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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  March 14, 2024 9:25am-9:55am MSK

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joe biden, or more precisely about all representatives of the western elites who consider themselves the golden billion. in the west , bloodsuckers and parasites who have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money are still at the helm. all their wealth is based on the suffering of countries in africa, asia and latin america. but now the situation has changed amazingly, the population of countries led by ghoul politicians see that russia is fighting for its...
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uh, but this is due to the fact that the western elites have a very strong desire to freeze the existing unfair state of affairs in international affairs, they have been accustomed for centuries to fill their bellies with human flesh and their pockets with money, but they must understand that the vampire’s point... is ending, another of
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the western vampires, if i may say so, congress speaker johnson, is, as it were, ours a friend and comrade of donald trump proposes to transfer assistance to ukraine into the category of a loan secured by russian assets frozen in the united states, that is, no one is refusing assistance to ukraine. let's put it into the protocol, they tell us naturally, not friends. the bank of russia, in response to rumors about the confiscation of money stolen from russia in the european union and the united states, today announced that it could withdraw funds from western depositories of russia in the amount of 33 billion euros. moscow can also sue western money in hong kong, dubai, in general, this game, as they say, can be played by two. by the way, the money seized from the westerners can be used to support russian families.
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the changes affected citizens whose annual earnings are 5 million rubles and above; now they pay not 13, but 15%. new tax is 650 thousand rubles per year, plus 15% of the part of income that exceeds 5 million rubles. putin spoke today about justice and said that he is convinced he will find it. understanding in
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society, indeed, the distribution of this tax time, it must be fair in the sense that it goes to the general treasury. what is called for solving national problems and, above all, solving problems of fighting poverty, still more should be separated from corporations, legal entities and individuals who earn more, if we say, a progressive tax, well, yes, in fact progressive tax, now i would not like to go into details, we need to work on this, and thus we need to build this system so that... so that it really gives a greater return for solving, first of all , social issues, the tasks facing the state in this area, well, we are planning there, to reduce the tax burden, it is permissible for large families to take a whole series
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of steps in this direction, it seems to me that society will perceive this as absolutely normal, first, second, what is the business itself asking of us? they ask that we decide on the taxation system, but not touch it anymore , so that it is stable, these are the most important requests, demands from business, even those who were ardent, ardent supporters of this flat scale, the authors of this flat scale, now they believe that in general we have matured in order to act much more selectively, in general, of course , some amazing ones, we will not utter non-parliamentary words, especially in the presence ... for the control committee, and the united states is our partner amazing, the united states is concerned about the lack of contact with russia on arms control, the deputy head of the nuclear safety agency said today after listening to an interview with our beloved dmitry
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konstantinovich with the president of russia. the united states considers it necessary to maintain contacts with russia on arms control to reduce risks, but really? here they are tossed from side to side, what is called a political swing, to which we, of course, will not pay attention, we will continue to do our job, let’s move to the front, ian gagin is in direct contact with us, assistant to the head of the donetsk people's republic, yan dmitrievich, hello, of course we are afraid to jinx it, but daily successes in terms of delivering high-precision strikes cannot but be encouraging, today there are three helicopters at once. plus patriot, the day before another hymers, 2 days ago hymers, before that again patreot sams s300, what kind of work was done? yes, hello, the latest, just the news from
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the front, just what you mentioned, this is the defeat of the whole, a whole line of foreign domestic equipment, the armed forces of ukraine, this is connected. with brilliant interaction between military branches, such as reconnaissance, aerospace forces and artillery. naturally, the infantry finishes the job on the ground. first of all, this is precisely the coherence of actions that we have achieved over these 2 years of military operations; now all targets are hit literally within minutes of their detection. and as i understand it, this will continue, every day we will hear about new victories, about new ones, about new enemy equipment destroyed, and accordingly.
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and in fact, our success is now developing everywhere, on every sector of the front, and if we talk about avdeevka, chasyar, kurakhovsky direction, ugledarsky direction, then everywhere in fact we hear reports of success every day, taking into account that the enemy did not think of retreating from
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these lines and did not seriously prepare any - the second, there are practically no third lines of defense, syrsky also says that there is a crisis of conscription resources, this is actually the case, people are hiding, people are fleeing the country so as not to participate in this bloody war, in this madness and.. if we talk about technology, then technology ukraine has not received new equipment for a long time, we just destroy it every day, well, quite effectively and often, so naturally syrsky is afraid that, firstly , the conscription resource is melting, the stocks of equipment are also melting, and you know, new equipment that is possible.. i would like to say that
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one of our most important allies in this war, in this company, on the ukrainian front is ukrainian american corruption, which is stealing this equipment, stealing these funds that are allocated, that’s how it was, just very active thus, each, each tranche. transferred to ukraine, is accompanied by theft, starting in washington and ending in kiev. and if ukraine had effectively used the financial and technical means that the united states allegedly gives it in full, believe me, it would be much more difficult for us to fight on this front. well, yes, that is, as emperor alexander said, yes, in russia, now there are not two, but three allies. american is, thank god, thank you very much, corruption, also american corruption, well
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that’s right, ian gagin, assistant to the head of the donetsk people’s republic, combat officer, intelligence officer with us in direct communication from the zone of the special military operation. oleg viktorovich, please, see how it turns out, as soon as the americans listened to putin, the magic word control appeared in their vocabulary, but not in the parliamentary sense, i return it to you, evgeniy. in the sense of control over strategic nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons, which, they themselves destroyed this control, destroyed, now they listened to our president, and apparently thought about in many ways, but in general i want to draw your attention to one interesting circumstance: russia is not a country that controls and dominates the world information space; we have neither the technical nor technological capabilities for this. after all, others dominate, for the last month, thanks to the efforts of one
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russian citizen named putin, his three speeches have actually captured the world information space, i am absolutely not exaggerating, well, let’s just say, i closely monitor the german information space, well the force of my various, so to speak , historical circumstances there, you taught the germans, well, it was like that, and i can say that there is absolutely... in three stages, meaning the message, meaning the interview with tucker carson, meaning today , putin dominates there, if we take the reaction of the world’s leading media to his speech today, putin, i ’m not even talking about the fact that his every speech is scattered into quotes, meaning that in each of his speeches there are some very important sentences that need to be seriously discussed, besides this there is also quotes that turn into...
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probable confidence, this is very important, because putin said that this is what
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the next 6 years will be like, he addressed the russians, and he talked about an absolutely ambitious task, he said in 6 years we set he has the task of becoming the fourth economy in the world, but this is some kind of general abstract arithmetic, within which he immerses things that are important to every person, he says: but this is not the most important thing, you can become the fourth economy in the world, we have such a resource, but we important to decide problem of poverty, it is important for us to solve the problem of demography. “it is important for us to solve the problem of a fair distribution of national wealth, although i would like to preempt, or warn, or more precisely , some assessments that i have already heard that putin is abandoning the unjustified
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flat scale, this explains the transition to a proportional taxation system
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for low-income people and families with many children, well , putin said about this, it’s more multi-stage, it’s just that this line is yes, the super-rich, the most the main thing is because we are already paying with him
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on the second scale, meaning our parliamentary salaries, in this sense we are already paying large taxes and... the historical traditions that have developed in this space, here is the history of ukraine, how it arose, the ukraine of lenin, stalin, the tsars there, peter, which means that now this whole historical mix has resulted in this conflict, this is true, but this is part of the truth, the most important truth is about vampires, because russia, by the will of fate,
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has already not the first time, i was in the forefront process. which does not depend or or not only depends on our interests on the conflict that arose in ukraine, because all of humanity likes it or does not like washington or paris, it will inevitably now follow the path that russia has objectively led, this is the world, which russia proposes, it differs from the world that the west insists on, on a very simple basis, in this... russia has verified this, russia has taken a colossal step in this direction, but
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objectively, behind russia, they want it in washington or they don’t want to, the whole world is being built. second, regarding the nuclear war , putin was misread, today you started with assessments, putin spoke there, from the point of view of semantics there, putin did not say anything that we had not heard, did not know, or that is not written in our nuclear doctrine , but i will tell you what putin said and what is important, putin was actually in response to this quote from the magazine, yes, who said that there are no more red lines, red lines should be abandoned in paris.
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said that this is exactly the trait that germany will not cross over with me. olya, i, i’m here to putin, who said: “i don’t believe them.” i repeat after putin, i don’t believe them, because today they said this, tomorrow it’s different, and now listen to putin. and putin said it very clearly, very simply. he said, you, you, you, you, you are immersed in illusions. if you think it will never come. such a moment when russia does use nuclear weapons, you are mistaken, this is what putin said today, we all knew about this,
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we all guessed about this, this is written in our nuclear doctrine, but today this was absolutely consciously voiced by putin in response to the topic of red lines, if there are no red lines on this side, then there may be no red lines on our side, this... does not mean that we want to use nuclear weapons, god forbid, and putin said that not once during the conflict in ukraine did he even think about using tactical nuclear weapons there, there is no need for this, but there are probably other limiters, but the whole world i heard it today, no need to bring it up the russian bear before the state when he made his last main argument, there is no need to do this, and these red leaders should
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not have the thought of tactical nuclear weapons, but why? despite the fact that, at the proposal
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of the then command of this group , a decision was made on our part to withdraw troops from kherson, but this did not mean at all that our front there was falling apart, nothing like that happened close, it just happened in order to avoid... unnecessary losses among the redundant personnel, that's all, this was the most important motive, because in the conditions, in the conditions of combat operations, when it was impossible to fully supply the group located on the right bank, we would simply carry unjustified losses of personnel, because of this, the decision was made to relocate to the left bank, and the correctness of this choice was confirmed by what the ukrainian command tried to do in certain areas.
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they were just sent to slaughter, i once asked chief of the general staff, well , there is nothing secret here, i say, listen , who do you think makes such decisions on the other side, because someone, the one who makes the decision, understands that people are sent to certain death, for they don’t understand, who makes the decision, why are they doing this? this is pointless, senseless from a military point of view, i say, but what, well , i don’t know, the top political leadership there probably says, based on political considerations, that they have
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like... some kind of chance, that means break through our defense, there is some chance to get additional money, referring to what they have there, which means on the left bank, some kind of springboard, there is some chance to nicely give their position at international meetings, the team passed, all lower-level bosses...
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no, why, but weapons exist in order to use, we have our own principles, what do they say, that we are ready to use weapons, including any weapon, including such, oh which you said, if we are talking about - the existence of the russian state, damaging our sovereignty and independence, well... everything is spelled out in our strategy, we haven’t changed it, we’ll come back, don’t leave, and this corpse is a woman’s earnings, stop, stop, stop, no one is going anywhere, the premiere is on rtr, you are the living ones in my place, so, i fulfilled your duties for a month, anna mikhalkova, i realized that i love only you, aka
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veronica. you've already made inquiries, she's major vasnetsova, vasnetsov has a new suspect, vasnetsova, come to my office, she's amazing, our new detective, until we prove the opposite, we will assume that this is murder, vosnetsova has been on rtr since monday. you are looking 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the podbokh, the name of which character from pushkin’s works, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who at work , talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then
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with humor, i would think, chop, no, pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for headache, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday, on rtr, this is for you , well, did you get some sleep, gentlemen, just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, ihia, we haven’t seen you for a long time , impudent, white, you know, for everyone
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he will find a cool fighter even cooler. fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, rapping, the whole team is just we look at the platform. we can handle it, i'll do everything to get through you from here, we're watching the weekend in garazil, and killing the son of a millionaire means this bastard's mimash is coming,


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