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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  March 7, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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an online bank could appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million customers. tinkov. zinkov - 40 million customers in the largest country in the world. subscribers of the media platform watch today received exclusive access to the premiere episodes of the comedy melodrama. allah, taxi. the main character, after divorcing her husband, loses her family's livelihood. her influential mother-in-law forbids her to see her son. left without a family, alla gets a job in a taxi company. the main role was played by svetlana kolpakova, and her colleagues alexander mikhailov, roman madyanov and marad basharov became the film set. well, right after the big news, don’t miss the continuation of the anna medium series. well, the news is following the development of the event. stay with us.
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in the moscow region, operatives exposed a gang of fake gas service workers. the scammers went door to door, convincing residents of an urgent replacement of equipment, of course, at inflated prices. the victims were mostly single pensioners. sergei samukha about why. the search begins even before entering the car building, at which carried out visits filled to the brim with equipment, what do you have here, these are gas materials, here is all the necessary documentation, contracts are numbered, signed, all that remains is to enter the client’s name, they are all of the same type, empty, yes, well, new, the abundance in the warehouse will envy construction market, all equipment and consumables are carefully hung by size and diameter. these are gas boilers, meters
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and related equipment, yes, as well as documentation, a seal, the inspector’s service ids are piled high in the box gas service, in the corner are branded uniforms, gas service, gas metering with branded gas logos, in assorted quantities here, jacket, pants, gas service looks almost... which is ideal with the only caveat that it’s all fake, and the uniform with company logo and id stamp. the attackers made door-to-door visits and introduced themselves as gas service workers. they convinced residents, most often single pensioners, of the need to replace equipment, supposedly as part of a government program. entered in misleading citizens agreed, despite the inflated prices. he was detained in a fraud case.
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gas boilers, taps and hoses will be sent for examination, while there is no guarantee that the equipment installed in hundreds of apartments is not counterfeit. did this equipment have a license? yes, of course, in any case they showed us some intelligence. now investigators are finding out whether the accident involving a gas leak was caused by the detainees, if the police determine that it was caused by the actions of a fraudster. if people or
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property were injured, they will face long sentences. sergey samokha, news. the capital has declared a yellow level of weather danger for icy conditions. it's minus outside right now, but tomorrow afternoon it'll be positive. snowdrifts in the city are rapidly occurring.
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the ice is getting thinner, do you have any means of escape with you? i’ll get 20 meters from the shore, no, but if you fall through, how will you get there? well, if i feel like the ice is roaring, i won’t go on the ice. rescuers say that these are just words and not a single avid fisherman will change his mind when he comes to the pond; in this case, you need to take at least a rope with you. were stories when people drowned in front of others simply because there was nothing to pull them out, but here a whole family with two came out onto the ice. the ice melts off in about march, probably somewhere at the end, and then it hasn’t completely melted yet , you know for sure, of course i’ve been living here for about 15 years, so i know i’m aware, and you walk like this with these regularly, not irregularly, just went out, the children wanted to see, going out on the ice
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with their parents, the children lose caution and one day they will walk along the frozen river themselves, they will go to school, and from school they will go to the house, but they'll run here first because they were walking with dad. but dad won’t be around, it’s also worth remembering that at this time it’s difficult to determine its thickness by the appearance of the ice, it now turns out like a layer cake, due to the fact that the temperature difference either makes it completely liquid, or it turns into a solid state , and also from above there is a crust of snow, and we do not understand when we arrive that how much this ice will support our weight, there are also many fishermen on the stragin floodplain these days, although in some areas here not at all.
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for the first time , soil thermal stabilization technology is being used; it is usually used in the construction of houses in the far north, where the soil is very unstable due to permafrost. now, with the help of this method, the routes in the arctic zone are going to be literally leveled, and our correspondent will read more in detail in the day of golovin.
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the technology itself. thermal stabilization of soil is not new; it was developed and began to be used back in the eighties, then in the era of large construction projects it was used in the construction of residential, administrative and industrial buildings. in nowadays, we are wondering why not, using an already proven technique, to make the region’s roads smooth, because our soils in yamal are rolling and turning into a roller coaster. to conduct the experiment, we chose a fifty-meter section of the labytnagi kharp route. thermal stabilization of the soil is scientific, if in a simple way i seek strengthening through it. what is happening now, an experiment is being carried out at the moment, if it turns out to be successful, then this technology will be used at all linear facilities of the yamolna autonomous okrug. engineer vladimir rabenkov worked outside his profession for a long time, but a year ago he got a job at a company where he was asked to remember everything he was taught at university and to participate in a scientific project. now
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his team will have to drive 54 hollow rods into the ground, into which a special coolant will be poured. it will then freeze the soil to -20°, creating a strong cushion under. the driving part, then drilling is carried out, this is done using an auger drilling method using a kamaz pobu-2 installation, at 7 m, that is, it is drilled, thermal stabilizers are installed, and in parallel they will conduct observation, and not leaving the office, for this purpose special sensors will be installed in the ground near the highway, this thermo-cutter will transmit data to a depth of 10 m, that is, in this way we can. monitor the freezing process - at the end of the winter period, if there are any, how the stable condition of the road is maintained throughout the year, whether defrosting occurs or not, that is, we will be able to control all this online.
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thermal stabilization technology in the field of road strengthening is innovative for our region, despite the fact that it used in other projects. scientists will draw conclusions about effectiveness at the beginning of 2025 . on tempting terms, we purchased prefabricated cottages in the moscow region from developers in installments, about why the scheme worked and continues to work, alexey knor’s investigation, that is, here are three, three green sides, these six houses, this is almost an idyll in the village of khlopovo podnarov-minsk, typical cottages at affordable prices, if you believe the advertisement, for only 70 million, the developer has a lease with the right to buy, this similar to a mortgage, only directly with the seller. that is, there is you, there is our manager, but our interest rate is below 12 per annum. the company is building your house throughout the moscow region, but
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the tempting offer turns out to be a trap. they started coercing me, forcing me to enter into a deal for rent with subsequent purchase, under the guise that oh, these houses are being sold out. lyubov zholubova, together with her husband, a member of the svo, looked at a cottage in the village of podosinki , dmitrovsky district, agreed to the terms of the developer elena medvedeva, the deal was a year escorted back.
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elena medvedeva, sergei gusev and leonid mironov with their sons alexei and alexander are well known in different parts of the moscow region. this construction syndicate sells cottages put together in haste. you see, these are the gaps, that is, the next buyer would not have seen it. and when it came to full early redemption, the amount increased significantly. hal they raised the price higher than ours even in the contract, so buy the prices, or go to hell. they then quoted 3,800, while we had already paid them 1,800. here they are they turned off our lights. they began to threaten, the victims united in a group and collected incriminating evidence on the developers, for example, in
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pushkin, a fraud was revealed in connecting the village to electricity. when i bought , the light was on, and it turned out that it was illegally connected from the residents, the houses were not connected and there was never a technical connection, and many transactions were carried out using an invalid document, you see, his passport is from 2003 and they were waiting for a secret for more 50 years, their main means of communication with the regional center was
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the bridge was low, it was regularly flooded, and the village remained literally cut off from the world. the old-timers of the village do not hide their joy. every spring, almost 400 people remained on the other side of the regional center, and the path to work or study had to be made by swimming. the ministry of emergency situations was already transported on that bridge, but anyway there were a lot of people going to work, some were late. built as part of the national project for safe and high-quality roads. 141 meters long and six meters wide, the
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bridge will be able to carry 255 cars per day. an additional 850 m of road surface, approaches to the bridge, as part of the contract implementation, the task was set to increase the number of supports for electric lighting, side fencing in order to ensure the safety of movement as -
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how for a century it was a place of attraction for great creators, and today it is one of the most popular tourist destinations. and it was in this room that gogol read individual chapters of the second volume of dead souls, and after 50 years artists came to abramtse and they signed on this tablecloths, that is, this is such a mini-model of the abramtsevo art circle, and the abramtsevo goddess was called the daughter of the mammoths vera. it is she who is depicted in the famous painting of sirov. girl with peaches. the surroundings of abramtsevo can be found in the paintings of repin vrubel vosnetsov surikovo. here bartholomew’s son meets an angel in the form of an old man, with the view from the terrace of the estate in the background. russian art nouveau was born in abramtsevo. and before us is a church of man-made salvation. belfry on the facade. this is what they did in pskov. stone carving vladimir-suzdol direction.
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the dug is framed with ceramic tiles and truly moscow elongated windows. this. project of artists of the mamontov circle. when going on a trip to the estates of the region, it is impossible not to stop in shakhmatovo. the estate in solnechny was restored after the fire only in 2021. this is exactly how alexander blok saw him. and this is the confession form that blok filled out at the age of 16. here he answers many questions, for example, he called indecisiveness the main trait of his character, the ideal of happiness, impermanence, his favorite food is ice cream and beer. by the way, the block’s favorite playwright was sheks. based on his works, in his youth the poet often staged performances at the estate; for example, on this terrace the block once acted as romeo. and for the role of the timid and fragile juliet with white curls, who according to the work is 13-14 years old, they chose the one who was in shakhmatov, aunt ripa. romeo was already waiting for her on stage. and aunt rippe could only gracefully approach romeo on stage. she began to do this, and
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the dog began to run after julieta. a golden crown with spikes instead of a dome, and the walls decorated.
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well, what, little mother, can’t cope without you? you can start life from scratch. hello, i recognized you, oles, after so many years, i knew that you would call someday. but the past cannot be crossed out, we had such a chapter called karina, we can write another chapter called the three of us again, i want
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to fix everything, southern cyclone, on sunday on rtr,
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we are giving karina an exclusive three-week tour of south america, happy birthday , i don’t understand anything, what’s going on here, you why did you come, what did you find in your office with a piece of paper, a message about divorce, what kind of stupid joke is this, this is not a joke, this is your new one. she was erased from our own lives, now we have nothing, no car, no house, i don’t have a business and a husband, so it’s time to build
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a new one, tell me, you’ve seriously decided to develop yourself from scratch, i want to prove that it’s impossible to drown me, there the stable is on fire, what is it, how can it be, andrei, where, where is andrei, well, first on march 8 on rtr. the size of a tennis ball altai cardiac surgeons saved a patient from an aortic aneurysm with a diameter of 7 cm. the operation had to be performed immediately. to do this, doctors lowered the woman’s body temperature to 22°. a report by yulia nepomnyashchikh about the most complex procedure. an aneurysm resembles an inflated balloon protruding into the wall of the vessel. it can lead to extensive hemorrhage.
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the need in the altai territory to open such a complex is very great. there is understanding on the part of the regional authorities, heart surgeons say, they expect to help most of the altai patients are here now; the patients will not have to. to be treated outside the region. to illustrate, altai cardiac surgeons operate on 150 heart defects per year , with a need for more than 800. nikolai shilko.
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news altai. a ten-meter tower, a springboard and a dry swimming hall. a new swimming pool has opened in sevastopol. it can be used by both professional swimmers and amateurs. report by rastislav kolomogorov. from this tower, young athletes can literally reach the stars. you only need become the best in your discipline, and federal and even international level competitions will come here on their own. when you first set up a new jump, you prepare for it for a very long time, because this jump is very scary for you. but when you jump it anyway and you enter the water clearly, you have such a relief inside, because you were able, you did it, you overpowered yourself, this is how the best athletes of the federation gathered here to prepare in the dry swimming hall, all of them are medalists and champions, all russian competitions, i started training at the age of 6, and i’m 12 now and i really liked this sport and i’m already in the first category in it
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. timofe golayev is preparing to take the standards for candidates for master of sports, a new training base will help. new springboards, a new gym - it’s a complete delight, naturally, because the guys who mostly trained with us at away training camps, who haven’t seen such a base of their own, well, this is happiness. the swimming pool of the sports complex named after the bicentennial of sevastopol was opened as soon as the results of water samples came from the laboratory, this is where non-professionals will work before. in the city they held a summer event “learn to swim”, now this initiative will become a full-fledged school, a goldfish in honor of the olympic champion galina prozumenshchikova, as her contemporaries called her, and the palace bears her name. the second social action is swimming for everyone, this is for socially vulnerable categories, these are disabled people, pensioners, and, accordingly, like guys who were wounded in a special military
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operation, when... all sports federations will move to the pool and finally make up class schedule. rastislav kolomogorov, eduard novozhilov, anastasia pipenko, lead sevastopol. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, and that’s all for us by this time, see you. are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you, sash, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard , how could you, and you just arrived, uh-huh, yes, i, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow.
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who are you? and i, lena, are his wife. are you waiting for someone? yes, you. for what? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, dear, i'll bring nadya back. misha, get out. i want to return to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha alone. i'm not going to make any more mistakes. women on saturday at rtr, love reigns in this room, love for a man who has become a symbol of a generation.
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for the fiftieth anniversary of yuri shatunov on saturday on rtr, and this is a female corpse at work, stop, stop, stop, no one is going anywhere, the premiere on rtr, you coveted my place, so i performed your duties for a month, anna mikhalkova, i understand, that i love only you, she is veronica palna, you have already made inquiries, she is major
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vosnetsova. vosensky is a new suspect. vasentsova, to my office. she's, amazingly, our new detective. until we prove otherwise, we will assume that this is y. murder, vasnetsova, soon on rtr. nobody knows what will happen in 5 minutes, or even in the same minutes, well, i think, most of us are girls, they may be there with
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worries, internal unrest, but they go and do it, if you work, then you need to work. you have fuel flowing here, straight away, you turn on us, it flows, you need to unscrew this nut, unscrew the pipe, the washer will remain when present only men, you understand, nothing is born there except rudeness; when there are women, it’s still as if someone restrains himself, doesn’t swear too much. oh guys, hello, see, here in mariupol i ran into hello, how are you doing, i’m glad you ’re a marine too, because a man jumped into my car, he tried to hit me, but due to the fact
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that it was a girl, he missed the blow and in vain, i did it first, please go down to the intensive care unit, but when she just comes to you... of course, what about without me, without women we can’t we’ll win, finally, why, i lost you, where, there’s always no connection, it’s dangerous here, it’s already dangerous, idiot.
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they are ready for anything, someone is used to wearing big nails, big eyelashes and taking pictures of food in restaurants, but what is this? well, i won’t sit at home, idle, as if this is my land, i will protect it, i won’t give it to anyone. we studied at the academy for a bachelor's degree, we bought dresses for graduation, beautiful new shoes, everything is fine , well, it wasn't fate, they probably just left,
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to carry out combat missions, they asked, they called ready not ready?
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war, yes, the salary was good, family , when i decided to come to donbass, they thought i was completely crazy, i have my own channel, this is for people, well, french speakers, so that they understand the situation here, what is really happening , the incident started for me in 1414 from the city of slavyansk - children were taken from there during artillery shelling, there i... saw, i registered from the stove i saw what
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you would call a girl, oksana, oksana, oh, cool name, in general ksenia , ksyusha, i have three sons, guys, matvey timofey savely and daughter taisti, we live in the murmansk region, pgt nikel, right on the border with norway, in general, our middle son is sick. in general, we were going to turkey for permanent residence, because the child feels very good there, i had been studying turkish for a year, that is, we had been preparing for this trip for a long time, and we were already about to start a deal to buy an apartment, and i left there with the children, and my husband was supposed to join me a year later, so on february 24 a special operation began, but we didn’t think twice about it, in general, we started looking for tickets.
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when we landed in moscow, we certainly felt relieved that we were at home, on russian soil. my husband served in the special forces reconnaissance of the airborne forces, the military registration and enlistment office came immediately, we had already bought all the equipment in advance, that is, he was completely ready. a resident of nikel, through a popular messenger, united caring people who help participants in the special operation. everything necessary is sent to the combat zone. we started helping the front, raised money for the first quadcopter with a thermal imager, and the guys who then they gave us feedback, they said: you know, with the help of your quadcopter we saw how the enemy was mining positions, they were going to go on the offensive in a day, that’s exactly in those directions and the equipment would have gone there and we just died, he says one of the fighters , this feeling then appeared in my soul:
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how are you here, guys, this is our largest gathering, this is together with war correspondent
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andrei rodenko, just ordinary people in the village raised money for sniper rifles, thermal imaging sights so that they could help you, this is what we have been waiting for, labaev rifles, one of the best in the world, caliber 338 technical things, that’s when i became the owner of the labaev antimatter rifle, i can perform tasks properly. level, firstly, it doesn’t make so much noise, it ’s not so noticeable, well, personally, i haven’t seen any analogues to this weapon, look, i don’t know about alexandra, she and her team, they’re there, they’re not just doing what kind of things there - collections, but for needs, what the front needs, yes, they are also engaged in tailoring, yes, starting from basic underwear and ending with outerwear, we getting ready for tomorrow.
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shipments, work is in full swing, there we have packaging, here the girls have a suite, anna vasilyevna, they also fly taxi stretchers, they also fly camouflage nets, natalya valentinovna, everything that is needed for the front, they also make everything themselves, but it’s heavy labor, we have prepared the snares, we are working hard. well , you know, i’ll say this, war does not have a feminine face, and that says it all, of course, but like the great patriotic war. during the war, women made a great contribution so that there would be victory, there would be peace, so now women are doing a lot, and maybe it’s genetically laid down among us russians, maybe that women and men get into a difficult situation, they stand on the same page, they help, zorik, you hear, you
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hear, how are you doing, zorik, okay. intensive care for me is something like this is the limit on the brink of life, death, strong such excitement, always breathing normally, not heavy , cowardly, yes, it’s cold, look now, now we’ll go, we’ll put you in, we’ll cover you with a pillow, we’ll put something to drink, do you want to drink, right? that's it, this is really saving a human life, i heard a song, what a song, and you're a tanker, what are you doing, handsome, yes, what do you think
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i should put again? yes, i will run, and even faster than some, now there is some kind of turning point in the country, well, that is , somehow give up, step aside, well , no way at all, i didn’t even have any thoughts that they left me with a lot of damage from my knee, like this , yes, yes, there is something to attach it to, a prosthesis, there is, don’t worry, the main thing is the attitude, right, yes , that’s all, well, i stayed alive, right? no, well, the most important thing is that he’s alive, our comrade today, he’s such a fighter, he’s everything, in his eyes fire, i’ll come back, he already has his own personal goals, yes, i also wanted to go to kazan this year, but let’s go to higher education, well , i studied after the eleventh, they cleared me out, well, maybe this year once
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i get in, some guys come, well, if i’ve already had an amputation, no one needs me anymore, but he’s already starting to have chondria, right? “my friend, lie down, you know what, the only thing is, take off your t-shirt completely, you’re very worried about them, you start to somehow set it up, say, well, everything’s fine, i say, family, children are there, there is a unit, then he leaves here with a smile, that’s it, len, thank you, he says, come on, keep holding on, vitalik, well, it seems like this is not possible in advance, of course, but it seems fine, everything, everything ok, that's the main thing. listen, it seems to me that they are all our heroes, hello, thank you, and then guys, a little, now, or park the car, so i came to hug you, thank you, our defenders, the first thing i want to do is hug, because that when
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a woman comes, it’s like a light that well, it lights up, because of this woman i want to go forward, 12 people in military uniform, bylozov right sector, took me prisoner, because before that i worked, it turns out, in the estenovot city gas, i received meter readings and numbers on my phone, but they thought that i was a reconnaissance-correctionist, three fractures on my face, teeth were knocked out here , nails were pulled out, two punctures on the skull, ribs were broken, they put me on...
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there were a lot of people there, people behind the walls were screaming, they were beaten, even they beat
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a man in front of me, i kept thinking all the time what was wrong with me they beat me like that, for the first 7 days, it turns out it was a rubber hammer, which is used to lay tiles, and then they brought me to court, and they should have given me 15 years, the investigator and the prosecutor, she said, god, who have you brought here, some homeless woman from the trash heap, throw it out onto the street, you won’t be able to take it to mariupol , it will die in your car, well, a sign not to leave and they brought me to the house , they threw everything away, one person helped me, he took me out, i was put on the bus, i was immediately given medical help, thanks to the doctors, i spent time in neurology and...
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after her psychological rehabilitation , she constantly traveled with me, guys, welcome me with gifts, you can visit your house one at a time, of course, of course, one at a time, my daughter sometimes calls and tells her mom, we need to congratulate someone on their birthday, speak up please, something there, well, there’s a person on... they came to visit you, brought you some tasty treats, mom made homemade cutlets , there’s some stewed potatoes in glychik, but our defenders, they want to eat something homemade, so 80 pieces of cutlets for me make it, pass it on, or fry the chicken legs there, it’s no problem, but mom, why don’t you say, the hats and socks are still warm, and the hats and socks are still warm. so look, take it, so even with their presence they give our soldiers
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a boost of spirit, an understanding that the truth is behind us, simply because having seen enough of what happened since the fourteenth year, there was a lot of things, a lot of people died, a lot of children died, looking at all this, my heart breaks for... blood here suddenly wait, don’t panic, don’t panic , what are we starting to do, lie down, lie down , show how we lie down, arms correctly, mouths open so that our ear drums don’t burst, he doesn’t have a finger, there’s something like this on his stomach here is the cut wound.
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and if we already speak so openly, donbass covers russia like a shield, so we waited for so long to... be part of russia, we waited for this for a long time and it was very difficult to get to this, party, russia, russia, russia, russia, when it was maidan, i realized that there is a problem with our media, but because they told us that it was grandmothers and peaceful students who did this. revolution, what grandmothers, what
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students, what are you telling me about, and i thought that there should be someone to convey the voice of the people of donbass, in french, if, if not me, someone.
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i’m with my wife and two children, across the street here the grandmothers organized it, well, the grandmother can’t go down, they made it like this one for her, uh-huh, uh-huh, they collected something like a crib from the boards, and there was censorship, there were 156 thousand views, everyone has a civilian too, this is not - no, no, look, y there
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is a target, but it was becoming too dangerous for us , so it’s unclear what kind of tactical shell it was, fell right next to us, so we left, we left pretty quickly, we hope that this nightmare will end soon, kristelnian for donbass insider, people like you ... there are, but rarely, people who are able to tear themselves out of their usual, comfortable environment, following their inner convictions, exposing themselves to danger, work, live and confirm with their lives
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the correctness of their convictions, this is... rare case, people like you, in my opinion, are performing a very important task, and not in the interests of donbass alone, in the interests of their country, guys, the worst one was in june, when my colleagues and i came under fire in the petrovsky district, without end - it's real, really horror, i've never seen it.
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it was a mortar, it was artillery, it was cluster hurricanes, hail, everything, absolutely they threw everything at us, what was there? destroyed, the cars that stood here, the store in which we took refuge were completely destroyed, but we are alive, and the elderly the man who was with us in the store and could not stand it, could not wait in the basement, he
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died, he was survived by his wife, children, grandchildren. his wife came, she was in complete prostration, so this is what the terrorist bombing of the ukrainian army is, as soon as shelling happens, we first come running to the place of shelling, in our areas, we start working, we need to find people, distribute the film, hand it out, measure it, write down which apartments, where, what, who. quickly put windows for people, well, we did everything, then there was shelling again, i couldn’t tell him, stay at home, please, i’m scared, i have four children, this isn’t about him at all, maybe you
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’ll get anointed too. the blessing of the lord will be with all of you, in the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit, that the lord brought him into the army, they just ordained him as a priest, it turns out. he’s probably 24 years old, very young, so his father mikhail vasiliev brought him into the army, because he had a lot of experience and had something to share, so father mikhail of course gave him such an impetus, father alexander goal, you need to jump , you need to jump with with your flock, okay. he jumped not only with military personnel from our division, he also jumped with athletes, with the cska team. in
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1915, probably, he went there for the first time, but when a special military operation had already begun, we were preparing for the birth of our fourth child, i was really looking forward to him meeting me from the maternity hospital. at least he arrived, he met me from the maternity hospital and then left for the ribbon. he couldn’t do otherwise, it’s impossible, it wouldn’t be him, for a ribbon where the war was, it brought him it was a great pleasure to communicate with the soldiers, when they asked to be baptized , to receive communion, when during his conversations he saw their eyes, so inspired, we also... discussed with him how interesting their faces are, so courageous, men the real ones are going there, the situation is to stabilize the decline, accept,
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502, 503, everything that happened to father alexander and father mikhail just happened on the way, one might say, to the trenches, they didn’t get there a little. a shell was flying, father mikhail died immediately, father alexander 2 weeks still, i fought for my life, but unfortunately , so blessed is our god, always, now and ever and unto ages of ages, amen, with the righteous spirit of those who passed away, the soul of your servant,
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that the lord will play with them, with the evil cat, there is a beloved man, we see each other very rarely, but we keep in touch, there’s not always a connection, well, it’s hard, that’s it, well done, on a rock, well , at the front, you know, here you think, just to survive, it’s all over, and then everything will be. love is a strong feeling, especially when you love so much that you start to shake
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from it, where is he, where is he?
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but it will be terrible if a person does not want, every second, every moment of his life, a person must want and must strive to have his desire...
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please, acquaintance and roll call, it is possible without building, i am very glad that you came to me to visit, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was impudent in a white smoking suit, i’m starting, zakhar markolievich comes in. and for me it was probably akin to
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the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack, dad represented i thought to myself that i would have a completely different husband, and how much was still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is just coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let’s all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr. drop everything and go, quickly to the restaurant for a garden, why, your semyon is with some woman here in the restaurant, semyon, tell me that all this seemed to me, olga kabo, he called me ideal, this is ideal, you can to hang noodles on your ears, to cuckold you. dmitry frid,
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breakups can be for the better, i do n’t know, it’s as if they moved me now, oleg almazov, irena met a gorgeous man, they are planning an affair, just think, i ’ll try to win her too, can you imagine, our irka, the quiet girl, has a cloud right away gentlemen appeared, the most important thing is that they fight for her to the death, everyone has the right to later. happiness, listen, maybe we can start everything with a clean slate, on march 8th on rtr there will be voting at the location. mobile voter. if on voting days you find yourself far from your polling station plot, then...
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well, why not, that’s what it’s needed for, and it folds out completely, it turns out absolutely flat, there’s a box for bed linen, but i have a favorite sofa, let’s go , i want people to be around, well a little happier, you know what’s going on, but it happened to me. that's when i
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went to prison, it was march 16, 2015, i returned from donetsk, we went through villages and some small settlements, where there was heavy shooting, where there were literally humanitarian disasters, well, in our own way we could slip through in a small bus, lead you there, to the point that... and sugar, try the sofa, sit down, just from the heart, just like that, just like you came, tired from work, decided to sit down, not with your back, not like that, not like that, just for real... for real, well, what a pleasure, really, the oak door is so strong, it was absolutely smashed into pieces, then they broke into the apartment, i counted 14 machine gunners, there were five investigators, there were
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people in in civilian clothes, yes, yes, yes, that’s a natomanka, if you lie down and turn on the tv, and your husband will bring you coffee. mgb, well, in short, i worked for everyone , i probably had all the salary, so i could help, come on, sit down, and mom needs to sit down, of course she needs to, the first interrogation 37, without
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a break, at the end of the interrogation they dragged something into the office -that. it was my son, no arms, no legs , nothing, they didn’t let me come up, they said that if i didn’t admit to all the charges that were brought against me, he would continue to work, i was sent to a camp, this camp was not located in uma, i was girl, nastya, 19 years old, she is a student. i am from donetsk, studied in kyiv, the basis for her accusation was that in crimea she had been photographed with a russian army serviceman. during
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her arrest, they shot her in both legs and told her that if she didn’t confess everything, her parents would shoot her in front of her. or she was delayed by the call, you see what a good ottoman, it rolls around, and with a pussy, it’s really great, yes, yes, lie down, good mattress, thick, 17 cm high, it’s so full, full, and then with a slight movement of the hand, the trousers turn into a cover put him on, i also have... a pillow for him there is a very sensitive one, there was constant moral pressure, there were some threats, reprisals against my family, sometimes they brought me for interrogations, in the same place in kharkov, where the sbu building is, there was a secret prison sbushnaya, there were
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five cells, about 70 people were there , there were also shower rooms, so sometimes they locked in this shower room that room , quite high under... so that blood flew to the ceiling, in the same camp, only two floors below ground level, there was a gym, of course, no screams, no i couldn't hear the shooting from up there, i was there i’ve had the opportunity to be everything...
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now here, where i am a doctor, let’s say a driver, i can probably bring them more benefit than i would sit in the office at the computer, one, two, three. so alexey, and more medicines, and medicines
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, well, this is for me for work, that’s all, and now tea, coffee, a bun, i went to the hospital, tea, coffee, a bun, yes, send it, in march i was in mariupol, april, may , kherson, nikolaev region, zaporozhye region, so you collect your dressing gowns for me, please, today we do laundry. put them in a bag right away, give them to the guys collect too, oh, this is how our weekdays and days pass, we get tired, but we work from morning to evening, here or there, here, here, if we have wounded patients, loading, first aid, we take them straight to the hospital. this is my limousine, my faithful one, it’s already driven 150
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thousand, well, nothing, thank god , i brought all the guys, i drove them all, everyone is running around, i think that i can save many more guys, so, as they say, i’m giving my life for this i'll give it to you and cover it. i'll help, what are you doing here? we are removing the hydraulic panel, can you help? yes, you want come on, let me help you, i’ll climb in now, i ’ll help you, mother’s heart, climb in, and then, with pain, of course, there is no limit to the experiences, but they are already adults, independent. this is their choice, and we as parents
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must support, yes, let me give you a shout, there was a gap below, there was a gap below, there was a gap below , what a gap, there was a gap below, the gap below was empty, or volunteers, first military registration and enlistment office, then to the ilovaisk, ilovaisk cauldron, then i went. 72 rode, shot, here is the commander, well, as soon as i rode it, my sister and i
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he says, well, if you can , then well, it’s not a question, well, in principle, we have a dad, well , i’ve been riding tractors since childhood, well, since i was 12 years old, probably, as soon as i started reaching the pedal with a pad, well, it was easy for me , i immediately, well... engine, let's go , first, second, third, there, fifth, seventh, that's it, i'm the commander, where are you driving, and for me, well, just, you know, it's such a thrill when you start a tank engine for the first time , you just feel this power, then the commander, the kingdom of heaven taught us to shoot from a grenade launcher, knock out tanks, the commander taught me i always said, shoot at the caterpillars, when you hit the caterpillar, you immobilize it. and well, when the first tank was knocked out, i screamed, joyful, approached all the boys, i
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got hit, i knocked out, so they calm me down, get into the trench, hide so that no one sees you, otherwise they’ll get caught, there were many such situations , when you think, damn, at least you can go out, your mother is already waiting at home, yes, well, we work in different conditions, that is, rain, snow, sometimes you get wet, you just get wet through and through. then you sit and dry out somewhere in the sun or near the blower in the car, there , well, it happens in all sorts of ways, but what are you repairing, the engine, the engine, and what exactly, they changed the engine, but they changed it completely, and now, let us help you with something, screw it on, that’s it, yes , when you start it up, that’s how lucky it is, guys, what’s strange is that the centrifuge was washed, no, but the oil is new? of course, our guys from our unit, they even
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built a shower for us, you know what a joke it was, they built a shower, and i... walked, but i couldn’t reach the faucet, and one guy brought me a stool, he brought it, bought it, so he says, now you will bathe on stools, well , the feeling, you know, it’s nice that they took care of you, or when you were on duty there all night, and someone brings you coffee in the morning, so well, it’s normal, you want something sweet, right? i want something sweet , clean, starched , to take in the bath or shower, well, some kind of chocolate bar, that is, we are there, we have a chocolate bar there, we can fit something else there, some kind of lemonade there, of course, like children, they need something sweet, there is a good word, there is kindness and i usually
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i say, will you have coffee or tea, so they tell me , i’ll pour it, i’ll bring it, i’ll bring it, well... and they’re pleased, and so am i, well, okay, it’s very nice when they give wild flowers every summer, like this very romantic, yes, i don’t like wearing makeup at all, i have a braid, that’s all, if it’s a day off, of course, heels, some kind of dress or suit, yes, of course, beautiful, the most beautiful, of course. we once went to the store on march 8th, we put on a dress, no one recognized us, well, they recognized us, but they thought, wow, you’re wearing dresses, that’s what a rarity, that is, this kind of thing
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happens too. i want sonya to show where such princesses live, how we somehow live like this until we just moved, how it turns out, listen, it’s not cold here, no, the stove is heating, we heat it all the time, coal, firewood, everything is there, this right in the sleeping bag, the sleeping bag , everything else, well, of course, of course, i have several acquaintances who simply stopped communicating with me altogether when they learned that i had left here, just a principle.
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but a real man? i just visited mariupol with humanitarian aid and saw what was there happens, and after that i no longer had any doubts that i had to go participate, what the heck? it’s a great car, there’s just something wrong with it , it’s quite difficult to convince it of something, it just did it, when it found itself in the armed forces, it called and wrote joyfully that it had finally... been taken, she made her way, they began to train her in military affairs, they entrusted her with a combat vehicle, yes, this is certainly a spectacle
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, sonya gives, the only thing i can do is drive any kind of equipment, who else can i be here? i no longer know how to plan nothing military, mainly infantry fighting vehicles are engaged in evacuating the wounded , transporting bulls, transporting infantry, respectively, to the site of hostilities, that is - well, sometimes, of course, we work on the enemy, naturally, naturally, she is a hard-working muscovite, she has a job, a car, housing, that's it, there are a lot of friends, winter, new year is coming, the temperature outside has exceeded -20, but not everyone, afraid of the cold, sits at home, some go out on banal skis or females, some choose more extreme entertainment. now we'll go to the frozen river where moscow strip cheeses gather. she graduated from geek, you could talk quite comfortably with her, like
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about the structure of building a car , the chemical composition of pads, and brake pads, so... art, culture, she could make a work of art from some improvised means in the kitchen, well that it’s starting to get dark, they’ll be riding until the morning. it’s time for us to go home, the girl could be there with the car key, turning the car, and after half an hour there, already in heels , to attend small talk, i believe that for now, while military operations are going on here, i should be here, with the forces that we have, we are doing a lot. well, she said that they were moving towards their goal, constantly, moving to new frontiers, they won and
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won, she wanted to come on vacation, but unfortunately, it didn’t come to that, war, in a word, and that... says it all they come in this state, when there are irreparable losses, when their commander died three years ago, it’s a pity, a very pity, this is the man who, before his death, we were going to complete a mission, he gave me everything, that he... a close
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friend literally died recently, i tried once again not to ask anything, not to say anything, i came up and just hugged him, well, this is life, you can’t get away from this. every new year's chimes at the table we remembered and analyzed what we managed to do this year, once there we gave birth to a child, in some year, in some year we started building a house, in some year we built our home, this year for the new year the thought came to me that this year... father alexander and i did the most a great achievement in our lives, he gave
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his life for his country, and i gave my female happiness, just like that, thank you. our sacred power, russia, our beloved country, mighty will, great glory, yours, present. for all time. glory to our
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free fatherland, city peoples, age-old union! just a little more, like a stick, and everything will be fine, that’s it, don’t be cold, let’s go to the car, we’ll check on the guys now.
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men congratulate women and sing only for them.
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lives on her husband's money, we look at the weekend, her mistress, and on our bed, or you you leave, or the children and i, clearly, remember, you are an empty place without me, zero, you thought about the children, i will find a job, carefully, from the rubble. what the hell are you doing here, mom maybe on saturday, nart we work in the interests of our
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country, our... job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. hello, on the rossiya vesti tv channel, in the studio irina rossius and the main topics for this hour: what is the difference between a politician and a leader, what the president is watching a movie, and how does russia position itself in the world? we don’t compete with anyone, we don’t want to prove anything to anyone. vladimir putin met with participants of the world youth festival.
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the ukrainian armed forces militants are fleeing, but our rocket artillery is unsuccessfully destroying the enemy. our pilots are destroying the defense of the ukrainian army. the guarantee of global strategic stability china-russia has created a completely new, in contrast to the stereotypes of the cold war era, and a standard of relations. and on the tour a new cold water plant opened. and from april 1, the russian government will index social pensions by 7.5. if the state creates a multipolar world in which they help each other, then solving social issues will become much easier, vladimir putin said this at a meeting with participants in the world youth festival in sirius. the president called the west’s mistake that it does not take into account the interests of other countries, while russia, putin emphasized,
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is open to all noble endeavors. report by alexey petrov. in the hall there are young people from different countries, even in national costumes, everyone is looking forward to the president. the number of guests and coverage are impressive, but this is not the main thing. we don't compete with anyone. we don't want to prove anything to anyone. we're just glad to see our friends. forums like this, they are organized by us not for some kind of window dressing, as we say, but the point. is to gather people who think approximately like us, well, approximately, because every person cannot think the same, but who adhere to approximately the same principles, values ​​as we do, and who want to work together work to achieve a positive result, for yourself, for your loved ones, for your countries. there is also an american delegation at the festival, which absolutely does not hide its indignation at the course of the white house.
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“we don’t want our country to be destroyed from the inside while politicians spend money on the ukrainian war. i believe that the united states failed to cope with this burden of responsibility that fell on its shoulders, but by strengthening this monopoly of its own, it very quickly collided with the fact that the vast majority of countries the world doesn’t really like it, the events in iraq, in syria, the united states themselves let this genie out of the bottle, but if they are allowed, then why aren’t other countries allowed to protect their fundamental interests in the same way that happened in the same yugoslavia? and my colleagues repeatedly told me: well, yes, we did it without a decision from the security council, but there the war went on for so many years, 8 years, bloodshed, something had to be done when russia began to protect its people in the donbass, where
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there was also a war and the extermination of civilians, children, women, old people, why can’t russia do this, stand up for its people, and not somewhere thousands of kilometers from their national ones... when they were filming, kind, a little sentimental, which evoke the best human qualities,
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kindness, creativity, helping one’s neighbor, and of course, we need to give all this to our children. a participant from uganda heads one of the youth organizations. i would so much like to become your son from africa, so that you would be my mentor, what can i tell you, son, in artificial intelligence is gaining more and more importance in the world, putin is asked if he uses smart devices, do you have yandex or sberg or another voice-speaking column at home, why do i need to collect if we have the leaders of the collection, which is always in touch. gref, german oskarovich, he is always in touch , but seriously, we can be proud of our achievements in this area, the so-called electronic government, it is advanced, it can be much more, we have achieved much greater success than in
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many other countries world, but in very different times, whatever the technology, people are united by culture, a participant from italy, a fan of dostoevsky, he is the author of a mural in honor of the outstanding writer, he personally set an example in donbass. thank you on behalf of all participants of the north military district, thank you personally for standing up for the donbass and now our army shows the whole world the greatness of russia. thank you for your position, because what you did and are doing is aimed, as
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strange as it may seem in today’s conditions, for the benefit of ukraine and russia, for the benefit of the ukrainian people and the russian people. i am sure that thanks to people like you, sooner or later there will be a reunion. in any case, on a spiritual level it will happen, it is inevitable, but in order for this to happen, it is necessary, of course, to eradicate everything that interferes with this, and what interferes with this is the most disgusting manifestations of nationalism, this is a poison that poisons the lives of so many peoples, including today in ukraine, the kiev regime demonstrates its nazi essence...
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a real leader thinks about future generations, we had such a statesman, marshal minich, who said that russia is a country that is directly controlled by god, because if this is not so, it is unclear how it even exists, but... in the first, in the first part, i agree, russia is a country which is directly controlled by god. as for the second part, my experience of working in that position is already,
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here is a new book depository for 25,000 books, as a gift to the president elena shmeleva presented a botanical atlas of rare plants of the crimea and the caucasus, republished with the participation of sirius students. unique. world became a youth festival. grandiose events, thousands of participants will
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remember these days for a long time and, of course, tell what the real russia is like, modern, hospitable and open to the whole world. alexey petrov, magomed otsaev, dmitry dunaev and sofia petrosyan, hosted by sirius. a report on the colorful show that ended the world youth festival on our air a little later, now on to other news. and the latest data from the special operation zone.
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make a unified system, that is, unite the entire railway infrastructure into a common network in order to build a unified logistics for the transportation of both passengers and cargo, this is a big decision, tell us how the work is being carried out. since january 1, 2020 , the novorossiysk railways have been fully operational, today the vgup staff is 15,259 people, a landmark event took place in february event, the first salary was paid, this... the government is increasing
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social pensions by 7.5% from april 1. the measure will affect more than 4 million people, these are citizens who do not have sufficient length of service for an insurance pension, people with disabilities and those who have lost their breadwinner. payments will increase for military personnel and volunteers who have become disabled due to military injuries, and pensions will increase. moscow and beijing have created a new pattern of relations that is completely different from the cold war and is not directed against other parties. the chinese foreign minister spoke about this today, emphasizing that our countries will continue to strengthen cooperation, but for the united states everything is ambiguous. vanya noted that the real challenge for washington is itself, and the bad american rhetoric, or being at the table, on the menu is simply unacceptable. report by alexander
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baletsky. any appearance by the head of the chinese foreign ministry to journalists is always a forest of hands. in global politics, too much depends on china’s position and what is against it. confrontation and for compliance with international law and, apparently, it is no coincidence that the first word from the foreign press was to journalists from russia about the relations that the head of chinese diplomacy will set as an example for others. as major powers , permanent members of the un security council, china and russia have created a completely new standard of relations between major states, in contrast to the stereotypes of the cold war, freed from bloc confrontations and not directed against third parties, aimed at eternal good neighborliness and friendship.
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history teaches that prolonging a conflict is often fraught with its escalation, even going beyond the scenarios assumed by the parties involved. those who add fuel to the fire of the ukrainian crisis are seen in beijing and asked to follow the principles of non-interference. this applies to both europe and middle east. the chinese minister called the situation in the gas sector a disgrace for world civilization. china for the creation of a palestinian state. shame is also unilateral sanctions.
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here they will continue to build, solely based on their national interests, where there is no place for conflicts, therefore the prc is trying to bypass them at any cost, and beijing is confident that this is in the interests of the whole world. alexander balsky, nikolai petrov, news from beijing, china. this is the message and we will continue in a couple of minutes. this is natasha. very nice. anna
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medium. premiere. there is no need to come to her. i can help her, however, today on rtr, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history, conquer, the ritual is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty , you already understand how... this is the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here, try the taste, oh, your eyes wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth it see,
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snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became real... i’m running for my master, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr, tell me, do you even understand that i’m leaving the family forever, yes, everything is clear, on sunday, there is such news, dad will no longer live with us, he will live in another place, this is not news to me, how could you secretly introduce sasha to your girlfriend, why? “i don’t want to lose contact with sasha, get in touch, but what does someone else’s woman have to do with this? move to us, and mom, well, what, little mom , she can’t cope without it, you can start life from scratch, hello, i recognized you, oles, after so many years, i knew that you would call someday, but the past
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can’t be crossed out, we had such a chapter called karina, we can write another chapter called again." i want to fix everything. southern cyclone, on sunday on rtr. fans of the legendary singer fear that the new wife will repeat the tragic fate of the performer of the soviet hit yagoda raspberries.
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what's going on here? why did you come, why did i find a piece of paper in your office, a certificate of divorce, what kind of stupid joke is this? this is not a joke, this is your new reality, it was erased from your own life , now we have nothing, no car, no house, i don’t have a business and a husband, so it’s time to build a new one, tell me, you’ve seriously decided to unwind the smog, i want it’s impossible to prove, it’s impossible to drown me, the stable is on fire, lord, what is it, how can it be so, and
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andrei, where, where is andrei, i’ll start everything with began, on march 8 on rtr, this news, we continue the release: eight people remain in intensive care after the accident at shinagorskaya tets, in the morning the victims were evacuated to krasnoyarsk, to the regional clinical hospital. and modular boiler rooms, heat guns, diesel generators and heaters were sent from novosibirsk, the moscow region and the orenburg region. now almost a third of the city of shaganar is without heat. an emergency crew left kuzbass to help. today we managed to start one of the tets boilers, and a state of emergency was introduced in the region. in odessa, military commissars invented new sophisticated tactics of forced mobilization. as you can see in this footage, they are sneaking into houses. they turn off the lights in the apartments, when a resident of military age goes out into the corridor to check the electrical panel, he is twisted and taken
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to the military registration and enlistment office, in chernivtsi summonses are handed out at the central railway station, this happens right on the platform next to a arriving train, it even gets to the point that schoolchildren threaten to hand over their military registration and enlistment office teachers, this remark was written in the diary of one of the students from ternopil. to others topics: a new plant for the production of engines of the chinese corporation havaill opened in the tula region, it will help localize the production of cars in our country, report by alexey eremin. the plant of the chinese company huaweile is located in the uzlovaya special economic zone; the production complex covers an area of ​​more than 10,000 km. more than 100,000 engines of two modifications, one and a half and two-liter, will come out of these conveyors per year, which will be installed in the car produced. here in russia, enterprise intends to provide units for 90% of the hauling machines produced, to localize
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the production of cvc in russia, the government of the tula region the plant and the ministry of industry and trade signed a special investment contract. i would like to say words of gratitude today to my colleagues from the ministry of industry and trade, who are present with us, and personally to the deputy prime minister, denis valentinovich mantru, who continues practically at all stages from the very beginning. in this mode, it provides comprehensive support. our chinese colleagues, chinese friends meticulously and step by step carry out all agreements, in turn, against the region as well. step by step, all agreements are being implemented in accordance with the agreements that were signed at the very beginning of the implementation of this entire large-scale project. the new industrial complex is equipped with high-tech equipment using innovative engineering solutions in the field of environmental protection and energy saving. the manufacturing heart and soul of hovel is located here and is a very important manufacturing facility. we are sure that
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with the launch of engine production, our position in the market will strengthen thanks to deeper localization. investments in the enterprise amounted to 42 billion rubles. today the plant includes stamping, bodywork, welding, and painting workshops for vehicle assembly. now the company already employs more than 3,500 people, mostly residents of tula. in 2023 , almost 100,000 cars rolled off the plant’s assembly lines; this year it is planned to produce 150 thousand. alexey geryomin, oleg antonov, vesti tula. and back to the first topic of the issue, the world youth festival in sirius. today its participants, about 20 thousand people, will begin to disperse to their cities and countries. and the main youth forum of the year ended with a colorful show in the olympic park. anna sorokina's report about how it happened. this is how young leaders from all over the world end their festival in sirius. the incredibly beautiful, high-tech closing ceremony brought together guests from 190 countries. russia.
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discreet ceremonies were preferred to emotional gatherings around the fire; the hearts of foreigners were touched by one of the most famous songs on hope. seven festival participants talk about their hopes at the closing ceremony. viewers see everyone’s story, for example, a russian language teacher from iran, posha, and him. i'm tired of stereotypes: iran is poor, iran is closed, there are many prohibitions in iran, this is not true. i speak farsia, english and russian. i can talk to one and a half billion people. the fight against stereotypes has become one of the most important topics of the world youth festival. the hall freezes when portraits of the immortal regiment are raised at the closing ceremony. the events of those terrible years are remembered in many families, in many countries. let the living
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remember, let the generation remember.
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a suitable gift awaits residents of primorye on march 8, a cyclone from china will bring snowfall and strong winds to the south of the region, weather forecasters warn of a storm in the pacific ocean, which we now learn from tatyana antonovo in the holiday forecasts for residents of the european part. well, can we count on warmth, tatyana, or not? irin, unfortunately, no, we’ll have to rely more on our warm, festive mood, because the temperature will remain below normal, a little cold, what can i say? well, no need to wait. the temperature in the north of siberia and even further south in kazyli is down to -80, residents of altai will be more lucky, there is a thaw there. in the center, in the volga region , the night cold will soften, but during the day from -4 to +2. in addition, the sun will hide behind dense clouds and there will be precipitation. in the south in sochi it is still rainy, windy +9, the weather will clear up only in the lower reaches of the don, in some places in the crimea, but it will not become warmer, +5 in the daytime. the same
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temperature in the baltic, in kaliningrad too +5, in st. petersburg on march 8 near zero. cloudy with clearings, in moscow on weekends, up to -8 at night, 0, -3 during the day with light snow. it was a weather forecast for a country on which the sun never sets. only here, in the largest country in the world, could an online bank appear, which is already trusted by more than 40 million customers. tinkov. silkov - 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. subscribers of the watch media platform today received exclusive access to the premiere episodes of the comedy melodrama alla taxi. the main character, after divorcing her husband, loses family's livelihood. her influential mother-in-law forbids her to see her son, leaving her without a family. alla gets
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a job in a taxi company. the main role was played by svetlana kolpakova and her colleagues. his songs sound, it’s a starry night, where are you and me, it’s a starry night, his voice will be recognized, record my voice on... thank you very much for a happy childhood. i know that you see, you hear and smile. thank you, yura, thank you for everything.
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big concert for yuri shatunov's fiftieth birthday. on saturday on rtr, drop everything and go quickly to a restaurant on soduk, why, you’re with semyon with some woman here in the restaurant, semyon, tell me that all this seemed to me, olga kobo, he called me ideal, otherwise he is ideal.
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that they are fighting to the death for her, everyone has the right to later happiness, listen, maybe we’ll start all over again, on march 8 on rtr, i told you, we’re in for vanilla. the raspberry berry called to the news in the summer, like a sparkle at dawn, oh, how sweet the raspberry
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was, the scandalous famous widower, honored artist of russia valentina legkostupova, married again, and a new one the chosen one, like two peas in a pod, resembles the untimely departed, beloved valentina legkostupova, legendary fans.
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so to speak, the pressure was so great that - it’s not so easy for an ordinary person to cope with it, your previous wedding was loud, the whole country was talking about it, now
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you got married secretly, happiness loves silence, it probably works, but it so happened that with me this story does not go away, because your new wife is a copy of valentina, you must admit, we are just one on one, well, to be honest . i didn't try to find a woman like that valentina, but she’s lucky, she’s beautiful , no less beautiful, we’ve been happy together for more than a year, but show me the rings, she’s a little more luxurious, we added small diamonds here, and i’m modest, an expert, i don’t need them, i need them for ropes enough of this kind of equipment, not a modest question, say diamonds, but the cost of your ring, yes, it’s all there, it’s some kind of expensive placer. we chose together, but i paid as a man, naturally, but you hid your new wife for a long time, but you made an exception especially for us. provided
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access to your family album, attention! i will say a little preface that i also had a family, i had a husband who died.
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in the twenty-second year, that is, i am a widow , yura is also a widower, and my husband and i lived for 35 years, we had three children of our own and four adopted ones, and who was your husband, what did he do, and he was, we lived then at that time in tula, he worked as a judge, seven children, you lived in abundance, yes, we lived in abundance, we had a large four-story cottage in tula, so - yes, you didn’t even know that. yuri, what a profitable game for you i got it, thank you, yes, well, i want to note that i never really looked for benefits in relationships, this is my principle, although they were often accused of this, valentina literally had no money at all, and this is true, because she i have my own business, my own job , i’m a yaksman, and in demand, i’m often invited, i don’t even remember when... i
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had financial problems, i’ll explain to you what sasha means, it’s just that marina is sitting here next to you , beautiful, modest, but let's say, unknown to a wide audience, the wedding was modest, when it was the popularly beloved, famous valentina legkostupova, then it was a gorgeous wedding on the shores of sochi, i want to remind you, we have vanilla, raspberries in the summer. we ’re having a wedding with valentina legkostupova, i’m very excited, very excited, as if for the first time, because before the assembly, you have time to change your mind, if anything, after looking at our outfits, you will understand that this is our inner state, young, eternal youth, absolute... lack of awareness of time, dad, you
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’re still marrying me, i’m marrying, then maybe we’ll go to the clerk’s office, let’s go, dear fiancé idesa, we invite you to register your marriage, i ask you. is your desire to enter into a free, sincere , full-fledged bride, yes, your answer, yes, in the city of flort sochi, your marriage is registered, i declare you husband and wife, hurray!
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“listen, i know who you should meet , i say, who? she says, with firsov, easy-stupova’s husband, easy-stupova died, i say, what are you talking about, and there was just a broadcast of valentina’s funeral, and naturally, my accent was first of all look at yura when i i saw it. this whole picture,
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it will probably be difficult for me now to even convey what i experienced, an official husband who really loved the married man, in a married marriage. the lord let him in, and they don’t let him in, i was in such a shock , i was so depressed, i felt so bad, i wrote to him: georgy, i really want to support you and say, don’t worry, the lord sees everything, the lord sees everything, you most importantly, don't forget god. then some time passes, i go back to social networks, and i see the answer, marina, why does georgy me that’s what my mother called me, and i gave him an explanation. george, if you are an orthodox person, if you were baptized, then naturally you are george. indeed , it was very difficult for me then, in general, having heard such a frank message, i answered, began to communicate, some kind of correspondence began, and such a very rare thing, after the funeral of my husband, i
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thought that i would go to a monastery and pray for the children of my grandchildren, forgive me, so i never thought that... i could love someone else, that i could meet someone, that someone could take possession of my once with my heart. a lot of time has passed, not me, i don’t know how yura is now, no, no, no, less, the call, i was already in bed, i pick up the phone and say, hello, still so dissatisfied, i think how could anyone at night - call, everyone knows that i’m sleeping, i say, hello, who is it? and he says, and this is yuri firsov, what do you do, and why are you here? decided to write to me, where do you live, with whom, married, single, and i’m already, you know, i’m already so tired, i say: yura, i’m sorry, let’s go to bed already, we’re probably an hour away we talk to you for two minutes, and he says: no, marinechka, the time is 7:00 in the morning, how
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did it happen that you moved to live with marina, and how long after that night conversation, it was somewhere, probably in a year of our conversations, correspondence, yes, i have my own house at that time... hello, hello, so, come into our house, we live here, this is my family’s house,
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but this is how it is with us now, you know, when we yura and i signed, of course, we don’t have, in this understanding, whose house it is, it’s all ours, naturally, because yura has it in toapse too the house is big and... he boldly says that this is our everything, here on the left is our winter hobby, these figures that we made with our own hands, yura cooks these figures, and as soon as he finishes, i begin to paint them, and yura begins to cook further, i am engaged in landscape design, and yura helped me a lot, he welded a swing, i had to learn, so to speak, the profession of a welder, here are my brushes, material evidence, in the summer, when i...
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this is what i noticed that such a technological shoe became the subject of our acquaintances, when i saw how you were jumping on them, i thought, wow, my aunty is giving it away, there’s still a... there’s still a fuse there, dear mother, sanechka, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, come here, hurry up, rather, oh my smart girl, smart girl, good girl, we used to work with dogs, well, that’s why we left shanya alone, it seems to me, right on the first day, for me it was also an indicator, because this is a rare case for shanya i took it so easily, so cook it? you don’t want to swim in the pool, the temperature there right now is just right, there is a large swimming pool here with 3 tons of water and in the summer you can just run out of the bathhouse, it’s very good,
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just jump in there, it’s very cold, it’s very cold when you go to the bathhouse, if it’s cold, yes, come on, well, an ordinary bathhouse, a village one, there’s no... we got ready and an hour later the temperature was already so high that it was enough to splash just one ladle, and there it was, all the miracles, in short with the ensuing ones, the winter dew was freezing, the path to the garden was covered with ice, apparently you called me late. i won’t go back, when we return here, we feel very good here, there in
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there is absolutely harmony, with a good garden , there is a bathhouse there, so i would say the house is good, yes, we all work on it here, but initially everything was, so to speak, made not by my own hands , to be honest, yes, but marina lives here for about 20 years now, you know, it seems to me that it doesn’t matter at all by whose hands it was done, he filled it.
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decided to amaze with the breadth of his scope, i’ll sincerely tell you now, i felt him, how kind he was, how he was, during all this time he never raised his voice, and i don’t understand who could blame him for... could anyone something there knock, the pre-investigation check ended a long time ago, all the examinations, all the cases and valya’s passing from life was an accident, just like the marriage proposal happened in marina’s house, and i’m in such a half-joking form, although in complete seriousness, it goes without saying , got down on his knee and invited her to become my wife, it also turns out that it was a modest proposal in a chamber seme. yes, this is how you proposed to your previous wife, the same
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valentina legkostupova on the air of our russia-1 tv channel, attention, i remember, we we have been friends on social networks for a long time, so i just recently saw that it turns out that we have been friends for 5 years already, 5 years ago he invited me to take part in a regatta, in competitions, and i tactfully refused several times and said, forgive me, but i i’m seasick, i can’t, i just can’t... got back inside, because well, we just can’t be without each other for a single
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second, and we’re two, you know, energizers who, it seems to me, are still in life will do so much good, so yurka come quickly, let's look at your yura, he has prepared a surprise for you, i want to ask you in front of such a wide audience, how to propose to a legendary singer throughout the country boris korchevnikov propose to his wife marina at her home, as you half-jokingly said. the ground also said that it was very difficult for me to cope with many things at that time -
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including hype with haters, i lived with my previous wife for 18 years before valentina, but this happened with valechka, and naturally , should i have thought long and hard if i i fell in love with a person in a short period of time, we had known each other for 5 years, then these events reached the level of proposal. what kind of marriage do you have? by the way, you are on your fourth, and you, i’m on your third, sorry, now with yura, what are the feelings inside? this is something that cannot be bought or taken away, thank you, thank you, we will show you inside your house, in which you found happiness and silence from these scandals, well , welcome to our house, i would really like to show you and tell you where yuri and i are we live here, this is our recreation area,
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we receive guests, this is where we all have fun, guests, guitar, song, dancing, sometimes, tambourines, prokas. as for valentina, you know, it’s very surprising, very surprising, we really have a lot of such moments that, firstly, it’s her thirtieth birthday, it’s my thirtieth birthday, and the most interesting thing is that valentina and i have some things they were identical , i was so surprised, i think, god, how is this possible, such things were generally considered rare, that is, this
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dress, this dress and this sundress on top, valentina has exactly the same... perhaps some similarities , a drop in the sea, a drop in the sea, ships on the sea, a drop of sorrow , a drop of pain, in a sea of ​​sun and love, valya, yes, i have it here at home, i had it hanging on the boat for a very long time, then marina took it from marmoris, i felt and knew from his conversations that he
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really loved her, you know, even now sometimes we go to bed, i fall asleep, and he has such moments that he sometimes wakes up at night, watches some videos with valentina, listens valentina's songs, looking at some photos, you know, i thank god, that i don’t have any jealousy, i can’t be jealous of him for the person he loved, with marina, i have a new life and new happiness, i’ll be honest, he gets up in the morning, takes my blood pressure off, goes and prepares breakfast. her work is off the charts, it always captivates men, we have intimacy that has always been present from the moment we started communicating, i understand that the emotional background that a loved one gives, it restores something in you that i am a couple surprised at the physiology , well, i won’t flaunt it there, but everything is fine, believe me
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to me, the totality of everything that is in marina, i can say in one word: delight in all other matters, respect and love. now there is a short pause immediately after the live broadcast: where did the multi-million dollar inheritance of valentina legkostupova go, is it really the seller of the hit singer yagoda malina, the serial alphonse. men congratulate women and sing only for them. most dear.
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are you inviting me to your theater? i invite you, sash, forgive me, yes, i’m a bastard, how could you! have you just arrived? uh-huh, yes, i, nadya, valya, came to conquer moscow, who are you? and i’m lena, his wife, are you waiting for someone? yes, you, why? i would like to invite you to a restaurant. that's it, dear, i'll give it back. get out, i want to return to you, to seryozha. leave me and seryozha alone. i'm not going to make any more mistakes. women, on
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saturday on rtr. russia, traditional, modern, technological. original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, appreciated the main working villain, he didn’t get along with anyone here, look at weekend!
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the sheep of the honored artist of russia valentina legkostupova, yuri firsov got married again, and today in the studio he answers all envious people and ill-wishers, we continue, let fate, you go away like one in a dream, there is no need for tears, i smile, i rule life for you and me, when looking at you. sorry for the question, but
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we invited you to our program a long time ago, and you said that you are not ready yet, because bruises, well, now this is also hitting the full scale, why don’t you, you want to tell me, all women do procedures i also do procedures, the procedures were unsuccessful and i still have the procedures.
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this is our beauty valentina, it hurt , no, it didn’t hurt at all, absolutely , i thought i’d fall asleep, i wanted to help valya get out, so to speak, to show that she was still alive, that she was talented, that she could, and for this, of course , you need to do something... then things, that is, on your initiative, valetina and i talked and marina has been doing this all her life, yes, yes, yes?


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