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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  March 21, 2024 9:55am-11:01am MSK

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assets, we are not talking about the capital itself, but about the unexpected profits that we received due to rising interest rates. after discussion, i sent the council a proposal to allocate the bulk of the income to finance the european union, 90% to be allocated to the european peace fund in order to increase military assistance to ukraine, the remaining 10% will go to the european union. but there are some eternal stories that are probably repeated from century to century. who were the initiators of the crimean war?
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britain and france, i recently saw what macron was talking about, we need to return crimea to ukraine, without this there will be no lasting peace, as he says, the germans do not provide taurus, the british perhaps provide storm shadow, they even sent their specialists long ago. as soon as we talk about the black sea, about crimea, about bases, we immediately see an even calmer germany, which binds us like the crimean one. and the activity of britain and france and look at how the united states is slowly moving away and giving the french-british tandem a key role, in fact, as the instigator of a new conflict, and where in the black sea. by the way, let me remind you that intervention, yes, in the eighteenth, nineteenth years, the british and the french clearly controlled the black sea, their long-standing desire, and as our liberals told us for 30 years, will change everything.
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troops along the dnieper, this means showing us that area where we cannot go. on the dnieper, this means that recapture the russian kharkov-kupensk, but don’t dare touch odessa, nikolaev, kherson, ochakov, they very clearly want to retain this line on the black sea as a priority. further around kiev, again, even if they believe ukraine will lose. some territories, well,
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then they think that they still maintain the anti-russian regime in kiev, that is, albeit in a reduced version, but they maintain an anti-russian ukraine under the guarantees of the franco-british tandem. by the way, look at this interesting point: within nato, since 2010, there has been a lancaster pact on mutual military assistance between britain and france for 50 years. they didn’t take either germany or spain there, only britain and france together, even coordination of actions in the nuclear sphere, that is, france from galism became a junior partner, not even of the usa, but of the united kingdom, so we see how many of us said this tandem is stillborn, this is nonsense, so we see perfectly well how this tandem again acts together and acts in a form that is not at all friendly to us, that is.. that is, the americans
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essentially transferred the functions of containing russia gradually to the europeans, ideally first to the tandem of britain and france and, probably, if they really send troops there, and i don’t exclude anything, they will bring in and collide, for example, with us and really will go there coffins, the americans will most likely play out the same thing as in the soviet crisis of 1956, and we have nothing to do with it. this is your initiative, nato is a defense alliance, a purely defensive alliance, as they say, you yourself started a military conflict, well , go to war yourself, negotiate with the poles, with someone else, continue military operations, but without us, that is, the americans leave behind they have the right to step aside at any moment, now they are looking with pleasure in europe for the power that they... are ready to throw in to
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solve two problems: either the division of ukraine and preservation, albeit with smaller territories, but with an anti-russian regime, or the second option is valid. they are not fighting on the territory of ukraine, okay , we are on the territory of ukraine, although this is probably a record of the fact that we are already officially fighting with the north atlantic alliance, the romanians and germans are trying to break into russia, this is the russian border area, they are storming our
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border together with representatives of those who are usually called rdk, these are the volunteers.
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they are trying to break through our border, they are fighting not only in donbass, but let us remember that shaigu reported today, 71 armed forces officers have died just since the beginning of the year, 2.5 months have passed,
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four abrams tanks have been destroyed, one of them was reached today by our scouts, they examined what was there and how, a small spoiler, now they say so, nothing special. look, we decided to move out in broad daylight, so we acted boldly and brazenly , we keep moving back, according to the postcard there was from 30 to 50 m, it’s just that in the field, well , it’s 30-50 m from the house to it, we just had to run straight that... strength. a couple of russian special forces with the call signs and zaelishit arrived to the shot down american abrams. we examined the tank from the inside and collected samples for the command of the brainchild of the us defense industry. the intelligence officers were not impressed.
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there is nothing ordinary about this tank, as the west, ukraine, praises it. there is nothing cool about this tank. having sat inside it, i can say that it is worse. even our models than the t-90, here is another american armored vehicle, another damaged bmw bradley, instead of the action too, avdeevka direction, in these footage taken by dry shooters, the north, dpr, after a direct hit from a russian shell all that was left of the polish self-propelled gun krab was a rusty, twisted turret; the rest was scattered throughout the surrounding area. they hope to return from the front alive, because of the shell hunger in ukraine, the russians are able to pretend any fears in the ssu into reality. it happened that the throne, kamikaze, caught up with me. i drove the car as fast as i could, trying to get her off the street. sometimes we were under fire for several days. the shells fell so close that
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they left craters next to us. it was a complete nightmare. while bandera's supporters are praying in the hope of surviving, the russian army continues to attack in the avdeevsk direction, orlovka was liberated. fights are taking place in berdychi and tonenkoye. our fighters are advancing in the artyomovsky sector, like this, in this direction, lansed hits a camouflaged ukrainian sau, you can see the ammunition igniting. the footage was filmed in the area of ​​the village of aleksandrova shulta. a little to the north, russian units are advancing for hours, and the military personnel stationed there are complaining about the omnipresence of russian drones. fpv drones are very often used with powerful thermobaric ammunition, very often they use tear gas in order to smoke our fighters out of hiding. the lack of ammunition is probably the biggest problem. and this is the right bank of the dnieper.
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the fighters of the 70th motorized rifle division formed last year on the wings of the artillery and the column of the armed forces of ukraine did not allow the militants to reach their positions. and these impressive shots show the processing of bandera strongholds with incendiary rockets from rszzograd. this is how the ukrainian armed forces’ defense line is destroyed by high-explosive aerial bombs.
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continue russian artillerymen do not experience problems with ammunition on published
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ministry of defense personnel, the gods of war, using stabe howitzers, destroy the ukrainian drone control center. all ears complain that there is nowhere to hide from russian shells. the russian army is demolishing all possible concealments. our command wants us to hold the defense. this is ours here. the construction site went up to the top floor and mobilized a team of workers, in these footage from
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lvov a guy is fleeing from the tsekashniks, whether he managed to escape from zelensky’s cannibals is unknown, well, this cloner from nikolaev was monstrously unlucky, he i rode 750 km on my bike and almost got out of the territory of ukraine; i was caught by border guards some 350 m from the life-saving border with romania. the regime desperately needs new cannon fodder, former head of the polish general staff andrzej csak says that ukraine’s real losses are in the millions, they have problems with uniforms, lack mobilization resources, and of course the reduction in military assistance is affecting them, they do not have more than 10 million people , according to my estimates, losses should be in the millions, not hundreds of thousands, the country has no resources, no one to fight. ordinary europeans do not want to fight with
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russia. politico writes that the attractiveness of military service in nato countries is falling every year. in france, the number of those leaving co-services increased by 6%, to retain soldiers, while neither salary increases nor social programs help, more people left the british army last year. there are 1,500 soldiers from the german bundeswehr, a survey by focus publication showed that less than a third of germans are ready to take up arms for protection. novel by english writer haris, action takes place in the sixty-fourth in alternate history after the victory of nazi germany in world war ii. the novel then immediately became a bestseller in britain ; 3 million copies were sold, the book was translated into 25 languages, and
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a film was made in 1994. but this is a fictional story. 3/4 of the germans surveyed. they don’t trust the defense capabilities of the bundusphere, the ministry of education is introducing a new course in schools in this regard, army recruiters will be sent to the children, that is, hitler, yugin, hello, let me remind you that participation in the youth organization the nsdp began at the age of 10 every year, on march 15, every boy who reached this age was obliged to register with the imperial youth headquarters in the apartment. after a thorough study of information about the child, his family, where special attention was paid to his racial purity, the boy was considered free from shame; in order to be accepted, it was necessary to undergo the so-called test of boys , a medical examination, then followed by a solemn ceremony of admission to the youngest
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age group, youth. ceremony...
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germany to war with russia, in which no one none of us will survive. you just showed
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footage from germany and me. i would like to remind you that today in the duma we returned to the events of twenty-five years ago, to the quarter-century anniversary of the nato attack and the nato war with yugoslavia. so, it was germany in the early nineties that initiated the collapse. the socialist federal republic of yugoslavia, it was the first to recognize croatia as having broken away from yugoslavia. and slavenia, and only then the hegemon got involved and took everything into his own hands. why do we remember this today? and because, in fact, this story in yugoslavia is a rehearsal of what was supposed and, probably, someone dreamed of doing to russia, and could have happened to russia if
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in fact everything had not happened somewhat differently. but in essence we are talking about the fact that the interest of competitors, it was present from the very beginning, when yugoslavia was falling apart, they first said that the will of the people for self-determination was unstoppable, so we must recognize these new independent states, when the serbs came to their senses and become to demand their co-determination in croatia, in bosnia and herzegovina, they were told
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: now the ground is slipping from under the feet of those politicians who bet on russia’s defeat, they are forced to justify themselves, all this is true, but i think it’s a weak point , in all this
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confrontation between our war with the west in ukraine, it is, in fact, not the west, but ukraine itself, the citizens of ukraine themselves, those who were once our fellow citizens, it is they who cannot stand it today, but linz and grem are forcing them, how do you... know, just now, no embarrassed, he said that it is necessary to generally lower the age of those mobilized, why do they only mobilize for war from the age of 27, they need to go to war earlier, why did he say this, he did not say this to the ukrainians, he said this to his voters, the americans, in order to in this situation, to emphasize: we come to ukraine, force them to fight, don’t think that your money is being wasted on armaments, we will force them, they will fight, in this way...
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there is also a noteworthy thesis that immediately after that how lincegrem left and he brought the news is not only about lowering the conscription age, but that money will be given to ukraine on credit, not free of charge, but now only on credit with interest. politico publishes an article on what ukrainians find offensive, lince graeme's thesis, but not on the decline. conscription age, that is , throwing young people to slaughter is not offensive, the ukrainians considered the idea of ​​money on credit offensive,
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everything else is good, he just wants to sell the continuation of the war to the americans themselves under the pretext that now ukraine is for it republicans will be seriously considering the possibility of allocating a loan to ukraine in the amount of $12 billion out of the $60 billion that the biden administration... wants to send to ukraine. sen. linsey graham said he discussed the trump-inspired perspective with ukrainian president volodymyr zelensky during his trip. while the idea has been circulating in congress for weeks, ukrainian officials suggest kiev hasn't been kept in the loop as often and has questions. i have not heard that kiev was offered any specific proposals for such strategy,” said a person close to zelensky’s office, who wished to remain anonymous. but kiev definitely. it would be necessary to know the conditions under which ukraine would not have to return it. in general, however, kiev does not like this idea. it is somewhat offensive to the people here, given
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the security guarantees in compliance. you put your foot wrong, good morning to you, something happened, premiere on rtr, no cell phone, no documents, nothing on him, you don’t have a suspect, there is, no, there is someone, we are going to make arrests, no, no, no, not in library, you are not afraid that i will kill you, you are snetsova, today on rtr. there are places that
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fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. exploring, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty. you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is! as my mother says, will you eat your mind? this world is worth seeing! snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real talisman for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr, i
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decided to move to moscow, why, but you and i will become friends, a good neighbor also found a room, my mother and ochim died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it. maybe you 'll go instead of me, it's someone else's misfortune , they never visited my mother, they took me here, they showed up, i 'm afraid you'll have to come anyway , there's a lawyer here, he wants to talk about the inheritance, she's an investigation, someone else's revenge, the accident was staged, and the suspect you have, i'm scared, a neighbor, really, she's definitely will be revealed, i know, on friday on rtr.
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russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes. come to the international exhibition forum russia, we gathered about ten people in the first group , there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my soldiers came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let's say , my trophy, we had a famine, here
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coming... the grandmother herself is hungry, but she carries this cereal and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who are not indifferent, support me with a word, hello , dear soldier and deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you. what you are doing is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, the united states may approve assistance from kiev by the end of march, bloomberg spoke about this in an interview prime minister of ukraine shmygal, he knows, according to him, the ssu will receive a new batch of weapons any day now. mass deliveries imply a massive presence
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of foreign troops, the ukrainian is sure. propagandist gordon, dmitro pyramid, gordon, was once a healer, he treated his unfortunate people with the help of pyramids, now the sleeping ones see how troops will enter ukraine. nato to defeat russia by the end of the year. french troops will enter ukraine. and not only france, but finnish troops will enter ukraine. and the troops of poland will enter ukraine. and lithuanian troops will enter ukraine. and estonian troops will enter ukraine. and latvian troops will enter ukraine. some people say to me: how do you imagine this? troops, troops there. france in ukraine, and how did you imagine the ussr and us troops in korea, and how did you imagine the ussr and us troops in vietnam, and how did you imagine the us troops in iraq in afghanistan, that someone
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doesn’t know history well or something... what's extraordinary about this? they'll come in, they'll come in and screw up russia like this with the latest weapons, because what's for this.
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biden during this introduction in the senate, he refused to be there at the time, accordingly, because netanyahu
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criticized the nuclear deal then, if anyone doesn’t remember, this upset obama very much, so i’m wondering how all this will line up there, because this story continues, apparently, by the way, today, apparently, the budget approved 12,000 visas for representatives of afghanistan, who accordingly helped to exit. i understand that this will also happen a very interesting question in the next few weeks, this is for those who were not killed, yes this is for those, according to mark milley, many were killed, others were torn to pieces, spoke into pieces once there some tried through catarrh, in short, in fact, the story there to tell with very with great consequences, that’s the peculiarity, you are now reporting so that the ukrainians know that some will be saved when the americans, the americans abandon their own, i remind you that afghanistan is just like a very significant topic, there is a lot on it hearings are underway on this issue, as i would like to remind you now in iraq that the situation is quite specific, in fact, especially in its northern part, so this is not just a statement, because i remind you of part of the charges that are being brought against republicans are concerned
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with the withdrawal from afghanistan, and now all this will be accelerated, because as if the candidates have already decided, but as for the decision, it was not biden who made the decision on the withdrawal, he said that biden personally, yes, the situation there was as follows, his there he warned, as it were, individual law enforcement agencies about what could lead to very serious risks , accordingly, he delayed there, accordingly , the state debt, as it were, a decision on withdrawal, but then they didn’t listen to him, so there seems to be a lot of internal preparation there, and they are personally accused there , and even the pentagon in the past accused the president accordingly, but it is clear that all this will spill out against the backdrop of the well-known election campaign, the situation will intensify, which will happen in parallel, will happen in parallel confrontation with china , why and how it manifests itself, today it flew up, the report flew up, because it became known that 19 billion grants of loans are going to be allocated from the budget directly, as it were, for the construction of a plant in four states, and out of the 100 billion that they are investing there, they are going to return 19 billion of the loan with grants, and another 25, that is, almost 45 billion out of 100, they are going to return with tax deductions, that is, roughly speaking, half of all these expenses will be financed in
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to the extent that the us budget is at this stage , this is bad news, i remind you , because intel’s main competitor is amd, which is taiwan, they are manufactured at tcmc, as a matter of fact, so accordingly it’s kind of a question of how to they will support it, but the economy will be taken away from there, by the way, in principle. should weaken china, and the economy of taiwan is of no interest to anyone in this regard, because its own production is more important, because it has its own jobs, we repeat the thesis that... that the americans are abandoning their own, americans know that xi intends to return taiwan to his native harbor, so biden instructs intel to build a semiconductor plant worth 20 billion billion, which is already 100 billion, but the question is different, that there are approximately four states there, so there are several stages, as it were, here the second stage is only 20, in general more than 100, then the problem is to spend another 100 intel, the problem is the following, the problem is that 30% of these amounts will go directly to construction, to
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concrete, that is, for basic, capital costs, which , in fact, greatly support the economy, and the rest will go to production, by the way, to the purchase of equipment, which in most cases is not produced in the usa, this is an investment in the dutch economy, this is an investment into the economy of japan and at this stage also taiwan, so to the question that this is also part of the electoral process inside, what this leads to, look at the situation in ireland, today is the news of the day, so the irish example is gone, well, you there i am i understand, so talk separately about his seemingly corresponding electoral characteristics and preferences. here, but especially the following, firstly, what are his preferences, the latter, well, he positions himself as a liberal conservative, as it were, but the question is the following, how would this be the last international event at which biden was, i remind you, he was in ireland, so he did all this, immediately after that he went there, what is special about it, and the referendum failed in ireland, accordingly, there the conservatives opposed and failed the referendum, as a result of which sinfein is a party, accordingly the right conservative, which previously did not shake hands at all, accordingly it is now gaining 27%, elections should be on...
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these elections, even if they don’t win march them, they can form a majority there, and this will lead to very serious consequences, because these are very conservative right-wing players who can begin to return the concept of unification at least on economic grounds, this is the main a problem for the conservatives, for the republicans, this could become a very big problem before the elections, in fact in great britain, they at one time wanted to unite with northern ireland, directly, sinfein is both there and there, these are two parties, one in the country, and the other, as it were, in part of the territory of great britain, what does this have to do with the battle for? this has to do with the fact that great britain, as
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the main financial partner, including a military supplier , will do on the eve of its electoral cycle bet on supporting ireland , which will most likely need several billion, before this i remind you, the representative of scotland left, who naturally also became too moderate, china is dealing with the middle east, london is dealing with its own problems, the olympic games are in france, the games are in france, about we already told my wife. there is no one to support ukraine, the question is still about money, we always have to talk about our own, and not about how, well , let’s talk about our own, about money, the problem is the following, from today, well, that is, as of the last two days , there has been a restriction on grain supplies, first of all, this is approximately 4 billion per year, plus or minus, respectively, 2% of all exports, respectively, if we take this corresponding economic year, but the problem will be as follows, the largest suppliers of grain to the european market are naturally ukraine , approximately 19 billion during the year, and the most interesting thing is brazil, if now brazil
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limits and naturally raises the quota, and this is very likely, possible, then as a result brazilians are trying with a certain price shock, because it costs about the same as ukraine, by the way, if you noticed, all these signs are farmers, well, maybe, but not a fact, so i remind you that naturally now it’s like in argentina also has certain problems of complexity, that is, the problem is the following, our grain will save everyone, and so this is our grain with a high degree of probability, as if it will be reoriented 2% - this is not very much. here for the same one, corresponding to brazil and, for example, for the same ukraine, these are very large volumes, for ukraine about a month, respectively , the total volumes, that is, supplies amount to approximately 7.7 billion dollars per month, that is , approximately, respectively, this is the cost as it were accordingly, assistance, if taken in the long term, so from this point of view, of course, the question is how much pre-election companies will reduce quotas, accordingly, this is what became known today, that is, they will will not be reduced, after that they will begin mass actions in poland, i remind you now how... they are going, now everything is starting to be blocked again, that is, if
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no preferences are provided before the elections, and most likely for political reasons this will not happen, we will see in the near future a drop in export revenues , first of all, which are associated specifically with exports to the external perimeter, that is, through the european union, in the direction of hamburg, for example, but the total volumes are estimated right now, not our exports income, our export earnings are 4 billion a year, he said that they are growing, that they are increasing, and we are infinitely proud of this export. agriculture exceeded the export of the military industry, well, weapons, yes, but here it is also clear, because we sell less weapons, we also need them, listen to the president. we must never forget how important the village and the people who work in the village are for us. we are proud of the successes of those who work in agriculture, they are simply incredible, i
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will not list these numbers now, but not yet recently, a couple of decades ago, it turned out that they didn’t even think about it at all. it never occurred to us that we would have an export of agricultural products that would be a multiple of the export of weapons, it never even occurred to us, when we started shipping grain for export, a problem, you know what arose, our ports were adapted to receive grain, and not to ship it, this is a technical problem that arose, now we are the first country. world in terms of wheat exports, it is noteworthy that at the time of these statements russian president putin published an article in politico, and so it finally reveals the true reason for the protests of farmers in europe.
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i will quote: the record volume of agricultural production in russia led to a fall in world crop prices, causing protests from farmers. in europe, informs the politician , that is, putin is to blame again, let's go back, he gets caught somewhere everywhere, either in gas stations, or in the corridor, where to go and what to do , you don't have to ask anyone at all, beg, humiliate yourself and hold out your hands, they will have to we are considered, so, lifting off the ground, taking off, what the technology is beautiful, how much time you devote to the progress of a special military operation is fate for us, it is a matter of life and death. we will be the first to know about it. caught trump. what do you like best? herring under a fur coat or deer? look what's up. alexander grigorievich, but hello. let him go, there are no forces that could hold him. just impressive. hello. after your
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interview, many new questions arose. it's good that they are watching and listening to what i say. first person. volodya, well done, thank you. 3:30 am. of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday to rtr.
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catch it, the fish is big or small, well, in general, you chose the right place , have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins. can something tasty be healthy? i'll try. the level of inflammation decreases and pain decreases. can something useful be pleasant? fantastic. can science be intelligible? a do you make a wish? again. every person in
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any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy. and this lifts the mood. that's for sure. food formulas. on saturday on rtr. i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child. how beautiful you are, i will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me you will never give up masha. even if it is very, very difficult for you,
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it is difficult to keep a secret, no one can take care of you like that. masha, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it’s not yours, well, hello, my love, if you want me to be silent, think about how... to persuade me, i promise to be silent, premiere on saturday on rtr, you dream of a stage, you believe in yourself, the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part in the international popular music competition, new wave, registration , submission of online applications on the website www.newwave. don't miss your chance to become star. the new wave will take you to
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unprecedented heights. the decision to use the proceeds from frozen russian assets, which was made today by the european commission. they stole 3 billion from us. illegally.
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dreams, let me remind you, mr. merce kept talking about bringing war to russia, that’s what the union stands for. in the footsteps of the weakist fdp, strack zimmermann, a black-green coalition of warmongers is formed, which is given to bellicose rhetoric, and others, including the federal chancellor, who, unfortunately, is not here, are accused of defeatism. military rivalry sounds all the more absurd when you consider the deplorable state of her own. you can’t figure it out without brussels, let’s move to the european capital, anastasia popova
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is in direct contact with us, the head of our european bureau. nastya, tell me, if you understand, we honestly don’t really know what kind of murky scheme they came up with - the comrades who are sitting not far from you to steal our money, that is, they leave some interest for themselves there, something like that they are transferring money to ukraine, what kind of money is this, where will they get it? naturally, they will not allow themselves to be offended , barel spoke about this openly, for several weeks they racked their brains over how to finally take away, pinch off not from the capital itself, which is stored in europe, but at least from those interest, unexpected income , as they call it here, how to take this thing away from us, they still came up with a certain scheme, 90% of this money will be transferred to the european peace fund, which... works to continue the war, but of course, itself no offense will be taken, they still took 10% into their budget
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the european union needs to be replenished, because holes have arisen and formed in it, which also need to be plugged somehow, well, if not with russian money, well, as for the tranches, yes, the european commission has actually already agreed on everything, and the first tranche is 1.5 billion and in within the framework of this budget support , calculated at 50 billion, this tranche has already been transferred, while... the same barel, the chief militant diplomat in europe, says that if the states stop supporting ukraine, then europe simply will not have more 50 billion to pull it off it’s a matter of going it alone , naturally, there must be political will for this, russian frozen assets, apparently, but so far there are no such plans, they won’t do it alone, they do what they can, and of course they keep a little bit for themselves, incredibly simple according to macron, please . sexy photos appeared today, his personal photographer published
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controversial pictures of macron fighting with a punching bag, no less, but training, showing his muscles, trying to impress the french with at least something, at least somehow, because his speech is no at least it doesn’t give an adequate impression, it’s still the same eternal swing, now they bring in, now they don’t bring in troops, today. some data has appeared that troops should still be sent, but not to ukraine itself, but somewhere so that they stand on the border in order to free up additional resources of the ukrainian army, contradictory data, the french military themselves say that it is unlikely that there will be at least brigade in order to send there, not to mention the fact that there is still no support in society for such steps, as macron did not convince that russia poses
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an existential threat to france, but so far they still don’t believe in it, although they are still really afraid of russia, because the propaganda and brainwashing is very strong, but still they don’t believe macron and no one is fighting in he doesn’t want to go to ukraine, and even the europeans still don’t all support him and say that, after all , the statements are quite absurd, because they raise, or rather take, the conflict to a completely new level, and all this threatens with sad consequences for europe itself, but while macron is getting ready. conducts such a public campaign, in the media, on social networks , he actively talks about it, gives interviews, returns to this topic every time, but those french journalists who question this step of his, macron’s critics are now actively called russian agents, and french journalists with quite a lot of experience, now such
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a witch hunt has already begun within the french press, because another... thank you very much, anastasia popova, chief of our european bureau, returning to your words about the participation of nato troops in the war, great britain does not intend to fight shoulder to shoulder with the ukrainian armed forces in ukraine, the prime minister’s representative just said to tas. as for macron, he is afraid early, because we do not yet pose an existential threat to paris, but as soon as the first...
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it seems to me that most likely we are talking about the fact that france will try to implement the plan to introduce some contingents through romania-moldova, not to the territory of ukraine, but precisely in order to get closer, swing in favor of the current president, well, for god’s sake, in favor of resolving the transnistrian conflict, there are sausages, this is also not easy, in france we saw the story of how they stood over the map of ukraine, something about the dnieper is important, they reason. when our president discusses ukraine, well, it’s clear that he’s just in the know, he knows the whole history, yes , that is, what the history of ukraine is, it’s essentially the history of russia, that is, the milestones of betrayal in the history of russia, mazepa, petlyura, bandera, zelensky, that’s it, that’s the whole history of ukraine, and he stands there with a smart look, days about this is important, people there speak ukrainian, well , in fact, but oles gonchar, olesya ukrainka, and shevchenko, what are you talking about? well, this is not about that , the dnieper is important, it was the 17th century, this is
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1654, this is the pereslavl rada, this is the faceted chamber of the kremlin, where the reunification took place. they say: it’s there, beyond the zbruch, the so-called kirzon line, western ukraine, galicia, you’re talking about it, and he’s climbing into the dnieper, which now, well, let’s say, doesn’t play in ukraine, that’s political separation, yes, it’s all about the harness, they want to go in, but they don’t understand where to go, today shmygal said, yes, that they didn’t surrender the village because there aren’t enough shells, that there really are shells, here’s the outline of the offensive by june they were prepared, they had everything, then there was not enough,
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they had a lot of shells, everything was tanks, all this was destroyed, that is, not only shells. ramstein passed by just now, and a couple of days ago, somehow unnoticed, although this is already the twentieth anniversary of ramstein, right there discussed these shells for ukraine, they said by june, but let me remind you that 3 months ago they promised these shells by march. nothing on him, you don’t have a suspect , there is, no, there is someone, we’re going to arrest him, no, no, no, not to the library, you’re not afraid that i ’ll kill you, vysnetsova, today on rtr,
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no need to see him make an appointment, it's a joke, he'll come to the house himself. we are starting, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take it correctly medicine, always supportive, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pot of dumplings, or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, sleeps like a child sleeps. but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health.
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doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. i found you a job. three two lessons a week, russian literature, well, look at the weekend, there are nuances, please love and favor, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, you now she looks more like a girl in love than a teacher, she learned this lesson too late, and what are you doing here, and i was released today under an amnesty, where is the first thing here, beloved cabs, after all? married, but it doesn’t matter, get out of here, and now you’ll immediately leave, or i, or what, i didn’t kill anyone,
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believe me, teacher, on saturday on rtr, for me he didn’t leave. i can't accept it, i can't let it go. boris goracevsky in the memories of his beloved, and this is the last gift from him, when did he give them? this last was on march 8th, from that moment i have not been idle. they had a very funny story behind these earrings. he gave me a soft toy, and i didn’t immediately notice; the toy had earrings on its ears. and in the hearts of close friends. when i look at this woman, i am heavy, by the way.
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why, and you and i will become friends , a good neighbor found a room, my mother died so much in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe you’ll go instead of me, it’s someone else ’s problem, they never visited my mother, then they took her and they showed up, i'm afraid you'll have to come anyway, there's a lawyer here, she wants to talk to the investigation.
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it will be very, very difficult, it’s difficult to keep a secret , no one can take care of masha as much as you do, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it’s not yours, well, hello, my love, do you want to keep me silent, think about how to persuade me. i promise to remain silent, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, i found you a job, six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, we look at the weekend, there is a nuance, i ask you to love and favor me, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now we are more like a girl in love than a teacher, she learned this lesson.
11:00 am
on the russia channel, evgeniy roshkov hosts in the studio. hello, the main thing is for this hour. numerous explosions in kiev, the target was ukrainian military factories, our lancets.


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