery. minute-by-minute condition monitoring, uninterrupted oxygen supply and blood circulation. such devices in the republic has only two. doctors say a shrapnel wound to the heart is one of the most serious injuries. this was the first time that doctors performed such a surgical intervention, and one complicated by damage to large vessels, in the dpr. slowly, the patient was taken to the operating room, an operation was performed, the fragment was removed, the patient is now going through the postoperative period. now yaroslav trunov is recovering, but he faces a long rehabilitation ahead. victoria shinkarenko, anton khobotov, lead donetsk. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website. stay on the russia channel.
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come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive me, the main thing. good morning everyone, good morning, well, the time of winter is ending, and we will gladly say goodbye to you, andrey petrov, i am anasta dobrovina, we greet you with all our hearts and we will do this every day, so today just cheered up, let's start with entertaining physics, we'll explain why in zero gravity a paper airplane can fly forever, master class
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russian cosmonaut. konstantin borisov, who is currently on duty on the iss. what seems familiar on earth does not work here. if you throw an airplane with its nose up, the structure will rush upward and will not fall due to the lack of gravity. well, if you send it into slow free flight, then it will be picked up by the air flow and will endlessly carry it around the iss at a speed of 10 cm/s. and if you open the window, it will be faster, because there is a draft. well , this is what it looks like on the iss. unusual here on earth are daily, everyday, spam calls, now robots have also joined nazarene’s calls, so the question is: how to stop this? you have been pre-approved for a credit card with a limit of up to rub 500,000. there is a robot on the line, unlike a live operator, the interlocutor with metal in his voice, as a rule , remains indifferent to requests not to disturb or remove the phone from the call database, taking into account the fact that valeria’s daughters have smartphones, the family receives up to twenty calls per day .
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once there was a case when, during a test... in mathematics, they called me and offered to buy products for joints, and once they called me and said that they could write off my debts. valeria’s eight-month-old son does not have a smartphone, but even he suffers from intrusive telephone offers to take out a loan or buy another miracle cure. you put your child to bed for an hour or two, just as everything is going great, when you suddenly receive a spam call. at the same time , it is now almost impossible not to leave an information trail in the form of an address, email, or at least a phone number. spam calls began to haunt alexandra. after that, how she opened her own individual entrepreneur, as soon as the girl opened an account and registered on a couple of services necessary for entrepreneurs, she was literally bombarded with a barrage of spam calls. according to my calculations, the bulk of calls... occur on monday-tuesday, and this number can reach up to 50 calls per day. obviously, alexandra became a victim of a leak of personal data from the point of view of the law, this is a serious violation, but in practice it is almost impossible to find the person who shared the database of other people’s phones. find
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now those who leaked this personal data onto the network, this could have been a very long time ago, several years ago, this is impossible, and it is possible to punish those who actually use this personal data, just like that. bryansk parliamentarians decided to take advantage of this logic and submitted a proposal to the state duma to toughen the punishment for participants in the new conversational genre. the changes we propose are the introduction of a new special administrative offense for non-compliance with the requirements for advertising, establishing higher administrative fines for citizens in the amount of 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. for legal entities from 300,000 to 1 million rubles. the truth is not yet entirely clear. what to do with those who engage in spam almost legally; it is not uncommon for a person to leave his personal data as part of a separate purchase or promotion, and then for years he is forced to receive spam calls. it would be logical for commercial companies to provide for such a procedure that if a person fills out some kind of
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questionnaire form on the website, and by disclosing his personal data, in particular passport data, the site should, for example , include a form that allows a person to take back this data, that is, prohibit this organization from using their... personal data in the future, if spam calls continue to arrive even after the permission is revoked , then this is already a reason to contact the supervisory authorities, who will have to decide whether such companies should be trusted to process personal data at all? well, from the avalanche of spam calls, let’s move on to other natural disasters: hurricanes are becoming stronger, scientists say , their intensity has increased noticeably over the past 40 years, and there are so many of us that it is worth expanding the classification, adding a category six storm, researchers say, and... of course, there is a feeling of other disasters, such as a tornado, flood, have become larger, they are now more powerful. internal studio, leading researcher at the department of meteorology and climatology at lmanosov moscow state university, mikhail lakochenko, mikhail aleksandrovich, hello, hello, hello, well, we can draw conclusions,
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in fact, even as ordinary people, since the ocean becomes warmer due to molten ice, it means that the wind will also increase and the appearance of more and more powerful storms is inevitable, right ? this is not so, the tropical hurricanes in question are not becoming more frequent or stronger, at least in the north atlantic, yesterday i made a chart myself, did not shed, plotted 40 points, all strong tropical hurricanes of the fifth category, for the last 100 years since 1924, as can be seen, neither the recurrence of these hurricanes nor their strength does not become greater, linear trends that. almost zero, this means that statistically significant directional changes do not occur, this seems strange, it would seem logical that in conditions of climate warming over a warmer ocean, in warmer air with a higher
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moisture content, tropical hurricanes should be more frequent and stronger, however this is not so, what is the reason, the reason is apparently that we are talking about tropical hurricanes, now a sixth category is being proposed, one colleague suggested leading. sixth category for especially strong ones with speeds of 86 m/s or more, are you for it? i think that the need for a sixth category is not obvious, because in the north atlantic no vortex has yet reached such values. and you tell me, category five, it turns out to be absolutely destructive, 70 m/second, but we are talking about extremely high wind speeds, enormous destructive power, to further separate this category. i bet it hardly makes sense. where did all these measurements come from, what were the hypotheses based on then, that after all, the ocean temperature the world is growing, especially in the pacific ocean, hurricanes are becoming stronger. your colleagues are taking some measurements, are they simply incorrect in their measurements? these are
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the proposed sixth category hurricanes, with wind speeds that are abnormally high, above 86 m/s. only a few were observed, but not in the atlantic, in the pacific basin. they are sudden, why can’t they be predicted? i don’t understand, because they are so powerful, it’s not always clear where it will move, yeah, it can unexpectedly deviate from its intended trajectory, go completely on the other hand, what does increase over time is damage, damage from a hurricane generally increases, but this is not a natural phenomenon, it is a consequence of the growth of the world's population, you expect an increase in the strength or purity of hurricanes, no one knows this, they can occur. difficult to predict, they can occur in different regions, over the pacific ocean, over the indian ocean, over the north atlantic, but the facts indicate that over the north atlantic, in the zone in which it is accepted from...
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golden collection from azer tea is a sip luxury in every cup. start your morning with different flavors of fine black tea. morning is the time to brew azerchai. if you call spring in chorus, everyone has already rolled out the lip. she will definitely come. yabor. come on, all
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together, in unison, a show of unprecedented scale, this is energy, this is drama, on friday at 21:30 on the russia channel, well, maybe we don’t really want to, but robots are trying to penetrate into our lives more and more persistently and more persistent, walks up the stairs, recognizes the owner's voice, gives his paw and does not need daily walks, does not dog, can perform functions and... thanks to a complex cooling system for the knee joints, the iron friend overcomes obstacles and maintains smooth movements. with the help of four microphones, the team interacts with the user, and cameras and sensors allow you to navigate in space. you can control the robotic dog through an application on your smartphone or even with a remote control. the pet works continuously for 90 minutes, the main thing is to charge it on time. well, ordinary aquarium fish, by the way, can do robots. cope with anxiety and depression a.


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