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tv   Anna Medium  RUSSIA1  March 4, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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one of those who write all sorts of angry posts against russia, you are, in principle , of no interest to anyone, you had a historical chance to build your own country, prosperous, successful, but it was a chance under the only condition, if you were a bridge uniting russia to the west, well, now russia is also changing, and we can change, you again don’t understand, you no longer exist, and you are unrecognizable. you no longer exist, the finalization needs to be carried out, well , listen, well, what is this, well , they put two zeros, here’s ukraine, this land, forget it, that’s it, all this no longer exists, because that if you even leave the karpuscula, then ukranazism will grow on it, so that’s it, vasily dmitrievich, khrushchev’s wife once led khrushchev into fornication, when there was an amnesty for a wild number of banderaites, that’s all.
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the main parameter is the ability to adapt to a new situation, and the armed forces of ukraine today certainly do not possess this parameter at all, because this parameter implies, first of all, the presence, firstly, and most importantly, of their own military-industrial complex, which is ready quickly and efficiently rebuild, rebuild its industry to suit the needs of the army and accordingly, and accordingly.
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the third component is the ability to command quickly, the ability of command to control troops, and of course, in this case, again, today ’s armed forces of ukraine are actually a colonial army, that is, they have none of this, which is why we see the situation, the situation... with
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which - they are forced to even fight for their own e in sue, and of course, this means that they will not be able to in the near future change the pattern of the war, i beg your pardon , i'm sorry, we will do this, we will now talk to our doctors, we will provide financiers for vladislav vladislavovich, and tomorrow, with a faint voice, we will be able to fully understand the situation, don’t worry, the ligaments are so specific, sometimes they react. it dawned on you that i’m an action heroine , premiered on rtr, please help us, our son was kidnapped, 18 years old, i’ll find this guy, save him, count on me, if anything happens, you felt something, wanted to warn you, you ’ll end up in shootout, you always have to wear a bulletproof vest, do you hear me?
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anna is a medium, tomorrow on rtr, it so happened that i never had the chance to meet mikhalam mikhailovich himself, on the days of his ninetieth birthday, we are meeting, on the anniversary of the chief duty officer in the country, he had such enormous talent that before..
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dvanetsky said that he doesn’t write for a hall in which there are a thousand people, he writes for friends, the fate of a person with boris korchavnikov, on wednesday on rtr. tell me, do you even understand that i always leave the family, yes, everything is clear, on sunday, here ’s the news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live in another place, this is not news to me, how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend, why, i don’t want to lose contact with sasha, get in touch , and someone else’s woman has nothing to do with it, move to us, and mom, well, what about little mom? you can start life from scratch. hello, i recognized you, oles, after so many years, i knew that you would call someday, but the past cannot be erased. we had a chapter called karina. we can write
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another chapter called the three of us again. i i want to fix everything. southern cyclone. on sunday on rtr. alexey savin, heads the kuzbass union of veterans of the northern military district. he himself fought and was awarded medals for bravery for his combat distinctions. now he is doing his best to help our front-line soldiers return to peaceful life. alexey also works with children in the military-patriotic heritage club. when asked why he does all this, he answers briefly, in a military manner. i serve russia, i consider it my duty from march 15 to 17 to come to the presidential elections and cast my vote for our future. together - we are force, we vote for russia. today vladimir putin
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met with sergei sobyanin in the kremlin. the mayor of moscow spoke about the pace of socio-economic development of the city, the president and...
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the renovation program, well, the projects that we opened, the large ring metro line, the high-speed diameter works very well, today we are already transporting 1,300 per day on the bkl. 000 people, according to the speed diameter of 400 thousand cars daily, even if you look at the economic return, the federal budget has already received more than a trillion rubles at the expense of bkl federal budget. extra-budgetary funds for economic effect, budgetary, budgetary effect. well, as a person living in moscow, like everyone present here, we can say that it is now quite obvious that there is no better metropolis in the world, in terms of the quality of life, the quality of
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services provided, the quality of guests in our studio, it is better than the metropolis in there are no more, well, there are more megacities in the world. yes, but i am grateful that even people from st. petersburg come to our studio, this is especially pleasant for us. europe rises above today we are two guests from st. petersburg. europe is on the warpath with russia, in fact, these are just the usual paths trodden by them, moreover , trodden in both directions, they come here in a tube, back straight along the highway, leaving trophies by... strewing the roads with corpses, and then having taught our children french and other languages ​​for decades, apparently, by monsieur lobert, a poor frenchman, so that the child would not be exhausted, apparently macron decided to replenish the regiment of home
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tutors, but the tutor would be tutors, and french tutors with no past military experience, but he doesn’t feel sorry for his own, he doesn’t feel sorry for him. well, then we certainly won’t feel sorry for them , if a couple of years ago in the west they thought that they could cope with us with someone else’s hands, now it will become clear that the time is coming for direct participation, of course... the baltic tigers play a special role, absolutely indistinguishable from what was the name of the jackal from tobacco, but completely indistinguishable, here lithuania declares that to ensure its own security it needs 600,000 reservists, i don’t want to offend them, but where will they get 600,000 reservists, well, even with if desired, this is the only option to take biden as voters. the dead, well, only, but only if you call from the cemetery, they have the entire
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adult male population, you’ll dig them out of the ground, yes, 7000, no , well, there are also women there, but women are not, well, i don’t know, women, they’re all- they still respect them, it’s unlikely that they will let women in, these are not ukrainians who de facto let their women go under the knife on the battlefield, but at the same time, think about it, there are 6,000 reservists in the country of 3 million people. that is, the proportions are greater than the nazi ones germany, yes, used it, yes, of course, well, at the end of the war, at the end of the war, yes, there is a fine line between war and self-destruction, which some, especially russophobic states, do not see, preparations for war with russia take place under the close supervision of the anglo-saxons, but they are used to , british ground forces arrived in germany to participate in exercises in poland. it is characteristic that the arriving english brigade proudly bears the name “rats”... in the desert, the nato rats really didn’t like the fact that we knew about them tourist plans in crimea, their own
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inferiority is shackling european leaders, they will soon be unable to hide behind the backs of the ukrainians, they don’t want to die themselves, but they will have to if they continue in this spirit. opponents are respected when they go into battle with their visors open, here all the time.
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agreements, being one of the ardent participants who were supposed to ensure their implementation, let me remind you that the minsk agreements became part of the global legislative field after the council of ministers adopted the resolution, as it became it is known, angela merkel , your predecessor in some ways, your boss , theoretically at some point in time, albeit not directly,
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obligations under the treaty between russia, dpr, lpr to protect the people of donbass from genocide, which is your boss, a pathetic nazi creature . some dick, what's his name, scholz, said, the genocide of russians in the donbass, it's funny, you nazi creatures, 27 million tortured soviet people, how dare you open your filthy mouths, you, berbock, who loved your nazi grandfather so much, who raised you, and
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my grandfather, people like your grandfather, destroyed, destroyed.
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we are building the future of our country, which today is fulfilling a special, fateful mission in the global world, and there is no doubt that this mission will be fulfilled. our president spoke precisely and succinctly about our borders: russia’s borders do not end anywhere. these are
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very good words. i want to say about obvious things that our friends and allies understand very well, and that our opponents should, in theory, hack to death in their own noses. i will name several theses: first: alien we don’t need land, but we will never give up ours, so it was and so it will be. our history has proven this more than once. this is the principle by which our state border policy is based. let me remind you of one fact, it is well-known, but nevertheless very soon, at the end of march it will be 210 years since the capture of paris by russian troops, having established order in europe, we then achieved a change of power in paris to one acceptable for ourselves, the russian empire, and for our allies, and then returned with unfurled
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banners to their home, and nobly while paying off debts. even to the last parisian innkeeper. we have never gone so far to the west either before or since. why did we even need this? it was necessary to defeat the enemy and eliminate the direct military threat. yes, so that there is no doubt, the footage behind dmitry anatolyevich’s back is not footage of a military chronicle. vitaliych.
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the walls and columns of aristaka have already been destroyed, there are a few left there - there are tens of square meters there that are shown to tourists, everything else has been destroyed a long, long time ago, they are completely wasted, so i stand for accelerating the historical process, especially since it is accelerating, in my opinion, not without my desire, we just see it, but i remember one of my favorite sayings, it still... exists in our childhood, life hits everything on the head, why does it make me happy that if in the nineties the life of white people hit russia and russian citizens on the head, now it hits us on the head...
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just like that, that is, not to hit with a stick or a finger, not think about the people of nepal, flying, no, lancet, lancet, you
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you mean, okay , that’s a good idea with a scalpel, a lancet, yes, okay, you can use a lancet just right to use this pile, yes, with a lancet or tweezers, yes, no, that’s what makes me more, that is, it doesn’t make me happy, it makes me sad, then, what was actually predicted by sober minds in our country. including those who are standing in this studio, everything is happening, it’s just disaster, love with the west has collapsed, friendship has collapsed, but what hopes were there? 15 years ago they were still negotiating, by the way, who forgot, about the four spaces between the european union and russia, about a visa-free regime, so i said then, there will be no regime without transport, not on our part, they won’t give it to us like that.
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it’s true, there is one psychological, mental problem, i would say, as it’s fashionable to say now, in our country, we are used to feeling like europeans, which we are, i won’t say it now, but , damn it, they are europeans, that’s what we have feeling, these berbaki, these - “we consider them, despite everything, despite everything they have done, despite their rudeness, despite their bad manners, they are residents of europe, but they are not
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europeans, well, no, well realistically speaking, in god they don’t believe, no, vladivich, well, we’ll be there in a casual conversation somewhere in the subway, well, i’ll call richa sunuk a european in a drunken fight, but come here, european face, and when you get drunk, you ’ll be drunk in a drunken fight with him
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"? we preserve true european values, i ’m saying that now there is still a feeling that we can, god forbid , harm europe, but you don’t have a problem at all, and even wipe it off the face of the earth with nuclear weapons, a new one will grow, there is no problem, no big deal will happen, i understand your mood, but not all of it. the russian people think so, and the whole russian people, that means they come out in the morning and think about how not to strike macron, and the whole russian people think that this macron has gone to some mother, we can do that and echo
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habitually answered: mother, mother , mother, mother. powerful - team, order a study from tsoma, yes, i know, these studies, you want to find out what the russian people, and europe, are you serious now, seriously, vitalievich, well, you talk to the russian people, they will tell you, and you think , i'm with him i communicate less than you, i’m sure of this, that is, there’s not even any doubt , well, i understand that you have connections that the king would envy, no, it’s, it’s very simple, i’m just sitting on the air at 12:00 in the morning.
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paris - paris, lisbon - lisbon, if the portuguese want to send, not only because they like this game, your feelings, i understand, no, this is important, they entered the war, period, based on this, their territories should be subjected to the most severe military influence, nevertheless, well, in my opinion, everyone has already recognized that four high-ranking german... military officials in the rank of general, even a couple there , discussed how to hit russian territory with their missiles, which are camouflaged and so on, they will report, i did not hear from our general staff, not from our minister of defense, not from our minister foreign affairs, not from medvedev, except i’ll say, he spoke well today, i especially liked one point,
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here... not finally from the supreme commander-in-chief, that that’s it, you ’ve been exposed, here vladimirich constantly advised us to hit these same people, no, no, just a minute, you seriously think that the voiced telephone conversation should be commented on by the supreme commander-in-chief, the chief of the general staff, the minister of defense, what an honor , skr could not have commented, mid commented harshly, they called the ambassador and stuck him there. a full basket, but you didn’t ask for disobedience, but with this the general, now here’s the general’s statement, so that our chief of the general staff would comment, maybe he hasn’t commented on the janitors yet, he pressed the button, the chief of the general staff is doing his job, they publicly go around and tell him what he will do, just wait a minute , let’s realize it, let’s reach the widest audience now, if there’s
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a nadar tomorrow.” talk about this, you should be arrested today, i’m asking, i’m asking you a question, i’m asking you a question, i’m saying that there will be no tomorrow, that if you have even the slightest information about this, you should be arrested immediately, especially if you’re trying to discuss publicly, because the very idea of ​​discussing publicly the application period blow, something that is the competence not only of certain bodies there, but also of the state, at least criminal and close to the state, i don’t know the secret, so i know you know me. yes , i’m not asking you, i’m saying, let me sleep, it won’t happen, the colonels will say that now about medvedev, you always lead me off the main road, by the way, today dmitry anatolyevich medvedev said a unique thing, until now i haven’t heard this from any official representative of russia, even at a lower level, so
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the question was asked: to what limits will we reach in this our esvo in the nazification of the demilitarization of ukraine and the expert. versions were put forward there several times, but officials did not say anything, so he said that novoros or russia is on both banks of the dnieper, this is the first time i have heard from a russian official that the right side, farthest from us, is more western, where, by the way, the old part of kiev is located, and this is also russia, and most importantly, where, that’s simple. to where to where, then it goes to the danube, how why? well, because from ega to the british seas, so probably finish it off somewhere, and then send it to india, so i understand, i understand that dmitry
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anatolyevich is now playing the role of a bad cop, in my opinion a good one, this is from your point of view, from their point of view, a bad one. strategic course, especially with the addition of today’s words, or yesterday he said, well, in general, it doesn’t matter what medvedev’s words today, it is more or less clear, but in fact it was
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already clear in this direction, there is also asia, the east and so on, so, but still, i repeat, in my opinion, obviously this historical process is inevitable with restoration of the baltic... the sea needs to be freed for russian ships, tourists, cargo of everything else, the black sea needs to be freed up to the same thing, and the black sea fleet - the mediterranean fleet has always been in russia, plus the caucasus is also there ; dual power in the caucasus is never good for anything did not lead and will not lead, but with internal political courses, there are problems , i’ll just list them, i started... i’ll end here, vladimir vladimirovich in his message, which you discussed here, but i wasn’t here, as if directive- digital he gave a very clear guideline, and he gave so many of them that he had to carry out, carry out and
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carry out again, and in such pieces he gave , as it were, a sketch of this strategy, but still there were unclear places, and the demographics...
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it’s impossible to ignore, you have already said about some, vladimirich, others said, dear colleagues, i would also like to add a little to this piggy bank, macron made his statement, but i would like to draw attention not to his words, the possible entry of nato troops into the territory of ukraine, but about implementation form, here it’s very important to watch here, because western politicians, despite everything, have disrespect for them, those who prepare documents for them, those who stand far behind them.
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we are talking about bringing in contingents not from nato, but from some countries, maybe even portugal, as you said to vladimir, to build all this, all this beauty.
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the first thing that comes to mind is that they want to release the contingent of the ukrainian armed forces, yes, occupy them
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with some of their military personnel and continue that very war until the last ukrainian, which we have repeatedly told, but to me it seems that there is another plan here, because if 1.0 km of the border of the current kiev regime is guarded by an unknown person, who is generally dependent on the current puppet. corrupt, there , mired in debts and crimes to the kiev regime , but still have a relationship with the armed forces of ukraine, and here there is no subordination at all, these are soldiers of a different jurisdiction, then the fate of the ukrainian dependent state will depend 100% on those who stand there, now let's ask ourselves the question, why is this necessary? i think they are they will offer us some option, if you want a long, long struggle, here ... it will be, but there is some other option,
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let's make friends with us again, forget everything that we said about each other, and you with us you are going against china, and how very simple , we open a front, suddenly these wonderful soldiers from different countries disappeared, this option, it seems to me, is worth considering, do not negotiate with them, of course, you cannot take their word for it, but remember the historical proposals, they always want to take something key under control. in the current military conflict , in order to somehow exchange this in their interests, this, as they say, is the first history, look, for example, yes, a couple of well-prepared groups come in and cut out all these french, belgian and others to hell garrisons , we don’t know what kind of soldiers they are, where they are from , maybe they’re ukrainian partisans, they’re just putting everyone under the knife, which is obviously easy now, they... in afghanistan they haven’t even
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come close to the level of preparedness of sabotage groups that exist now , they they don’t understand at all what we’re talking about, they ’ll just be slaughtered like cattle in a slaughterhouse, then hysterics will begin in paris, because well, when the corpses start rolling in, that’s good. who will throw this hysteria, who will cut them out? will be slaughtered by the ukrainians, because in this way they will say: sabotage groups from belarus or russia have come, they have slaughtered your french, they will also cut off their heads for beauty, they will disfigure these corpses, 100 people will be sent to paris, it will be said that the french are now obliged to full growth, this is just the year thirty-nine, yes, this is destruction at the border, in disguise, there have been such provocations in the history of mankind.
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enter the war, all nato countries will scream, boys, russian beasts, we must go all out , and there is not the slightest doubt that the ukrainians will do this, because they need to drag the howling nato to their side in full force, that’s why these potential plans or possible analysis of this should be announced in advance. but i will allow myself today to play the role of such, i don’t know, mister, it’s not obvious, on the contrary, mister incredible, give it then unbelievable right after the commercial. the program is on air for 60 minutes, we have a special episode, we start with breaking news. 60 minutes, don’t miss it, tomorrow on rtr, from the first
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note, beauty, repeat. with the first phrase, it’s better to have a bird in your hands than a feather in one place, your braid is floating finely, from the first smile, we recognize each of them, front, profile, back of the head, business, or something, we’ve been together since first grade, for everything that we do it, we also answer together, and in all this shit, i’m covering for you, the team, run out of the car, the whole team, just we look on the platform, the floor is shaking,
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the walls are shaking, big changes have come, a new season. with the new renovation , with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones out of this room, absolutely without faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i love it plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes. dismantling, much will become clear, and dreams are becoming a reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr.
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now, as they say, a little about germany, here it is published, a published interception, a scandal, statements by german politicians, the insult of the french, the british, here, but i wanted to talk a little about something else, related to this, but a little on the other side, in this scandal , who looks like the greatest peacemaker from the point of view of the western man in the street? from our point of view, chancellor scholz, he took a position in advance, in advance, there, maybe even months in advance, yes, that it is impossible to supply taurus missiles to russia, why does he say that, this is generally a separate question, not because he is kind, good, he likes russia, but because he has his own calculations in some complex
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game, but that’s all complies with german laws, which directly prohibit the supply of taurus missiles to russia in the territory. we know many german chancellors who did not comply not only with the german laws, but with the laws of human existence, now here is a historical analogy: 1905, the very beginning, the russo-japanese war had just begun, japan attacked russia, the military atache of russia in germany receives a letter written in calligraphic handwriting, meaning the anonymous person is ready to help, give information, because german factories are preparing krupov guns and shells for japan. this wonderful man becomes an informant, some money is even transferred to him somewhere, no one has seen or heard him, letters come, finally a letter arrives, then from such and such a city on such and such a ship disguised as a wheat transporter there will be so many guns, so many shells, all the information is there, our military attache starts knocking on different
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doors in st. petersburg and saying, here’s a ship, we need to meet it, neutral entry means liquidate, nothing about... using us on their side against england, and so england will use us used against germany, but also to receive a new order for khrupov guns, which will go to the bottom along with this ship. now let's go back.
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what are we talking about, well, firstly, what is the south caucasus from the point of view of geopolitics and strategy? the south caucasus is a territory
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which directly borders our very difficult southern, our southern regions, the same northern caucasus, this is not only the distant historical past, but this is also the current past, we understand perfectly well, and the second is the most important region in terms of logistics, but in those situations , in the current situation, it plays an important role, because now... when the states of central asia and kazakhstan, among others , are interested in their raw materials going, as they say, to europe, the states, and so on, they are looking for new ways, one of the most important is the possible exit through the caspian to the south caucasus and the so-called possible creation, according to iran, of a nato corridor, or as the zangizur corridor is called, and then this will go past us altogether, now it is at least partially going through us, and this means reducing our influence on these states, that is, this goes far beyond. it means all these things, what it means in reality is what is happening with georgia, well , difficult, to put it mildly, relations, azerbaijan’s closer relations with turkey, according to
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essentially a separate element of the creation of a confederal state, even in the military field, the transition to the so-called standard turkish army, which is, so to speak, nato standards. that left armenia, as a result of long, hard, very cunning work, i said many times, something like how they worked, they managed to bring them to power in 1918, no need. need some kind of democratically and so on, pashinyan’s team, we talked to you many times on this, i just dropped our broadcast with you the other day, which means from 4 february 1920, everything is one to one , so to speak, yes, this team, they were brought to power, these people, a special structure, i named specific names here, their biography, where they were, you have to be a simple idiot to believe that these people suddenly appeared like this, yes, it must be given that this is exactly what happened, now it means... pashinyan, his teams are anti-russian, in fact, this means the pace of exit, which means the armenian
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has some kind of relationship with russia, he increases, yes, but i would like to point out one thing before doing this a whole series of statements, which means, the so-called on the sidelines of the munich conference, as diplomats call it, pashinyan met with none other than the head of mi6 richard moore, he is not just the head of mi6, no, he is a person for... pushing russia out of this strategically important region, and behind the backs of turkey is a great, it has always been like this, it was not only
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10, 20, 30 years, it’s been like this for hundreds of years, nothing has changed, yes, what does france have to do with it, you say, which has now taken a special position, the french minister of defense visited in yerevan, says, we will supply you with mestrals, there are armored personnel carriers , as advisers to the designers, where they were assigned, a mestral ship, and they also have a missile system of this type, yes, that means, ivan, these are not helicopter carriers, they call it the same above him, that’s not distract, it’s not america , it’s not easy to clarify that i definitely clarified, but there is such an air defense system, which means, and so on and so forth, but because france has always, no matter what alliances it had with great britain, has always been an opponent, always jealous, why you and not us, they started too to play, that means in armenia, why in armenia , among other things, well, that means, i’ll say right away, eastern armenia has never been...
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topic, but now i want to say that in this way a very strange situation is being built, the leadership of armenia, this speaks of its intelligence, low extremely low intelligence, completely believes that, for example, they should earn money in russia, because the russian market is the largest, yes, and military-political cooperation should be the west, that’s exactly what they think, you can work with iran, they they say: listen, you decide, pashinyan is asta bender in
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a special, that means size, astabender... this is how he promises the armenian people, listen, let's get away from russia, nothing is needed, we will prosper, there will be a program through us, it's called the crossroads of the world, yes, that’s all, we will not fight with anyone, this is what it says, neither with turkey, nor with azerbaijan, by the way, it means that one of the leaders of armenia said that it is necessary to first remove border guards from zvortnov airport, why? and because azerbaijan and turkey are against it, they are offended. what are they doing there and so on, but it’s not you who’s talking, what if zelensky arrives, our border guards are here, this is a complex, this is a complex, there are questions, i don’t want to go into detail right now, yes, that means, because without the russian market, armenian producers are nobody is not needed in the world, at the same time, the crossroads of the world implies the following, there is such a charibahar port in the south of iran, yes, where everyone is going now, he says teribahari
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will bring goods from india and so on, all this will go through the territory of iran. to us means the ports of georgia will be in europe to get rich, while he is going to station western troops in armenia against iran, there are probably people in iran who don’t understand, of course, dear, you are against us, but we will create conditions for you, that is, these are astaba benders with low intellectual abilities , who were brought to power with the solution of two tasks: the first task was the surrender of nagorno-karabakh, for this the armenian army was defeated , everyone was fired, from corps commanders to battalion commanders by... in the war of the twentieth year, including up to still persecuted the commander of the first corps, the former , as i understand it, means general khachaturov, who is the court, and so on and so forth, the second task is to get out, push russia out of there and this huge territory, which means, in general, the entire southern caucasus from the perspective and weakening russia in central asia to take control, there is a big, serious game going on, russia has three points that need to be used, it’s time to move on to practice, from
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the fact that we will speak threatening words on forums, we will oust the americans. go out with them , the ponies won't leave on their own, they've been around for decades invested and so on, which ones if we are talking about armenia? first, the largest armenian community is in russia 3 million people, the american one is in second place, the french and so on, then the next ones come, the second is the market, which i was talking about, and the third, paradoxically, despite the russophobic policies pursued leadership of armenia, in armenia itself a very large number of people are perfectly oriented towards russia, and finally there is even an opposition that simply says: what are you doing, this cannot be done, but it...
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perfectly characterizes the situation that is now developing in europe, between individual european states. europe has never in the last decade been so unstable or even. speaking, in a weak state, economically, politically, now europe is split according to a variety of criteria, for some time biden managed to unite it under the american umbrella, but now they are scattering from there again, in this sense , these animals, this, in my opinion, is what is wonderful describes europe, with which we also we have to deal with, and you, as far as basharada was interviewed on saturday, well, this is a great man, a wonderful interview, and... our relationship with syria is, in my opinion , an excellent example of how russia treats its allies, its partners , and this is a lesson, well, first of all, for the state of the region, but for the whole world, indeed, we
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lent a shoulder to basharasad in the thirteenth year, when the missiles were ready to take off to bomb syria in the fifteenth year, when the aerospace forces operation began, so the image of russia in this region, all over the world after... surgery in syria has certainly changed for the better, returning to the issues that mainly dominate today, here this is german history, generals, issues related to the future of a special military operation, we have already spoken with you several times here about the fact that, in principle, the military phase of the conflict , well it ends, i have a special military operation. and in one form or another , issues of negotiations arise, they are constantly mentioned by political leaders in our country and other countries, but here there are , of course, problems or a question that is on
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i would like to draw your attention to three: firstly, well, it is clear that there will be no negotiations with ukraine, the only form of communication is an ultimatum that someone will deliver to kiev, and now we are after, especially after today’s speech by dmitry anatolyevich, we roughly understand what this ultimatum will contain. will be, as for relations with our european partners, in general, now russia is taking a position that is called in english, that is, we are looking at what is happening there, they, as far as i understand, in recent weeks, they have been actively trying to create a situation in which russia either itself would ask them to negotiate, or in any case would react not to what we propose to discuss, but... to certain theses that will be offered to us, and so to speak, with interest, and there are several important things here , firstly, and as for the position of the west itself, in relation to the russian
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federation at the current stage of the conflict, when our subjectivity is being reduced or denied in every possible way, but at the same time the west is constantly - at a rate of once a week or once in two weeks. by making more and more radical statements regarding planes of bombs and missiles, he is trying to implement, it seems to me, what was once called the madman theory in the seventies, that is, a radical statement of plans should apparently make such an impression on russia that we will agree to what -negotiations on...


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