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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  March 25, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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there was hunger there, here comes the grandmother, she is hungry, but she brings this kurba, shelters and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support in word , hello, dear soldier, and in deed , without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, there is praise for you, what you do, your upstairs neighbor, a nightmare, it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, viktor poltoranin, now i’m the one who flooded you, i’m ready to fix everything, but you’re not want to work with me, vacancy husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for... any part-time job, we are now
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not only neighbors, we are kind of like colleagues, and overtime. the blackmailer knows things that i have never told anyone about. all our clients receive the same letters. ivan oganesyan, i am now my own boss. he appeared out of nowhere, so handsome, attentive, courteous. maybe there is some kind of catch here? husband for an hour and a half, premiere on saturday on rtr. victims before they still remain in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region. it is reported that hospitals are fully provided with medicines and blood supplies, but the very next morning after the terrorist attack, concerned citizens of our country went to... those wishing to donate their
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blood in order to save those wounded during the terrorist attack. olga meshcheryakova will continue: in every hospital where the lives of the wounded are saved, their close people are on duty, many are here in the morning, some have not left their watch for 24 hours. the first victims began to arrive at clinics in moscow and the moscow region the day before at 9:00 pm. what a condition, you know, serious, we are waiting for information, we are not ready now. talk, excuse me, most of the victims now are from klifosovsky, 29 people, all of them were operated on at night, those patients who, of course, went through the operating room there with severe burns, yes, they are in a more serious condition, there are lighter ones, so they are distributed , some are in intensive care, some are in the diagnostic department, the identities of four of them cannot yet be established, soon they continue to enter and leave the territory, then there is the work of the institute continues, despite the huge... number of victims
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of the terrorist attack, the head of the medical department, mikhail murashka, and first deputy prime minister tatyana golikova, spent the whole last night and this day inspecting clinics in which doctors are fighting for the lives of the wounded, 107 people remain in hospitals. and among adults, 15 are in extremely serious condition and 42 are in serious condition. and we actively interact with all medical institutions; now we are in the center. surgery in pirogovo, where they were transferred patients from moscow regional hospitals. all clinics employ both full-time doctors and nurses, and those who simply consider it their professional duty to save people’s lives. there was an escalation in the power of funds, specialists from leading countries went directly to consultations, surgical care, and patients requiring additional attention were transferred to higher- level clinics. after emergency assistance is provided,
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the most severely injured are transported to the capital’s medical centers by helicopter, to the botkin hospital, where there are also many wounded moscow mayor sergei sobyanin visited. in such situations, we become even more courageous and united. i wanted to express my condolences to the victims and families of the victims, we are with you. there are enough medicines in hospitals, there are stocks of donor blood, but it will still be needed tomorrow and in a few days, so muscovites and residents of the moscow region were asked, if possible, to take part in the common cause, donate blood, and people responded. of course, this is a reflection of unanimity, the unanimous support of our people, the desire for some piece of ourselves, convey your support. today , blood centers will work until they accept everyone who wants to help. doctors continue
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to fight for people's lives. and now about the sincere friendship of the peoples, russian and serbian. look, this is the moscow dynamo stadium. friendly match between two. national teams , the score on the scoreboard is 2:0 in our favor, and at this very moment the stands are singing katyusha together, instead of frequent offensive chants, football fans are chanting russians and serbs are brothers forever. not without traditional slogans, kosovo is the serbs and russians forward, which also sounded out of counterpoint, in sync. this is probably not surprising , given that at the stadium there were many flags with the motto one color, one faith, a symbolic blow before the start of the game was delivered by the serbian actor milos bikovich, and the head of the serbian foreign ministry,
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our dachic sergei lavrov, also watched the game from the stands. as a result, the meeting ended with a score of 4:0, in favor of the hosts, in our favor, that is. but this did not at all affect the relations between the fans, nor will it affect the state, of course, partnerships, there are serious reasons for this. by the way, serbia will deliberately expel hostile russian relocants from the country. according to arti’s sources close to the authorities of serbia, the republic’s special service is planning to expel protestors from the country . citizens of russia, this attitude of the serbs is actually traitors to russia, who support the course of the west and the current actions of the nato countries concept. exactly 25 years ago, on march 24, 1999,
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the north atlantic alliance, without un approval, began the bombing of yugoslavia. the operation lasted 78 days until june 10, resulting in deaths. and 164 thousand serbs were forced to flee from the kosovo region, then it was russia that came to the rescue. the operation to seize the airports in pristina was led by janusbek evkurov, then a colonel, who is now the russian minister of defense. as a result, it was possible to launch a peacekeeping mission in kosovo, in which our country played one of the leading roles. peacekeepers from russia were in kosovo until 2003, but even today, on the eve of the anniversary of the wall street journal, everything blames russia, as if laundering the united states, directly reports
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that putin, it turns out, wants a war in the balkans, is already starting, turns out to be activating his proxy allies, serbia, the republika srpska, while all attention. - the newspaper reports, and will also give putin new leverage to put pressure on western leaders, especially since in serbia the population unconditionally supports russia's actions in ukraine and the authorities of kosovo, which have pestered.
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belgrade is the only city in europe other than istanbul that still operates flights in russia. many serbs feel such closeness to russia and such deep- rooted skepticism towards the west because of their own experiences of war. in the spring of 1999, nato bombers attacked serbia. was only 4 years old when bombs fell on belgrade, and these events were etched in his memory. this is what the basements looked like where we took refuge from nato air raids; no one
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knew what to do. we didn’t know whether there would be an air raid or not, if a bomb hit the building, would it collapse to the basement and how would we survive it? everyone who lived in an apartment building house, were inside. as well as people from other houses that did not have basements , there was pandemonium, people sat on the floor for hours, nato bombs struck strategic military targets, but as the campaign continued... civilian infrastructure also came under fire, on the night of 7 on may 199, the chinese embassy in belgrade came under attack, right behind it was the yugoslavia hotel, alex’s family lived in a block located right between these two buildings, it’s very close. i was home alone with small children, and we ran away to a neighbor.
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sretin mijović, a film and television production manager by profession, but when
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he has a break between jobs, he works here to make ends meet, one look at his kazka will tell you how he feels about russia. i will tell you straight, i support the right of the russian people to fight for their freedom, and it is not difficult for me to tell you this directly, i sincerely believe that this is a battle between christ and antichrist. ukraine is the antichrist, people say they are neo-nazis.
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i hope it won't work out. fast forward to we are in donetsk. dmitry steshin, the legendary military correspondent of komsomolskaya pravda, is in direct contact with us. dim, greetings, of course, i would like to talk about the situation on individual sectors of the front, but first, what do you think, will this unprecedented night attack and 49 weeks of retaliation strikes affect the situation on the line of combat contact. you know, the funny thing is... he said that putin received
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an unprecedented mandate of people's trust, because it began in the middle of his term, and well, there were fears that were played on our enemies, that the people don’t like it and so on, nothing like that, the people understand everything perfectly, and that now after these elections there will be decisions... apparently another night will be the same, we’ll see later, but in donetsk. somewhere near kiev in some forest, that’s ridiculous, well, they took revenge, but after these attacks they cut off power to 40,000 people in approximately makeyevka on the outskirts
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of donetsk, well, now the power supply has been more or less restored.
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i can’t say in more detail, and it’s like, well, for more than one day, and i understand that not only they are working, so, here we are, as if concentrated, according to my information, yes, i heard it myself, everyone heard how at night the same krasnogorka was processed by factories, half the city was shaking, dim, what do you think, after several unsuccessful moments,
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the year before last, yes in the past... “we returned, gained the inertia with which we are able to actively move forward, commanders, regained the feeling, determination, making those decisions that can push us to unexpected, large, sharp, effective actions? well, there is such a thing.” beautiful opinion, yes, among those who are howling, that in principle we probably..."
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are not going to give and they don’t want to give, because they are all businessmen, for them this is war, big business, for them it is ukraine that is gradually becoming a toxic
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asset, but what the unfortunate residents of ukraine there , guys, men, they don’t feel sorry for them, so i think that there are already enough signs like this to get the overall picture, a toxic asset in business is more often called a liability. thank you very much, dmitry steshin, legendary military correspondent of komsomalka with us in direct communication from the special event area military operation. you are my last hope, otherwise i will close this salo, damn mother. we have a wonderful salon with wonderful craftsmen, but you will ruin it all. martynova needs to be fired, science will be different, she cannot be fired. there were no irreplaceable workers.
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speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, no, pluck, problems with
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water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry are a set for headaches, no god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, you are so businesslike, i am with such a wife i definitely won’t be lost, we look at the weekend, advice and love, in sadness in joy, in health and in sickness. i don’t know that it will be so difficult, mom, you have a choice, he needs you, asya, you do
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n’t need to remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations, i always believed in you, let’s assume , that this is a miracle, we don’t need your services anymore, i realized, i... also love him on saturday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why don’t you reef, continue the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe
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, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the substation, the first podcasts we watch, the combination period, there were songs. who wrote the biography of the country, the era, the time was so daring and we were wildly interested in plunging headlong into it all. alena agana. if now they told me, if i had gone through the same path, i would not have dared. a difficult combination of her fate. you followed love, a man, set priorities and parted ways with the group, at its peak. i decided then to get married, and decided to start all over again. what am i doing, i just stupidly followed some hormonal, emotionally female processes that took place in my body from head to toe, those 25 years
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that we lived were wonderful 25. the picture is joyful, life is completely different, and now i'll show you my other life, fate person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. russia's investigative committee is providing details of the investigation into the horrific terrorist attack in kroku sithol, where at least 137 people were killed, including three children. to date, 62 people have been identified, 152 people were injured and burned, 92 are in the hospital, more than thirty people are in serious and critical condition, including one child. four sets of combat ammunition, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, two kalashnikov assault rifles,
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with which the terrorists were armed. on one of the machines there is an inscription for the freedom of russia, which indirectly indicates a connection with the rdk group, banned in our country, which is fighting on the side of ukraine. four direct perpetrators, the terrorist, were detained. the initial so-called actions have already been carried out with them. the terrorists were taken to the basmanny court of moscow for election.
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for 8 years, the first shots of the interrogation, the terrorist has just been caught in the forest, wearing only a t-shirt, lying on a piece of cardboard and saying that he came to kill, what he did in the crocus, he shot, what he shot, yes, who, why, instructions from people, why so, for money, for money, yes, how much money, about half a million, half a million, what, half a million rubles, the terrorist received only the first 250. rubles by transfer to a card, the second part they promised after the terrorist attack, the customers contacted the militant through the preacher’s assistant, whose lessons he allegedly studied on the internet, the task was, the terrorists say, he’s shaking, kill as many people as possible, shoot indiscriminately, how’s that for you, you took the offer to just kill people don’t just offer it, no, i took a telegon lesson, but delayed it. lesson,
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what about telegram? in these footage, the arrest itself through the forest through ravines, security forces along with dogs are following the trail of a murder, ready, a tramp, the second terrorist in one t-shirt took off his outerwear to make it easier to run, rolling on the ground screaming, where is the weapon? where are the weapons, where are the weapons? the terrorists were detained in the bryansk region in the village of khatsun, 150 km from the ukrainian border. the white renault did not stop at the request of the employees. the driver pressed the gas, and these are the consequences detention. the car, registered in the tver region with code 69, overturned, the wheels were shot, the rear windows were broken.
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a pistol was found in the cabin.
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he doesn’t remember anything and suggests asking your friends, when you were detained here, was the machine gun with you, yes, no, they threw it away there before the arrest, yes, yes? the weapon was prepared in advance in a hiding place. four sets of unloading combat ammunition, more than 500 rounds of ammunition and 28 magazines, and two kalashnikov assault rifles with which the attackers were armed were confiscated from the scene of the tragedy. during the inspection
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no crime scene was found, no booby-trapped bodies, no other traces of mining. all the detained foreign citizens find the third and fourth participants in the massacre in the forest in the morning. one of them was calculated. who climbed the tree was discovered using a copter with a thermal imager; during interrogation , the terrorist, through an interpreter, supposedly he doesn’t know russian at all, explains that he initially wanted to become a taxi driver , some abdullo put him up to a terrorist attack, abdullo’s acquaintance bought him a car, so they wanted to work by this car, car, what is it a taxi or cargo transportation, small.
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how much time did you give? how did it take shape as a labor or a tourist one? in these footage, the same muhammad sabir works in the ivanovo hairdressing salon, has an excellent burr and knows russian; the owner of the hotel where the killers lived since the beginning of march, in the room where the militants settled, also spoke about the fact that terrorists are imitating the inability to communicate in russian , all the furniture is now in a black solution, the operatives took prints.
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prepared in a hiding place, the criminals used by the terrorists were prepared in advance intended to cross the russian-ukrainian border, had relevant contacts on the ukrainian side. solidarity with the people of russia is demonstrated around the world by spontaneous memorials at our embassies and consulates general. people. here flowers, soft toys, notes with the inscription krok we mourn, the tower, the largest tower of the burj khalifa, was painted in the colors of the russian flag in memory of the victims of the terrorist attack, as the publication of the headquarters of the national oil company abu dhabi, nicaragua and
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the republika srpska of bosnia and herzegovina announced on march 24 day of mourning, sign solidarity with our country, spoke indifferently and even maliciously. naturally ukraine. they stated that kiev was not involved in the tragedy, these words are now supported with all their might in the united states, trying to shift the focus of the world community’s attention towards the isis terrorist organization banned in russia, zelensky completely blamed russia for the terrorist attack. in one of the most popular concert halls in moscow, four men are calm.
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we have all seen the video reports from moscow, this brutal shooting in a building that looks like a shopping center, i can’t say much about details, this all happened shortly before i came here, we are trying to get more. the us issued a warning. i am not aware of
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any prior knowledge of this terrible attack. on march 8, the embassy warned of an impending attack by extremists in moscow. i'll let the state department talk about it. i don't think it had anything to do with this particular attack. you receive information about an attack in moscow. do you think this might have something to do with the conflict in ukraine? at the moment there are no signs that ukraine or.
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a huge complex on the outskirts of moscow, built as a place for entertainment. today it was all on fire, its roof had collapsed. i said that ukraine was moving into a new phase of war, and i said that we would see terrorist attacks, militant attacks using provocations. under false flags, blaming someone else for them, saying it wasn't us.
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zelensky said a couple of days ago that the russian people should feel the full brunt of this. victoria said that this additional funding will provide putin has some unpleasant surprises. and when she promises unpleasant surprises, you get similar things just a couple of weeks later. i was struck by the fact that ordinary isis jihadists do not run away from the scene of an attack, they usually want to become martyrs, this is surprising and interesting about america. shark, which was being guided by the rszzo hymars, was
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destroyed by our uav comikat the lance. well, that is, it was not for nothing that macron raised the topic of mobilization into the french army. president zelensky was also ordered to train new boys. the head of the nato military committee, admiral bauer, said, that weapons will not help you. you need people. and he demanded to officially announce a new wave of mobilization in ukraine, that is. bauer officially ordered sovereign ukraine to prepare for total mobilization. zelensky immediately rose to the occasion optimistically. look, i came to school to check my hitler jugent, which can later be called the potion jugent. everyone is wearing embroidered shirts, everyone is shouting the bandera slogan, everyone is hating russia, the ideal generation to protect.
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and in general this is a fake, so to the front, eh then we’ll figure it out, and even the builders in ternopil have already started catching them, the employees climbed onto... the completion of construction on the roof of the building began to issue summons to the workers, the house will be completed, apparently, by the military commissars. another crazy statement was made by deputy commander tsyssarukh; he officially asked zelensky to allow him to independently catch the hijackers and forcefully drive them to the front. in general, all that remains is to introduce troikas,
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detachments, denunciations and lynching. it's all very european. we contacted vlad and he agreed to tell us his story on conditions of complete anonymity, since his life depends on it. vlad refuses to go to the front in his country, this is punishable by law. my biggest fear is going to the front without proper preparation and doing everything in vain.
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in the subway, for example, you need to be very careful, because you risk bumping into a patrol. since 1922, i have left the city no more than two or three times, and i monitor telegram channels that monitor the situation in every district of the city. rain and sunshine, these emojis are encrypted messages that report the location of military registration and enlistment officers so that
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they can be circumvented. i never thought about leaving the country. i'm not going to go to the front, but leaving the country is prohibited.
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spot, you need a lot of strength to do this, the piranika is full, well, turn on your insight already, she is always ready for a new thing, well , let's go, she is always looking for new versions , it dawned on me when i was eating potato feather, i almost guessed it right, but is she ready for a new relationship, from you, there’s something here
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interesting, your captain loves it, i just don’t know what to do with it, so open it, vosnetsova, you definitely... want it, absolutely, today on rtr, here people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you, but one thing unites them : sincere strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here it comes, oh you are good, to caress the obstinate one. he likes to grab there with his claws so tame the biter voice voice give me a paw give me a paw well done well done! to warm up a stray , a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything
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for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance , you rush everything, guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, you are my best friend. just a friend, it’s sunday, and this is a girl from a boarding school, why are you scared , go ahead, get out of my house, immediately, where friendship has become the past, it turns out that there is a bride on trial, the future may... love, now everything is in your hand our life, yes ir, no need to come here, uncle
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finds out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have mine, tell her that i love her, tell her so, my beloved friend, on sunday on rtr. russia - traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. i
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gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me away, another shelling began, they they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, here. it was hunger, here comes the grandmother, she is hungry, but she brings this kurpa to the crowd and says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such people who care, support in a word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can... praise you, what you are doing is simply amazing. from monday to thursday
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on rtr. so, exclusive footage of our war correspondent, evgeniy podlubny , from the belgorod village of spodoryushino, where ukrainian trgs tried to enter without success. look. here at this sign the militants in the formation of the kiev regime were hiding, the enemy’s task was the following: at least for a few hours to capture the smallest village that is adjacent to the state border to arrange a photo shoot. these signs are best suited for a photo shoot. evgeniy, people like you are in direct contact with us, evgeniy, greetings for seeing how is the situation at the border today? yes , evgeniy, olga, hello, the situation in the belgogorod border area is tense, but
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is under the control of the russian army, in fact, now, in fact, the next stage of the operation has begun to repel attacks by the ukrainian armed forces on our positions on the line of combat contact, which is here in the belgorod region and in the kursk region coincides with the state border. this is the destruction of enemy manpower and equipment located in the rear areas of the kharkov and sumy regions. on some the enemy managed to push back sections of the line of combat contact, and pushed them back by 30-40 kilometers in some areas, now, excuse me, now the formation of the kiev regime is clearly trying to approach the border in order to at least evacuate damaged equipment, the equipment is not cheap. and the destroyed damaged equipment is not just a lot, a lot for the actual duration of the operation,
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the formations of the kiev regime, today we, well... literally just returned from a village, the name of which is not like in russia, even in the belgogorod region, not everyone knows about podaryushin, and in fact, the enemy chose this village as one of the main directions of the main attack, that is , the enemy’s minimum task was to take control of this village for at least a few hours, and in order to to arrange... well, we all know that this operation is of the russian federation. the maximum task took place during the presidential election period , the enemy was a little larger in scale, and moving with spodaryushina, also moving to grayvaron, the enemy, in fact, in in his dreams, he planned to take control of an entire district of the city region, cut off graiveron, block the road, but this is
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the maximum task. the enemy failed, even himself.
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that the enemy is hitting our border areas very actively, despite the fact that the enemy was not able to capture what is called non-metro russian land, he was not able to capture it even for a short time, while attacks on the border regions are still continuing, here we are today quite and not today in general every day is quite we are traveling hard along the line... such monotonous combat work, so that, in fact, the plan is thwarted, now to secure belgorod, and in order, in general, to reduce the potential of the enemy group, which is concentrated in the belgorod direction. thank you very much, evgeniy
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poddubny, in evgeniy’s native belgorod region he works in the border areas. villages that were attacked by the nazis, but all attacks were repulsed, thank you, victorin, now i’m your upstairs neighbor. it’s a nightmare, i’m the one who convinced you, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work with me, a vacancy for a husband for an hour, a cleaning agency, a jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now not only neighbors, we are kind of like colleagues, and overtime, the blackmailer knows things that i don’t tell anyone at all. do all our clients receive the same emails? ivan oganesyan, i am now my own boss. he appeared out of nowhere, so handsome, attentive, and
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courteous. maybe there is some kind of catch here? husband for an hour and a half. premiere. on saturday on rtr. i. i thought that everything was more serious here, you sit and think, it’s not here about thinking, this is all here, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, so there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just look.
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so, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a moment, we have a big day today, a big holiday, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, you know, for every cool fighter there’s an even cooler one in them.
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the floor is treasured, the walls are shaken, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, from this room, absolutely without faces, we are creating three different functional zones, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work. plans turn into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after
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dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr. i have a job for you. oh, you don't understand that this is a beauty salon. beauty. do you want it to be controlled by some, some kind of superintendent? do you even understand beauty? we will deal with delays especially strictly. everything is in place? martynova is not there. the name of? margarita, hello, margarita, she ’s a master, i’m a bad master, yes, you, listen, i’m an excellent master, and you are soldiers, don’t tell me where
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to start, first of all, show everyone that you are not a robot, but a human, i just thought , you know your master classes should be called queen margot, margarita, aka the queen, i gathered you all to announce to you about our... i realized that i love another man. queen margot, friday on rtr. so, as a result of the cannibalistic terrorist attack in crocusityhole, according to the latest data, 137 people died, but the death toll may increase. the analysis of the rubble at the site of the tragedy continues, 62 bodies of the dead have been identified, including three children. 142 people were hospitalized, 32 have already been discharged. after the krasnogorsk ministry of internal affairs received information about the shooting at crocus. the police arrived at the scene via...
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5 minutes - they told the ministry of internal affairs. the attackers were captured in the bryansk region; they were breaking through to the ukrainian border to escape through a safe corridor organized by the ukrainian armed forces. egil, banned in russia, took responsibility for the terrorist attack, but investigators have yet to find out who exactly was the true customer and organizer of the attack, which the world media calls one of the most high-profile terrorist attacks in recent years. all four terrorists were brought to... an ottoman court moscow, where they were given a preventive measure in the form of arrest. all day in russia and outside our country, people carried flowers to the memorials in memory of those killed in crocus city hall. at the site of the tragic events, according to the ministry of internal affairs , more than 10 thousand people visited the walls of the building, the projection of flying cranes accompanied the song of muslim magamaev, whose name the burnt concert hall bore. people do not hide
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their tears, also at the spontaneous memorial in memory of those killed in the terrorist attack, thousands of candles were lit, lining up the phrase we mourn 22:03, 2024, take care myself, this was a 60 minutes program, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, in the near future we will live in a completely different world, artificial intelligence will make us think differently. very quickly, the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties, those who attended his lectures say that by just looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with, increased blood pressure, thickening of the blood, this destroys the body, how to get the most out of every day of your life to achieve fulfillment desires and what to expect from the future, about this and more in our program today on rtr, who is lenya here? what are you doing? premiere on
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rtr. cupid's arrow. put. wow. i want to find the killer faster than vesnetsov. listen, let’s do this, you will be my beloved husband, and i will be your sweet shell. excuse me, what are you thinking? vasnetsova. today on rtr. the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i, maria sipkin, hello, the basmanny court of moscow issued an arrest warrant for four accused...


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