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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  March 2, 2024 8:35am-9:00am MSK

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this is a detour to poland, the shortest route to lithuania , 10 km to druskinenkai, its mayor is already afraid that closing the checkpoint will be a mistake, the lithuanian ministry of internal affairs is happy that a fifth of tourists and relatives will be cut off. from each other, the most popular transport in the border area is a bicycle, the letovites did not allow you to pedal even at open checkpoints, you saw how fast and convenient the queues on a bicycle are, but now there are no options like by car, but we will stand there for days, they predict an unbearable load on the checkpoint in the lithuanian carriers association, small companies that have not reoriented towards the european union, but there are hundreds of them. ivan has 15 cars, all of them transport flowers to belarus and received a bunch of problems from the lithuanian authorities. large companies will drive the scale , they... launched one, two, 10, but they
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have another 100, what should we do, and how to pay the drivers, if he made four flights a week per month, now he will make one, but lithuania wants cut off chartered bus services, reduce the number of permits for regular ones, prohibit the disembarkation and pick-up of passengers at border railway stations, all transport connections are being severed i'm making money. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander alexandrovits, oleg peletsky, ekaterina bobkova, lead the belarusian-lithuanian border. a powerful wildfire in texas is gaining momentum, almost 440,000 hectares are burning. the worst situation in the north of the state, the fire may become the largest in the history of texas. local media cite the following statistics: every second two football fields burn down in texas. two deaths are known; over forty buildings, cars, gas stations and much more were burned. the fire cannot be stopped yet succeeds. earlier, governor greg abbott declared a state of disaster.
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scientists are following the phenomenon of bloody ice, who covered the water area with a red blanket, whether colored ice threatens the ecology, elena shtylina looked into it. observant primorye residents were the first to sound the alarm when they saw coastal ice in the bay with bloody red spots; some suggested that this was the site of a bloody massacre, others that it was due to dangerous pollution. they usually say that the military leaked something, they drained something from ships, chemicals, in case. there the green
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yellow ice broke through the sewer, but it turned out that small sea animals and zooplankton were to blame for the bright spots , tens of thousands of tiny crustaceans were frozen into the ice, biologists saw them through a microscope, having studied samples of colored ice, massive blooms of phytoplankton could have attracted the rocks to the surface of the water, and small mustachioed vegetarians froze during a meal ice. we can assume that there was a microwater outbreak earlier. grew, the crustaceans multiplied on such nutritious food and gave color to the ice, thanks to the content of pigments in their body, it gives the ice a red color, colors it so brightly and is quite colorful. the phenomenon of bloody snow has previously been observed only in the polar regions; closer to spring, microscopic organisms bloom using the melt water and sunlight. scientists
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link this to climate change and note extreme blooms in oceans around the world. elena shtylina, andrey tolstikhin, vesti primorye. the altai territory celebrates the seventieth anniversary of the beginning of the development of virgin lands. tens of thousands of young people went to altai to develop new lands and provide food for a country that is actively was recovering after the war. in barnaul. there was a theatrical reconstruction of the meeting of the first train with virgin lands from moscow. report by leonid hill. from the very morning , hundreds of barnaul residents began to gather at the old railway station building. they were all waiting for the arrival of an unusual train. the first train from virgin lands to barnaul arrived on the night of february 28 to march 1 , 1954. 70 years later , exactly the same train appears at the station of the capital of the main agricultural region of russia. the carriage was decorated in style. slogans, the beginning of the time
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of development of new lands. that year from different from the ends of the country, thousands of young people arrived in altai, they were met by delegations from factories and various institutions of barnaul, and at the rally-concert dedicated to the anniversary, theatergoers were also not allowed entry. my grandfathers took part here, my soul rejoices for the people, both young people came to the concert and people who remember those times helped at a very young age. the youngest of the virgin lands, he was 8 years old, don’t be surprised, he didn’t work for money, he was a virgin land worker, he was awarded a medal for the development not for medals, he worked for something to give
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grains were ground, flour was ground, mother baked such fragrant bread that smelled like the field. the region became the region of the largest arable land in russia, 6.5 million hectares. leonid khil, pavel auranin, message altai. the cultural and educational center hermitage eurasia will soon open in the historical complex of city council buildings in the center of orenburg. but the main exhibit is already ready -
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this is a unique jasper room, made by local craftsmen from the rare orsk jasper rock. our correspondent oksana boricheva was shown this work art. the orenburg workshop is finishing a world masterpiece without false modesty. craftsmen are making the final preparations for the jasper room of the hermitage eurasia center, the only one not only in russia. there are no such things in the world and there never will be. a room made of the unique orsk jasper rock, the most beautiful in nature and the most difficult to work with. the team to create a unique object was assembled by orenburg resident nikolai mestyashev. he has been working with unique stone for half a century and knows that we...
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technology does not convey the depth of colors, so everything from a pencil sketch to finished stone panels is handmade. jasper is mined in different countries, in different regions, in india, in china, orenburg jasper, it is very multifaceted, look, so many colors merge in it. 23 tons
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of jasper went into creating this masterpiece; 75 m2 is covered with a thin layer of unique stone. under a certain light... and angle, the patterns on the stone resemble either landscapes, or silhouettes of people, or mysterious animals or insects, but every time they return here, visitors will definitely find more and more new ones images, it seems that the stone comes to life here, visitors will be able to see the new pearl of orenburg in the fall in the satellite of the state hermitage in the hermitage eurasia center, it will open in september after restoration in a unique historical building on pravdy street 8, now the work is nearing completion, there will be. .. changing exhibitions of the state hermitage, there are also a number of rooms that will house changing exhibitions of our orenburg art museum . the first exhibition in the new exhibition space will be dedicated to the artist karl bryulov and his contemporaries. oksana boricheva,
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alexander polikov, vesti orenburg. the international multi-sport tournament games of the future continues in kazan, within the framework of which the speedrun and... rhythm simulator competitions ended, and the first physical wedding took place, more details danila makhalin. another additional gaming point of the games of the future, the same it park where the battles took place there.
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we don't see her. the most popular one, the one i like the most, is bnihhop, that is , it is a technique that allows you to quickly move by jumping. well, this is in many games. a quick reaction is needed in the rhythm simulator, where the final took place on the big stage of the expo, the task is to cut flying figures in a virtual reality helmet. to be honest, i expected my opponent to win, because he was stronger than me on average in preparation, but apparently my nerves overpowered me. and i survived, oh, very happy in victory, honestly, really very happy, where
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will you spend the cash prize? and, most likely, to study at a university. the city of the future is universal so much so that for a while he even became a deputy. artificial intelligence, among those whose wedding ceremony was scheduled for march 1, chose egor and elena orekhov, and it turned out to be the first physical wedding. the decision that it was necessary to hold the wedding here was made in a second, it was made. zendakai karate tournament. the famous athlete vitaly kolodyazhny did a lot for the development of this sport in russia.
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he passed away last year. the japanese delegation came to honor his memory and award the best fighters of the tournament. about how sports unites, kirill rogachev. thick beats with a bamboo stick on a japanese drum. shikhan from nagan opens a tournament dedicated to the memory of his great friend and associate, viliy kolodyazhny. these competitions were called the overlord competitions. winds, this is how the japanese pay tribute to the founder of zaandai budo karate in russia, vitalia passed away in october 2023, this is sport and politics - these are different things, i think that this has nothing to do with it, we try to treat this very respectfully, so in the future we will pay attention to this. we came to honor the memory of vitaly kolodyazhny, this is an important matter for us. vitali’s mother does not let go of the calendar with the image of her illustrious son, who dedicated his life to one path, the development of this style of karate in our country. valentina konstantinovna.
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when vitaly got into a serious accident and had to move to a wheelchair, he did not leave big sport and mentored his students in every possible way. during the visit of a delegation of guests from japanese naga to sensei, they not only shared their sportsmanship, but also visited the grave of the founder of the russian federation, zaandai vitaly kolodyazhny's karate, the memory lives on. the japanese delegation also visited the burial place of fallen athletes and special operation fighters. and here are these shots from a master class for far eastern youth from sophisticated japanese. participants soak up every movement and obligatory bow. the athletes showed a high level; they have very good physical preparation, come to the tournament in
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japan. after training from the guru, 40 athletes from all over the far east and kazakhstan apply their skills in competitions. winners in five weight categories in addition to cups receive an invitation to come to the tournament in japan. kirilla rogachev, sergey shulga, vesti khabarovsk. all news is always available on the media platform we watch in the application or on the website and by this time everything, we are watching. development of events. see you.
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the weather is clear and the sun is shining, this afternoon in the first hour i went out to hunt the dog.
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even under fur blankets at 77 degrees north latitude, the cold was unbearable; local residents helped, gave us some provisions and a couple of dog sleds. together with three cossacks, navigator semyon chelyuskin continued his journey and reached the goal of his journey on may 9. the weather was cloudy, snow and fog, we arrived at the cape. this cape is stone. warm, of average height, near onovo the ice is smooth and there are no taros, he set up a lighthouse, one log, which he took with him. for more than 100 years after the expedition, scientists argued whether chelyuskin could have risen so high to the north?
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it was believed that with the equipment of that time this was impossible, but in 1879. the outstanding swedish arctic explorer nordel skjöld rounded taimyr and stated in amazement: “chelyuskin really visited this cape, the correct outline on his maps gives grounds for this statement." and in 1919 , the famous norwegian geophysicist, oceanographer sverdru, carried out the necessary geographical research officially. russian hydrographer, traveler, polar explorer, military sailor, captain of the third rank. the childhood spent by semyon chelyuskin in his family the estate of the belevsky district of the tula province did not
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promise any special prospects, although the chelyuskin family had an ancient origin. the ancestors of the future discoverer served as governors, stewards and solicitors, but after the suppression of the streltsy riots, the chelyuskin family name was included in the list of the secret chancellery. finding himself in opal, his father was forced to mortgage his estates and go into debt. in the fall of 1714, young semyon chelyuskin was enrolled in the school of mathematical navigas sciences, which was located in the sukharev tower in moscow. at first he was assigned to a russian literacy class. here those students were selected who were diligent and willing to study science. after 3 years, chelyuskin moved to the navigation class, where he studied algebra, geometry, geography. in 1721 , he received certification as an honest man should, having tested the dignity of the navigator's
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position and good manners. cheryuskin is assigned to the baltic fleet. he serves the humble. in ties, first as a student of shturman, and then under shturman, he attracted the attention of his superiors with his ability to give an accurate description of the shores of the gulf of finland. in 1727 , he was assigned to train midshipmen, although semyon showed good results in the service, hopes for a successful career were low. command positions in the baltic were received in mostly foreigners and those who had support in the adveralty, the rest. bering. in the naval and admiralty lists of the great northern expedition, under the command of servants going to the kamchatka expedition, semyon cheluskin is listed as navigator. he was included in the detachment of lieutenant
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vasily pronchishchy, a fellow countryman and longtime acquaintance of chelyuskin from his previous service. the detachment had to explore the shores of the arctic ocean in the area between the mouths of the lena and inisei rivers. the piercing detachment at the end of june 1735 . his descriptions contain reflections on mammoths horns whole animals and mammoths with both horns were found in the frozen soil, their
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skin was 5 inches thick, and their body hair was decaying. at the same time, sailors mistakenly believed that mammoths were sea animals that still exist in the northern sea in deep places. a year later , tragedy befell the expedition. scurvy inexorably collected a deadly tribute from polar explorers. after a serious injury, vasily pronchishche passed away. his wife tatyana died of pneumonia. they were buried in permafrost at the mouth of the olenyog river. chelyuskin wrote about what happened in in his report to beling. and he received the order to lead the detachment. however, there is no necessary equipment and food to continue the journey. most officers were against continuing sailing in the polar latitudes. chiliuskin thought differently and titled the report to the admiralty with the words: what has been started
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must be accomplished; for the journey he asked to send ropes, sails and caps. in 1740 , the long-awaited new equipment arrived. in the summer, yakutsk set out on its last voyage. in august , the ship was jammed while drifting.
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chelustin cherished the hope of directing it himself northern point of the continent. in the journal of the expedition there is not a word about the ambitions of the navigator, nor about the hardships that befell...


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