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tv   Moskva  RUSSIA1  March 3, 2024 10:00pm-10:41pm MSK

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part of this struggle, he decided to start it. on the other hand, if you look at russia as a country that is fighting with us in syria against terrorists, then, of course, this topic influences us, and we cannot see it solely as an internal issue. for us, the person who decided to fight back against terror in syria, of course, matters whether he continues to remain in office or not. also very important, of course, we will be affected by any changes, if you ask from the preferred candidates, i think the answer will be obvious, if you look at this topic in terms of the global balance of power, then here too it is impossible to separate russia and the decisions of its leadership, the decisions made by president putin. return russia to the international
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arena and restore balance. does russia have other options that guarantee a policy that will return it to global influence. of course, not the same as the soviet union, but much stronger. will there be a willingness to lose what has been achieved in this direction?
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with the west, but this implies dialogue with whom in the west to talk about whether there are politicians with whom it makes sense to talk at all , we have biden, who does not remember his name, we have trump, who is torn by hatred of iran, we have europeans who have no national interests, they even ... abandoned their language: that ursula vonderlein, that barel, that scholz, in my opinion, speak english more often publicly than spanish and german. we had boris johnson, who lies about everything and is unable to put things in order even in his own head. and there is macron, who cannot decide whether he is half of dugoli, or a third of napoleon. so. with whom to talk
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, who is able to give a word and keep it, if you want to talk, build relationships with a trading company, then you have managers, directors of various departments, there is an executive director, there is also a board of managers who represents the owners, in relation to the west. and especially in the us, presidents are ceos, but they are not owners. if you talk to the executive director, he will turn to chairman of the board of governors. to find out his opinion and decision. what is he thinking? as for european presidents, they are branch directors and will not do anything unless they wish to do so.
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do you think in the west, no, there are interests, seven-minute, daily, temporary, personal interests, interests of groups, everything revolves around money and personal influence, for example, trump was against war when he was president, he wanted to withdraw troops from the entire middle east, including syria, but he launched missile attacks on syria because he was told to do so, supposedly to prove his leadership, and he delivered these blows. in order to demonstrate
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their diligence, this is what they do in the west: political issues need to be resolved, but there are no politicians there, president putin tried to talk to them for years... the usa does not accept europe as a partner , the uk is not a partner, just like france and germany, this all countries are vassals. if the us does not accept europe, a traditional ally, will it accept russia? impossible. and therefore my answer to you
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is that you will not be able to achieve results in the search. here americans bident sanctions against the russian president. as i understand, you have been under sanctions from various countries for many years, from the perspective of your experience, what would you advise our president on how to generally treat this kind of political demarches? perhaps my future meeting with president putin will be about what we should do with our american bank accounts. it is very serious. problem. the west sometimes behaves funny. the isolation of cuba began about 60 years ago, and the isolation of syria in 1979. in the same sanctions were introduced against iran. after him
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against north korea. isolation has expanded to include russia and china. it will continue until, as a result, the west discovers that it has isolated itself. and all other countries cooperate with each other. the problem is that the dollar has begun to lose its weight and value. this is good. in general, i think that isolation strengthens other countries.
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for most westerners, they have imagined, for many years, that the life of any person should begin at in the west, oxygen in the west, if the west deprives a person of something, then he will either die or become an outcast, in the west they believe in this, they do not believe that the world can change, they accept that they know what is happening in the world, they believe that decisions, then they are aimed primarily at western citizens, poor people who are not president putin who suffers, who does not sleep at night because of such a decision, this is the reality, they are
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such simpletons, i’m talking about officials, not people, so when zelensky led there are personal sanctions against you, this is not in your dream reflected. i’ve had a nervous breakdown since then, well, at least he was able to make you laugh, he’s a comedian, this was his first profession before the presidency, by the way, he was much more successful in that capacity as a comedian, and not the leaders of the nation, unfortunately, that’s enough, he turned out to be a bloody comedian , mr. president, the world’s attitude towards syria has changed, the arab world has turned to syria again, this is a very important move, but at
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the same time syria has not made concessions, syria has not betrayed itself, what lesson can be learned from this extract? the first lesson is perhaps the only one the big lesson, although there were many, is that adhering to national interests and principles has to be done. but in the long term , circumstances change, new dividends appear, including in the form of national unity, conditions for its strengthening, studying relations with america using the example of the shah of iran. and after it, i understand that relations with the west are temporary ties, if
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you give the foreigners everything they want, they will take advantage of you, perhaps help you, however, when you cannot fulfill your functions, you will be finished, this is what happened with the shah of iran and many others from different countries, whose names i don’t want to mention now, because for some it is a sensitive issue, especially in... he does not adhere to principles when you protect national interests , the people appreciate this, even if they do not agree with your policies in everything, i don’t think that all the people support all the actions of president putin without exception, but everyone appreciates his patriotic position, this cannot be denied. complete agreement on the national idea other. the national idea unites people.
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the first lesson: do not change or abandon national interests in exchange for external support, western or otherwise. national interests are in first, second, third, tenth place. and only after that come external relations. well, do you remember that you are a tyrant and a dictator, how... are the country's leadership tyrants or are they servants of the people? western countries are ruled by
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capitalist regimes, regimes of brutal capitalism. the state serves companies, companies hire citizens, but there is no direct service to the people. everything is aimed at profit for the company. you may have observed that recently. the middle class in the west has been greatly reduced to please the richest corporations. a citizen has only one right: he can go to the ballot box. this is democracy. western democracy is identified with the ballot box. the other doesn't matter. how many demonstrators took to the streets of western countries against the war.
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that the one whom he wanted was chosen. as for dictators and democracies, it is impossible imagine that countries that have killed tens of millions of people since the second world war, i am not talking now about world wars, from the korean war to the present day, have killed tens of millions of civilians and innocent people, occupied iraq , afghanistan, libya, syria, talk about democracy. human rights or international law or values? having heard their speech, you cannot
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distinguish it from the conversation of a street person, their words are worthless, this is true, there is no need to waste time analyzing them, at least, you should not listen to the one whom they call good, but who are they? but i always say that american presidents are similar to each other. as i said earlier, they are just executive directors. even if one changes the policy, you need to know who is really making the policy behind the screen of whoever wins the elections. this is one player: lobby, media, financiers and bankers, weapons and oil. that's who
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will win in any case. thank you, mr. president. now advertising, after that we will continue. i’m a medium, i see the dead, i can talk to them, are you kidding, no, that’s why i are attracted, well, of course, not officially , the premiere on rtr, you’ll use it, this is an article about you, but i didn’t give an interview, you were scammed, pass, please turn it in, what about your job search, as soon as they find out, my wife, that’s all , goodbye, don’t worry, everything will be fine, anna medium. we'll watch the continuation on monday on rtr. people's artist of russia larisa luzhina celebrates her anniversary. you are all in love with her. luzhina’s romance with vysotsky is one of the most persistent legends about her personal life. you understand that you made a mistake, but nothing can be corrected. vladimir
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roots. bulata kudzhava. alexander fodeev, what is true and what he took out in this trail of rumors about the star’s numerous novels. subscribe , listen, watch on the media platform, watch, the first podcasts we watch, drop everything and go, quickly to the restaurant in the garden, why is your semyon with some woman here in the restaurant,
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semyon, tell me that i imagined all this, olga kobo , he called me perfect, and you? perfect, you can hang noodles on your ears, cuckold you, dmitry frid, partings can be for the better, i don’t know, it’s as if i’ve just been run over by a roller, oleg almazov, irena met a gorgeous man, they are planning an affair, just think, i ’ll also try to win her, can you imagine, our quiet girl’s irka immediately has a cloud of gentlemen appearing. the most important thing is that they fight to the death for it. everyone has the right to later happiness. listen, maybe we can start all over again, march 8th. on rtr.
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our armed forces protect the interests of russia not only in the zone of special military operation, but...
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the military-political situation in the middle eastern region as a whole is tense; in order to ensure the national interests of russia , group forces of the armed forces of the russian federation have been deployed and continue to carry out the tasks of the grouping forces of the armed forces of the russian federation on the territory of the serijskohrad republic. since the beginning of this year, three control points have been destroyed, five objects of illegal armed groups have been hit. more than 70 militants were eliminated, including the odious leader of the radical salafi group, who was involved in the terrorist attack at the metro station, the city’s technological institute st. petersburg in april. remained here destroyed in 2017. in the central and south-eastern regions of syria, we systematically carry out air strikes against exposed targets of illegal armed groups.
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in maritime areas, we continue strategic deterrence measures to ensure the safety of maritime navigation in the eastern part of the mediterranean sea, using the naval forces of the navy. along with combat missions, we solve humanitarian problems. based on the results of monitoring and the situation, we carry out humanitarian and medical. that is, this is the most beautiful post, the most beautiful post, and it is directly located close to the bravo line on the dutch heights, the settlement of hadar, height... 1,270 m. and the first observation post of the military police is now in total on the bravo line, and five observation posts are already in operation , there were three
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observation posts, the fourth, fifth post in the province of daria, due to the situation that it had become better in this region, they were removed, but due to the aggravation, what is happening in the neighbors now, the syrian side i contacted the group commander and decided to put the fifth and fourth post back, plus increase our russian military presence. on the dutch heights and the sixth seventh post is being equipped, we are now at the first observation post, what is the meaning of the service, the meaning of the service to be, to demonstrate the russian military presence along the brava line, in 2012, when the conflict began, all united nations observers left this area and there were a lot of refugees, until 2018 government troops along with ours russian. cleared this territory of militants, that is, there were militants here, yes, yes, and it was decided in 1918 to set up military
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police observation posts, as much as they could, everything is equipped here, it’s significant what i’m saying, two t tanks were dug up here -34 , which took part in the six-day war on the syrian side in 1974, now we’ll go there, it’s just... they ’re standing here, that’s it, we served them there, painted them, put up the russian flag, so if god forbid , they will still work, so exactly, this is exactly thirty-four , yes, yes, this is a tank from the time of the six-day war, here, when setting up posts in the eighteenth year, they began to dig communication passages, respectively, firing positions, well, underground, under volcanic rock, they came across these tanks , well, i look like they dug it up in good condition, but why...
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did you learn russian? penzil, city of penzil, 5 years old, penzil higher artillery school, specifically the red marshal, knowledge
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came in handy, yes, like the stop now, economic conditions are very difficult, economic conditions are basically, the north remains, here is idlip, and where is the east, where is the rezor, that is where the american is there, that is, there is, but here it is bad. yes, it’s calm here, this is the zone responsible for the seventh mechanized division, the ninetieth brigade, the syrian army, and the first armenian corbus, where they themselves fought, in what directions, well, mainly in the southern zone, i and a comrade admiral worked for 6 months, yes, i met akhmed back in 1917, when i came here for the first time on a business trip, so i had him translator since... since then we have maintained good relations, at first it was difficult, it was very difficult, the whole difficulty was to convince people,
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to believe... who studied in the soviet union, many have a wife there, even in russian , so there are very good relations between the syrian people and between the russian people. how good are russians at fighting? i think it’s excellent, excellent, otherwise there are a lot of these gangs that many of them will be abandoned here by isis, they are mostly...
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before syria where they were in ukraine, where they were did you work in the direction? zaporozhsky, everything is fine, that’s right , well, i had to shoot, well, you don’t have it here, well, in general , yes, he’s corrected everything, everything is always in order, and if bandits come in, then where do they come from, what are local bandits, that is, this is a group because people, that is, how
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they work on motorcycles - the permanent basing of naval ships in the port of tartus begins in 1971, when the father of syrian president bashir assad was on a visit to moscow,
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met with the secretary general of the central... committee of the cpsu leonid ilic brezhnev and asked for the presence of soviet armed forces on syrian soil. after this , an agreement was concluded on the maneuverable basing of ships of the fifth operational squadron in the port of tartus. at the same time, minor ship repairs of our ships were provided in the port of tartus using soviet floating bases of the floating workshops in the port of tartus. september 30, 2015 by decision of the supreme commander of the armed forces.
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the ship, here are the main posts for navigation control, weapon control, depth control of the submarine, control of all general ship systems, the commander’s workplace, well, that is, you catch a big one there, but here you already have movement, yes, we can also measure distances, we can record them at the perescope
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depth of a hundred years. they literally lifted it to the floor, looked, recorded it, measured the distance, well , this is already directly close. the first compartment is residential, residential, it’s also a battery compartment, it ’s also a torpedo compartment, here are the living quarters of the officers, the commander’s cabin, the commander will live in the closet, green color, exactly like that, that is, even when you stand at the berth, it’s all the same, no , no, it’s forbidden to live on a submarine, only the duty shift remains on the submarine, it’s in the barracks, that is, in the evening after a working day they go to the barracks, it ’s provided here in the normal way, here is the officers’ cabin and how long do you have to spend the night like this, well
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, what is the maximum length of the transition, a month and a half, a month and a half, a month and a half, it won’t be six months, well now we ’re not six months, you normally get used to the regime and it doesn’t matter where you sleep, well, when you want to sleep it’s no longer important to sleep, it’s no longer important. there is a company of officers, here we have a meal, a meeting, which means that in emergency cases - the company’s cabins serve as an operating room, that is, here everything is hung sterile, combat orderlies, a surgeon, and not if necessary , an operation is performed here on the table, this is from the maritime assembly of the republic of bashkaratstan. when we launched, we were given an illuminated icon, uh, a naval flag, presented by the commander-in-chief on november 16, 2022, which was raised on the ship for the first time, and there was his memorial right there address, this is a model of the ship, a mortgage
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board, also souvenirs from the republic of bashkarattastan, admiral ushakov helps, of course, is always with us, the third compartment is residential, which means that mechman’s personnel live here, well, it should be noted that mechmanov. better than that of the officers, because they cleared out two bunks in the plant, they had four left, and there were six, that’s right, literate guys, you can’t fool mechwan, our personnel live here, which means it’s with us living cabin for 11 people, also known as a dining room, that is, these two beds go up, here we have a folding table, and a shower room. in such conditions, and here steven seagal works for us, exactly like that, here we have a galley, don’t scare us, we, we believe you anyway, don’t scare me, what beautiful knives, they
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’re enough for me, enough, than you feed her, only tasty, faithful, they don’t eat fish, they eat, you know, the other way around? submariners have a ration of the fourth standard, at sea they even have 100 g of wine per day, chocolate, fish, the ration for submariners is good, and our cokes are great, that is, the fourth compartment, diesel generator , here we have the heart, two kolommensky diesel generators, the same ones are in principle on steam locomotives, turbocharged diesel engines, inline eight, we float up, start the diesel generators, energy is generated, charge the battery, charged overnight, the diesel engines were turned off, loaded, we go to the batteries, this is very little joke , a desalination plant has already been installed on this project, that is, in addition to the supply of water that we take with us
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, desalination, when in silence mode, hello, in silence mode, yes, this it’s true that there’s nothing there that won’t ring, and they don’t drop the keys anyway, no, no, there’s no such thing, it’s very difficult to hear with acoustic systems, the romance of the sea is yes, but submariners are work, work, and this work is mainly with the material part, these are the mechanics , these are the valves, this is all the hardware , that is, you have to work constantly, what is this , this is vips, this is what we shoot, we shoot through it imitation cartridges to deflect enemy torpedoes, hydroacoustic countermeasures, a small torpedo tube of some kind, well, yes , of course it looks like this. here, if only this is the most survivable place, well, it is survivable from everyone else only because we also have an escape hatch here, that is, in the event of an emergency, putting a submarine on a pile through the sixth compartment, just like through the first, submariners can exit
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in rescue equipment, i went out myself , of course, we go out every year, that is, well, here, of course, it says that until the weather has not embroidered, we go out through torpedo tubes in the training centers in the normal way, every year this is mandatory. when i'll climb in first as a commander, i'll go with me as a senior mate to the deputy, we've passed, now try someone not to pass, it was the same with us. small rocket ship project 21631 orekhozhev , the seventh ship of this series in 2014 in april. in the fourteenth year it was laid down on the slipway of the zelenodolsk shipbuilding plant and
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on december 10, 2018 it was accepted into the navy, that is, the ship is 5 years old and is considered quite new, modern, the purpose of the ship is the defeat of critically important coastal ground targets of the enemy, also from other purpose - this is the destruction of naval, from enemy naval targets, starting there from destroyers, ending there with a boat, from the main armament, the ak630 artillery mount is designed to destroy air and small-sized sea targets, consists of two ao-18 assault rifles, they can be used simultaneously by two people, also, well, separately , depending on the task at hand , depending on the current situation, respectively, the caliber is 30 mm, the rate of fire is up to 2000 rounds per minute, roughly speaking,
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or 9342, well, depending on the tasks assigned, here is a naval pedestal machine gun installation with a machine gun, with a large-caliber vladimir machine gun, with a tank one, 14.5 mm caliber, also designed to destroy small-sized naval air targets, well, this is what it was built for ship, eight-caliber missile system. cells for guarding eight missiles, respectively, maybe this
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complex is designed like a missile, or rather , it is designed both in the sea and in the coastal version, that is, nothing changes here, a missile is simply loaded, either for sea or coastal purposes , well , what can you see there? allows him to do this, it’s called a bridge, this whole thing is called bridge 21631, it contains electronic maps, a map displaying information about the air surface and underwater situation, a communications facility, this is a rescue fleet, this is a radar station. this is to interfere with the enemy , that is, accordingly, this is a stowed target,
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there are metal reflectors, and for the rs anti-ship missiles, it creates an additional mark, which is larger than the ship, and accordingly will capture it, and not the ship, what is this for, a zero-level boat with a motor suspended is intended for well as a means of salvation, that is, this is the main purpose, but it also has. an additional task is described here, for anti-underwater sabotage defense, well, the ship must be launched through inspect the waters in the area of ​​the ship , from saboteurs, but you definitely have more space than the submariners, yes, a football team, there was a friendly match with the zelenorozhsky plant, they played photographs for memory, so to speak, well, here too we are always in we participate in tournaments, the midshipmen’s quarters are now...
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yes, they recline, these ones also recline, respectively.


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