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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  March 3, 2024 8:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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and went, as our people say, sorry for the maviton, in lawlessness , it’s just that civil war and chaos had already begun, who needed to do this, if yanukovych already agreed with everything, the same people had to go to the polls if we came to power now only through legal means, we, like idiots , would pay the 15 billion that we promised, keep gas prices low, continue to subsidize the economy, and let's be honest, here we are all adults, right... smart, literate people, the west supported the coup unconstitutional, what next? look, they carried out a coup, they don’t want to talk to us, what are our thoughts? the next step is ukraine joining nato. we believe that they tried to talk to us using force, and that it was our actions in this logic that gave an adequate response. we didn't create this. crisis, we were
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opponents of such a development of events, it was not we who handed out pies to the rebels on this score, yes, we understand the complex processes there, but they do not need to be solved in the same way , and where right next to our borders, but where are you you are thousands of kilometers away, and we are here, this is our land, what do you want to fight for there, you don’t know? but we know, and we are ready for this, i would never have done this if i had not believed that we were obliged to do exactly this way, as for the chronology of events, first there was a coup d'etat, the seizure of power, from that moment, from this moment, our views and paths with the leadership of ukraine, they became diametrically opposed, from that moment we diverged from them, but...
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how do you know this? very simple because that, because people who live in ukraine, we have thousands of joint contacts and thousands of connections with them, and we know who, where, when they met, worked with those people who overthrew yanukovych, how they were supported, how much they paid, how they trained, in what territories, in what countries , who these instructors were, we know everything
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, they didn’t want to, they couldn’t help but understand that this was a red line, we said this a thousand times, no, they climbed in, well, here we got today's situation, and i suspect that it is no coincidence that they needed this conflict, in as a result, the united states severed ties between russia and europe, sparked an armed conflict between fraternal peoples, but dealt a blow to its position in the world from which the once global leader is unlikely to ever recover. pavel, what is known about
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the president’s plans for the next week? a lot is known, so our next issue will be interesting again. strive to change this world. subscribe so as not to drown in other similar feeds, well, in the next episode of our tv program sunday you will see more than the rest. thank you pavel, we are with you i'll see you in a week, and
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we'll meet the audience after a short break, i'm waiting for you in the studio on sunday evening. the west, trying to put russia in a strategic dilemma, is going to great lengths; on the one hand, they continue to insist that they do not want a direct clash between nato and our country, like macron’s rhetoric.
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continues to talk all sorts of nonsense, well, in general , okay, today i will also show an interview that i conducted with bash rasad, he also very accurately assesses all these so-called leaders, by the way, he has every right to do so, but he doesn’t care about the elections, he...
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it’s no coincidence that the president ’s rhetoric has become so toughened, there is no need to experience any illusions, there is no crime that the west will not commit in order to destroy russia, to paraphrase karl marx, there is no crime that they they didn’t agree, they’ll agree to anything, the germans
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violated all their fundamental articles of their law, which they didn’t call the constitution, on the supply of weapons, and on participation , they violated everything and... no one in germany even said a word, because the nazi bastard happy, french, we came up with the idea that the french were the victors in the second world war, so they repaid, because they were, in fact, not supporters of de gaulle, but supporters of pitain, so they remained, a branch complex for what is actually the history of great france ended with napoleon’s campaign in russia, everything else was already agony, that’s who broke the back. to the greatness of france, russia, this is where the entire glorious and short-lived, by the way, chapter in the history of the french people ended. so what's next? do we think that the british will come to their senses?
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poles? dutch? even the italians, who in theory should have been grateful to us for a lot, in particular for our help during covid. and through meloni they are trying to stab in the back, and of course, with confirmation of the direct involvement of western wars in the conflict with russia. negotiations between high-ranking german officers began to be made public , discussing how best to carry out an attack on the crimean bridge. germany is not even trying to refute anything, they confirm that yes, these are real negotiations, that yes, this is an interception, that yes, it was, yes, this is the topic was discussed, scholz is reproached for continuing to justify his refusal to send a long-range missile to ukraine. the west itself has already become entangled in this verbal idiocy on... or is it purposefully preparing for a big war, but is pretending that no, no, no, we don’t want a clash under any circumstances, there’s some
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french idiot, now we can have them there list, now the head of the foreign ministry declares that the most important thing is not to allow, god forbid , russia to win, that then economically it will be a stranglehold, that is, it means all the prosperity europe, which was on cheap russian gas, was not a blessing in the neck, but if grain suddenly comes from...
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wants to think, yes, it will be a big nuclear
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war, the tests of our ballistic missiles do not impress them, a nuclear response in the event of a central threat is still considered a bluff, in mid-february putin told the french: do you understand what this will lead to? they don’t understand, they just really don’t understand it, but you westerners, i know that you hang on our every word, well, look at the footage. state test cosmodrome plesets, where the crew of the yazhkoorodino missile formation carried out a combat training launch of the solid-fueled intercontinental ballistic product iyars, mobile-based, equipped with a multiple warhead, i would conduct such a test, well... i would land it somewhere, let macron choose a city in france , which he doesn’t feel sorry for, will warn
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the residents that they quickly left and so that they understand what this will lead to, although, if i understand correctly, then one such product is enough to wipe all of france off the face of the earth, a little less, but paris for sure, there are only three heads, so this is only three, but enough for paris for sure, well for paris, probably, so ask yourself the question, paris is worth a mass, worth this. verbal expectations, strategic uncertainty, a set of french cretins, strategic uncertainty will lead to the fact that france could disappear from the face of the earth, like... and many other countries, like all of humanity, because in a nuclear armageddon it will be difficult to look for survivors, strategic uncertainty, pathetic little idiots falling into a frill and from the fact that your own little finger was cut, are you trying to say something to us, our people, do any of you
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understand something about difficult wars? peace than their idea of ​​an ideal war. what is an ugly world? this means a freeze in hostilities, alignment of the front and the acceptance stage. let them have crimea, donetsk, lugansk and whatever else they want. the american taxpayer is not at all obliged to allocate another $100 billion to ukraine.
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moreover, there is corruption there. moreover, it’s still not there. here's what senator ron says johnson. i think one of the real things that we have had to face and that we don't acknowledge. even if you support ukraine the way i support it. even if we consider vladimir putin an evil criminal, as i consider him, then the reality is this. vladimir putin will not lose this war. spoke about victory over russia: russia has a population four times larger than the population of ukraine. they produce 455mm rounds for $600 per round. west - about millions per year at a price of 5-6 thousand dollars. we should keep track this, but that's a separate topic. the average age
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of soldiers in ukraine is 43 years old, and there are reports quoting some of those close to zelensky.
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well, did you fly through this far, or should you ask the current authorities of finland what ’s going on there? i don’t know, but there is a fair question, nevertheless, now the russophobe who came to power is already saying that we need to reconsider, we have opportunities, what kind of non-nuclear status is this, and maybe you want
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to stretch russia on several fronts, well we had such an experience, the intervention was on troops landed in different... directorates, we did not have nuclear weapons then, but there was the main thing that always led russia to victory: the russian people, when they say, putin will win, yes, putin is the supreme commander-in-chief, but russia and the russian people will win, why do i highlight this so much? it’s no coincidence that they are making plans for the physical elimination of our leader, which they have written about many times, naively believing that the whole matter is only vladimir vladimir. vladimir vladimirovich expresses the aspirations of the russian people, that’s why he’s so popular, that’s why he’s so people belong to him, the russian people cannot be defeated. no one succeeded, the only war that the russian people are losing is peace, so we can be taken with flattery, wrapped
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in the arms of the lying western scum, who , through the corruption of those who called themselves the undeserved elite, putin very accurately determined who the elite is now, betrayed interests of the people, but this time, i hope, will never happen again.
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that is, to convince with words, convictions, they don’t want to hear, so today, speaking about the development of our country and setting a development plan our country for many years to come,
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we thereby respond by understanding where our strength is, what our strength is, what the consequences of this conflict will be, including for the west, we are beginning to build the russia that will be allocated the most important place in the new world order, when the president spoke , he outlined all the topics related: today we can actually talk about the paradigm of a new new vector for building the state and the economy of society. in fact , we can say that today the social sphere and
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the quality of life of the people have already become the main the meaning and ultimate goal of the country's economic development. and this turns everything upside down. this is not just a correlation of our movement forward. no, this is a different russia, in which the main place today is the people, the russian people, with their enormous size. potential, well, let's see what can be developed today in this sense, which means that all this requires resources, so today all the previously spoken and heard phrases: there is no money in the budget, we are not able to do this, we do not have enough resources, this is not market instruments, everything, these kinds of arguments from liberal vocabulary no longer exists, for us today there are completely different derivatives of the concept of labor, qualifications, potential, in the end even money, these are the criteria. the basis for determining our capabilities, and there can be no restrictions here, it can only be the irremovable physical absence of these resources, well, that is, little water, little land,
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few resources, but this is not about us, not about us, we have everything, therefore moving forward with resources, then with these resources, in general, the implementation of this program must be skillfully manage, which the president also talks about, what he points to, he says that today it is necessary to move from private to public partnership, that is , today we need to manage the economy based on... where there is a need, we make maximum use of market mechanisms , where not, we are directive management, and this is a normal process, because it is completely different in scale, size and ultimate goal, the task facing the economy and social sphere. we can say that the message will sound new socio-economic ideology, by the way, this is very consistent with the universal economic machine, which we sometimes talked about here, but i want to say that with the new social-economic ideology, let’s go over it so briefly, i can’t just put this volume into... in then at the time that you and i have, this is demography, this is sovereignty, sovereignty, in general demography itself is a unique way or criterion for assessing social
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development. it is universal, it is systemic, when we talk about a large family, we we understand that this is no longer just such a chosen factor, such an equal one, no, it is an economic factor, and thanks to this today we can reconsider the entire national economic policy, here is housing, here is labor, and the distribution of labor resources in general throughout the country, this is accessibility housing itself, and this is high-quality work and highly qualified labor, education and so on, that is, isn’t this a completely new task for our country, which reveals russia’s potential in a completely different way. sovereignty, well, the president said, yes, we are not going to engage in auto-targeting, today we have a country that can form its own economy, but understanding what should be the basis of it, then he talked about youth, life expectancy there, and so on, but what is this all about? says that with the socialization of economic processes, the fight against poverty has actually become the key tasks of our development of our economy, and this means
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that quite important was said, well, i won’t say with... a revolutionary, but important statement that today, when we talk about that any state support for enterprises should be linked to an increase in workers' wages, but isn't this an indicator that there is a completely different attitude towards the participation of business, its socialization, its participation in the economic role and processes that take place, but here we must, unfortunately, return to the financial sector to say that the current monetary policy does not yet correspond to such volumes and time frames. will reorganize, i think, like on thursday, they heard the tasks, grabbed their heads, went to recalculate everything, we patient people, we will wait, but the fact is that the government will develop without this, but i would like the monetary policy to be in maximum demand, its changes are in the current process, because look what the president said, savings certificates, well, what savings certificates with such a floating ruble, accordingly, we must clearly understand that the presence of a savings certificate, accordingly, involves the population in the active process of participation in
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business, and in economic life in general countries is possible only by abandoning inflation targeting with a floating ruble, very beautiful and wise words, which means, well, we must say that it is time for the central bank in the general financial sphere to return to fulfilling the provisions written in the constitution, which we periodically criticized, but at least once it’s written down, go back to this and take care of the ruble exchange rate, and here it is very important that the government understands that both the financial bloc and the central bank should not only be involved in this process, they should speak today about how... they understand how to ensure the implementation of this project, well , let's see, just recently even you witnessed the reaction to the fact that supposedly the central bank exchange rate cannot be reduced today, why? well, money, the population will start taking money from banks, well, what kind of naivety, well, firstly, to take it, well, where will they take it, where will they take it, where will they take it, secondly, but do we really think that only due to this the economy develops, thirdly, but in order to
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to carry it somewhere , this should not be allowed, we must also work on this, because in fact, the withdrawal of money abroad today is significantly limited by the fact that the president signed a decree on the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings, but excuse me, this still has growth prospects , that is, this topic can still be developed and brought to a normal state, the second does not need to be translated into currency and the government should not set an example that we, for example, that we have moved away from the dollar and the euro in general to the yuan, well, this is a bad example for the population ,
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because the fact that monetary policy should actually become an instrument for the development of our economy, we understand that there are very good examples of housing, how much we are building with you, colossal, but there are also topics here, if compared with china, which is building, well, that is, the potential of china, the potential of russia, allows us to say that russia can build. than anyone, what is built now, we have now built one and a half times more than in the best year of the soviet union, this is wonderful, but potential, and we have it let’s build for someone, for the population, because today there is also here, but the population must have effective demand, this effective demand is formed due to the fact that industry is developing , involving, but it has not yet developed, well, we won’t build it in one year either you, so take one thing to build up, it will be such a trishkin-kaftan, no, that’s
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what it’s for today.
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10 million people have moved, we have to give birth to them, as long as it would take, but we would not immediately give birth to healthy ones, ready to work, but this is the same factor that we do not use, we do not offer our compatriots to move here in large numbers, well, yes, we must not forget that a large volume of the ukrainian population has left for europe, they also look at , please, but in the sense that it works effectively, extremely, and even more effectively, the next point, you say, we need to increase salaries, putin has set the task of who... our main employer is the state, the state, maybe the state will set an example , that is please, raise public sector employees to the level you want private sector employees to catch up with, but if the main employer is the state, then it’s probably easiest for him to solve this issue in his enterprises,
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set an example, they all heard the president, well, give it time, it’s passed a few days, give them time , well, enough until monday, a couple of hours left,
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housing will be built in those places where people will come, there, say, with their enterprises, to industrial zones, please, no question in clusters, all the ways are known, our government knows them very well, we just need to make up our minds and implement them, well, i really hope so, alexander mikhailovich, what are we going to do? i think that today we just need to understand that the question of the new russia is that everything that was said before and references were made to the fact that the market will decide everything on its own. we must forget, we must say that today the state must fulfill its function, but with the involvement of market mechanisms, so today our country has a clear understanding of the goals, objectives and tools, well, mind you, so, when i listened to vladimir vladimirovich
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, i had the feeling that, well, a lot of what we are discussing here is a lot, yes, it was confirmed and there is a need for a balm, well, of course, why am i talking about the housing ratio, for example, donetsk , yes, i spoke with denis vladimirovich pushilin: now it’s a wild problem to find housing in donetsk, but in parallel with this, they have installed a sea of ​​buses, there have never been so many buses in history, there are no drivers now, that is, in the sense that everything needs to be solved, so v clear linkage, and no market , by the way, will solve this, no market mechanisms , that’s all, they must fulfill these market mechanisms, the tasks that the state formulates, i don’t really understand what a market mechanism is, attract private capital, but not this does not exclude the participation of state-owned companies in this, it even assumes, because the simple concept of a market mechanism is that, well, that’s how it is now , and the question that we asked them is that our refinancing rate
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is a market one, well, i not about this, this considering that the whole market there is strictly modified, because if you are engaged in agriculture there are benefits for you, if you are in the defense industry there are benefits for you, if this gives you benefits, so if you take it away, then this crazy rate is... for a segment that turns out to be clogged with legs or something? no, you’re not me, that is , there’s no market even close, why deceive yourself, the market is an economy built on private property, that’s what i’m like back then, and actually private, dmitry, well, in general...
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outright hanging noodles, in vernacular speaking, lies, that is, people lie to everyone , i’m absolutely not embarrassed, in what form, so to speak, in what form , how convincing are their lies, if 5 years ago they at least, excuse this youth term, cared about how much their lies are convincing, not now, but still and at the same time they begin to blurt out, yes, well, for example, this wonderful man named
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prince, this is blackwater, now in my opinion, this is called the academy, yes, yes, now it's called poushi in the blood, poushi, not even elokot, poushi - this is a mince maker of an absolutely nazi type, well, first of all, i think , well, by the way, he’s just an ordinary anglo-saxon nazi, well, he said something, he said the truth, he said that the west is bloody... . is interested in returning the situation to the zone of a hybrid war, the prince is scared, because he, in general, of course, when he kills the natives, this is normal, here they can kill him too, and, apparently, not one of his people already , what is called, uh, in zinc, they brought it in zinc, and he understands what type of fighting there is leads, and he, of course, wants to return.
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economics, that the war against russia on the territory of the former ukrainian ussr is of a geo-economic nature, this is not a war of...
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myopia, well, the last thing, but i think that events are beginning to accelerate very much, in principle, without fear, a long peace is impossible, any long peace is based on fear, the aggressor’s fear of inevitable retribution, we missed this question, tragically missed it, we underestimated insanity. our wonderful partners, but why do i think that everything will accelerate, but they are not idiots there, well, that is, there are idiots there, but not in as many numbers as we would like, and the problem is that they understood perfectly well what the implementation of the provisions
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contained in the message of the supreme commander-in-chief would mean for them , they understand that this will be a country that will have... a completely different spatial configuration, social connectivity, and economic potential, as you remember, in the golden calf, a german journalist traveled there, he liked everything, yes, what wonderful country, what wonderful people, he wrote a book, i definitely say, i’ll write a book, and he wrote a book, in my opinion, there were 135 pages about how wonderful everything was, on 136 it was written that this should be done soon destroy, this is from this...
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so for france, in fact, the task is not even to obtain free resources from russian territory, but to destroy russia, the final solution to the russian question. the second point, that’s why i now want to give the floor to andrei, this is our eternal dispute with him, with andrei, deeply respect. why do i think it is necessary to strike at the west? yes, because i see in their mood that their plan is very simple: to strike from the territory of ukraine with long-range weapons. they tried strikes , let’s hit the a50 base in belarus, it’s normal, nothing came in response, it’s normal, but according to engels, where the strategy is normal, it’s normal, an attempt to undermine nuclear power plants on theory... not on the crimean bridge, but on,
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say, at nuclear facilities, and at the kremlin, and at decision-making centers, we must in accordance with our doctrine, launch a nuclear strike on whom? in ukraine, or what? well , isn’t the west at war with us? and for the west it turns out to be a surprisingly winning situation. “please, they don’t feel sorry for ukraine, russia can do whatever they want with it in response, but destroying russia, how delicious it is, weapons, well , of course, they will give weapons, their wording, but we don’t think that supplying them with this kind weapons, we become participants in the war, it’s not russia that tells us how to help ukraine, assholes, sorry, they’re not telling you russia, how to respond, you will understand this, although no, goats are soft, goats. well, here the dispute is a little different, because the question is not whether to use or not to use nuclear
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weapons, because if they exist, and if a situation is created in which, well, i won’t list these points that are not written in the nuclear doctrine, then we calmly use these nuclear weapons, the question is who to use, now you are talking about france there or great britain, france, germany, poland, great britain,
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exceeds 500 km, up to, well, over 300 km , say, if you supply f16, then we will consider you participants in the conflict, because , strictly speaking, we can introduce anyone to participants in the conflict, any state that has begun to supply ammunition to ukraine, this is already they, these cartridges kill our citizens dressed in military uniform, our soldiers, which means that this state is a participant in this conflict. it doesn't depend on them, it depends on us. why do i think, here we had a dispute a few days ago, and they told me that most likely
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this is macron's stupidity, this is not macron's stupidity. it’s just that macron, macron was used as a person, well, in general, so ambitious , who wants to be some kind of, so to speak , semblance of a small copral, well, in general, in short, feeling like such a large, not even french, european leader, that’s why he was used , what... to roll the ball, this is a sounding board , how will russia react to this, if they bring in real contingents, you know, it’s one thing when some platoon with a patriot arrives there, yes, but it’s another matter when an army arrives there , which has not only a dry-khuttage unit , it has all the systems, so to speak, its life support, combat, to support the battle, has aviation and everything else, now they are rolling out such a thing one by one... one simple thing reason: the ukrainian army, i don’t know its condition, you see, i don’t know to what extent our intelligence data
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corresponds there, but what the americans write, the current army, the ukrainian one, is unlikely to be able to hold out for several months, most likely it will fall apart, how to cover vital, vitally important areas for the west , at least that it itself will not fall apart , no, it itself will not fall apart, but what we mean is that... the ukrainians don’t care, they don’t even pull out their two hundred hundred , here is a bradley drops in, we destroy it right there,
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the crew is evacuated at any cost, and we understand that the crew is nato. we clearly understand, the crew is nato, all ukrainians are abandoned except nato members, a strict order, they are there in full growth, i’m now thinking a little about what these raids, that’s what this mess goes in the sense that after all, the crew can be planted there, but it’s absolutely clear that they are unlikely to have trained ukrainians on the f-16, that is, if, but for what? trained, they will fly, then they will fly, that’s how they write. from the territory of romania there is a base there, we have a former soviet base near chisinau, where they have a jump airfield, that’s where they go to the traverse, well, to the traverse of odessa or nikolaev and hit right on the bridge of these towers, 500 km , just in general, so to speak, this is an operation, apparently, and we responded right away, i just can’t
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decide, paris, marseille.
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agents, but there were even fewer french, because the french troops were assigned to the dutch, this is a new department of france , the dutch were assigned there, the first, the first regiment, the khulan of the polish, it also consisted of the french army and the like, it’s the same now , in fact, the americans are doing the same thing now, when you showed loyd, this man’s task is to get what is 116 billion dollars, 116 - this is the whole package, karma appeared. how which no, he now needs to put pressure, they have now moved on from this shutdown, it was postponed there until march 20, but nevertheless there is a problem, biden will have to announce his program this thursday, this is his last state of the union , and he will be able to read, i think he will be able to read, i think he is being prepared now, the main thing is that he again does not confuse
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israel with ukraine, otherwise he will land american troops in israel. will strike tel aviv, that is, he is such a confused guy, in any case it will be it’s great if he does it as he says, at least, but this will be his announcement, he, in fact, will have to declare what achievements he had and his program, he comes out and says, i’m leaving , kamala comes out , yes umaly right away, that’s when to say so, now they say that i’m here , there’s a big difference for... the united states, that’s what trump needs, he has a nice house in maralaga, i mean, beautiful what else does a person need to meet old age, here he is the power is offended, he will answer dangerously, he believes that he must restore the united states, that is why, if he wins, he will restore the united states, throwing away all the extra baggage, i am also
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for it. something else, so our task now is not to launch any missiles somewhere, not to strike yet, so i felt everything about this, i wrote 137 pages well, on 138, 135, 136, but the thing is , that it is important for us to continue what has already been started this year, and most likely for the united states, so the main thing, all these europeans
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that we are talking about now are puppets, that’s the main thing for the one who... controls, these are not very good times for him, if a situation is created for him, it is necessary to create one in which this main thing it won’t be possible to play, the main one at all... worries , i don’t mean biden, and i don’t mean biden, the americans will understand everything strictly, but the europeans, we need to figure it out, they must understand that they will not sit behind their backs , let's turn off the gas, turn off the gas, it won't change anything at all, that phase has passed, it’s not enough, i’ll say it’s more scary, looking at the level of destruction , the level of fierceness that is now in the conflict, even the use of nuclear weapons will not stop the conflict. it will simply solve specific military problems, the level of insanity of humanity has already reached within its limits, the west will stop at nothing, so you
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just need to fight hard with it with all your might , using means that should have started earlier with small things, this won’t help anything, i don’t have time machine, in order to get in and go back, it was necessary to start even earlier, it was necessary when you know in 1991 not to break up. i dreamed of a woman, so what, you don’t believe me either? there is no mysticism, moreover, it does not exist at all, there is simply psychology. anna the medium, premiere on
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monday on rtr. hello, dear friends. favorite program 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk about all the issues in a hurry. place nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy with hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently. reliable, it's eight o'clock equipment, and we’ll give you one oles.
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i don’t understand anything, what’s going on here? why did you come, that i found a piece of paper in your office, society about the divorce, what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke, this is your new reality, it has been erased from your own life. we now have nothing , no car, no house, i don’t have a business and no husband, so it’s time to build a new one, tell me, you’ve seriously decided to develop from scratch, i
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want to prove that it’s impossible to drown me, the stable there is on fire, so what? well, so and so, how can it be so, andrei, where, where, i’ll start everything with started on march 8th. nerter. every sunday my mother makes cheesecakes. tradition. grandma loves to tell me the history of our family. tradition. dad and brother support the same team. tradition. taking care of each other and helping is our tradition. and also with us. march 15, 16, 17, take part in the presidential elections of the country, together, we are strong, we vote
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for russia, in direct communication with the studio, editor-in-chief of online publications, of course, what happened is curious, not even that... goals, and absolutely unconstitutional, that is, well, germany has no constitution, but by the conversation itself, very specific and elections , the fundamental law prohibits precisely all these actions that are happily discussed. military, but also because the german side did not try to say that it was a fake; on the contrary, it began to comment very harshly, recognizing the truth, and such an internal political struggle ensued. dmitry anatolyevich medvedev wrote that well, it doesn’t even matter what scholz says, one thing is clear: germany is preparing for a full-scale war with russia. and what is happening in germany now, like this can this emerging sound recording affect the overall situation? firstly, this could
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have very serious consequences for the whole of germany, since it cannot be ruled out that a government crisis and the subsequent collapse of society could occur in the very near future, but let’s just say in a few words who these generals were in this circle who participated in this now most famous telephone conversation, but let's start with the most basic, this is mr. gerhards, a two-star general who... inspector luft vafe, this is quite an interesting personality, viewers in russia know him well, this is the same general who at one time appeared in israel and donated blood, by the way, this action was completely for the wounded, the action was completely ambiguously received in germany, because the theatrical appearance of lieutenant general of aviation luft wafe in israel was not perceived as a private act, but as a state act from such a ... plan of action, generals in
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germany generally should not allow themselves, and what makes him interesting is that him and very close ties with the united states of america, he received a master’s degree there, and studied at a special aerospace institute, which trains specialists in aviation engineering, specifically related to targeting in all of these technical matters like that... well, the most interesting detail is that he is a confidant of defense minister pistorius, and i don’t know how close they are personally, i mean, maybe in private they are not so close, but pistorius trusts him and serious some issues are very serious and he is clearly working under pistorius. second, the second personality, a brigadier general, a major general, he is even more interesting, gref is a person who has been in fact...
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germany in washington for several years, in parallel with this he heads a center that is engaged in training in berlin, a training center maneuvers and training, but the important thing is that his direct connections with the united states of america, they are not covered up at all, if you go to the internet, you will find a lot of photographs where he is at different levels of the military various meetings and so on and so forth and so on, this gref is the one. the person who was in singapore during this conversation, here is another small sweet detail that needs to be understood, he did not vacation in singapore, he was in singapore on a layover, he was flying to alaska, and what goals did he have in front of him and that he had to discuss with whom in alaska, i, unfortunately, don’t know yet, but i’m working on it closely, but these two generals, they definitely, firstly, work under the roof of the minister of defense pistulus, secondly, they
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have very close ties with the united states of america, when you evaluate this whole conversation, you need to take this into account. two other personalities, one is still unknown at all, the third is called a tall military man from strausberg, but he is, in general, a referent, he is really in strausberg, where the barracks of this telephone briefing are located. and now, as for everything that is being discussed and what needs to be understood: first, four high-ranking officers are conducting ... negotiations via telecommunications, which is categorically is prohibited by all statutory protocol documents, and yet they do it, moreover, they are holding this teleconference not within their own state, with a person who is outside the borders of the state, and this is also categorically not allowed, in general, categorically unacceptable, well, finally, thirdly, what they discuss and how they discuss it...
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perceives some kind of stupidity, like some kind of game, on the other hand , i want to remind you that many years ago in 1962 , the german minister of defense franz joseph ostrich, very familiar to our people.
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i said according to freud, of course, strauss, and now everything that was happening now, and is happening, it, in principle, can have two, two serious outcomes or two serious consequences: first, we can assume that these generals knew that their conversations were being tapped, i’m not talking about russia now, anyone in germany understands that when two generals located in different states speak by telephone or some other telecommunication, they understand that at least 15-20 states will listen to them, well americans are beloved, who are bugged anyway, that’s for sure, so it’s clear that they understood that they would be bugged, they either weren’t afraid of it, or they did it on purpose. two options, or two main factors that must now
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be taken into account: first, and scholz will demand the resignation of epistorius, because at the moment pistorius is the most dangerous figure for him, he has... and firstly, a high rating, and secondly secondly, pistoris is exactly the person who openly talks about the war, well , he really spoke for 5-8 years, but in principle, if we evaluate who conducted these negotiations, it is clear that it is quite possible that if he comes to the chancellor’s chair, he will give an order tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. scholz , in all likelihood , would like to resist this, but the opposite cannot be ruled out, it cannot be ruled out that this was done precisely in order to ... say scholz illiterately, to say, you see, when he refused to send the military to the territory ukraine, from the delivery of taurus, he used some incomprehensible fake documents, here are the generals, here they are discussing and they say that this was possible, i think that tomorrow there will be a decision, the bundestag will
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definitely deal with this, but scholz has already made a conclusion, when on friday the documents of these or this negotiations were published, on saturday scholz flew to the pope, the only one. but it is not known whether he was confessing or asking for a blessing. alexandrevich, but for this let’s start with the fact that we don’t know whether he is a catholic or a protestant, yes, but, i just don’t know, but am i right, do i understand correctly that just the fundamental documents of germany, such manipulations with weapons are prohibited, the participation of the german military in striking the territory of third countries, participation in the war, that is, scholz has 100% here.
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german military personnel to participate in hostilities abroad, this requires permission from the bundestag, this is the first, second, there is a decision or there is a very serious basis prepared by the scientific committee of the bundestag on what is considered german participation in hostilities abroad, absolutely, the provost here lies on scholz’s side, therefore, of these two evils, which i just told you about, you correctly made such a hint, but i say: open, i assume that this is a certain kind of path in the ranks of the military, and this, you know, the path does not always end well, but it does not always end badly, ends badly, it is called a revolution, and the last very short question, today there was a shooting in berlin,
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and there are anti-terrorist activities against fragments of the red army, that is , something like raf, yes, yes, this is a very interesting story, several days ago ago, she lived, by the way, she lived very close to me , maybe i even saw her somewhere on the street , she lived in berlin, was walking there with a dog, but they found her by chance on the internet, following her footsteps, they went looking for her two accomplices , they were the ones who tried to arrest today in... i don’t know exactly how it all ended, in general there is still such a curtain of fog over everything that is happening, but it is clear that germany is trying to put an end to this last one.
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yes, there is article two, that military action will never come from german territory
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threats, only peace, and in general the supply of weapons systems to warring countries in accordance with this treaty is prohibited, and if we , let’s say, withdraw from this treaty, denounce this treaty, then this means that we no longer recognize any new borders by germany , nor return the gdr yourself.
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but it’s one thing to say this in an interview with tucker carlson, yes, this event has hundreds
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of millions of views, and another thing to say during the announcement of the message to the federal assembly, this is a completely different level of statements, so when the president does not by chance, but first of all, he began with the fact that he recorded that a special military operation is going on as...
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with a planning block, the vanguard or not, but in any case, these launches will be, against the background of the fact that they were made precisely with armatures, not i know what will happen in the united states of america with their triad modernization program. this should impress our, so to speak, former partners, and our current opponents, to
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say the least, more so, a week ago i spoke about the problems with their ground, with their inter-candimental ones. and recently appeared just a few days ago there were problems with their bomber aircraft, according to their plans they should purchase 100 b-21 rider aircraft by the thirtieth year, but so far only one has taken off, and it is not clear what took off there, a prototype or a real bomber, moreover , taking into account that , how they implemented their f-35 program, then i think that they not only... such a number of aircraft, that’s something else for me, naturally, in the twenty- sixth year they intend to carry out another deep modernization of the b-52 bombers, the b-52 bomber, for reference, well, it’s 100 years old, it began to be developed in the second half of the forties, it was put into
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service in 505, and has survived a huge number of years. by the way, we also have the same aircraft , the tu-95, by the way, it is younger, but they are going to change it, according to our plans, the tu-160, a modernized version - this will be the basis of ours, well, there is this new project there, like a pack , but related to bomber aviation, i don’t know when it will be, but the fact that
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the tu-160 is being modernized - to a modernized version, this is... we demonstrated, i don’t understand anything else, i don’t understand why they’re even doing it now, well , that is, let’s say, it seemed to me that the future of aviation was already unmanned, you know, that is, of a large class, heavy, but unmanned rudolfovich, i can, this is an old debate, one might say, dedicate a separate speech, the pros and cons of unmanned and manned aviation, there are pros, there are also cons, the main disadvantage without... pilot aviation is that the operator, firstly, they are subject to very rep, and secondly, the operator is not able to accept, neither in terms of quality, not in terms of the number of decisions that arise during, let’s say, an air battle, for example, or, well, different situations in the air,
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that is , no one is going to write off manned aircraft, it just seems to me that we are going... forward, and it will be, because now we already see, yes, how our new fighters are there, and they are supported by drones, and it is clear that we will talk about artificial intelligence, work in a swarm, the size changes completely based on the fact that you have, that is, there are a million, but there should be a queen in this swarm with the pilot, here’s the phrase pilot, i don’t know, because the speed of decision-making with the current type, again the speed of decision-making at the current speed... and the impact of movement is such that the human component can just be limiting, this is scary, but at some point everything will turn into a movie, when artificial intelligence will fight against us for us, transfer everything, so to speak, into the hands, so to speak, of artificial artificial intelligence, i think that when
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the situation calms down a little, then artificial intelligence, it will be...
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so they have already begun to crawl back a little , that they are going to, if, if something is ever introduced, it will not be introduced into a combat zone, for example, they will be deployed on the territory of ukraine and belarus, in order to free this group, send 11,500 people to the donbass, and for us , all of ukraine is a combat zone, rightly, for us, all of ukraine, the second option is to place it there along the coast.
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the president made a decision to recreate the moscow leningrad military district, i i think it wasn’t exactly, so to speak , a well-thought-out decision when they were liquidated, this is exactly the decision that should bring some sense to our neighbors in the north-west, so you say why they have an idefix, this is an attack on the baltic states , i owe you. to say that this is really an idefix, but the americans believe that sooner or later, that is, this
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isolation of the kaliningrad region from the main territory of russia from a military point of view, it is not acceptable, because yeltsin did not understand this, yes, sooner or later we anyway, so to speak, we will ensure the reunification of the leningrad military region with the main territory of russia, but considering that... lithuania alone is too small, then estonia and latvia are just in addition, plus now there is another unacceptable situation when the gulf of finland, that is, our exit to the baltic sea , is controlled by the nato countries, estonia and finland, so they, in general, the finnish war began because of less, yes, they are thinking, of course, in the right direction, that’s another matter that the president said that we have no such plans, ok then.
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one more thing, biden started talking about this narrative, an unprovoked attack, everyone began to repeat after him, unprovoked aggression, this amazing article appeared, there are spy games in the new york times, well, what an unprovoked attack, when there preparations have already been going on for 10 years, so to speak, preparation for war, training of commands, preparation of terrorist acts, everything that is needed in order to...
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well, the fact that this has been going on for 10 years is more than 10 years, everyone knew that, the only question is which ones measures were taken, i want to move our conversation to a slightly different plane, that’s any war. including the war that is going on now, this is the time when new elites are being forged, and in fact, now there is competition and...
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that there is a problem with legitimacy, with efficiency, and look at the main two, two main challenges of the european elites: firstly, this is a challenge to efficiency, europe is falling economically, that is, those farmers who left, they did not come from a good life, now they have deficits.
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when we now our choice is biden, our choice, biden, like ska, our choice biden , let them rot, the question is what, we just talked about how many times we have drawn red lines, and somehow all these red lines are ignored, well, well not to ignore, because the red lines were all dotted, there were holes in them in all these red lines. why? because our elite was not consolidated. she was not the elite needed to win. and just now in the president’s message. finally, it was said not just brightly, it was said absolutely categorically, who the next elite of russia, when this elite takes its place, then
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it will be completely clear to macron and those like them that every word that is uttered from the kremlin is interpreted by undashed lines, these people have fought.
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if the french appear on the territory of ukraine, then no matter how funny it may sound, their cavalry will be completely destroyed, because i will now name the numbers of the regiments, it is no coincidence, in fact, this is the first foreign cavalry regiment from the sixth armored cavalry brigade and the thirteenth regiment, dragoons parachute. i think that the french understand what we are talking about, because the thirteenth dragoon parachute regiment, i... i believe that its squadrons, these are the advanced units that macron spoke about, are actually french special operations forces, they it ’s called a little funny to our ears, but this is their tradition, and the sixth armored cavalry brigade includes two regiments of the foreign legion, which is why
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macron said all this. and now, speaking seriously, then, although this is already serious, in fact we have before us a detailed plan europeanization of the conflict, we are all. germany is now the main sponsor of this entire kiev regime, no matter what they say, just come on, alexander viktorovich we had connections, let’s trace it again, we must constantly remind you, from the 500 helmets that they supplied to the multi-billion dollar investments and taurus that will be delivered, everyone understands this, this is a political signal. the next point is a direct supply of weapons, well, suddenly the czech president, peter pavel, is looking for shells, they give money for these shells, that means delivery weapons, the next stage is a plan for the deployment of advanced units, as stated
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by macron, and before that, if you remember, the statement of the head of the foreign intelligence service sergei naryshkin, your service, was the polish plan for the introduction of advanced from two to four, in my opinion, polish brigades to ...
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listen carefully to the leak, they say, what about scholz, well, they say that he is insisting there, who he even is, that is, the nato military is sending signals directly from washington, bypassing the political ones. elites, this is one of the reasons why russia does not want
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nato expansion means that the countries that are part of nato immediately find themselves under the direct control of washington, so they not only enter, they are even preparing, here is a leak from the new york times, it speaks directly about this, 12 bases were created along the entire russian border, they this will be legalized, i have a different question, why these leaks happened right now, and to show that this is our war, this, again, from my point of view, is a direct signal.
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artificial intelligence, for example, but nevertheless, this also says something else, we know the mood of public opinion in europe, in this regard, i am a skeptic, leaders will appear, but they will be eliminated, they actually go against their own public opinion, but fitza says, macron made his speeches, after fitza leaked, he says: guys, you know that there they are discussing whether to lead the troops, macron says, yes, so what, hungary is against it, and now the siarts are forcing it. says, but we will support the next package of sanctions against russia, they will put pressure,
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do not care about public opinion, read anna lena berbok, she said, it doesn’t matter what voters will think, we will continue this course, there is an important point about red lines, we often criticize the russian leadership for following the red lines, not following them, you know why a nuclear strike has not yet been launched, it seems to me , because the russian leadership is responsible, it understands what a nuclear strike is about, well, this is a nuclear strike, and the russian leadership is doing everything to ensure that this line, the real, the only red line that can ever exist in the history of mankind in the entire this period, to delay, and putin’s speech , it was not just there, as they wrote in the west, it was a big pre-election speech, it was a speech by a responsible statesman, which was broadcast not only to russian society, but to the west...
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which on the west didn’t even notice, he said: listen, gdp is growing due to the restoration of the military industry, and at a pace that is already in western publications, which we did not expect from russia, this is russia, truly renewed, updated through a special military operation, updated in fact through a controlled revolution from above, if we are talking about new elites, about a new economy, about new political decisions, and a new army, what is it , this is a revolution from above, it scares them, that’s why...
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he i gave my life for my country, and i
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gave my female happiness, people like you perform a very important task, women, war. we won’t win without women, the documentary premieres on thursday on rtr, here’s a kept woman, she hasn’t worked a day, she lives on her husband’s money, we watch it on weekends, i it seems like a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, okay? remember, you are an empty place without me, zero, you thought about the children, i’ll find a job, be careful, from the rubble in your old life you can build a new one, in general, at least anything in business, you know,
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sometimes it’s better than the old one, help, my very first contract, i got it, give me the office, maria. what the hell are you doing here? mom can. on saturday. on rtr. get caught. fish, big or small. well, in general, i chose the right place. you ever wondered why people count proteins fats as carbohydrates? this is where my question begins. can tasty foods be beneficial? we try, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can useful things be pleasant, science fiction, can scientific things be understandable, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, again,
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yes, every person in any region of russia. can make your diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure. food formula. on saturday on rtr. another unprecedented conflict that also involved in the west, it is now blazing in the middle east. i went to damascus to discuss the situation in the region with the president of syria. bashyrsad, who is under multiple sanctions, shared his vision of how to interact with western regimes of brutalized capitalism and how to fight their lies. the conversation turned out to be interesting. let's watch the interview, then go back to the studio. good afternoon, mr.
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president, your excellency, it is a great honor to be here in damascus, a great land. great country, people, who made his free choice. at the same time, it should be noted that the region is extremely turbulent, and apparently, we are on the threshold of a major war, which could even lead to a nuclear apocalypse. at the same time, we understand that the countries that can use nuclear weapons are america and... and the country that can be hit by a nuclear strike is primarily iran. it all started on october 7, when a terrorist attack killed more jews than at any time since the holocaust. in
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in response, israel launched an unprecedented campaign. is it possible to justify what is happening now? in the gas sector, by what happened on october 7. where are the limits of the use of force, and what principles should countries follow when protecting their people from a terrorist attack or from any other impact on their country. the ethical and legal principles are known; in essence, they boil down to one thing: it is permissible to use military force to protect oneself from the enemy.
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a people comes to conquer the land of another nation or state in the neighborhood. palestinian the people are the owners of the land that was. they have been killing him for more than 80 years. it is impossible to talk about the current situation without taking into account the whole problem of palestine. gaza alone cannot be mentioned, it is part of the palestinian problem, which boils down to the fact that israel is an occupier, an aggressor, killing palestinians, killing only because they defend themselves. that's the point, there is not the slightest justification, past or present, for israel to use military force against the palestinians who defend
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themselves, they have the right to resort to force to protect their lives and the lives of their children, but they are not states, they are groups of civilians . yes, the resistance forces have weapons, but there is no state or army. from this point of view, you cannot compare the palestinian and...
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you cannot talk about hamas in gaza, without the people in gaza and the people in palestine. it is unacceptable to talk about what happened on october 7 without mentioning what happened from 1930 to today. this is one situation. a person from israel can tell you: you talk about history, but is history separable? from what is happening now, is it possible to separate the war in ukraine from historical developments, can you describe the efforts to unify
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russia with the southern territories without plunging into history, is it possible to separate these efforts from history, everything present is invariably connected with the past, it is one whole. i apologize for asking the question, but i have to ask it. one of the arab commentators said: russians. the life of russians in ukraine, there are several billion of us muslims, and we cannot protect our unfortunate brothers in gaz, except for loud statements from the country of turkey and a number of arab states, did not even follow.
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the situation is frankly bad. we cannot say that we are committed to a common cause. each arab state acts on its own. the role of the west in decision-making by arab countries is very large. there is such a role. accordingly, western pressure in the interests of israel is present in arab decisions. this truth is known to all arab nations. without revealing any secret to you. therefore, we cannot be shoulder to shoulder.
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now what is happening in ukraine is not like a war with ukraine, for us it is in many ways sacred and a religious war, we are opposed to... satanism, evil in its pure form, everything that our culture denies, our faith, but in this lie, 2017 you are accused of using chemical weapons, a special military operation is launched to disrupt negotiations in istanbul, russia is accused of terrible murders in bucha. our people do not
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believe, the syrian people.
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the participation of peoples in solving any problems facing the state makes it stately strong, not to mention the fact that we need to learn lessons from history, for example, you have a history of three centuries of confrontation with the west. but not for any reason, but simply because russia should not be stronger than the west, since the time of peter the great, it is easy for the younger generation to say that this is history in which there is no benefit for them, it is not interesting what happened in the past during the soviet union or
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russian empire, starting with peter the great. younger generations. the whole country will be strong, destroy the family, and the country will not be strong, why go to war, why turn to the un security council if you can destroy russia from the inside? you already tried to do this in the nineties, when some people thought that russia’s problems lay in communism or socialism. no, the problems were
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management mistakes. this is an important lesson that must be taken into account, then with this knowledge we will be able to resist the fairy tales of westerners who spread stories based on lies, while our words carry the truth. truth is stronger than lies, lies have temporary power, truth is eternal. very soon, the presidential elections in russia, how much do these elections influence the future of the world, and not just russia? i can start with the traditional answer. when an official is asked such a question, he replies that this is an internal matter of russia,
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but within the limits. there is a proverb in arabic: it is impossible to change the fortress during a battle, consistency is needed in battle, this is an internal matter of russia. i believe, knowing many russians, that they know the answer. anything that serves the struggle today is a priority. the president putin is the main part of this struggle, he decided to start it. on the other hand, if
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you look at russia as a country that is fighting with us in syria against terrorists, then, of course, this topic influences us, and we cannot see it solely as an internal issue. for us, the person who made the decision to give. repelling terror in syria, of course, matters, his continued tenure or absence in office is also very important, of course, any changes will affect us, if you ask about preferred candidates, i think the answer will be obvious if you look at this topic in terms of the global balance of power. here, too, it is impossible to separate russia and the decision of its leadership.


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