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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 15, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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a real electoral battle between biden and trump. old men in stars and stripes fight on high platforms like the popular tv show american ninja. the only difference is that both of them need haduns to avoid collapsing. title. we return to the old format. that is, america is waiting for a repeat of the fight that once took place. well, the word old is a clear hint at the advanced age of the candidates. the york post throws a stone at the current president. there was an exposé about... the first lady's assistant anton bernala. it turns out that he has been regularly harassing his less senior colleagues for the past 10 years. according to the publication’s source, bernal often made dirty jokes about the appearance of the staff of the apparatus and spread rumors about their sexual life and orientation. and jill biden covered him at the same time. and even now, when charges have been officially brought against bernalo, there are statements that the american leader and his wife are completely confident in their own. this
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obviously won’t add popularity to biden’s assistants. already now, according to according to opinion polls, almost 60% of americans believe that joe biden is not respected by world leaders. and this, of course, plays into the hands of trump, who once again declared that sonny joe is the worst president in history. separately, the republican candidate noted his opponent's victory during the state of the union address. grandfather is so bad, another grandfather said, that he can withstand a two-hour speech. only if he is pumped with stimulants, and in that case biden failed in his role. trump stated that biden looks like a madman, acts like a madman, which means he is mad, and will not cope with putin, who is ready to use a nuclear arsenal. whether trump will cope is also unknown to anyone; if we are to mock about his age, then trump is only 3 years younger than biden. now there is a curious readiness to fight with russia. biden literally ran away from
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reporters when asked if he was concerned about putin's words about the readiness of the russian nuclear triad for war. karine jean pierre said after that biden is aware of the firm hegemony guides america with his hand. there are also good shots about a steady hand; speaking to supporters in milwaukee, biden’s head twisted, he wanted to smile, but was left with a terrible grimace. he made a terrible face and at the same time.
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biden’s condition is deteriorating quickly, my sources, i can’t quote them because they are not anonymous, i don’t do that, but the white house says that joe biden is having a very difficult time every day. breaking news, tensions with russia are rising, putin warns the west that he ready for nuclear war, most americans believe that putin does not care what biden thinks, almost 60% of americans believe that joe biden does not.
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what you just said is a real dilemma for america and the rest of the world. vladimir putin can do whatever he wants, because if you tell him no, he will start a nuclear war, or you need to resist him and say: you know, our patience is not unlimited, if you want a nuclear war, then your whole country will disappear, from russia nothing won’t stay, we need to understand how much bluff there is in his words, how much we should really be afraid of hiding, we will let him take poland, we will let him take it. god, i'm really scared of this guy. putin
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, as you know, started talking about nuclear weapons, and we have a man who can’t talk to anyone, can’t negotiate, he doesn’t know if he himself is alive, during his speech he recently shouted at everyone like he’s crazy . now the price growth is very much faster. dangerous time for our country. wage growth now our inflation is lower than in any other another country in america, and we are working to reduce it even further. no one was treated as bad as i was. trump, they only have russia, russia, ukraine, ukraine, ukraine. this is all a complete scam, this is war. we are waging a real war against very bad, very evil people, and we are winning it. i looked at the poll numbers last night and they're just incredible. other republican candidates dropped out of the race in one way or another. these are simply incredible numbers, as are the number of people who voted. it seems to me that before
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any presidential election there was such a spiritual upsurge as now. i think that an important role is played by the fact that they like not only my politics, but also me. otherwise they wouldn't vote like that. ya don't see how bad and pathetic biden is, he is the worst president in the history of our country, he is corrupt, he is incompetent, he is using the justice system to his advantage in order to persecute his political opponents, this has never happened before, he is the worst of all the president we had, he is not respected, the community is everywhere, these sections for boys and for girls, i am a supporter of these clubs for boys, the largest in the country, when i was a senator, i allocated large funds,
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let's go, it is clear that there is in mind, but without the exclamation point at the end, the word let's go seems less encouraging, more like a spouse who is ready to leave the party, listen, they're out of food and i 'm already talking to your boss, let's go, you
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think i'm kidding, no , well, sanctions work not at all as they would like in the west, avoiding russia and china turned out to be beneficial for both countries, newsweek writes and cites as confirmation the words of chinese foreign minister kwani. china and russia have created a new paradigm for great power relations. trade turnover between the russian federation and the prc has grown significantly; it was beijing that helped moscow mitigate the consequences of sanctions, including by providing an alternative currency for transactions, compensating for the loss of western buyers and energy resources. however, anyone who wants... there is still enough, for example, to supposedly buy russian oil and gas in the west , europe, which has refused our gas , is buying up russian lng with might and main. the german magazine virtschaft from wohe reports that almost every day one or two tankers carrying our
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liquefied gas enter european lng terminals. this is evidenced by satellite images and shipping traffic data. only last year eu countries. paid more than $8 billion for russian lng. liquefied gas is delivered to europe from natural gas liquefaction plants in sabeti, on the shores of the arctic ocean. the volume of traffic is so enormous that tankers almost completely replace the exploded northern stream. the same virj svohi is amazed. ard provides figures that are even more shocking for european russophobes. every month there is a whole fleet of russian icebreaker tankers. delivers at least 1 billion euros worth of liquefied natural gas to the ports of belgium and france and spain. as german propagandists rightly noted , european officials in brussels, led by ursula von, the airline only have the courage for the confiscation of luxury yachts of russian
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oligarchs. raise your hand to the tankers or docks of russia, which will fearlessly navigate the harsh waters of the arctic ocean, the guts of the tank. although not a luxury yacht, this vessel plays a much larger role in the war in ukraine. this is an lng tanker ship, it delivers
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liquefied gas to europe from the arctic circle. and this is not an ordinary tanker, but an icebreaker tanker. and vladimir putin personally unleashed it. and russia has as many as 15 such icebreaker tankers . they deliver liquefied liquid to europe natural gas and thereby bring russia , according to experts, at least 1 billion euros per month. they were at our disposal. data that clearly demonstrates how russian lng reaches the european union. russian tankers constantly travel between gas fields on the yamal peninsula and the same european ports as montuar, demritan, bilbao and zabruge. in germany, russian liquefied gas, after unloading, comes from the belgian zeebrugium. the share of russian lng in belgium's gas consumption is already 11%. in france 13%. and in spain it’s as much as 25%. in germany this is still only 4%. until now, the eu has not introduced sanctions against russian lng, and this despite
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the fact that at the beginning of the war the head of the european commission promised tough punitive measures. i want to assure you that we will impose sanctions for a long time. the time has come for decisive action, not appeasement. decisive actions, you said, 2 years have passed since the start of the war, and sanctions are against russia. for example, it is justified that it must fulfill the terms of previously concluded contracts. hungarian prime minister orban
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concluded a new agreement with putin a year ago on the supply of pipeline gas, and what position did germany take? we sent a request to the office of the minister of economy robert habeck. his ministry still does not require sanctions and explained this by serious problems in ensuring the energy security of the european union. last week , eu energy ministers met again. to no avail, meanwhile, although the confiscated yacht is still moored in sanremo, russian tankers icebreakers keep coming and coming to europe. the united states is on the verge of another migration crisis, but now a wave of refugees is expected not from mexico in texas, but in florida. local authorities are predicting a literal influx of haitians trying to enter the country by sea. the state's governor, ron desantis , has ordered a strengthening of the coast guard to ... intercept migrants before they arrive in the state, from the coast of haiti to the united states is approximately 1,200 km, but
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recently migrants on boats and boats are increasingly trying to break into the state. it was reported that the us coast guard repatriated approximately 65 gaitians near the bahamas from march 11 to 14. the municipal authorities sent 250 military officers to protect the state, land, sea and sky. if migrants are caught on... on the coast of florida , they could be sent back to haiti or to another location, such as the guantanamo bay base in cuba. cnn reports, citing a federal official, that this possibility is being discussed. on the territory of the base there is a prison for dangerous criminals, which was previously used as a transit point, from where violators and border violators were repatriated to their homeland in haiti or a third country. the situation in haita has gotten real lately. catastrophic. now up to 80% of the country is controlled by local criminal groups. the crisis of power began
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after the assassination of the president, and a wave of violence swept the country. local bandits are not just killing security forces and civilians from left to right, there are messages and video footage, which depict acts of cannibalism, that is, armed dekars literally eat their fellow tribesmen. in this situation, the prime minister of the island, ariel ani, has no choice but to resign to make way for a transitional government. the united states and other countries did not interfere in local disputes and quietly evacuated non-essential embassy personnel. now the country is ruled by the head of the paramilitary group cannibal army, jimi schrisier. he is 47 years old, used to work in the police, then switched to the dark side of the force. and in in the eighteenth year he was dismissed from the authorities for involvement in many crimes. on his conscience, in particular, the massacre in the lasaleen slums. there, in 1717
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, more than 70 people were shot, god knows how many more were burned alive in their own homes. amazingly, it took armed cannibals only 2 weeks to subjugate an entire state with a population of 11.5 million people, and all this in the underbelly of the united states. haiti was torn apart in 2 weeks of chaos.
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these images were captured by a drone belonging to one of the groups. so thus, they track the movement of the army. and this moment of another prison break, the gangs again freed thousands of prisoners. and right now, it is he who is responsible for order on the streets of haiti. barbecue, that's what they call it. his real name is jimi shirizie, the leader
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of a gang of street fighters. they effectively carried out a coup against the country's prime minister. allowed to return back to his country, he was given an ultimatum that he must resign. currently, ariel henry is in puerto rico. the army is still controls the airport, but it remains closed to flights. people simply have no way to escape; the number of wounded and killed continues to grow. the us secretary of state held a meeting with regional leaders. a plan for a transitional government and then elections was adopted by a collective decision. today we declare to the international community: give haiti a chance! we haitians must decide for ourselves who will lead our country and what model of government we want to see. chaos continues to reign in haiti. meanwhile, four us army helicopters delivered to port of prince an elite group consisting of dozens of us marines. they arrived to reinforce
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the us embassy. a few days ago, the military had already evacuated several employees of the american embassy. at the state department , a spokesman hinted at great concern on the part of the united states regarding the issue of haiti. haiti is now a failed state. i have spoken with officials from the biden administration on this issue, but these people are unable to understand what is haiti and do not understand what is happening to this country. we know what happened there and why this is becoming the number one factor that causes thousands of people to storm the strait and the shores of florida. florida is preparing for a mass migration of gaitians who are trying to enter the united states through the florida coast. the state's governor, ron desantis, sent 250 military officers to protect the state's land, sea and sky. history repeats itself, states are once again sending reinforcements to fortify the borders because the federal government is doing its part.
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work in a horrific way. what worries us most is that there is chaos and unrest in gaita. we have seen 4,000 prisoners released from prison in two major cities of this country. they now move freely around this island. so when mass migration is predicted, we should worry about who will come. now is not the time, the state cannot relax. who will be next for the country? the truth, unfortunately, is that in gaita things could become much, much worse, the gangs will feel significantly better yet, they will be encouraged by the fact that they succeeded. remove the country's prime minister from power, they already control 80% of the capital portau prince, and also about the life of the city on the hill. in new orleans, local police reported that... their evidence warehouse , where drugs are stored, is regularly raided by gangs of rats. we are talking about ordinary rodents that
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penetrate through cracks and holes in the walls into locked rooms. rodent drug addicts destroy cannabis, that is, they simply eat it marijuana, then wander around the site in an inadequate state, not paying any attention to the guards and law enforcement, who, of course, are clearly not happy with this state of affairs. and it is, of course, a characteristic sign of the decline of the american law enforcement system that loaded insects on the grounds of police stations across the country are a common sight. now the time has come to devouring material evidence. if you haven’t heard this story yet, we ’ll tell you about it now. rats eating marijuana in the substance room evidence. new
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orleans police chief e.n. kirk-patrick said employees sometimes come to work and find rat droppings on their desks. for a depleted police department where morale is already low, this is not a morale-boosting work environment. the fact is that officers literally have nowhere to go to the toilet. it is unacceptable for the police station to have a complete water supply failure; this is the basis, which is why we have a bunch of cockroaches and rodents in the police room. evidence, like on a tour, they eat our marijuana, they are all high, according to the chief of the police department, rodents are wreaking havoc in the central headquarters, ms. kirk-patrick testified at a meeting of the city committee, there she explained that rats eat marijuana , and so... the situation is so difficult that employees find
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rats falling on their heads. based on the situation at headquarters, council members voted to approve the lease of a new building for the police department. it will cost the city $670,000 a month, which is still cheaper than the $30 million it would cost to repair and disinfect. incident. get ready, you fucking rats. the new orleans police chief says the current building. in new orleans, the next thing is that marijuana-loving rodents ate all the evidence in the evidence room. next time they might run out of cocaine, and the bears will come for it. what do you think about this whole story, especially the boss? well, besides the destroyed marijuana, she also claims that the missing money, jewelry and a machine gun kalashnikov was also eaten by rats, so i think she's crazy. incredible , simply absolutely, you see, even rats in america are much more effective in fighting the drug addiction epidemic than american police officers,
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but by the way novylian, this is not the capital, but the main city of louisiana, one of the most liberal states, by the way, in terms of laws, that is, there you can smoke indoors, you can take alcohol outside, drink it on the streets, that is, everything is done for... casinos operate for fun, in general, such a libertarian state in the usa, or something, and the most terrible prisons for prisoners are also located in louisiana. well, we’ll move on to our most important matters, a special military operation, let’s move to the combat zone, the patriarch of military journalism, alexander sladkov, is with us in direct communication from donetsk. sasha, hello. as the situation is now , we see that there is simply advancement everywhere, but nevertheless they are trying to counterattack the enemy, the enemy is doing everything that
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is allowed to him in this situation, he does not have too much maneuver, opportunities for some there are also few counterattacks, we press if... the northern section of the front is the kupyansk direction, nevertheless the enemy organizes his attacks on the belgorod and kursk regions in sections.
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in the belgorod border area, in the kursk border area, the area is not only mined, some additional forces have been assembled, but ambushes are being set up there, specifically at the enemy’s advance points, which we have actually observed over the last two days, they were moving, we knew exactly where they would go , determined their strength, struck,
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finished off the cops. in a week or two we have inflicted a huge number , we have already lost count of precision strikes on expensive western equipment, several patriots were destroyed at once, nasams were destroyed, s-300 installations were destroyed, abrams and countless other systems that , in fact, were valued by the armed forces of ukraine, this is our coordination...
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so to speak, to prevent attacks on them with the help of air defense, rap, camouflage, whatever, but we are surprised, i cannot answer what these means are that allow us today to talk about strengthening our artillery reconnaissance, perhaps due to space, perhaps due to some of our new orbital capabilities, forgive the taftology - but look, it’s raining here now, it’s raining here, we have wonderful weather now, because we have copters don’t fly , it’s more or less, more or less safe here , nevertheless, you hear artillery thundering, there outside the city, which means it’s a large caliber, it hits far, well, this is the logic of reasoning, since it hits far, he can’t hit it just like that, white light is like a pretty penny, which means we have...
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those targets that we need to destroy, and these are bold targets lately, really as a patriot, as a system, of tactical weapons, such as point y or s300, you see, we are surprised, i honestly say, i cannot answer, but we are pleased surprised. alexander, what can you say about the fortification lines that the ukrainian armed forces, kiev, are stubbornly building now? along, as they themselves declare, 2,000 km of the front line, and they announce, show this active picture, in principle, judging by it, this is an exact copy of the defense lines that we built the day before the so-called counter-offensive, but if it’s an exact copy, then everything will be fine there, is it capable?


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