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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  March 24, 2024 7:00pm-9:01pm MSK

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really seriously, in the long term they want to build good neighborly relations between the two states, they take a pause for rearmament for one and a half to two years, and even when the final question was asked, let’s give the other side, please, after that putin himself gave the floor, yes, now, now there, here for you, and here we’ll finish a couple more, we haven’t finished, okay, i meant the young man, well, let the girl say, and the girl said, and the young man. so come on let's finish, we saw the preparation of a journalist from the american television company nbc, of ​​course, western countries have a lot of questions for putin, and they received answers to many of them in the following formulation, there are not completely stupid people sitting there, i think that they will act more sophisticatedly. yes, but
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they will not change their goals towards russia. as a result, the nbc television company acted in a sophisticated manner. here is a recording of their broadcast that fully demonstrates their long question. american journalist evan gershkovich, among many who conducted elections in prison, boris nadezhdin was not allowed to participate in the elections, alexei navalny died in one of the prisons during the election campaign. all these accusations are being aired. and the question is, is this democracy? that's life. these two words of putin are the only thing that american tv viewers can hear , nothing else, but especially for nbc we will once again show a continuation about democracy and about leaving life in prison, but hasn’t this happened in the united states, it has happened many times, we are democratic do we have elections? or not, i believe that it is democratic on the contrary, how can the use of administrative things be considered democratic?
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not democracy, that's what it is, well , voting by mail, what is that? voting time ends, ballots can be added until 12:00 at night, because the postmark is put at the post office on those days that have not yet ended, who stands there and controls? no one, they bought a vote for 10 dollars, and then they bought thousands of votes, came in a bunch, threw everything in before 12:00 at night, and here you have a vote. here's democracy, we have
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there is nothing like that, thank you, yes, if we still have foreign journalists, we are ready to show our democratic spirit, well, you alone, you were brave, you came here, you are here, and this suggests that after all not all is lost for the united states, the british bbc, remember, once and for all, worked for a week in the kremlin and first asked nadezhda babkina, you raised him, as i understand it, but what about the bbc. you also need to talk to them skillfully, and then margarita simonyan, i should have asked him a question, why can you film in the kremlin, but we can’t let alone film in government institutions in great britain, we are kicked out of the whole country under sanctions from everywhere, that’s a good question, but i asked it to him and that he called us for a message, but today they called us do you think russian journalists would be allowed to work at such events in western countries? i don’t know, i’ve been working for a long time,
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so well. president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. putin's meeting with his confidants. several times the audience gave putin a standing ovation, but putin’s victory is the victory of each of these people who directly participated in his election campaign. but putin’s rivals were also invited to the kremlin on monday. conversation in the open, but we have common goals, these are definitely completely obvious things, in closed mode, we now see that it turns out that vladimir putin came along with other candidates, participants in the presidential race, here the four of them are together, precisely for this week marks 10 years of the reunification of crimea with russia, behind the scenes. all candidates on stage putin says
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not only about reunification with crimea. but with other historical territories, their path to their homeland turned out to be much more difficult, tragic, but still we did it, and this is also a great event in the history of our state, now we are developing, moving together, feeling each other’s elbow, just this morning i was informed that the railway from... rostov to donetsk, to mariupol and berdyansk has been restored, we will continue this work and soon trains will travel directly to sevastopol, and this will be another alternative road instead crimean bridge, like this, together, hand in hand, we will move on. the cadres, like everyone else here,
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including the president, sang the anthem and were discussed by many. glorious country, we say by you. but we captured what was happening behind the scenes at that moment, but the officer accompanying putin did not know that someone was watching and filming it. supreme commander-in-chief putin. and during his first speech, immediately after summing up the election results, he first of all spoke about russian heroes. it's snowing , they're sitting there in the okups, well, we understand that it’s like this, it’s hard for a person who hasn’t been there to even imagine it, but they are there, after counting 100% of the votes, the president decides to address the citizens of russia again, video recording in the president’s main office in the first building of the kremlin, good
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evening, very difficult a time in which all russians are more consolidated than ever, we are walking together along... our chosen and historical path, confident in ourselves, in our strengths and in our future. victory in the elections is only a prologue to those victories that russia so badly needs and which will definitely come. paul, what do we know about the president's schedule next week? it is clear that it is hardly possible to talk about an exact schedule now; it is inevitably adjusted on such days, but we know something.
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putin’s trip to one of the regions is not excluded, but of course, given the current events, there may be significant changes in the president’s schedule, you have already convinced many times that the most important shots about presidential events appear earlier than others in the zarubin telegram channel, subscribe, well, in ours we'll show you more in the next tv episode the rest. thank you, pavel, i say goodbye to you for the week. and we will meet with the audience right after andrei kandrashov’s film, belgrade. i'm waiting for you in the sunday century studio. in a couple of hours the bombing
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of kosovo by nato forces will begin. i appeal to the whole world. let's do it while there are still some minutes left. we will convince clinton not to take this tragic dramatic step in order to save hundreds of hundreds of people who will die in a few hours, i ask you to join the indignation of all of russia, we, of course, are all that... we can do our part we do, but we can’t do everything, that is, we can, but our conscience doesn’t allow us, when boris elson addressed the world,
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nato heavy bombers were already in the air, the first bombs fell on yugoslavia on march 24, 1999 at 19:45 local time. not only houses, buildings, bridges and roads were under attack, but also international law itself, its place was already rapidly being taken by the rights of the strong. what the west did was completely unacceptable, right at the beginning of hostilities, a war, essentially in the center of europe, for them there was one rule, and i’m not sure that it doesn’t still exist, that everything is allowed to them, and that they can do everything. the west simply targeted us and said that we are the bad guys. the hegemons tried to perpetuate their
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dominance. the war in europe did not start in 2014 or in 1922. no, because there were bombings of belgrade. it seemed incredible. and then it all started, at first we thought that it would be easier, that someone would make a reasonable decision to end this nightmare,
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but in fact it became more and more difficult and heavier. belgrade, pristina, novi sad, kragujevac, podgorica. nato shells destroyed the serbs and destroyed the illusions of the russians, especially those who chronicled the tragedy from the rooftops of the moscow hotel. the first bomb that fell on belgrade hit me in the head. i... belonged to a generation of people who completely shared all our illusions regarding the fact that our entry into the bright, open, wonderful world of the west, when we could be accepted into this miracle, a clear idea of ​​what it was like where we will never go, appeared here for the first time, it was a shock, well , what do i remember 25 years later, mostly the attacks were carried out at that moment on government buildings, we can now still see the ruins of the ministry here. defense , there are several corpses sticking out there, this is the main thermal power plant of belgrade, it was hammered
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every single evening, usually at 7:30 the alarm sounded, flights began and until 2-3 at night we lived on this roof, but i saw everything with my own eyes, i stayed at the hotel , which has such an open terrace, quite high, from this terrace, together with bishop irenaeus baschsky, we had the opportunity to actually see the bombing. moment at this living city, the peacekeepers, as they called themselves, send missiles that
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destroy buildings. by that time, yevgeny primakov had already answered for all of russia, a plane over the atlantic. we do not trade our principles. everyone remembers pryamakov’s famous u-turn, but not everyone knows that the decision to bomb belgrade was made in washington before that. how pryamakov’s plane took off, and now we already know for sure that this was done on purpose, to let it take off, to reduce the chances of the visit being disrupted, they hoped that he would arrive and thereby legitimize the actions of the united states and the north atlantic alliance, but that was not the case, that was not the case, primakov immediately became a folk hero, because the people in russia perceived the misfortune of the serbs as my.
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for the first time, when a war thousands of kilometers from the borders of russia was perceived so painfully, there was some kind of turning point in consciousness, although not everyone understood that the war in serbia began not only against serbia.
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just an invasion, the beginning of the bombing, looking from the heights of these 25 years, how do you do it all? assess, well, it’s a huge tragedy , and what the west did is completely unacceptable, and i ’ve already spoken about this many times, without any resolution of the un security council, they directly began military operations, a war, essentially
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in the center of europe, and beyond bombing of the capital of this country, belgrade. well, what can we say here, nothing but condemnation. the mines under yugoslavia, and under the foundation of all european security, were laid long before the events of ninety-nine. the west flirted with marshal tiito. for example, how pompously his visit to churchill was staged in '53. i want to stand in this place to assure the people and leaders of great britain that they must regard the people of my country as their most loyal allies. the people of yugoslavia were hardly aware that western economic assistance was accompanied by a package of both weapons and obligations of political reform. the regions received such broad powers from belgrade that by the nineties decentralization could no longer be stopped, but in the fifties the west lulled titus's vigilance. american press diligently created a positive image
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of the marshal, and he was clearly pleased with himself. to all those in america who understand.
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was in the plans of the west for a long time, starting in 1991, but the events, specifically nato aggression, go back to 1998.
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the west openly supported the independence of kosovo from serbia precisely in 1998, that is, almost a year before the nato bombing , it developed operation allied force in support of albanian militants and against the serbian state. here is senator joe biden, without hiding or being shy. i suggested bomb belgrade. i suggested that we send american pilots to blow up all the bridges on the drine. i suggested that we destroy his oil reserves. i proposed very specific actions. the west only lacked a formal reason, some event
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that would emotionally justify the start of aggression against sovereign serbia and would make the numerous reconciliation commission forget about the violation of international law. in the end, as a direct reason, this is a well-known provocation, arranged very clumsily, but no one ... wanted to figure out what it really was happened, we just needed an informational occasion, as they say, the last spark in order to give the go-ahead for the bombings, in this case we don’t have to go far beyond the example ourselves, because we know similar or very similar situations in ukraine, starting with butch, yes, when all this was done in the same clumsy way, the incident in racheki in january 1990... many experts consider it to be the predecessor of the powell test tube, the chemical attacks in syria, and then the kiev riot. the osce mission accused the yugoslav military of killing 45 civilians
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albanians. nobody listened to the version that the dead were not peaceful albanians, but militants of the kosovo liberation army. karin kneisel, who worked in the balkans as a correspondent for the newspaper divel, remembers this very well. the nato propaganda machine is enormously powerful. they thought serbia were the bad guys, all kosovo albanians were freedom fighters by definition. with this approach, of course, there was never any objective determination of the facts. the incident in rachik was most likely a staged re-enactment. it was never widespread killing of civilians. it was the then head of the kosovo monitoring mission, american diplomat william walker, who immediately arrived at the scene of the incident, right away. stated that it was a massacre, this was the signal for nato intervention. when i spoke with other osce observers, they told me that the bodies of those killed were
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dressed in civilian clothes, but there were no traces of blood anywhere on these clothes. the un, with the support of sergei lavrov, insisted on an independent commission of pathologist-anatomists. we went to kosovski rachek at that time completely neutral finns. they established the truth, the truth was that there were... militants killed, and they were killed in battle, it was established that in this battle they themselves used firearms, and after they suffered a corresponding fate, their albanian colleagues changed into civilian clothes, this was established for certain, there were not even bullet holes on these clothes, of course, they were only on the bodies, and the clothes did not have such holes. this was the trigger, the west tried to get some kind of approval in the un security council, we did not allow this, and the chinese were also against it, and after that
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this aggression took place. promptly presenting the world with a reason for reprisals is a favorite technique of the anglo-saxons; they tried it before belgrade. during the bosna conflict , dozens of civilians were killed in explosions at a market in sarajevo.
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and the real sensation was that the yugoslav air defense forces managed to shoot down the american invisible f-117 aircraft. i will sell stealth for parts, pick up from belgrade. this is perhaps the most famous joke of the ninety year nine, which reflected not so much the military, but the moral damage inflicted by the serbs on the american army. newest.
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the invisible f-117 plane is the highest technology, well, now high-tech pieces of it are in a museum in belgrade. the trick was that the latest radars really couldn’t detect stealth, but the radar installed on this complex, produced in the soviet union in the seventies, could easily see this stealth. it was the collapse of a beautiful and terribly expensive myth. black a day for the general and a memorable tribute for colonel zolton. we saw in the picture what this part is. we can compare them, this is exactly the hole for cooling the gas. it was this color 25 years ago too, because it is titan. these coatings that were used on these aircraft were not taught. genius.
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but the serbs claim that during the bombing they managed to shoot down several dozen planes and helicopters, also thanks to their military ingenuity. these planes were not as good at fighting as we were capable of resisting. and it’s also very important that we had a lot of movements, maneuvers from the missile system. they fired at us with harm anti-radar missiles, but we had
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a way to prevent these...
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it is important that the air raids be suspended, i have decided not to send seven warships to the mediterranean as we agreed, and i will continue to do what i promised . milosevic insists that we supply the s-300 anti-aircraft system to yugoslavia, but we will not give him this system. you can be sure about this. president clinton, thank you.
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by a lucky coincidence, i was not there at that moment, i was in the government building, i received an invitation to speak on rts for cnn just that night, i refused, because there is no need to make a statement for the media from the aggressor countries, the hardest thing was that that my mother was the editor on duty that evening, at the moment when a rocket fell on rts and killed 16 wonderful people.
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that she and jasmina mitrovic, who hosted the news program that night, survived. it was happiness during a time of great misfortune. ruin they left the television center, everything here is the same as 25 years ago, so that they remember. they turned out to be a threat to nato. this attack for the first time legalized reprisals against unwanted media representatives. so that no one would think to call this strike a war crime, nato said something like: this was the center for distributing milosevic’s propaganda and, in general, part of his criminal apparatus, well then the target immediately becomes legitimate, and the missiles are
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democratic. russia will encounter this technique much later, but the serbs already then everything was understood immediately. these kinds of inscriptions appear here every now and then. in tash park, opposite, there is a monument to the television center employees who died that day. to the question, why? no answer, a quarter of a century. but they must answer, says serbian national television journalist dragan stanojevic. “i could have expected everything, but to bomb the rts. i don’t know if there are other cases in history when television was bombed. after the british prime minister, tony blair said that we are a means of propaganda. of course, as we should
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were to cover the event, should we cover the event the way nato likes it, or should we show the truth as we see it. dragan stanojevic at home shows us his personal archives, here are the serbs for the first time . thank you, on milosevic’s orders they were released, but gestures of goodwill were already regarded by the west as weakness, the intensity of aggression only increased. you live here next to the chinese
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embassy, ​​i live next to 50 -70 m from the crash site, there was a terrible explosion, the whole house was shaking, the glass was broken, the residents of the house started screaming, it was scary beyond description, hitler didn’t do that. now there is not just one hitler, there are now 19 hitlers. 19 is the number of nato member countries in ninety-nine. they became victims of their crimes that day.
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stated that china is obliged to condemn russia after the launch of a special military operation in ukraine, a representative of the chinese mission to the eu responded as follows: the chinese people can fully empathize with the pain and suffering of other countries, because we will never forget who bombed. our embassy in the federal republic of yugoslavia, we do not need in lectures on justice from a violator of international law, they have not forgotten in china, and will never forget about this, these are silent crimes of nato, and as our official representative mita of china said, it is only blood that is needed in front of the chinese people, in china it is not...
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he worked with her in the same xinhua editorial office in beijing, and then she went to yugoslavia as her own correspondent. there was not only a shock, but for centuries, of course, we were very pleased that we were sweating such a good, kind and...
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about which i had daily clashes with the editor in berlin. i told him, that ammunition with depleted uranium is used, and this has a negative impact on people and the environment, but everyone downplayed the importance of this fact. i insisted on publishing my material, there was a complete disregard for the facts. radioactive flood of uranus 238, that is. there is depleted uranium, it is twice as heavy
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as lead, so it has enormous penetrating power, still igniting upon impact. when the ammunition explodes, it releases tiny uranium dust, which over large areas falls into the lungs of people and into the water. soil. half-life is 4.5 billion years. these are the same depleted uranium cores that were dropped on yugoslavia during the bombing. this is a small caliber for... i know that now you are preparing a big documentary in order to show another facet of that war, people in the south of serbia are dying, many people died of cancer at 30, 40,
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45 years old, they are all the time they say that depleted uranium is not harmful, but why then did they have handbooks for their soldiers? in the end everything became even more cynical, nato comes and says: "you must become nato members. you cannot expect from our serbian character that we will be able to overcome this. this is impossible to overcome. in general, it is also cynical that neither the un, nor the vos , nor any other world organization
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has condemned the uranium bombings for 25 years, perhaps because someone does not want to allow a precedent." have you ever been to vietnam? well, don’t you remember how in vietnam you walk through any big city, at every crossroads there are people, like from a hugo novel, a man who laughs, only there are their braids, remember, but there is no one there i didn’t intentionally disfigure it, it was the americans , 30 years before the events that interest us in this film, who dropped more explosives on vietnam than on the whole of europe during the entire second world war.
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the operation did not find support either in congress or among the eight allied countries, the bombing was intensified, and it is unlikely that the west expected moscow to do anything to protect the serbs and its geopolitical interests. naturally, we are calculating a variety of options for our response, but i assure you that
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we will always remain on the platform common sense and interests, primarily the national interests of russia. slobodan milosevic was forced to accept the peace plan imposed by the west. it was clear that the entry of nato forces into kosovo was inevitable. and here russia faced the task of at least preventing the militants and their allies from gaining quick, unconditional control over serbian territory. that rapid forced march came as a surprise to the whole world. russian troops appear in kosovo and take it. control of slatina airport, the main military airfield near pristina, within a few hours before it was expected to be captured by nato forces. georgia, the details of the operation are still classified, although the president has already revealed some details to us. vladimir vladimirovich, in june 1999
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, something happened that no one in europe expected, it was a forced march of our peacekeepers to... portslatina in pristina, in the south of serbia in kosovo. tell us today, after so many years, do you know who made this decision, who took responsibility for this daring behavior of russia? first of all, i don't i think that this was daring behavior, and frankly speaking, i do not attach as much importance to it as some observers, how it was accepted, i can say, i was then the secretary of the security council, the chief of the general staff came to me, then - general kvashnin, and he told me that there is an idea to seize this airport. question why, he answered that it is clear that we will have to leave there someday, but there will be something to bargain with,
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i know that he did not risk coordinating this with senior officials, including ministry of defense, this was done, well, he talked to me about this, in any case, asked my opinion, and i told him so, if you think it’s advisable, do it, the main problem for the cia, as it later turned out... it became , how exactly the decision was made , which made the west shudder, because clinton considered yeltsin almost an ally, in moscow at that time there was a total problem of lack of coordination between politicians, diplomats and the military, hence there was such secrecy in decisions on the forced march, why the minister of defense and the minister they didn’t know foreign affairs, i was afraid of a leak , because there were a lot of comrades around them, as i called them... agents of influence from the point of view, well, one might say in the language of the great patriotic war, a talker, a godsend for
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a spy. only a few people from the general staff and the main operations directorate were allowed to plan the operation, but the main burden then fell on intelligence. we have received the necessary information about when these peacekeeping forces will be deployed. the most interesting. that he planned to do all this and to hold a parade of the nato group on the territory of the prishchina airfield on the day of our national holiday, that is, june 12, 1909. it was important for us not to allow us to be outplayed, not to allow it, not only gru, and here it was no longer about gru.
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what leverage was used then to influence president yeltsin? well , there were a lot of levers, russia was in a rather
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weak state, it was dependent on various kinds of financial instruments and mechanisms, on political, internal political, in this in a sense, we can sadly state that russia at that time had lost a significant... part of its sovereignty, the march itself caused enormous euphoria of the serbian people, and for us it was the greatest gift at that moment, of course, we were not happy when the military left, but anyway, we knew after this forced march that the russians would return again , militarily or politically, but russia made a message with this, a message to the whole world.
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ex-president to the hague tribunal, the people took to the streets in indignation. quote from speeches of almost every speaker. we do not need a government that sells out its presidents and thereby insults the entire people. milosevic was then handed over for ridiculous financial assistance. he was ill in prison for a long time, asked to be taken to moscow for treatment, and travel was prohibited. he died in a cell in gaga, but in history he remained the first to raise it in the post-soviet era.
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and former secretary of state madeline albright, thanks to the perseverance that began nato's military aggression against yugoslavia, lived a long life. she died on march 23 2022, on the eve of the next anniversary of the bombings, for which she personally chose the targets. was awarded a monument in pristina by grateful kosovo albanians. the question is, why does this monument appear not then, but only now? the answer is because at that time the whole of europe practically idolized the americans without any monuments, except perhaps the russians and serbs, who even then began to understand everything. and now the whole world, including europeans, is sobering up. and now americans need to somehow
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cultivate their authority. albanians are happy help. actually, this monument today could only appear here and, probably, nowhere else in europe. there was a very interesting close connection between mrs. madeline albright , the then twenty-nine-year-old leader of the kla, the kosovo liberation army, which was on the european union terrorist list, and i recall...
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took part in military action in europe without a un security council resolution. how is this possible? do you know what the answer was? well, how
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can it be, there for 8 years. take this into account and act unconditionally based on from our interests, but keep in mind that they can turn any situation around, they will try in a way that is beneficial to them, and we must do so that this corresponds
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to the interests of russia, but it’s interesting that if earlier in world politics the west clearly cynicism prevailed and even though it was clear what his interests were, now a complete lack of common sense prevails without any national interests. europe has completely fallen under the united states, it has no independence and now, if we take the same macron, his insistence on that it is possible that we will send ground troops to ukraine, this is no longer about strategic autonomy, this is to please the united states and at the same time provoke allies in the north atlantic alliance itself, but... in germany, the chancellor is still showing at least some caution, but provoking the topic of deployment of nato troops in ukraine
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is aimed, among other things, at undermining its position in the european union, in the context of franco-german rivalry, there is a lot of things there, such a quarrelsome organization, and not the national interests of their peoples and their own...
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then everything could have turned out differently, i said what i think, and every person in this country also thinks. don't forget, i just want our russian friends to know, and i'm sure
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you will make it possible for them to hear it. some former leaders of the russian federation introduced sanctions against us 3 days after the americans. imagine, little serbia has not imposed sanctions against russia until today. they used this and found a way to bombard us, to destroy our country, because there was no counterweight at the global level, there was no one who could then resist them. aleksandar vucic says that if putin had led russia in 1999, then all this would not have happened. i know that you don’t like the subjunctive direction, especially when it comes to history, but nevertheless, well, do you understand what?
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culture and russian graves are preserved, on this historical site in belgrade, and here is the city hall, the assembly of the serbian parliament, the royal court, today it sits here president of the republic, exactly on this spot was the embassy of the russian empire, the historical building was blown up by the nazis in 1944, and in 2014 a monument to emperor nicholas ii appeared here. this monument was consecrated by two serbian patriarchs as a gift from the russian military historical society.
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russian orthodox church, here are the words of nicholas ii to alexander karageorgievich: all my efforts will be aimed at maintaining the dignity of serbia, in no case will russia remain indifferent to the fate of serbia. world wars, conflicts in yugoslavia, and russia is always close to serbia. hence the old proverb: there are 200 million of us and the russians, and without the russians there is half a campion, that is, half a truck. and this proverb has become more common. what unites serbs and russians in general, why are these peoples so close to each other? first of all, faith. the orthodox faith, as the basis that forms, i am sure, even the genetic code of our people. in orthodoxy we have always found a reason for the revival of a return to our identity, its preservation.
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and they learned it by our word and messages, this is what the apostle paul says, stand and hold on to tradition, tradition with a capital letter, sacred tradition, tradition is the transfer of values, stand and hold on, because the basis of this tradition is the lord himself, because we are the heirs of christian civilization, that’s why we need to preserve the identity of our country, cultural identity, not to mention spiritual and religious identity.
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there is no need to translate our russian, don’t abandon your own people.
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today in russia is a day of national mourning, and you know, this time somehow everything differently, the awareness is different, the anger is different, the determination is different, i... on friday i was in belgorod, i’ll tell you about this separately later, well, everything happened, on saturday i went to donate blood, the line was endless, everything was superbly organized, clean, and people
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who go from the russian national football team to pensioners, from very young guys to... honored, respected law enforcement officers, are all equal, it does n’t matter, now they are flowers, but i understand that this anger that is among the people accumulated, a clear understanding of who is behind this terrorist attack, here is an absolute understanding, no matter what the westerners say, it doesn’t matter to us what they say, he said it correctly. another attempt to smear the real customers of the performers. yes, this is most likely one of the bloodiest
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terrorist attacks in the entire history of our country. they wanted to arrange something for us that could, in their understanding, be compared to the twin towers. approximately died there.
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the possibility of transition, on the other side they were already waiting there, because we know that they are working on the other side, including alshishani, one of the terrorists who has already appeared with his atrocities, he is directly this abdul hakim
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shishshani, who came to ukraine, he took part in the attack on belgorod. he was there and it’s clear that the gur guaranteed the transition to the security forces, all units, the fsb, the army, the russian guard, the police, a deep bow, it’s clear that they thought that the time factor was working for them and that they would have time to leave, it didn’t work out, but here it is interestingly, the american intelligence agencies knew about this. they claim that back on march 7 they warned about an impending attack, and after the attack, washington immediately began to excuse its ukrainians wards is indicative of the world reaction.
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i stopped by, just had the opportunity to talk
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with the minister of public communications of the belgorod region, oksana tarantova, an amazing woman, and we went to places where there was an arrival in the morning, there were days when there were four shellings a day, today there were so many, today there was one in the morning , here's the morning one, yes, well, somehow we usually always wait for the second one in the evening. 16 regions, today we are the first train
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, now they are taking away our children, i think they sent them, in the morning we sent about 700 children to penza, we sent them during the day, i’m afraid to gather them either to tambov or to koluga, now in the evening we are sending another train, that is, today is penza tambovka luga, we ask everyone that our children be given the opportunity to stay until the end of the school year, that is, for now for 3 weeks, but with the possibility of extension until the end of the school year, well, now that they were going. as i understand it, the guys from the militia showed themselves very well, yes, all the guys from the militia, they are all there, well, that is, for example, by playing the crows of all the residents, we, our self-defense, are evacuating together with the national guard, that is, everything is coordinated, delivery to the animals remains, livestock remains, residents have left the villages, livestock remains, the defense itself, our ministry of agriculture delivers feed to
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the city, the glass is also damaged on this side, and so this is all four floors the glass will pour down there, yes, that is , there was an arrival, yes, there was an arrival here and there further, now i’ll show you. i was here and there , closer to the pistokai mavochka here, that is , it’s already been repaired a little, yes, the window has been repaired, and the pipes have been changed, just to at home, the residents came into his apartment , it flew straight in and where were you at that moment, i was sleeping, the siren went off in the city, i went out into the hallway into the bathroom, an explosion happened, that is, well
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, it turns out this way, so you’ll be celebrating your second birthday, well, probably, yes, that is, there is a chip here , yes, everything was cut, yes, there is glass and concrete, fragments, how quickly the authorities came, i don’t know, literally half an hour there, well, they already arrived earlier, that’s exactly what they are restoring, well, within .
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a siren sounded over the city, the peaceful city of belgorod, so to all those who they are trying... to say that the feds abandoned it, shut up the creatures, in december governor goltkov came to the government and said, according to his feelings, that it was coming, the government immediately allocated billions, for which armored film was purchased, which was pasted over, in particular glass, so it is striking the effect of broken glass has been minimized; special shelters have been purchased and built, which are now being placed throughout the city. time is increasing, a warning system has been built, it works brilliantly, telegram channel, radio channel, through which the command is sent instantly, that is, when there is a threat, there is about a minute to stop the cars, run out and hide in shelters, everyone is working there, everyone is working, and if you don’t know something , just shut up,
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governor glotkov wrote: today 150 children are leaving in the astrakhan region, 540 in samara at the invitation of the governor. they are doing everything they can, and i don’t believe the western bastards who express their sickness that you are so worried when you deliver your missiles that the czech scum, vampires , who are beating around belgorod, that the british are with their shews, that the french are with their skis, you are supplying
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weapons, that you are german scum with your leopards and... you are supplying this in order to kill russians, nato weapons are firing in our peaceful cities, if one of your plans worked for you and you killed more than 100 people in crocusi, you should rejoice, this is your logic, victoria spoke about this on february 22, 2024 at an event of the center for strategic and international studies, as i i already spoke in kiev.
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trump is still in his sixteenth year. our government unleashed isis. i call president obama and hillary clinton the founders of isis, they are the founders in fact. i think we'll give hillary clinton, if you're into sports, you'll understand team mvp. you receive the mvp award. isis will present her with the most valuable player award, her only competition being barack obama. egil. honors president obama, he is the founder of isis, he is the founder of isis, he is the founder, he founded isis, and i will say that the co-founder will be unfair hillary clinton. trump's ex-aide,
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us army colonel douglas mcgregor wrote: the perpetrators of the terrorist attack in russia fled from russia to ukraine near belgorod and are directly connected with muslim elements fighting on the side of ukraine, who they are, isis or something else, i have no idea, but there is some suspicion that the mi- 6 and the cia. well, listen, well, all the work of absolutely these structures, the new york times wrote about it, how many people have budanov and his accomplices already recruited through the phone? me and do you understand, but do you even realize that the americans knew everything and did everything possible to make this terrorist attack happen? now a photograph has appeared of one of the terrorists , taken by him on march 7, he was conducting a reconstruction in croca city on march 7, and on march 8 there
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was supposed to be a concert where the hall would be completely packed, because on march 8 it was supposed to be a concert. lepsy, stas mikhailov and imin. why didn't the terrorist attack happen? but because the security was very serious. on the 9th, 10th, eleventh, and 3rd days the shaman performs with the madman. we understand well, we understand well who is behind this attack, and here it is obvious that these are the british american intelligence services, who
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will then say that the gur has gone crazy and does not follow their orders, because they were strongly against it, i hope that we will believe it, we will not believe it, investigation and ukraine looks to its full potential.
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then isis, because isis really carried out a lot of terrorist attacks everywhere in the world, moreover, here in russia we often hear from the special services that it was prevented and
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many thanks to them, low bow, they really prevent some terrorist attacks, minor ones, major attacks, various attacks in which this kind of terrorism and giil are involved in one way or another, i will not all of these are prohibited, it is natural to mention the name in russia, in general, it was necessary to choose some kind of international terrorist thing to select. the bright holiday of september 1 casts its ominous shadow, plus in a week there would have been elections in what mood our people would have gone to the elections, it did not work out for the reasons that you
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outlined for some others. how did they do it? a matter of technology: you want migrant chats? some one was taken in a chat dedicated to sermons, as he called it, fuck, another chat dedicated to finding a job, there are a lot of these migrant chats, they... not as safe many of them as it might seem, in many of them, you know , as you and i are called, you know, pig-nosed people, here we are all collective pig-nosed people, you find, offer a huge amount of money, half a million, 250,000 in hand, 250,000 later, yes, as one of these ghouls told us, yes, they are for half a million this kind of people, as we saw these non-humans, these animals, my cat just has more brain than this one. they will also cut off everything from the native village , then it’s a matter of technique, they obviously came before the concert, looked at how things were,
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saw that in general they were able to carry it out, they did it, and here one could assume that this is a chained dog, zelensky and his gang of quarrels have broken loose, and one could assume that they don’t listen to anyone, it’s his fault. there would still be a trainer, the trainer is responsible for their dog by the chain, will he break free from it or not, and one could believe this if they themselves had not allowed such a stupid falsehood? when they were the evening before, the american intelligence services, all the propaganda publications , to which these intelligence services do not just leak some information, but command them, what to write, what not to write, the first was cnn, a well-known garbage dump, if they had not immediately started yelling, that this was isis, when not one of the ghouls had yet been detained, there were no identikit photos, it was not clear who these people were, what they looked like, whether they were muslims at all
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they, and these... him, well, many have something to remember, no-no-no, wait a second, and the person who continues to support and sponsor ukraine will become unelectable in such conditions, they cannot allow this to happen, so they need to fly out someone else’s flag right away or as we say , turn the tables, this is isis, i see what is happening now in the world media, this is such a convulsive conviction that no, no, this is not ukraine, she has come to say who isis is, these numerous, multiple
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condolences are part of the same program, part of the public’s belief that no, no , no, look, we all sympathize, we all sympathize, this is some kind of isis, some renegades, terrorists, this is no isis, it’s them themselves, these are our not brothers, the so -called and their trainers , there is no doubt about it, talked about what to say, the doctor found one dead militant with a suicide belt, which seems to confirm that this is not true, i am sure that now it will be official...
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they shot this car on wheels, risking themselves so that they remain alive to take alive, so that some evidence could be taken from them, yes, to prove how it was and what happened, who were running through the forest looking for them, these guys have shocked me these days, i am always shocked by our fighters, i can’t get up, because i’m tied by these wires, just like that, i just bow deeply to everyone, this time you imagine, i’m writing, guys, who took part in this
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, write. but we personally don’t need anything, can you imagine? this guy, islam talilov, who is a fifteen-year-old guy who saved 100 people, we just interviewed him, the cloakroom attendant, yes, yes, and he says: the guy is 15 years old, he says, it’s better to die himself than for 100 people to die, and his father
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would also talk to us. they have a large family, a lot of children, and they live very poorly in some rented room, and he says: what happiness, thank god that we live so poorly, because because of this, my son had to get a job in the wardrobe, a schoolboy, and because he worked in the wardrobe, he saved, saved 100 people, here i want to draw attention to the fact that our fellow citizens dozens of people were killed by tajiks, there’s no getting around it, that kyrgyz man saved him, and that’s about all you need to know about... multinationals in our country, yes, what ’s called chtd, and now rocking this boat, what can begin, well, this is a little slur in the direction of this boy of islam, who still saved 100 people, friend.
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because they, too, are just striving for this, and have been striving, yes, of course, and i want to dedicate to these guys, i have long wanted to read on your air these incredible simple poems by simonov, which are now more relevant than ever, when we see how our society gathers into one fist, someone at the front, someone there, these taxi drivers who were sitting, came to where it could still be dangerous, no one... knew, fire, did they stay there, didn’t they stay there, will they shoot again, maybe some other ambush, maybe the second detachment, they came, sat, waited for people, for rubles, anywhere, but they took them for free, well, formally they should be there and anywhere they were taking
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people, these are these lines of people donating blood, how business immediately responded, how our business is he learns to be in unison with society, planes carry him for free, these telephone ones. their children or not, who are standing there, their parents , these people who don’t even know yet, survived , not being in school, they brought us ossetian pies, kartofchin, khytchin, ossetian pies, something there, it was such an
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example , incredible unity , which we saw here again, here we are as a people, it’s amazing, amazing, we don’t run away, don’t hide in holes, we , on the contrary, jump out and become one mighty fist and... how i pray that this i would gouge my fist as quickly as possible, i would smash all this nit, this vermin, into each of this dog like that, in the nose, in the head, so that they all just die, as our supreme said, they will just die, if you don’t want a fascist with a gun give away forever, the house where you lived, your wife and mother, everything that we call homeland, know that no one will save it, if you don’t save him, know that no one will kill him, if you... don’t kill him until you didn’t kill him, keep quiet about your love, don’t call the land where you grew up and the house where you lived your homeland, let your fascist be killed brother, let a neighbor kill a fascist , it’s your brother and neighbor who are taking revenge, but you have no excuse
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, they don’t sit behind someone else’s back, they don’t take revenge from someone else’s rifle, since your brother killed a fascist, it’s he, not you, soldier, so kill the fascist , so that he , and not you, lies on the ground, not in your house , so that a groan stands in him for the dead, so he wanted, his fault, let his house burn, not yours, and let not your wife, but his, let will be a widow, let it be not yours, but his mother who gave birth, who will cry, not yours, but his family, in vain, let him wait, so kill at least one, so kill him quickly , as many times as you see him, kill him as many times, to all the soldiers... who are now at the front , risking themselves, killing a fascist, killing a reptile, to all our people, who, staying at home, help with this with prayers, money, tea , taxi, from all of us, low bow, leonid,
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you know, here i am, why i’m ready to support you, because i, this is my deep conviction that... this was done by the hands of the west, by the hands of america, by the hands, by their brains , their ammunition, if only because i remember the boeing shot down then still on ukrainian territory, the lpr then treated them, cries from all the media immediately sounded in unison that it was russia who shot down, within 5 days they forced, the europeans said, they forced us, they blew up dugin, isn’t it true, she
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found refuge, that she managed to plant during this time, she left while she was still exploding, a ukrainian terrorist, yes, yes, answer me, wasn’t she the one who went to you, wasn’t it you who gave her away as a terrorist, this is terror, but the tatar one, when they were exploding, she also hoped to escape, she didn’t hide it either, chatter yes, that’s why these attempts are all as possible...
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but i would like to say that our faction has already proposed several times in the bill on the return of the death penalty, the death penalty is not a measure of punishment, they often say, but so what , well, we’ll kill him, well, that means we can still make a mistake, but as a measure of social protection, i often say this, well, it’s as if they don’t hear me, in soviet times that was exactly the wording. the highest measure of social protection, social protection of the population, the population
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must protect itself from such scumbags, as you rightly said, they have a brain, that’s a very good comparison, like your cat, maybe the cat there is smarter, yes, what i heard, what i heard was in your rash2 first, but showed it, i didn’t immediately believe it this version, where he started talking about some kind of transfer of 500,000, that where he was in ukraine, or was he going to use this card, on which to transfer it to him, was it transferred? when i talk about this measure of social protection, you know, this is another element
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of cynicism, they have always used the death penalty, the west, america in particular, as instrument, here is belarus, i remember how in the council of europe, uh, belarus was kicked out precisely on the basis that they use the death penalty, i then spoke several times in the council of europe, tell me, america is sitting next to you, they are observers there , here is japan in the council of europe, which applies the death penalty. i also specifically stipulate this because even when they told us then, well, we are in the council of europe, we have committed ourselves, but now we are not in the council of europe, and this should also help us, volodya, to accept this decision, this measure of social protection , there is no point in persuading this, i have always been in favor, i know, i am simply turning to you as the leader, because we will definitely come out of this initiative again, but now i already see that other political the forces will most likely support this, i would like it. back to security in a broader sense, let's get to
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security right after a little advertising, vasnetsova in previous episodes, i am major vasnetsova, investigative committee of the kaliningrad region, i have a personal request to you, keep an eye on... so what is this? oops, this is an anonymous
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paternity test, positive, i will repent, i will repent, why did you do this? kosnetsova. continuation, watch on monday on rtr. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons. i have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently.
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watch it twice a day, see you later, only you and i talk about this all the time here breaks, there is nothing to convince the west, of course, this is the so-called thing to do.
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we decided, we are in committee, we passed all the laws, we even passed the law on long-scoping just 2 years ago, all foreigners, every single one, traveling to russia must pass their fingers, but they pass it how, they themselves after 30 days within 30 days they come and take the test, they themselves come and take the russian language test within 30 days, they themselves submit the certificate within 30 days, and now i’m talking about the four interdepartmental commissions, and now i’ll talk about executive i’m saying this about what we ’ll talk about tomorrow, including laughing. the executive branch, the committee on the agency for national policy, which means the ministry of internal affairs, which is leading this work, mit, which is leading this work, the ministry of labor, meeting last week with the general director of avtovaz, he brought almost a thousand from tajikistan, from uzbekistan, they brought
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a thousand people for workers, 170 have already fled, we adopted the law on labor recruitment specifically at the request of the ministry of labor, let's change it. yes because it is not profitable for capitalists to take them and run the hostel, serve , pay wages, they take an intermediary, they hire them, you
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are not able to accept workers , a migration authority must be created, the president said, from the month we asked a simple question: of those who became citizens again, how many went to serve in the ranks of the red army? how many were drafted , the second question is how many signed, the second, how many signed a contract, no, percentage terms, how many of them are running, but i think the reason is simple, for example, if you received citizenship there again and you did not go to serve out of the country, deprived of citizenship, i also think so, citizenship must be earned, because like there are tajik guys, i did with one, guy, hero of the dpr, tank driver, lost his leg, returned to duty, tajik, heroic, another guy, sorry, tajik. the mi-8, which the bastard stole abroad, the russian, whom justice finally overtook in spain, who was in his squad,
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he had a lieutenant, a boy, a tajik, whom he shot, so this is not a question of nationality, the question is who in russia, specifically the names of the scum who staged this is an incredibly profitable business, you know that the new law on citizenship came into force several months ago and there are 65 articles under which they are deprived.
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accepted, i just told you the law on the citizen, you want order to be restored, well, make me head smersh, i will restore order, you are not smersh, to this body for starters, and one more and two, two, two small remarks , i would like, we have talked about this many times, it means that the salaries of the internal affairs bodies are very low, and they are understaffed by 30% today, and this the problem also needs to be solved, it is imperative , because we are talking about guarding, you started correctly with the fact that paramilitary guards were stationed at... only cultural
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sports institutions, of course, you can’t put them everywhere, but they must do so at mass events, i said i told the same deputy minister about this, tell me, there were plane hijackings, they started putting an armed man in civilian clothes there and no one knows where? he is sitting, there are 200 people there, and there are 6,000 people here, put them in prison too, well then we have to go like this, since we are, since we are we’re fighting, i’ll give you two more simple ones, the national guard, the salaries are low , the guys are heroic, they’ll soon have a holiday, but the national guard doesn’t have the right to engage in hordes, operational intelligence activities, well , they have muscles, there’s no opportunity to carry out hordes, that’s normal , well, that’s how they work, yes, well, it’s simple. nonsense, on the other hand, 6,200 people in the hall, what percentage of them, even according to statistics, are military personnel, law enforcement officers
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, quite significant, right, if they had the possibility of hidden carrying their service weapons, as in tsarist russia, as in tsarist russia, these, these four would have been killed at the very beginning, absolutely true, but we trust people to manage the most powerful fire units, every day at work there decides the fate of humanity, if we say there about the strategic missile forces troops, but we say, what if he goes crazy with a pistol, and if he suddenly goes crazy at his workplace and starts firing artillery, then we’re not worried. well, the officer corps, why? guys who, of course, how much you should not trust they threaten, who, listen, the supreme commander-in-chief, the minister of defense , reward people with personalized weapons, which give them the right to attack, well, that’s what they go with when they go, because they understand that their lives are being threatened, the same ukrainians, how many terrorist attacks have they carried out against ours heroes, i agree,
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we now owe a lot of questions to people who are entitled to weapons due to their status. the presidential assistant said, we’re not having a special operation, we’re having a war, if that’s the case, well, let’s take the best from israel, from those other countries that are in this state military, yes, it is necessary, it is necessary, and we need a body that will restore order , among other things, in those issues that i just started talking about, but i really didn’t like another one, i want to definitely say about it, on friday evening everyone we were watching television, everyone was trying to find information, everyone was trying to find this or that answer, there were no answers yet, they couldn’t be said, including...
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i also wanted to talk about this in your program, but in general, listen, well, it’s war there's a war going on, what a level of relaxation there is there should be, but again yes, there were these three people there, a controller , there wasn’t even a panic button to point to, that ’s normal, well, i had a weapons room nearby in this structure called your house, there wasn’t even anyone from there caused, well , alexander mi , a terrorist attack that was terrible in nature, of course, shook society, i think that many of the issues raised here, those that will be raised, will require their solution, these solutions will be found, but despite this i would like note that the people themselves, who find themselves in such a difficult situations behaved in a very russian way, all government agencies must be given credit for working perfectly, because
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after all, these are doctors, these are law enforcement agencies, this is the ministry of emergency situations and...
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the perpetrators have been found, well, these are the details, because that if we are talking about the performers , well, the legal authorities will sort it out, if we talk about the organizers, i believe that the time has already come, for sure this will be implemented, that blows will be struck at the decision-making centers, as for the customers, this is a more complex question , not everything is like that it’s just that it’s not just these... oligarchic capital, which even many states consider as instruments in solving their problems, you remember all these climate agendas there, limited resources and so on, that is, this is all the model that
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was needed imposed on the world to a limited circle of people, and of course today they are interested in continuing, well, illegal actions against russia, why? yes, because russia has challenged all this, it is building a new order, it has found allies who may be in something did not dare and would have been or their efforts were insufficient, but today... under the flag of russia today everything is being reshaped, the whole world is being reshaped, not only politics, ideology, economics, but in general new civilizations are appearing, russia, china, india, and of course, the west does not accept this, it is ready to start not only this kind of war, it is ready to go to the most difficult, most cruel measures, just to prevent russia from winning, so of course, there is an answer to the question, and our answer, this is why i say that if we are talking about the highest the degree of the fight against them, then... just the formation of russia, as quickly as possible , we must here, we have already taken shape ideologically, today we understand perfectly well what we see in the future of russia, we invite the whole world to support this, we understand perfectly well today how it should be organized and structured.


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