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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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continue to drive on this road to work, but the tires continue to burn in the middle of the street, today haiti is on the verge of collapse, this woman was wounded in... she asks for
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help, it's all part of the ongoing chaos, government forces are involved in bloody street battles against various factions, they came with big guns, we cannot defend ourselves. last week, gangs organized the escape of criminals from prisons who joined their ranks. now they are coordinating the seizure of hospitals among themselves and seaports. international flights in the country were canceled after gang members tried to take over. they scream that they have no place to sleep, they have no food, many of them believe that the country is on the verge of explosion, do you feel it now?
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may be the most powerful man in the country as the prime minister remains unable to return home. jimi charizier, leader of the notorious g9 gang and family commands the bulk of the militants fomenting anarchy in the capital. and he swore fight until prime minister ariel henry resigns. “i am ready to make an alliance with the devil, i am ready to sleep in the same bed with him,” charizier told a supporter last week as his fighters destroyed police stations and other government facilities. some.
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claims that the forty-seven-year-old rifle-wielding mobster's nickname stems from his penchant for setting his victims on fire, although he himself says it is an old nickname his mother gave him as a child. citizen... it doesn’t matter, because there is no benefit from haiti can’t be extracted, but you can get into ukraine to make money, what are they trying to do? let's move to the zone of a special military operation, the legendary military correspondent alexander kots is in direct communication with us, sasha, hello,
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of course, the situation is tense, it is clear that the military forces are trying to counterattack in several directions, trying to destabilize the situation. zelensky then told the french that he had already stopped the russian offensive, where was he, what did he see? yes, in fact, the main hostilities are now taking place in the same place, on the line from avdeevka and actually to marinka, and we see that our troops are moving forward, albeit slowly, but on a wide front, this is a front of several tens of kilometers, and today it was announced that the settlement of nevelskoye has been liberated. this is a strategically important settlement, despite the fact that it is a small village, but nevertheless it is located on a hill between pervomaisky and krasnogorovka, for understanding, this is a little south of that thin berdyche line, which we are now trying to push through, and from here
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a good, good opportunity is opening up for adjusting fire along the roads, along dry asphalt roads that go to krasnogorovka and... to pervomayskoe, because now the weather is changing, the ground is gradually thawing, and of course, moving vehicles across the fields is now very difficult, now all the logistics, both the enemy’s and ours, go along paved dry roads, and of course, when you control logistics, you indirectly control these settlements that fall into your operational there is already a dependence in pervomayskoye... we are still going around the city of krasnogorovka, but with the liberation of nevelskoye we have the opportunity to take these settlements into a semicircle. why are we doing all this, and at the same time pushing the line from berdychi to the thin one
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? this is a gradual pushing out of the enemy towards the borders of the donetsk people's republic, which has not yet been completely liberated , unlike its neighbors from the luhansk region, and we see that the enemy, understanding this , now very is seriously preparing a defense line, and from the settlement of pokrovsk, which was once called the red army, through selidov to kurakhovo, and this is actually the line to which we are now moving a wider line from berdych and actually to marinka, let’s hope that in in the near future, the weather will improve a little, allowing the ground to dry out a little, after which it will be possible to involve heavy equipment in our advance. eugene? sasha, over the past 10 days we have seen targeted hits on expensive
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american and european systems, this is immediately four already, in my opinion, abrams, that’s two, two systems, khaimars, that’s several pet. today cannot guarantee infallibility, and on the battlefield, not a single combat vehicle can boast of invulnerability to the simplest weapons , be it the fpvron or
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the kornet anti-tank complex, which also participated in the beating of one of the israelis, when we are talking about the destruction of hymers air defense systems, and the enemy... well, in my opinion, this is something new, because firstly , our reconnaissance capabilities are increasing in the first place aerial reconnaissance, because we... what if earlier these were just statements and lines from a front-line report, today these lines from a front-line report are confirmed by objective control footage taken tens of kilometers from the front line, 30, 40 km from the front line, this means that a we now have aerial surveillance equipment that overcomes the enemy, b they are not visible to a ukrainian air defense, and c we have optics that are capable of showing us these joyful shots in color, while i would
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note the speed of passage commands from detecting a target before it is destroyed, before issuing a launch command, and this is literally minutes, and this too, well, this is probably one of those lessons that we learned from a special military operation during the evolution of our armed forces, so yes, this is one thing... .increasing technical capabilities for reconnaissance, an increase is possible on our increase in our intelligence network, with the help of which we receive information, but it is important that this is the work of the reconnaissance strike circuit, that same notorious one that we talked about with from the very beginning of the north military district, where is he, where is he, here he is, today we are demonstrating him in all his glory. thanks a lot. alexander, kots, the legendary military correspondent of the komsomolskaya pravda are with us in direct communication from the zone of the special
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military operation. igor yurievich, please. the joe biden administration, in order to push the us congress to allocate $62 billion to finance ukraine as part of the well-known package agreement, used heavy artillery. its functions were performed by cia director william burns, who made a special policy statement during debates that took place in the special committee on intelligence and where the prospects for the future of ukraine and the course of hostilities were discussed , to which i first of all drew attention, it is obvious that a figure of such magnitude is: one of the most adequate influential members of the biden team
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shows that everything is obvious - however, this critical situation with ukraine’s lack of funding seriously worries the ruling elite of the united states of america. at the same time, bes did not limit himself to purely, i would say, you know, such academic, analytical calculations, he actually proposed scenarios that in his opinion. could give ukraine the opportunity to hold out throughout 2024 , by the end of the year, implementing the strategy proposed by the cia, and try, in fact, to achieve positional changes that are beneficial for itself. these changes, in particular, include strikes proposed by the us central intelligence agency, primarily against russian infrastructure facilities. federation, this is what is called international terrorism in the mouth
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of the director of the cia, since we are perfectly we understand that the recommendations voiced by the head of langley do not in any way correlate with the norms and customs of warfare, which are enshrined within the framework of the well-known geneva conventions. in this case, the cia suggests scaling up. terrorist practices of a state called ukraine, and the targets that he names, of course, are not only the infrastructure facilities of the russian federation, but ordinary civilian citizens of russia, which in this case the americans obviously consider legitimate military from their point of view goals, although this is monstrous, it is a direct practice of international terrorism. in addition, burns also proposes... scaling up strikes on crimea, new weapons systems that the americans intend to either
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install themselves or put pressure on their allies are designed, first of all, to strike at crimea, throughout the entire depth of the peninsula, including, of course, the most important infrastructure facility is the crimean bridge. well, finally, the cia is directly telling ukraine that it needs to hold the front. and the most powerful argument he used to influence senators and congressmen that if american assistance is absent, ukraine may lose by the end of this year. new and new territories, which will have an extremely adverse effect on the overall balance of power and will make it impossible to achieve a peaceful scenario according to the plans of the west. in this regard, i think that we do not need to relax here; of course, the key task is to have sources
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of russian special services in the central apparatus or in the peripheral cia stations that could cover everything that is happening from the inside. 50, 100. 200 million dollars is not a pity for us to have new aldridge eames, agents of this class of level, i think that, you know, sometimes it’s operational luck, sometimes it’s just a coincidence, but time is on our side, in this regard, the americans are absolutely clear and correct in their formulation this thesis, therefore , we will rely on langley to highlight the situation from the inside and receive it. by the way, bernst himself looked pretty bad.
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they are trying to knock out of congress, well, probably, ukraine’s chance for effective resistance, the conduct of hostilities, of course, is extremely reduced. but i would also like to dwell separately on the situation, since the united states of america has quickly become aware of this murder, i believe, of a key witness who could have been, you know, such, i would not say a whistleblower, but a savior of many lives, because our whole profession calls it “whistleblower”. they have a person who knows from the inside all the safety and control mechanisms when assembling airliners, and information of this level is truly a concern for the lives of the passenger, i am in at one time, when i was in the usa, i tried, well , in seattle to get to the boeing corporation plant, the american side did not give such permission, although, although the relationship, my
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operational capabilities are somewhat higher than yours, because i went in shares across the plant, including i saw the first flight with my own eyes of that same ill-fated boeing 787 dreamliner, these are the shots that were shot by my cameraman ilya kozhikhov, i’ll tell you what, of course we all don’t like conspiracy theories and this is not the time for it, but together with the director of the then bowencrasha company we walked around this plane and he pointed out dozens of parts to me, and he said:
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they closed all cooperation with us on titan, and most importantly, on engineering, that is, we not only supplied them with raw materials, we drew, including this fuselage mount for these engines, our people are russian engineers, perhaps this is why the number of accidents has increased, i do not exclude such a possibility, i ask you to continue, and of course, we understand perfectly well that boeing’s main competitor today is... the airbus industry of europe. why not ilyushin? everything is ahead. u we have the ms-21 project. and we will assume that the future of russian aviation, and most importantly , international air routes for those countries that want to have full sovereignty and not be subject to pressure, as we see now
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due to the aggravation of the situation between our countries, will be connected with this airliner. they work against us, among other things. absolutely illegal sanctions in the field of maintenance and technical support, so ms-21 obviously will be our response to sanctions in the field of aviation, and most importantly, there is also a good engine that is already suitable. our perm engine plant and the united engine corporation, in this regard, we expect, will please us with their successes. we'll be back. grandma, why are you here, to console, maybe you’re not around, the premiere on rtr, at first glance. murder, he was knocked out by a block of wood, a man in a yellow windbreaker in light tennis sneakers, can i look at your sneakers, do you suspect me of something?
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anna is a medium, i was fired, and also called a fraudster, today on rtr, no need to go to him sign up. just kidding, he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings and a waste of fried potatoes for lard , sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but you have to do it. i do not recommend it, a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness,
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but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. the most cruel aristocrat in history. i am the power here, i am the power, the bloody lady and other historical series, only on the platform we watch, we see how many animals in your family there are 16, and why stop, the goat was offered first, the goose there. there were fishing rods, ducklings, bendyuks , he is not a cat at all, he behaves like a dog, lyovochka, well, i beg you, lyova, well, be you a person, among friends, a program for
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the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, eh.. . "we can handle it, i will do everything to pull out you from here, we look at the weekend, a millionaire , which is what this bastard is, he will spend the next 10 years behind bars, don’t scare me, i’m not afraid of you, you still have time to get scared, that’s for yourself, and my future wife, very nice, got out of here , i'm at home for now, i'm also at home!" when life is one continuous black line, you need to try to turn away from it. as an apology, let me take you to
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the hospital and buy you a new bike. as an apology, leave me in peace. natalya antonova, yuri baturin. why are you telling me look like that? do you believe in fate? you're the one trying to pick on me now. happiness can be given. on saturday on rtr. crimea. 10 years in my native bevan. return to russia. how it all began? chronicle of events that changed the course of history. first person. crimea. the way home. film by andrey kandrashov. on
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sunday. on rtr. catch, little fish, big redfish. in general, i chose the right place. here. once again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only
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tasty, but also healthy. and it lifts your spirits, that’s for sure, the food formula, in sunday on rtr, what brought you to my school of female happiness, he doesn’t notice me , but i want him to like me, you will turn yourself into a beautiful, confident woman, and i will only lead you by the hand to this goal, you help others find a husband, you have beautiful hands, what? five you can add more sex, don’t lose yours, and what, by the way , is the man’s name, i call him mine, your girl fell in love on the side, yaroslav boyko, sorry, i couldn’t answer the meeting, svetlana antonova, what a fool, because you her own i turned the faithful dima to the side, now return it, they don’t know that you know,
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think about it, i’ll think about it. school of women's happiness. premiere. on saturday on rtr. blomberg writes that last week the export of sorolyol oil from russia by sea reached its highest level for the current year. 3.7 million barrels per day, almost 2/3 sent to china and india. putin just announced opec+. helps moscow maintain high oil prices, but production cuts pose the threat of losing markets, so the situation ambiguous, because if oil prices are not maintained, shale production in the united states will simply become unprofitable. opec plus really helps us maintain oil prices and ensure budget revenues, but still our production is being reduced by the amount produced.
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we earn more per barrel than if prices fell, but since production is reduced, in other countries, such as the united states, it grows, we may lose markets, then we will not be able to make the investments that you are talking about, and if we did not support prices for world market, they would fall, then shale production in the states would have collapsed, because the banks would not give them loans, bearing in mind the unpromising nature of this production, and here too, then we would develop markets and make investments, but they would not, spredon pavlovich, you know, zhen , it seems to me that the point is not how bentley and rolls-royce get here, they are outraged by something else, but they imposed 18,000 sanctions against the russian federation, go to a russian supermarket, you can just die there, you know, well, really, but they don't understand how it all happens, you know, i
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it seems like what? the problem, and the problem is that we sometimes wonder why the west behaves so clumsily in relation to russia, and other countries as well, in fact the west has not changed, so it has not changed, their methods of dealing with other countries have not changed , they act exactly the same as they did 20, 30, 50 years ago, not recognizing the fact that the world has already changed, it has become different, but they don’t want to understand this, by the way, this is one of the reasons for that... why can’t we, not only us, but the world in general can’t come to some kind of consensus on how we can continue to coexist, because the recognition that the world has become different, not the way they want, they are actually not ready for this, well, there is no need to convince them of this, it seems to me this is an absolutely useless matter, people who cannot answer the question of how the ministry of defense computer was hacked, which was encrypted with the year of canonization
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of the saint... dominica 1 2 3 4 yes 1 2 3 4 well , what can i tell them, i don’t i understand, for example, it is very difficult to deal with them in this in terms of dialogue, because they have their own vision of what is actually happening, i sometimes listen to european politicians, just a week ago or a week and a half ago, we discussed ursula fondeen’s loud statement regarding ukraine’s membership in the european union. she, in general, well, positions herself as an authoritative politician who is seeking re-election as chairman, so to speak, of the european commission, suddenly i read the news that it turns out that the european commission does not recommend considering the question of ukraine's membership, well , ukraine's possible membership in the european union , it turns out that kiev has not fulfilled some conditions of the european union, i am of course embarrassed to ask what other conditions kiev has not
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fulfilled, so i... i can’t understand, they have already done all the dirty work for them, they are already their soldiers for the war from...


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