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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 20, 2024 2:30pm-2:55pm MSK

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therefore, we are doing something like living, trying to achieve the execution of judicial acts that have entered into legal force, on the recovery of criminal proceeds from the debtor. alexander petrovich , just a defrauded investor is here today , exchange, as a version, hello, morodi’s money was found, the court established it, so if anyone is interested, i can document where the criminal proceeds are located, but at the same time, as i understand, if after all, serge opens the first mmm. together with vyacheslav, vyacheslav is alive, you can ask him, you can, but you need to go a separate road, again through the courts, we have so far achieved recovery from mavrodi, the money is in the enterprise that mavrod created on december 3, 1992, the enterprise is still operating, the only thing is that in 2016 it changed its name, the court wrote in its decision: bailiffs, you are obliged to recover money from this particular organization through the arbitration court, right? that there is money,
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alexander, you did a lot of reporting on the day of death, you also covered this event, what do you think, 30 years after its formation mmm, about whether momrodia is alive and about this, i am convinced that he is dead, moreover, i am convinced that he was removed at a very specific moment, at the moment when this entire system was close to collapsing, to collapsing, this system... covered 107 countries, a system called mmm 2011, which means it was absolutely criminal, absolutely mafia-based, which means it was a conspiracy structure, all this stupid talk about a financial apocalypse, what an apocalypse, this is a house veil under which these comrades came in later, those who stood behind movroda, i think these are people associated with thieves in law, then entered 107 countries, they entered africa, they entered india, they entered...
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did you get enough sleep? gentlemen , just a minute, attention, today is a big day, a big holiday, nah, we haven’t seen you for a long time, darling, white, well, you know, but for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who’s good for you? , wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved. you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for your own words, a hero of his time , beauty, repin, the whole brigade, only on the platform , look, you are looking 100 to one, what is our task, open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then there’s a catch, what’s the name? everyone
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knows a character from pushkin’s works, it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water , light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry.
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hello, dear friends, comrades, your favorite program is live 60 minutes in hot pursuit. of course, we have a special issue, we start it with news from the front. this is what the unique work of russian intelligence officers looks like from the first person on the orders of the command. our fighters with the call signs izay and lesha make a dash towards the american m1.1 abrams tank, which was knocked out under the berdych. for inspection. collection of documents, weapons samples, fire control guidance devices. look, our warrior literally jumps onto an american car, through the commander’s hatch, penetrates your compartment, takes photographs and
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leaves. the operation took only 25 seconds, the tank is in a gray zone, and this is zaporozhye, right there. cemetery of armored vehicles on the rabotie line to verbovoe. the all-ears tried to get to the two destroyed leopard-24 tanks. apparently the group was going to remove the surviving spare parts, which are now in short supply, but something went wrong and the entire group was destroyed. after the fpv drone raid , only two survived. one of the thugs refused to evacuate his wounded comrade in cold blood. shot him right on the spot, but he didn’t have to wait long for retribution, after just a couple of literal seconds, a fragment from our uav wounds him in the leg, which is why the btsushnik remains lying next to the burnt tank, karma or
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the boomerang effect, i don’t know, bandera’s followers on the northern front are not having fun, as he writes times newspaper, the ssu barely holds the line near kupinsk in the kharkov region. according to the soldier with the call sign lemur, the situation in this section of the contact line is damn terrible, so he said, the losses are so colossal that the surviving militants they can’t even pull bodies out of the battlefield. we 're cutting through the darkness of the night, aboard this armored personnel carrier, the driver's duty is to remain invisible to...
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80% fire, how do you feel about being shot at by a sniper? if i thought about all this, i wouldn’t have come here at 58 years old to defend ukraine? infantrymen occupy advanced positions on the ukrainian front, the most dangerous positions. from here you can see the russians, their trench is about 250 m away. we are watching them, and if they get close, we will start shooting.
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here they use their airborne units, which, with the help of infantry fighting vehicles and
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tanks, carry out their offensive operations. on our front line there is one of the elite units of the armed forces of the russian federation, which skillfully use their units, they carry out engineering work very well, move covertly, use drones, they also regularly use aviation, so it is possible that battles will be in the hour-long battles there will be fp drones in the next few hours. very often used with powerful thermobaric ammunition, very tear gas is often used to smoke our fighters out of ukraine, this is flying somewhere in our direction, there’s smoke, what’s that flying?
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lack of ammunition is probably the biggest problem, well, the ukrainian nazis from the azov regiment, who have already snatched them from the russian army in avdievka, are now luring the french international legion to the front, we are waiting for you in ukraine. we have a lot of work, the ukrainian nazis write, forgetting to add about
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fresh graves in the cemetery. the day before, director of the russian foreign intelligence service naryzhkin reported that paris is really preparing for a war with russia in ukraine, we are talking about an initial contingent of 2.0 people, however, for now, naryshkin says, the french are afraid that they will not be able to transfer the unit. noticeable, but their preparation has already begun, french army colonel vincent arbaritier confirms the thesis on ryshkin. on the lci tv channel, he reported on two possible scenarios for the actions of french troops: first: concentrate the army along the dnieper river, which divides ukraine into two parts. the second scenario is to place french forces on the border with belarus. french ministry of defense. today they hastened to refute the statement of their general, the words of the head of our
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foreign intelligence service, they called what was said there an irresponsible provocation, an attempt to use disinformation in the interests of russia. in other words, the french ministry of defense refutes, including macron’s, his words, calling them disinformation. an idea from... a thousand people. statement by macron, estonian prime minister today. according to kakalas, macron was simply misunderstood. it turns out he didn't mean french soldiers, french instructors who will not fight, but teach how to fight, without entering the war themselves. macron, the french president
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also seems to be going backwards. in marseille, at a meeting with local residents, he announced that the war was with '. there will not be, in general, some kind of drama, what is happening with the leader of the fifth republic this morning, his personal photographer explained , look, these emotional shots appeared on the official account, macron is waging an imaginary battle, apparently with russia vladimir putin, shredded, willing, black t-shirt, macron looks more funny than menacing, although... such cards will certainly please his homosexual prime minister and his husband, the head of the french world, look, will there be a war? listen, but the war is going on in ukraine, and in france? no, no, we will do everything so that this does not go beyond the borders of ukraine, it stops there so that their country becomes
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division with several brigades, but very mobile, very effective, in the californian mojabe desert, captain lore is responsible for launching a reconnaissance drone, there is a team involved in communications, take-off, this is part of a joint operation with france.
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act together during a joint operation. another problem is that the allies need to overcome the language barrier to understand the specific protocols of each army. as the world faces new conflicts, the united states no longer seems willing to rule the world on its own. i think the world has become even more insecure and unstable, which is why it is very important that by the end of the decade we make sure that all our armies are suitable for each other, because we... i think we should use this phrase: we can't rule anything out, ultimately part of deterrence is ambiguity , which leaves our adversary wondering how far we...
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defense spending, the us difference is now 150 billion. trump loves money, the newspaper writes, and is deeply convinced that europeans are actually stealing from america. at night, donald confirmed his position. in an interview with the main conservative of all britain , nigel farage, trump said that the united states finances 90% of nato expenses, despite the fact that america does not need the alliance at all.
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let's start with the ukrainian issue, the united states transferred $75 billion to kiev, much more than two, or even three times. a huge amount, you have always said that you believe in a peaceful, that is, a negotiated solution, which you can definitely achieve in a short time, but can we reach an agreement with putin unambiguously. yes, i'm on excellent terms with him. yes, the nord stream 2 pipeline was stopped. people don't understand this. they say i like putin. and yes, i get along great with him. are you saying that he
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reacted to our policies? i don't know on that he reacted there, but i know one thing: a special military operation in ukraine would not have begun if i had been president, even the democrats admit this, there would have been no conflicts in ukraine in israel. the united states paid for most of nato when i was president, even then i sorted things out with them, and now they have stopped paying again, but now they have decided
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to invest money, all because of those comments that you saw 2-3 weeks ago , i don’t know if you are aware, but since then a lot of money has come in. then the question was asked by the head major country before everyone else, before the leaders 28.
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the us should pay its fair share, not everyone else's fair share. i'm sure the us pays for 90% of nato's expenses. this is unfair, it is more important for them than for... november is election day in the usa.


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