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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  March 21, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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a very intricate, what is called a political technology trick, while the former us president trump himself successfully passed the montreal test for cognitive abilities, designed to identify signs of early dementia, there were no signs, but his competitor biden did not, did not pass the test and refused to take it publicly. in this regard, donald’s team collected and posted a video with everyone on social networks today.
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the behind-the-scenes struggle, so to speak, between political and spiders, it continues, it is feverish, it is feverish for many, here recently the next meeting of the only regime preserved in europe, security, this is the osce forum for security cooperation, our delegation is constantly working there, trying to convey, the only channel left is trying to convey objective information. what’s going on, she reported, she reported, she constantly reports, by the way , all this causes a very interesting reaction, now it causes, if before it was irritation, then resistance, now it began to cause at the last meeting very significant, simple hysterics, just unmotivated psychological breakdowns and the complete silence of the ukrainian delegation, that is , everyone is a little bit in such paralysis, and what does this mean, it means that there is some kind of slippage. serious
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plans, and our last elections, as they say, clearly showed that all those plans that, so to speak, the calculation was taken, and these are plans to exert triple pressure on russia, simultaneous, that is, on the one hand, to impose sanctions, economic and financial pressure, on the other hand, so to speak, to encourage what is called ukraine to take military action against russia, use it as military-political, military-technical, simply military.
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social possible outcome here, this is how they will apparently take action with this dual course, look at what is being done, it means that all these words from salinov, that ukraine will be considered that it has won if independence, sovereignty, and the ability to resist are preserved, but this is from the evil one , this is from the evil one, this already suggests that some sketches are underway, some, so to speak, elaboration of possible potential solutions. yes, everything about this is public so to speak, it is not spoken, but the subtext is obvious, but there is a lot at stake, reputational risks are at stake, they are practically driving the western elites into a corner, they have already driven themselves, because they have invested in ukraine financially, economically, politically, reputationally , and military-technically, whatever they invested now, to lose face, for them it will be tantamount to political. this is well
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understood, so to speak, by certain components of the elite, the most sober analysts, so they go, so to speak, some forwarding, but what to do in these conditions? continue to put pressure on russia on the one hand, but here they are already faced with taking into account mobilization, which was demonstrated not with the russian army, which has sharply increased in strength, not with putin, but they are faced with the russian people, and this is a completely different situation, mobilized people who strictly follow this course, and for them this is a completely new reality that they must take into account, this is the first, second,
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by the way, and in vienna at sobe, yes, that means at the security cooperation forum there were constant forwardings like, no , they will enter, no, they will not enter, and if they enter, they will stand near belarus, enter through romania into moldova, and then, incomprehensibly, enter odessa, so the french diplomats themselves have already become there,
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so to speak, joke on the sidelines that we had a seta berezyana, a well-known fact, yes, when napoleon fled in 1918, and now we will have a seta desa.
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it’s good that nato has expanded, and it clearly said there, it’s good that nato has expanded, what it brought us super-democracy, and that we are united by common democratic goals, and that nato is , first of all, not a military-political alliance, but a bearer of democratic foundations, no more, no less. and a clear call at the end of the article: ukraine must join nato, this is it. the purpose of the operation on ukraine , here you go, which means these goals have not been removed from the agenda, and of course we understand that this is , so to speak, the minister of foreign affairs of the czech republic, but nevertheless, nevertheless, this should be taken into account, and how are we doing here? what to do in these conditions, but how to continue our consistent course, which
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has been clearly stated, to increase our capabilities, bearing in mind that while driving this strategic impasse into ourselves, nevertheless, for a long time ... the western elites will continue to play with us, trying to use, among other things, so-called organizational weapons, that is , weapons aimed at preventing russia’s powerful potential from being fully used, the main thing here is that we, too , will last for a long time, yes, yes, of course, our economy, our passion, including our mobilization, once in history, repeatedly in history, they demonstrated the ability for our long will.
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stronger, uh, excuse me for such a powerful word, then our long-term opponents, so to speak, will have practically no chance in historical terms.
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for me he didn’t leave, i can’t accept it , i can’t let him go, boris goracevsky, in the memories of my beloved, and this is the last gift from him, when he gave them, this last one was on march 8, from that moment i have not been idle with him , they had... very funny these earrings have a story, he gave me a soft toy, and i didn’t immediately pay attention, the toy had earrings on its ears in the hearts of close friends, when i look at this woman, heavy, by the way, i understand that you have a lot in common with grachevsky, on my sixty-fifth birthday, boryad gives me this sculpture, i say: oh, you’re giving me a woman, something, he says, well, you’re black pankratov... so i’m giving you a black one, this is black humor, he was always some kind of person, walking
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through the sunny country of life, and especially not alone, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, i decided to move to moscow, why, and you and i will become friends. a good neighbor found a room, my mother and my son died in an accident, i can’t do it, i can’t stand it, maybe you can go instead of me , it’s someone else’s problem, they never visited my mother , they took it and showed up, i’m afraid that you will have to come anyway, there’s a lawyer here, she’s the investigation , she wants to talk, she’s the investigation, it’s someone else’s revenge, the accident was faked, and you have a suspect, am i scared? neighbor, however, she will definitely open up, i know, on friday
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rtr, you dream of a stage, you believe in your strength, the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite you. young gifted performers to take part in the international popular music competition new wave, registration, submission of online applications on the website, do not miss your chance to become a star, the new wave will lift you to unprecedented heights. so, italian prime minister giorgia miloni said that rome does not support macron’s proposal for the possible
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sending of nato troops to ukraine, as reported by the italian agency, prime minister stated this while speaking in parliament on the eve of the eu summit, she herself behaved strangely, tried to hide her head in her jacket, made faces in her homeland in italy, while at the same time being grandiose. scandal involving prime minister meloni, a pornographic video with her participation appeared on the internet, they say it’s a diff, but as they say. exactly. the italian prime minister is demanding damages of 100,000 euros after pornographic videos of her appeared on the internet . deepfakes are images or videos in which the face of one person, in this case george and miloni, is digitally superimposed onto the body of another. the two
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suspects are accused of libel, which under italian law can result in a prison sentence. according to the indictment, the videos, dating back to 2022, before miloni was appointed prime minister, were posted on a us pornography site where they were viewed millions of times within months. if her claim is successful, ms. miloni will donate 100,000 euros to a fund to support women who are victims of male violence, said her lawyer. the head of our european bureau, anastasia popova, is in direct contact. nastya, is it fake or true, what does the official version look like? well, despite, i don’t know, but many say that depipheus is actually very easy to distinguish, since it is made like a bad photoshop, it is visible to the naked eye, and you don’t need to be a special specialist for this, the point is simply that in italy there is such an article that allows you to sue
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a person who had insulted his dignity, and here everything seemed to come together and miloni is not... the first time she has filed a lawsuit and has every chance of winning, since her face was really used, or at least women similar to her, back in that moment when she was an mep until she became prime minister and this happened about 4 years ago, this video actually existed for several months, well, for fans, in fact , the person who created it was a forty-year-old italian who used in fact, his own internet and his phone to create this video, and then he uploaded it to the network, in fact, this is how the italian police got on his trail, two people are involved in the case, he and his seventy-three-year-old father, but the father was attracted only insofar as the internet was registered in his name, but in reality, as they say, he had nothing to do with this, but as for miloni, yes, she was really very offended
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by this matter, but nevertheless, knowing that she had every chance. to win the case, she will leave the money not for herself, not for the italian economy, not even to spend on the military-industrial complex, but to help victims of violence. i must say that such deep fakes appear quite regularly, it happened with boris johnson, and nancy pilosi, if you remember, also appeared in deep fakes, it seemed as if she was drunk, but nevertheless they did not submit therefore, the case did not go further to court, but here is milonya. a very touchy lady, for her it was a matter of honor, well , now the video no longer exists, but nevertheless the process is still underway. thank you very much, nastya, head of our european bureau, anastasia popova. please, you know, i would be glad if the idea of ​​a war between europe and russia , which is constantly expressed by european
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politicians, also seemed like a deep fake, a deep fake, because in fact, this is the real thing. pornography, but we hear this more and more often, unfortunately, and this is essentially the main narrative in european politics that we will have to fight with the russians, about ukraine, in fact already in fact, they forgot, it’s not about ukraine anymore, because it’s constantly said that the russians won’t stop in ukraine, well, this means that the issue with ukraine has already been sort of resolved, the europeans think what’s next, that is... it’s immediately difficult move, but in fact i don’t treat this as a joke, because
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if a gun is hanging on the wall in the first act, then in the last it can fire when the europeans are constantly... what other options will there be? trump also plays a role here, because europe has the feeling that they will be abandoned by trump wins, abandons them, then they are generally face
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to face with the russians, and this is also a factor that causes them - additional emotions, poor macron, biden confused him with the meteran, and what will happen to trump? i think that trump may not even shake his hand at all, and this also affects their behavior. affects their psychology, in fact this is a big problem, because they actually don’t leave us much space and much choice, that is, when we constantly hear that we have to fight the russians there outwit the russians, maybe somehow achieve negotiations now in order to gain time and prepare for war with the russians, well, how should we react to this? we are preparing, well, in this regard, macron, you know, like milonya , are politicians, modern european politicians, for whom reality is mixed with virtuality, they do not even realize what they are talking about. zelensky in this regard, by the way, is an even more striking example of this kind of history. in general, he is an actor who
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probably doesn’t even understand where the role is, where the role is not, where the truth is, where the truth is. for macron, for me it seems that these words about war are some kind of computer game that can be replayed, but this is not a game. and i don’t know, if french troops now find themselves in ukraine, and before the olympics in paris coffins go to france, will this have some kind of sobering effect? well, it’s a big question, but maybe it will be like this, although i really wouldn’t like it, or the situation will worsen, on the contrary , the russians are so aggressive that coffins are sent to france, which means we all need to unite, maybe so, maybe so, but still, i hope, i hope that maybe some kind of sobering effect will happen when they start, the french, the citizens of france will begin to realize that this is not a computer game or a performance, this is a real story with real corpses of the french, we’ll come back later. .. minutes: i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child, how beautiful you are, i
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will miss you, irina antonovna is dying, in what sense is she dying, promise me, you will never give up masha , even if it will be very... very difficult for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take such care of masha, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it’s not yours, well, hello, my love , if you want me to be silent, think about how persuade me, i...
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you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's see, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, agreement sign, we sign at the same time for one two three, we sign, we look, we look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, you
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’re watching 100 to one, what’s our task , open the whole board, we’ll handle it, if you ask, then with the underside, the name of which character from the works of pushkin, everyone knows as much as anyone. 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who is at work, talks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, no, pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set of headaches, don’t let me god, now, if you win, then... and 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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i found you a job, six lessons a week , three of two, russian literature, well, look at the weekend, there is a nuance, i ask you to love and favor, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now you look more like a girl in love, than on the teacher, she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and they sent me here? teacher on saturday on rtr.
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and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch substation, the first podcasts we watch, there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible. yes, you already
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understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is; there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say it's done right bukhara. the knife became a real amulet for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. the russian ministry of defense has just confirmed a massive early morning missile attack on kiev. the mik-31 interceptor crew was successfully hit with the help of kinzhal hypersonic missiles, as stated.
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decision-making of the enemy, high-precision long-range weapons of the russian aerospace forces worked out at bases, logistics at points of temporary deployment of forces, a special operation of foreign mercenaries of the armed forces of ukraine. stay with us, bye! beloved, beloved, darling!
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russian national music award victoria. the competition is great. all the artists who say they are tired of medals, of titles, are lying, because it is terribly pleasant, so thank you very much. award ceremony. on friday on rtr. on the russia vesti channel, in the studio evgeniy roshkov, hello, the main thing for this hour. belgorod was again fired upon by nato vampires. one of the battered ukrainian shells
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detonated. after the election results are tallied, what is the final result? we've been waiting for this road for 30 years, opened access from the capital of bashkiria to the federal highway m5. previously, it took about 40 minutes to cover this entire path, but now you can do it in 10. let’s appreciate the convenience. and the soyuz spacecraft is already at the start of baikanur. we are waiting for the countdown during our broadcast. five people were injured in
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belgorod from new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the city was attacked in the morning. at about 8 o'clock, when residents were on their way to work, air defense systems destroyed 10 rockets in the sky by the czech rszzo vampire, dozens of apartments and private houses were damaged, windows were broken in sports complex belgorod arena. our correspondent alexander rivunov now talks about the situation in the city. air raid signal, cannonade again destroys residential areas of belgorod. the air defense responded to... a volley of ukrainian vampires, but there are consequences on the ground: more than thirty apartments were damaged in six panels. one of the broken ukrainian shells detonated on the technical floor of a belgorod high-rise building in a residential area. explosive experts have already examined this area, all dangerous elements have been removed, and now
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builders here are starting to eliminate the consequences shelling. the armored stained glass windows of the belgorod arena sports complex mostly stood under the blast wave, but holes from metal fragments disfigured the front facade. was inside at the time of the explosion. there is practically no central entrance , here is the administrative building, my office, the secretary's offices, they are not there, everything is broken, well , the damage to the glass is about 20 percent , this is one of the most expensive pleasures, well,
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the equipment, the equipment is very expensive, rocket debris fell on roadway, traffic was temporarily blocked, explosion the power line was damaged, 500 belgorod residents were left without electricity. as a result of the morning shelling , five belgorod residents received shrapnel wounds; operational services continue to work at the arrival sites; a special commission has already begun recording the damage caused. in apartments damaged by shelling, repair crews are temporarily closing the thermal circuit while film is taken, measurements are taken, and in a couple of days here... they will install new double-glazed windows. fragments of ukrainian ammunition fell on educational institutions today, but with today early holidays began in the region, and tomorrow the sending of belgorod children to holiday camps and sanatoriums and boarding houses in our country will begin. alexander ivanov,
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andrey kutsov and mikhail shum. vesti, belgorod region. the ministry of defense publishes a video of the destruction of ukrainian saboteurs in the regions of ukraine bordering the belgorod region. this is footage of objective control of a precision weapon strike. forest plantation, where the militants tried to take refuge and hide their military equipment. the positions of the neo-nazis were eliminated, and this is filming of pre-emptive strikes by aviation, artillery, grouping of troops from the west at the point of temporary deployment of an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group. concentrations of foreign mercenaries and the 105th terrestrial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of velikaya pisarevka, yamnaya, lukashevka and aleksandrovka were hit by fire. region, the enemy lost up to thirty militants, three pickup trucks, as well as a czech-made vampire multiple launch rocket system combat vehicle. fsb officers prevented terrorist attacks today against our military in the belgorod region.
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we work, we work. here is footage from the scene of operational actions. as the department said, an explosive device for sabotage was found on the suspect; he himself admitted during interrogation that in february of this year. through messenger he contacted the ukrainian special services and passed on to them the coordinates of the location of army units. i joined the russian volunteer service. and the corps under their auspices planned to carry out attacks in the city of valuiki using explosives. russian aerospace forces dealt a massive blow to ukrainian decision-making centers. powerful explosions occurred this night in kiev itself in the kiev region. as clarified, the russian ministry of defense used high-precision long-range air-launched weapons, including kinja hypersonic missiles. rear warehouses and special forces bases
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of foreign mercenaries were also hit. all strike targets achieved. in the avdeevsky direction , the village of tonenkoye was liberated. the settlement came under the control of our troops thanks to the actions of the center group of troops. in donetsk, a unit of the southern group occupied more advantageous positions and the alibastrovy railway station. operators of russian afpivi drones hit the robotic platform. these unmanned vehicles were provided to kiev by germany. at the pier of the odessa port plant , a ukrainian patrol ship was hit by a lancet loitering munition, at the kulbagin airfield, it was in nikolaev that the lancet successfully attacked an airplane. in the presidential elections , citizens supported the current political course, and the voting results showed that russia is confident in itself in your future. vladimir putin stated this in his address to the russians following the results of the election. the president emphasized that citizens’ proposals
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will be taken into account, national projects and country development programs will definitely be implemented. dear citizens of russia, dear friends, today the official voting results for the presidential elections in russia have been summed up. the election campaign, which is extremely important for our country’s society and citizens, has ended. each candidate had their own. approach to solving specific problems, all constructive proposals, all we will definitely use the ideas that resonated with voters in our common work in the interests of the country’s development. the past campaign was intense and extremely responsible, because by and large we were choosing the path that russia would take next, choosing the future for ourselves and our children. and significant...
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as always, you acted clearly, competently,
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on the principles of transparency and in strict accordance with the law; in our historical territories, members of election commissions were an example for voters, showing courage and courage. dear friends, i thank you all for your trust, i will do everything in my power to justify it. i understand that this... level of trust increases responsibility for russia, for the well-being of our people, and requires even greater commitment and efficiency from me personally and from our entire team. we will do everything to ensure that the large-scale national projects and programs that i recently spoke about in detail in my message are implemented. the elections showed that russia today is one big, friendly family. let's go. together according to our chosen and historical
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paths, confident in themselves, in their abilities and their future. thank you. and today the election results were confirmed by the election commission center. according to the final data, the current head of state won a record 87.28% of the votes . the turnout was almost 77.5%, a record in the country's recent history. at the same time , the election process took place under conditions of simply unprecedented pressure from the west; more than 12 million didosatak were recorded from them alone. our observer alexei petrov has the final figures. the 163rd meeting is historic on the agenda it is unanimously adopted one question about the results of the presidential elections , vladimir vladimirovich putin was elected president of the russian federation.
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there was already a well-known turnout in the hall for the final protocols from all over the country and from abroad. we have our own position that we will develop and we will do it in the way we think is right. the financial report of vladimir putin's campaign headquarters was prepared as quickly as possible. we had no room for error, this mobilized us so much that the financial report was submitted to the third day before the announcement of the result of the official elections; according to the law,
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30 days are required for this work. it is worth noting that at foreign polling stations, despite the anti-russian rhetoric of western elites and pressure. in this company it was important to declare the agenda of modernity, aspirations for the future, which he stated, and we know that the president of russia listens very carefully to the fact that he has support in society, today around president putin around russia, a new global the majority, and this is not the anglo-saxon world
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, these are the countries of the global south, these are latin america, these are the countries of the african continent, most of... the countries of greater eurasia, an example of pressure and more than 420 thousand hacker attacks on the dec system, which were repelled during the elections, the voting results did not have to be canceled at any polling station, the central election commission emphasizes. the counting of votes is completed, the elections are already being called the most important stage in the life of the country. they took place despite a barrage of cyber attacks and became another confirmation true sovereignty of russia. alexey petrov, yana streblyanskaya, anna kolok, victor comes. anton kasimovich, news. and one more thing: the results of the presidential elections in our country have become the most popular query on the google platform. experts from the american institute of public opinion gelop analyzed the search engines of russia , the usa, britain and ukraine, and found that in just one day, starting march 17,
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117 million requests were received in a variety of languages, which , by the way, is twice as much as their number in the results of the presidential in the usa in 2020, and of course, this demonstrates simply unprecedented interest in the russian vote. after a short pause there will be a lot more news, but the main thing is live, we are watching the launch of the soyuz-25 spacecraft from baikanur, so don’t miss it, do you want to put your foot wrong, good morning to you, what happened? premiere on rtr. no cell phone, no documents, nothing on it , you don’t have a suspect, there is, no, there is someone, we’re going to arrest, no, no, no, not to the library, you’re not afraid that i’ll kill you, you snetsova, today at rtr
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, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to the house himself, we ’ll start, he will always help, we will train on how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma , how to take medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard. knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. you will be happy, but not happy i guarantee that your health will definitely increase.
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doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr, i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child. how beautiful you are, i will miss you. irina antonovna is dying, in what sense? she is dying, promise me, you will never leave masha, even if it will be very, very hard for you, keeping a secret is difficult, no one can take care of masha as much as you do, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it... is not yours, well, hello, my love, if you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me, i promise to be silent, the premiere is on
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saturday on rtr, i don’t understand why i’m here, really, you killed my father, you tried to take my inheritance, you deceived me. why did you introduce yourself with someone else's name? my friend asked me, what is this crime? yes, she is my neighbor, it was alice who set you up, right? i will definitely get to the bottom of the truth, understand? dig! neighbor, on friday on rtr.
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what do you like best? herring under a fur coat or olevye? look what's up? alexander grigorievich, hello, let me in him, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, your hello, hello, after your interview there are a lot of new questions, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say in the first person. volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i should always have a connection. moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others. thanks a lot. go to rtr on sunday. on
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air, we continue to release an exploration well at the pioneer ordnik in the amur region, where 13 miners were trapped underground, drilled third, 88 m of the required 262 were completed. at the same time, the second drilling rig was launched. they plan to lower it into the hole on purpose. cameras to assess the situation. the rock collapse turned out to be 20 times larger than expected. initially, the figure was 9,000 cubic meters, but today it became known that it has grown to almost 200,000. search work is going on around the clock. rescuers are removing rock from the mine, pumping out water and erecting concrete lintels to prevent another collapse. but more than 200 people are working at the scene of the emergency, relatives miners. trucks are waiting to pass on
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the georgian military road; traffic there is blocked due to bad weather. krasnoyarsk is covered in snow today. all special equipment was brought out on the road for cleaning. a large number of accidents due to snowfall in yakutia. traffic on some roads is difficult. and in this footage, a rescuer pulls a resident of odintsovo out of snow captivity. his. fell asleep in the garage, the roof collapsed under the weight of the snow, the weather worsened in the irkutsk region, strong winds came to the region for several days. preparations are underway in novosibirsk for when big water arrives, sappers undermine the ice on its channels. in the chelyabinsk region, where a record amount of snow fell this winter, about 1 m of ice has already been blown up. about 50 settlements may be in the flood zone. and right now we are receiving footage of a live broadcast from roscosmos from the baikanur cosmodrome, where
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the manned spacecraft soyuz ms-25 is preparing for launch.
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spoke about preparations for the upcoming rsp congress and invited the president to take part in the forum, well, the meeting began with words of congratulations on the occasion of a convincing victory putin in the elections. meet to discuss our current issues and, no less important, the prospect of interaction between the visions of entrepreneurs, the government, the administration, with all the authorities, so to speak, in order to jointly determine. future work in the most important areas for business, i propose to do this today, but first i would like to ask your opinion on how, in general , the environment in which our business community operates is currently shaping up. year back at our congress, we discussed in detail the issues of accelerating the return of russian
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business to their native harbor, and we proposed a whole ... a number of bills, regulations that would speed up this process, as a result, we are now all systemic solutions that will speed up the return to russian jurisdiction from various offshore international companies that become russian international companies, this work has actually been done, there are some finishing touches left, about a billion rubles will be sent by the government to support industrial mortgages.
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including preferential lending to agricultural producers, in order not to slow down the momentum, we have increased funding this year and will additionally provide subsidies that will go towards field work of almost 20 billion rubles. such funds will allow entrepreneurs to purchase everything necessary for a successful sowing campaign, such as agricultural machinery, mineral fertilizers, fuel, and seeds. as of today, fertilizing with azimakh has been carried out on an area of ​​7.2. hectares, about a million hectares are sown with spring crops, this is double ahead of last year's pace. the entire sown area this year will be 84.5 million hectares, which is 3,000 hectares more than last year. in the twenty-fourth year , the government allocated 20 billion rubles to support new loans. including 7 billion for preferential short-term loans
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directly for sowing. the west is now ... skinning all the principles of the global market economy, which it itself once actively implemented, and the clearest example is the unprecedented sanctions against everyone who defends their independence. about it sergei lavrov spoke today during negotiations with his serbian colleague. the head of our foreign ministry noted that in addition to discussing bilateral issues of interaction on international platforms, the ministers plan to attend a football match between our teams in the evening. such meetings? strengthen the foundations of the international sports movement and fully comply with the principles of olympism, which in recent years have been subjected to very serious tests, not least in connection with the position of the international olympic committee. we think it is unacceptable to politicize sport, although this
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line of the west, with the support of international officials... uses brute force. there are plenty of recruits on the streets, pulled out of parked cars in handcuffs and sent to military units. in the west of ukraine, in ternopil , summonses are issued even by construction workers during the working day, in shostka. this is the sumy region, employees of the shopping center beat up someone who did not want to fight right on the street, and another incident occurred in the courtyard of a residential building in poltava, in chernivtsi, men in military uniform forcibly dragged
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a passerby into a minibus while the police looked on indifferently. in ufa , traffic was launched along the so-called eastern exit; it conveniently connected the city with the federal highway m5 ural, the project. which included a tunnel and a bridge became one of the most expensive infrastructure projects in the republic in a decade, from ufa, reporting by murat zaripov. the first cars drive into the tunnel, a historical moment without exaggeration, perhaps the main long-term construction project in bashkiria, an object that began to be built 32 years ago, today it’s official launched, people with special competencies. were recruited in order to implement this project, so in principle there was project documentation, we studied it, despite all the sanctions, sanction pressure that was there, we were still able to find ways to resolve all
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the issues and today we are launching the movement. the tunnel bridge and highways, the total length of the facility, which was called the eastern exit, is almost 14 km, and its cost exceeded 40 billion rubles. one of the largest infrastructure projects only in the republic, but throughout everything. volga federal district, it was possible to implement it within the framework of the national project for safe and high-quality roads, and this is one of the successful examples of effective public-private partnership; for a passenger car, the fare will be 100 rubles. this is approximately the middle of the new route, from here it is about 6 km to the central part of ufa, the same distance to the exit to the m5 federal highway. previously, it took about 40 minutes to cover this entire path, but now you can do it in 10. the implementation of the project became possible, including thanks to the support of the russian government and a set of measures to advance the development of regions. the launch of the eastern exit will not only increase transport accessibility and relieve congestion on the streets of ufa, but also open up new prospects for housing construction in the city. we
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are working on this to provide water, gas, electricity, so the urban planning potential here is somewhere around 5-6, these are our first estimates, 5-6 million square m2. well, consider this, about 20,000 people could easily live here comfortable. and this is only the first stage of construction; the next one is planned to connect the eastern exit with another federal highway m-7 volga. murat zaripov, sergey shelepin, zemfir abzalov, news from ufa. immediately after the big news, today is the premiere episode of vasnetsov’s detective melodrama, the murder of an accountant of the amber company of a sixteen-year-old boy, the harmfulness of his superiors, problems with children and troubles in his personal life, but breaking major vasnetsov is not so easy. new series today. can't miss it in the evening, but the news continues follow developments, so stay with us!


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