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tv   Taini sledstviya-6  RUSSIA1  March 21, 2024 2:05am-3:41am MSK

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during the elections and now it is necessary to summarize the proposals that were received from the russians during the campaign and take them into account in the country's development plans. vladimir putin set this task for his trusted representatives. the president met with them in the kremlin and thanked them for their work. special words of gratitude to those who were in new regions and border areas, which are now under fire from ukrainian neo-nazis. in his opening remarks , vladimir putin thanked his trusted representatives for their support. many of you worked in very difficult conditions in our border territories, where neo-nazis are raiding peaceful cities and civilian infrastructure. in the donbass, in novorossya, this required a special character, courage, well, i would not be afraid of this word of personal heroism. thank you very much for your work. after this.
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earlier, angry farmers blocked exits from warsaw and threatened to paralyze the entire country. over 70 thousand people took part in the protests of disobedience. the requirements , in addition to the embargo on the import of ukrainian products , are a rejection of the european union's green deal. meanwhile they are in no hurry to meet their breadwinners in brussels. instead, the european parliament exempted ukrainian agricultural products from duties for another year. at the same time, he left the possibility of emergency introduction of tariffs on certain goods. following the polish ones , czech farmers are also expressing dissatisfaction with the eu’s agricultural policy. don't switch. the flame of the eighth summer international children's games of asia began its journey through yakutia. it was lit last tuesday at the foot of the sacred lena pillars. within 100 days, the fire will visit all regions of the republic.
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will finish in yakutsk during the opening ceremony of the games, they will begin at the end of june, participants will compete in 24 sports and compete for over 200 sets of medals. report by vitaly prokopenko. the lighting ceremony is one of the most important parts of the children's games in asia. the golden torch will travel throughout yakutia to let everyone know that one of the largest sporting events will soon take place. the level of preparation is assessed.
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but ours do not yield, they go on equal terms. a coward is not champions and hockey stars are not an easy task, playing hockey, now the third game is ongoing between the teams of the yakutia national team and the legend, the third team, the audience is rejoicing, passions are running high, everyone is trying to score the puck into the opponent’s goal. yakut hockey players had a unique chance to play their favorite game with their idols. it’s very cool, this happens once in a lifetime, so we must not miss the chance to show ourselves, to show that we have hockey in our republic, that it is developing. in a historic match. friendship won, the main thing - positive emotions and positive energy, the organizers are sure that everyone here will never forget this day, of course, holding such events as children of asia, the largest international ones, it serves primarily to ensure that as many children as possible are involved in sports , and even if they do n’t necessarily become champions, the mere fact that they are involved in a healthy lifestyle, this , of course, helps people maintain their health later, the games themselves... will begin in june,
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the participants will compete in twenty four types of sports and over 200 sets of medals will be competed, the scale of the prestige of the competition is only growing every time, the main task is to make sport a norm of life. ru, the news is monitoring developments. amazing people, amazing seventh season. i would not allow something like this to be done in my laboratory, it is too dangerous. tomorrow at 21:30. good morning, hello, march 21, thursday, we invite you to spend this morning with us vladislav zavielov, svetlana abramova,
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on the air today. family ties heirs will be rechecked without fail . notaries will have more work to do when registering transactions with the property of the deceased. as planned.
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that evening in august, the friends, anticipating trouble, accompanied dina home, but could not protect her; as soon as the gate slammed shut, a scream was heard. the man subjugated his ex- wife and stabbed her at least eighteen times in the area where vital organs were located. the victim died at the scene from her injuries. two children were left orphans, as it later turned out, the woman asked the police for protection from... nivets, and they answered her something like: “when they kill you, then come.” no reaction, absolutely , absolutely, he even said himself that you go to the police, that you dare people, all my friends, the court verdict is 10 years in prison, the parents expect that they will punish those who
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turned a blind eye to the pain of the unfortunate woman’s tears. it’s scary to think how the persecution in novosibirsk could end, the former boyfriend was harassing the family, attacked with a knife, shot at the windows, a trial was supposed to take place the other day. but again, something went wrong, either there was little evidence in this case, or the statement was somehow drawn up incorrectly, although the investigator was with me when i compiled it all, that is, for 2 years we have not been able to achieve anything, a stack of evidence , statements, complaints, medical examinations, what else do law enforcement officers lack to stand up for us, the woman asks, from the point of view of the police, experts explain, this is domestic violence, recently it has been considered an administrative offense in our country, that’s the point excite and take your time. if, in a personal sense, they do not see any problem for themselves here, then they do not see the need to document this and give it some kind of procedural status. and this is when there is a threat to life, but there is no article for persecution at all, and accordingly, there is no prevention of possible crimes in the future. first of all, the abuser must
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be isolated from the victim. if something like this happened, then accordingly there should be some kind of special center, in my opinion, created where such people can be dealt with psychologists still need to work to understand how much. how far can such a person go, they have long been talking about introducing a protective order, could the police, even before all the circumstances are clarified, prohibit calling or approaching the victim? when such a tyrant knows for sure that any violation of the restrictions established in the protection order will immediately entail appropriate liability, this will be a strong deterrent. a violator of laws must know about the inevitability of punishment, and those who create and adopt laws must understand that you can’t hesitate. thousands of people require protection now, tomorrow may be too late. the state house proposed to stop taking into account the opinion of children when parents divorce, and to take into account only the interests of the child and the position of the parents. according to the authors of the initiative, the existing order involves
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children in parental disputes. but it must be recalled that now the court is obliged to take into account the opinion of a child who has reached the age of ten. naturally, the proposal caused a lot of controversy. let's discuss and i want to introduce you to the boss. true with with a reservation, if this does not contradict his own interests, but some of the wording here is also not entirely clear, some criteria are needed to understand this, well , the guardianship service talks with children under 10 years old, finds out the desire, so now this is the scheme, yes , this is roughly the scheme, an examination can be added to the guardianship, and a psychologist works with a child under 10 years old.
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avoid parental disputes, because if there is still a conflict between two parents, otherwise the reason could be a child or some other issues, yes, it’s possible here something else needs to be created and is not aimed at the child, so as not to take into account his opinion, because in this way we are depriving him of his voice, maybe it makes sense to create some kind of reconciliation services so that these courts, these proceedings are not like this emotionally for the spouses themselves who are divorcing, but instead of the child’s opinion now they want... to take into account exclusively his interests, you can make a mistake, taking into account the interests, a decision has been made, supposedly all
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the opinions, they listened to the child better, well, with his mother, but he is suffering, suffers without dad and wants something else, who will control it, who will reconsider, maybe this decision is ultimately yes, maybe the child didn’t understand it right away, but after six months with mom he decided that it would be better with dad , after all, checks are needed, but i think , what "yes. yes, yes, because every, every child is someone’s destiny, yes, behind every child
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there are his, his loved ones, his relationship with the world, yes, maybe some kind of genius, yes, who can be killed by injury. such a divorce, they reminded me, i myself was traumatized, went through this as a child, just almost ten-year-old, by the way, no one really asked my opinion, they made a decision, that’s it and left, well, that made you you, well... vosnetsova, premiere, today at 21:20.
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amazing people, amazing seventh season. i would not allow something like this to be done in my laboratory, it is too dangerous. tomorrow at 21:30. russia morning. don't forgive me, that's the main thing. the osaga policy can now be issued for a period from one day to 3 months, as was actually discussed in our studio, too, the corresponding amendments came into force in early march. who benefits from the purchase? such a short-term insurance product, tivanova found out. now there are short policies for one day, for a week or for a month, and i can buy for the period that i need. motorist elena bachkova decided to take out a short-term osaga policy in order to. i wanted to sell the car, the previous annual license the woman was driving had expired, and in order not to overpay for insurance for the sale of a foreign car, i signed up for
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a new one for only 7 days for 1,500 rubles. you can take it to the service center, show the car to the buyer and then make a purchase and sale transaction, and the insurance policy will expire after the period for which i took it out, convenient, useful, profitable. the new short-term insurance product osaga appeared in russia on march 2, but its benefits and convenience have already been appreciated by hundreds of drivers across the country, with such a policy protecting motorists. the insurance period can now be from one day to 3 months for such short policies, well, this is probably the most basic difference, plus the most important thing is that such a policy naturally costs less than an annual one, because such policies apply a reduction factor that insurers set independently, for example, if a motorist aged 40 with a reduction factor of accident-free driving and
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a significant driving experience of 20 years decides to take out a 12-month policy for a 23-year-old domestic car. it will cost him 5,724 rubles, insurance for 10 days is 1,030, that is, almost 20% of the annual policy amount. in other words, if the owner uses the car all the time, it certainly won’t be possible to save money. short-term insurance is suitable for certain categories of motorists. for example, summer residents who leave the city at the beginning of the season and live there all summer. those who transfer the car for use to another car owner who is not included in the long-term policy. those who are going to sell a car in the near future, as well as owners of vintage and vintage cars who are leaving. for them in special cases, as for monetary compensation in the event of an accident, the amounts for short-term insurance will remain the same as for long-term osaga policies. amount of compensation the procedure for compensation does not change, the amount of property damage is 400,000 rubles. and for damage to life or health, the amount is 500,000 rubles. that is, for short-term policies the same insurance amounts apply as for
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regular policies. you can buy a short-term policy from any insurance company; by the way, you can issue a motor vehicle license for one day. should be done in advance, a few days before the start of the policy period, thus insurers protect themselves from issuing a one-day insurance claim immediately after an accident. further a story worthy of the pen of jules, it’s true, what kind of treasure is on a ship that sank back in the early eighteenth century when the galleon is raised in a few minutes. why are you placing your feet incorrectly? good morning to you, what happened? premiere on rtr. no cell phone, no documents, nothing on him, you don’t have a suspect, yes, no, yes, who, are we going to arrest? no, no, not to the library, you are not afraid that i will kill you, you snitsova, today on rtr, a terrible verdict, the tv star
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ended up in prison, the reality show participant will spend the next year and a half behind bars. the celebrity is sure that it’s all his ex-wife’s fault, who is taking revenge and demanding millions. live on friday on rtl. let's see, love is when you look in one direction. look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, takes out, look, look, agreement. sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, we sign, we look, we look , maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because in them power, beauty and history, conquer, the order
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is ready, explore, nature, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is , as my mother says, fuck off your godfather, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday rtr, i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child,
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how beautiful you are, i will miss you, irina antonovna, in what sense is she dying? you will never leave masha, even if it is very, very difficult for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take care of masha as much as you, but i have one condition, you must never tell masha the truth.
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dollars, they were all stored on a spanish goleon san that sank off the coast of colombia back in the early 18th century. now they will lift him up, and this will be one of the largest underwater operations, which has already attracted the attention of not only archaeologists and antiquity lovers, well , piastres hunters, yes, more than 300 years
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ago the ship was ambushed, received a breakdown, but at that moment the holds of a three-masted sailing ship, equipped with the latest according to military equipment, 62 guns were filled to the brim with gold, silver, emeralds, diamonds, and even the finest chinese... porcelain, which, judging by underwater filming, was perfectly preserved. in the moscow region, in the halls of the new jerusalem museum, you can see and not such treasures. the exhibition presents paintings by the greatest russian painter ilya repin and his students. for the first time and in such a volume. sirov, somov, kustodiev, malyavin brodsky, these are completely different painters of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who are united by one name. i'm repin. we settled on repin as our teacher. repin from this side is not so widely known to everyone. more than 100 rare paintings by the master himself and his students. these are
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unique sketches of future masterpieces, stunning landscapes and unfinished scenes. the task of repin himself, as a master mentor, has become a special role not so much to teach by his examples, but to inspire creativity, regardless of what genre the artist writes. and a portrait. are equally valuable if it is based on an understanding of the ultimate task of creating this or that work, and after all, everyone has their own. we are not talking about repin’s school, we are talking about a certain approach of a master, a mentor, which is why the exhibition was called master repin. master repin was not afraid to experiment, so he encouraged his students not to copy, but to explore, create, and invent. bright an example is a portrait of general dragomirov’s daughter sophia. the work was commissioned from repin, but he wrote the masterpiece together with... his future follower valentin sirov. one portrait, but two such different works, and although dragomirova’s gaze is directed towards repin, it was sirov, a connoisseur
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of impressionism, who managed to convey all the liveliness and relaxed lightness of the heroine. when we look at repin’s portrait, we see a ceremonial portrait, a portrait that has already been made, that is, finished with such an average chalky face. while we look at work sirola, then due to this angle, due to the fact that she doesn’t seem to... isn’t posing for sirov, we see a little more, how to say, such a lively, characteristic expression of sophia. and here is another example of the scale of repin’s unique mentoring, the work of the red woman, his student philip malyavin. nobody appreciated the scandalous picture at that time, dedicated to the russian rebellion, only ilya efimovich immediately saw the masterpiece. the painting later won a gold medal in paris and became a recognized piece of art. the works of repin and his students can be studied for hours, compare, search. there is something in common between them, but perhaps, largely thanks to their mentor, the names of his brilliant students now stand in the same row with the master repin himself, and
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you can appreciate the masterpieces they created until the end of july at the new jerusalem museum. come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t oversleep, the main thing. this is the morning news, we will talk about the main things in russia and abroad. in the studio of karina ilyina. hello. russian military were able to get into the damaged american tank abram's video,
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which was filmed by our special forces. near avdeevka , experts are now studying it, everything happened back in early march, but the details became known only now, two intelligence officers managed to get close to the car under continuous fire from militants. they only had 2 minutes to film the inside of the tank. by the way, the symbols on the instruments are duplicated in ukrainian; it is reported that this abrams was finished off with the help of drones. in total, our guys have already burned four such armored vehicles.
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creative work, i propose, that’s all, what has reached you, everything that you heard from people, everything that you consider most important in the course of these contacts, summarized together with the all-russian popular front and accepted for implementation, i, for my part, also promise you that i will direct all our the executive authorities began drilling the second one in the middle of nowhere.
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there were 32 people in the mine, 19 were evacuated, 13 miners remained trapped. spring has finally come into its own across most of the country, the warm sun has melted the ice and roads in cities went under water. in orenburg, cars floated on the waves, drivers in traffic jams shared video footage with network users. local rivers have begun to prepare for floods; now the main thing is to prevent ice jams. flood on the streets. in samara, warm water flooded courtyards in lipetsk, in the chelyabinsk region a fountain that froze for the winter is gradually coming to life. and these are shots from st. petersburg, where you can already watch the ice drift on the neva. spring in primorye is the time when seals are born and most of the cubs, breaking away from their mother, get into trouble. in the region a rehabilitation center has been operating for a long time, caring for such babies. report
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by maxim kolennik. every day at 7 am the first breakfast of the wards, we are in the department for infants, some were three weeks old, some were four, but a big disaster happened at the start of their prosperous life on the ice fields of the southern coastal region, the march winds scattered the ice floes with their pinniped population over a huge water area, some people are almost switching to eating whole fish and are on the mend; the rest are still far from having a normal diet, not yet nutrition through an umbrella, which is still weak in the rehabilitation center... in the center, in advance, at the end of february, individual cradles are prepared for patients and they wait, wait, you never know when it will start, this year, from march 9, residents of vladivostok, the finds of the slavs collect them along the shores like mushrooms after the rain, helpless, dehydrated and emaciated, by this wednesday in the wards there were seven novice seals, everything was like in if, washing diapers from morning to evening, some were fed four, some six times a day, the only exception is body number seven, his big
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ben... ruin, in this company he is the only one who is normal, but he had to be taken away from nature for a while, they plan to release him this weekend, away from civilization. he fell into a natural trap, he came to us yesterday, he had nowhere to escape from danger , there was danger there because the settlement was nearby and dogs came, dogs are always interested in seals, a signal has already been sent to volunteers, they will fly from moscow and irkutsk from today day, daily life in the seal pens will again be scheduled according to a schedule, who should sleep when, wash diapers? and serve herring fish soups. maxim kalinnik, nikolay farafonov, vesti primorye. don't switch. the fire danger period in the southern regions of the khabarovsk territory may begin as early as the end of march. the winter in the region turned out to be deficient in sediment. taiga protection services are on alert. the training was conducted by fire
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paratroopers and... they are called forest special forces; during the fire season they work in the hottest spots of the khabarovsk taiga, which cannot be reached by land transport. the goal of spring training is to work on accuracy landing. in the work of fire paratroopers , it is vitally important in order to understand why it is enough to descend from heaven to earth, when a forest fire driven by the wind covers more and more kilometers, there is simply no time to orientate oneself and go out to one’s own. and even now we work very close to the city and the taiga here is simply impassable. each such group is capable of extinguishing a fire in an area of ​​up to... they can stay autonomously in the forest for a month, we had 28 people in total this year, we didn’t do much we do 12 of our annual training jumps, well, we remembered, this year we had new guys who became
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parachutists again, and this is already a landing training, it’s noisy on board the mi-8, you can’t make out a word, the descent technique was worked out to automaticity in advance, it is used when there is no suitable landing site for forest firefighters near a fire, the permitted height is... up to 40 m, a site is looked for more or less where possible, people land, and then a helicopter delivers the rest of the landing party to the area they have prepared equipment. here they take training no less seriously than stewing. gennady, like many here, is a paratrooper not by military specialty, but by his heart. i came here from the factory 15 years ago. came, worked, liked it. and so we continue. there is almost no snow in the taiga, the beginning of a dangerous season. end of march beginning of april. last year we assume that it will start somewhere . the fire started in a dangerous period, we extinguished more than 800 natural fires on an area of ​​almost 900 thousand hectares, a state of emergency was introduced in the region.
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today , the entire territory of the region is blocked by air forest protection forces. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, lead. khabarovsk. strawberry stalls began to appear along the roads in different areas of the krasnodar region. sellers offer to the naive. customers to try kuban berries. in fact , they are trying to sell greek or turkish strawberries under the guise of a local product. vladislava gezikova went in search of local berries. the kuban strawberry season is still far away, we have to wait about a month. true, it doesn't bother me some businessmen to sell local product. they call the kuban berry the one brought from greece or turkey. gullible customers are attracted by the size of the fruit and the price from 450 to 600 rubles. per kilogram. and it’s not just too early for our strawberries or it’s a fountain , but uh-huh, come on, it’s year-round, only greenhouse strawberries can bear fruit all year round , they won’t sell it in boxes in trunks , what you can find now on training grounds is most likely imported, farmer georgy klenin
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has been growing strawberries for more than 25 years and never i haven't seen it ripen by early spring. this is what real local kuban strawberries look like now, they have just blossomed and there are berries in some places. to deceive for personal gain, this is what farmers who call themselves strawberry pirates expose in their channel, we really don’t mind, let them sell the berries, yes, but just let them honestly say that these are not local berries, but imported ones. already in april , deliveries of kuban strawberries will begin, while
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there will be few of them, they can ask for about a thousand rubles per kilogram. closer to june there will be berries more, judging by last year, its cost may fall to 250 rubles. in order not to be deceived, here are some tips on how to distinguish ours from those that are not ours. our berries. believe me, you will know right away, it will sparkle, shine, smell very cool, and you definitely won’t pass by it. turkish greek varieties are moving to the back shelf, but will still try to displace the kuban ones. vladislav agizikova, alexey vustrikov, lead. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, this is news, we are following development of events. we will remember songs about our home. everyone has a native corner , we moved a lot, that’s why i’m makarov from makarov, vladimir from vladimir, we had an amazing front garden, we played football in dodgeball, i got kicked out all the time, hello
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andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show, saturday at 17 :50, i said, i want a white cat, here comes oh... good, he likes to grab a quiver there, ah, so voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you you're flying. you are rushing the show guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family on saturday at 11:50 on the russia channel, good morning, i greet you, vladislav svetlana today. i am glad that you joined our broadcast, we will try
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to make your morning interesting and enjoyable. robots are increasingly taking away jobs from people, the end of massage therapists has come, a couple of robotic arms have been attached to the massage table, and there you have it, artificial intelligence controls the movements of the manipulator. clients are free choose a massage technique, its intensity, even indicate which muscles require special attention. the developer company plans to build a whole network of massage rooms without people. they will start with new york, where there will be about a dozen of them. robots have not yet mastered all the subtleties of massage, but they are actively self-learning in order to eventually offer each client an individual program of complete relaxation. well, if you can still do without robots, then you can’t do without household appliances. for example, we are all used to using electric hand dryers, but we always the question arose as to how safe it was; even scientists still doubt it. well , let's try to figure it out together with oksana sirova. inno doesn’t leave the house without hand cream, she uses it at least 10 times
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a day, no less, all because lately , without a life-saving product , the muscovite is not happy with the quality of the skin on her hands, at first she thought that the reason was the dry winter air, but now already doubts. at work there are hand dryers in the toilet and i naturally use them, but lately somehow the skin on my hands has become a little so dry, it’s even blush a little, i use creams very often, i don’t know if it’s... related to this or not, but doctors seem to know , they say, indeed, dryers dry the skin in every sense, they remove not only surface moisture, but and what is called the internal one, we washed with alkaline soap, we have already damaged the hydrolipidic layer, then we dry our hands, if it is hot air, then it is very damaging, if it is cold air, it is less damaging, but then you need to dry your hands for a very long time, it turns out that about the same effect... of course, it can be minimized with hand cream, the main thing is that
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the product contains not glycerin, which acts together with the dryer and also draws moisture from the skin, but urea, but even such a cream helps to remove only one side effect, but dryers have another, much more serious one, the whole point is in the principle of operation of the device, like a vacuum cleaner it draws in air from the room in which it is located, with the flow of this air, of course, a huge amount is captured through the dryer. particles, dust, dirt, including those containing microorganisms, that is, everything that exists in this room in which a hand dryer is installed, and this is, as a rule, a public toilet, and microorganisms there can be very diverse, enteroviruses, e. coli, salmonella, pathogens of influenza, coronavirus and other diseases, all of them are purposefully blown onto our hands during drying. several years ago, american scientists confirmed experimentally: the dryer is a real breeding ground for bacteria, but
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experts have arguments in defense of these devices. as a rule, now many still install a high-purity filter, the so-called hepafilter from viruses, bacteria, microbes, yes, that is, roughly speaking, practically sterile air ends up on your hands, but even if such a filter is not installed in the dryer, it is not means that every use of the device will definitely lead to some kind of disease, it simply increases the risk, especially for those whose immunity is now weakened, but still, if possible, it is better to use dryers as rarely as possible, doctors say, you can replace them with paper towels , but you definitely shouldn’t leave your hands wet; on wet skin, viruses and bacteria feel great, which means the likelihood of getting infected with something increases significantly; with clean hands and with good intentions, all farm animals will be microchipped or marked with special tags , not only cows, pigs and horses will have to be marked, but even bees will have to be microchipped by september of next year and not... for access
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to the rosselkhoznadzor accounting system? let's find out the details in the morning studio first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on agrarian issues oleg nilov. good morning. hello, we are the media, we know that in addition to a high position, he is also a beekeeper. how do you rate this initiative?
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such a lackluster, not, well, not a kind beekeeper has 10 hives, and he produced 10 tons of honey and sold it twice a year, in the spring - may september - autumn, that’s when you can really count, put the volume of the honey itself that it produces,
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calculate, record in the control structure, provide information, an unscrupulous beekeeper arises. it’s tempting to push livac into the market, even it will make half of the quality stuff, and half - there are such technologies, and in order to fight this counterfeit, we need to increase the number of laboratories, today there are 75, according to my estimates, there are only laboratories in all of russia that make analysis of honey, and it is not easy to do, it takes several days, 2-3 days, yes, in order to determine this. or falsification, and if there is a more complete analysis, then it means more days, more money, it costs thousands of rubles, in some regions tens of thousands of rubles, so laboratories should appear in every city with a decent population, of course, this includes an appeal to our scientists, well, i think that this will be
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a nobel prize if a fast-acting test is developed , not only for enterprises, shops, but also for citizens , which means some scientists, it will be a success if 70% of fake honey, counting sugar, yeah, is removed from the shelves at the same time, this can, of course, lead to some increase in price, well that's why how much does sugar cost? i sometimes come and look at it myself. it costs 200-300 rubles. that means a kilogram , yeah, well, it can’t be honey, yes, unfortunately, or i don’t know, there’s nothing there for beekeepers, unfortunately, but my estimate is this, 500-600 rubles per season, in a good season honey should cost, otherwise it’s suspicious
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honey, wrong honey, what to buy a small amount, but be sure that this amount of this honey will benefit you, this is medicine, this is not... some kind of food, sorry, i understand, thank you, thank you, passport for bees we discussed with the first deputy chairman of the state duma committee on agrarian issues oleg nilov, have a nice day, we will remember songs about our home, everyone has a native corner, we moved a lot, that’s why i am makarov, from vladimir,
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a company of like-minded people. this huge hall is where you can work or do something creative, and the power of literature is called, when you look at this hall, you understand that it really is power. the delight of a librarian with forty years of experience is worth a lot; the orenburg nikrasovka model library became last year immediately broke the historical record. in one day, 116 readers signed up. everything changed completely, we don’t even have a reading room, but a creativity hall, we don’t have an art hall, for example, but an art space, a recording studio. we have a virtual reality hall, even our readers are now different. new users of the updated library are mainly young people.
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high school students, of course, are most excited about the virtual reality room. but young parents also began to come more often, along with their children, for whom an educational and gaming space has been created. there are both game modes and some introductory processes, they really like it, that is, it is very difficult to get a child out of here, usually.
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in the next room there is a space for social activity, this is not just a knitting circle, but a successful charity project, we donate things, wool, toys for the perinatal center, this is for children to put in the palm of their hand so that children do not pull out catheters, probes, and the child calms down while mom and her friends go about their business. modern equipment, comfortable furniture, new books, all this attracts people, they come here not just to read, but to relax and do what they love. in just the last 5 years, thanks to the national culture project, 1080 model libraries have been opened, and more than 140 model libraries will open this year, including in new regions of russia. well, then do the repairs on your own.
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how can we complete it and not stop it? the best life hacks in a few minutes. i decided to move to moscow, but why? and you and i will become friends, the neighbor also found the room good, so many of my mother died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe you ’ll go instead of me, it’s someone else’s problem, they never visited my mother, they took them here, i’m afraid you’ll have to come anyway, there’s a lawyer, she the investigation wants to talk, she is the investigation, someone else's revenge, the accident was faked, do you have a suspect? i’m scared, neighbor, it’s true, she will definitely open up, i know, on friday on rtr, for
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me he didn’t leave, i can’t accept it, i can’t let him go, boris goracevsky in the memories of his beloved, and this is the last a gift from him, when he gave them, was it the last one on the eighth? march from that moment i don’t celebrate it, they had a very funny story about these earrings, he gave me a soft toy, and i didn’t pay attention to it right away, the toy had earrings on its ears in the hearts of close friends, when i look at this a heavy woman, by the way, i understand that you have a lot in common with grachevsky, for my sixty-fifth birthday borya gives me this sculpture, i say: he says: well, you’re a black pankratov, so i’m giving you a black one, this is black humor, he was always some
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kind of person walking through the sunny country of life, and even more so not alone, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, on friday on rtr, i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, well, we look at the weekend, there is a nuance, please love and favor, nothing like that, right? it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now you look more like a girl in love than a teacher, this lesson, she learned it too late, what are you doing here, and i was released today under amnesty, i came here first, actually i married, it doesn’t matter, get out of here, and are you leaving immediately, or me, or what? and i didn’t kill anyone, sir, you believe, teacher, on saturday on rtr, watch, today
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is a special edition of the 60 minutes program, all the latest news about the situation in ukraine in the world, don’t miss it! 60 minutes, today on rtr, everything in the household is useful: wood chips, keys, old tin cans and dairy bottles. the peruvian artist needs everything, because he makes... musical instruments and it is unknown what note is hidden in a twisted skein of wire or an old sewer pipe. the master has a harp, a xellophone, drums, all made from garbage. in total, his collection includes 35 instruments in working condition. most often, he performs what his soul asks him to do, the melodies and rhythms of indian tribes. to the music and the job
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goes smoothly, and the repair goes faster, the process is complex , constantly requires effort, money, alexander blinnikov found various tricks and useful tips on the internet, how many half a day has passed, half a day, and we’re just fiddling with both, with such speed of repair we'll probably be somewhere to do a year, and this is only a corridor, you can start it and it’s very difficult to finish it, repairs, classes for the brave and hardy, because for yourself you want to do everything beautifully and... so the process does not go quickly, however, for a russian person difficulties are another reason to show off your wit. i pulled out sheets of them, cut them, and the speed basically increased. such an original twirl will definitely speed up the process of wallpapering; it is more convenient to apply putty on the wall with a special roller. well , don’t forget about the floor to make an even screed, internet experts advise using a homemade vibrating screed like this. firstly,
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the solution itself compacts better, and secondly, it turns out much smoother. and most importantly, it’s easier, you don’t have to squat. praise be to the internet inventors, because they experienced first-hand all the hardships of a long repair, and then analyzed what was slowing down the work and gave users dozens of useful tips, which solved not only global problems; subscribers thank them for this with likes. you can take a lid from a bucket or even a disposable one place the plate on the brush. and that’s it, eyes and hair are more or less protected from falling drops. little useful lifehacks. already speed up the process, how to carefully tighten a self-tapping screw, not to scratch the tile during installation, magnetize the bit for a screwdriver, and sometimes you only drill extra holes in drywall, but nothing, the main thing is that the patch is always at hand, we get an excellent blank for the patch, let’s try it on , don’t throw away anything yet, everything will be useful for repairs, even an old twenty-liter plastic bottle, after the work
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will be finished, you can use it to make a vacuum cleaner to collect all the dirt there. in general, when preparing for a renovation, stock up not only on high-quality materials, but also on proven advice, and then you’ll say thank you, that’s what it means to have taken my advice, what a beauty, well, like in the hermitage, and this is just a corridor, it turned out great, they let us return our luggage and did not receive it upon arrival at the destination airport where i was complaining... in order to quickly solve the problem, we will discuss it after the news. take into account citizens’ suggestions for the development of the country. vladimir putin has set new tasks for proxies after the elections. new shelling of the belgorod region by the ukrainian armed forces.
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there are dead, hundreds of damaged cars. we'll tell you. receive compensation. farmers' ultimatum. poland will ban the transit of ukrainian agricultural products. you are watching the news on the russia tv channel. the main news in the studio karina ilyina. hello. the ssu responded to the failure of the sabotage operation with new shelling of peaceful towns and villages in the belgorod region. air defense systems destroyed 13 mlrs shells in the air. the ministry of defense reports this. two died in grayvoron civilians, two were injured, at least thirty private houses were damaged, the canteen building was destroyed, and an employee may be under the rubble. there are also dead and wounded in belgorod. governor vyacheslav glotkov spoke about the important security measures that are being taken in the belgorod region. it was decided to restrict entry into several villages in the graivaranovsky district, and
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ukrainian militants are targeting civilian targets. plans to evacuate about 9,000 children from the region were previously announced. local authorities have been instructed to increase number of door-to-door visits. people can take shelter from shelling in temporary shelters. over the past week , more than 650 cars were damaged by attacks from the federal security service of the belgorod region. will owners be able to receive compensation? sofia kitral recognized. bruised, burnt, and some with fresh traces of blood, the appearance of these cars is frightening, and a continuous stream of vehicles continues to arrive at the special parking lot. this parking lot has literally turned into a graveyard of damaged cars. this car was brought here today, obviously it cannot be restored subject, there is still a burning smell in the air. specialists do everything to speed up the assessment process, but often work has to be interrupted due to the missile threat. for
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safety reasons, to involve owners in the process, they try to minimize compensation, calculating it based on market value. those machines that we have are total, we see this now, we now understand that yes, that they cannot be restored, for them, in fact, we are in no way at the current stage. i immediately went to the place. belgorodets car not on the move, so soon a tow truck will come for it, like dozens of other similar cars. where further assessment will take place at a special parking lot or directly at a service station
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is decided for each vehicle individually. sofia ketral, vladislav pluzhnik, host belgorod. russia needs to be made even stronger, more attractive and more effective. there are all the conditions, competencies and resources for this. our homeland, russia, many of you worked in very difficult conditions in our border territories, where neo-nazis are shelling and peaceful cities and civil infrastructure.
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in the donbass, in novorosye, this required a special character, courage, well, i would not be afraid of this word of personal heroism. thank you very much for your work. such a result, which testifies to the great confidence of the country's citizens in what we are doing, and most importantly in what we are talking about as our plans, imposes, firstly, a really great responsibility, even you know, somehow there’s a little feeling , well, not anxiety, but a sense of responsibility, of course, she increases many times over, because of course people are waiting for results, waiting for implementation.
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white house adviser jake salevan did not approve, but blinken, according to the newspaper’s sources, refused to sign the document, explaining his decision by the desire not to give moscow a reason to interfere in the upcoming american presidential elections in november. poland wants to ban the transit of agricultural products from ukraine until the development of rules for bilateral trade, these are the conditions among those that the polish ministry of agriculture managed to agree with farmers. earlier, angry farmers blocked exits from warsaw and threatened to paralyze the entire country. over 70,000 people took part in the acts of disobedience. the requirements, in addition to the embargo on the import of ukrainian products
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, are the rejection of the european union's green deal. meanwhile, they are in no hurry to meet their breadwinners in brussels. instead, the european parliament exempted ukrainian agricultural products from duties for another year. at the same time, he left the possibility of emergency introduction of tariffs on certain goods. following polish dissatisfaction with eu agricultural policy czech farmers also express this. all news is always available. media platform, look in the app or on the website the news is following developments. the flame of the eighth summer international children's games of asia began its journey through yakutia. it was lit last tuesday at the foot of the sacred lena pillars. within 100 days, fire will visit everything.
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republic and finishes in yakutsk during the opening ceremony of the games. they will begin at the end of june. participants will compete in twenty-four sports and compete for over 200 sets of medals. report by vitaly prokopenko. the fire lighting ceremony is one of the most important parts of the children's games in asia. the golden torch will travel throughout yakutia to let everyone know that one of the largest sporting events will soon take place. level of training. i rate it quite highly, you and i will be watching the games themselves very soon live, and today i am happy that today is such a colorful and very interesting ceremony for lighting the fire of the games. children of asia is the most interesting and successful project in the field of children's and youth sports. this year's games will bring together talented, enthusiastic guys from 25 countries. in honor of the holiday , real sports legends of the yakutia national team came together to play against each other on the ice. olympic champions and
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hockey stars are not an easy task, but ours are not inferior, they go on equal terms. a coward does not play hockey, now it is ongoing, the third game between the teams of the yakutia national team and the legend, the third lineup, the audience is rejoicing, passions are running high, everyone is trying to score the puck into the opponent’s goal. yakut hockey players had a unique chance to play their favorite game with their idols. very cool, this is a once in a lifetime experience it happens, so we need to seize the chance to show ourselves, to show that we have hockey in our republic, that it is developing. friendship won the match, the main thing was positive emotions and positive energy, the organizers are confident that everyone here will never forget this day. of course , holding such events as children of asia , the largest international ones, serves primarily to ensure that as many children as possible are involved in sports, and even if they do not necessarily become champions, but the fact that they are involved in a healthy lifestyle , this of course, it helps people maintain their health later. the games themselves will begin in june,
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participants will compete in twenty -four sports and compete for over 200 sets of medals, the scale and prestige of the competition is only growing every time, the main goal is to make sports a norm of life. vitaly prokopyev, sergey zaborovsky, news, yakutia. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website the news is following developments . amazing people, amazing seventh season. i wouldn't allow it in my laboratory to conduct something like this, it ’s too dangerous, tomorrow at 21:30, good morning, good morning everyone, join us, svetlana abramova, in front of you this morning, but what if... and the video
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is our guests, well, look , flying electric transport with home delivery right now, the free sale of new air taxis has started right on the site of one of the marketplaces, as if it were some kind of smartphone that will travel for a month from china, just a larger package, the price is several orders of magnitude higher, it’s worth the pleasure 30 .
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according to the management of airline representatives dmitry zaitsev, they let you in with things, although the manual calibrator fits. for a resident of the capital , artyom, this flight to his relatives ended before it even began; he did not go further than the check-in counter ; airline representatives considered that the guy’s travel bag was too large, although it complied with the standards; another passenger, elena, was a little more lucky. in the end, i ended up with a goose, that’s all, a plush goose, on which the plane is extremely comfortable to sleep. like this with a goose in her arms met sunny istanbul. muscovite elena decided to fly to turkey for the weekend, taking only a small backpack with her, but for some reason there wasn’t enough space on the plane for everyone to carry hand-cooked land, the turda kindly offered to drop off the bag at... i didn’t pay for anything, but that’s how i was from the start a little against, to which, accordingly, it was a steward, not a stewardess, but they informed that if you resist, then you and your luggage will not fly anywhere either, there is no trace left of the former courtesy on the part of the flight attendants, already upon arrival it turned out elena's backpack remained in moscow.
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i’m starting to get nervous because it’s not clear, but it’s not a fact that he will actually arrive on the next flight, how long will i need to spend at the airport, the dreams of a carefree weekend finally melted away after the news that the luggage will be brought to the hotel in a couple of days. only after this, representatives of the domestic airline suddenly changed their anger to mercy, and miraculously, all the delayed luggage ended up in istanbul on the same day, and the next at the hotel. it’s a paradox, not otherwise, however, so that to achieve justice, you will have to fill out a special report on violations during the transportation of luggage. one copy remains in hand, the second with airport employees.
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21 days are given for consideration. you can send your document as a complaint to rostransnadzor, copies to rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office. meanwhile, parliamentarians are thinking about creating a unified system for responding to complaints. passengers, it is assumed that this should save citizens from unnecessary bureaucracy, taking into account digitalization and today’s society in general, and all areas, it is necessary to work in direction of automation of the procedure for filing applications in the event that such issues as delays or flight cancellations occur, according to one version, a unified system can be implemented in the form of an application for a smartphone, where in two clicks you can file a complaint about the actions of a particular airline, an application and instantly will be sent:
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already on the airline, it therefore has to make money on it, just the concept of customer focus, or is it already fading into the background or what? airlines are rushing to make money faster, not completely forgetting that that they must provide, first of all , a high standard of service, provide passengers with those services that have already been paid for, including luggage transportation, our luggage often disappears or is lost, or some other defects appear, or, accordingly... 5 kg passengers are not provided with transportation, maybe it’s high time to prescribe some tangible sanctions for violation of these requirements, why doesn’t luggage
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arrive on time, why do they just talk inappropriately to passengers, mothers with children were left without things, and what kind of reaction is that? unfortunately , it is quite difficult to legislate the requirement for correct, competent communication, here you need to record audio and video, again this will be very difficult to interpret later, but in any case, if the airline does not comply with the rule already stated to it, which violates federal legislation at this time at the moment , no liability has been established for this, that is , if the airline violates and does not allow the passenger to carry these things, then the passenger can only seek legal action collection, so there must be...
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apply to receive? in return, what to do if the flight is delayed , what to do if your luggage goes missing and other cases that can be written down clearly,
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substantively, but a huge number of cases , about 50% of requests will be resolved in this way in an operational dialogue with the airline, we are now doing this we are engaged in this work, in addition to the chatbot, a hotline will also be created , i hope that the public chamber will support us in this matter and we, as an all-russian association of passengers, will be able to organize this work, the overbooking is the same, but the law has not been adopted here, but... for some reason there should be clear compensation to a specific person, it should be so high that the airline does not use it in their own purposes, but if this is a technical overbooking, for example, and the board was larger than the capacity, it is faulty, the board is changed to a smaller capacity, in this case overbooking is forced, but even in this case the passenger should not stay.
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we were told by the chairman of the all-russian association of passengers, deputy chairman of the public council under the ministry of transport ilya zotov, but you don’t need to love , they will love you, amazing people, amazing seventh season, you really see what others don’t see, but that’s not all. tomorrow at 21:30. daria, who are you, what do you need from us? excuse me, but i do not understand. what's your plan? i promise to remain silent. premieres on saturday at 21:00. conquest of mars in the mountains of armenia. this is where european scientists are testing new ones. spacesuits and equipment for future martians, the experiment will end in 2 weeks and don’t look at the fact that
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ordinary atvs are used as transport; on mars they will be replaced by similar electric vehicles. the location was not chosen by chance; the topography here is similar to that of mars, which cannot be said about the climate; on the surface of mars, the temperature jumps from +27° to -13, respectively , the spacesuits are super-barge-resistant, each weighs 50 kg, which is heavy. on earth it’s easy on mars, where gravity is weaker by almost 2/3, but even on mars, even on earth, electricity is vital and nanogel will help store it. our scientists are developing new batteries generations. with their help, it will be possible to create storage devices for power plants and private homes. wind turbines, solar panels and even large power plants all need to store the electricity they receive. it is expensive to store energy in lithium batteries, but dangerous in lead batteries. the main thing , probably, is that the working substances are in tanks, that is, they
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are removed from the electrochemical cell, where direct contact of two chemical substances occurs, that is, the entire volume does not immediately react, the battery is working so, from two separate containers, liquid with pumps is supplied to the membrane, a chemical reaction occurs on it, as a result of which electricity is formed, and the chemicals that are used in this case... you can put at least 10 tanks to store energy for an entire power plant, there will be applications for the technology even in a small
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cottage. a stationary device, that is , batteries for storing energy, excess energy generated at power plants, and backup batteries for large industries, as well as for households, which are equipped with energy sources from renewable resources. moreover, as the scientist says, liquid storage devices need to be refilled and maintained very rarely, no more than once every 10 years, just... now physicists are testing unique batteries , trying to determine their characteristics and reliability. successful tests will allow production to begin this decade. well, then we will talk about batteries, among other things, only for car ones. how to properly prepare your car for spring in a few minutes? you want that wrong foot put. good morning to you too, did everything happen? premiere on rtr. no cell phone, no documents, nothing on him, you don’t have a suspect, there is, no, there is someone, we are going to
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arrest, not to the library. how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleeping, that’s how a child spits, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%, you will be
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happy, well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but health for sure. doctor myasnikov on saturday love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me. look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for 1 2 3, sign up, look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, wow, dear, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, into
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the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand , we are making this room completely faceless. three different functional areas, ideas are overflowing, we we want to turn the radiator into an art object , there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work , plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams come true. look, let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i
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will miss you, irina antonovna dying, in what sense? she is dying, promise me, you will never leave masha, even if it is very, very difficult for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take care of masha as much as you do, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth , especially if she... is not yours, well, hello, my love, do you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me, i promise to be silent, premiere on saturday on rtr, the longest-haired girls live on the banks of the dzindzian river, a whole
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village chinese rapuns are all without excluding braids and toes, the secret is this... honeycomb in a special rice broth, to which tangerine skins are added, infuse it under certain conditions, only wash your hair, the recipe has been passed down from mother to daughter for thousands of years, but it is believed that the longer the hair, the richer, luckier their owner, while the girls are sprucing up their beauty, motorists are preparing their cars for the new season, add oil, change the filter, lubricate the terminals, after a long winter, it’s time to check how our car survived... a difficult period, especially moreover, as the new car season begins, we will start with the most expensive and at the same time the most vulnerable element of the body. first of all, wash it thoroughly, it doesn’t matter whether you do it yourself or at a car wash, don’t forget about problem areas, wheel arches and bottoms, check if the drainage holes are clogged, now it’s time to carefully inspect everything: if you find a scool
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, paint it with special enamel. if corrosion has already begun, more serious repairs are required, the main thing is not to leave it as is. chrome coatings - in contact with reagents after winter is a must clean, otherwise it leads to heaving of the chrome, peeling of the coating, and, accordingly, an unpleasant appearance. of your car, now the interior, it would be good to do a general cleaning using cleaning chemicals, but the main thing is to pay attention to the microclimate inside the car. after winter operation, it is necessary to check the cabin ventilation filter, and i also recommend antibacterial treatment of the evaporative air conditioning system in order to avoid foreign odors inside the car, and especially this important for people suffering from allergies. along with the interior, you can change the air filter so that not only you, but also the engine can breathe easily. and since we have opened the hood, inspect the entire space for fogging and
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leaks. during a long winter, rubber elements could not withstand temperature changes from exposure to reagents. next we check the oil, antifreeze and brake fluid levels, the condition of the drive belts and radiator. if the car has been left idle for a long time, check the battery charge . it wouldn't hurt to clean and lubricate. and don’t skimp on diagnostics of the chassis , for this the service is better, here they will inspect bushings, boots, seal blocks that could have suffered from frost and road chemicals, driving over uneven surfaces on unheated shock absorbers does not go unnoticed, most often they have to be changed just in the spring , and of course the brakes, it is advisable to clean the mechanism , lubricate it, check the remaining life of the pads and discs, if you haven’t changed the brake fluid for a long time, now is the time, it accumulates in it over the winter... it’s better not to wait and have it done now, then you
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will definitely meet a new active auto season in all weapons. come on, come on with a smile, more, more, more, great, good, so, morning of russia, don’t forgive the main thing. this is the news in the morning, we will talk about the main things in russia and abroad. studios karina ilyina. hello. in an attempt to disrupt the presidential elections, the kiev regime switched to terrorist methods. as
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sergei shaigu stated at a meeting of the board of the ministry of defense, ukrainian militants attempted to seize border settlements in the belgorod and kursk regions, but met with stiff resistance. the most active actions took place in the area of ​​​​the village of kazinka. victory in the elections is a prologue to the country’s future victories, which will definitely happen, vladimir putin expressed this opinion at a meeting with his confidants in the kremlin. the president announced the direction of work in his address to the federal assembly; large-scale plans are fully funded, but local work is important,
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putin’s headquarters received 80 thousand requests during the campaign, this feedback from people is very an important process of creative work, i propose, that’s all that has reached you, everything that you have heard from people, everything that you think... to be summarized together with the all-russian popular front and accepted for implementation, i , for my part, also promise you, that i will focus all our executive authorities on this work , international problems, including the situation around ukraine, as well as coordination of work in the brix and shanghai cooperation organization formats, all this is a detailed topic. telephone conversation that vladimir putin had with prime minister of india, at rendromode he congratulated the head of the russian state on his landslide victory in the presidential elections and wished the well-being and prosperity of the people
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of our country. the leaders noted the dynamic development of bilateral ties in the areas of trade, investment, energy and transport. less than a day remains before the launch of the rocket that will launch the soyuz spacecraft with an international crew on board into orbit. the crew includes the commander.
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baked, we are in the department for infants, some were three weeks old, some were four, but a big disaster happened at the start of their prosperous life on the ice fields of the southern coastal region, the march winds scattered the ice floes with their pinniped population across a huge water area, some are almost switching to eating whole fish, they are recovering, the rest are still far from normal nutrition, not yet nutrition through an umbrella, while still weak, in the rehabilitation center they prepare in advance at the end of february and... individual cradles for patients and wait, wait, you never know when it will start, this year from march 9, residents of vladivostok find slavyanka they are collected along the shores like mushrooms after rain, helpless, dehydrated and emaciated, by this wednesday in the chambers there are seven novice seals, everything is as if, washing diapers from morning to evening, some four, some six times a day they feed him, the only exception is calf number seven, they call him big ben, in this company he is
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the only one who is normal. but he had to be taken away from nature for a while, they plan to release him this weekend, away from civilization. he fell into a natural trap, came to us yesterday, he had nowhere to escape from danger, there was danger there because there was a settlement nearby and the dogs came; dogs are always interested in seals. the signal has already been sent to the volunteers; they will arrive from moscow and irkutsk any day now. daily life in the seal hut will once again be laid out according to a schedule, who should sleep when, wash diapers and serve herring fish soups. and... maxim kalenik, nikolai farafonov, vesti primorye. this is news, we are monitoring developments. the fire danger period in the southern regions of the khabarovsk territory may begin as early as the end of march. the winter in the region turned out to be deficient in precipitation. services to protect taiga are put on alert. the training was conducted by fire paratroopers. during their
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season, they work in the hottest spots of the khabarovsk taiga, where forest special forces are called land transport; they cannot reach fire hazardous areas. the goal of spring training is to practice landing accuracy. it is vitally important in the work of fire paratroopers. to understand why it is enough to come down from heaven to earth, when a forest fire driven by the wind takes over more and more kilometers of time... to get your bearings, go to our own people simply don’t, even now we work very close to the city and the taiga here is simply impassable, each such group is able to put out a fire in an area of ​​up to a hectare in a day, they can stay autonomously in the forest for a month, we had 28 people in total this year, not a lot , we did 12 annual training jumps, well, we remembered, this year we had new guys who again became parachutists, and this is already a landing
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on... training on board the mi-8 is noisy, you can’t make out a word, the descent technique has been worked out before automaticity in advance, it is used when there is no suitable landing site for forest firefighters near the fire, the permitted height is up to 40 m. a site is looked for more or less where people can land, and then a helicopter will deliver the rest of the landing gear to the territory they have prepared, for training here are taken no less seriously than extinguishing. gennady, like many here, is not a military paratrooper. i came here from the factory 15 years ago, came, worked, liked it, and so we continue. there is almost no snow in the taiga anymore, the start of the dangerous season is near. the beginning of the fire, a dangerous period, we assume that it will begin here somewhere in late march or early april. last year , more than 800 natural fires were eliminated on an area of ​​almost 900.00 hectares, and a state of emergency was introduced in the region.
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today, by air forest protection forces. the entire territory of the region is blocked. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, lead khabarovsk. strawberry stalls began to appear along roads in different areas of the krasnodar territory. sellers offer naive buyers to try kuban berries. in fact, they are trying to sell greek or turkish strawberries under the guise of a local product. vladislava gizikova went in search of local berries. the season for kuban strawberries is still far away; the wait is about a month, however, this does not bother some. to dealers to sell the local product , they call kuban berries the ones brought from greece or turkey. gullible customers are attracted by the size of the fruit and the price from 450 to 600 rubles. per kilogram. and it’s not just too early for our strawberries or is it a fountain, but yeah, come on, it’s all year round, all year round only greenhouse strawberries can bear fruit , they will not be sold in boxes in trunks , what can be found now on training grounds is most likely imported, farmer georgy
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klenin has been growing strawberries for more than 25 years and has never seen them ripen by the beginning of spring. this is what real local kuban strawberries look like now, and they have only just blossomed and here and there sly berries have begun to appear. sellers, naive buyers, the main characters on whom the fairy tale about the kuban strawberries in march rests, often the clients themselves do not even try to find out what they they take it, it’s very tasty, you know where it comes from, from belorechenskaya, where, well, we bring it from the base, i don’t deny it, it’s turkish or something, well, it’s like they took it, they said that greece, greece, they’ll be lucky if the seller turns out to be honest, but a considerable part of entrepreneurs. to deceive for personal gain, these are exposed in their channel by farmers who call themselves strawberry pirates. we really don’t mind, let them sell the berries, yes, but just let them honestly say that this is not a local berry, but an imported one. deliveries will begin in april kuban strawberries, while there are not enough of them,
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can cost about a thousand rubles per kilogram. closer to june, there will be more berries; judging by last year, its cost may drop to 250 rubles. in order not to be deceived, here are some tips on how to distinguish ours from those that are not ours. our berries. believe me, you will know right away, it will sparkle, shine, smell very cool, and you definitely won’t pass by it. turkish and greek varieties are moving to the back shelf, but they will still try to displace the kuban ones. vladislav agizikov, alexey vustrikov, lead. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, this is news, we are monitoring developments. we will remember songs about our home. everyone has a native corner, we moved a lot, that’s why i’m makarov from makarov, vladimir from vladimir, we had an amazing front garden, we played football, dodgeball,
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i was kicked out all the time, there’s me and you.


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