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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  March 23, 2024 8:35am-9:01am MSK

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thank you for your work, shot! d-30 howitzers echo the katyusha jets from the right flank, right where the types are, i understand, right into them somewhere. while our reconnaissance drone is looking for a new target, the gunners are in safe cover. the deeper we dig in, the more secure we feel. if there is a drone, we have a man with us with a machine gun, with a weapon. it detects a drone, if there is an opportunity to hit it, it hits it. coordinates received, calculations to the gun. constant combat work on the front line without delays. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev, lead. these days mark exactly 25 years of the nato bombing of yugoslavia, one of the most cruel and valuable crimes of the west. massive airstrikes, which are under false pretext and in violation.
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people, the trinity celebration was in full swing, and the pilots who were flying low on may 30, gathered near the church about a thousand altitude, could not help but see that next to the bridge ordinary peaceful people, in the serbian barbarian nato country, had staged real barbarity, the most became a young victim of blows fifteen-year-old sanja milenkovic, when we arrived, we saw. i went to the hospital and
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they told me that shrapnel hit her in the head and that’s why she died. americans call it collateral damage, but it's wrong, it's human life. and this story is just one of thousands. over 11 weeks of bombing, according to serbian sources , more than 2 thousand civilians were killed, another thousand are still listed as missing. nato planes attacked passenger planes. driving, television centers, columns of refugees. in the kosovo village of karisha, aviation nato bombed a convoy of albanian civilians whom the alliance allegedly protected from the serbs, because the reason for the final dismemberment of yugoslavia was called the incident in the village of rachek, where the serbs allegedly executed 45 albanian civilians, as announced by william walker, head of the osce mission. it later turned out that this was a falsification. the commission of inquiry was then headed by danica marinkovic.
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slovenia turned away. as a sign of protest against the operation, prime minister yevgeny primakov, who was heading to the united states on an official visit , decided to cancel the trip and turn around plane back. this went down in history as the u-turn over the atlantic or the primakov loop. on that same plane, along with the prime minister , was konstantin kosachov. we heard al gore inform primakov about the decision to start bombing. pryamakov asked to connect him with the then president of russia.
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dani and his combat crew were struck from the soviet s-125 neva anti-aircraft missile system.
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why some will ask me, i was so merciless towards serbia, why am i so persistent in not providing assistance to the people of serbia, because until they look into their hearts, they will never be able to cure themselves of the painful belief that
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they are oppressed, as long as they hold this view, this cycle will continue. these words of the us president of serbia do not allow us to forget the monstrous consequences from the american ones. projectiles with combined uranium. now in vranje the highest background radiation is recorded in all of serbia. for example, our tazimeter now shows 150 nanosieverts per hour. this figure is within the normal range but higher than in the rest of the country. but the main problem is not the radiation, but the uranium particles that remain in the soil and water. my wife died of carcinoma and i also had surgery for carcinoma. the consequences of the nato bombing in serbia will not be forgotten very soon. the half-life of united uranium is 4 billion years. daria grigorova vladislav chernov and inna koshkina, balkanskoe biro news from serbia. the generations memory charitable foundation is raising funds for the hero of the northern military district, junior lieutenant sergei rashkov. a military
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felcher, holder of the order of courage, was wounded in battle. he has a spinal cord lesion and cannot walk, but he studies at the university and continues to serve in the armed forces at the local military registration and enlistment office in order to return. how can you help him? in the report by elena belkina. junior lieutenant sergei rashkov is a military paramedic. i started in civilian life at an ambulance station. the armed forces came after my grandfather and father. geography of service from the far east to the far north. the further path can be traced by military awards for syria and a special military operation. the most precious thing for him is the order courage. he found himself behind the ribbon from the first day of the northern military district, while performing a combat mission as part of a reconnaissance group, he was ambushed, taking the place of a machine gunner-gunner, covering the retreat of a comrade, and was wounded in the neck with damage to the spinal cord. on adrenaline , so to speak, i didn’t even understand, i just touched it, yeah,
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it’s bleeding, i thought, well, it’s just a scratch , then i started to lose consciousness a little, and accordingly a shell landed on the car, well then... i just lost consciousness, i don’t remember anything, i already woke up in the hospital after operations, and accordingly, i was a little shocked that nothing was moving, nothing was moving, no arms, nothing, everything was just lying there, scary indeed, that last battle for sergei ended on march 8 , 2022, the long road to life began, after eight months in hospital and rehabilitation, javi's ability never returned to him.
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now sergei is studying at the university, continues to serve in the armed forces at the local military registration and enlistment office, lives in a five-story building without an elevator, every day we help him go down to stroller to the street and climb the stairs home, they ask friends or neighbors, to the apartment on the third floor where our hero lives there are exactly 47 steps, for you and me this is an easy walk, for him every day is a challenge, we can help sergei return to an active image life, become more independent, buy him a stroller, an all-terrain vehicle, a step walker. which can overcome stairs, curbs, snow-covered courtyards and roads during the long polar winter. all-wheel drive, wheel drive and track drive were combined in one stroller. thanks to this, the stroller capable of moving over rough terrain, along a forest belt, along a beach
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area, on, i don’t know, broken asphalt, that is, it does not limit, it gives freedom, and most importantly, with its all-terrain quality, it is. quite compact, the innovative all-terrain stroller is produced in novosibirsk, it costs 1,208.00 rubles. the money is collected by a charitable foundation in memory of generations. since 2015, the generation memory foundation has been providing high-tech medical care to veterans of all military operations. at the moment there are already more than 18 thousand of our wards were able to receive a course of medical assistance, these are operations, complex rehabilitation and technical means of rehabilitation, this is just such a case now, our ward sergei roshkov really needs a complex medical wheelchair. anyone can help sergey; to make a donation, you need to send an sms with the word rozhkov space amount to a short number.
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which was celebrated on march 22, he told reporters about this at the embassy building, where in minsk people are already carrying flowers and candles as a sign of condolences in memory of the dead crocus. thank you. the fire in the city hall crucus has been localized, there is a leak in the structure,
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the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov reported. the roof over the auditorium collapsed, leaving isolated pockets of fire, but the fire was mostly extinguished. footage appeared from inside the kroku city hall, rescuers were able to enter the auditorium, where the temperature was high for a long time and where, apparently , the epicenter of the fire was, the rubble is now being cleared. the ministry of emergency situations of russia published. updated lists of victims of the terrorist attack, the published list includes 99 injured. the heads of the fsb, the ministry of internal affairs, and the investigative committee of the russian guard reported to vladimir putin on the progress of the investigation into the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. the head of the ministry of emergency situations reported on measures to save people, the head of the ministry of health and the governor of the moscow region about assistance to the victims. according to the investigative committee, by this time more than 60 people had died as a result of the terrorist attack. detachments of the russian guard, police special forces, the ministry of emergency situations, doctors
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and firefighters are working at the scene of the tragedy. there were three to five attackers in total. they burst into the building, shot the guards, and then blocked the doors and opened fire on unarmed people in the hall. then the terrorists burst into the auditorium and began shooting at people in the stalls and throwing incendiary bombs. the building caught fire. the fsb reported that special services were conducting an operational search in the area of ​​the complex. events, according to the investigative committee, i repeat, as a result of the terrorist attack, more than 60 people were killed, more than 140 were injured, 60 of them in serious condition. by this hour, the doctors had completed the main work of providing emergency care to the victims. doctors are now stabilizing patients continue to work with those whose condition is assessed as the most severe. this was stated by the head of the russian ministry of health , mikhail murashko. victims of the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole. hospitalized in 12 moscow hospitals. vladimir putin wished those injured in the crocus recovery
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and thanked the doctors. the fire was localized to an area of ​​14,000 m2. more than 300 rescuers extinguished the flame; helicopters from the ministry of emergency situations threw about 160 tons of water onto the hot crocus. medical helicopters, in turn, picked up the victims. some visitors succeeded take cover on the lower level of the center. there is a parking lot there, more than 100 people were evacuated from there. the russian national guard completed an inspection of the parking lots near crocus; no explosive devices were found. the investigative committee opened a criminal case under the article of a terrorist attack on exits from the capital. strengthened security measures are being carried out on the moscow ring road, random checks of drivers are being carried out. the ministry of transport asks passengers to arrive at airport stations and airports in advance with understanding regarding the inspection. the ministry of culture announced the cancellation of mass and entertainment events in all federal institutions for the next
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2 days. the largest moscow theaters are also canceling performances. security measures are being strengthened in shopping centers in the moscow region on saturday. we are monitoring developments, see you soon. in the spring of 1922 , an unusual concert took place in the kremlin in lenin’s office, the young scientist lev theremin performed for the leader of the world
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proletariat, sensanz’s play the swan, scriabin’s etude and romance. he moved his hands in the air next to the antennas of the device, and sounds that were mesmerizing in their timbre flowed from the speaker. vladimirich was so fascinated by the miracle instrument that he decided to play it himself and... and even managed to complete the lark without the help of the inventor. his positive opinion played a significant role in the future fate of the new instrument and its creator. lev sergeevich termen, soviet inventor, engineer, electromechanic, musician, creator of the theremin, the world's first
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electric musical instrument. lev theremin was born in 1896 in st. petersburg in the family of a famous lawyer. the parents tried to develop their son’s creative abilities. he studied playing the wellchel, the house was equipped with a physics laboratory and an observatory. in the third grade of the gymnasium , the boy became seriously interested in physics, and in the fourth he already demonstrated experiments with coils. petrograd university, but in 1916 he was drafted into the army and sent for accelerated training to the nikolaev engineering school, and then to officer electrical engineering
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courses; soon junior officer levmen began serving at tsarskoye selo. radio stations. after the revolution, termen joined the ranks of the red army. army and was sent to moscow to a military radio laboratory, where he dealt with issues of technical radio intelligence. in 1919 , the famous russian physicist abram fedorovich iofe invited him to work at the newly created institute of physics and technology in petrograd. this was a fateful turn in the life of the lion terme. he was given the task of measuring the dielectric constant of gases at various temperatures and pressures. for this purpose, theremin developed a measuring setup in which he used an electrical oscillation generator on a cathode lamp. a cathode lamp is an electrode-vacuum device in which
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electric current is carried by electrons emitted by a heated cathode. changing the state of the gas changed the capacitance of the capacitor and, as a consequence, the frequency of electrical oscillations. in the future, to improve the measurement accuracy, permen decided to use two high-frequency generators at once. now a signal with a frequency falling within the audio range was generated at the output of the device, and it was clearly audible. any change in gas parameters changed its tone, this is exactly what pushed the lionwaterman. to the idea of ​​creating a completely new musical instrument. in it, the capacitance of the oscillatory circuit changed not due to the temperature or pressure of the gas mixture, but due to the introduction of human hands into the electromagnetic field. to do this, theremin added two antennas to the circuit: the vertical one was responsible for the tone of the sound, and the horizontal one for its volume.
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moving your hands closer or further away from these antennas changed the tone and volume. a musical term meaning a smooth transition from one sound to another. termen's own invention he called it an engineer's suha, a musical instrument with cathode tubes, but soon the new instrument was given a different name - the term wox, that is, theremin's voice. it was not only the world's first electric musical instrument, but also the first and only one. in the history of music, an instrument that the performer plays without touching it. in the fall of 1920, lev theremin demonstrated playing on the theremin-vox for the first time. at a meeting of the circle of mechanics named after professor kirpichev, in october 1921 he performed several works on it for the delegates of the eighth
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all-russian electrotechnical congress, at which the plan for the electrification of russia was discussed, his speech created a sensation. the fantastic musical device was reported to lenin, who, after theremin’s visit to the kremlin, ordered that a mandate be issued to him, giving him the right to free travel on... railways, the inventor went with concerts and lectures throughout the country , promoting the ideas of universal electrification. for 2 years, lev terment visited more than 150 cities and villages; in may 1924, the premiere of the first symphonic work written for the etermen vox orchestra. the newspapers wrote: the invention of the theremin is a walking musical tractor. sakha's change. soon they learned about theremin abroad. in 1927, the inventor was sent by the people's commissariat of education to
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the international music exhibition in frankfurt am main to present the successes of soviet science and culture. the theremin demonstration aroused great interest. theremin's concert performances were met with such excitement that he was literally bombarded with invitations to visit other cities. after exhibitions he triumphantly traveled all over germany. an enthusiastic audience applauded him at london's royal albert hall at the paris grand opera. in 1928, after a successful european tour, lev theremin was sent to america. there they arranged a ceremonial meeting for him, at which the invention of the theremin was compared with the invention of radio. in the usa, terment received a patent for his instrument, which he rented in new york. a large building for a music studio, officially it represented the people's commissariat of education, but he also had another secret mission:
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to collect information about the american economy and political situation for soviet intelligence. however, theremin did not pay too much attention to this and completely immersed himself in concert activities. he performed with a symphony orchestra at the stadium in new york in the prestigious cardegay.
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an electronic musical instrument that creates percussive sounds with a specific rhythmic pattern. another theremin invention was associated with personal history. the dancer lavenia williams won his heart, whom he soon married. he created a new musical instrument, the terpsiton, named after the musician's terpsichore. as one of the antennas, it used a metal sheet placed on the floor, and the melody was created directly in the dance. lev theremin lived in the usa for 10 years; in 1938 he was recalled to moscow and was forced to secretly leave america on board a soviet ship. terment wanted to take the avalanche with him, but... they promised him that they would send it on the next ship, they never saw each other again. in march 1939 he was arrested. special
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a meeting of the nkvd of the ussr sentenced lev theremin to eight years in the camps for assisting the international bourgeoisie in its hostile activities against the soviet union. while serving his sentence in magadania, termen continued to invent, for example, he developed the buran wiretapping system. she used infrared radiation to pick up conversations through the vibration of window panes. another one.


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