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tv   Istorii Bolshoi Strani  RUSSIA1  March 2, 2024 12:10am-1:11am MSK

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hey, korish, great, kirill stepanovich is at home, he’s gone, he’s gone ashore. and it will be a long time before 6 o'clock, we are leaving at eight o'clock, why do you need it? i wanted to crush the jar with it, but maybe i’ll wait there? come on, i’ll go from the stern and give you a ladder, i felt that he was doing something like that. well, illegal or something, but
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i certainly didn’t know, i finally began to suspect when he forced me to meet oleg in a restaurant, then after everything that happened, you were at his apartment, you saw someone there, with his friends he introduced you, and in general, what connected you, what connected you, that’s all? he had money, at first he liked it, of course, that means you were at his apartment, never once , honestly there was no word, he said something about his ex-wife, that he comes home, makes scandals, he probably took it from me met, it’s good that you were convinced that promiscuity in dating could be sad for you. have you ever heard of
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brunov, bronov, something familiar, but no, i don’t know such a person, excuse me, zarubin, kroshin, konstantin ivanovich, wait a minute, well, larisa ivanovna, we will have to meet with you. again, please , but if you remember something very important, immediately ask to meet with me, okay, pass, take the pass, thank you, good-bye, good-bye, what have you, brunov’s fingerprints were found among the prints in kosovo’s apartment, now a re-examination is being carried out, let's go.
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where to come here, please, colonel, get busy, get busy, well, i’ve got a collection, there’s something, a lot more, we’ll finish soon, comrade colonel, where live, makhovaya, house 5, apartment 8. house
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five, apartment - of course, brunov was here, so, they missed kosovo, sit down for a while at the devanche, make sure that every centimeter is examined here, young man. and so, as soon as you finish the examination, go to torchinsky’s ex-wife, talk to her, maybe from there we’ll go to kosovo, and i’ll go to the hospital and try to talk to torchinsky again and keep in touch with lokhov and litvinenko all the time, they have everything approaches, airports, train stations, it’s clear, it’s clear, well, good luck to you, comrade colonel, photographs show brunov to your neighbors, of course.
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did you know that her brother is boris. leonidovich is in custody, at first not, but then she said, she said, why? yes, but not right away. in general, my ex-wife, she had nothing to do with the business. calm down, calm down. brother's bodies. how did you find out about the treasure at their former dacha? one day, when we separated, a letter arrived from her brother, yeah, why did you hide it and read it,
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in fact, only the first was addressed to her, the first part, and... the second part was intended for a friend, brother, he remained free, the letter was preserved, no , the friend’s name was not there, there was no, there was no last name, and of course you don’t remember the contents of the letter, there was nothing significant, but i realized, at the dacha in the foundation cabinet. values, values, and after that you saw leonidovna again, told her about the letter, no, she, she didn’t want to meet with me anymore, well, thank you, but you know this citizen,
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no, i don’t know, who is this. who do you want, hello, lidochka, hello, you probably have the wrong door,
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no, lady leonidovna, let me come in, well, come in. no, not into the room, go into the kitchen, there’s bedlam in my room, thank you, sit down, thank you, i’m listening to you, i came to talk about your brother, i understand. when did you see him, the last time, the last time i saw him at the trial, i was already asked this question, after his escape, which means he
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still hasn’t been found. “i’m sorry, i understand , tell me which of his friends was especially close to him, you need to ask him about this, but you know them, remember when they asked me questions after his escape, they asked this one, i can’t add anything more." well, or don’t you want to? i don’t want, if there is no peace for me, let others live in peace. it’s clear, although peace is not always achieved by silence or non-participation. they won’t insist, goodbye , goodbye. no, i can
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put it off until tomorrow, but if you wait, i ’ll be right there. okay, i’m on my way now. can you, konstantin ivanovich, come in, come in, was brunov’s sister? yes, he was, no she wants
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to talk, and hasn’t seen her brother, it turns out that no one has seen him at all, although he was in the kosovo apartment, driving the car of luck, the drazdovskys, and torchinsky was hit by this car, that’s where it was. “yes, there is some kind of invisible man, it turns out, yes , there is an invisible man, at one time there was a good film based on wells’ book, i didn’t see it, only there invisible people were always required to communicate with people, a coat, a hat, shoes, these are all minor things, he also glued his sideburns , attached his nose, wore glasses. do you catch it? not yet. he needed a face to present.
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you can’t do without a face, you need to raise bruno’s case again. have you come up with anything? no, did not invent. i remembered. but now we need to check. at one time , one person was involved in the brunov case on a tangent. surgeon. thus. five clinics with specialists in the field of facial surgery, well, there are also similar surgeons at a beauty institute, and how many specialists in total? 38, these are official data, but in general , any surgeon can perform such an operation, i don’t think that everything is so simple, appropriate practice, tools, equipment are needed, so it’s unlikely, but we have to take into account the unaccounted for they say, yes, the names...
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i have a suspicion that the podnik is connected with brunov. hello, i agreed to meet with you, but i don’t have much time, i’m listening to you, i’m sorry for disturbing you again, again about your brother, hello, hello, lidiya leonievna, we need your help, mine, in what way? yours? i can help you, you see, in our opinion, there are people who know your
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brother much better than you and me, you are familiar with them and could, no, could not, i don’t know what grounds give you the reason to do this think about me, you probably think that your sister is capable of meanness only because her brother committed a crime, but no, time is running out and people may die, still i can’t be of any use to you, i apologize, i don’t have time, goodbye. do you know dr. podnix well? jan karlovich, but why did you ask? why did you ask about him? is this a scary person, scary? and you? you are scared? me not. you see, bore grew up without
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a father, it was jan karlovich who made him like that. i know, i'm sure of it. lidi leonid. listen to me carefully, i have read your brother's business. then the podnik managed to get out, would it be fair? if he manages to cripple something else life. well , what do you want from me? he is no doubt experienced and careful, he must. how do you get in touch with him, he always loved jewelry and women, and could you recommend him a patient you know, the fact is that they sign up for the institute a month in advance, my
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recommendation could ruin the whole thing for you, lady leonidovna. okay, i'll find someone who could recommend your patient to him. yes yes, did you call konstantin ivanovich? tatyana semyonovna, did you ever have to take part in school amateur performances in your youth? no never. yes, and i thought that all girls dream of being artists. apparently i’m an exception, so we decided to try you again in this field, you’ll go to the beauty institute to see dr. podneiks, discuss the details with captain kroshin. i think that the role of a glamorous wealthy patient would suit her better than the inexpressive role of a saleswoman in a department store. konstantin ivanovich, will you arrange
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for the receipt of jewelry in tatyana’s name? semyonovna, rings, some kind of brooch. more effective, well, what else is there , your consultation is necessary, depending on the amount , i think, five to six thousand, we won’t waste time on trifles , the game is worth the candle, konstantin ivanovich, well, in case he loses, and if he loses, we’ll deduct it from his salary tenfold size, hold, act.
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my yesterday's charmer, hello, in this toilet you are even more elegant, i ask you, please, jan karlovich, then later, you have a new bracelet, a miracle, yes, a miracle, don't argue, i won't argue, jan karlovich, i'm waiting your verdict, i decided, well, dear angel, why? why do you need all this trouble? you have a lovely, piquant nose, and its upturned, snub, upturned, tautness gives your face a special charm, well, what does your fiancé say? he agrees, i persuaded him, he is a barbarian, no,
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although i understand that a woman like you can have... anyone, so, well, let's see, so sit closer, excuse me, yan karlovich, so that means young oval, young ova, ksenia nikolaevna, of course, of course, she ’s crazy, come on, so, so, okay, ok, it's okay, don't be afraid, i, ok, i won't, i won't, tari. yes, hiding a rather hard, saddle-shaped deformation of the nose, i’ll probably write you a referral for an x-ray for examination, please
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, thank you, oh, your ring is different today. yes, i inherited this, an ancestor of beauty, amazing water, a stone , it was left to me from my grandmother, i adore stones, by the way, i have one thing, completely unique, look, god, there is reason to believe that this is the work of himself. try it on in the mirror, let me help you, you have no idea how much i want to have this. no, i imagine, because i myself would like to have it, but 3,000 is too expensive for me, and the owner does not want to give up. i'll persuade him. how? but where can i get 3.0? can't he change?
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swap? for what? the fact is that my grandmother left me gold coins as an inheritance. so. maybe he can switch with me? i don't know, but he's a dental technician, so maybe. "we need to go to his dacha, this can be done tonight, you lovely, i'm anlovich, when should i pick you up, today at six o'clock, all the best, goodbye, neva, i'm fifteenth, as you hear, welcome, fifteenth, i hear you well, neva, they reported, the ten passed the eighteenth kilometer, we continue observation" i understand you, ten have passed the eighteenth kilometer,
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you drive great, you probably have a lot of experience, yes, my father first entrusted me with the steering wheel for 17 years, i adore cars, machines and stones, but you have already noticed this, yes, i did, niva, niva, i’m the fifteenth, as you hear, welcome, fifteenth, i hear you well, niva, ten at fifty-eighth turned right onto the dirt road, i understood you,
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for example, the road is very bad, now turn right, only here the dance is quieter, here, good. and it’s a wonderful gift that you came, hello,
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hello, let me introduce you, and they brought such a charming girl, stanechka, ervant akopovich mikatisyan, very nice, very nice, please, dear guests, hello , how was your trip, okay, take this, please, dear guests, it’s very nice that you came. i’m preparing something, you’ll see now , just a minute, until he feeds you, he won’t let you go,
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the famous caucasian hospitality, please, i said, in a second everything will be... i’ll help you, i’ll really oblige you, only a woman can set the table so beautifully, thank you, i propose a toast to the air. for the earth, for the sun, in a word for our beautiful lady, well, you stole my toast, for your health, charmingly, once again. you
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rest, i'll find the basement now.
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ten, ten, i can’t hear you, ten yaneva, repeat the call, i can’t hear you for a minute, yes, what, come down to me, please? now, excuse me, uh-huh, who did you bring, idiot, she serves as a police officer, did you see her bracelet, it was confiscated a month ago from the shingelatsi, maybe you are confusing something, maybe men can help you, no, no , no, honey, i’ll serve it hot now.
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day fifteen is chasing a white volga gaz-24 15 i understand, a dozen is chasing a white volga gaz-24, they understood correctly, the dozen is not responding to radio calls.
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104 i am neva, how do you hear the reception? 104 is listening, 104, please detain the car, volga gaz-24 white, but i will talk to him, the area is located fiftieth, seventieth kilometers of the priozersk highway, and the roads adjacent to this area, i warn you, criminals may be armed, yaniva, as we understand, welcome. i understand you, white volga gaz-24, 50-70 km of the priozersk highway, i am 104.
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attention to the goyim, i see the white volga
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gaz-24. 70 km of the priozerskoe highway moves towards priozerskaya at a speed of 110-115 km/h. all gai posts take measures to arrest.
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get to the car in the woods, hands up! department of internal affairs of kalininsky, petrogradsky, vyborgsky, dzerzhinsky district, line police department, take measures to search for the detention of citizen jan karlovich, 1920.
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where are you dragging me, i’m an honest person, well, well, help, help, well, i hope i don’t need to prove it to you , that your real name is kasparian, kasparian , gurgen artemyevich, the obhs employees have been looking for you for a long time, or is it necessary, is it not necessary, why, i think
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you also understand, kasparian, that only utmost sincerity can ease your situation, i understand everything, citizen. all i’ll tell you, it was a guy who led me astray, called me and said that great valuables were on the way , very large, i settled at his dacha to meet this man, the meeting fell through, what kind of person, his name, surname, i don’t know, dear citizen , i don’t know, well , understand, don’t touch the microphone, i’m sorry, i swear to you,
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take this citizen to investigator sharkov, bring in the next one. i don’t understand the reasons for my detention, comrade zarubin, if i’m not mistaken, please explain, i ask, i will willingly, willingly explain to you all the reasons, but
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just not detention, arrest, and in order not to waste time, i ask you to read the testimony of the doctor elizaveta fedorovna gredneva, who assisted you in carrying out the underground operation, excuse me, carried out on citizen brunov. subsequently kosovo, photographs of brunov and kosovo were presented to her, read the identification protocol, well, read, read, here’s a telegram from yalta, i’m looking forward to meeting you next time. i'm worried about my health, andrey, this is
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already the second telegram, yan karlovich, andrey, as we believe, brunov kosov, but we want you won’t tell me who and where he’s waiting, keep quiet, well, then i’ll tell you, he’s waiting for you today. can you guess how the meeting with your former patient could have ended for you?
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before the criminal is detained, two operational groups are created, a capture group, senior captain kroshin, a cover group, senior major sverchkov. the criminal is armed, any surprises must be excluded, crickets
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and kroshin, take care of the safety of tamara efimova, i draw your attention to this, kolya, wait.
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anna borisovna, it’s a pleasure, help him. let's drop the formalities. come on, yura? she can work with anyone. you can somehow see things, feel something. even with ghosts. 1 2 3 4 5. come out and look for me.
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i have to find someone. ah... but not everyone can work with her, you dreamed about this kidnapping, you started some kind of amateur activity here, kindergarten, god, please, just a word, believe me, that’s it, no contact with ostrovskaya freely, continuation, we’ll watch on monday on rtr.
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what kind of job are you planning to look for? anyone, just to get to steif, what? irina shtaif - this is a very unknown fashion designer. yeah, albert, figure it out. i'm hiring you. thank you very much. cleaning woman. it seemed to me that this new thing could help us. that's exactly what it seemed like. talent cannot be bought. you need to create your own collection. show it to people, i'll try, talent can be stolen, the whole collection has disappeared, albert, what you took, there will be... a fashion show of my collection, you still have nothing to show, it turns out he was deceiving me, and not just me, lace, on
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saturday , nartr! please tell me do you have yours marmalade, if not, then can i be one - a stranger once asked the famous singer katya lel, and so began the happy story of love and marriage of the singer, which recently , unexpectedly for everyone, ended in divorce.
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my katya lel, the beginning of the 2000s became a period of triumph and at the same time turned into years of difficult trials. it was then that the romance between the singer and her producer, businessman alexander volkov, ended in a war of survival. katya dreamed of a family and children, but he was already married and did not want to change anything. but after the breakup did everything to destroy her quarry. mushi-mushi, pusi, pusi, my dear, i’m burning, i’m all in the taste. she had to go through
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dozens of court hearings, cancellations of concerts and television broadcasts, but katya lel managed and was even able to loudly declare herself again when world hockey stars pavel burei and alexander ovechkin appeared in the singer’s videos, i’m complicated. what does it look like i’m naive, but still yours, i love you, the tabloid press then tried for a long time to find signs of katya lel’s new novel, despite the fact that the main man of her life i was already next to the singer, i love you for what you are, because you are here and just next to me, i love you, they starred in this video together.
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igor was there, even when many stepped aside after katya lel’s loud confessions about her contacts, allegedly with aliens, what happened, after 18 years of happiness and love. decided to divorce, why the second birth of the song my marmalade coincided with such a difficult period of her personal experiences, and how the singer sees the future of our country, which, according to her, is open to her, fate person, katya’s fate, lel, dear, i’m glad that we often meet at... so many topics for conversation arise every time, but this time something completely incredible, oh well,
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now maybe i’m not even for you for the first time i’m embarrassed to admit that i’ve been singing in my soul for 20 years, i’ll try, i’ll try jaga jaga, before i might have thought about admitting it or not, but now the whole world is with me, songs for almost a quarter of a century, how... is this possible, how did you even know about this, that suddenly this song began to tear up the world, world charts? well, this is of course a fantastic story, borechka, songs for 20 years, suddenly, according to official data, 100 million views a day, my song is marmalade all over the world, can you imagine, today we are 100 ml about seriously, stacker carlson has just interviewed. he got nervous, he had such a close competitor, wow, we ended up in the top three of the world charts,
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even ahead of taylor swift, who took all the world’s prizes today for the first time.
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mom, you know, every second post is yours song, my marmalade all over the world , i say, are you kidding, emilia, emilia saw, yes, when people from all over the world began to send me what was happening, and in hats, in fur coats, with red or black caviar, on a big sandwich , - beautiful, chic women, looking like russians, uh, with make-up, with painted lips, they are enjoying life , singing my... marmalade, what is this? this, this was called a trend, but just at the kremlin, even the men were in hats and fur coats, this was called a trend, glory girls, that is, russia, we represent russia today, friends, that’s all to me they write that we have begun to have a different attitude towards russia, this is amazing, today the russian language, so you know, is being taught with great pleasure in different countries,
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they send me statistics in america that today there is just some kind of boom, people want... . russian language, asia has simply gone crazy, there all of china has simply surrendered to russian slang and russian speech, it is clear that this is the energy of sound, this is the energy of the russian language, it is uniting for people all over the world, but i am sure that we are being prepared for something more, absolutely the plan of higher powers, we are being prepared, that the russian language will be a world language. put it on, let's see how the western world is already preparing for this, these are the videos that are going viral with terrible force all over the world internet, put on marmalade, i'm wrong, try it, try jaga jaga, try it, i need this, words, and so it seems to me that
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my head is spinning, my marmalade, i’m wrong. marmuladny, yana is right, try, try jaga-jago, try, i need this, i need it , marmolanny, i’m wrong, try, try jaga, jaga, try, i have this it is necessary, it is necessary, but it seems to me that grombi, koladva, try, try, jaga, jaga, try, y... and those who don’t have a fur hat, they put their pets on their heads, fold them in half, and so they are extending the rent in a way , this has been happening for three months already, this is jagomania all over the world, well
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, in fact, everything started, apparently from the beginning of the 2000s, when you and... fodeev created this song, do you remember how it was, in general i had an idea of ​​what it could be, of course, i remember like yesterday, like 20 years ago, oh, what a cool photo, super, super, when max wrote the melody, at first he wrote me 10 melodies for the jaga-jaga album, he said, choose which first track we will record, i say, let me listen, what a cool melody , let's... let's start with it and i see the text - my marmalade, and what is jaga-jaga? don't you know? i say: no , this is such slang, hey, how are you, everything is cool, jaga-jaga, when we were recording in the studio, max then lived in prague, in the city of prague, and i go into his singing booth, and he says: stop, in this singing booth burke herself sang, and here everyone is crying, and i
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’m unfolding like this, and i’m not going to cry, let’s go, but i didn’t know what awaited me next. i sang and sang, sang and sang, i sing for half an hour, i sing for an hour, yes, how long can i sing? max sits with headphones on and says in a cold voice: i don’t believe you! you see , it’s not marmalade, when he speaks, every hair will stand up, then i’ll believe you, then i got angry, angry, well , as long as you can sing, with some strange, incomprehensible accent, i sing this song from first to the end, suddenly there is such silence, i hear max coming so big , the door opens and... i say: max, what are you doing, and he is like that, now i believe you, you see, you see, now every hair has become, now i i believe you, that’s it, it happened
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, put it on, you told me so amazingly about it, how it was born, put on the original already, i didn’t open it and didn’t sleep, i was almost choking, but i washed it down in two and... words, again it seems to me that i’m spinning my head, my marmalade, i’m wrong, kissed, hugged, after, broke, mail i loved, but i forgot about two weak, that’s how it seems to me that my head is spinning , my marmalade, i’m wrong, try mom, mom, try jaga, jaga, try y...
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there is energy, the energy of life, the energy of high, the energy of lightness, lightness is there, it’s true, this video was born, just as easily, but how? i wasn’t born easily, i remember how max called me and said: this song annoys me, i’ll write it 100 times cooler, let ’s destroy it, then i realized, this is a test, maybe this song is forever, maybe this song is the one, which will make our whole life, there was some kind of intuition inside, and i said, max, max, wait, wait, please, you’re in a bad mood, everything will pass, let’s give it 2 days, 2 days, if the song also suits you will be annoying.
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the same author in our country, whom i love and thank very much, who sells a song for a lot of money, and only gives the performer the right to perform it, so if you want to ask, where did all the money from the world go for a worldwide hit? no, it’s only max, maksimochka will get it, and katya i’m happy that the song is popular, by the way, he congratulates each other. in general, with this , with this second birth of the song , they congratulated, somehow, they rejoiced together, yes, i, when the song had already entered the chart, max said, you know, here is a globe, and this globe is all...


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