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tv   Vibori Prezidenta Rossii-2024  RUSSIA1  March 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:48pm MSK

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against the idea of ​​​​training a civilian army, everyone knows that in wartime, in times like the first world war, the second world war, countries had other agreements, but we are not in that position now, now we have no plans to do this, perhaps rural on the road next to the rest of another armored vehicle, first the soldiers of the thirtieth motorized rifle brigade attacked the american tank from the rp, they shot down the abrams caterpillar and the sixty-ton colossus survived, after which it was finished off by russian fpv drones with the creative name upa. we already said what it is us army production battle tank. both vehicles were hit in the ovdeevsky direction, and so on the same section of the front the newest assault mine clearing vehicle of the us army m1150 was spectacularly blazing. our.
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shrapnel flew here over your head, you once thought that you were further away from neighboring positions, shelling is everyday life, but you see the real thing at once, you see now a real combat vehicle, you can see from the sides, from everything that it has gone through a lot of things, this fragments in general, but the armor can withstand a lot of things, i also went before being wounded without this armor, if this armor was present.
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the more soldiers die, yes, indeed, due to the lack of ammunition and due to the fact that the ukrainian troops are exhausted, especially in the east, the ukrainians are no longer able to defend their cities, when they run out of ammunition, they are simply forced to abandon cities, russia is taking control of more and more new territories in the east of ukraine, and it is possible that we will see the same thing in the zaporozhye region, right now it actually brought on the side of the russian armed forces, they received the armed forces of ukraine, and this... is far from the first one they have lost, what’s even more offensive for the ukrainians is that this downed marder is located on territory already controlled by the russians, in a couple of days we will see how the russians drive around on it, and in a couple of months we will see it is already in moscow. but the west is prohibiting all new ways of supporting the bandera regime, the united states has put it to use, the picture, but it will be paid for out of funds. studios in block 95 from
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money that could go towards pensions, child benefits, medicine and other ukrainian... that is, zelensky for himself i ordered the film myself and paid from the budget. the script was written by a kvartal resident, andrei yakov, whose name was valera. the director of the film will be james mangold, the author of such films as logan, ford v ferrari, indiana jones, silverblad of destiny, behind-the-scenes negotiations with paramount and foreign agent alexander who fled from russia. rodnyansky, they can’t decide on the main role yet. zelensky, possibly played by jeremy rener, also showed a creative approach and found out that kiev needs, apparently to win,
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to urgently allocate $4 million, but not for weapons, 4 million dollars for inclusive demining of the territory, sounds like absurdity, but... the point is that it is no longer possible to effectively deal with minefields in the 21st century in teams of sappers who will clear minefields, although explosives experts are doing it the old fashioned way they believe that for an infantry or anti-tank mine it makes absolutely no difference who gets blown up by it, but the only trans crossing in this regard is for...
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about trump’s statement that he supports the ban on abortion, donald himself responded with a new mocking picture of joe biden in a dog cone next to his biting dog, a clear hint, perhaps, that not only dogs must be protected from biden,
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but all citizens of trump’s america, if those same women, blacks and latinos have already begun to turn away from biden. that is, his core constituency, gays and transvestites, are still in line. george. said that we are airdropping humanitarian aid to ukraine, he meant gas,
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all dear charles georgie doesn’t know you, but still. behind a closed door, johnny probable, it's like he has an interactive virtual reality display with which he programmed himself. the software may be in beta, but it itself is alpha. look at his schedule, sports classes at 7:00 am.
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63% of voters said they would vote for donald trump in the upcoming election. we saw how the first one. lady has previously criticized republicans and former president donald trump, but her statements this week
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marked a change in her tone that means she's ready to fight. well, one more a small scandal that joe biden certainly could not find himself in. we are talking about former american president clinton and the unpleasant intrigue, you remember, it all happened under the table. his love brand reformation chose her as the lead model for... advertising comfortable office wear, whatever that means? the company supports the feminist agenda, fights for women's rights, so the choice of an official, a new collection, well, it would seem obvious here. after the connection with clinton, monica's career went downhill, she tried against bullying, sexual harassment in the workplace, in '18 she stated that... her relationship with the president represented a gross abuse of power on the part of clinton, of course, although
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who persecuted whom and who achieved what in '98 still needs to be sorted out, one way or another, but now, just before the elections , they decided to return monica to america with suits suitable for any office tasks, levinsky also advertises the inalienable suffrage, emphasizing at the same time: what’s in it the stakes are especially high this year, because disappointment and voter apathy can significantly affect turnout, and god forbid, donald trump wins. trainee and supreme commander. i did not have sexual relations with this woman and mrs. levinsky. let me show you what she
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's been up to, she's become the face of the eco-friendly brand reformation, working with the non-profit organization, she's trying to encourage people to register for the upcoming election to vote, the team is trying remind people that they have power, quote, once monica levinsky was subjected to quite vicious ridicule, but now she has outdone.
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but from that moment my fall began , i did a stupid thing, i ran home during my lunch break and put on the green suit i was wearing that day when he noticed me, i thought maybe he would notice me again, and he i noticed that the top of my underwear, my panties, was visible from under my clothes, and i thought, i'm upping the ante, and it seems to me that she's really
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she had a hard time trying to move on from this scandal, her image of public ridicule, she tried many times to update her... i certainly don't admire what she did, but i'm glad that she was able to get out of it and deliver a positive message. livinsky made a deal, receiving full immunity in exchange for key evidence, including gifts from the president, and this blue dress, physical proof of their relationship. i'm not surprised she's doing this. now it’s 2024, and every little celebrity is going into politics. will this have any impact on the elections? i think no. i wrote my thesis on how we are trying to make elections more attractive. sexualization is useless here. it all looks glamorous, even
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boastful. again, she looks amazing, the clothes are great, but it doesn't work that way. oh, yes, well done, if we started about clothes, then monica levin did not immediately refuse her image of a woman who provides certain services under the table. to be fair , she did not immediately refuse, at first she tried to sell it and even put it up for auction the very dress, apparently not comfortable office clothes, as they are now advertising, but that same dress. with traces of what she was doing with american president clinton. clinton did not divorce his wife. hillary, a generous woman, decided to forgive him. now news is coming: the german ambassador has left the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation. journalists,
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apparently, ask him questions from what was said. came out, we are waiting for details about what happened to him. then literally 20 minutes later he left the building presented and how he commented on everything is still unknown. peskov says that what happened, i mean the publication of these very conversations, indicates that the west is absolutely. officially and most importantly, completely involved in the war between russia and ukraine. we are talking about the war between russia and nato for a very long time, this is just a new, now official revelation of this circumstance. we are transported to the front, alexey gavrish is in direct communication, if we talk about the war between russia and nato, then obviously this is
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the new abrams tank, which was the day before hit. is there any understanding of the circumstances? they said that there is an idea that , most likely, the american owners did not want the tanks to go to the battlefield, they were used only for the defense of kiev itself, but taking into account that the ukrainian armed forces now have a rather critical supply situation. there is a difficult situation - with equipment, they are already sending even such reserves, which are the most serious for them, onto the battlefield, it is indeed reported that this one there was
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shot down from an rpg, any tank, in principle, even any tracked vehicle, it is quite vulnerable to being hit by the tracks, and most likely this is exactly what happened, he was immobilized, and the upper part of the frames is lightly armored, there the fpv can absolutely easily finish him off, as our guys basically do, because these are the most vulnerable places of these tanks . at the moment , there is no equipment that we cannot effectively fight, because our technical equipment is now many times better than that of the enemy, and this is already evidenced by a lot of factors, even the introduction of these same abrams. lyosh, please tell me about the avdeevka direction, the tank is also the avdeevka direction, but now i’m talking about the line of defense, yes, we tried several times to figure out why we went so quickly after avdeevka, now there are satellite images... the americans are camping, the new york times is lamenting, the ukrainians are not even were able to dig ditches correctly, what is the problem there, is this some kind of special
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science, there are soviet standards, or did they lay out the dragon's tooth according to nato standards, what is the problem? i just wanted to say that the problem is primarily in the fortifications, in fact this is the case in the ssu, most likely we didn’t even expect our breakthrough into the village to be so quick and that the progress would be so active. and so tightly, uh, that’s why they didn’t build reserve lines that would be just as seriously fortified as ovdeevka itself. naturally , yes, trenches have been dug, but now they are not playing such a serious role as before, because - nowadays, a huge number of unmanned aerial vehicles are used at any time, which easily find them, easily identify points of temporary deployment of opponents, and even these same fpv drones can immediately destroy these hidden positions, roughly speaking, if a projectile hits the trench. place these shells somewhere nearby, in a trench you can hide from the barrage of fragments that will fly away from the shells, but in the case of the pividron this will not work, because it will even fly under the roll and directly into the room itself where
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the opponents will be, so at this stage, these fortifications that they built will not be able to provide us with any serious, let’s say, resistance, but we need to say that despite our serious progress among the armed forces of ukraine, the quality of military personnel ... i would not say that it has decreased, in some places in the area of ​​​​the same semyonovka it is reported that now the numbers are like 4: one, but at the same time we are all we continue to advance equally , and this already speaks about the qualitative characteristics of the ukrainian armed forces soldiers, that is , their mobilization still works, it is a death machine, it is a meat grinder, and people are sent to the front unprepared, and here we are now advancing not due to numerical superiority, and due to the technical superiority and training of our military personnel, how... far have we gone in this avdeevka direction, what settlements are further there , how many are already behind, here is the goal, what does it look like on this section of the front, at
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the moment our soldiers are already have gained a foothold on the central street of novomikhailovsky, in the berdychi area there are oncoming battles, by the way, the abrams was destroyed precisely in the berdychi area, our troops are also advancing in the pervomaisk area, our aviation is very active now, the strike... is carried out from the air, strikes are carried out from the ground by artillery, and we also cannot underestimate the importance of unmanned aircraft, which find points on which to strike. the armed forces of ukraine now have quite serious problems with supplies, with rotations, because both there is a shortage of equipment and, in principle, there is not enough trained manpower, at the moment the progress has slowed down a little, because we are approaching new lines of defense and the ukrainian armed forces are throwing in a huge number of fighters, so... we have slowed down a little, but in any case we are gradually moving on. you can you somehow comment on syrsky’s intention, which zelensky has already confirmed,
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to replace all the brigadier generals on the battlefield who failed the ukrainian defense, this kind of leapfrog or change, this could be a constructive action? i think no, most likely these are already political internal games of ukraine. and most likely now syrsky is removing the top ranks, those who were loyal to zaluzhny, those who support him, so that zaluzhny can be plunged even further into a vacuum, in order to remove him from the agenda as much as possible so that he is not, let’s say, a serious opponent for zelensky, for the most part these are personnel changes at the top of the armed forces of ukraine, not tactical, not strategic, just political games. thank you, lesha.
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in our country they were soon going to destroy our crimean bridge, they are commenting in london, commenting in paris, commenting in berlin, there is no consensus, washington is still silent, how to treat this, they have not yet formulated, from what has been stated they only say that this is, of course, a problem, we we will conduct an investigation and find the culprits, but this is what is called your business, but in fact it is not said.
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gone, please! olga, well, after all, the huge commotion over the very fact of the leak of negotiations between senior bundesfern officers regarding the crimean bridge is a little surprising. well, you know, if this happened against the backdrop of the fact that everything was flint, a wall, nothing was leaking from anywhere, and suddenly it was leaking? no, all these last days we have just been seeing spring waters, everything is flowing, about everything.
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disagreement, after which scholz comes out and “we didn’t agree, there are serious people who say, well, we are categorically against it, but the british and french military are present, we are not, so they are present and are directly involved, after which britain declares that they have gone crazy and the like, that is, everything flows, what does it
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indicate"? these leaks , in my opinion, are not only about the fact that spring has come and the waters are flowing, but about the fact that there is a serious internal struggle between two parties, what kind of parties are these, these are parties of cowards and dunces, remember the haidai were cowards, dunce, experienced, well experienced, trump is most suitable for his role, he is still warming up in reserve, here is the party of cowards fighting the party of dunces, before this they had a consensus. they are arguing about the degree and form of nato’s participation in the war against russia; before this they had some kind of consensus: they chose the tactic of simmering a frog. there is a well-known story that if you immediately boil boiling water, the frog will jump out, but if you add little by little, little by little, then the frog will cook, little by little, add against russia and quietly, unnoticeably get involved,
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give everything to ukraine. more, more, more, i must say, let’s say by way of self-criticism that here we also had certain objective circumstances for this, when some expert. did not make any threats, but if he said something, it was clear that this was a firm, clear and precise position, so he said in his message now, drew a real red line, he said that two
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things are direct sending nato troops to ukraine and providing long-range missiles, which can strike at russian territory means a transition. nato's war against russia from the de facto stage to the stage. we are offended when they hit russia with long-range missiles. no, there is a moment when weapons are provided that are used where they use verbal balancing act, they say: this is the territory of ukraine, but we do not recognize that this is the territory of russia, this is some kind of disputed zone in which we provided. for weapons, when weapons are provided for direct strikes on russian territory, this is actually participation in war. i don’t want to confuse your logic, i really like it myself, but when we voice such theses, we are a little disingenuous to ourselves,
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a blow to belgorod, which was dealt more than once, numerous deaths in belgorod, this is primordially russian territory, but this not our red line. this is original russian territory, but there remains a loophole for both the western allies and ukraine, we did not give for these purposes, ukraine spontaneously used it, in this case the direction of the towers missiles is exactly the target of the attack strikes on russian territory, this is actually an entry into the war, why germany is rushing about more than anyone today, because besides... that legally this will mean entering the war, which means the president said about it, the possibility of inflicting retaliatory strikes on russia using our missile potential. in addition, such an action on the part of germany will undermine the legal basis
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for the existence of the current german state, namely the 2+4 agreement. i would like to remind you that this is an agreement on the final settlement of the german question, which is amazing we people. they are discussing the destruction of the russian federation, planning how to hit the bridges, and we again tell them about the document, look, in all seriousness, and yet, and yet, you understand, in international relations, no, i haven’t understood for a long time, question document , it seems to me that they told you, bücheli, from there we, having created a secret communication channel, will hit the bridge, we will hit, we will give a command and explain where to press, what combination of buttons, i turn vanya. they pressed, that is, the büchele is legal, it means, i draw your attention to peskov’s words, let’s determine whether these are spontaneous conversations that were conducted by german officers, or this is sanctioned by
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the top leadership of germany, these are different things, that is, we assume that they are drunk in the bathhouse , well, we shouldn’t exclude the possibility, and nevertheless, i will still return to the 2+4 agreement it has. of great importance, this is an agreement between the gdr and the federal republic of germany on unification, where four countries took part in this agreement winners, the soviet union, the usa, great britain and france, and which determined the peaceful nature of germany, it is certainly absolutely that it cannot participate in hostilities against the countries that acted as guarantors and participants in this treaty, you will forgive me, but leopard tanks are nothing, tanks. the leopard, from their point of view , is currently being used from their point of view on the territory of ukraine, from their point of view, the direction of troops, the direction of missiles, which, with the participation of german officers
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, will strike russia means germany's official legal entry into the war, which is why scholz is now taking such a cautious position, what will happen to the president after this? he warned russia quite clearly in his message. from now on , we have every opportunity to strike back. on the territory of the country that is actually at war with us, this is a serious warning, i really hope, as a peace-loving person, that this will have an effect and that the position of smart cowards will win, and not the fools who lead behave like teenagers, but nothing, but the teacher won’t do anything, but let’s continue, although on the other hand i agree with you, ulga, that often this all begins to look like such empty formalities. and one gets the feeling that there is more
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and more, the parties of those who have already finally thrown their cap to the mill are winning, that is, it’s all as it is, let it be. well, for example, an important point, i wish we didn’t miss it. we all remember that in ukraine, the west is fighting for democracy, right? a very important fact, in the past week. the sbu published information that a third maidan is allegedly being prepared, which is organized by the kremlin, well, of course, when the maidan brings me to power, it is a good maidan, when it overthrows me, then it is organized by the kremlin, but there is another important thesis about that we will closely monitor all statements, during the period of spring turbulence, it will come because zelensky ceases to be a legitimate president, and if someone has...
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all, so to speak, talk about the democratic character of ukraine, i think will lose from may every meaning, every meaning, but don’t care about it, because the war is being waged, as our baltic colleagues explained to us, against russia, just as nato exists against russia, but we are at a turning point, or the goonies party will win, and this will mean an open entry into...
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to reach out to german society, so that in germany we will probably not act immediately, trying, probably, to understand that this is no longer funny, so that in germany people, if the elite does not understand , will remember than this once has already ended maybe they shook it somehow.
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centers that would protect europe from any infiltration by russian hackers from anyone in the country. here we are talking about the fact that this party of cowards, which is very cautious, most likely became the initiator, that this information appeared, precisely because for the first time, one might say, we came into our hands with evidence of direct planning at the level of serious operations, combat operations against russia, that is, we have a lot. confirmations, weapons were placed there and so on, by the way, not a single direct
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there is no contract between some ukrainian ukrobornaia export company and a company, they do it all through gaskets, so when they are asked whose leopard is, they say it’s ukrainian, we don’t directly supply, they do everything through gaskets so that they represent completely here we are talking about direct agreements with the russian metal. and not with the state, and here in the same way they propose to conclude a contract with 'let's through a gasket there are no no gaskets.
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february 29 accepted very interesting resolution, i will quote from it an excerpt that a decisive victory for ukraine could lead to genuine changes in the russian federation, in particular de-imperialization, decolonization and de-federation, all of which are a necessary condition for true democracy to be established in russia, that is, collapse in russian style , why the collapse, for this resolution in the european union. 506 people voted in this parliament, that is, already at the level of the european parliament they are discussing issues of dismembering the division of the russian federation. moreover, in france, for the armed forces they are now recruiting people who are native speakers of russian, linguists, so that they understand our speech, that
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is, there must be specialists for the armed forces, that is, at the level of france, that is, at the level of the ministry of defense and the armed forces such people are needed. that is, in fact, all the rhetoric is going on at the level, as they say, where decisions are made, europe is being seriously prepared for war, but this, of course, is being prepared by politicians and everyone who is in power - say, in power, including the military, but the people, of course , don’t know about it, this kind of publication, this kind of disclosure, this is what assange, yes, or snowden used to do, who revealed all these secret operations, this is. you can say such a health vaccine so that they don’t reach madness, when it’s already difficult to stop it, because even in those exercises that are now going on around our organizations, they are all with an anti-russian theme, that is, everywhere russia is the aggressor, russia must be conquered,
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russia must dismember and so on and everywhere. it is clear that even at the pentagon level , a serious publication is being published, which... means that all our types of weapons are assessed so that nato partners have a better understanding of russian weapons, tactics and strategy, this document has already spread to level of nato countries, and as they say, is subject to study, that is, the west is seriously preparing europe for slaughter, because everything we did was unexpected for them, we destroyed their main strategic plan, rebooting the system, rebooting the power over this.. .understandable the thing is that they can’t keep up, not in terms of technology , not in terms of armaments, not in terms of the collapse within us with the help of the fifth column, but something needs to be done, you mean washington, and the washington regional committee, that is, if you want to answer someone , then we need to hit the wrong target, then we will begin to act according to the american manual, exclusively according to joe
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biden, but he, too , probably already long ago still doesn’t care. joe biden is the administration, he doesn’t understand a lot of things, the chief of the pentagon is also sick. and so, again, without mocking anyone’s health, yes, but we we understand that he already knows where he has one foot, in this regard, of course, he is ready to take everyone else with him, whom to beat, who to shake, who to sober up, it is not clear where these people who make decisions are, of course, this is not scholz and macron, this is of course not biden, who, who are these people who are directly pushing the world into nuclear armageddon, this is probably the main question, this is the main question.
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opera, anna borisovna, it’s very nice, help the storyteller, the premiere on rtr, this is our new one for him, let’s switch to you, come on, yura, she can work with anyone, you can somehow see through things, feel something, even with ghosts, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, come out and look for me, i have to find someone, huh? but not everyone can work with her , you dreamed about this kidnapping, you started some kind of amateur activity, kindergarten, by god, please, just a word, believe me, that’s it, no contact with ostrovskaya, she ’s fired, anna meteum, continuation, watch
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today on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season with a new renovation. with a slight movement of the hand we are from we are creating three different functional zones in this room, completely without faces, the ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, before our eyes the plans are turning into a design maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams become reality. look, let me into your home, big changes, every
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sunday on rtr, here it is, look at the weekend, i will turn out to be a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you are an empty place without me, but you thought about the children, i will find a job, be careful!


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