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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 4, 2024 9:00am-9:26am MSK

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the first serial sarmat heavy ballistic missiles have also been delivered to the troops; we will soon demonstrate them in the basing areas on combat duty. work on a number of other promising weapons systems continues , we will learn more about the new achievements of our scientists and gunsmiths. he
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took the opportunity to highlight the technologies that russia has, in other words, how powerful they are, he mentioned the zircon hypersonic missile, here it is in testing, it began to be used very soon after its development is used quite effectively. we have a picture of this missile here, this is a 21st century missile, there are not very many of them, he emphasized how effective this m8 missile is. it's all part of making russia great again, it's not going through hard times, its economy is growing, last year it grew by 3.6%. it has grown more than the american and european ones, and this is all despite western sanctions. the west imposed 16,500 sanctions, this is a phenomenal figure. putin said it was strong. necessary for a strong world
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order, he accused the united states of trying to intervene to inflict a strategic defeat on russia, he also said that russia, of course, is ready to talk with the west, russia is ready for dialogue with the united states of america on issues of strategic stability. it was almost a record- breaking three-hour speech. he took this as an opportunity to blame the west. the united states, talking about how the west started wars on... he says that they miscalculated, they must eventually understand that we have there are also weapons, but they know about it, just now i said, there are also weapons that can hit targets on their territory, and what are they all coming up with now, how are they scaring the whole world, what? all this really threatens a conflict with
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the use of nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization, why don’t they understand this, or what? what do you think about putin’s threat to nato countries because of his words about the deployment of troops, they will not necessarily be sent to ukraine, but he gave this warning in advance. this pointing with a weapon is always there the danger is that this is a crying wolf situation, militarily.
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so he presents this as an increased threat, he also emphasized that russian troops are on full alert, which means don't mess with me or i'll push the button. responding to putin's threat to use nuclear weapons, a state department spokesman said today that the leader of a nuclear power should not talk like that. what is your reaction to putin’s speech, his accusation towards the west and the threat of the beginning.
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president putin said that 95% of strategic nuclear forces have been modernized, in short, our rivals are improving their position compared to the united states. allies at a rate that is significantly higher than a couple of years ago. as the war in ukraine enters its third year, russia remains a major strategic threat to the united states, with moscow having the largest, most modern nuclear arsenal and a 1:10 advantage over the united states in tactical nuclear weapons. russia has also developed new weapons, none of which the united states has. she has nuclear transoceanic autonomous torpedoes and intercontinental.
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well, macron, who, as putin hinted in his message, is talking about obvious, terribly dangerous nonsense , does not come to his senses. the french president said that about nato troops in ukraine, this is not a joke, not a slip of the tongue, and not a mistake. “i ,” macron says, “didn’t go too far, on the contrary, i chose my words very carefully and ... i’m ready to implement this idea, as they say, on my last journey with god.” in shock, even the head of the french foreign policy department, the french foreign minister, sejournet, macron’s peak, said that the french would not
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to die for kiev, the fifth republic will definitely not send its troops to ukraine. in general, there is no unity, even in paris. sijurne, aka, officially.
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scholz apparently understands that in a couple of minutes , god forbid, after such an incident , the same sarmatian will fly to berlin, and the capital of germany will be wiped off the face of the earth, well, then a feud happened, deliberately, or maybe accidentally, scholz said that the british and french the military is already launching scalp missiles from the territory of ukraine from ... shadow across the regions of russia, well, that is, personnel the military of nato countries are firing missiles at crimea and russian soldiers, and this is the worst thing about direct participation in the conflict. in london and paris, of course,
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there was hysteria, scholz’s words were called a slap in the face by an ally, a blatant abuse of intelligence data, that is, scholz gave up a secret. well, in general, olaf gives putin a reason for escalation, in general, olaf turns out to be a kremlin agent. former commander of us forces in europe, hodges advised the german chancellor to keep quiet and wait for instructions from london next time, but how since olaf didn’t listen to their instructions, he seemed to be trying to leave the war. the british did their best to persuade germany to transfer long-range taurus missiles to ukraine. london demanded that berlin stop looking for excuses and supply weapons right now. what is scholz doing? surrenders all allies.
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scholes's statement drew criticism and
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was called a gift to russian propagandists. a big fuss arose after german chancellor olaf scholz said that british and french soldiers were helping the ukrainian armed forces launch long-range storm shadow missiles and scalp. some have even accused the head of the german government of rampant abuse of classified intelligence, as the former head of the british parliament's defense committee, tobias ellwood, claims, for example, with similar statements. scholz only wants to divert attention from himself, since he himself does not yet want to transfer german long-range taurus missiles to kiev, scholz was criticized in germany, in particular, the representative of the opposition party of the christian democratic union for foreign policy, norbert rötgen, called absolutely scholz’s statements that allegedly not only british, but also french soldiers are involved in launching storm shadow missiles from the territory of ukraine are irresponsible. scholz was wrong and acted irresponsibly when
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he said that the british and french military allegedly control long-range stormshadow missiles, which are launched from the territory of ukraine in the ssu, says alicia kearns, chairwoman of the british parliament's foreign affairs committee. thus, the german chancellor answered the allies by counting, kearns stated. in turn, the former british defense minister ven wallis, who actually sent stormshadow to ukraine, called scholz the wrong person. in the wrong position at the wrong time. the british intelligence community is in shock. the chief executive of intelligence consultancy sayline, justin crump, is furious. british support for ukraine is unlikely to be news to moscow, given the repeated leaks, but although it was previously veiled, scholz completely tore off the veil of secrecy. president putin threatened to you this morning. i'm not going to make any geopolitical comments because this is not the place. these are quite serious topics. each of the words that... i speak on this issue in a thoughtful, verified and balanced manner. we ourselves must escalate so that
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putin will retreat. we must transfer taurus long-range missiles to kiev. even if this is not enough, it is still simply necessary to do it. our chancellor must therefore finally abandon his rhetoric and he must start listening to macron. scholl makes a mistake with his statements, he demonstrates that the west is divided and shows where his achilles' pit is. scholz just needs to be threatened, he will immediately back down. you stated earlier. completely different signals on how much this is hurting the alliance. unfortunately, the federal
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chancellor of germany got away with the most. it may be very unpleasant for him to do all these things that he is forced to do now, sending weapons to ukraine, and modernizing the bundesphere. this is very different from what he imagined when he was younger politician, but one way or another, it is still inevitable. i, diplomatic, state of kanata. yes, diplomats.
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the state, still the incumbent head of state, is losing to his main challenger in all the swing states, arizona, wisconsin, georgia, michigan, nevada,
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percent are worried about age. the hosts of american federal channels have been repeating like a parrot for several months now: biden’s advanced age is the main concern of voters. but he, biden, diligently confirms all fears. once again the us president disgraced himself by flying to texas, where a real migration war is currently unfolding.
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he laughed in response, not only does he , of course, not allow fellow party members to vote for the law, but in order to heroically solve the problem of illegal migration, he also mockingly arrived at the border on the same day as joe biden, as they say, feel difference, he was
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confident, very cheerful and joked a lot. planned, of course, to meet with biden, but that is, they could have fought, but something went wrong. donald said publicly: this sick old man is too bad, he needs to be taken to the hospital. a duel in the form of border visits took place today in the southern united states, attended by two leaders. border crossings, both in border areas and in large cities throughout the country. president biden was in brownsville, texas. there, he called on president trump to join him and urged house republicans to help secure the border by voting for the senate bill. trump is at 500
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km from it in the city of iglpas. there he took an excellent position and criticized. said it was president trump who called on house republicans to kill legislation that would improve border security. it's time for the speaker and some of my republican friends in congress who are blocking this bill to stop being spineless. i understand that my predecessor is visiting eagle pass today, so here's what i want to say to mr. trump: instead of playing politics, instead of
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tell a member of congress to block this bill, join me and i will join you and tell congress: pass this bipartisan bill, this is amazing, this is amazing, thank you, thank you sir, it's time for comments, i invite you to take your seats, and we take you where i'm going? okay, what's the best way to deal with cortels?
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with him about the ceiling for a long time, it’s noteworthy that he didn’t talk, well, i didn’t sit and discuss , he just sticks to the cards, and if he deviates from the cards, he won’t be able to move on, look, he served the country whether you like it or not, i respect the man for that, i thank him for that service, but he's not the age that best...
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in the last 5 days, brownsville , where biden went, only 46 migrants were detained. after visiting the apiaries where trump went, more than 200 former presidents were given a tour by the governor, greg abate. now a critical moment has come for our country, and it’s not just about the border. i don't understand why joe biden went to brownsville where only six people tried to cross the border. to say that he solved the problems at the border. the border issue has become trump's strong point and joe went there precisely because of trump, he always plays number two, he tries to take credit for other people's merits and not get
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things done. i think the contrast between capacity and helplessness here is very striking. you can hate trump all you want, but you can't say he's incompetent, and you can love joe all you want, but you can still recognize that he's incompetent. from important news, which right now are coming to the news agent feed with the mark lightning. time is on russia’s side in the situation in ukraine, it is necessary to start peace negotiations immediately, otherwise even more people will die, orban said, also foreign minister lavrov, this is already very serious, he just said. that the west’s desire to send troops into ukraine has now been officially recorded by us,
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the ball is in our court, official moscow will act, it sounds as alarming as possible, whatever this means, we are, of course, waiting for details, it is fundamentally important circumstance and pentagon chief austin said that in case of defeat. macron said that nato is seriously considering sending troops to ukraine for a war with putin. we are transported to the front, my colleague, war correspondent, grigory vdovin, is in direct communication, shining.
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gigantic there


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