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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  March 21, 2024 4:35am-5:01am MSK

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everything is as if, washing diapers from morning to evening, some are fed four, some six times a day, the only exception is comforting number seven, they nicknamed him big ben, in this company he is the only one who is normal, but he had to take him away from nature for a while, they plan to release him this weekend, away from civilization, he fell into a natural trap, he came to us yesterday, he had nowhere to escape from danger, there was danger there because the settlement was nearby and the dogs came, dogs are always interested in seals. the signal has already been sent, they will arrive from moscow and irkutsk any day now, daily life in the seal pens will again be scheduled according to the schedule, who will sleep with when, wash diapers and serve herring fish soup? maxim kalinik, nikolay farafonov, vesti primorye. this is news, we are monitoring developments. fire danger period. in the southern regions of the khabarovsk territory
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may begin as early as the end of march, the winter in the region turned out to be deficient in precipitation, services for the protection of the taiga were put on alert, fire paratroopers and paratroopers conducted training, the progress of preparations was monitored lyudmila smirnova. they are called forest special forces. during the fire season, they work in the hottest spots of the khabarovsk taiga, which cannot be reached by land transport. the goal of spring training is to practice landing accuracy.
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there are not many people, we did 12 annual training jumps, well , we remembered, this year we had new guys who became paratroopers again, and this is already airborne training, it’s noisy on board the mi-8, you can’t understand a word, the descent technique has been worked out before automaticity in advance, it is used when there is no fire nearby a suitable site for landing forest firefighters, the permitted height is up to 40 m, a site is being looked for more or less where people can land. only then will the helicopter deliver the rest of the landing party’s equipment to the territory they have prepared. here they take training no less seriously than stewing. gennady, like many here, is a paratrooper not by military specialty, but by his heart. i came here from the factory 15 years ago, came, worked, and liked it. and so we continue. there is almost no snow in the taiga; the start of the dangerous season is near. start of the fire dangerous period, we assume that it will begin, we have an end somewhere. march early
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april. last year , more than 800 natural fires were eliminated over an area of ​​almost 900 thousand hectares. a state of emergency was introduced in the region. today , the entire territory of the region is blocked by air forest protection forces. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, lead. khabarovsk. strawberry stalls began to appear along roads in different areas of the krasnodar territory. sellers offer naive buyers to try kuban berries. in fact, under the guise of a local product trying to sell buckwheat. or turkish strawberries. vladislava gizikova went in search of local berries. the season for kuban strawberries is still far away; the wait is about a month, however, this does not prevent some dealers from selling the local product. they call the kuban berry the one brought from greece or turkey. trusting customers are attracted by the size of the fruit and the price, from 450 to 600 rubles. per kilogram. it’s not too early for our strawberries or that. oh, yeah, come on. only
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greenhouse strawberries can bear fruit all year round; they will not be sold. boxes in the trunks, what can be found now on training is most likely imported. farmer georgy klenien has been growing strawberries for more than 25 years and has never seen them ripen by the beginning of spring. this is what real local kuban strawberries look like now, and they have only just blossomed and berries have begun to form here and there. cunning sellers are naive buyers, the main characters on whom the fairy tale about the kuban strawberries in the stamp rests.
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we really don’t mind, let them sell the berries, yes, but just let them honestly say what it is not a local berry, but an imported one, supplies of kuban strawberries will begin in april, while there will be few of them, they can ask for about a thousand per kilogram. closer to june, there will be more berries; judging by last year, its cost may drop to 250 rubles. in order not to be deceived, here are some tips on how to distinguish ours from those that are not ours. believe me, you will recognize our berries right away, they will sparkle, shine, smell very cool and you definitely won’t pass by them. turkish greek sorts go to the back shelf, but will still be try to oust the kuban ones. all news is always available on the media platform. ru, this is news, we follow the development of events, we will remember songs about our home, everyone has a native corner, we moved a lot, that’s why i’m makarov from makarov,
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vladimir from vladimir, we had an amazing front garden, we played football to dodgeball, i was kicked out all the time. circle of friends, circle of friends, program for the whole family on saturday at 11:50 on the russia channel, good morning, good morning everyone,
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join our broadcast vladislav zavyalov, svetlana abramova, before you this morning, but if you want to stay in touch with us throughout the day, join our telegram channel, it’s called the morning of russia, all the most interesting things are there, and videos, our guests, well, here you go look , flying electric transport with home delivery is already available, free sale of new air taxis has started right on the site of one of the marketplaces, as if it were some kind of smartphone that will travel for a month from china, just a larger package, the price is several orders of magnitude higher, it’s worth pleasure 31 million rubles, the first customers have already placed their orders and are waiting for the parcel. delivery to your door, as usual, is free, and if the aircraft does not live up to expectations or turns out to be a defect, it can be easily returned within a week. as they say, the customer is always right, but for some reason
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air carriers forget about this golden principle. it just so happens that as the passenger flow increases , citizens’ dissatisfaction with the service itself also grows. about the outright arbitrariness of representatives. airline dmitry zaitsev, they let you in with things, although the hand quant is placed in the calibrator. for a resident of the capital artyom, this flight to his relatives ended before it even began; he did not go further than the check-in counter ; airline representatives considered that the guy’s travel bag was too large, although it complied with the norms; another passenger, elenya, was a little more lucky. in the end, i ended up with a goose, a plush goose, on which the plane is extremely comfortable to sleep. like this with a goose in an embrace. she was greeted by sunny istanbul, muscovite elena decided to fly to turkey only had a small backpack with him, but for some reason there wasn’t enough space on the plane for hand luggage for everyone, and the stewards kindly offered to check the bag in as luggage. i didn’t pay for anything, but initially i was a little against it, to which, accordingly, the steward
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was no longer a flight attendant, they said that if you resist, then you and your luggage won’t fly anywhere either, from the former courtesy of there was no trace of the flight attendants; upon arrival it became clear that elena’s backpack remained in moscow. i start be nervous because... this is not clear, but it’s not a fact that he will actually arrive on the next flight, how much time will i need to spend at the airport, the dream of a carefree weekend finally melted away after the news that the luggage will be delivered to the hotel in a couple of days, spend the weekend in an easy way wearing a sweater and hugging a toy goose, the prospect is so -so, well, that is, no reaction at all, not only elena was left in another country without luggage, several other people suffered along with her, it would seem that the airline should do everything possible to return the most necessary things to their owners, instead of threatening to call... an outright scandal, no one apologized to us, that is, they simply said harshly enough that the things did not fly on this flight, you will pick them up separately, we took out the phones , they began to remove them, only after that the representatives of the domestic airline suddenly changed their anger to mercy, lo and behold, all the delayed luggage
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ended up in istanbul on the same day, the next at the hotel, a paradox, not otherwise, however, in order to achieve justice you will have to fill out a special report on violations during the transportation of baggage, one copy remains in hand, the second with the airport employees. 21 days are given for consideration; you can send your document as a complaint to rostransnadzor, copies to rospotrebnadzor and the prosecutor's office. meanwhile, parliamentarians are thinking about creating a unified system for responding to passenger complaints, it is assumed that this should save citizens from unnecessary bureaucracy, taking into account digitalization, and today’s society in general and all areas need to work towards automation the procedure for filing applications in the event that such issues as flight cancellation delays occur. according to one version, a unified system can be implemented in the form of a smartphone application, where in two clicks you can file a complaint about the actions of a particular airline. the application will be immediately sent to all competent authorities. well, the idea is sound, we just have to wait for its implementation. let's
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continue this topic with our guest, in the studio, the chairman of the all-russian association of passengers, deputy chairman of the public council under the ministry of transport, ilya zotov. ilya, hello, it seems to me that the problem is that some people simply forgot who works for whom and who serves whom , after all, this is actually transportation - it’s a service, yes, no, not a passenger, he owes something to the airline, but... yes, that’s why they should make money on it, just the concept of customer focus - is it either already fading into the background, or what? airlines are in a hurry to make money faster, not completely forgetting that they must first of all provide a high standard of service, provide passengers with the services that are already paid, including luggage transportation there, our luggage often disappears or gets lost or some other defects appear, or accordingly hand luggage is declared. federal aviation regulations, other documents, it is not implemented, and we see a large number of cases when the minimum
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parameter of 5 kg of luggage for passengers is not provided, perhaps it is high time to prescribe some tangible sanctions for violation of these requirements, why luggage does not arrive on time, why do they just talk inappropriately to passengers, mothers with children were left without things, and what kind of reaction is this? unfortunately registered. the legislative requirement for correct , competent communication is quite complex, here you need to record audio and video, again this will be very difficult to interpret later, but in any case, if the airline does not comply with the rule already stated to it, which violates federal law, at the moment for this no liability has been established, that is, if the airline violates and does not allow the passenger to carry these things, then the passenger can only take legal action order can seek recovery , so there must be a clear responsibility here - there are stated rules, you do not comply with it, the passenger has photo and video recording of this violation, that is, what he was carrying
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at the moment is also important to record, and of course, this should be in favor of the passenger be interpreted in order to bring to justice, control is needed, these violators need to be identified, how to do this , what needs to be prescribed now so that control is stricter, because it is clearly necessary, at the time of violation of the passenger’s rights there is no an authority that would be able to react here now there within 10 minutes. airport airlines in order to give answers to such, you know, the most popular
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questions, what to do if your flight is delayed, where to go to get a replacement, what to do if your luggage goes missing and other cases that can be clearly stated in detail, but a huge number of cases , about 50% of requests will be resolved in this way in an operational dialogue with the airline, we are now engaged in this work, in addition to the chatbot, a hotline will also be created . i hope that the public chamber will support us in this matter, and we, as an all-russian association of passengers, will be able to organize this work. overbooking , the same, yes, the law has not been adopted here, and they may not be allowed on board because they sold more, here it is still important to establish certain rules, if a passenger is not allowed to fly, for some reason, there must be clear compensation to a specific person, it should be so high that the airlines did not use this for their own purposes. but if this is a technical overbooking, for example, yes, the board was larger than capacity, it is faulty, the board
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is changed to less capacity, in this case overbooking is forced, but even in this case , the passenger should not be left alone with his problem and receive decent compensation , this is exactly what we are advocating for at the moment, we need to do this work together, we are ready for this, thank you, thank you, about how to encourage airlines love and respect us passengers, the chairman of the all-russian passenger association, deputy chairman, told us: we’re not giving up. vosnetsov, premiere. today at 21:20. amazing people. amazing seventh season. your passion is an absolutely amazing quality. tomorrow at 21:30. conquest of mars in the mountains of armenia.
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it is here that european scientists are testing new spacesuits and equipment for... weakening by almost 2/3, but whether on mars or on earth, electricity is vital, nanogel will help store it. our scientists developing new generation batteries. with their help, it will be possible to create storage devices for power plants for private homes. windmills, solar panels and even large power plants, they all need to store
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the electricity they receive; storing energy in lithium batteries is expensive, and it is dangerous in lead batteries. our scientists proposed an alternative. flow batteries worked, the main thing, probably, is that the working substances are in the tanks, that is, they are removed from the electrochemical cell, where direct contact between the two chemicals, that is, the entire volume does not immediately react, the battery works like this: from two separate containers, liquid with pumps is supplied to the membrane, a chemical reaction occurs on it, as a result of which electricity is generated, and the chemicals that are used are neutral for surround... usually acids are used in liquid storage tanks, in this case it is salt water, which is absolutely safe. a polymer nanogel is dissolved in this water, and it is this that reacts with the second component of the system. need to two solutions, here they are in jars, these are different solutions, they contain two different reagents, and these solutions are pumped through such a flow
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cell using a pump system. in fact, the capacity of a liquid battery depends on the size of the tanks; you can supply at least 10 tanks... to store energy for an entire power plant; the technology can be used even in a small cottage. a stationary device, that is, batteries for storing energy, excess energy generated at power plants, and backup batteries for large industries, as well as for households that are equipped with sources of energy from renewable resources. moreover, as scientists say, liquid storage devices need to be refilled and maintained very rarely, no more than once every 10 years. right now, physicists are testing unique... trying to determine their characteristics, reliability, successful tests will allow the launch of production this decade. well, then we will talk about batteries, among other things, only for car ones. how to prepare correctly the car is ready for spring in a few minutes.
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please, acquaintance and roll call, possible without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told, i was bold in a white smokey, here mark anatolyevich zakharov goes into ore, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i am like a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack , dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, but how much more is ahead? and i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, everything i surrender with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, i don’t understand why i’m here, did you really kill my father, you tried to take my inheritance, you
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deceived me, why did you introduce yourself as a stranger name, my friend. asked, is this a crime? yes, she is my neighbor, it was alice who set you up, yes, i will definitely get to the bottom of the truth, i understand, dig, neighbor, on friday on rtr, my father lives in a high mansion, in that high mansion, there is no work, the intercom is jammed, hello, dad, dad, i swear, i never cheated on you, she chased him for two blocks, he left and began to bite him to death when the kamaz was rushing towards you. sciatica and lameness are disappearing somewhere, humor, humor, humor, premiere on saturday on rtr, i found you a job, six
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lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, well, we look at the weekend, there is a nuance, please love and favor , nothing like that, right? it's better to learn from other people's mistakes. now you look more like a girl in love than a teacher. she learned this lesson too late. what are you doing here? what about me they were released today under an amnesty and the first thing i see here is all about it. actually, i'm married. get out of here and are you going to leave immediately or am i or what? i didn’t kill anyone, believe yourself, a teacher on saturday on rtr, the longest-haired girls live on
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the banks of the dzindzian river, a whole village of chinese rapunzels, everyone without exception has braids and drinks, the secret of such beauty is in a special rice water in which... they add tangerine skins infuse it under certain conditions, only they wash their hair with it, the recipe has been passed down from mother to mother for thousands of years daughters, but it is believed that the longer the hair, the richer and luckier its owner, while the girls make their motorists look beautiful, prepare their cars for the new season, add oil, change the filter, lubricate the terminals. after a long winter, it's time to check how our car survived the difficult period, especially as it begins. new auto season. and we will start with the most expensive and at the same time the most vulnerable element - the body. first of all, wash it thoroughly, no matter whether you do it yourself or at the car wash. don't forget about
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problem areas, wheel arches and bottoms, check if the drainage holes are clogged or not. now it's time to carefully examine everything. we paint over our liskol with a special paint; if corrosion has already begun, more serious repairs are required. the main thing is not to leave it as is. chrome plated vkontakte. agents must be cleaned after winter, otherwise this will lead to heaving of the chrome, peeling of the coating, and , accordingly, an unpleasant appearance of your car. now the salon, it would be nice to do some general cleaning with using cleaning chemicals, but the main thing is to pay attention to the microclimate inside the machine. after winter operation, it is necessary to check the cabin ventilation filter, and i also recommend antibacterial treatment of the evaporation system. air conditioning to avoid foreign odors inside the car, and this is especially important for people with allergies. along
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with the interior, you can change the air filter so that not only you, but also the engine can breathe easily. and since we have opened the hood, inspect the entire space for fogging and leaks. during a long winter, rubber elements could not withstand temperature changes from exposure to reagents. next we check the oil level. and brake fluid , the condition of the drive belts and radiator, if the car has been sitting idle for a long time, check the charge of the battery, it would be a good idea to clean and lubricate the terminals, and don’t skimp on diagnosing the chassis, a service is better for this, here they will inspect the bushings, boots, and seal blocks which could have been damaged by frost and road chemicals, does not go away without a trace and driving over uneven surfaces unheated shock absorbers, most often they have to be changed just in the spring and of course the brakes. it is advisable to clean the mechanism , lubricate it, and check the remaining life of the pads and discs. if you haven't changed the brake fluid for a long time, now is the time; over the winter, excess moisture accumulates in it, which
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can boil in the hot summer. and if you have 1.5 km left before the scheduled maintenance, it’s better not to wait and have it done now, then you will definitely meet the new active driving season in all weapons. and then, it’s a matter of everyday life. have you ever lost a child before? well? honestly, this has already happened to us, it has become somewhat of a tradition for our family during trips, it’s funny, here’s our luggage, we have never lost it, yes, parents don’t choose, i don’t even know which one the child will prefer, if anything , i hope everything will be fine, you won’t have to choose, but educate the interests of the child, if it comes to divorce, we will talk to an expert very soon, where should we go?


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