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tv   Lyod  RUSSIA1  March 9, 2024 12:45am-2:46am MSK

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then everyone was talking about space, it seemed that we were about to come into contact with the inhabitants of other planets, i read what wavelength the signal would be received on, from my brothers in mind, i waited 15 years for a signal from mars, but no, nadenka, not from mars, however, this is completely indifferent, he went to college for 15 years, across the whole city, and in the meantime he published a wall newspaper, assisted the police, and kept waiting. be careful and wait? no, nadenka, i didn’t wait, i lost 15 years in vain, you and i are the only mind in the universe, i realized that for society a loader is much more useful than me, he makes money better, it means you’re not a drunk, alas, only
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... you’re still not yourself, and i’ve had this since childhood, but beware, you’re looking 100 to one, what’s our task to open the whole board , we’ll manage, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much is 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much is right, eh? who speaks a lot and loudly at work, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oaks, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches and god forbid now beep if to win, then hurray, 100 to one. oops, tomorrow
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on rtr, i saw myself dead, if you see yourself not dead, then you will live a long time, premiere on rtr, don’t be afraid, i see you, i would like to talk to you, who shot at you while she was hunting for ghosts , just don’t worry, she was announced on her own.
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modern, technologically advanced , original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia, for some reason you laugh a lot, well, i i’m laughing, that means... i exist, no, you
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’re laughing out of nervousness, but you’re always thinking about creatures who don’t drink, you can also end up in a madhouse, you need to be distracted, do you have a hobby? no, how are you not a book lover? where can i get books? hmm, no problem, if only there was a desire, a spark, but a person can do anything, do you want to be a princely lover? i wanted to, that’s it, you’re a princely lover, i have one main story on books, we’ll go tomorrow, do you want to use a time machine? very much, what is this?
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but i’m happy to rest, but my dad and mom are waiting for me, and we’ll come in and let you know, because it’s so difficult to get somewhere, oh, everything is complicated for you, because you’re a pessimist, no, what’s the difference, in general, none, i don’t have money for a social life, happiness isn’t in the money, interesting thought, my, you’re the nose, you ’re young, you have everything ahead of you, it’s not the place that makes a person, you need to eat more, you need to eat more so that you have the strength to fight. you rashed rashedovich are just like an artist in your creative workshop, and why not, nadenka, the great machelangelo said how i make sculpture, i take marble, i take away everything
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unnecessary, i also work like that, i take meat i’m taking everything you need, let’s get to work, the package is for you. rashidik, make another 2 kilos of tenderloin for anyone new. no, no, no, what are you talking about, this is completely useless, you’re already getting bored, yes, look at the progress. rashidik, oh, if creatures from other stars came to us, would you know what to talk to them about? why not? about what? you haven't completed secondary school. i would talk about work, about children, let them fly, okay, let ’s sit. those who don't have children. "there is no work, there is nothing to say, but i have everything, it’s a pity that they they will never fly to us, why not , because besides us, rashidik, no one exists, one friend told me this, the head of the skeet, a very interesting man, oh,
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come on, nikolai, well, it will be difficult for you to get used to her, and then it’s not a man’s job to carry bags, it’s nonsense, i’m always ours, but why a wife?” “ nikolai believes, i just thought, i read somewhere that they give a room for a library, so this is a very good hobby, and for a dog , it seems they give, no, there are only meters for dogs, and also, you need to go in for sports, karate,
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sentsey is the only one who does the shopping for us, so there’s no problem, you promised to obey me, i’m your slave, never, then don’t argue with me, because i know better what’s best, bags, oh, the crocodile has appeared, why the crocodile? crocodile gen from the cartoon, do you like cartoons? not really, but i love it. my brother, he is silent with us, but terribly kind, he
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would kill for me. nikolai gavrilovich is our man. crocodile, take your bags and open the door. nikolai gavrilovich, disembark forward, it will be more convenient for you.
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what a beautiful car you have, you must have worked abroad? crocodile mechanic car service, and he has golden hands, if you want he will make you such a car, i never thought about it. well, come in, you don’t have to wipe your feet , don’t be scared, she’s screaming because she
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has sore ligaments, hello, the result of forty years of work at school, i’m a teacher , my name is tatyana vasilievna, nadezhda, and this is my brother, gennady, it’s very nice, you’re having renovations, no, we just moved recently , we haven’t settled in yet, we’ve been here for three years, we used to live in the center, the house was demolished, there’s no question, what do you use to treat your throat? oh this is professional the disease is incurable, our department cured it, it was also more professional , they wrote complaints about her every day, and i brought her to the main south, cured her in a week, no problem, you ’ll sing with us tatyana vasilyevna, my dear, you’re just lovely, that’s it our beauty has appeared, this is regina, my little friend, she’s still crazy , first it’s soap, and now i’ve been standing over the stove for about five minutes, i’m still thinking about whether to light the match first, then: let it go, or vice versa, first let the gas go, then light the match, and so always, i turn on the gas first, first
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a match, you need to get a branded coopersbush stove, you open the faucet, it burns itself, no problem, just how brilliant everything is, regina, this is hope, gennady, this is how i live. i know a great recipe, everything in the house needs to be finely chopped and put in
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the oven, but it seems we have nothing, although you bought something, nikolenka, it’s empty, yeah, but great, we’ll be like the english at dickins’s, there is bread and butter, nikolenik, you bought butter, no, how, well, i asked you, if we meet, butter, but it didn’t meet me, i have it, no, problems, my dear, you are our savior , everyone come to the table, this is terrible , you will all hate me now, there is no bread, i ate it, something came over me, i started thinking, when i woke up, it turned out that i had eaten the whole loaf , oh, you people of art, terribly selfish, but we still love them, inspiration requires food, the wing ate a whole goose, nikolnik, avoid your neighbor, ask for bread, you’ll scare everyone away, are you shouting like that? i have it, crocodile, get it,
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excuse me, make a stop, we have to, alas, deal with all the complexity of the situation. understand you succeeded, but the subtlety is that the trouble is that living in the world, we sometimes take a threshold for a virtue, we sometimes take a vice for a virtue, he is active, he is resourceful, he is happy with everything in life, for him neither day nor night, no, no questions. the problem and subtlety has always been that in any package we
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can distinguish good from evil, and angel from the devil, we can distinguish good from evil, and angel from the devil. my dear, where did all this come from? from the shop? you see, nadyusha, i’m juggling between school and my husband, and nikolnik absolutely doesn’t know how to do shopping, he generally grew up kind of inactive, i don’t understand how such a pessimist could grow up in our family, exactly, my words, and this is my dad, yes, i’m his dad, what i always
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told him, i always told him, that don’t put off happiness until later, what did i always tell him? i told him that our future is beautiful and bright, work for him , love him and transfer from him to the present , as much as you can transfer, and there are no problems, gavrik, well, shut up, well, let people sit at the table, gavrila maksimovich, it’s very nice, nadezhda, this is my brother gennady, very nice, very nice, nadyusha, tell me, do you work together with nikolinka? in the next department where i'm here in the gastronomic department in the astronomical department, dad can't hear well and don't talk about it tanyusha, we have something left to drink there after the new year, let's go to the room there is no registry i drank everything for a cold oh what a pity i have and there are no problems girl astronomer
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nadyusha and you have a lot of women in your decoration and i’m proud of my work, great, so let’s drink to our lovely ladies, to your beauty, to your patience, to your intelligence, the fact is that all the twists and turns of our fate are connected in one way or another with you, so i once fell in love with a doctor’s woman, the fact is that i oh... that i remembered that regisha, that i think i left the iron on at home, do you remember exactly how, no, i turned it off, that’s good, i definitely turned it off, forgive me, for god’s sake, i’m always interfering, kolya, don’t look at me as an enemy, doesn’t this happen to you, no, let’s go, nikolai gavrilovich,
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once at six months they are admitted to the hospital. associated with my serious injury, and now it seems to me that i didn’t turn it off, what should i do, but the most important thing is that the procedure is being done by the same wonderful doctor with whom i am in love, well , forgive me, but if you still left it , there will be a fire, yes, but of course, be quiet , i’m lying in the ward and suddenly a rumor spreads that delegations of western doctors are coming to us to learn from us. well, of course, you need to go, you need to go to calm down, gena will take you, i
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’ll finish now, i’m very embarrassed, i’ll still go, won’t you be offended by me? we won't be offended, i won't burden you too much, goodbye, goodbye goodbye, regisha , darling, goodbye, so, foreigners, journalists, sick people are talking, she asks, my beauty, who wants to demonstrate, everyone refuses, they come up to me, eyes, eyebrows, glance, eyelashes, pleading in the eyes, well, well , i’m in love, i’m in love, women are devils, i feel , always always, how to be here, the question is about the honor of my lady, i propose my candidacy, well done, donkey, you’re a fool, not a hero, maybe a fool, guests are coming, they put me on the table, then she, my darling,
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begins to climb into my spine, details, i’m listening to them for the hundredth time, a chill on my skin, details - god, as goethe said , there’s a fog in my head, oh god, there are sparkles in my eyes, although i don’t know english, i feel all the admiration, i fall through, but the next morning i wake up famous, gabriel maksimovich, gabriel maksimovich, for you, i just fell in love with you, honestly, for you, and i for you. and you, nikolai, are just an egoist, you have golden parents, you had to hurt yourself, create conditions for them, but nothing, nothing, i’ll make a man out of you, so i’m already... almost a man, i already want a green one a car, but i want an apartment in the center
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, but i want a cart, since childhood i dreamed of cutting through a brick with the reverence of my palm, but i always thought that this was not for me, well, well, well, but for whom, i don’t understand, but for whom but if not for you, what did your parents strive for, so that you have all the best, you have to live at 20'. in the first century, you are a man of the future, no, nadya, you know, you are a man of the future, no , we are all, we are all people of the future here, for us, for us, for us, you can do it with me, today, what today, let's let's go somewhere, and let's go, no, no, gabrik, calm down, you can go to seventh heaven, you can go to seventh heaven, it’s for foreign currency, but i’m in charge there in bars, or in church, to watch the religious procession. and we will stand like onlookers, but with me, with me it’s possible , the main thing is that we sell goods, here’s a guy, our
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man, i guess who it is, hello, hello, it’s me, the iron was on, but it turns out it had been rebuilt a long time ago... so the fire didn’t happen and genochka was so kind that he fixed it instantly, and then he went to the bathroom to wash his hands, saw that there was no light there and fixed it wiring, so now we will wash ourselves in the light, and in the light he saw that the adhesive had crumbled there and was now sticking it, we are invited to watch the religious procession, but you are probably terribly tired? i
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understand you, we’ll be there as soon as possible, oh! and this is a female corpse at work, stop, stop , stop, no one is going anywhere, the premiere on rtr, you coveted my place, so i fulfilled your duties for a month, anna mikhalkova, i realized that i love only you, aka veronika palna , you have already made inquiries, she is major vasnetsova. vasentsov has a new suspect, vasentsova to my office, she ’s, amazingly, our new detective, until we prove
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the opposite, we’ll assume that this is murder, you snetsova, soon on rtr, i thought that here, more seriously, you’re sitting and thinking, this is not about thinking, this is all here , to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, so there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just let's go have a look , it must have been edible, i had in mind, of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a direct hint... in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, which is what many people use , the strongest love for the game, this is a five-
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on-one program, i’m oops, and five on one, tomorrow on rtr, here’s a kept woman. she hasn’t worked a day, she lives on her husband’s money, we look at the weekend, i’ll turn out to be a mistress, and on our bed, either you leave, or we and the children, clearly, remember, you’re without me, empty place, zero, you thought about the children , i’ll find a job, be careful, from... the wreckage of an old life you can build a new one, in general at least something in business, you know, sometimes it’s better than the old one, help me,
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i got my very first contract . give me an office, maria kulikova, what the hell are you doing here, mom maybe, on saturday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent being wearing, orientalism, this is this parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform we’re watching, the first podcasts we’re watching, something about the crocodile with reginka is delayed, think, just yesterday i was afraid to approach you, and i you, and you paid attention to me, paid attention, paid attention, what do you care? i wonder
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why you were paying attention to me? well , i paid attention to everything, maybe i remember you from childhood? since childhood, i probably don’t understand something, on tv, you’re kidding, well, girls are always they fall in love on tv, my mother abandoned us, my father drank, i was raised by my grandfather and a crocodile, i loved them, of course, but... i also wanted someone, so i probably chose you, then i probably forgot, and now, probably , i remembered again, maybe you and i have already met before, when in previous lives, in youth technology, by the way, they wrote that maybe we had already lived other lives, and
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were different people. or maybe not even people, but animals or insects, but we’ve already met, don’t, don’t, don’t talk about it, why? well there are things that we cannot judge, so to speak, by worldly vanity, why we do not have the right, i have the right. i’m a second-degree donor, so you donated blood, what does blood have to do with it, you donated , i didn’t donate, diathesis, no one needs my blood, mine is needed, in the hospital, everyone needs it, i will say what i think, and you will mouth to me, you don’t shut my mouth, it’s a joke, keep it, these are tickets for your easter, and what do you even know,
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that’s it, that’s it, i’m going to pushkin, and you and your kikimora, you and your kikimora, wherever you want, goodbye, what pushkino, nadya, i live in pushkino, i don’t have a moscow registration , that you will despise even more, yes, you think , i didn’t see how you look at me, just open your mouth, glances, glances, what is it, nikola, who are you to decide, do i have the right or do i not have the right? you accept me, he didn’t like my bag with groceries, no , not that he didn’t like it, but what did you decide, i’m stealing , i decided, but you yourself ate, ate, and your elite ate, well, why did you surrender to me, well, think about why you gave in to me, i don’t understand this at all i can, but i can live without you, i can live, but you will be lost without me, tanik, well, forgive me if i offended you in any way, well, forgive me, i
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’m treacherous, fools, smart people live? for a salary, yes, but out of respect they help each other, and who have you helped in your life? no one , that's it, that's it, roll to her, to her, to her, nadya , don't leave, forgive me, i'm a scoundrel, i didn't dare think badly of you, i'm a scoundrel, that's it, i said, roll to her, i hate it, where should i go, to the elite, she is a thin girl, i don’t want to be attracted to her, i don’t want to, for so many years wanted and suddenly didn’t want to, what? we had nothing, we were just friends for 10 years, talked, 10 years, talked, poured , honestly, nothing happened, drank tea, talked, for a lonely person, doesn’t know how to do anything, is afraid of everything, i felt sorry for her, you me you’ve never regretted it, but why feel sorry for you, but she’s not afraid of anything, it’s me who’s afraid, i’m
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afraid of you. i don’t care, maybe i was just waiting for you so that i could live and work for you, but you, and you are ashamed of me, you laugh at me, you laugh at me all the time, no at all , i admire you, nadya, you’re mocking me again, i capable of mocking only himself, you eat, you keep lying, you keep lying, and the fact that you are secretly in love with me is also lying, wow, little humor, wow, just don’t cry, well, i’m not worth your tears, you know, i don’t...
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this morning i lost my life, i ’m in love with you, no, it simply can’t be you, maybe, maybe i love you too, you’re of no use to me, it turns out i love you, you want , laugh at me, call me a devil, call me an angel, but now i...
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it’s better to carry out repairs not now, but in the summer, in holidays, that we’ll send our parents to a sanatorium and create an interior for them, but it’s better to change right away. “we will do this, or we’ll go to the zak, but you know better, which is better, it’s better on you, and it’s better to go to the zak, then i will have moscow registration, i’ll buy myself a vyatka, that a washing
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machine, an automatic machine are sold only to residents of moscow, you time you’ll be thinking about what thoughts, my dear, well, it’s time to think before the assembly.” whatever you want, but i already thought, and i, well, heard that they don’t sign it right away, they’ll sign it, no problem, even tomorrow, if you want it tomorrow, tomorrow, i agree, we will have a wedding the way you want, we should , we should, for our own people, for those closest to us, it would be necessary, you can gather with us, better in excelsior, where this restaurant just opened, i’ve never been there, he’ll take the crocodile , rent a little room, yeah, for 200 people , no more, yes, well, probably very expensive, not
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your sadness, i’ll borrow it, i’ll get out, i ’m only going to get married once in my life, don’t forget to take a photo tomorrow, why for tourism? let's go on a honeymoon, brilliant, let's put up a tent, put on sneakers, why, why, i'll make travel packages on a cruise around africa on a boat, in the spring in africa - it’s paradise, you want to go to africa, with you even to the ends of the world, oh, the crocodile and regina have arrived, let’s put on shoes, you have droplets on you... never mind, i have something else in the car , a dress, and a suit, and a jumpsuit, my god, come on, who would have thought, i’m in africa,
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and who cares, vodka, whiskey, sherry? nevisky, just a little bit, and you’ll start behaving indecently, nikolai, in my opinion, you wanted to tell them something, regina, a miracle happened.
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i laughed completely indecently, and genochka, like a real gentleman, he didn’t even smile. regina, can you shut up? you see, when he stitched me up, i asked him who would rip me open before going to bed, then he invited me to become his wife. how did he suggest this? silently, just like that, what a night, everyone is in love, just like in a shakespearean comedy.
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i never thought that i would see only believers, they are believers just like you and me, so why are they? this is an ancient tradition, that’s what people
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are interested in, by the way, some people get married straight into church after the council, how are you ideologically not against, ideologically, i am against, it’s a pity, it’s a pity, we would look great at the altar, let’s get out of here, well, let’s go, that’s who will make us a stainless steel sink. no, he did not expect miracles, but now, lovers, happiness has suddenly arrived, now everything will be, he will have what he dreamed of and did not dream of, he will enter into happiness. marriage, after
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which our heroes will taste material benefits, almost all of them, and what’s next, what’s next, you can guess, they’ll take from life as much as it can give them, plus, how can we sing it, a stainless sink, or list, standard dreams color everything, they will have everything, but again the question arises, what’s next? the question seems to be very simple. you are an international personality, how do you know this type? i meet at
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exhibitions, at receptions, they let you into receptions, all our people are there, writers, artists, performers, all sorts of famous people, but how do you get there, and with a crocodile, without him they are like without wheels, and i always dreamed of being friends with artists, somehow it didn’t work out, now this will be your permanent company, i think they won’t be interested in me, why do they need a physicist, a loser, and why do they need me? do you think they tolerate my company because i supply them with a deficit, right? maybe you loved me for this? no, but why then? but i don’t know, they, too, are artists who are obliged to love their people, and i am the people. and you , by the way, nikolenka, are also people , you’re just not at your best right now, but it’s okay, i ’ll correct you, incompatible, serious things are connected to you, suddenly this is a stainless steel sink, because there is a goal and a dream, what, growth, welfare and exchange, house in pushkino, plus your apartment, plus the crocodile
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moves to regina, plus the library, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 people, here is our best child, six people, we have the right to a big one. please be silent, please be silent, do you like poetry? yes, well, not just any elements, i don’t know, but, for example, do you like poetry? well, i don’t know, well, for example, well, in everything i want to get to the very essence, in work, in search of a path, in heartfelt turmoil, all the time grasping the thread of destinies, events, to live, think, feel, love, make a discovery , once in life, well, try, well, raise your head, look at the lehrs, when you see all this miracle, what do you think about, i think, to apply for a new house.
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i understand,
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beguine, what’s wrong with you? i’m probably a masochist, i felt so good when... he killed me with a broom, i experienced a feeling of complete liberation, this only happened to me at the conservatory, so, nikolai, a person is only happy if he is famous, so you owe me to be famous, and we will show you on tv, yes, our supermarket is often shown, but it’s better in the obvious incredible, you can speak in more detail there, the father was borota, what do you think about it? i think i like port better than vodka. gen, i always dreamed that i would drink portray with gen, i always dreamed of a friend like you. i propose a toast to your
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silence. you know how to remain silent - this is a great and sharp gift. genovist. repeat, or are you terribly tired? you are my obvious, incredible, i will introduce you to their leader. well, you also have a good deal, little one, but why are they really annoying with their chatter? no no no, i’m extremely interested in everything you say, so it’s decided.
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in the whole country there will be a huge saving of metal, the turning radius of the cart will decrease, it already has three wheels, and you offer two, oh no, well, it will fall, to hell with it , let it fall, nikolai, you understand, this is not a transmission about how to make carts, and about creativity, in order to arouse interest in creativity among the broad masses, well, we agreed how simple it all is, after the speeches they will immediately notice you, they will immediately notice you, and they will transfer you somewhere to do mental work, well, to a trade institute or even to the ministry, no, there are again walls of newspapers and cabbage and you will run away to you, well, that means television is canceled, canceled, believe me, nadenka, i no longer dream of fame,
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i experience, thanks to you, completely unfamiliar to me i still have a feeling of peace of mind and love for life, i perceive the world as it is, i... “i believe in the future, because i believed in the present, today, i’m no longer a pessimist, i’m in love, but i ’m drunk, little lady
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wake up until tomorrow, i don’t want to sleep at all, where is everyone? the crocodile went to take the regenka and will come back for me, i’m near the entrance to her. i’ll wait and we’ll go with him to pushkin, pushkin, you’ll stay overnight here, quiet, quiet, everyone ’s asleep, we’ll sneak in unnoticed, i’ll wait
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for the crocodile, i’ll leave anyway, i won’t stay, nali, i love you, i love you, i’ll never don’t love me like that, i can’t, i can’t stay, if we were that easy, i would stay, now, this is not good, this is not good, but i’m surprised how you don’t understand? what, i'm not sleeping, come in, hush, hush, mom is sleeping, well, how was it, dad, i came with hope, we decided to get married, and what about regina, regina with this gene , with the crocodile, you remember what i always told you, well, go, remember what he told you, the relationship between a man and a woman is determined...
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i’m getting married, that’s great, tatyana vasilievna, your voice is better, but i can only scream or whisper, nadenka, i’ll lie down on the floor, i want it so much, i’ll lie down on the floor, why are we all whispering if no one is sleeping, why sleep on the floor if there’s a cot? , yes, there is a folding bed and there are no problems, and in general none of this matters, we are moving soon, you ever thought that you would live in a palace, i never doubted it, i am convinced that we should all live. i'm happy with the perez, which means it may not unpack, nadenka, you'll lie down in nikolenka's room , nikolenka, in the kitchen, yes, yes, yes, no, thank you very much, but i really can't go, you
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won't go anywhere, you won't go anywhere, i a terrible scoundrel, but i couldn’t stop genochka, he saw that the wallpaper was falling off and decided to immediately rip it off so that i could glue new ones tomorrow, i’m afraid that he will stay until the morning. i don't i can even imagine how hope gets home, it remains with you, great.
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what's happened? nadia! what's wrong with you
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, nothing, nothing, i, i just, i just thought , what, well, you won't understand this, maybe i will, you know, you know, i thought, here... i'll marry you, we'll live well, well , we will have a boy, he will be, he will be the most beautiful, the healthiest, the happiest child, he will have everything, he will have everything, and languages, and music, and figures, and clothes, because this is also, this is also very important, let's get him into school, a special school for geniuses will study better than everyone else, and
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then, then we’ll send them to college, i haven’t chosen which one yet, but the very, very best, our grandfather will be terribly proud, i’ll go crazy with joy, and then they’ll send their whole course to practice, suddenly , suddenly they will report from there that there was a fire nearby, he rushed to put it out, the roof of the house collapsed, and our heroic boy died there, right? you are my one and only, unique, it would never have occurred to me, but you know, i suddenly imagined it so clearly, everything, but i ’ll give birth to him, i’ll give birth to him anyway, honestly word, i’ll give birth to him, really, little one, i’ll give birth, i’ll give birth, i’ll give birth, we’ll dress you, what will it do with it?
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we're having a wedding this evening, let's do our hair , by the evening you'll be a prince, a prince at our wedding, the asithras at our wedding will be as tall as you, some asithras, like those under ivan the terrible, some two-meter tall, i'm in charge of banquets there, let's take regina the crocodile as a witness. my dears, on this happy day, at this festive table, our closest and most faithful friends have gathered, it’s spring outside, there ’s wine at the table, but for some reason we feel
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a little bitter today, huh? i agree to become your wife when we were in zakta, i have not yet matured, now i feel sad that we have not registered our relationship, no problem, quickly drive the crocodile to zakta, one leg here, the other there, well,
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well, well with you, well, smile, smile at the guests, who are these people? these are my closest friends, and now yours, let’s go, i ’ll introduce you to everyone, meet valentina petrovna. life tickets, very nice, please, vladimir arkadyevich, apartment renovation, nikolai, very nice, come here, meet me, zhulyata sulakovna, the black sea
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coast, here, here, please, a complete collection of essays. nikolai gavrilovich, chief of skeet, oh, meet palych, always glad, theater tickets, chief of skeet, let's use it, nikolenka, nikolenka, meet, soxopathologist, who? soxopathologist, i’ll use it, let’s get out of here, what’s wrong, nikolenka, what happened,
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well, tell me, my dear, what’s wrong, well , don’t do that, look how fun everyone is, how good everyone is, well, nikolai, well, eat , well, have fun, well, what is it, my dear, well, here, oh, here is your main member, comrade cucumbers, arrived, he just went crazy in this form. let's go meet him, let's go, let 's go, let's go. this is for us, this is for us, please forgive me. just a minute. nikolay, it seems to me that we can congratulate you. thank you, thank you very much, we are terribly glad that you came, but why are you without a tie, that’s why they didn’t let you in. just a minute, just a minute. an hour ago there, they called me straight to the dacha. nikolai, can you imagine what happened? yes, i am.
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it seems to me that all this is very uncertain, but there is some hope, take it, in my mind, little one, i was not mistaken in you, you , i rather have no money than, yes, but perhaps, yes, they are not, yes, yes, yes, i'm sure that yes, if so, that is, it smacks of the nobel prize, this is the nobel prize, there is a record, uh, unfortunately, there is no clear record, you, dear.
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so, we’ll all go to sweden together to visit the guests for the prizes, i beg you, of course, of course, little head, but the nobel prize is still far away, we’ll have to work a little, how much, well, maybe it will take a whole life, maybe 10 lives, but it’s impossible to somehow speed up everything, maybe we can get something? nada, nadenka, get sarvil , a radio telescope, let’s think, don’t pay
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attention, she, well, your wife is charming, but the free radio telescope is located in the arctic, the conditions there are very harsh, it’s unlikely that you will go there from moscow, i’m ready to go anywhere whatever, i sow everything.
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my friends, just a minute, attention, a grandiose event has just happened, my husband, nikolai gavriilovich paryvaev, chief space, heard the voice of brothers in mind, and alone in the universe, like us there are many, hurray, download it for me, don’t touch, don’t touch me, you have no right, leave me alone, leave me alone, put me down, suck what you're doing, what you're doing, let me go, let me go, let me go, let him go, let him go. nikolenka, nikolenka
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, an accident happened, nadenka, they signed , everyone is dancing, music, no, this is terrible, yesterday i ruined the phone, this time i smashed it into a piece of wood, i brought a new one with buttons instead disk, now the police have appeared and said that this phone was lost at your work, and he took the wheels of the opener in some garage, took the engine out of the exhibition, and now he will be judged. nothing, nothing , a man has stumbled, let's call the head of the legal profession for 2 years, conditionally, nothing, regina, nikolai , the main thing is not this, the main thing is that we are not alone, the main thing is that somewhere on other stars there live the same people as we, people of the future , what do you measure, kolya, you said it yourself, you said it yourself, i was joking, it’s so, kolya, it’s so, we are the future, i regina, you, because now you have everything, and what we don’t, we’ll buy, nikolenka , what are you measuring, and who is the future, well, the future is about her, yes, go now, that’s it.
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kolya, kolya, nikolai, well, well, where are you going, well, well, what is it, well, well, what? it worked out, kolya
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, well, well, tell me, well, well, well, look at me , well, don’t do that, well, rings, well, i don’t understand, i don’t understand what happened, kolya, kolya, where are you going, well, stop, come on, kolya, little ring, come on, my dear, where are you going? kolya, kolya, where are you running, what am i doing? i did this, well, well, well, what did i do, well, what did i do wrong, kolya, well, i wanted the best, my dear, i tried for you, well, look at me, but if you want, i will fulfill all your wishes as golden a fish, and
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a ring, a ring, well, don’t run away from me, i can’t live without you, my dear, it’s true, it’s true, i can’t live without you, but olechka, stop , please, my good one. oh, don’t waste your life on insignificant
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trifles, people love and yearn, look at the sky at night, don’t let it. you'll burn out in business unreal, so as not to grow old in your soul, look at the stars more often, so as not to become old in your soul, look at the stars more often, so as not to waste your strength in vain and not to change yourself, you need to know what for, what you live for, understand, do not allow yourself to burn, not a real dream, so as not to grow old with your soul, look at the stars more often, however, what am i doing, the story is not over yet.
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slow down a little, let's explain, let us catch up with you, you can't hide from love, you can't run away from yourself, the road into the distance, like life, is long, no matter where you rush off, but love is calling she is the possibility of happiness, but here is love. she calls and there is the possibility of happiness, not disappearance, suddenly without a trace, do not melt into the distance, do not run to the edge of the universe, do not circle around the earth, the road into the distance, like life, is long,
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no matter where you rush off, but love is calling and there is an opportunity happiness.
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and you just call me anya, alexandra gavrilovna, it will be easier for you. garik, your
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wife just called me an old marismatic girl. did you hear that? anechka, that’s not what i wanted to say at all, but in my opinion, that’s exactly it. that's it, i can't do it anymore. do you see what we've gotten to? person? i see. move away. what are you going to do? hang a picture? and in my opinion, you are going to humiliate garik and me along with him. anya, get down. mom again didn’t understand what you wanted to say. tell your mom she got it right the first time and the second time. boorish. that's it, anya. i have no more strength. anechka, garik, don’t humiliate yourself. anya,
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pull yourself together, be a man. i took it. can i have cane? anya, she will come to you herself. anechka. stand! anya! he'll come running! after 10 minutes.
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mom, who are you? igor petrovich. as children little ones, honestly, you, who are igor petrovich, please take, anna mikhailovna, this is impossible, there is a person suffering, i am for him... an empty place, that’s why he cuts off all the phones, let him live with his mother, she’s worthless to me doesn’t bet that
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i won’t do it, everything is bad, i won’t say it, i’m a complete fool , hush, please, wake up anya , who’s turning it over like that, hands like hooks, learn while i’m alive, a grown man is holding on to his mother’s skirt, please, here already it’s impossible, mom, talk to the person, but mikhailno, you can’t do that. hello, i feel your passions are boiling there, yes, listen, it’s so good that you called, and
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i miss you so much, the sea, the fresh air, oh, if andryushka hadn’t been transferred for work, i would never have come here, you can’t imagine how i’m tired of moscow, so you come , i rented out the apartment for a long time, i took the money in advance, so you come to me, it’s my birthday the day after tomorrow, well, you and i will sit and celebrate as before, and you won’t mind thunder, won't happen, so will you come? i’ll take it and come, but it seems we’re going to gelinzhik, i don’t believe it luckily, who will sit? previously , we somehow managed when mikhailovna and igor petrovich were alive, was it normal? yes, but we just didn’t sleep, and who is lilya? friend, neighbor, little kings, no, how could you
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think that about us? “so you don’t give a damn about me, anna mikhailovna , you don’t give a damn at all, andrey and i were just talking, maybe you should buy tickets to gelendzh now, there may be excellent options there with discounts, so we’ll still listen in, anna mikhailovna, you don’t please, so break, that's it, what does it smell like, pancakes, well, how about you..." leave them alone, i'm not going anywhere,
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sleeps, sleeps, sleeps, i feel like a criminal, so as for complementary foods, no canned food, apples, carrots, everything is only fresh, good, thank you very much, well, i went, the taxi is waiting, let me accompany you , andryushechka, no need, i’m only leaving for 3 days, we’ll miss you, i’ll call, that’s it, the taxi is already waiting, that’s it, that’s it, goodbye, anna mikhailovna, bye , you weren’t screaming just now, you understand, you’re running around,
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i forgot my bag, sorry for interrupting. good dear, anna mikhailovna, well, you understand that she forgot it on purpose in order to put me in odev’s position, and there’s no need to rejoice ahead of time, because you’re wasting decency with crying, yes, yes, yes, thank you, please. vanya artamonova torpedo, lilka, oh, hello , my dear, happy birthday, listen , the plane landed in anapa, but i know, i’m coming
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to meet you, and you turned up your nose and kept passing by, so i didn’t recognize you. what happened? listen, you always had a shock of red hair, you have figures on your kobuluks, your eyes say, what are you did you go on a diet? well, you can say so, you give up this thing, he’s the only shadow left of you, but it’s not for nothing that everyone called you tarbeds, she came and destroyed everything and let’s restore our order, how i already miss you, oh, me too, why did you turn off your phone , i ’m calling you, i’m calling, i can’t get through, there’s this story, you know , i’ll tell you later... i’ll tell you, i hope it’s not criminal, it’s love, oh , i’m intrigued,
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well, did she agree? lilya leonidovna? rented an apartment, what do you mean rented an apartment, moved out, or what? kalintochka, don't worry, well, really, well, what she has, lectures on accounting at the university, it’s just pennies, well , listen, well, that’s how long she can rent an apartment, well, a week or two, well, a month at most, you said that she won’t last even two days in your apartment, he will agree to your terms, he said, well, apparently he underestimated her, i’m sorry, what do you want? it's a pity, what are you saying? maybe you still love her? hey, don't start, i love you, you know, yeah, then why doesn't your plan work? it will work, just be patient,
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tarapyga, everything will be, as you say, normal, ok, ah, come on in, so, well... tell me what kind of apartment this is, where you brought me, now let’s sit down, have a drink, and i’ll tell you everything, and don’t scare me, why did you make such eyes, everything’s fine , which is normal , where is your trick, and wow, ha, what a view from the window, we didn’t have that on google, and i don’t rent this apartment, my three-ruble ruble is undergoing renovations, pervarators, dirt, it’s complete destruction , and what didn’t you say, well, you won’t let me say a word, but where are the thunders? and gromov, he
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spends days at work, he has diploma students there the workload was given and in general you can’t get out of university, finish, you’re good already. hello, did it work out? well, it hasn’t worked out yet, max, well, just be patient a little, i don’t understand, but why did i bring up this couple of these apartment robbers, are they mowing down because of their work? yes, no one is mowing, max, the neighbors are already tired of calling the police, it’s just that the thunderous wife moved out, in the sense that she moved out, where, how do i know, well, be patient. a little, just don’t call anymore, otherwise felix will hear, that’s it, come on, come on, well, with whom are you keeping secrets, with your mother, with whom else?
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it’s clear, there was no money, i sewed you a wedding dress because of the hangings, “listen, everyone admired it, it’s a magic dress, uh-huh, and then the exact same hangings turned out to be in the office, and you announced that you were canceling the wedding, of course , because one of the guests said that i was one with the interior, if not for gromov, who grabbed you in his arms and dragged you to the table to sign, otherwise you would have run away, i shouldn’t have run away then.’ what are you doing? why, can you imagine how i felt then, the bride in the curtains, is that so good
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sign, look how thunderously happy you are, yes, well, come on, let’s drink to you, yeah, so that you have everything, and so that you don’t have anything for it. happy birthday, lilya , how are you, everything is fine, mom, yes, we’re coping, anna mikhailovna we’re coping, we’re coping, thank you, but i took a ticket for the day after tomorrow, don’t rush, anna mikhailovna, really, look, she’s refreshed, it’s so good there , stay, relax, mikhailovna, you are so refreshed, is it really good or just, yes, yes, and anyutka, how is it, okay? onutka is very good, you can’t imagine, after you left, she i didn’t cry even once, tell me, and eating became better, really, it’s good, bye, kiss, well, you
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heard, well, be glad that everything is fine with the children, yeah, so good that it would be better not to come back. ticket i’ll go tomorrow i’m tired, i think we somehow had a bad conversation with her. why? it seems to me, on the contrary, it’s very good, we calmed her down, yes, but you can’t tell me, roman valerievich, if you’ll allow me, uh-huh, uh-huh, what ’s wrong with you? there is a woman there, citizen ivanova, complaining about the unpleasant smell from the apartment, well
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, tell the duty officer, let you... have a squad to sort everything out, uh-huh, just wait, chibisov, what is the address of the apartment ? where there was smoke a week ago, and 3 days.
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this is what i understand, a person’s cool, i told you, they’re definitely going to kill someone here , but why is this happening, well, last time i smoked on alch wood shavings, of course, but now it’s just hanging, no one cares interferes, show the documents, again 25. this means that we have a certificate of parole, that we have registration at the place of registration, that ’s right, article 158 of the criminal code. theft on an especially
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large scale, listen, comrade major , nothing has changed there since last week, and why are you eating all the fish yourself, elsa, elsa, here some comrades are hinting that you and i have gotten too greedy, treat maya. i feel sorry for you, you should treat your neighbor, otherwise she doesn’t smell good, thank you, i can’t have anything salty at all, take it to your son-in-law, he loves me with a spit.
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lilya, what happened, it’s nothing, it’s just a scary dream, come on, tell me, what, sleep, please, don’t worry. lilya , stop lying, tell the truth, what is your diagnosis , what is your diagnosis, anya, what are you doing, your eyes are wet all the time, you’ve lost weight , that’s how you think about it all the time, lilya, i won’t let you give up , i will fight for you until the last bullet, but well, i don’t have any diagnosis, i’m as healthy as... this is a horse,
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show me the papers, what kind of papers, medical ones, where it says that you are healthy, don’t talk nonsense, no no papers for me, why the pillow is wet, just don’t tell me about the dream, because it’s not a dream, gromov really went into another, oh well, felix on... when i don’t believe it. i don’t understand anything, it’s really a dream,
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felix, your stomach is where, well, come on, step on the scales, you know, the battery there is dead. i changed it yesterday, felix, well , i urgently need to do something about this, let me introduce you to my coach, no, no, i can handle it myself, you know, i don’t like being bossed around, but mine doesn’t boss me around, he says , what is right, what is wrong, what is necessary, what is not necessary, my, well, yes, my, my doctor, my trainer, my hairdresser, that’s what they say. wait, are you jealous? am i jealous of the coach? listen, honey , with all my feelings for you, it’s called , i forgot your word, as you say, zashkvar
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, oh, exactly, zashkvar, well, felix, well, when will we move in with you, but i’m tired of living in this grandmother’s kennel, little one, just be patient, everything will work out, well, i don’t want to live here. have you seen what's going on in the toilet? of course i saw it. wait, what's going on there? there was a renovation there before the revolution, there was a toilet there, a meeting. oh, so this is called an art object? it's not called an art object, it's called crap. oh, what did gromov see in her? no face, no skin. he found 23 years in her, but younger than our car. terrible! “well, let it roll, it was you who decided because of me, yes, but i love him, i have no strength, as much as i love him, it would be better if i got sick and died than to endure all this, after all, you’re
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a sweetheart, or something, a peck on your tongue, i know what i think, it’s all my fault, what is it..." i wonder if it’s your fault, well , i probably had to change somehow, develop, learn to be interesting, there are many at 50 they look like they’re 20, you can’t tell them apart from afar, yesterday a girl on a scooter almost hit me, and i see she’s the same age as me, only mateto, how is that modern? and her eyes, her eyes are burning, they’re literally glowing, i ’m just an old woman next to her, get ready, where, for scooters, ah, you’re crazy, i
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just don’t have enough scooters right now. oh, wow, beauty, oh, my cheeks even brightened up, really, well, that’s right, you need to move, move, and not sit with arms folded, you know, an, i feel so good now. that for the first time in all this time i don’t think who planned it take felix away from the graduate student or what? no, nothing can be returned, i have to face the truth
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, my train has already left, yes, something needs to be done about this, well, let’s go, i’ll show you where your train has gone. anh, where are you going, well, beauty, what an idiot you are, stop, smile, come on, listen, i’m very glad that we bought a jacket, a jacket, the color is good, and what a great color you had, yeah, that’s it, your lips are very bright, beautiful , somehow everything is not according to age, so very good. oh, look how the men look at us, these are not men, these are mine students, former students, i would teach them, graduate students, hello, liliya leonidovna, oh! you look gorgeous, thank you, igor,
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gromov, now he’ll go crazy when he sees you, where he sees me, he lives at his place, we don’t intersect where we need to, he’ll see him there, and quite by accident, the main thing is to listen to me in everything , you know the address of this graduate student, of course not, but if you think about it carefully. and if you think carefully, polevaya street 45, building 2, apartment 10, this is the next street, how did it happen, oh, lilka, you know how to do your own thing it’s a happiness to fight, but you don’t want, what a bitch you are, to marry a teacher, so that together with your lover you can snag a three-room apartment from him... mom, where did you get this from, everything is sewn with white threads in the apartment,
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which your grandmother left for you, max is apparently cramped, everything with max and i has been over for a long time , who are you telling this to, and you know, i ’ll even be glad if everything works out for you, i myself have lived my whole life as a romantic fool, so you and i have teeth? so, i found out everything, what else did you find out? gromov
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runs along the embankment every morning, i i followed, felix, he’s an owl, he ’s been dragging his feet since the morning, what kind of jogging, well, what kind? young wife, you have to conform, well , i don’t care. so lilya, just don’t cry, please, well, the man is confused, listen, at his age there are such quirks with men, you just need to help him understand where his dear, loved one is, and where, you know, well, at a turn he skidded into the wrong steppe , in general, i came up with something, what else did you come up with? starting tomorrow we are starting
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a special operation, the return of the prodigal felix, hello, please forgive me the name is elsa, well, well , can you imagine, before this dog i had another... so, her name was also elsa, she lived for 15 years, you know, she really loved it when her belly was scratched, oh, excuse me, i’m valentina my name is ivanovna , that's it, sorry, i just wanted to ask, where is lilya leonidna, i just haven’t seen her for a long time, i don’t know, she doesn’t report to me, she’s probably gone somewhere, well, yes, yes, how strange, she is after all your roommate, valentina ivanovna. yeah, get down to business,
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valentina ivanovna, stop spying on me, hello, i'm again about the sixteenth apartment. you know, it seems to me that something happened to my neighbor, valentina ivanovna, when your neighbor’s relatives file an application, we will look for her, but for now there is no reason, that’s it, goodbye, we’ve already had enough of this sixteenth apartment. attention,
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the object is on the horizon, keep your back straight. keep your head up, don’t look at your feet, but i’ll fall, here the road is straight, where will you fall , well done, beauty, keep your head up , let’s overtake, ilya, oh, oh, woman, woman, wait, everything’s fine, huh? lilya, get up, lilya, and you what are you doing here, especially in this form , it seems like you broke your leg, early, early, he’s not ready yet, wow, what is this, it hurts, actress
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, don’t overact there, leave anya alone, anya. and what anya, i’m in shock, painful , i’m just carrying that i got hit, stirlitz has never been so close to failure, as far as i remember, in order for you to carry whatever happened , you don’t have to get a painful shock, well, there’s clearly no fracture, rather it’s just a sprain, but what is it all of a sudden to run on... well, something like that for tone, so what should i do with your tone now, lilya, tell him to take you home, felix, you go, i can handle it myself , i’m sure, well, there’s no fracture, well, whatever you say,
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no, you know, anyway, let me call you an ambulance, felix. karinochka, how are you here? and i was driving past, i saw familiar faces , i thought, let me say hello, can you imagine, lilya leonidovna sprained her leg, what are you saying, what a creature, i was even going to call an ambulance, and you know, it seems to me that lilya leonidovna herself is able to call an ambulance, she's conscious , let's go, lilya, smile, you don't care, don't leave me alone, what’s wrong with her, i know, she keeps repeating it all the time, but don’t leave me alone, that she probably hit her head hard, it probably seems to me that the doctors will sort it out, ah!
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lilya, what are you doing, did you really fall or something, did you break your leg, what are you doing, well, you should have looked at the road, oh, stop. please, what is this, you're crazy, what good brakes you have, i 'll turn you over to the police now, or not, it's better to go straight to the psychiatric hospital, or maybe to the emergency room,
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why, please, thank you, go ahead, be careful, tiviso, well, i have a force majeure here, so don’t go on a search without me, wait, i understand, that’s all. lilya, lilya, we need to eat, there is no fracture, everything
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is fine, come on, don’t leave me alone, well, well, pregnant. this is a graduate student, but if i were you, i would be happy about what, don’t you understand , a city child, a month of sleepless nights, a tough ride, steep hills. why aren’t you saying something, and why haven’t you ever gone to the apartment? lilya, what?
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why don't you supervise the repairs? vanya, in general , during the divorce, gromov divided the property so that there was one room in our three-ruble ruble, belongs to him. what a bastard, what a conscience he has. it was enough, well, it’s fair, we earned money for this apartment together, but the thing is different, according to the law, he must offer to buy out his share to me, i’m ready, so what? but he is stubborn and wants me to give him my share of imashkin for literally nothing, the asshole, oh well, he stopped loving you, well, a child, otherwise... another story: felix wanted to become related to one deputy, mashka met his son and
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things were heading towards the wedding, and then she suddenly went to see her artist in st. petersburg. felix then they almost threw him out of work, in general, he went crazy, and mashki said that she was not his daughter if she was setting up her father like that. it seems to me that you’re not really talking about... but not to the same extent, it’s his graduate student who is screwing him up, she took advantage of the situation with her daughter , she wants to chop off my apartment, but you walked through the forest, why did you even come here, this is where anechka begins the most interesting thing is, i can’t live there, why did they give me professional neighbors, who, these are special people who make your life in an apartment unbearable, and this is all for the purpose,
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to force me to agree to gromov’s terms and give up my share for pennies, and if i had known this, i wouldn’t have sat in an ambush with binoculars, i would have taken a sniper rifle, that’s why, anechka, i didn’t tell you anything. but i won’t leave it like this, get ready, but no, i won’t go, i’m afraid, they are terrible people, no worse than me, they will kill us, san, where are the criminals, lilya, don’t you want to think to yourself, think about masha, you want her without leave the apartment, yes, i want to live, huh? where, lilla, come on, let's go, let's go without talking, open the door,
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i'm tired of sitting around with nothing to do, that his ex in a rented apartment can't stand it for long , we'll wait, come in, i told you, oh, lelechka, it smacks of poaching here , it seems to me that your neighbors can be taken by the gills, what does he hear, so be it hear. you 're at home, hello, don't you think that
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these installations are illegal, lesh, it seems like the fisheries inspection has come to us, is this something, uh-huh, this is my friend, she will live here , ah, please come over there . and wow, sweet couple, i warned you, open it, come on, isn’t it so decent people meet, open up,
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hear, stop right away, what are you allowing yourself to do? show me your passport , you hear me, i want to know who lives in my apartment, maybe you’re a swindler there, that’s for sure, a swindler, i saw through her right away, she has a criminal face, it’s my criminal face, you’re right now on my balcony you're going to fly, you're a cat, comrade major, urgent call, threat of murder. address, gogalya 10, apartment 16, take away the documents, then present them, then take them away, i won’t understand you, so for what reason a challenge, that's why, this was going to kill me, and me, i, why, well, look at me
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carefully, i look like a person who can kill someone. oh, it's you, comrade, hello, is it you again? roman valerievich, do you know her? i see her for the second time in my life, the second time under strange circumstances, so i say that this madam is not all at home, and seriously, what are you doing here? i’m visiting, staying with a friend, with me.
2:42 am
no calling the police, figure it out yourself, roman valerievich, comrade general, wait, these bandits are killing my friend , yes, these bandits, as you say , have everything in order with registration, they smoke fish, but this is not a crime, and you, as you say, mikhailovna, so, for that, i saw with my own eyes what you, anna mikhailovna, are capable of. goodbye, all the best, here ’s my police, they’re taking care of me, you think
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i didn’t go to the police, but the first thing i did was apply for... and that’s okay, you know the rules , there’s no body, there’s no case, and the rest is all up to the law everything is in order, registration, everything else, my god, what is this, is this anechka? the second part of the marlezon ballet. but the neighbors are silent, the neighbors are afraid, they don’t want to get involved.
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let’s go back, and i still have a whole week to pay for the rented apartment, now, what are you doing, lilya, and if things don’t work out for your little girl there with that student, she ’ll come back, but the house where she spent her childhood is gone , no home, lilya, i agree to allow this, no, so what should i do? i have no idea. listen, you have thunder. a farm guy, where does he keep his tools? it’s strange, if i
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were her, i would have given everything and ran away long ago, weakling, if i were in her place, if you were in her place, you would punch me in the face, i would, i would turn on the answer, so that everyone would flinch, how is that? it’s like this, well, as my andrei says, they have a system there for... i’m afraid, anechka, when it’s hanging down, it won’t seem like much to us.


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