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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  March 19, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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a technician working with a nuclear reactor who suffered a burn to his leg. one thing to remember is that removing the victim's clothing will reduce infection by 90%, so this is extremely important. nurses cut away layers of clothing, then wrap them to bury the radioactive elements. ready to transfer the patient to the decontamination room? this radiation treatment room has never been used in real conditions, but it is extremely necessary when you...
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in front of you are parts of nuclear missiles, here are three floors of elements from which nuclear missiles are created rockets. there are ready-made missiles in these gray tubes, they just don’t have nuclear warheads, they are simply huge. it’s hard to even imagine how they are located vertically inside a nuclear submarine. once fully assembled, the length of the rockets is 12 m.
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the un, about the fight against the glorification of nazism, has not abandoned the idea of ​​​​an annual march in memory of the latvian ss legion, defeated by the red army during the great patriotic war. its participants glorify the actions of the collaborators who, on march 16, 1944 , entered into battle with the red army near the city ostrov, pskov region. in 1922, the riga authorities seemed to have banned the event, but the organizers said that the column was going to lay flowers at the monument. freedom, the processions were guarded by the police, that is, the ban was fake to divert attention. it is noteworthy that the columns included those russian-speaking latvians who consider themselves, direct quote: subjects of hitler, and again dream of another quote: to beat the jews. i’m not kidding, what kind of peace, what kind of friendship can we talk about with europe while such lovers of the third reich are marching there. russian embassy in germany sent a note to... in which it
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demanded that the blockade of leningrad and other crimes of the third reich against the peoples of the ussr be officially recognized as an act of genocide. according to diplomats, berlin established payments only for blockade survivors of jewish nationality; the germans selectively forgot about other soviet citizens, although according to various estimates, the siege of leningrad claimed the lives of up to 1 million soviet citizens. but 3 years ago the germans generously recognized it as an act. genocide their crimes during the era of colonialism. speech about the murder of 70 thousand inhabitants of southwest africa at the beginning of the 20th century. scholz himself understands this now, but those who did not survive the siege of leningrad. the rating of the chancellor's party is falling. scandals and intrigues are already in motion. a certain participant in an emergency meeting of the bundestag defense committee a week ago made public secret data according to which the defense. germany's capability
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will suffer if the bundeswehr supplies long-range taurus missiles to the ssu. the oppositionists from the cdu, csu, however, immediately found the culprit; this can only be beneficial to the social democrats, because it works in favor of chancellor scholz’s position on the issue of supplying taurus to ukraine. well, better than any suspicion of the involvement of the chancellor’s fellow party members in the scandal, the fact that the rating according to... scholz is simply afraid to provoke russia, because he is not confident in american protection, but the headline is loud, when putin coughs, scholz runs away. it was this word that burned on the door of the hall where a week ago the bundestag defense committee held an emergency meeting. but some details
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somehow ended up in the public domain, as it became known during the meeting. the inspector general of the bundeswehr, in particular, stated that special equipment that processes data during the use of taurus missiles is available only in limited quantities. he also made it clear that in the event of deliveries, all this equipment would have to be handed over to the ukrainians, and the bundesweir would be left with nothing. the head of the defense committee, therefore, immediately wrote a statement to the prosecutor’s office about the disclosure of state secrets. i can’t tell you about the meeting itself, because it was held in secrecy. but some proposals have actually leaked out, and from the looks of it, someone just wants to shine a light on uncertainty. chancellor scholz refuses to supply taurus cruise missiles to ukraine. however,
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he has not yet used the fact that these supplies could reduce germany’s defense capability as an argument. scholz said only a few words about the scandal surrounding the bundestag defense committee. the relevant government bodies must take care of this and this secret cannot be divulged, therefore it is an accident. leaked technical details, oh which bundeswehr inspector general karsten broer spoke at the meeting concerned the determination of target coordinates during the use of taurus missiles, and this is confidential information. we are talking about complex data arrays that are processed by special systems, but bandysphere only has a few of them. according to broer, all these systems will have to be handed over to the ukrainians along with...
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it seems they just re-watched the series, they think that this is all an exciting thriller and that it is necessary to take part in it, but all this must have legal consequences. i will not now point the finger at any specific party or at anyone specific who, perhaps, now considers himself a hero, saying that thereby he influenced the debate about the supply of taurus to ukraine, but one way or another this is a crime and the prosecutor’s office in in any case, he will take care of this matter. so why did someone betray this...
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of course, the question arises who benefits from this intrigue. in the opposition faction of the cdu, the csu, for example, they already openly suspect the chancellor’s party in everything, because if really it turns out that germany’s defense capability will suffer if we send the equipment necessary for data processing to ukraine along with the taurus, then scholz will have a new strong argument in defense of his reluctance to transfer long-range missiles to kiev, and it’s worth noting that in the bundestag committee on...
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third-party organizations that do business with western companies that are engaged in satellite surveillance, that these images can be used by armed aggression against ukraine, they say, first the satellite makes pictures, then after some time there is an attack and the russian aerospace forces using cruise missiles. sometimes another satellite takes additional images afterwards, perhaps to assess the damage. ukrainians are outraged by the number of coincidences when... shots are followed by blows too great, this cannot be an accident, in general, nothing personal, just business. at the same time, for many years now, western reporters, as opposed to narrow-minded politicians, have been arguing that anti-russian sanctions do not work. american farit zakaria
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from cnn tv channel studied economic results last year in russia. i was horrified that our gdp not only did not fall, but also grew by more than 3.5%. followed kakariya to the news about the historical growth of sberbank's profits, it increased five times in just a year, wherever our overseas colleague's gaze fell, there were no... any signs of the collapse of the russian economy, which he had been waiting for, which was so desired in the usa and europe. then zakaria made a simple conclusion: putting pressure on russia is economically useless, but it is necessary to expel it from ukraine. called on kyiv's allies be decisive, he said, like putin, decisive. to do this, you need to steal frozen assets and kill as many people as possible. what else can you expect from americans? new data confirms that the russian economy has withstood western sanctions far
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better than most predicted, with its gdp growing 3% last year and inflation, which reached 18% at the start of 2022, appearing to have stalled around 7.5%. russia's largest bank, sberbank, recently announced that its profits last year fueled by the mortgage boom, grew fivefold to historically high levels. moscow has survived western sanctions for various reasons, the sanctions are not comprehensive, for example, they do not completely ban russian energy exports, and they cannot, the world relies too much on these resources; an attempt to ban them by force will lead to skyrocketing fuel prices and a global recession when western companies left russia, non-western ones simply replaced them. russians addicted to starbucks simply discovered that it was purchased from a local brand. indian businessmen
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told me that they bought the assets of western companies in russia at bargain prices, and now run these successful enterprises. and here's the lesson: the world economy is interdependent, it's hard to ban something like fuel without making everyone pay a huge price. non-western economies now make up the majority. did everything that was necessary, he put the country on a war footing and raised the patriotic spirit among his citizens. putin
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believes that he is in a technological race with the west, he often mentions that he will not shy away from using tactical nuclear weapons. this is aimed at the ongoing information war with the west against key western states, especially the united states. according to one of the estimates of the european commission, posts from accounts. associated with the kremlin were seen in the west 16 billion times in the first year of the war in ukraine alone. president biden did a lot of things in this war, he called on the west and a lot of non-western allies, japan, south korea, singapore. he provided moral and high- level material support for kiev. republican opposition to aid to ukraine called our policy deeply irresponsible and unsafe.
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the foreign cars that kim used to use are no longer their lot and are now gathering dust in government garages. the exact date of filming
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is unknown, but the fact that the video appeared during the russian presidential elections looks like a symbol. in addition, according to official reports , pyongyang, the leader of north korea, was the first to congratulate putin on his re-election. well, apparently, as a gift, korean folk the army delivered 7.0 containers of ammunition to russia. reports this. citing south korean officials. in return, north korea could receive food and money, seoul said. there is, of course, no evidence, neither moscow nor. the hinyans have not confirmed any arms deal, but kim chinin continues to demonstrate his belligerent attitude to the west. over the weekend , the dprk leader and his daughter attended a paratroopers' training, where he was shown a combat system based on the secret formula 1 versus 100, also mass landing of paratroopers followed by
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an assault on fortified positions. the day before, he personally supervised the firing practice using the weapon. these mlrs will be put into service this year. the hinyans said they could be used to deliver tactical nuclear weapons. earlier, the japanese ministry of defense reported that. 50 km, range 350 km, missiles fell into the sea near the eastern coast of the korean peninsula, western experts are convinced kim is preparing for war.
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is north korean leader kim jong going to start a war with south korea and united states? some experts believe this is entirely possible. kim ordered his military to prepare for the occupation of south korea and, according to some people, is conducting frantic military developments. and after south korea and the united states launched exercise freedom shield 24, designed to deter a north korean invasion, kim only increased his threats of war. the challenge for north korean experts has always been to try to separate bluff from real threats, in the past it was usually puking. from the institute of north korean studies siul says it's a vomit designed to undermine south korea's current government, which won parliamentary elections in april,
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but the alarming report suggests kim may be serious this time.
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what is absolutely correct is this: the authors claim that kim jong believes that the united states is in a state of global confusion, and that he can essentially do whatever he wants. this is a very dangerous mentality, and it is a mindset that also affects vladimir putin from sidinbina. the united states needs to rebuild deterrence because right now the bad guys think they have a free hand. a few weeks ago , kim jinneung did something very strange while on a trip. according to the poor villages of north korea, this may mean that he understands a stronger economy is absolutely necessary if he is going to fight the war. well, trump continues to tease the world community with statements that, if he wins the elections, he will be able to instantly resolve the ukrainian conflict, and not by force, but by diplomacy. donald
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said that as soon as putin and zelensky find themselves at the same negotiating table with him, trump will find that... the united states, and dublin is washington’s most powerful ally in the fight against russia’s brutal aggressive war in ukraine. for this he can and should be applauded,
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biden, who is proud of his irish roots, graciously allowed. another ambiguous statement. biden called americans the only divine and divided nation in the world. hello netanyahu, who based on an idea. unlike... other peoples who are tied to ethnicity or geographic location. in addition, biden is increasingly demonstrating open senile sentimentality in public. see how the decrepit hegemon burst into tears during the performance of a religious hymn, on the wings of an eagle. there are these words taken from the old testament: i would carry you like on eagle’s wings and bring you to myself. that is, biden is preparing himself for a meeting with the almighty. but, as they say, the dog always hits the beard in the rib, so that joe never misses a chance to flirt with ladies at public events. see
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what a tense and sensual moment was interrupted by the vigilant first lady jill. but the vigilant protocol service finally decided to change the shoes of the owner of the white house into special orthopedic sneakers that protect against falls. the brand and the specific brand are already known. in life-saving shoes, but it’s not entirely clear whether these sneakers, which are called ship’s yakars, will help biden himself stand firmly on his feet and withstand the presidential presidency race. we are the only nation in the world, divided and divine, founded, all others are based on geography or ethnicity, but the usa was the only nation founded on an idea. think about it. about this, biden is upset because he
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feels like he is being kept in a cocoon, he only dreams of his employees letting go of the leash in which they are holding him, in your opinion, is such a person ready for anything? look, he got lost on the porch in the rain and for such a case he needs the help of special shoes. he has new shoes, these boots, as they are correctly called, shoes for greater stability, yes, exactly, shoes for greater walking stability, you and i know that donald trump constantly trips, it is biden who constantly trips, not donald trump, you took the cognitive test a long time ago , remember, you're not joe biden, you're the host, i'm fine, so i read that special employees who control the rules are now standing at the foot of the stairs, at the moment when biden comes down. so to speak, just in case, so these new shoes should to add confidence so that he doesn't fall, they really look very stable, many spectators couldn't help but notice
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his new shoes, are these the same sneakers? yes, that's exactly what they are, sneakers under the hoka brand, their design is designed for maximum comfort and support while walking, these are the same sneakers that joe biden wears, they are produced by the hoka company, they are considered special shoes for walking, the so -called shoes for greater stability. how often does this guy trip? take a look on these shots, we want to remind you. i just want to say that this happens more
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than anything, he did fall hard and it's worth remembering that he's not young. plus, he has options when to fall. look, here he stumbles several times on the ramp, but he's just trying to board the presidential plane. yes, yes, this is the leader of the free world. and it is necessary. check, of course, whether he is mentally healthy, you’re the president, can’t you walk normally in shoes, seriously, if that’s not enough for you facts to understand that everything is bad , just think, he now wears sneakers, no wonder why his assistants do everything for him, you can say that right now he lives in the most elite nursing home, a white house for the elderly , our residents feel at home, our luxurious facility offers delicious... i eat everything i can, that is, all italian dishes, as well as
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ice cream. oh, and chocolate chip ice cream. the white house for seniors, whose residents are like presidents. it seems, the old man has completely gone crazy. the news reports how joe biden, in a private conversation, simply began to seethe more and more and more and more lose his temper. he was worried about his presidential race. so yeah, joe is blown away and yells and swears at his staff every time he's notified of the swing state poll results. another story that leaked from the sidelines of the biden campaign headquarters. it was told by friends of biden's presidential campaign. i wouldn't blame him for being mad at his headquarters, they'll spend $100 million to a video of biden running in the 100m dash, but it won't change a single opinion about how things are. so when i read the headlines and it says he's furious with his presidential campaign, i think he is because he knows he's losing. and that tells me that he is much
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more interested in his re-election than anyone else, he is looking at them. understand that he is in trouble, in ours . i think he has enough intelligence to keep parts of the world firmly on their feet, let's move to the front, where people stand especially firmly on their feet, our heroes, vladimir razin, in direct communication, military correspondent, hello, tell us where you were, what you saw? evgeny, good afternoon, just yesterday i was literally in the avdeevsky direction in avdeevka itself, directly, there the movement on our side continues, of course, along the thin line, on the thin side we are moving forward, we are advancing, we are covering pervomaiskoye, in which quite serious battles remain, after may day i’m already following itaylova and karlovka, that’s enough
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fortified. yesterday, again, being there in the direction at some point i decided to count - it’s trivial that there are exits on our side of different calibers from different directions from different sides and - accordingly, some kind of response from the enemy, here at the thirtieth exit on our side i i’ve already stopped counting our exits - from the enemy’s side, in just half an hour , one literally some kind of bang happened in some incomprehensible direction,
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well, understanding - based on the fact that there are no active military operations there now, that is it’s just that they hit the area and quite insignificantly, so i repeat once again that no stabilization is planned on the part of the enemy front, the movement on our side continues, although we are slowly moving slowly, again constantly grinding everything that is sent to us the enemy, so quite positive things from the arkeev direction with... one might say, yes, that is, everything is stable, we are moving, we are not giving the enemy any opportunity to approach our front positions, but at the right moment, at the right moment our guys are moving forward a little , a little at a time, but the movement is happening, many people noticed the day before that putin said about our progress that this is no longer quite an active defense, because the official term was just that, that we are in an active defense, we
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occupied avdievka in active defense. it happened that way, but there is no offensive yet, yes , i am absolutely right here, and there is no doubt, yes, that the supreme commander-in-chief may be wrong, and yes, this is indeed the case, before that the marina was occupied in a peripheral defense, then avgeevka, that’s it why, because again, i repeat, there is a fairly serious barrage of fire from our side, suppression of the enemy, accumulation of the enemy, at the right moment, at the right time, when we understand, and the situation is conducive to this, we make a breakthrough, make a breakthrough, then we gain a foothold and then the same story continues, that is, we continue to grind the enemy, his attempts at counterattacks are nullified, there are some opportunities to inflict defeat on us, well, let’s say - with some kind of long-range artillery installations, these artillery installations they are also going to work thanks to our high-precision and long-range guns and drones, including our own
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artillery, therefore... the battlefield, so this is really the case, and this is visible and felt on any part of the front. you and i have already looked for the reasons why there have been so many precise attacks on expensive western equipment. and here is another version from atlantic magazine that our intelligence officers or intelligence services simply buy satellite images from western commercial companies that deal with satellite observation. do you think this could be true? uh, if this is true, yes, then to a fairly small extent it can give us some positive and necessary data, yes, because
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unmanned aircraft work quite seriously, intelligence networks work quite seriously, and here, we have already said about this, mm, we need to repeat once again that time passes in a fairly positive way. reducing the time required to make a decision to hit a particular target, as soon as it is transmitted from the ground to certain installations, high-precision, long-range, installations that operate close to the front line, so this cannot but please us with a decrease, namely, a reduction in the time it takes to make a decision to defeat certain installations, of course in war all means are good, yes, so there is nothing in this there is nothing bad or shameful if... our special services are working in this direction, but this is only a small addition to what our special services, our intelligence officers transmit to decision-making points, and from where the final decision is made on the defeat of this or that
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another object. vladimir, if we assume the worst, that in april, when congress returns to consider the issue of assistance to ukraine, the decision to allocate 60 billion will be made, can we predict at our level an approximate scenario for the development of events in this case? well, the only thing that can be assumed in this case, yes, it is clear that the volume that they are going to pose is quite serious, they will not raise the question and even so, but we need to proceed from what they have raised, let’s say, but we need to understand how it will all be be delivered to ukraine, again in what format, because assistance, especially in monetary... equivalent , can be different, it can just be spare parts for western equipment, which is constantly knocked out and what they manage to pull out there from the battlefield needs to be repaired, it could be ammunition, it could be a banal military uniform for
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all those new ones who continue to be recruited on the streets of ukraine - military personnel, so here you need to start from how and what will be supplied, again, do not forget that throughout ukraine work quite seriously, our intelligence services are agents and friendly people who continue to wait for us and will definitely wait, and intelligence is working, again, as we noticed with you, the destruction of targets that intelligence transmits happens quite quickly, and what not targets, such a fat target, yes, these are large deliveries in one place, in several places in ukraine, as if they were mentioned more than once... if they didn’t try to disperse them throughout ukraine, it will not be possible to hide everything, and of all this that is delivered, most of it will be destroyed in places of accumulation , storage, and the rest will be destroyed on the front line. thank you very much,
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exhaustive, deeply interesting as always, vladimir razin, military correspondent with us in direct communication, from the zone of the special military operation. recorded in the presidential elections last week, in terms of turnout and support for our supreme commander-in-chief, of course it has become a very serious resource for russian diplomacy, and if recognition of these elections by our foreign partners is not very important for us, but for understanding their relations with each other and future relationship strategy russia, this was still important, and if in europe there is still hysteria, such excitement of the mind, about... the phenomenal success of the supreme commander-in-chief, then in america the reaction is still a little different, yes, the key structures of the executive branch of government, the white house, the national security council, the state deb said their ritual words that the elections were, as they say, not the fream of
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fair, not free, unfair, but at the same time salevan himself confirmed that the united states will cooperate with russia with its president, in general, a person among the top three leadership of the state department, representative... of the united states at the un, linda thomas, the states are ready to begin without any conditions greenfield made such a sensational proposal, she said that the united states talks about '. the kremlin seems to have already literally
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confirmed that peskov agrees to these negotiations, or rather, we agree to start discussing this issue, which is why here the reaction of the united states is so more diversified and this is also very important, because for the europeans, first of all, the united states recently announced that their policy regarding the ukrainian conflict will be leadership from behind the scenes, the idea is that they will periodically throw money, provide some kind of diplomatic support, but... in principle, all responsibility should be has been transferred to the europeans, and we can already clearly see that the europeans are not ready for this, for example, today will be the twentieth meeting of the ramstein group, no one expects anything special from this meeting, because again, so to speak, there will be a concert in a conversational genre, everyone will support ukraine in words, but as for real actions, this is a big problem, in this sense, here is linzi graham’s visit to kiev. also confirms this is one of the stories in russian history,
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yes, there is no money, but you hold on, you guys, let’s get everyone there, everyone to the front, but as for money, weapons, we’ll talk about that later, everything is on credit, and this, by the way, lince graham’s position is still interesting, apparently for us, for those who think that from among our experts, experts or politicians, that in this sense, the continuation of the signal and i
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would like to very briefly touch on the plot related to the appeal of the russian foreign ministry of germany regarding the genocide in leningrad, we have traditionally recognized such an insane criminal nature of the holocaust because jews were killed for the fact that they are jews , but i, as a resident of st. petersburg, can say that the inhabitants of leningrad killed because they arose after the second world war, its historical responsibility should again be directed
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we mean to remember our tanks on our territory in relation to germany, this is a very tragic page of history, of course here we also have to enter into such an information battle and another thing is why we are returning 80 years later to this topic, of course, it was necessary to demand much more compensation before, as many nations did, and yes, some of them suffered from hitler’s germany. was there to encourage zelensky, but in
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the end, the bottom line, it seems to me, upset, so to speak, the grove the ukrainian state, by the fact that the money will provide a new loan, and the very missiles to the attacks with which he promised also on credit, f16 also for money, all further assistance only for money, while russia, of course, he ritually called .. a country of terrorists, let's listen to this citizen. putin's election is illegitimate. he is an illegitimate president, he heads a terrorist state. so my response to his election, when i return to washington, will be to pass a law declaring russia a state sponsor terrorism under us law because that is what they are. i'm sorry that russians have to live in putin's state. 87% of votes are so
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impressive that you simply don’t believe it. so, the point is that i think the last election was a sham, is it illegal? "we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr, i don’t have children of my own, so i can
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devote all my time to your child , how beautiful you are, i i will. to you miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never leave masha, even if it will be very, very difficult for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take care of masha like that, but i have one condition, you should never... tell masha the truth, especially if it is not yours. well, hello, darling, do you want me to be silent? think about how to persuade me. i promise to remain silent. premiere on saturday on rtr. we gathered
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about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk. are you with us? yes, when? my fighters come running, they started carrying me. another shelling, they put me down, lay on top of me, one field is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she is hungry herself, but she is carrying this kurba to shelters, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such caring people, support them in words, hello, dear soldier, and in deeds, without your help you would not have survived , only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, vasnetsova, in
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previous episodes, children, your mother has an emergency. i simply have nothing to wear to work, major vasnetsova has a new life. hello, majora vasnetsova, i won’t interfere, they put pressure on me, i couldn’t do anything. for many years she only managed housework. for 10 years, everything in my soul was for the sake of my husband and they gave birth to four children. she was so peaceful, she doesn’t even start. but now she has to deal with criminal cases again. should i tell something concrete. colleagues do not believe in the success of the new investigator.
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odima is preparing for defense and switching to war economy mode, said the head of the european council, charles michel. he says that russia will not stop in ukraine, it will continue to engage in destabilization in moldova and georgia, in the caucasus, in the balkans and even in africa. against the backdrop of such hysteria, the european organization for nuclear research will cease cooperation with specialists associated with moscow. in the fall, cern will close access to the large android collider for almost 500 scientists from belarus and russia. the main russophobe of the eu, prime minister of estonia, kayah kallas, said that putin is allegedly intimidating europeans with nuclear weapons in this way. putin wants not only to instill terror, but also to confuse the enemy. putin continues to raise the issue
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of a possible nuclear threat. are you serious about this? of course, we must take everything he says seriously: he has been threatening nuclear war for a long time, he is very good at spreading fear in our societies, he actually listens to what we fear, and sows exactly the fears that we have. you are afraid of nuclear war, so i will give just such signals, and of course, the public reacts, they say, oh, we cannot allow this, but this is a trap, the trap of self-conviction and self-restraint, if we are afraid, then we begin to restrain ourselves, and this is what what putin wants, so we also need to think in terms of what putin is afraid of, and he is afraid of war with nato, which means he doesn’t want it, and we, of course, don’t want it either, but we need to understand his signals and messages, which he broadcasts so that we are afraid to abstain.
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the true face of democracy , as it seems to me, who screwed biden, i’m not talking about sneakers now , let’s figure it out after he loses the election, i think he’ll have something to work on, he’ll suddenly win, but i think not, for some reason i’m sure that no, so , with regard to the situation today, you know, i am very glad that in russia this very, in my opinion, very difficult dangerous period of the election campaign on march, has ended, because all the tools of the west, which it was, it was applied and implemented precisely in connection with this date, because everything
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revolved, strictly speaking, strictly speaking, around this, the elections were over, the elections ended, probably with an unexpected result for the west, but quite predictable for those people who understand in general, in the mood that exists in the russian federation, and in my opinion they are absolutely predictable and most importantly... this is a very worthy response to that anti-russian chaos and that russophobia that, in general, in general was applied in relation to, in relation to the russian federation, we have passed this difficult stage, now we will see how the americans will pass, how the europeans will pass, all this is actually ahead of them in relation to what the europeans. they want to call putin president, it seems to me that they were in a hurry, the white house, so to speak, put them in their place a little, now these
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sovereigns don’t understand, but what to do about it now? i can suggest a way out, there is no need to call him the president of the russian federation, he is not just the president of the russian federation, he is the leader of the russian federation, this is much more than the president, this includes both the authority of the office and the authority of the individual, which the election results showed, which he will not say. about those leaders who consider themselves presidents, to whom the people have given this opportunity, so to speak, the authority of the position, but they cannot, so to speak, gain this personal authority in order to become leaders of their nations, to enlist the support of at least half of their votes voters. now about the statements, i can’t help but say about statements by a deputy, a servant of the people, that a dictatorship is needed in modern ukraine. in general, you know, i looked at this entire period, but for ten years , in fact, democracy was separated from dictatorship by one
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convincing liar, who came to power against the backdrop of... here are rights, freedoms, yes, the opportunity to run for office, opportunities for access to the media, came to power, and has now virtually eliminated all these freedoms. i, for example, cannot remember in world history where people came out, fought, shed blood, not in order to establish a dictatorship, not in order to expand their rights and opportunities, but in order to establish a dictatorship , for this, for this, it turns out, the ukrainians went to the maidan, i cannot understand this, but here there is absolutely no . no logic, so if you needed a dictatorship, well, they would come to yanukovych’s office and say: “viktor fedorovich, give us a dictatorship, we can’t live, you know, without a dictatorship, or what, yanukovych didn’t show up, what’s the problem?” and you understand that the worst thing is that it all sounds in in the public sphere, and no one condemns this person or says what the hell are you talking about, no one will say half a word to him, because in fact there are no
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freedoms there, there is no right to express your point. this regime is dictatorial in any other way, but it is impossible to call it against the backdrop of what it has already done. now, regarding the americans, you understand what a terrible thing he also said, he also said: “regardless of whether you are financed or not, you are fighting for your own, and this is fundamentally different from what the ukrainian authorities are saying that we are actually protecting you, and therefore you owe us money."
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the american openly tells him: "you calm down there, this is your interests, go and fight, even if you are under 25 years old, take eighteen-year-olds, go and die, you are fighting for your interests, not ours. let 's read this washington post about the mobilization of young people, you will continue. senator lynsey graham called on ukrainian legislators to quickly pass a mobilization bill that would allow more citizens to be drafted into the army and spoke out sharply against exempting men from participating in hostilities. under 27 years old, ukraine is already short of soldiers and ammunition, and russia is advancing on the battlefield. ukraine's new law on mobilization , which has been under discussion for several months , would lower the conscription age to 25, despite the fact that citizens can voluntarily join the army at the age of 18, and men aged 18 to 60 are prohibited from leaving the country. until now, legislation has protected against forced mobilization
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young men, many of whom are students. i hope that's it. who has the right to serve in the ukrainian army will go there. "i can't believe this is happening after 27 years," graham told reporters monday. "you're fighting for your life, so you have to serve, whether you're 25 or 27, we need more people in the ranks," he said. graham also urged ukrainians not to link their decision to join the armed forces of ukraine with whether the united states will continue its support. whatever we do. you keep fighting “you are the same,” he said. no matter what we do, it is you who must fight. for himself, really simply, absolutely, this man comes, as he says, a sovereign country forces the ukrainian authorities to snatch eighteen-year-old boys from the hands of their mothers and send them to certain death there on the front line, that’s what he does, you know, that’s what he does, but i have no questions for him, this is not his country and not his people, he shouldn’t love them, i have questions for zelensky and his
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gang, which is really ready for these money finance in pictures from ukraine, yes, this is always a dictatorship of a minority, which, for the sake of its interests, uses the citizens of the state, forces them to go to the front to die, chases them through the streets, with military commissars, with everyone else, this is another dictatorship, there is also an external dictatorship, this is the one who came to lincegrem and said that you guys should do what is interesting to us,
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grem did not come to bring something to zelensky, he came... to promote himself, as we have already discussed here, yes because he, he a public politician of precisely this kind, he is for self-pr always and everywhere, he says: i will come and pass a law, how is he going to do this? potency, they, in principle , couldn’t even come up with anything intelligible as some kind of counter-propaganda, the only intelligible thesis that we hear is that elections are not elections,
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which, yeah, it’s like there are elections, but they’re not elections, because we believe that this is not an election, and putin is not the president, but this is putin, and this is putin, yes, and this is the reality that we will be considered, so, that’s how complete semantic intellectual impotence, absolutely. absolutely, moreover, they , apparently, in all seriousness, are still confident that someone in the world cares about their opinion on this issue, in china, india, pakistan, north korea, i just listed all the nuclear countries , who congratulated the president, yes, ours, saudi arabia, iran and so on, all of them seemed to be from the point of view of the same kaekals.
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dirty mouth, why are you doing this, in principle, we can do this too, in general it would be interestingly, all those who ran ahead of the american locomotive and expressed that they do not support, will not count in any case, there are the baltic states, poland, germany in part, they are going to somehow clarify their position now, that’s because he himself. ..
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stated that the official results will be summed up in the presidential elections in russia, however, 100% of the protocols are not ballot protocols have already been processed, as for the reaction of the west, it is quite predictable, unfortunately, it’s a little deeper, but think about it, that we live in an era of post-truth and people are guided not by facts, but by emotions, and based on emotions, they make decisions based on facts, unfortunately, this leads... very very often to tragedy, since the political school in the united states is more or less is present is taking place, then they expressed that same semi-pragmatic approach:
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we will proceed from reality, from reality, from what is happening now in the world, in europe, of course, there are also voices that we will have to deal with putin , and it's real, it's... minutes , a russophobic gathering of countries sponsoring the kiev regime will begin at the ramstein air base in germany, the chief of the pentagon to austin will make an opening speech at the summit, he has recovered and has arrived. reuters , citing its sources, reports that at
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ramstein, the us secretary of defense will try to convince european allies that the biden administration is still committed - to supporting ukraine, committed to supporting ukraine. however, senior us military officials and officials expect to pass a large aid package to ukraine through congress. reuters believes that without washington, other nato countries will not be able to cope and ukrainian militants will not be able to resist the russian army. the wall street journal writes that the armed forces of ukraine are at a dead end and kiev will soon face a dilemma: to sacrifice soldiers or territory? the ukrainian army is exhausted morally and physically; the banderaites have stopped receiving american weapons, but the russians. only intensify
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the pressure, the material notes. the french dunor also writes about the problems of the armed forces of ukraine. the publication notes that for every 20 artillery shots fired by the russian army, ukrainian militants they answer with only one. deputy minister of defense of ukraine gavrilyuk laments that the russian army, compared to last year, has increased the use of aerial bombs 16 times. on average, on the head of banderaites every day. it is the night that should provide us with protection, perhaps even greater than the armored personnel carrier in which we are traveling with the soldiers of the 65th brigade. we are now approximately 4-5 km from
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rabotin, there is constant, massive artillery fire. in recent months , hundreds or rather thousands of ukrainian armed forces soldiers have fallen here. in the summer, the ukrainians retook the territory, but now they have to hand over it meter by meter, there are burnt and destroyed cars everywhere, including german-american ones.
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at the time of the defeat in the avdeevsky direction of the first and four destroyed abrams. the tank is already damaged, the crew leaves the vehicle, and then our drone arrives. the impact triggers the ejection panels, causing a colorful detonation of the ammunition. abrams are already traditionally burning in berdychi in the avdeevsky direction, and this is the area from the neighboring village of stepovoye. our fighters are learning new trophies include a destroyed german leopard 2.6 tank and a pair of american bradley infantry fighting vehicles. this video shows the destruction of another bradley by fighters of the donetsk 114th brigade. the whole process is on camera. detection of armored vehicles, launch of the ptura, its flight to the target, met with jubilation by the hit calculations.


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