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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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in the first person, you just tell me what is happening and where, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i should always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see again, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday rtr. hello, on the russia tv channel , denis polonchukov is presenting in the studio and the main thing for this hour: a missile strike on a stronghold of the armed forces of ukraine, ukrainian militants were destroyed in the ovdeevsky direction. today we begin accepting applications for the personnel program: time of heroes for svo participants.
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crew of self-propelled guns nona s from suriya paratroopers destroyed a group of nationalists in a shelter. all combat work is carried out only in the dark using. this is done in order to exclude the detection of guns by enemy aerial reconnaissance. on march 1, the country begins accepting applications for the “time of heroes” personnel program. veterans of special operations will take part in it. vladimir putin announced the launch of the project the day before in his message to the federal assembly. the main goal of the project is to give the heroes of a special operation the opportunity to reach leading positions in the education system and business.
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management to lead regions and enterprises. thanks to this, veterans and svo participants will be able to receive higher education at leading universities in the country as a priority. the training program will be created according to the same standards as in the higher school of public administration, as well as the competition-leaders of russia. primorye has already introduced the practice of appointing special operation participants to leadership positions. so, recently a commander was appointed as the new vice-governor of the region for internal policy.
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and another initiative of vladimir putin is the national project “family”. it caused a positive reaction throughout the country. the main goal of the program is comprehensive support for families to increase the birth rate. as the president noted, the measures that the state will take must be effective and must give real results. ksenia kolchina listened to the opinions of mothers with many children. evgenia is a mother of many children. three of her own and 60 children, evgeniya, like no one else, knows how difficult it can be for people with many children, she spoke about this in her message to the federal assembly the president. for a family with many children, first of all, yes, and for any family, every penny is needed, yes, and this money will always be useful for the development of the child, maybe for some. i don’t know, additional
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family opportunities, maybe some travel. evgenia, as a mother of many children, took advantage of the preferential mortgage program, amounting to 45,000 rubles. to repay it with federal and... regional maternity capital. the president emphasized in his message: the preferential family mortgage program will be extended until 2030, the rate for families with children under 6 years old it will be 6%. the maternity capital program is also extended until 2030; at a minimum, the family receives 630 thousand rubles for the first child. at the birth of a second child - 202. the program for paying 450,000 rubles to repay a mortgage loan for large families is also being extended until 2030. the school is provided with free hot meals, younger twins receive a discount when paying for kindergarten, families are in line for a plot of land, large families in primorye are given free land, some do not know about
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support measures, so it would be nice additionally notify what measures are available, what supports are available, maybe bonuses for those who don’t... know what kind of help they can count on from the state, a multifunctional family center has begun operating in primorye. every parent can contact the social center completely free of charge and receive legal advice, help from a social worker or free psychological assistance. here they promise to help find a way out of even the most difficult life situations, so that all families, not only large families, know that they are under careful protection of the state. ksenia kolchina, denis yunak, vadim telegin, lead. another important topic of the message.
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interchanges on the m12 east highway not only connected moscow and kazan, but also connected as many as five regions of the country. tens of thousands of cars drive on the new high-quality asphalt every day. safety and comfort are what distinguishes this highway. 810 km and no traffic lights, intersections or signs that would limit the speed limit. this road has accelerated so much that in just 2 months it has been driven over 4 million times. it’s convenient for everyone in terms of speed and time, now we ’ll get up, have a snack and then drive on, the route is bright, it’s nice to drive, the road is smooth, from moscow to kazan instead of 12 hours it now takes 6.5 m12 - this is a powerful growth driver for the regions
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in the zone more than 50 million people live along the route, and these mean new jobs, new travel routes; today , arriving in moscow is often... faster and easier than even the nearest moscow region. 810 km have been covered, but this is far from the finish line. the route goes further beyond the urals, this year it will stretch to yekaterinburg, by 2025 - to tyumen. working on the kazan-ekaterinburg sections is now in full swing. the road is almost 800 km, of which 275 km are laid out from scratch. people who were driving in two lanes will be driving at the end.
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movement to the east. in the future, this route should connect the entire country, right up to vladivostok. ainuruli akhmetov, mikhail vikulin, mikhail mirzaents, nail khazipov, elena bedyak, lead. today is an important event for the residents of kursk. eight new trams are being launched in the city. they will start plying along updated routes will connect the outskirts with the city center. the cabin accommodates up to 15 passengers. the launch of new trams became possible thanks to the federal program for urban electrical renewal.
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in real time is adjusted depending on the need for load on the number of trams or areas on the line so that citizens are comfortable and public transport is more efficient. lithuania has limited the disembarkation of passengers on trains in transit to kaliningrad; russian trains have long been walked through the republic, making only technical... stops, but at the same time passengers got off and boarded the trains. at the same time, today vilnius suspended the operation of two checkpoints on the border with belarus. access is closed to both vehicles and pedestrians. report from the scene by anastasia sakhovskaya. front wheels in lithuania, rear wheels in belarus, the latest cars, a cyclist, forests, lost in the light of flashing lights. at midnight , the lithuanians blocked the border with belarus in pure russian. no, well, no, that means, while the letovites were putting up a temporary fence, the belarusians had to dismantle the dividing line so that the truck could
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turn around, but they didn’t let theirs in at the last moment, and several more trucks that had already been parked, registered for almost two days, really couldn’t have started these six vehicles, they bully as they please. 2/3 of foreigners visiting belarus on a visa-free basis are lithuanians, this checkpoint was one of the most popular for them, queues will appear, those who travel more often will be worse off for them. vilnius also explained his actions forcefully: a blockade means security, locked borders, the fight against spies and smuggling. we are not engaged in smuggling, we are not known for espionage, i do not accept the word security, that there is some kind of martial law, first the borders, and now bruno’s spiral, here the village of kotlovka is cut in half, vilnius is less than an hour by car, but the most popular transport in the border region bike. in its prohibitions , lithuania is already crossing all boundaries, prohibiting the movement of pedestrians and cyclists, even in those. checkpoints that are still still remain open, disembarkation and boarding of passengers at the border
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railway stations ken and kibortai is also prohibited , the rules for the entry of belarusian citizens on schengen visas are being tightened, we saw how the queues for a bicycle are fast, convenient, and now there are no options like by car, but we will stand for days, lithuanian there may be up to several hundred companies transporting goods in transit through belarus, the association of lithuanian carriers said that small companies that are not... large will suffer the most launched, but they still have 100 , the companies will force us to do one, two 10, and how to pay the drivers, if he made four trips a week, a month, now he will do one, this will at best increase the load on the two remaining checkpoints, the lithuanian direction is already the busiest, taking into account the closure of two checkpoints, the nominal throughput of the entire lithuanian direction today will be reduced by almost half by 40%, due to... queues and time expectations will also increase by approximately this amount, but this is not enough for vilnius; the authorities
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intend to ban chartered bus transportation and reduce the number of permits for regular ones. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander alexandrovitsa, oleg peletsky, lead the belarusian-lithuanian border. sergei lavrov arrived in turkey to participate in a diplomatic forum. the minister's plane landed at antalya airport. the head of the russian foreign ministry will hold negotiations with his turkish counterpart, as well as with the foreign ministers of azerbaijan. uzbekistan on the agenda interaction in trade, energy, banking and tourism. today the world youth festival opens in sirius; it will welcome about 20 thousand guests from almost two hundred countries. for a week, the federal territory will become a platform for open conversation and exchange of views. sports culture, science and charity, media, business, the festival will cover all areas and unite young leaders from all over the world. ready-made extensive culture. a program where a special place is given to the history of sochi and the country. first time participating in the festival
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children and teenagers under 17 years old will be accepted. for the largest international event , the olympic heritage, sports facilities, hotels and all infrastructure will be used at full capacity. the official opening of the youth festival is tomorrow. you're watching the news, that's what we'll talk about later in our program. ukrainian agents who were preparing terrorist attacks on the peninsula were detained in crimea. russia is ready to transfer it to ukraine. naty, come on, yura, she can work with
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anyone, you can somehow see things, feel something, even with ghosts, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, come out and look for me, i have to find someone, ah, but not everyone can work with her, you dreamed about this kidnapping, you started some kind of amateur activity here, where? we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. you 're looking at 100 to one. what is our task to open the entire scoreboard? we'll manage. if you ask, do so politely.
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everyone knows the name of which character from pushkin’s works. what is 7.8? 7:8 how many people at work talk a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for headaches, god forbid, now beep-beep, if you win, then hurray! 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, and what kind of job are you going to look for, any job, just to get to steif, why irina steif is a very unknown fashion designer, yeah, albert,
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figure it out, come up with something for me, i i'll hire you, thank you. cleaning lady, it seemed to me that this new girl could help us, that’s exactly what it seemed like, talent is impossible buy, you need to create your own collection to show it to people, i’ll try, talent can be stolen, the entire collection has disappeared, albert, what’s wrong with the hall, there will be a fashion show of my collection, you still have nothing to show. it turns out that he was deceiving me, and not only me. kruzhiva, on saturday on rtr. our children always dream of what will make them happy. and every parent wants these dreams to come true. we support them.
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we are proud of her. and we believe that everything will work out for them, because their happiness depends on our choice. march 15, 16, 17, take part in in the presidential elections, together, we are strong, we vote for russia. artyom maslov, i invite you, as part of my scientific project, to enter into a relationship with me in order to generate love and subsequently formalize the union. on saturday, maybe we’ll try microbiomes with a kiss, my experiment just didn’t go a little according to plan, we know these experiments, even if there are only formulas in my head, butterflies sometimes flutter in my stomach, i have a scientific method that allows
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you to get rid of these butterflies in stomach, so there’s me too, we’ll sleep with you and they’ll let you go, even if it’s tomorrow. i’m ready to marry you, marry me, marry me, you love him , daughter, i hate him, that means you love him, by the way, about butterflies on saturday on rtr, watch today a special episode of the 60 minutes program, all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in world, don't miss it, 60 minutes. today on rtr. you watch the news, we continue the release. two ukrainian agents who were preparing terrorist attacks on the peninsula were detained in crimea. according to the fsb, they were recruited by sbu officers. when searching them a radio-controlled and homemade explosive device was seized, and
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correspondence was discovered that confirmed plans to commit a terrorist attack on the railway in the simferopol region. besides. they were going to blow up the black sea fleet servicemen in sevastopol. and now , back to the situation in the special operation zone, the vostok forces group hit strongholds and a drone control base in the ukrainian armed forces. the strikes were carried out in the area of ​​populated areas by crop and coal crops. according to the ministry of defense, more than 100 militants have been eliminated. and in the kupinsky direction, the positions of the nationalists are attacked by alligators. west 70, south 40. guns! crews of the d-20 howitzers of the west group of troops destroyed camouflaged mortar and artillery units of the armed forces of ukraine, in order to take a firing position, calculate the coordinates and carry out. russia is ready to transfer to ukraine the bodies of those killed in the il-76 crash in
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the belgorod region, human rights commissioner tatyana moskalkova stated. earlier, the obbudswoman reported that she was in contact with the ukrainian country via department about the plane crash. let me remind you that on january 24, an il-76 was shot down in the ssu by a missile from the american patriot complex. russia insists on an investigation, but there are no volunteers from international organizations yet. now everyone can see who the aggressor is, it’s washington. this is how the official representative of the russian foreign ministry , maria zakharova, responded to the statement of the us secretary of defense that nato will have to fight with russia if ukraine is defeated. austin zakharov named the words:
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illegal immigrants, joe biden arrived in brownsville, cleared of outsiders, at the same time in the same place in texas, in the notorious eaglep , trump was with the state governor and with the inspection. when communicating with border guards, biden always has a cheat sheet with him, and he asks questions based on it. also included in the frame is a huge prompter with the help of which biden addresses trump with a message , demanding to influence the republicans in order to...
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build a wall for two eras, two walls, one started, but never completed , trump’s wall, the second is this wire fence , which, despite washington’s protests, the authorities continue to establish texas. almost 10 million illegal immigrants have arrived in the country during the biden administration, which also means an increase in crime. one of the latest cases is in the state of georgia, where another migrant from venezuela entered the united states through open borders.
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enough good weather? enough, denis. and in the south of siberia, spring brought the temperature back to normal, during the day it was mostly about five degrees below zero, and even in kazyl it was no longer below -10. and in european territory the weather is ahead of the calendar. in the north there is a thaw with some light precipitation in places. in kaliningrad, yalta +12 and no rain. and in the center precipitation is minimal during the day up to +5. in the volga region they are not yet moving away from the zero mark, but the sun is trying. but in the krasnodar territory in crimea, even with clouds. in st. petersburg on saturday + 4:6 without precipitation, in moscow all weekend plus 2:4, light precipitation, will not change the weather tomorrow. it was a weather forecast for a country where the sun never sets. only here, in the largest country in the world, could an online bank appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million customers. tenkov. tinkov: 40 million clients in the most
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big country in the world. and so far the forecast is for the sun to remain warm for the coming days. it even smelled like spring outside. thank you, victoria chernikova was with the weather forecast. today on our tv channel is the fourth episode of the most unpredictable vocal show, come on, all together in chorus. singer lada dance will open it with her super hit. ekaterina fralova will continue.
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groups, here is the youthful jar, the quartet of cuban machos, everyone believes in their success. all 100 people will stand up from our performance, the energy of latin music is our voices. we we are sure that no one will resist. but none of the participants is going to give in. they are ready to fight for victory, especially their fighting friends, the women's choir. we are already shaking and sweating, but still we do not lose our fighting spirit. whoever conquers all one hundred experts will become a finalist will compete for the main prize - 5 million rubles. there is only one episode left until the finale, which means you can’t make a mistake, everyone sang the third around three notes and you all
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jumped up, how cool, operatic. classics, favorite russian pop hits , modern hits, they will perform all this together and certainly in chorus, don’t miss it, today, immediately after the evening news release, ekaterina fralova and lyubov lomanova, news. news continues to monitor developments, stay tuned. we continue the issue, now we are returning to the topic of the special operation in the kherson direction . our military destroyed a group of ukrainian saboteurs who tried to land on the tendrovskaya spit. read more andrey grigoriev. tenderovskaya spit is actually an island in the black sea, narrow, one and a half kilometers wide, but almost 65 in length. somewhere on these
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photographs were taken of its gently sloping sandy shore.


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