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tv   Vibori Prezidenta Rossii-2024  RUSSIA1  February 28, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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the idea that a whole group of people are evil because of their blood and is moral, and i can tell you about my own experience after being there for eight days, the slavic culture is very interesting, which, by the way, is shared by russia and ukraine, there was a lot i didn't understand, what they say or how their brain works, because i 'm american, but it's not a poor culture, it 's very rich, and i admire that, well , a third of the europeans think that... ukraine will need to cut aid and push kiev to negotiate with moscow , is there to power donald trump will really come to the united states and refuse to help the zelensky regime. these are the results of a survey conducted in twelve countries of the european union at once. the european council on foreign affairs is most actively in favor of cutting aid to kiev, neighbors in hungary, more than half of respondents in romania, where this option is considered preferable. well, that is, at first they said,
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and then they remembered that in europe there is no such amount of ammunition. agree, it’s a rather frivolous position, but europe, that so to speak, it can afford it, because it is waging a war with russia at the hands of the ukrainians, and the battles are not near marseille now. not near toulouse, but near chasovoy, yar and kupinsky, but the fact that ukraine waited and hoped, believing in the obligations of western gentlemen, in particular johnson, nothing happens to anyone, well, it’s just a rash decision, once again, in all seriousness they they said, we thought, and, probably, they promised in vain, zelensky himself decided to perform an interesting trick, who, apparently, officially,
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by the way, who are they, the prisoners and agents of the kremlin, which, apparently, the sbu will eliminate. ukrainian intelligence warned today that russia is allegedly preparing an unprecedented top-secret operation , codenamed, you won’t believe it, maidan 3, apparently so secret and secret, so coded that the sbu decided to talk about it, which means russian intelligence had to have its own maidan cancel, but no, even the final goal of the operation is known. the escalation of the situation in the country is causing a military defeat of the armed forces of ukraine in the east, as if we had once hidden it. the program also includes disruption of mobilization, dissemination of terrible footage of the shot down abrams and fakes, as they say, about a decrease in international support for ukraine. inside ukraine, the insidious kremlin agents will have to begin to sow panic, incite hostility between and strife. between the armed forces of ukraine and civilians
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, after may 20, that is, when zelensky’s powers actually expire, russia will force the ukrainians to recognize the government as illegitimate, the climax will happen in june, that’s when russia will deliver the decisive blow at the front, the plan is not bad, why do they call it secret, i don't know. the intelligence committee under the president of ukraine warned ukrainians about a large-scale special operation by the russian federation aimed at splitting ukrainian society, for which a record budget has been allocated. actually, we are talking about the fact that russians will begin to pump up information about the so-called illegitimacy of the president after may 20, 2024.
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the culmination will be in march-may 2024. what details do our main intelligence department now have regarding the russian special operation maidan 3? we are talking about march about may, there will be information and psychological operations, disinformation operations, the use of agents of influence, public opinion leaders, large investments in the work of social networks, the enemy is spending large resources, great resources, on this. russia is conducting a strategic special operation to delegitimize the current government. they invest huge amounts of money in questioning the legitimacy of decision-making, using the period that they call in their documents the troubles, they want to try to inflict a military defeat, thinking that this will reduce the moral and psychological state of our army as much as possible, this is their plan.
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the president's office has prepared the text. the president's office has prepared the text of an appeal to the constitutional court regarding vladimir zelensky's tenure as president of ukraine , taking into account the fact that it ends this spring. the term of his tenure. according to the constitution of ukraine , the next presidential elections of ukraine were to be held on march 31, 2024, and on may 20, 2024 , the five-year term defined by the constitution of ukraine ends with moment of zelensky's inauguration. the president's office is now actively working to resolve the issue of how to get out of the situation that has developed after may 20. the president's office prepared the text of the appeal to the constitutional court dated. regarding the legitimacy of zelensky’s tenure as president of ukraine, given that his term expires this spring. however, the president's office still hasn't decided what to do with the appeal, because they are afraid of not getting the right decision. as of today the final
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no decision has been made regarding the advisability of such a constitutional submission. according to zerka nedeli, many in the president’s team consider this appeal to the constitutional court of ukraine to be belated. but the main limiting factor is... the fact that the president’s office is not confident that they will receive a quick, and most importantly, the decision they need from the constitutional court of ukraine. in addition, the very fact of submitting such a submission to the constitutional court will give rise to even greater doubts about the legitimacy president vladimir zelensky after may 20 , therefore , the presidential team is inclined not to initiate any appeals to the constitutional court, but to argue for the impossibility of holding presidential elections and the legality of extending the powers of president zelensky by the law on the legal regime. as for the ban on holding elections during martial law, the constitution only contains what concerns parliamentary elections, and not a single word there regarding presidential elections. regarding submission to the constitutional court, here, unfortunately, no deadlines
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apply, because even if the application were submitted today or tomorrow, there is no guarantee that the constitutional court will consider it before the end of may, until may 20, why is there such a pressure on society. russian special operations, it seems to me that this is either some kind of tightening up in advance before the decision of the constitutional court, or some potential possibility of tightening the screws against the opposition, business, media, society, that is, this will be such an excuse before international partners that we to you they said that there would be a rebellion, the document would be submitted to the constitutional court of ukraine by deputies from the servant of the people party, it was noted that the constitutional court of ukraine needed 10 votes to make a decision. today, the constitutional court has 13 judges out of eighteen who, according to the constitution, should be included in the composition, most of them were personally appointed by president poroshenko. we all understand that now, in wartime, when there are a lot of challenges, it is absolutely irresponsible, somehow
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playing so frivolously, to throw around the topic of elections in society. we we must decide that now is the time of defense, the time of battle on which the fate of the state and people depends, and not the time of stuffing that only russia expects from ukraine. i think. that now is not the time for elections, and if you need to put an end to this or that political dispute and continue to work only in unity, then the state has structures that are capable of putting an end to it and giving society all the necessary answers, so that there is no space left for conflicts and alien games against ukraine. absolute understanding by our partners of continuity power, the legitimacy of president zelensky, regardless of the formal terms of office or incompetence, and, accordingly, such a question at the level of ukraine and
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how europe will use its troops, stated boldly, brave emmanuel. that is, the european battle dwarf has gone on a rampage against the backdrop of internal problems in france and is now in the process of rethinking a military-political mission autonomous from the united states against the backdrop of the fact that donald trump may actually come to power. the day before , macron called for european troops to be sent to ukraine.
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the agency, citing the european military , and macron were instructed to only voice it. the source reports that nato allies studied macron’s plan for several weeks and the united states supported it. today another secret of paulie overcoat was revealed in the financial times. an unnamed european official told the publication that special forces. western countries have been in ukraine for a long time, otherwise we didn’t know, and also , apparently by coincidence, the american analytical center rant, affiliated with the pentagon, prepared a report on the tactics of us ground forces in the event of a large-scale conflict with russia, the document is called: “do you know your enemy.” true, officially in washington, as they say publicly, macron’s idea was disowned. in the white house they said that the united states will not send its troops to ukraine, why send
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its own, if it seems like macron volunteered , look at cnn, they even keep statistics of those countries that will not fight directly with putin, for sure, against the third world war, bulgaria, hungary, greece, germany, unexpectedly, even more unexpectedly, poland. finland, czech republic, sweden, oh my god, the united states, nato secretary general stoltenberg drew the line, saying that the alliance has no plans to send troops to ukraine, that is, it will be possible to fight, there will be only macron. at the moment, it turns out that the most terrible words, indeed, belong to him, macron, and other countries seem to understand what the threat of such militant rhetoric is and are trying to somehow take it away.
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french president emmanul macron may not rule out sending troops to ukraine someday, but a number of his european colleagues are not even considering this. chancellor germany's olaf scholz agreed that the allies increase the supply of ammunition to ukraine, but sending soldiers is for him... a red line. what we all agreed on will be in effect for years to come. in particular, not a single european
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country or nato member country will send its soldiers to the battlefield in ukraine. during a joint press conference, the czech and polish prime ministers also gave a categorical answer. i don't want to speak for both of us, but i think i share a common point of view. we are not considering sending troops to ukraine. the nato chief also said that the alliance has no plans to send troops to the battlefield. sweden, which. about to join the block also does not consider this. the british prime minister's spokesman said that the country is not considering stationing a large number of military personnel in ukraine, other than those already there and helping in the ssu. hungary will not send weapons or its soldiers to ukraine. hungarian prime minister viktor orban announced this in prague after meeting with his counterparts from the czech republic, poland and slovakia. we state that hungary will not send any weapons to ukraine. not a soldier. just hours ago, several european leaders
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said they had no plans to send troops to ukraine. a european military source said european allies had been studying the troop plan for weeks and the united states supported the idea. macron's announcement is an important political signal, according to camille grand, a former senior nato official. this is the message. multi-layered, we tell ukrainians that we are ready to take risks together with them, russia, that this war is very important for us,” grant said. for the public, the stakes are so high that we cannot rule out this possibility. it seems that i should comment on the statement of the french president. several countries invited to the paris summit as part of various deliberations on assistance to ukraine made a number of proposals, including on demining and training the ukrainian military. and the french president said that there is no consensus on this issue, but naturally, he added that nothing should be ruled out it is forbidden. i specifically emphasize this
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because i see all this news that immediately hit social networks. nobody is going to send troops. for a war with russia, and the french president said clearly: we are not going to fight with the russian people or with the russian federation. has president macron discussed sending soldiers to ukraine with president biden? i can’t say anything that you don’t already know and i can’t add anything. president biden said earlier that the united states is not going to send its soldiers to fight in ukraine, but the french foreign minister said that western...
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president biden clearly stated 2 years ago, even before russia’s invasion of ukraine, that the united states would not send its troops to fight in ukraine. of course, every country has the right to speak in its own interests. let me remind you that the president clearly stated that the united states will not send troops to ukraine. the nato secretary general stated that there will be no nato troops in ukraine. i believe that the only path to victory for ukraine is now in the hands of the chamber representatives. we must envisage new actions. to support ukraine, which would meet specific requests. i am talking, in particular, about mine clearance, cyber threats to the production of weapons locally, on the territory of ukraine. i simply remind you that such a decision is extremely serious and cannot be made without coordination with other eu and nato countries. and let me remind you that we cannot declare war without
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parliamentary approval. and finally, let me remind you of one more thing. if the president of france makes a similar decision, as the supreme commander-in-chief. at the villa of the french actor, they discovered an entire arsenal for fighting in one, within a month, the gendarmes found and seized 72 firearms and 300 rounds of ammunition, that is, allendal was waiting for something like a civil war, or maybe he was waiting for putin, at present it is naturally unclear, but the real one a scandal and
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a real criminal case, the eighty-eight-year-old grandfather could be put to death. passions are heating up more and more in poland; 50,000 farmers have already gathered in the so-called star march to the capital, warsaw, in front of with which a tractor on a trailer rolled agro abrams, molded from kizikov, straw rags, could be sent to zelensky, farmers demanded to stop grain supplies from ukraine, since because of these supplies they can...
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with ukrainian flags, as if they were saying the opposite. the main destination of farmers, the building became the european parliament. the plan was to meet with polish prime minister tusk, but he went on a business trip. happens. however, tusk has already made concessions, again at the expense of ukraine. he says that poland will introduce a ban for the import of new ukrainian goods. if the european union does not offer a solution to the problem in the european union. they came up with a solution, they advised zelensky, they say very politely, to get into the situation, to understand the poles, to look for some other markets for ukrainian grain, in general.
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the parliament buildings and stand near the government building. for the most part, they are protesting against the massive influx of cheap ukrainian food products that
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has been occurring since the beginning of the war. in particular, they are protesting against the abolition of customs duties on these goods. the first protests in small provincial towns began about a month ago, then they reached large cities. road closures and blocking of checkpoints on the border with ukraine began. today they came to warsaw for the first time, also joined by hunters and miners who are also unhappy with the european green deal, which in their opinion is incompatible with their activities. they see this green deal as a threat to the existence of their profession. clashes began between farmers and police. in april there will be local and regional
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elections, there will also be european elections in june, and there is a feeling that the government and some extremist groups are taking part in the protest and are talking about it. here you can hear harsh rhetoric directed against the european union and from polish farmers who receive huge eu subsidies. so. this is very illogical to hear, so questions arose about what is really happening here? there were definitely concerns that russian propaganda might have infiltrated this protest too. thousands of angry polish farmers gathered in front of the polish parliament, their main complaint is the eu's green deal, but they are also unhappy with the uncontrolled import of grain and other agricultural products from ukraine. they blocked the streets.
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to be on the margins of the war for several months, says the head of the british armed forces. ukraine will be short of ammunition and remain at war with russia for several months until the west agrees to further steps to support kiev, during which time ukraine may finally lose. there are also messages about security guarantees, but we have been with you for a long time.
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dangers where when kuleba just announced that first the money, then, but not the chairs, these security guarantees, the agreements on security guarantees themselves, as it now turns out, kuleba tells us, are very vague and non-specific, they do not specify the amount, they do not register weapons , it’s not clear what exactly they are guaranteeing us, so the main thing we expect from the americans is...
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in the event of the loss of avdiivka, that is, they will in principle, we did not expect such a development of events when they would leave avdievka, because they had been preparing it for defense for 10 years, it was really extremely difficult to break into the defenses in ovdeevka, it took several months, we suffered losses, but at the same time we gained, of course, a wealth of experience , and new methods of breaking the ukrainian defense, that is, that impasse that many have talked about, to say,
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now we will go on the defensive. ukraine is already entrenched and we will not be able to do anything about it, it will be an operational or tactical or even strategic dead end, nothing of the kind, we have shown that we have a very flexible approach to hacking the ukrainian defense, using the full range of weapons that we have. now, as the ukrainian command states, they have retreated in an organized manner to new lines of defense, well, in particular, the commander of the tavria group spoke about the line from berdychi to thin, this is their new line of defense, but it is clear that it was not preparing for confrontation with assault units armed forces of the russian federation, because on the approach to the village of berdyche we have already taken the steppe into the village, the second guards army worked great there, on the approach to the thin one we have already taken the northern first army corps, which is also working very well, in fact, battles are already going on in the thin one
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in orlovka for... it looks like the line from the settlement of ocheretina to actually karlovka through umanskaya, because these are all heights, this is a ridge on which you can see everything that is happening on the approaches - to this line, but at the same time fortification work is being carried out there, they are being dug in there, but at the same time along this line it works to pre-empt our aviation from gliding ammunition, grinding down those who are trying to build
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a new line of defense there, accordingly, if we break through that already, we cross this ridge, there is already, well, probably the last one, if to the west from avdeevka in the donetsk people's republic ae, a line that goes from - kurakhov, well, actually from ugledar and to pokrovsk, the former krasnoarmeysk or the future krasnoarmeysk, and for which you will have to fight before the liberation of the territory to the west, and... from avdeevka, but there is also a front to the north, there is also a line north of avdeevka, konstantinovka, druzhkovka, kramatorsk, slavyansk, without which we certainly cannot imagine the donetsk people's republic, slavyansk is generally a symbol of russian resistance of the russian spring in novorossiya, so we will certainly go there again , but now we see that very active actions are taking place in the artyomovsky direction near the yar clock,
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we have less than a kilometer left to this city. this city itself was the most important node, and more logistically, but the most important node in this section of the front, but from chasovyar there are two roads, one to kramatorsk, one to konstantinovka, it seems to me that the most interesting direction seems to be the direction to konstantinovka, so that we can slowly cut down this defense axis from south to north, and there you look from the northern direction, we too we will bring some surprises to the enemy , we will go towards slavyansk, but this is such a distant prospect, of course, for now we need to complete what we are doing in the avdeevsky direction, and create it in parallel.
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so you connect the lack of money and ammunition for ukraine with the fact that their defenses crumbled? this is also what the official rhetoric of the entire collective west now looks like, yes, day by day we are showing new statements from high-ranking americans, the british, who say: they didn’t give money, they didn’t give ammunition, so it fell, do you see this economy now in the war on the part of the enemy? well , of course, the impact of artillery from the enemy today is not the same as it was last summer in zaporozhye, of course, there is now less ammunition... less, but the enemy now has a huge number of unmanned strike systems with which he is trying to compensate for the lack of artillery, and these are very cheap systems and very effective, as we actually showed, and with a drone for 500 dollars you can destroy a factory
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worth several million dollars, that’s why it’s still the last word in any offensive operation, the infantry speaks, our infantry... said its word, but of course the artillery of the artillery has become smaller and this, of course, makes it harder for ukraine to fight back. sash, this is also your opinion, a person who has long been this is not the first time in a war, zelensky, and the rest of the high military command, including ukraine, says that they will now dust themselves off and go on the offensive again. after such a grandiose failure, we probably call what happened in the fall, spring and summer on the part of ukraine. a colossal failure of the counteroffensive, you can quickly dust yourself off, prepare a new plan and really try to go on the attack again, how do you feel about this? well, zelensky was very often distinguished by the fact that he did not act based on
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not out of military necessity, or military expediency, but based on political circumstances, based on political circumstances, of course they can gather some kind of fist to strike somewhere in one place. not along the entire front line, as they tried to do last summer, but in one place to try to demonstrate some kind of political success to their citizens, this will certainly not have any strategic consequences, because today they must accumulate an offensive group, although would be close to the one which ukraine had last summer , in may last year, well, quickly shaking off the concrete... it won’t work out of tired hands, but firstly, there are no such resources that the west now, the west does not have such resources to provide to ukraine, and secondly , well, there is probably no psychological fuse that was in 2023, when, in the wake of
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their successes in the kharkov region, in the liman direction, they decided that now the russians would run and run all the way to the southern coast of crimea, well it didn’t work out, but we on the contrary, we will feel it. the taste for victory , we felt this sports passion, we realized that we can beat the enemy hard and none of his prodigies will stop the russian infantry, so it seems to me that zelensky is once again being cunning, but for some kind of suicidal throw, they are quite possibly capable, but what do our guys in the trenches say about the ukrainian army, it is demoralized, what does it look like now? yes, remember, we always talked about the fact that stubborn people, nazis, banderaites, motivated, those who understand what they want, then you look at the catch in odessa, and it occurs to you that this is some other people now at war,
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who are these people? yes, ol, you know , for me in this regard, the opinion of people is very important, i talked to them in avdeevka, who participated in the bakhmud meat grinder operation, who fought there, but literally it’s life or death, it’s against them. there were really motivated units and they clung to every stone, to every bite, to every entrance, so they had to kick them out, yes at the cost of serious losses, they say that there is nothing in avdeevsky. there was no such thing, so they did not encounter this manic resistance, and there were some focal points there, yes, where the ukrainians fought until the last, but this was more likely from some kind of powerlessness, but this is already such a property of the psyche, to fight to the end, but there was no system in avdievka, that is, here after the logistics were cut off and it became clear... that there were no ways to transport the bull and
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soon there would be no ways to retreat, basically the units fled to usa, that is it was not a motivated public there, as in artyomovsk, this is a different quality of fire, but here, too, there is no need to be deceived, because now in ukraine in the rear they are preparing from six to brigades, fresh brigades, which will again be freshly equipped there and equipped with what something western. less losses, okay, even these eight
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, even 10 brigades, they won’t be able to do anything, there are 50,000 people there, at least a million is needed there, probably, to do something there, well , it’s like that, it’s certainly unpleasant, the assault is really avdeevka, it’s different there, it’s you can’t compare it with bakhmut, you have to compare it with mariupol, when they were surrounded, that’s when they were there, they were practically surrounded, why did they flee from there? there is, of course, a version that someone told zelensky that this was the avdeevka coke plant, it still has nothing to do with his favorite powder, so he withdrew troops from there, and he gave the order to retreat, and retreat, well, maybe , perhaps yes, and this option is logical, but the fact remains that they are still fighting hard, fighting hard, but if we talk about morale is, in general, heaven and earth. of course, of course, if we take it even six
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months ago, well, everything was done with caution, but now it’s completely different, i’m even talking about something else, yes, when we looked at these extra footage from mariupol, when you’re a nazi, you have wolf sangele , you have swastika tattoos - that ’s one thing, when you were going home or there , i don’t know, for bread in odessa, you were caught, beaten, thrown into a trench there, that’s a different story, that’s... who is more important now , the nazis or those who tried these nazis, i tell you i’ll tell you one story , it’s absolutely not fictitious, this is the commander of our assault brigade, his call sign is a highlander, he says, well , we’re gathering people, the wounded, everything is quickly there, well , someone is sitting there in the corner, they grabbed him in russian, what’s wrong there, now don’t worry, everything is there, they brought it to the hospital, everything is fine, but once they stripped it, they are alone here...
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in my opinion, they have two points, this is mobilization by any means possible, now we are already talking about twenty-year-old guys who will mobilize, although every time we ask the question is, why do you need mobilization if 3000 dead, let’s not look for logic at all, well, just to the point that what remains is mobilization, the second buildup of terrorist acts, they all have two points.
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i doubt it, most likely no one will give them anything before the elections, and not because they don’t want to give it to them, but because they understand perfectly well, republicans. give it to them, that is, if the money goes directly to the elections against them , they just understand this very well, that how much they will give to ukraine is not a fact, what to do, oops, no, it has disappeared, but here they are in the elections, so i democrats need a political statement, and why do republicans need this, of course, yes, yes, just
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for this reason, and the self-propelled grandfather himself, he of course says everything there , what happened there regarding the fact that otherwise there will be death there for the ukrainians there and so on, everything is beautiful, but we need the ministry of foreign affairs, probably, to also move on to certain work with them, because they gave him an ice cream, he eats it, oops and said: “let’s stop, i’ll work to stop fire in the gas, well, give him a chupachuvs there, i don’t know, let him, that is, all this time we wanted to be tougher, with him we need to be completely different, well, that’s how it was, i didn’t make it up, that he really said that’s all , we will work on a ceasefire in gas after this ice cream.
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said that something like 40% of the american population is going to vote for him somehow, in general, i, well, probably, this is their business, please, we are not against it, choose, an experienced politician, apparently very experienced, well, okay, then, let’s move on to to our, so to speak, beloved macron , now, it seems, everyone has disowned him, yes, but...
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but he said, yes, i agree there, you see, a thirty-five-year-old man who literally made a career for himself , now we won’t develop this idea, but we won’t, well, as you say, although in general there are a lot of interesting things that can be said about this , i doubt it, oh well, so this macron and this annal need to know a very important thing when they are going to send military contingent here, here it is... this is accordingly possible, and nuclear warfare, this is what a nuclear power is going to do , accordingly, you need to know that we have one sarmatian with a nuclear warhead of ten - homing warheads destroy 650,000 km, one sarman, this area
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is comparable to the area of ​​france, so in order for him to no one said , you just need to explain it to him, that it will be like this, that is, when the president, he came once - how old are you when president vladimir vladimirovich told him: are you really going to fight with the russian federation, are you are you really going to the people of france to fight with the russian federation, is this what you want, he stands there batting his eyes, what and what? but this question, well, is he crazy or what’s wrong with him?
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in what to do, that's what they can do, on the one hand he says, let 's sit down for negotiations, they will say this, just look a little more and they will, let's sit down for negotiations, or we then we’ll go and you’ll fight with non-nato countries, with individual nato countries, like this, well, they’re trying to give us some conditions now put it, because i’m afraid, i ’m going there, you see, first you pass debaltsev, and the ilovaisk cauldron, we remember. debaltsevo cauldron, minsk 2, that is , now they will lose large cities, they will definitely lose them, that’s another question, and they will say, let’s negotiate, that’s what we have to say, that’s it. question: how should we answer this? to say, no, we won’t, yes, we’ll have to go to them, because we also
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understand that ask any person, do you want peace negotiations or war? of course, that's all for peace negotiations, the question is , they are trying to trap us in this, depending on what major cities they will lose by this moment, and we will liberate, if lvov remains, we will leave, no, well, seriously, i like the way you think, just exceptional, just right here. this is how we need to do it, yes, but we have a security issue, what is it, but there for odor or there for the elbe it’s even better, there, but the swedes, hello, here we are in nato already on issues 50%, ukraine needs help, the question is, i don’t know how much there is a question, it will be there to fight with russia, how much they will have there, something i think, much less, you know, to lie on the sofa and say, yes, well, let's help.
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guys, you have big problems, you can play there in your zornitsa from morning until evening, when you actually encounter a russian soldier, god forbid for you, then you will understand what a pound is worth, and you should not take macron’s statements lightly , despite the fact that no one seemed to publicly support him at all, if you believe , including the american agency, then the initiative does not come from macron at all, what they call him: they gave him the right to say about it in order to slightly calm down the difficult situation in his own country, maybe it will seem
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brutal to some, in fact the initiative comes from washington, the democratic party, they are trying somehow solve the problem in ukraine while difficulties arise with 61 billion. the stuffing happened a few weeks ago, and this is not the first meeting in paris where it is absolutely official. raising the stakes in the confrontation with russia with nuclear weapons. european a military source said european allies had been studying the plan for
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weeks and the united states supported the idea, although macron did not provide any details. the french foreign ministry said the idea does not involve direct military action by french troops against russian troops in ukraine. monday's remarks appeared to be a turning point for macron, who for years has sought to position himself as the mediator in chief. between russia and ukraine, through let's be back in a minute, the forever young wonderful festival, with it we welcomed the thaw and perestroika, with it we spent the velvet season on the shores of the black sea, russia again opens its arms to those who own the future, their motto is, the world is changing because i am changing, together with russia, they
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are going towards their dream, opening ceremony of the world youth festival, live broadcast on saturday on rtr. i was going to look for a job, any job, just to get to steif, why irina steif is a very unknown fashion designer, yeah, albert, figure it out, come up with it for me something, i’m hiring you, thank you very much, cleaners, it seemed to me that this new girl could help us, that’s exactly it seemed, talent can’t be bought, we need to create our own collection to show it to people, i’ll try, talent can be stolen, collection everything disappeared, albert, what about the hall,
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there will be a fashion show of my collection there. you still have nothing to show, it turns out he was deceiving me, and not only me. kruzhiva, saturday, nerter. i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no thinking here, here it’s all about playing or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because... there are five of us, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible , i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if anything. zhenya
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will add his own, what they use. many, the strongest love for the game is the program of five for one, five for one on saturdays on rtr. artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me with the goal of generating love and subsequent official one. it’s just that my experiment didn’t go a little according to plan , we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in my head, butterflies sometimes flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows me to get rid of these butterflies
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in my stomach, i have them too, it will let go, i’m ready to marry you even tomorrow, marry me, marry me, you love him, daughter, i hate it, it means you love it, by the way, about butterflies, on saturday on rtr, we defend ours, we believe in what is dear to us, we talk about... what is important to us, our every word is a step towards victory . evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. so, both us president biden and the us pentagon austin lost their professional fitness for health reasons, this threatens the security of the us.
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obama and trump's former doctor, ronnie, said on fox news. according to him, biden, but this is probably no secret, has serious cognitive problems, the us secretary of defense dealt a serious blow to the security and reputation of the united states with his secret illness. austin's health problems are worrying journalists from poole. the pentagon, us department of defense press secretary ryder were asked whether osten, who was ill and had difficulty moving, would be able to travel abroad and perform.
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proposed to send him into retirement , to rest, yes, due to his age, but for biden austin is generally a young man, that all this has been there for 70 years, so it is unlikely that he will be dismissed before the elections, they will be so sick and go to work, as for the situation at the front, you know, i really like it, not in illness, just some kind of total degradation in absolutely all directions, well, they still know that they are not the ones in control, so in general , no one there really is , who is somebody?
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ukraine has not allowed the front for a long time, so a man drove more or less correspondents, both his own and others, to a line not far in the selidov area, where most likely they will create some kind of second, third line of defense, now there really is no one, we saw how they running across the steppe, talked there with the local residents and admits that everyone looks with hatred at the ukrainians...
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news from the west, the united states of america, of course, ukrainians ask a lot of questions about this, and what kind of questions, i’m looking at now, are what
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europeans, americans don’t understand, they think they will receive some kind of gratitude from the ukrainians, but i see that now there are statements almost in a row, this one from the nazi organization aidar, and a military unit, its once wild former commander, declares, so what are we now... now , if we europe has betrayed us so much, and now we will gather troops, we will go to hungary , we will seize them, and we will move 20 million ukrainian refugees to hungary, since they are like that, odessa activist max gordienko, also a natsik, means he says that europe does not yet understand what they are, what awaits them , we ’ll set up a field for them in that europe, we won’t care who to beat, beat the whites until they turn red, beat the reds until they turn white, i’m quoting this verbatim, yes, you understand?
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no need, these are the posters that have now appeared at polish protests, yes, well the dawn is symbolic, yes, the flag of the european union and the blue and yellow braid, this is how polish farmers feel about how they really need ukraine and how they feel about ukraine in general. as for zelensky’s term of office, this is the most interesting topic; in the near future, at least in ukraine, it will also contribute to morale. note, this is what you showed the frame, yes, they suddenly remembered for the first time, but in fact in the constitution of ukraine there is not a word that elections are not held during martial law president, how many?


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