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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  March 21, 2024 11:20pm-2:05am MSK

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we’ll comb the area, and why are you one of the cops, all the normal people have been congratulating and celebrating women for a long time, damn, i forgot my phone there, where in the apartment, well, sclerosis, old age, beckoning crept up unnoticed, and, by the way, write it down , new york, that new york , this is a city, this is a state, a village,
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well, we’re going, it’s time to congratulate the women, well , let’s go, now we’ll wait, let’s go, guys, guys, there’s some guy on the forest floor, covered in blood .
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you have to be such idiots, how could it be possible, the apartment cannot be closed, the stairs are not check the homicide department, i’m telling you, but the villain was detained, when you finally learn to work, well, how could a woman be.
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to send one there, well, viktor ivanovich, well, who knew that he would return there? zoykin's outfit? suits you? hello, nikolai petrovich, why here? the table is still not set, i warned you in the morning that i would come , it’s somehow not fun at your place, you could at least give me a flower, nikolai petrovich, thank you, yeah, how could it be, viktor ivanovich, but what’s so terrible what happened, how what, how what? what, the case is solved, the villain is caught?
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there are his prints on the axe, there is blood on the clothes, everything is in perfect order, yes, but your clothes are not in order, throwing away your coat when you are going crazy will do the trick, we have more serious problems, what else? viktor ivanovich, the zonal officer has arrived, to check the buttons, what kind of buttons are, general greetings, viktor ivanovich , gather the personnel, let everyone be in uniform, i will inspect for compliance with the standard, in what sense, but here our criminal judicial supervision in the city court has dissuaded in the schultz case, yes, by the way, they made a good excuse, it doesn’t matter, management. i watched a report from the courtroom on tv and discovered that the senior prosecutor was missing a button on his shoulder strap, and it was simply not visible from under his collar, it doesn’t matter, it’s still not in order , it should be visible, we all urgently went to the districts to do a uniform review
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clothes, let's start with shvetsova, and why are you sitting here quickly interrogating the villain by the air force, just a minute, why , in fact, have not yet interrogated the detainee, they were waiting for a lawyer, but there was no lawyer , yeah, here, i’m in the temporary detention center, they can’t live without me start, i'll be back, you noticed, not a single one congratulated anyone on march 8, why do you buevich remember that the table will be set, uh-huh, nikolai petrovich came for a free drink, mash, today is only the seventh, tomorrow we will congratulate you all, well smile, vinokurov , leave her alone, if you want, i’ll smile at you, if you want, yes, smile as much as you want, i don’t forbid you, listen, masha, straight into the puddle, yes, straight into the puddle,
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masha, oh, vinokurov, runaway, congratulate her from rvd, let's march with pleasure. a terrible sentence, the tv star found himself in prison, the reality show participant will spend the next year and a half behind bars. the celebrity’s mother is sure that it’s all his ex-wife’s fault, who is taking revenge and demanding millions. live on friday on rtm.
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who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved , you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, repin, the whole team, only on the platform, look, good morning, my loved ones, my voice sounds only for you, my heart.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov in sunday on rtr. i found you a job , six lessons a week, three of two, russian literature, well, look at the weekend, there is a nuance, i ask you to love and favor, nothing like that, yes, it’s better to learn from other people’s mistakes, now you
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look more like a girl in love, than on the teacher, she learned this lesson too late, what are you doing here, and i... they released me today under an amnesty with her , the first thing they will come here is love me , actually, i’m married, anyway, get out of here and you’ll immediately leave or i? or what? i didn't kill anyone. to ourselves believe. teacher. on saturday on rtr. do you dream about the stage, do you believe in your strength? the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part in the popular international competition. music new wave registration submission of online applications on the website
11:31 pm don't miss your chance to become a star. the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. you were completely stunned in your law office, weren’t you? even we don’t put women on duty on holidays, no one was shocked, uvarov is on duty today, yeah, i’m on my own i asked, why, to see you , are you kidding, i decided to combine business with pleasure, at the same time go to see my husband, well, well, get your ditch, let's go. kanavkin, this is the duty lawyer, you don’t mind if she defends you.
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what is he, a policeman? no, what are you saying, they took off his clothes for examination, he was covered in blood, they changed his clothes, what happened? well, kanavkin, sit down, sit down, sit down. yeah, you don't mind if i defend you, huh? what do i need, i need to go, i need to, i need to, i need to go, where you, right here, yeah, i'm afraid of him, let me out, this door, let me out, open it, but it hurts, it hurts, it hurts, yes, yes, what
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is this, well, i really need it, i need it. uh-huh, petka will sit here, uh-huh, olga is here, i guess don’t touch me here, so, uh-huh, zoya , wow, i’m off, are you leaving, are you breaking away from the team, by the way, yes, shvitsova. the working day is not over, i ’m not letting you go, and i’m not asking for time off, listen, i’m rude, i’m rude, that’s it, i don’t want to work anymore, that’s enough,
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today, i don’t want to work at all, but how will you go, what will you wear? that's right, masha , they say you're drunk, you tumbled in puddles , your clothes are in disrepair, for sure, and they also say that you didn't come here to check your uniform, but to drink vodka for free, yes , well, dima came for me, wait , i 'll accompany you. “oops, but it won’t hurt to taste it all, dessert, well, i’ll return the jacket to you tomorrow, yes, i don’t care how much you wear, that’s it, go, go, don’t worry , we’ll sort it out now, citizens, what do you need, it’s a working day it's already over, we have a relative today arrested"?
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i'm on my way, zoya, in 3 minutes, yes, ol, let's come to us, huh? no, i can't, better come to us, we've already got everything covered, everyone's gathered, zoya, she's cut off all the phones , okay, let’s do this, i’ll go to us now , well, i’ll congratulate our women there, that’s it, then i’ll come for you, okay.
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” “excuse me, if you’re going to the office, then let’s go, they won’t start without you, you’re from interrogation, yes, what kind of interrogation is there, just laughter, this one started throwing himself at the door, zhenya shuddered, asked to leave, he’s crazy, or something, either crazy, or pretending to be, but talk to him it’s impossible, okay, to sing, you go, yeah , i understand, i understand, yeah, okay, yeah , don’t worry, we’ll figure it out, you’ll figure it out , we know, of course, but what’s possible in the program, they’ll tell you everything in the ditch, and didn’t you
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tell me earlier that he was convicted, although it’s strange how he could be convicted, in my opinion. sane, but he never said why this happened? no, unfortunately, it’s not possible with him, thank you very much, thank you, thank you very much, we have a concert tomorrow, if you want to come, we want, we’ll leave the countermarks with the administrator , as many as possible, as many as possible, as many as you want, 10, well, thank you very much, thank you, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, what is this, laura? she, our villain konavkin, is her brother, she says, he is truly insane. how was he convicted? i don’t give a damn about him 100 times, she left you tickets, naturally, i invite you, and who is the guy with her, let’s go, everything is getting colder there, it’s her husband and producer at the same time. damn, i forgot to call gromov,
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what other gromov, singer laura, do you know? well, gromov is... her husband and at the same time a producer, but how do you know him? crap, out of the zone, you know, zaya, i’m now digging into show business, we have this singer, laura, right? well, in fact, she’s not laura at all, but kanavkina, daria igorevna, hare, but you’re just an investigative journalist for me, yes. how do you know? well, firstly, everyone knows this, and secondly, she was at our prosecutor’s office today. you better tell me what you dug up on her. wait, what was she doing at the prosecutor's office? no, first tell me what you dug up on her. okay, gromov created a brand, called it laura. he is the owner brand, that is, all the income goes into his pocket, she has no money at all. who cares, he
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's her husband. yes, but i want to eat my money. then let him divorce him. what will she do? like laura, she won’t be able to perform, because kanavkina daria igorevna, no one needs her, she will be able to perform, unless you know? no, amateur performances, not, she tried to jump off a couple of times, but they very quickly explained to her that she could go back to her dorm, she would sit on bread, on water, and gromov would have a different laura, only prettier, younger ones, how complicated everything is for them, it’s true, but show business. yeah, mom, happy holiday, happy holiday,
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our dear mother, thank you, and who gave this to you? - are you spoiling me? nothing like this. breakfast is ready, should i bring it? what do you mean, will i get up? kostya called? kostya called, i said that you were sleeping and he would call. what do we have for breakfast? pancakes with condensed milk? who did it? have i eaten now? by the way, come here. here are ours, hello, happy march 8th with you, please, thank you, fedenka, i love march 8th. seriously? and you know, there are such persons who consider this holiday harmful? i heard this, but i don’t believe them, who? those who pretend that they don’t want to receive
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flowers and listen to compliments, no, no, they love to receive flowers and listen to compliments, just every day, and not on march 8th. well, one more time won't hurt. well, who are we waiting for? zoya, your scribbler? yes, he’s been inside for a long time, is he doing an interview? does he work for your gossip column now? for turkey with champignons, listen, if so, maybe then we’ll ditch this concert, let’s go straight to your house, that’s it, no, i’ll go personally to the concert, i'm crazy about laura, then
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they promised to take me backstage, well, finally , i want anton to take a photo of me with her, hello everyone, hello, sorry, we parked for a long time, really, hello everyone, so, well, well, there’s nowhere to put the car, well, there’s 3 km around, well, everything around is packed, oh, well, what to do? today is not a good day, magnetic storms or something, a bad day, conflict, i don’t know, i
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can think of all the places, i’m visiting my mother today, everything is fine, look. well, the young people drank to a dream, yeah, what a dream they drank to, well, of course, it seems to be their own, here they are as a child, i had a dream to put everyone in jail, and then let them out, for what, uh-huh, well, like... what kind of money, of course, but a little will be just right, uh-huh, then, i’ll take it, let’s say, get it two of them are so green and it’s like i’m meeting a distiller, let’s say, and as if
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through my lip i’m telling him, they say, won’t you rush for some cognac, yeah, that’s you for me , and he’ll run, he’ll run, i can see it in his eyes, he’ll run, well, calmly, calmly, fuck you, thank you, volodya, well, now we’re in the theater, sensitively, calmly, well, you’ve gone wild there in the cops, and we’ll take you to people, and you are like animals, you know, well, i’m going away. you again, fuck you, you bastard , you're about to slam the door for me here, you bastard, next time i'll rip your legs out, i'll see you here, yura,
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calm down, and you just keep quiet, i'm sick of you already, tomorrow you'll be out with your bare bottom at the station you'll be back, you freak, good evening, hello. hello, maybe we are not on time, it’s normal , why is show business, the costs of show business, great, come in, please , girls, please, please come in, come in, dasha, dasha, come to us here, hello, hello, they put you in prison normally, yes, everything is fine, thank you, well, maybe dasha will sign the posters for you, and you say, yes, please, give me a pen, yes, of course, yes. please, oh, look, feathers, cognac , guys, no, thank you, perfume, cognac, good cognac, what are you, well, girls, why are you shy, girls, look...
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what am i, it’s like here it turned out? i’m looking for a replacement for you, younger, just a joke, a joke, well, here ’s a modest gift for you from dasha, such a poster with the star’s autograph, please, this will be mine now, well, we need to get ready for to the second department, no, but can i take a photo with you for memory, yes, if daria doesn’t mind, let’s, let’s, let’s do it! here, here, of course , now it’s good, wonderful, smile, oh, can i, this is for you, thank you, again, right, well, now the three of us, let’s, together, together, very good, well, let’s, let’s all together, let's, let's, that's it, that's it, thank you
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very much, thank you, thank you, thank you very much. come in, thank you for such a gift, all the best, we have a second department, all the best, goodbye, why are you in me grabbed him, i still had to hit him in the forehead, and what do you want to change him, he is who he is, it’s okay, someday i ’ll still hit him, the bribe taker got him, the filthy one, and what are you doing, by the hand i caught, i caught, and there’s no need to pretend to be a lawyer here, you don’t know everything, i’m a real lawyer and i’m not pretending to be anything, no, this is fantasy. she's still sulking at me because of this freak, isn't she? i’m not her, okay, okay, but what are you trying to prove? definitely, three for 100 each, basically snacks, where are you taking so long? hanging out? but congratulations, congratulations, where are the vinokurov couple? your wife stole your brawler,
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did he get drunk here? a wild man, he started throwing himself at people, nikolai petrovich, stop it, he got drunk, thank you, sit down, why is this such a long intermission? it’s a mess, something must have happened, tip your tongue, you’ll see, it’s just that the artists and producers killed each other, it almost happened in front of us, why is this, who’s going to sort them out, show business, okay, i’m sorry, sorry, i’m listening, distillers, right. well, i understand, no,
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don’t, i’m not far from here, go home and wait me, where are you going, there’s an incident, there’s a murder, i’ll give you a lift, it’s nearby, uh-huh, well, excuse me, uh-huh. happy march 8th , are you the last one, yes the last one, cell , you, i don’t like these, like a concert, it’s normal,
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yeah, it doesn’t start for so long, my pies are running out of time, dear viewers, for technical reasons the second part of the concert will not take place, we apologize for the inconvenience , congratulations on the holiday, where now, who is on duty today, oh well, maybe their equipment is just broken, that's it, you can call a forensic doctor.
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girl, they tell you in russian that you can’t, but i tell you that i am the wife of the head of the homicide department, i need to go there, so what? ivan ivanovich, what happened here, murder , little wife, they shot a singer, what’s her name, well , she’s a strange one with a mop on her head, well, she walks like on stilts, like her zhana koltseva, well, like this, like this, now you can tell them apart, i know senchina, i know zykin, they shot him right on stage.
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oh, excuse me, let me, look,
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did anyone see what happened here? where's the gun? fyodor mikhailovich, take them apart gremerkam, i ask you not to go anywhere , wait until they talk to you, and i have a train in an hour, you will be first in line, i hate march 8th, what does march 8th have to do with it, and even though i’m about to be sent home, someone will carry out investigative actions arm in arm with my husband, and i love march 8, then i now have exclusives.
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nightmare, happy holiday, by the way, thank you, neobraska, happy holiday everyone, the bullet was not trampled, so, yeah, i, i saw what... happened here, okay, at this time where are you, she was shot by gromov, i'm sorry, where is your husband? volodya, maybe i’ll interrogate her first, and
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then we’ll see, it’s better that we talk to her ourselves, you know, you’re an investigator, and i read that. i am the head of the homicide department, here is the investigator. it doesn't matter, i have to make a statement. i explain to you that in accordance with the fifty-third article of the constitution of the russian federation, you have the right not to testify against yourself and close relatives. it doesn't matter, i have a statement to make. my husband killed her. gromov. maybe now at home, greek house 5, i heard, come on, well, let's start or something, witnesses somewhere, where
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well, here you will take witnesses, only witnesses, and who are you? i, sergey yeletsky, husband of zhanna koltsova. criminal investigation, you won’t be so kind to come with us, that ’s georgy andreevich gromov, everything is correct, of course correct. romov georgy andreevich , producer, singer laura, and what
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you do, you will have to answer for it, there is a gun, well, is it really registered, i don’t understand anything, last name, first name, patronymic, daria igorevna kanavkina. "laura is my pseudonym, i understand who you are. gromov, gromov is my husband, yeah, he and i lived together for 6 years, or five, i don’t , i don’t know exactly, because we lived with him even before marriage, not written down, you know, so i don’t remember exactly how long we lived, ask, why are you testifying? you were in a bad relationship, bad"? where did you get the idea - normal and excellent relationships, we just, well,
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i don’t know, maybe we didn’t have some kind of crazy love, but this is life, it doesn’t happen otherwise, it’s just him was my husband and he was my producer, moreover, how was it, god, well, i'm just worried, you see, he, he will now get 10 years, maybe more, depending on what the... motive, what the circumstances, lord, lord, what a horror, well, what can i tell you for now, a pistol equipped with a magazine, it had five rounds, one was in the barrel, therefore two were fired. the calibers are the same, yes, yes, just smell the gun
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, you feel how gunpowder is rushing around, uh-huh, they fired from it recently, well, that’s great, fingers, well, dear man, it’s the first day you were born, or something, but i’ve never had fingers on pistols they found, in scotland yard, on the shell casings, they found the prints of those who equipped the store, well, well, our fedya is not a scotland.
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in general, this koltsova dragged herself into my dressing room, sorry that i’m so dead, she just made a monstrous hysteria here, that i’m in a separate dressing room, she’s with some group, uh-huh, then she dragged her husband, also in a scandal? well, yes, he flogged here, and then they actually got into a fight with gromov, thank god that this journalist came, what’s his name, he and yura know each other, yeah, then the journalist with the girls left, and zhanna came again and saw her torn poster, who tore it, well, i tore it, i tore it, walked over it with my feet, i just can’t when i’m throwing a tantrum before a concert, you know, i still have to go on stage, she almost grabbed my hair, then yura just couldn’t stand it and... he returned her out the door and went out after her, and then i heard some kind of
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bang, and he came back, he had a gun in his hands, he quickly took it your mobile phone came out, that’s all, that’s all, and you didn’t ask anything, but what should i have asked him about, i already understood everything, i tried to catch up with him, but he walked so fast that i couldn’t, god, how is this all so inappropriate? i, i can ask you for one more favor, could you... doesn’t tell journalists that my brother has been arrested, it’s just that i ’m hiding from them that my brother is all, you know, this is advertising for me no need, of course, thanks, but where was gromov? gromov came out just at intermission, alone, alone,
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calm, smoking, walking towards the parking lot, yes, laura jumped out after him, so unkempt in a robe, did she catch up with him? “it seems not, there was some girl who ran up to her, one of these fans, they talked about something, she left and disappeared somewhere, they poke around here all the time, they don’t let her pass, you know, zhanna is an impulsive person, she’s an actress, and of course, she has to light up the hall, and before that, light up herself, and a good scandal before the start of the concert is very invigorating.” did she often have quarrels with laura? with laura, not at all. yes. they practically did not communicate with her. what about her husband? well, with her husband, with her husband, i can just tell me how he killed her. yes, sure. i heard the door slam and went out
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into the corridor, into the corridor to meet her. and at the same moment gromov came out, and zhanna appeared. between us, at that moment i saw that gromov had a pistol in his hand, then i rushed to zhanna, shouted something that i don’t remember what i shouted at that moment, but i saw that zhanna turned to gromov and apparently, she said something offensive, because he shot, maybe he shot you, maybe at me, and you didn’t take any sedatives, you you tell everything calmly, i didn’t take any sedatives, i just still don’t believe that zhanna is gone, and you didn’t rush to pursue him? no, i immediately rushed to zhana, but when i ran up, i realized that i couldn’t help her, by the way, his wife, daria kanavkina, laura ran after him, and that
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nothing else happened, but she returned, and from everyone jumped out of the dressing rooms at once, no one left the dressing rooms at all. although i called an ambulance for help, but no one came out, everyone was afraid, yes, apparently, everyone was afraid, if, if you want, i’ll show you in the corridor how it was, yes, who’s here, lenya, what are you doing here, the premiere is on... rtr. cupid's arrow. lay it down. wow. i want to find the killer faster than vesnetsov. listen, let's do this, you will be my beloved husband, and i will be your sweet bun. excuse me, what are you thinking? vosnetsova. on monday on rtr. the main
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music award of russia.
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and you and i will become friends, a good neighbor found a room, my mother died in an accident, i can’t, i can’t stand it, maybe you’ll go instead of me, someone else’s problem, mother never visited, they took me here, they showed up, i ’m afraid that you’ll still have to have a lawyer come here, she wants to talk to the investigation, inheritance, someone else’s revenge, the accident was faked. do you have a suspect? i’m scared, neighbor, but she will definitely reveal herself, i know, on friday on rtr. we will remember songs about our home;
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everyone has a native corner. we moved a lot, that’s why i’m makarov from makarov, vladimir from vladimir. we had an amazing front garden, we played football in bashiballs, i got kicked out all the time. andrey's evening show malakhova on saturday on rtr, yes, yes, anina fedorovna, yes, yes we ate, thank you, thank you, yes, good, good, nina fedorovna called, asking if we will come, it’s so late, why, she says if we don’t come to her, she’ll come here herself. and pies, that’s all , and turkey with champignons, okay, let’s go get turkey, you know, i was standing here and marya
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sergeevna, can i see you for a minute, the criminologist says that it’s gentle, what are you talking about, the second disclosure in 2 days, sorry holiday , please, are you from the police, from the prosecutor's office, and who was taken? gromov? yes, but did you find the gun? found, well, you mother, of course, to sleep. well, look , you won’t get rich just like that, listen, help , help out, this is very important for me, you see,
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my dear, my client got pregnant, and i have a case in arbitration court for a couple of million, and i have nothing to do with it, and you need to go to court for a sanction, 10%, who is the client, the client of the thunder, the producer of the singer laura, so there is a chance to become famous, yesterday's murder, absolutely right, i don't like it. you know, i don't ruin the homicide department. oh, yours participation is a pure formality, and don’t even let your spouse worry. the client will be arrested 100%. so we have nothing to do with the investigation, we have no chance. i already told the client to excuse it, we’ll go to court. in court, where will they come from, the chances. oh, oh, how bad you probably studied at uni. do you know the difference between a good lawyer and a great one? no. a good lawyer is very good. knows the law, an excellent lawyer knows the judge very well. 15%.
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well done my school. okay, okay, to hell with you, write out a warrant to protect gromov georgy andreevich and most importantly - don’t be smart , remember that your participation is a pure formality. of course, that's it, that's it, come on, yes, no interviews. drive away the tv people , and the newspaper people too, yeah , of course, okay, the murdered husband, yeletsky, and gromov’s wife were shown on gromovo, even so, yes, she waived witness immunity, testified against her husband, maybe he cheated on her with this zhanna koltsovo, i don’t know, they seem to be competitors, or maybe with someone else, their morals there are not puritanical, but like everywhere else, you might think we have morals in the prosecutor’s office poritanian, everywhere the same decameron. yes, it’s true, but why doesn’t anyone tell me anything? well, by the way, is there also a pistol? yes,
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according to the preliminary conclusion, the ring was shot from a pistol that was found in gromov’s car, and his wife says that she knew about the pistol. well, that means also possession of firearms. great, go to court, is the petition ready? yes, here is a petition for the arrest of gromov, and this is against kanavkin, murder on march 7. oh, is this the one you suffered from? not me. and my coat, by the way, is this ditch, brother of the singer laura, what are you saying, yes, what a coincidence, good luck, yeah.
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hello, hello, what did you want? i am gromov's lawyer, i would... tamara stepanovna, they came to you, hello, hello, i am gromov's lawyer, i would like to talk with him in the convoy. “go down to the convoy, communicate, but i have a request to you, you understand, we have problems with the convoy, and today i have two arrests, the second is not yours, no, maybe we’ll deliver them together, don’t mind, but if you so convenient, great,
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uh-huh, hi, hi, listen, olga, come on let's move on to what kind of affairs? you see, i worked the seventh day of work for kinkinka , well, yesterday i hired a singer for production, do you want to take one thing, take it, at first you said we’ll give up, or i heard it, well, let me take some small one from you with an exit, or i’ll work a day off for you, on weekends, i like to be on duty myself, and of course you want to stuff me with grooves. well, it’s not zhana koltsov, well, of course, for the first time i had a chance to hang out in the bomuda, okay, let’s go to kanavkina, just rewrite the boss herself, and what i owe, my an immortal soul, but i don’t understand what’s the matter at all, i don’t understand at all, the gun, nonsense, nonsense, that is, it’s not your gun, well
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, of course it’s not mine, of course it’s not mine. planted, planted, you know, planted, then what nonsense, daria is testifying against me, well, it’s clear, that freak yeletsky dreams of putting me in jail, that’s understandable, but yes, she needs to explain, find out everything, finish it, we ’re raising them, tell her giving a fresh shirt , brought the second day in this, okay, see you, georgy andreevich, let's go. hello, marya sergeevna, hello, evgenia anatolyevna, who are you after? along the ditch? no, my gromov, that’s why uvarov won’t come to a normal person. does vinokurov know?
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no, i'm purely formal. this is stepanenko’s client, and i’m replacing him, you have no chance, i’m telling you, i’m purely formal, uh-huh, masha, why isn’t this crazy guy still in the hospital? you know, it’s impossible without an arrest, now we’ll arrest you immediately for an in-patient examination, i ask everyone to stand up, i ask you to sit down.
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a petition is being considered to select a preventive measure in the form of detention for gromov georgy andreevich yura and why are you here and yura, i’m chewing, i’m asking for the snake, i killed you, you didn’t have to do anything, yura, why take your hands off.
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i’m ready for anything, i’m ready for anything, everything, everything, why, why are you doing this, pastor, i demand it, i’ll take it away, i’m ready for free. to give everything, i’m ready to do anything for her, move away, yura, yura, yura, yura, i’m for you, well, well, why are you doing this, yura, i did everything, i did everything right, because i will ask, i will ask everyone, by the way. where is your client’s wife, why isn’t she here? she doesn’t want to look him in the eye, because she is no longer his wife, but the main prosecution witness. by the way, he asked me to bring him a clean shirt. why hasn't he been changed yet? what for? how? and there are traces
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of gunshot products; he is also charged with the murder of zhanna koltsova. it’s reasonable to tell buevich to take off his clothes for gunpowder. by the way, while you were away, your client assured that he had completed his mission and destroyed some kind of snake. he’s not just babbling incoherently, his words are related to the murder of zhanna koltsova, well, i’m absolutely calm here, because at the time of koltsova’s murder he had one hundred percent alebi, he was in the isolation ward, in my opinion, you have already gone beyond the scope of formal participation, but i don’t understand why on... the great one claims that there is nothing to do here. the great one is stepanenko? yes, maria sergievna, the entrance is full of tv crews and journalists, maybe you can go through the guard? yes, let's go there,
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come on in, and then i'll be with you. uh, hi, hi. oh, i can’t recognize you without makeup, listen, i can’t anymore, it makes my skin dry, vitamins don’t help, i don’t know what to do, should i take you to a cosmetologist? no, i wanted to talk about something else, i don’t know what to do, let's go, let's take a walk, i was interrogated here at the prosecutor's office, well, i heard that you have some acquaintances in the prosecutor's office, in short, skrefosovsky, please advise, i told the prosecutor's office.
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be a friend, yes, well then you have coffee right now, no question, let's go, your order, m, hello, have a seat, thank you, m, your health, thank you, and you will have lunch yourself, thank you, i don't want, menu , please, only water, without gas, okay, don’t
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be afraid at my expense, for now yes, i haven’t received the fee yet, but there’s a lot here. lord, i can't i won’t squeeze your dark prosecutorial past out of you, remember, for a lawyer there is no such thing as too much, this is for one more small assignment, yes, what else, confidentially, take the bribe to shvetsova, what was bought, 1:0, just a joke, you need to go to our client's wife. yes, he also told me where and when? and this is now, uh-huh, now, please , yeah, hello, - daria igorevna, i’ll be rich
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, yes, stepanenko, your husband needed me, a clean shirt, some underwear, yes, yes, yes, yes, all the people, all people, but mine. an employee will come to you when it’s convenient for you, at 6 is fine, uh-huh, agreed, yes, uh-huh , so - the address is there in the envelope, uh -huh, by the way, it’s not there... everything is so hopeless, there is somewhere to dig, i asked you not to be clever, well, how much to teach you, the longer the client sits, the more i will take from him, yeah, well, what am i supposed to do with the prosecutor’s office, fight tooth and nail, we’ll bring the case to the finale and then we’ll decide everything in court, well, relax after all, this is for water, wait, it’s a lot for the plant, for a lawyer the concept of a lot doesn’t exist, well done, 1:1, bye-bye,
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my breath is an enemy, i am a passenger without a ticket, i loved through the threshold and until the morning until dawn, to where?
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hello, lawyer stepanenko called you, i came to get things for your husband, yes, yes, i am aware, thank you very much, i have prepared everything, i’ll bring it now, dasha, i can’t find a towel, quietly, quietly, the lawyer has come. here are shirts, underwear, cigarettes, uh-huh, uh-huh, this is always like this with you, yes, it often happens, uh-huh, our neighbors are not happy, so they called the police again, okay, goodbye, thank you very much, happily ever after.
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hello, hello, can you come in, come in, have you changed gromov's clothes? what is this a bribe for, 100
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million dollars, a joke, petya, 100 million won’t fit here, it was his wife who gave the clothes, give it to him while he’s in the air force, and you’re the lawyer in this case? yes, well done, by the way, you don’t want to go to the scene of the incident along the ditch, why is that, you never know to see something, i ’ve already seen everything there that is possible, but i would like to see the scene of the incident, but why would you? no longer with me, yes, but from whom i gave it to olga, yeah, she’s at home, so she’s right there let's go, okay, give me the address, i need to talk to her. here you go.
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arivor. i don’t have children of my own, so i can devote all my time to your child. how beautiful you are to me. i'll miss you. irina antonovna is dying. in what sense is she? is dying, promise me, you will never leave masha, yes, even if it will be very, very difficult for you. it’s difficult to keep a secret, no one can take care of masha as much as you do, but i have one condition, you should never tell masha the truth, especially if it’s not yours, well, hello,
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darling, if you want me to be silent, think about how to persuade me, i promise to remain silent, the premiere is on saturday. on rrt it is treasured , the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room with absolutely no faces, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and there is a lot of work, plans are turning into... projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i am generally a plant maniac, in the living room of our heroes, real stone flowers will soon bloom , after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams will become reality, as you look,
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let them into your home, big changes, every sunday, on rtr we watch love - it’s when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want look, look, let's see, look, well , look at the screen, look at me , carefully, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look, maybe we can go to me? just watch a movie catch a fish, big or small , well, in general, you chose the right place, have you ever thought about why people count eggs, fats , carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can tasty food be beneficial, we try
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it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can useful be pleasant, science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes, yes, oh, m, yes, yes, yes, again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts your spirits, that’s for sure, a food formula on saturday, do you doubt that kanavkin soaked the victim? no, i just want to look at the scene of the incident with my own eyes and understand where the bullet in the wall came from, from gromov’s pistol, the pistol is from the same family, gromov, this kanavkin’s brother-in-law, brother-in-law, well, one brother-in-law, that it’s time for a family man to figure it out, maybe i'll
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go first. god, what a stink, be careful, don’t step on it, poor marya sergeevna, she was the one who fell here, yeah, after that i would have been treated at a neurosis clinic, masha has a stable psyche. here i dug out a bullet from there, come on, come on , look at this little hole, i wonder where it came from here, by the way, at first i didn’t even pay attention, i thought, well
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, maybe it’s just torn, but then i looked closer and i see there’s a defect in the wall, yeah, what, yeah, lord, i almost lost my mind, if only i could get away with it. i wonder why olga vladimirovna is accompanied to the scene of the crime by the head of the homicide department, why not the head of the rvd himself, but because solving murders is my direct responsibility, yeah, you got into a row i’ve arrived, relax, fortunately for you, you’re not alone, hello, hello, and the situation, so to speak, is not conducive to love and affection, oh, everything stings for you, why did you come here? “i came as a private person, mr. stepanenko doesn’t even let me near the client and doesn’t tell me to be smart, i just want to figure out for myself what kanavkin sculpted in court, and you’re not lying?” honestly, shall we continue? eh, here i discovered a defect in the wall, i poked around and found a bullet, very
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interesting. i'm giving you a treat today. why did it happen? i i made a little money from gromov, so i want to do something useful for him. clear. thank you. thank you. from the pistol seized from gromov, yeah , how interesting, calm down, kanavkin
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, no matter how much he wanted, could not kill the singer, since he was in the air force, and gromov could not kill the local khanygu, since there are witnesses, so there are witnesses in the concert hall, yes, and we will eat. what do you want, boy? vanya, you scared me, i brought you clothes during the day. well, i have nowhere to put these clothes anymore. well, i asked urgently. tell me, boy, have you ever asked? do everything slower , take another month, not yet, oh bye, this is already
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encouraging, everyone is asking to go faster , no one is asking to go slower, but am i going to burst or something, uh-huh, what do i need, you looked at the clothes, tell me the result, no result, uh-huh, well van, well, i asked me urgently, shvetsova said urgently, no no, i said, there is no result. when it will be? are you hard of hearing? i looked at this clothes, there is no gunpowder on it, how can it be not? there must be, i know for sure, if you know exactly why you come to me are you walking? there are no traces on these clothes, products of the shot, vanya, did you mix up anything? this is it, there are no traces
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of gunshot products on these clothes, the conclusion is not ready yet, write you a certificate, write it, now you understand that something is wrong here, wait, you wanted to tell us something, yes, when i came to laura, she had a man at home, apparently . yes, you don’t understand, he was washing himself in the bath, maybe he doesn’t have hot water, it’s very funny, this is clearly her lover, i think that the husband is in prison not without her participation, but then so is the husband the deceased is pointing at him, not only laura herself, who stole the hat, he also killed the aunt, that you need to read the classics, who betrayed gromov, his wife and yeletsky, that means this kilej lover of hers, uh-huh, also bernard shuu to me. where to put the evidence?
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oh, zoya, can we come to my place for a minute? petrushenka, we don’t have time! anton, i need you too, really not for a minute, i need you for the sake of zhanna koltsova, anton, then you will describe your impressions in a sensational material, gromova right before the murder, so what? well, look, he was wearing these clothes, wait, is this official identification? well, hurry up, if necessary, then we’ll make it official, like this one. well, in this one, for sure. wait a minute. that's right, you took pictures of us,
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look, it's definitely in this one. “i don’t understand anything, but there’s a lot of evidence , a gun, after all , there are no fingers on a gun, there are never fingers on a weapon, but if he shot, then there should be traces of the products of the shot on his clothes, they’re probably there, well, just none doubts, now we’ll find out, find out, hello, sing, hello, well, what did the examination show, don’t be upset.” listen, i remembered another state, yes, connecticut, uh-huh, well, let's go for now, well, buevich says that gromov has no traces of gunshots on his clothes, but that's nonsense, my boss is never wrong, damn, well, thanks, it's me you, my beloved wife, you want me to be fired, let ’s go to laura now and what, and there yeletsky, we
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take off his clothes, we find traces of the products of the shot on them, yeah, certified... a confession at the notary? no, we will go to masha first, but even if laura had a dear friend, well, it’s not a fact that this yeletsky, that he is a murderer, and if you put surveillance behind them, baby, forget everything you were taught, what kind of surveillance is there for a solved murder, distillers, hands? am i being detained? worse, are you married? oh, sorry, then your outdoor light will light up in 5 seconds. why is this? why? because every centimeter around her house is occupied by young fans. yes, they are on duty there around the clock. very good. fyodor mikhailovich, it seems like you
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were once a children's opera singer. well, here, this one, this one, this one and the two previous ones, well, that is, these ones, and where is she alone, so type and chat, now. summer, summer, like juice and i’m casually dressed, my breath is on the threshold, i’ll put you through the threshold without a ticket and until the morning until dawn,
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where summer is. oh, lord, where it’s summer , there’s only a white sun, someone else’s, a white sun, flying stubbornly boldly, where i wanted, but that’s just the point, it warmed up a little, and became a disastrous sun, someone else’s poisoned sun, so... don’t prepare your greasy embrace in the winter, now i curse your white dress again, i’m
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over the threshold and until the morning until dawn. yes, to where summer, where summer is, only the white sun, someone else’s white sun, flies stubbornly boldly, where i wanted, but that’s just the point, it ’s not much, good morning, marya, hello, well, that’s it, they all recognized him. you don’t need any surveillance with these fans, they have a complete dossier, but this, by the way, is our main witness, uh-huh, well, good luck, uh-huh,
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the police are chasing around the concert hall, well, the girls were sitting on march 8... home, and you, and i was near the hall, laura saw me when she came in, you were waiting for her to come out, no, i i just sat there. and then laura called me, gave me the keys to the car, asked me to put something in there, what exactly, say, say, a gun, and you put it, yes. hmm, let's continue the investigative experiment. witness yeletsky, can you show where you, gromov’s victim, were at the moment of the shot?
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i was here, uh-huh, in this very place, uh-huh, and gromov was where he is standing now, here is zhanna, place the mannequin where the witness is pointing, like this, like this, like that, no, yet. so yes, zhana stood like that, sing, yes, to me there is nothing to show, okay, witness yeretsky, please take a model of the pistol and show how the shot occurred, so, well, everything is clear to me. i ask you to take a break to conduct an expert experiment, we will carry out sighting, uh-huh, come on, the video recording stops 12:05.
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zhenya, do you think you can seriously ask him about something, i hope i ’ll simulate the situation, what a blessing that he hasn’t been sent for examination yet, kanavkin, come on in. you should be careful with him, his head is really bad, we are still waiting, no let's wait until they send him to the psychiatric hospital, we are careful, sit down, artyom igorevich, and wait a second, artyom igorevich, please , sit down, it will be more convenient for you here, please, let us be calmer.
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killed a snake, snake, killed, killed, why is she alive, you shot at her, i shot, how come, wait, wait, i, wait, wait, so, so, i heard dasha was crying, my dasha she cried, she said, the snake must be killed, i bought a pistol, where i bought it from zhora, zhora, sold me a pistol, bought a pistol from zhora, yeah, you wanted to kill zhanna koltseva, and where did you plan to find her ? then he hit me, for which he said, he said, i
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ruined his wall, he came at me with an ax, i took the ax away from him and gave it to him, and then i came back to tell dasha that i killed the snake, dasha said that the snake i killed him, i gave the gun back and... then i came back, why did i come back? ago, and dasha, dasha didn’t believe me, she scolded me, scolded me, and i told her, i decided to take the snake off the wall, show her the wall, it changes there, well, how can it be, i am for dasha, i know how i love her, i, i even love her more than anyone else in the world, i love her so much. .. i love, i am for dasha, i am ready for anything for her , for anything, i can kill anyone, well, how can it be, well, how can it be, i killed her, she is alive,
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i killed, killed, how can it be , i, i wanted the best, so that my wife would feel good, and this is ours, take him away. yes, zhenya, you are incorrigible, but he told everything, yes, at the wrong time, kanavkin began to swing an ax, he should have just hand the gun to my sister, and the poor thing had to change the whole plan on the fly, oh, zhenya, zhenya. maria sergeevna, your
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witness is lying, judging by the materials that i have read, at the moment of the shot she was not facing your accused, but the respected witness, it was he who shot at her, our opinion completely coincides, lord, at his own wife, oh the times, he’s equal, but how beautiful it is to simultaneously remove the wife of one and the husband of the other from the stage, and this singer was in the way, koltseva, well, of course, she was standing between them, then if... her lover has an assistant, commits murder, and her husband goes home, uh-huh, who put the gun in the car? yes, the car keys were found, and a second copy was already found, what a fascinated mind, wow, but their lack of knowledge of forensic medicine let them down, forensic science, there are no traces
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of a shot on the thunderous man’s clothes, but i will find them. on his clothes with the opera surname yeletsky. listen, stepanenko, you can’t be trusted with anything. you said that he would sit. these are force majeure circumstances. which force majeure circumstances? you do you understand that he was released, but sergei was already arrested, do you understand this or not? ask? oh my god. you understand that he is in prison, but you are still free, bye, are you, are you kidding me, yes, yes, don’t worry so much, we will give you a discount on legal assistance, fuck you, you cretin, sharashkina office, and girl, you will be my lawyer, i can’t, i can’t, goodbye, thank you very much, shout, darling, darling...
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i decided to move to moscow, but why? and you and i will become friends, my neighbor found a room good. so many of my mother died in an accident, i can’t do it, i can’t stand it, maybe you ’ll go instead of me, it’s someone else’s problem, my mother was never visited, she was taken away, she showed up, i’m afraid that...
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vaska, vaska, well! who, go , go, here, you’re late for something today, your girlfriends have already had dinner a long time ago, rogue, swallow, basya, here, here, here, eat, eat, eat, you
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need to eat well, you’re in a special position with us, let me watch you, let me, let me watch, let me, let me watch, let me watch you, well, well, okay, okay, okay, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, i'll tell you interfere i won’t, eat, hey, terrible, oh, okay.
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we spent all 9 months with yulia, from the moment of artificial insemination until the very birth, now we are monitoring yulia on an outpatient basis to eliminate consequences for the mother’s body. this case proves that nothing is impossible for our kaluga reproduction center, come, all women will give birth. and back to the city news. blasting work to demolish the old elevator has been postponed due to technical reasons. "if you refuse, give me an official document, citizen, i already said, well, what kind of paper, that you refuse to investigate the murder , firstly, i don’t refuse, secondly, i don’t investigate, thirdly, there is
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a procedure established by law, deadlines, after all, sergei ivanovich, can i talk to you for a minute, what are you, what are you do you also think that it’s okay to kill pets?” “punished, no, of course, that’s what he thinks, i’m nothing like that, but this is murder, murder with extreme cruelty, i have the corpse of my dog ​​in the trunk, it was burned, i sympathize with you, i really want you to find the one who did this, you understand that first the dogs...
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disappeared, how did you disappear? like this, the whole mayor ’s office is in awe, 120 kg, and the coins have disappeared, can you imagine, 120 kg, wash away, yeah, people ’s explosives are disappearing in truckloads, and you say, you know, the brigade literally went away for 10 minutes, the foreman’s car got stuck in mud, helped pull it out, and you left the car with the explosives without... let's take a closer look, but who knew, there were heavy bags of 42 kg each, yeah, they just took it and drove it into the car, you can outline the circle of people who were aware of the transportation of explosives. the circle is big in the news they were talking about
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the demolition, the demolition team, the dismantlers, the city hall department , it would be nice to understand why anyone needed only explosives, and comrade investigator, you understand what kind of thing you need to detonate , but there were no detonators in the car, well, who stole the cars with explosives , he can blow it up, should i have some samples? can you give me some explosives? yes, why is he yelling like that, kontu? len, i’m busy, i scared you, i’m sorry, it’s okay, i
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was just thinking about my own thing, why, but i just can’t understand, there’s something so new about you appeared, in the face, or something, it suits you, thank you, so, according to the explosives that you brought me, as soon as borisovich appears, tell him that i need any differences. from the fire, okay, did this freak
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really decide to ease her suffering, but i don’t know, i don’t understand the logic of these geeks at all, but what’s more, she was pregnant, the dog, yes, i didn’t do an autopsy, but even a simple palpation showed that she was soon to be a puppy, lena, after all, we won’t find it, well, if this happens again, god forbid, then... then we’ll find it, but if not, vasya, swallow, basya, basya, basya, lord, basya, vseshka, it’s so good that you called, but nothing, everything is fine, so... i’m getting home, how are you? uh-huh, okay, i missed you
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very much, well, okay, i’ll have to be patient a little longer, that ’s it, let’s say hello to dad, yeah, girl, everything ’s fine with me, maybe i’ll call an ambulance, no, no, no, i’ll call an ambulance, i'm fine, how can i be okay?
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why are you refusing to call an ambulance, well, you’re clearly not healthy, i’m fine, okay, let’s at least take the temperature, what is your name? varya, i’m anna, it’s very nice, tell me, have we never met anywhere before, your face seems familiar to me, yes, i’m a cashier... work in a supermarket on october street, maybe you saw me there? maybe , but let me see your pupils, why are you so worried about me, you don’t know me at all, no, creature, we didn’t meet in the supermarket, wait, where are you going? i 'll go, thanks. “var, at least leave your
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phone number, i can’t let you go like this, you can, what color is the paper , whatever color it is.” tas, anyone, so what? what does a cow drink? ama, i came up with this riddle myself. varya, varya, wait, varya, you were our intern, what year? what is your last name? i wasn’t, but i really wanted to, i didn’t pass the milk test, i thought you were going to take... criminology, and you with this, why, why do you work as a cashier, you have an education, and this is a long story, you won’t be interested, you think, these are young interns, they have their whole lives ahead of them, one is behind me, three are free, you turn your back, and how do you know
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that when you turn away, the table is behind you? your back doesn't turn into a kangaroo, where are you going now? dorm on dubininskaya, i know this dorm, there is one shower per floor and there is no hot water, but you need to wash yourself, get a good night's sleep, and before that, hot tea with lemon, of course, you feel guilty, so you worry about me, no, just i don’t want you to turn into a kangaroo behind my back, close the cage. mm, good morning, good morning, where is your daughter? she went to moscow with her dad, she will enroll this year, she decided to look around how
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do you feel, oh, much better already, um, now i’ll feed you, just give me some blood, forgive me, yes, i’m listening, yes, i understand, i ’ll be right there. var, excuse me, i urgently need to go to work. breakfast on the stove, when you leave, slam the gate, you have my phone number. be sure to call in the evening, i'm waiting for you. probably another one of her dogs went missing, polunina went out to look and was caught, the summer residents recognized her, but it was still a disaster, today a dog, tomorrow a person, then tomorrow came, well, they doused her with gasoline, but didn’t set her on fire, probably scared her off,
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multiple jaw facial and also, most likely, ribs. and the bone of the hands, that there are also traces of boots with grooved soles, perhaps mormean or milteri, it’s clear, hello, hello, and here are some signs or symbols, uh-huh, oh,
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rabbits, where are her dogs? so, they probably ran away, after all. homeless, and now completely homeless, how did you get into the house? the keys were full in her pocket, it’s understandable, yes, it’s a little empty, how interesting is it that she was sick with something? i don’t understand yet, these are hormonal drugs, there are a lot of them, listen, but this
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polunina, who was she, well, she’s actually a pensioner, but she used to work as a doctor, she needs to at least explain something. anna mikhailovna, what kind of notebook is this? this is a pregnancy calendar. isn’t it too late for a dog’s pregnancy ? stray dogs keep a pregnancy calendar, sergey ivanovich, anna mikhailovna, there’s blood here. there are no fingerprints on bita, but
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two dna samples were found, one belongs to polunino, and whose second one is unknown, i’ll try to break through the databases, yeah, anna mikhailovna, you know what ’s interesting, there are traces of explosive on the handle substances, you are not confusing anything, not a hot liquid, anna mikhailovna, i can somehow distinguish explosives from kerosene. “yes , i hope, forgive me, listen, you will do a spectral analysis, today, tomorrow, little darling, what do you have? the paper is old, but not ancient, ordinary food, paper without a kaolin layer, we stopped producing this kind in the early two thousandths, on this paper..." microtraces of the same explosive, yeah, but in the text? all i can say for now is that this is
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a ratoprint from an ancient original, handwritten with a brush. it's clear. erochka, what is this? for the signs? this is glagolitic. glagolitic - what is it anyway? the glagolitic alphabet is the first slavic alphabet invented by kiril. has not been used for more than a thousand years, where did it come from in the hand of a murdered pensioner , a dog owner, and most importantly, how they are all connected to each other, sergei ivanovich, you should go home , and you start asking questions that no one but you can answer, morning the evening is wiser, anna mikhailovna, if only your words were yours, but the bosses are crazy, goodbye.
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pop, no, no, varya, we agreed, how did you find me here, well, you yourself said that you work in a supermarket, then... the security guard prompted: i, i was going to call you, but i ran out of money on my mobile phone, and my friend kostya is in the dorm, it happens, let’s go have dinner, i’m so hungry, you know, this is a matter of principle, my mother demanded that i go to study to become a lawyer, but what kind of profession is this, now no matter what you spit, you’ll end up as a lawyer, so she told me, fly with your forensics i won’t let you go home, i just didn’t let you in, i’m on my own i left, you can’t bear to endure it all your life, that
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i ruined my fate, no thanks, i’ll get over it somehow, and then i’ll find a vacancy in vyazma or tula, let ’s sort this out later, but for now, maybe i ’m watching you, anna mikhailovna, there’s no need, i’m really fine, i actually feel like... i specifically asked to come to you, i don’t know, i don’t feel anything like that, but where is your father? and my father, he died 5 years ago in a fire, i’m sorry, oh, oh, cooking, cooking,
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it’s better, i passed out, yes, there’s a little. a
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what's this? it’s necessary, this is medicine, spend a little more, that means, you won’t go anywhere today, you’ll spend the night with me, carefully, carefully, carefully, get together, and so... we’ll figure it out, or even better, you’ll live with me for a while, the only thing is, i work until late, but here are the keys for you, you take over, no, anna mikhailovna, no, i can’t, as best you can, just please leave me your mobile phone number, yeah. and one more question, are you
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by any chance pregnant? no, that's completely out of the question, right? okay, then you 're off to bed now, and i'll give you some weed. i’ll brew it, i hope you don’t have anything against karyeva’s bead? no, that’s great, can you come there yourself, or should you be escorted? yes, exactly, yes, yes, yes. she collected dogs all over the area, fed them, many lived with her, but surprisingly, only females, no, she also fed males, but to live,
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although our dogs are all sterilized, the management was involved in this, and no one is against this, you say i didn’t object, but why object, we are not animals, well, yes, you said that all dogs are sterilized, and we have information that at least one upolonina’s bitch was pregnant, i don’t know about that, but i know that veravanna took the dogs to the clinic, which clinic? “well, which one, well, the one that deals with childbirth , it was shown on tv, why do you need a dog there, that’s what i don’t know, ask at the clinic there , well, yes, thank you, for nothing, all the best, yes, yes, see you goodbye, good morning everyone
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, hello, damn, i'm here... that's a little, oh, at least a lot, you're the boss, anna mikhailovna, i did a spectral analysis of the substance shot down, here 's a printout, and ran through our databases, the second dna sample found on the bit, just for the sake of order, sent a request to the ministry of defense, so we are waiting, well done, they are of course unlikely to answer, but let it be, hello everyone, good morning, do you know what? she wasn’t a disinterested dog lover, but did she really cut their hair, i didn’t guess, following the advice of the postman pechkin, she handed them over to the clinic for experiments, i hope you’re joking now, but no, it seems like that’s exactly what explains everything that we found at her home, medicines, ampoules, checks, and where is our clinic, which conducts experiments on animals at
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the reproduction center, i’m just going there now and... i need qualified support, it’s clear what exactly, a general analysis and biochemistry, and the source of the blood is alive, yes, quite ok, just not very healthy, yeah , fine. i’ll do it, excuse me, yes, viktor sergeevich, okay, belkin, here, okay, i’ll grab it. we’ll be there now, the reproduction center is being cancelled, sergei ivanovich, i got a response from the ministry of defense about the dna being shot down, wow, what’s that, how do i
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know, mayevsky is calling an urgent meeting , run, he’s working quickly, let me go, come in, have a seat. well, what do we have on the case - this, what's her name, half-nina? any versions? the murder of citizen polonina is probably related to her dog breeding activities; she was engaged in collecting stray dogs, it is not yet clear for what purpose, but it is possible. that for the purpose of selling for medical experiments, suspected murderers? judging by the nature of the wounds, it was a man, height 180-185, weight about 85 kg, physically strong, and the
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blows were inflicted on the body. based on what data was a request sent to the ministry of defense? based dna was found on the murder weapon, we don’t have it in our database, and we decided to run it through their database. the dna you discovered belongs to a man who died 18 years ago , that he served in the army, the fact of his death was established reliably, for some time it was believed that it was reliable, you have a photo, but nikita stepanovich zhukov, born 73, military rank of lieutenant, was declared dead at performance of military duty. i understand correctly that this matter is my priority, then what to do with a kidnapped adult,
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both matters are your priority, learn you’ll manage to manage your time, that’s it, gentlemen, i don’t dare detain you any longer, thank you. i'll be right there, welcome, thank you, how's ksyusha? great, she and dad stayed in moscow for a few more days, but are you upset about something? no, why do you
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ask? i don’t know, it seemed so, but i think i have a free evening today, i’m jealous, but for me, you know, as luck would have it, he’s working through the roof, the radionova is still calling, it seems. well, yeleya ivanovich, will you tell us a terrible secret? what exactly attracted the attention
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of the investigative committee in this case? besides many participants in military conflicts disappear during hostilities, and some of them even appear several years later, and some even kill people in peacetime . ilya ivanovich, well, if i don’t raise any suspicion, was he a special agent? no, zhukov is an ordinary soldier, the ministry of defense forwarded your request to me, because 5 years ago i was already interested in his personality, but for what reason? i think you were going to a reproductive center? yes, anna mikhailovna and i just wanted to talk to the head physician. let's do this.
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these are signs for him, talk to him, listen to what he has to say, in general, find an approach to him, and mihal, yes, i’m ready, you sent belkin to a professor for a reason, well, i wouldn’t want to throw him off the scent and score,
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leader sect and woman sectarian. four sectarians were detained. two escaped. one of them is the leader's assistant, the second is nikita zhukov. what kind of sect? we were unable to find out this . all paraphernalia burned in the fire. but the detainee refused to answer questions from the investigation. two of them were placed in a psychiatric clinic, the third committed suicide suicide in a pre-trial detention center. he broke his head. so, both dead women were pregnant as a result of in vitro fertilization. wait, do you think this sect has moved to coluga? i suspect so, although i have no direct evidence yet. a sect from ufa, we have a pregnant dog imprisoned, bugs, some kind of nonsense. that’s why belkin will go to have tea with the professor, and we will... you see, there
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are fragmentary snippets of phrases, even words, i would say, not very very strange, but what’s strange, please, tell me everything, i’ll write it down, and then i’ll show it to my colleagues, well, these are the letters. this is most likely the word help, so these, i think, eternal, or eternity, so, this, this, i don’t understand, there is some kind of derivative of the word morality.
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that is, a comparative recent text , written in a long-extinct alphabet, and what you cannot say in this entire text, excuse me, young man, but i won’t become a wizard anymore, no, well, you bring me at least a couple of meaningful sentences, then we’ll draw conclusions, but until then, alas?
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what are you hinting at? did your clinic conduct experiments on animals? what? no, of course, that is, polonina never brought her stray dogs to you for in vitro fertilization. what do you think we have? the island of doctor moreau? we have a medical institution with an impeccable reputation, that is, polunina did not bring her dogs to your clinic? i have no idea.
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we have some interesting notes here, just a minute, for example, alphaletropin, once a week, differilin, injections daily, citrate orally once every 3 days, drugs progesterone, here, if i’m not mistaken, there are already 1520 thousand, here’s what’s also very interesting, corifalitropin alfa, one injection, 23 sounds, by the way, i really hope that vera ivanovna bought all this from you at a discount, otherwise you know, doctors’ pensions are small, i don’t understand what you want to impute to me, we have a commercial clinic, we purchase all the drugs with our own funds
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, we have the right to dispose of them at our own discretion, of course i love animals very much, but it would be better if you provided these drugs to low-income mothers. don't interfere either in your business, gentlemen, police officers, these dogs gave life to not a single child, and give it another gift, so you still conducted experiments on animals? yes, these are not experiments, strictly speaking, well, we tried some methods of therapy on them for severely damaged reproductive organs, with a radically disturbed or unstable hormonal balance, the worst thing that threatened these animals was miscarriage or stillborn puppies, puppies, but not children. “it’s legal, it’s humane, but poluninaya’s dog didn’t die from hormonal therapy, and neither did polunina herself, i hope you don’t want to accuse me of her murder, galina borisovna, we just want you to be frank, your clinic or
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some of its employees have recently received threatening letters, i haven’t heard of anything like that recently or at all . even if your patient’s pregnancy ended unsuccessfully. sorry, but there have been no such cases in our clinic yet. and if it was successful, nevertheless, there were no complaints from the parents, maybe something was wrong with the child , after the birth all sorts of things happened. i understand what you mean you, but our floor is still too small. the majority of our patients are in the process. three are due to give birth this month, the rest at a shorter period. one more question. do you know this person? this is the first time i’ve seen this, is this a relative of one of our patients? i hope no. well, i told you, we don’t have any sect in our college, the fact that
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polunina was killed is a tragic accident, and the fact that her dog, which was burned by a flayer, was pregnant, is just a coincidence in our opinion. zhukova - is this also a coincidence? listen, but zhukov's crime is not automatically means the existence of a sect, but maybe. let me help. oh thank you. yes, i can’t find my wallet, but i need to pay for a taxi. congratulations. i saw you on tv, giving birth with metochondrial disease is just some kind of miracle. thank you. we were just discharged today. how are you and how is the baby feeling? oh, everything is fine, who's home? what about you? dad doesn’t meet us, we don’t have dad , we had donor sperm, here he is, let me hold the bag, thank you, i’ll open it, please, thank you for your help,
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you’re welcome, all the best, be healthy, i’m alone i can’t understand this modern desire to get pregnant at any cost, no matter what, despite illness, age, genetic hormonal abnormalities, to conceive and give birth, like a surrogate, frozen sperm cells, i would try to explain to you, but i’m afraid you still don’t you understand, you mean the instinct of motherhood, animals have them, but it’s not a matter of instinct, just in my opinion. it doesn’t matter to every person whether it’s a man or a woman, nature has the desire to create a new life, you understand, every woman should have the right to give this life, every baby should have the right to have light, even if it comes from medical care, your eyes
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glow from the inside when you say that, i’m serious. yes, lina, i’m listening to you. an, hi, can you talk? yes i can. i’m talking about the blood test you gave me this morning, i hope it’s not ksyukha, no, it’s just familiar, but what? she's pregnant. that's for sure? it couldn't be more precise. yeah. i understood. thank you. you're welcome. go ahead,
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comrade boss, you've worked your ass off, you can't do this. who else is there? hello, who are you? hello, would i like varya romanenko, she lives here, right? varka, well, yes, she lived, but i haven’t seen her for 2 weeks, yes, but where has she been spending the night all this time? well, who the hell knows, she threw her things away, not knowing where to put them, maybe in her store, but no,
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she’s not in the store, you were there, listen, well then i don’t know, i sheltered her, of course, but i also has her own personal life, and in general she probably sleeps where it’s quieter, but i think that if you can’t sleep, it means you’re not tired, mom, where are you, and who is this, yes this quarks, and varka?
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i'm probably late, but did something happen? no, don’t worry, to be honest, i ’ve been walking near your house for an hour, as if the neighbors wouldn’t call the police, but why, why? i didn’t come in, it seemed to me that you were waiting for someone, when this embarrassed you, come in, to be honest, i wanted to consult with you, in your presence i somehow think easier, don’t consult... i still can’t sleep, you really don’t you believe that a sect can operate in a college? yes, it’s not that i don’t believe it,
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it’s just that koluga has always been a city of scientists, engineers, and these are people with a critical mindset, if what you ’re talking about was happening here, well, in ufa, the locals, not the police, were the first to know about this sect, i found something here. in my archives, this photo is from ufa, the quality of course was not very good, taken by my friend’s smartphone. look, these are sectarians after their arrest, they campaigned against pregnancy, argued that humanity should stop reproducing, they considered artificial insemination to be the worst sin, well, this is some kind of nonsense, here they are all together,
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this is their only group photo before their arrest. i don’t understand, okay, men, but women, i think that their leader had some kind of hypnosis technique, it was not possible to interrogate him, he rushed to the ovild as soon as the special forces began to surround the hut, and the rest of the sectarians tried to burn themselves and the house , but they managed to save them, it’s some kind of middle ages, how could this happen in the 20th century.
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good evening, igor strakhov is broadcasting from st. petersburg, in the news studio, briefly about the main thing. for 2 months, teenagers suspected of murdering petersburgers. isan gali was sent to the pre-trial detention center. childhood according to gost rosskachestvo wants to remove toys that are dangerous to the psyche from the shelves. loudly and impressively , ice began to explode on the rivers and lakes of the leningrad region. in the spasopreobrazhensky cathedral , the picturesque panels on the so
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-called sails of the temple are being restored. the smolninsky district court of st. petersburg sent two teenagers to a pre-trial detention center; they are suspected of hooliganism and causing grievous bodily harm resulting in death. let us remind you that on march 19 at 5:40 am, three guys saw a man in sangali park on ligovsky avenue, climbed over the fence, one of them began beating a passerby. with fists, legs, and later his friend joined him. the third watched the massacre. victim. a forty -eight-year-old resident of the nevsky district managed to call 112, but by the time the squad arrived he was already dead. the suspects were quickly found and turned out to be teenagers between 13 and 15 years old; the court sent two of them under arrest. do you agree with the court's decision regarding the preventive measure? no, i don't agree. don't agree, why? i didn't kill him. articles under which
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teenagers are accused - especially severe punishments of up to 10 years imprisonment for group hooliganism for 7 years. we. we will monitor the development of this resonant case. a bus with people crashed today at 7 am on the highway near kengesep; according to the police, a passenger carrying construction workers was hit by a foreign car. the impact sent the cars flying into a ditch. the sixty-three-year-old driver of the car died on the spot. it was established that the deceased, at a gentle bend in the road , lost control and drove into oncoming traffic, where there was a bus at that moment. one of the passengers was seriously injured a man in the hospital, three other workers. escaped with minor injuries. on other topics, roskachestvo is developing a new state regulation, which should remove entertainment that is dangerous for the psyche from children's toy stores. zhanna skvortsova read more. now i, who is hiding behind this good-natured askal, neither artyom nor veronica know, for them these are furry
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monsters, almost every second child had such a year ago. we're scared. who are you, hell, they're not spicy. explosive popularity among children and mixed reviews parents forced luxury experts to check the strange creatures. it turned out that they are really terrible, but in taste and color. the toxicity index for half of the assortment presented on marketplaces was off the charts. we took a closer look at the cuddling toy, department psychologists conducted an examination, but it turned out that the antagonists from a computer horror game were tickling the nerves. virtual reality i have a negative attitude towards this kind of toys, but at the same time i understand that this is apparently some kind of fashion that dictates, well, it has to do with some concessions and... so that they do not feel somehow disadvantaged. danil was five when the eurasian
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economic commission began thinking about the psychological and pedagogical examination of children’s toys and proposed amending the technical regulations of the customs union. russian legislation then, as well as now, controlled only the quality of products. manufacturers were responsible for moral character. daniil has managed to grow up, he is already 12. on the shelf is a child’s one. toys are now being inspected by roskachestvo specialists, the department is working on a new guest, which should be removed from of all diversity, not children's games, toys should not incite cruelty, which can affect the formation of a child in terms of traditional, family values, because there were cases when toys of non-traditional orientations, transgender, up to 6 years old, 12 and beyond, were sold for each group highlight signs that , according to experts, can harm the health and development of children; the restrictions include
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games that cause fear, horror, depictions of violence, anyone, swear words, and for the little ones, plots with a non-naturalistic depiction of the triumph of good over evil, and for sixteen-year-olds you can even use information about the dangerous consequences of taking narcotic... substances , the forced, how to say, introduction of toys that have negative content, yes, the content side, it, of course, accustoms the fact that the whole world is dangerous and that all around there are continuous such fears, frightening objects, but this should not happen, this is polypropylene, which is also allowed in contact with food products, at the largest plant in russia of plastic toys, safety comes first, the range is more than a thousand. positions, if the color is not aggressive, from a weapon , perhaps a boomerang, where they write, use only for its intended purpose, but hit with anything, you can hit with a bouquet of flowers, cute
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colors, pleasant-looking plastic and not a loud noise, this is a gurney for kids, this is the second year it has broken all sales records, what kind of psychological harm it can cause to a child, but with the advent of the state pool , even the most harmless toys will be tested, there are no experts in the field of child psychology here, they are guided by personal ideas about ethics, but are confident that any product will withstand the examination, however, like all russian toys. such a state is needed because there are a lot of imported toys that are not suitable for our mentality, that is, in other countries it is possible, this is suitable, yes, given their policies, but the state regulation, if it is still adopted, is not mandatory conditions, the manufacturer will do such marking voluntarily, whether the new toy will teach bad things is still up to the parents... to decide. zhanna skvortsova, roman chui and olga potapenko. news petersburg. fast and high-quality training of engineers was discussed at the mining university.
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there was a seminar on improving the country's higher education system. vladimir putin ordered to rethink the training of specialists in may last year. by his decree, a pilot project was created, which included six leading universities in the country. their leaders , together with the minister of higher education and science valery falkov, and assistant to the head of state andrei fursenko. identified the necessary changes, according to the seminar participants, first of all this is the expansion fundamental component, namely a revision of the set of technical disciplines that specialists form, a different emphasis on practical training: expansion of the practical component, and closer interaction with employers, with industry leaders, in general with industries, in fact today, as we know, employers often present claims in...
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standards, rescuers monitored safety, first scared away the fish with a micro-explosion, and only then detonated the main charge. next in
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line is the pasha river, calming down and sitting down, there are blasters will work early next week, experts warn that the coastal areas may be noisy, local residents are asked to remain calm, these explosions do not pose a danger; in total, during the work, experts will destroy the integrity of ice fields over an area of ​​12,000 km. let us remind you that from march 15, going out is prohibited, organized patrols, violators face a fine of up to 5.00 rubles. let's find out the weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with weather forecasts in the studio leonid petrov. there will be a little rain, a little wind will intensify, plus on thermometers will remain on friday in st. petersburg and the region. according to the hydra of the center of st. petersburg, on march 22
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, it will be completely cloudy, from 2 to 4° above zero is expected during the day on the property, the thermometer can rise to +6 in tikhin and baksitogorsk, about 5° warm, weather forecasters also promise in volkhov , kirishakh, gatchina and iburg. in st. petersburg during the day there is light precipitation, not cool +4, mostly cloudy. on saturday night in the city it was also humid, already +3 on the thermometers. have a nice day. at the beginning of the russian-japanese war , a new exhibition was held at the central naval museum named after peter the great; its authors set a goal to tell not about battles and destruction, but about the everyday life of the participants in the defense of port arthur. at the beginning of the 20th century, photography became a popular hobby, including for russian officers. unique photographs depict the death of the battleship petra-pavlovsk. the tragedy claimed, among other things, the lives of vice admiral stepan makarov and the artist vasily
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vereshchakin. the exhibition presents stereo photographs, something like a modern 3d, the effect can be seen using a special device, and for this exhibition we have prepared such a small souvenir for each visitor, this is a copy of a stereo photograph of one of the buildings located on the territory of port arthur, from exactly this period. another exhibit reflecting the peaceful life of the military is the brother’s cup with the image of a dragon made of silver, decorated with rock crystal. it was presented as a gift to vsevolod rududnev by his colleagues in honor of his transfer to the position of commander of the cruiser varyak. experts have begun restoration picturesque panels on the sails of the transfiguration cathedral, the central part of the temple was closed during the work, but services are held in the lateral limits. ekaterina gritsienko will continue. the blue sky is gilded by the star of bethlehem, illuminating the dome and the hearts of the parishioners with its rays; the picturesque vault
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has been restored to its original appearance. in a gentle, gentle way, for some letters injections of special glue are enough to restore their former beauty, our gold cracked a little, we pierce it with a special compound, strengthen it along the crack, and then let's go with a slightly different composition for the backgrounds. under the gilded inscription on the four sails of the temple the image of the evangelists, matthew, mark, luke and john, at a height of 40 m is imperceptible, here under the dome the oil painting is clearly visible.
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the paint burst and came away from the plaster, again the restorers laid each piece with glue, then exposure to high temperature, as if these cracks had never existed, such filigree work in the transfiguration cathedral requires at every stage. this is an amazing temple, it never closed, it worked throughout the soviet era, and even in the era of godlessness there, he always, he always worked, so there is a very high degree of authenticity, decoration, and this of course... it is always very difficult, because authenticity must be preserved. the cathedral was erected at the behest of elizabeth petrovna. such was the gratitude of the empress to the soldiers of the preobrazhensky regiment. with their help , she carried out a palace coup. the church, created in the ancient russian style, became a landmark of the city; the most important services for st. petersburg were held there. guardsmen. the emperor and empress also came for the transfiguration, because we know that all members of the kingdom. seven
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males were enrolled in the preobrazhensky regiment from birth, but in 1825 there was a fire, the shrines were taken out, but only the walls remained of the temple, the cathedral was restored by vasily stasov ... a adherent of the strictly vampire, the new church gained fame equal to the previous one. the architect's contemporaries said that there are two main buildings in the city, the kazan transfiguration cathedrals. the powerful fence. the fence, designed by vasily stasov , was installed in honor of the victory in the russian-turkish war. the basis of the design is 102 captured guns. the cannons even retain the coats of arms of the ottoman empire. the gun barrels were installed with the muzzle down, they never. will not participate in battles, they believe that stasov saved more than 1,300 rubles on the cannon fence. he received such a prize from the emperor; preserving history, legends, priceless architectural heritage is the task of current generations. katerina gritsienko, vyacheslav
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rakov, mark polukhinskikh, lead st. petersburg. this there was news from st. petersburg, all the best.
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all proposals of the russians will be heard. vladimir putin addressed the citizens of the country after the official announcement of victory in the elections. another shelling on civilians in belgorod, the families of the victims are being given humanitarian aid kits. are they looking for funds to support ukraine, how is the eu summit going and what decisions can be made? you are watching the news on the russia tv channel, the main news in karina ilyin’s studio. hello. the ministry of defense published a video
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of the destruction of ukrainian saboteurs regions of ukraine bordering the belgorod region. they show a high-precision weapon attack on forest plantations, where the militants tried to take cover and hide military equipment themselves. nationalist position. were liquidated, and this is filming of preemptive air and artillery strikes, a grouping of western troops at the point of temporary deployment of an enemy sabotage reconnaissance group. five people were injured in belgorod from new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the city was attacked in the morning at about 8 o'clock, when residents were on their way to work. the air defense system was destroyed in the sky 10 rockets from the czech rszzvampire, dozens of apartments and private houses were damaged, windows were broken in the belgrade arena sports complex. expensive equipment, lighting, and air conditioners were damaged. fortunately, at the time of the shelling there was no one in the complex except security, but they managed to take cover in time. also due to the explosion...
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the residents of belgorod were left without electricity, but utility workers managed to quickly restore the power supply. in the belgogorod region , the first 10,000 humanitarian kits have been created for residents of the graivernsky district. their have already started issuing. the set is designed for each family member and contains food, household chemicals, and personal hygiene items. read more polina bykova. the set is designed for each family member and contains everything you need. a kilogram of buckwheat , uh, a kilogram of rice, then the next line we take three different canned fish, then we move on to canned meat, that is, one linina, beef, stew, also two vegetables, peas and beans are put in the bag, as well as wheat flour, sunflower oil , condensed milk, sugar, cookies and tea, in the second package shampoo, washing powder, toothpaste
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, this is very important, our region is in a difficult situation, so we are ready not only to waste our time, we are coming here at the call of our hearts, humanitarian kits can be received by residents of sixteen border settlements of the grayvoronsky urban district , including the nameless grivor at kazinka glotovo-gorkovsky. to do this, you must contact the administration of any municipality and present your passport with registration. news belgorod. every vote
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cast in the last presidential election was of great importance. all candidates’ proposals that resonate with voters will be used in the interests of the country’s development. vladimir putin stated this. he addressed the russians , thanked them for their support, and promised to take civic responsibility that he would make every effort to implement the projects discussed in his message to the federal assembly. dear citizens. dear friends, today the official voting results for the presidential elections in russia have been summed up, an extremely important civil society for our country has ended. election campaign. each candidate had his own approach to solving specific problems. we will definitely use all constructive proposals, all ideas that resonated with voters in ours. general work in the interests of the development of the country, the past
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campaign was intense and extremely responsible, because by and large we were choosing the path that russia would take next, choosing the future for ourselves and our children, and the significance of this event was understood by the vast majority of voters who came to the elections, thank you again to everyone who took part in the vote, regardless of who you gave your vote to. vladimir putin has officially been re-elected president of russia. the election commission center approved the results of the elections. according to final data, the current head of state.


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