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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  March 4, 2024 9:25am-9:56am MSK

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this is any industrial facility, especially such a huge industrial facility of this scale, it is a kind of fortress, and avdeevka itself is a fortress, as sakhim is a fortress inside a fortress, i remind you that it is believed that this is the largest plant of this type in europe, well and indeed those units that this damned soviet government left to beautiful ukraine, they are so grandiose, gigantic, there are so
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many different workshops, premises, including underground premises, that various corridors and bunkers communicate with each other, that it was possible to hold a defense there, in general, well, absolutely no worse than cartloads of steel, besides, as for various supplies, ammunition, provisions, all these basement rooms there are crammed , these were literally from... the ground to the ceiling, but - our generally high-explosive bombs with a planning and correction module, they do their job, they also break into these bunkers, which in part are now even impossible to get into, because they are littered - right there in those bunkers that we managed to get into, we also had to make our way through the ventilation ducts, well, in general, as for dry rations, this is... a complete, so
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to speak, international menu, that is, all countries, nato members, they apparently have a day of such cuisine, a day of this cuisine, which means that some kind of national, national aspects could be introduced there, as for gastronomic aspects, and of course weapons, ammunition, that is, the further the situation develops , the less we will encounter soviet weapons, so to speak, ours, here... purely such russian traditional ones, the more there will be all sorts of things that are completely unsuitable for us either by standards, or by type, or by type, that is, cartridges, grenades , shots, grenades, all this is already foreign, well, not to mention the delusions, of which there are several left in avdeevka, as for the command posts, apparently they already understood at some point that... that
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they were leaving avdeevka and that concerns the command, such a stampede managed to escape, that is, command posts, documentation, servers, computers, they were more or less carefully able to - as far as i understand, bring something out, naturally they couldn’t bring it out, specialists are now working on it, there are a lot of interesting finds left there , all of them are now being studied, but as for the rank and file, in general, that same conditional... and the mykoly, as they say, soldier, no one said anything to him, the closer he is from the city center and the closer to donetsk , the more problematic it is for them was to get out, that is, a fortified, fortified area , the former part of the air defense zenith, the so-called, it was generally surrounded, there people were taken prisoner along the streets of avdievka, in the private sector, there, well, i don’t know how it is now, but there are literally a few days ago they caught one there at a time. maybe two people
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each, as for the plant, in general all the buildings there are visible, despite these cunning systems of underground passages and communications, as far as i understand, based on what we saw, everything has already been checked there, that is there no one was left, and a huge number of the so-called two hundredth ukrainian soldiers were abandoned there, that is , both dead and wounded, who were left in varying degrees, so to speak intact.
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the enemy actually has nothing to cling to, well , as i understand it, it was a difficult decision for the ukrainian side to leave avdiivka as sakhim. well, they had to choose between complete encirclement, which was already quite realistically beginning to loom, after all, a way out of the city, this heroic third brigade in quotation marks, the former azov, who were sitting at the factory, which literally a few days before the city was, how they, how the ukrainian troops left the city, they went there supposedly to hold the defense, in general, they both heroically entered and heroically left, apparently, when they found themselves in this... industrial development industrial situation, maybe some azovstal flashbacks worked for someone there and they decided not to resist and not to hold the line, but as for where they were going out now, but there actually
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it was very eloquent in the report yesterday that it was clear that here is the wall of the factory, inside , everything is like the industrialization of the thirties, all this is a heap. naturally, all of our artillery, which before had targets somewhere in avdievka or in the avdievka area, now all this artillery is aimed after this avdievka at this orlovka, naturally, the enemy feels it, and naturally, just like in the situation with the encirclement of avdeevka, which was almost... closed, but they managed to get out, just like that well, as it is now clear that orlovka and further than mitailovo, and further, further, further, thin and other settlements, they, they will gradually come under our control, because from any building in avdeevka on
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kaksakhim, you are on top, if you rise , you look, here they are, these populated areas in front of you, that is, heights both natural and artificial, they are now... controlled by us and a huge array of artillery and weapons, now it has been freed up and is working on uh - these are the ukrainian orders that now they are rolling back, well, including when we worked at koksahim, and we saw su-25s that came in uh and sent something there, not very pleasant for that country, and uh mi-24, and uh.
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are able to prove this to them, also from the important point, the people of the nato countries are completely in the dust, and we are in what is called agony, the american congress is again postponing the shutdown, which means that the american congress is again postponing
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billions for ukraine. part of the funding for federal agencies is extended until march 8, for us, america's budget problems. first turn is important because the longer the american congressmen tinker with their problems, but the later they, the american congressmen, will take up the issue of helping the kiev regime, while biden is already going crazy, today self-propelled joe said that in order to finance ukraine it is necessary to urgently start to use the $300 billion stolen from russia, he will allegedly raise this issue at the june meeting. meeting of the leaders of the so-called big seven in italy, john also said that if ukraine is defeated, then the international order will change, so his decision to give russia's frozen assets to kiev must be supported by all allies.
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even the americans themselves doubt that the g7 countries will make this decision. there is no clarity on this issue. honestly, today, publicly. said us treasury secretary yaland. there is indeed a complete lack of unity in the west, french finance minister brunulemer, speaking after a meeting with g7 colleagues. also rejected the us position, said that paris is convinced that in international law there is no sufficient grounds for theft , sounds cool, but the american state debt does not understand why these crushing crazy anti-russian sanctions did not work, the state department actually asked a question, they could not explain why the growth rate of the russian economy in the twenty-third past and even the current twenty-fourth already ... exceed the same indicators in the seven countries that were introduced against moscow,
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there are different data now, from 18 to 19,500 restrictions. the new york times even tried to analyze how russia has changed over the years the last 2 years of the war, from the supposedly bad ones, they say, trade with europe fell by almost 23, the automobile giants toyota volkswagen left, the french left.
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1% of russians believe that russia is moving in the right direction and is moving towards victory right now, look. 2020. everyone was talking about how restrictions on oil exports would destroy the russian budget,
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but experts here in russia say that none of this happened. sanctions don't work, and economic statistics from russia prove it. introduced against moscow 16,500 sanctions hitting the energy, financial, defense sectors, and aviation logistics. at the same time, in 2023. direct imports from europe and the united states to russia fell, but russia found new importers in asia and the middle east to make up for the shortage. 10% of the country's gdp comes from defense-related sectors. the entire economy switched to war footing. according to the imf, the russian economy grew faster than any of the g7 countries in 2023 and is expected to grow in 2024.
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into economic ruin, as predicted in the west, when punitive sanctions were introduced. many russians actually earn much more this way than in previous years. despite how life has changed, many say they are positive about what president vladimir putin is doing. before mr. putin entered the war, he put his financial house in order. national debt was low, funds were ready, and a team of flexible technocrats was ready to fend off the crisis. after the initial shock, the russian system recovered. china and india, collectively
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russia created its own wartime economy . the supply of russian oil and gas, as well as other resources, in particular minerals , to the european market has decreased, against this background the question arose as to how this affected, say, russian international purchasing power. and the answer to this is no, because despite the fact that russia began to sell less oil and gas, it began to do so. at a higher price, so that export income not only did not decrease, but even increased. finnish state gas the company supplies gas to sweden, they are bound by a multi-year contract for the purchase of gas with russian gazprom and without...
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this effect is similar to a chain reaction, that is , you invest money in a plant where something military is created, but at the same time the money remains in it region. 2 years ago, russians were shocked by the size and scale of changes that took place in the country in the international, social and economic spheres, but after these 2 years, data show that the country is undergoing a full-scale transformation and new ways are being found for development. well, that is, 2 years ago the russians were shocked, and now lo and behold, the russian economy has survived, why and what will happen next is probably the main question, we now have a unique opportunity for direct communication, chairman of the board of vtb bank, andrey kostin, andrey leonidovich, well, today you made a downright sensational statement,
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hello, by the standards of the average person you made a statement, yes, you said that by the end of the twenty- fourth the rate will decrease. up to 13%, but it will decrease in a feminine way, as i understand it, carefully, slowly, that’s why not in a masculine way, why can’t it be faster and what to do now, here ’s the current 17%, again, in the opinion of any average person, this is essentially a prohibitive rate, if you don’t have many children, if you’re not an it specialist, then you can’t afford any loan, of course can you please explain. hello olya, well, any forecast, of course, can be very conditional, but why in a feminine way, well, firstly, march 1st is a week until march 8th and involuntarily a feminine theme always comes to mind, but secondly, because our truly central bank has a female face, a beautiful female face, and women are more
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cautious, less adventurous, this is an excellent quality for the head of a central bank, because monetary policy does not like sudden movements, sharp fluctuations, and of course, the central bank, we believe, will most likely begin to reduce the rate in the middle of the year , but will do this very carefully, looking at inflationary pro-inflationary expectations, at the trends that will be in the economy so that inflation does not bounce back, but we still expect that from the middle of the year the rate will decrease, our analysts predict, yes, that this is a likely scenario... when it will be around 13%, which is quite high, but still easier than today, but it’s not just about mortgages, although of course this is an important social tool, it’s a whole thing , of course, that the rate is one of the key elements for economic development, for industrial development, for economic growth, and
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therefore we all, of course, closely monitor it, but the central bank is very strict on the one hand, in my opinion, on the other. .. the country is very justified in this situation politics, because look what is happening, gigantic sanctions, yes, special military operations , everything else can happen, anything, but the economy is stable, our monetary policy, our macroeconomics is stable, and the state is developing, as you yourself said, and the economy is developing at a fairly high pace, so i think we can only support such actions because they provide stability. development of our country, and if you were asked in a friendly way, here’s what to do for an ordinary russian person now, while the rate is what we have, add up and...
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what will you tell us, this is also such a sensitive industry, you now control shipbuilding, we will, we will, well, you know, our shipbuilding, first of all, of course, we can talk about that we have a powerful shipbuilding industry of warships and submarines, which form the basis of our deterrent forces, russia produces unique ships, such as nuclear ... docks - which are produced for rosatom, no other country - builds, but we have serious problems associated with civil shipbuilding, partly because
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in the soviet period we relied mainly on the shipbuilding of countries such as poland, the german democratic republic, finland, even, in general, we ourselves did not care much about this, now this needs to be re-adjusted, we have a significant amount of old equipment, old technologies, you will have to invest a lot, invest a lot. but i think we can handle it, i think that in 4-5-6 years, maybe the next presidential term, we will be able to seriously change the situation and create modern shipbuilding in our country , because there is a basis for this, there is experience for this, there are people, there are personnel for this, well, you yourself have moved in this direction, yes, we understand what enormous problems we have with civil aviation, for well-known reasons , that’s how long the economy and production have been in general.
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some kind of execution, that’s why, they wanted to kill, but it turned out as if we had even become a little better, i think, i think, i think, two
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reasons, well, firstly, we haven’t been sitting still for the last 20 years and did a lot in our economy, they built a lot, and created a lot, and even if we take banks, everyone says that in terms of banking technologies, today russian banks are ahead of not only european, but possibly american banks, so a lot has been done, and secondly... the west failed to isolate us. we have a lot of friends, we have a lot of allies, some of them are more afraid, some are less afraid, but gradually these fears pass. but another thing that i would like to say again is that we definitely need to create together with our colleagues from china, india, and the brics countries in general, we need to create an alternative financial market, not just settlements in national currencies, but a whole market that will include the securities market, the depository and...
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financial world system, we will not finally escape from such a colonial dependence on the dollar, which the state has experienced over the past decades, this must be done persistently at all levels, starting from the top level, this year russia presides over brix, this is a good opportunity to put these issues at the forefront, which, in principle , as i understand it, our government and the leadership of the country are going to do, about friends and about... enemies, it still feels like much, much more, you were actually put on the wanted list in america, of course it felt like a coincidence there, yes, although it’s also hardly a coincidence, the anniversary of a special operation, like an order, but they usually say recognition, but restrictions, well, i haven’t heard about the search yet, it's probably ahead, you know, everything is there it’s very simple, they have long understood that these sanctions, in my opinion, now the americans
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call 600. already russian citizens and companies that got caught, well, there are more and more of them, but somehow they don’t really hurt anyone already, in my opinion, that’s why they made a decision quite a long time ago that they should now initiate criminal cases for violating the absolutely illegal sanctions that they introduced, and since i’m already a veteran of the 2018 sanctions , so they worked, worked, worked , but you see, they hired hundreds highly paid people who receive large salaries and years... work, the evidence base, this is of no interest to anyone, other cases will follow, absolutely fake decisions, but who is now looking for any results, there are no results, so i think this is my pilot project, i, unfortunately, think that it’s important to throw that one out, although it seems to me that they have plenty of their own affairs, they would deal with criminal cases there, trump has enough there, and biden actually has enough, but the russians are of course preferable in this regard, i to that i’m calm, i actually expected this,
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i repeat, unfortunately, probably... this is not the first, but, but, but not the last case. also, andrei leonevich, about record profits , yes, you look at the reports, record profits are recorded by banks, all russian, well , large, of course, the main ones in the twenty-third year, what is happening now in the twenty- fourth year, well, of course, the average person will say it’s good for the bankers, explain why this is good for the country, what it threatens the average person, the average person has something to be happy about, well, look, firstly, well, firstly, the profitability of banks is an indicator in general of the health of the success of the economy and not only of banks. if the profit of banks was about over 3 trillion, then the profit of the corporate sector was over 30 trillion, so not only banks, but also other enterprises, you yourself said at the beginning that the year was successful, that no one expected, that everyone in the west wonders why, accordingly, if the work is going well, it’s successful if there is export.
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if production is growing, then so are they profits, which is good for the state , because the greater the profit, the more taxes , the greater the profit, the more investment in development, so the economy develops, the budget receives additional funds, and this probably ultimately affects everyone , but for now, as i understand correctly, save 13% until the end of the year, and then there is at least some kind of forecast, even if it’s very vague, i’m talking about the interest rate. well, there are different forecasts, but in our opinion , the decline will continue in 2025, we don’t see it yet any reasons why it should, i think that we had a rate of 7.5, but i think that inflation will decrease, if inflation drops to the planned 4%, then i think that the rate should also be about 5 -6%, hardly much higher. oh, god forbid 5-6%
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, sounds quite incredible at the present time, save, save, for now, rejoice, we agreed, keep the money in vtb for now, keep it, the rate is high, thank you, thank you very much, andrey kostin, andrey leonilovich kostin , chairman of vtb, in direct contact, the main thing would be what to save, we'll be back in a minute, anostrovskaya. very nice, and that means you are that same psychic fortuneteller, right? premiere on rtr, this is our new opera, anna borisovna. very nice, help him. let's drop the formalities. come on, yura. she can work with anyone. can you somehow see or feel something from things? even with ghosts. 1 2 3 4 5, get me out.


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