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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  March 25, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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mood, when i was getting divorced, you know what, i had a color, bright scarlet, with a smile and special delicacy, vasnetsova masterfully gets to the most intimate secrets of criminal witnesses, and does not leave them a chance to hide the crime, the main thing is not that he said, to what he was silent about. veronica has an experienced, reliable team of investigators behind her, who are ready to support their boss in any, even the most adventurous undertakings. by the way, have you noticed that we are gossips? but it’s easier for a sought-after investigator find a criminal than deal with your personal life, especially not easy to put an end to your relationship with your ex-husband, who still cannot come to terms with the divorce. yesterday i had difficulty overcoming the temptation to open a criminal case against you. nika, don’t, don’t, i’ll repent, i’ll repent, there are many different situations when she needs to make a choice, to return. to it or start building
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your own life, despite the fact that it is absolutely clearly shown that in one or the other case , a person can live happily. in this week new exciting detective puzzles against the backdrop of the incredible landscapes of kaliningrad. continuation of vasnetsov’s favorite series on the rossiya tv channel. ekaterina fralova, vladimir overin and olga sukharukova. news. the news continues to monitor the development of major events. stay with us. the monstrous attack on the cityhall crocus lasted about 20 minutes. at 19:55 the terrorists drove up to the main entrance to the concert hall, at 20:15 they got into the car and moved towards the region. thousands of people are leaving. in
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the footage taken during the moments of the tragedy, it is not visible there was no panic, but there was heroism, endurance, and readiness for self-sacrifice. chronicle of events by igor roslavtsev. at that moment the third bell was supposed to ring before the start of the concert of the picnic group. instead, shots rang out. shoots from a machine gun. they shoot into the crowd. the terrorists probably shot the guards at one of the entrances first. many inside did not immediately understand what was happening. the shots were mistaken for incomprehensible pops, these first screams immediately made it clear that something terrible had happened, there was complete panic below, people above still did not understand, what to do, where should they run, and people start in different directions in the release line, the moment when we were lying in the corridor on the balcony, there were just such emotions that now everything could end here, the shots suddenly died down, but apparently it was then that the attackers set the fire hall.
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they set the hall on fire, the hall is on fire, they set fire to us, they set us on fire, some of the people rushed to the emergency exit into the stage , the attacker blocked their way, dozens of lives were saved by this guy, he asks not to show his face, i looked at my husband and realized that i owe something do, at the moment when he caught up with us, he began to reload the weapon, grabbed the machine gun with his left hand, pulled it down, and with his right hand began to strike him on the head, the chairman of the investigative committee, alexander bastrykin, had already... ordered the hero to be nominated for a reward, and this guy also did not stand aside, there , there, there, there, everyone go in that direction, to the expo, to the expo, the attackers clearly did not intend to take hostages, i fell to the floor, and the girl was killed by me, some of the people were able to get out on their own, so they break out the windows, everyone helps each other, they let women and children go forward, meanwhile the city hall crusader is on fire, the shooting has stopped, the terrorists have left the building, dozens of people are blocked in the basement. they
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were rescued, as were those who climbed onto the roof; they were evacuated from the fire using retractable ladders. wife and friend, i don’t know what’s wrong with them, i don’t know where they are, their phones are turned off. there are dozens of ambulances in the parking lot, and people are being evacuated by helicopter. a special forces unit enters the still blazing crocus; in just an hour and a half, investigators will begin working here. the governor of moscow is on site region, andrey borobyov, a special headquarters has been deployed. at its peak, the fire area is 13.00 km, footage of the burning roof of the building will fly around the world in a few minutes, and a little later it will collapse. helicopters are circling in the night sky, dropping water, until dawn, rescuers will extinguish the remaining fires . at 6:30 in the morning, firefighters manage to get into the auditorium, where everything happened, the hot metal is still smoking. these are all the structures that are hanging, these are what we need. the room was burned to the ground, there was simply no ceiling, they were starting to clear out the rubble,
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a lot of work remains to be done to remove the rubble, a lot of engineering work, where it is necessary to ensure both safety and, accordingly , maximum... to effectively dismantle everything that we see there today. now, according to the governor, the rescue operation has been completed and the search continues. 133 bodies were pulled out from under the rubble, and the identities of fifty of the dead were previously identified. people walk towards the crocus cityhall building. they hold flowers and candles in their hands. i went to a group picnic in the same way back in the day. to me in the same way, 40 years old, i could just as easily have been here. the terrorist attack lasted no more than half an hour. it took all night to put out the fire. in the building, but in fact for the victims and their loved ones, this horror lasted for an eternity. march 24 has been declared a day of national mourning in russia. igor yaroslavtsev, news. the perpetrators of the crocus city terrorist attacks had a detailed escape plan, but they failed to escape. just
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over a day passed from their detention in the bryansk region, not far from the border with ukraine, to the hearing in the basmanny court, where they chose a preventive measure, arrest. currently known. not only the direct perpetrators of the terrorist attack, but also accomplices. the addresses and contacts of those from whom the group received tasks and money have been established. details from yaroslav korsienko. to the right, by the side of the road, is a white, inconspicuous car, in which the terrorists arrived at the concert hall. here he is on the road, now he is already in the bryansk region, after he was stopped as a result of a chase.
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when did you arrive from turkey? and march 4th? yes, what did you do in turkey? there modi document the peach border ended here, what did you do in the crocus? shot, what shot? yes, who? why the instruction? people, why? please put it on, for money, for money? yes, so how much money? about half a million, half a million of what? half a million rubles from whom i received it i have not received it yet, i have received half of it where i have received it so far. they met in one of the thematic internet chat rooms, and they were offered a job there. who detained what is in
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the telegram? he listened to the preacher, he listened to the preacher, they said exactly who to kill? in which, it doesn’t matter, in short, will come in there, for the last 2 weeks before the terrorist attack , the suspects lived in a hostel on dmitrovskoye shosse, this man is presumably the leader of the gang. an acquaintance bought a car, they wanted to work on this car, he said, here i am, i’m out of work, i want to work for so long, in total 11 people have already been detained, interrogations with an interpreter are even continuing. hospital, how it was registered as a labor or tourist hospital, here are the weapons that the terrorists used, the saiga and vepor automatic rifles were thrown away when they ran away, they didn’t spare ammunition, everyone there were hundreds of rounds of ammunition, the magazines, like those of experienced fighters, were rewound with tape so as not to waste
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time reloading. investigative and law enforcement agencies will do everything to establish all the details of the crime, but it is already obvious that we are faced with more than just... our people. after the attack, according to preliminary data, the terrorists tried to get to the border with ukraine, but did not have time. now the main task of the special services is to identify the masterminds of this monstrous crime. yaroslav korsienko, lead. huge queues lined up at the capital's donor sites these days.
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centers. in just a few hours, muscovites donated more than a ton of blood for the victims of crocus cityhole. well, immediately after the terrorist attack, rescuers and security forces working at the scene of the tragedy began to receive supplies. water and food, taxi drivers worked absolutely free, about how this pain really became common, alexander karpov, from the very morning huge people lined up near the blood transfusion centers. an endless stream, despite the fact that there are enough donor blood components to
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cover all requests, we accept all donors, we are in solidarity with the impulse of people, who come, are ready to help , replenish supplies, the tragedy in crocus city hall seems to have left no one indifferent, here on builders boulevard a stone's throw from the government of the moscow region, a kilometer from crocus city hall, today from 10 am there is a help center... to the relatives of the victims, today many of those who cannot contact their loved ones are entering these doors, it’s okay for me, daughter, daughter, daughter went to the concert, and then there was contact with her, no, no, within 24 hours the help center received almost a thousand calls from hundreds of visitors, with who work with employees of the ministry of emergency situations, the social fund and, of course, psychologists, people in a very serious condition, in a very serious condition. so, because, how could it be otherwise, wives, so, husbands
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, so, sons, so, children, mothers, muscovite andrei emelianenko has not yet found relatives on any of the lists, almost the whole family went to the concert in crocus city hall, they we went to the concert, in fact, yesterday, last night, since then i haven’t received any information, i can’t get through to them, that is , your wife, her mother, her mother went to the concert. father brother, and the whole family went. ordinary residents of the capital began to come to the aid of the victims at the command of their hearts even last terrible night; taxi drivers took out the survivors for free and were on duty at hospitals. well, we came as volunteers, we first went to crocus, took an employee from there, and took her home for free, and then we came here if suddenly someone came out, but the light or the employees were sent home.
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in what they were able to escape from terrorists, now they can’t even go home, they’re warming themselves having tea at the help center, we were all in the dressing
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room, we were left without outerwear, in outerwear there were documents, house keys, cards, everything, that is, we were left with practically nothing, that’s how we are now, as for things, property and cars, underground parking in crocus for more than 150 cars and things, you and i understand that everyone who came to the concerts is great. undressed in the wardrobe, access to the wardrobe in crocus is very limited and, of course, we must provide a convenient scheme that will allow us to transfer property within, let's start with tomorrow, including the car. the help center in krasnogorsk on builders boulevard will operate around the clock; you can call the hotline using the short number 122, extension zero. alexander karpov, yaroslav aulov, gennady. they began to conduct scientific excursions
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, even the corresponding term scientific tourism appeared, mainly schoolchildren go on such a trip, with them maria nevezhina learned all about electricity and many other things, why wires need different colors, what goes along them, why they should never be confused , for all these questions... and in general, in principle, everyone has access to laboratories, including maybe some closed laboratories, so that everyone can safely visit them and see what scientists are doing. at south ural state university , the doors of four laboratories have been opened for tourists, where they are inventing new things in work technology, induction heating of metal, and figuring out
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how to use the propagation of light waves. let's take my hand if there is some object. which has a much higher temperature than its surroundings, respectively our hand will be highlighted. the last point of the tour is an industrial enterprise, so that tourists can clearly see where the long path of the electrical impulse, which originated in the university laboratory, ends. training stand for circuit assembly and start-up, direct start of an electric motor. and with this stand we will learn how to use the tool, we will understand how it works for us. a diagram is assembled, what parts it consists of, this diagram, local attractions, devices created in laboratories at industrial enterprises, everywhere do not demonstrate the laws of physics, no science fiction, scientists say. maria nevezhina, natalya roydko, sergey milyutin, lead the southern urals. you are so businesslike, i
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definitely won’t be lost with such a wife. look at the weekend, advice on love, in sadness, in joy , in health, useful, i don’t know what will be so difficult, you have a choice, he needs you, asya, don’t remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught that there are no hopeless situations. “i have always believed in you, we will consider that this is a miracle, we no longer need your services, i understand, so do i i love him, on saturday on rtr,
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you watch 100 to one." what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a catch, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will be 7,8, whatever, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i chop oak, don’t pluck. problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry, this is a set for the head pain, god forbid now, if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday, on rtr. you are mine
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last hope, no one's, close this salon, damn it, we have a wonderful salon , wonderful masters, but you will destroy it all, artynova should be fired, others will have science, she cannot be fired, there are no irreplaceable workers, there is no, there is no, there is no , it doesn’t happen, except for her, sit down, anatoly, i won’t sit down anywhere, what are you... making of me, now we will make everything out of you, alexey zubkov, kirill kyaro, maria kulikova, evgenia loza. queen margot, friday on rtr. hello, dear friends,
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your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. in the west there are big dreamers, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later, floods have killed 24
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people in brazil, intense rains hit the south-eastern region of the country at the end of last week, in several cities the rain caused landslides, water and mud spilled through the streets, flooding the first floors of buildings, the flood carried away cars and structural parts, it is reported that even a fire truck was washed away, at least... people were forced to leave their homes. in the center of moscow, they began to restore one of the most unusual buildings: the apartment building of the russian insurance company. at the beginning of the 20th century, even the banal issue of renting out housing was approached creatively. each developer sought to attract wealthy clients to themselves, and to do this they often had to be pioneering innovators. the house on sretinsky boulevard had its own.
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one of the first buildings in moscow with electric elevators. the complex of two buildings was built by order of the rossiya insurance company, the largest in the country and one of the most richest in the world. the house now remains elite. residents know its history in detail and why it is numbered. defies logic, the numbering of apartments begins with this building, but it is common to all two buildings, that is , apartments one to ninety-nine
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are in the first building, our house has apartment numbering from one hundred to 171, this is very funny, it always amuses new people postmen, the residents of the house constantly become witnesses of miracles, sometimes in may they have snowdrifts, and sometimes it’s as if they are carried away into the past in a time machine. we we looked out the window and saw the cavalry here , on the building opposite ours, a banner hung, all the authorities with the council, this is very much for, yes, they lived, yes, they love the house very much, filmmakers, this is a fragment of the film mimino, when valeko mizandari and rubik khachikyan were looking for in moscow courtyards, your car, that here, don’t let anyone in, don’t let anyone out, watch out for traces, i’ll bring the police now. say the car was stolen. today the house is undergoing restoration , while work is only going on in one of the buildings , only inside. in arkhangelsky lane in at the beginning of the last century, architect vladimir
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velikovsky built several apartment buildings at once. this is one of those architects who will focus his entire architectural practice on apartment buildings. merkel's apartment building witnessed the revolution, and partly it was forged here in the office of a famous dentist at that time. they met back in switzerland in 1904, then the dentist’s office in arkhangelsky lanes often served as a revolutionary safe house, the house is 110 years old , there are a lot of decorative elements at this time the moment is lost and thanks to our restoration we will be able to restore the former beauty of this house. medlag tiles, usually they are two-color and octagonal, but this one is very rare and very expensive.
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to its original state, sooner or later everything will return to its original state; now in moscow, restorers are working on more than 500 architectural monuments. irina baranova, anton dubnov, pavel letnikov, konstantin rodin, vesti moscow. these are the main messages for this hour, i am maria sittal, thank you for your attention, all the best and see you meetings.
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i'm sorry that it fell like snow on the club , he was declared dead, and now he has appeared, you should introduce me to my son, my answer is no, why do you think that it was your ex-husband who kidnapped him, i feel like this is herm, that's it it will be good, the main thing is to believe me, husband for an hour and a half, premiere on saturday on rtr rtr. planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres. how did i get here? are you having a corporate party, or what? who are you? oh, you're bad know bender too.
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no motive is needed for murder based on cunning. what was that on the strip? i don’t know, dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever does not take risks will not be lucky, we will succeed, i will operate, i am scared, as if i were not me, to unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible , but it exists, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is a major...
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what is more difficult to become a good person or to remain, the question is of course an interesting one, and then it is difficult, and another thing, you are the most understanding program about animals, in the circle of friends, when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone. no matter what happens, live, the story of a mysterious disappearance, the whole studio discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentaries, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our soviet people brought liberation to the peoples of europe. current news, political investigations.
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biased analytics live program 60 minutes broadcast news, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair, he is in the audience, as you and i remember , enters through these doors, everything you can’t imagine russia without, only on the rtr planet channel. in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, frequency in some hertz, silence, even if you don’t breathe, we leave defectors, surprised love of the sun, to the depths of your heart and to
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the depths. hello, this is our program. every day they provide military personnel with all the necessary assistance, from dressings to complex operations, and sometimes they save the wounded, risking themselves. military doctors are always faithful to the principle: no matter what happens, fight for life to the last. dozens of operations a day, the most complex cases, military. experience from previous deployments, i am a graduate of the military medical academy, i was finishing my deployment, i was mentally prepared, there was a faculty for training doctors for navy, after graduating from the academy, he served as a surgeon on a large nasty ship, and in 1920 he was on a business trip to the syrian arab republic, where he
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also received... also certain skills that later came in handy on a business trip to ukraine. after a business trip to izyum, from may to september 2022. surgeon alexander rozhkov was awarded a medal for courage. in our studio we have a military hospital surgeon, alexander roshkov. hello, alexander yurievich, hello, hello, alexander. hello. tell me, how many times have you been to the svo zone? in the northern military district zone, at the moment i have already been on two business trips, the first in may of the twenty-second year, september, the second from august to december. a question. here are expectations and reality, how do they fit together? in fact, probably for a person who for the first time finds himself in such an intense theater of combat operations, how it all surprises, frightens, well, frightens in some way, that you wonder whether you can cope, whether you will let
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someone down, but in the future as if it were happening very fast adaptation, this applies to everyone, i ’m talking about us, about hospital surgeons and about the doctors who are located directly there, whom we are strengthening. on your first trip, when you were there, where did you work, specifically, was it some kind of mobile hospital, a hospital? yes, it was a multi-profile military field hospital, in the kharkov direction, we preferentially dealt with the severely ill, because besides us there were not only our hospitals, but this was already established before us, our colleagues took the most severely ill at that time to to us, that is, the specificity of such a military field hospital is its proximity to the theater of military operations. yes, of course, proximity was determined there literally by the severity of the wounds, and a more distant location is no longer advisable due to the fact that transporting the wounded is extremely difficult, especially
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unstable critical patients. alexander, how did your work in syria differ from your work in the northern military district zone? first of all, she was probably distinguished by the degree of responsibility, and she went on to become the leading surgeon of a field hospital. accordingly, in addition to my direct surgical work, i had the responsibility for adequate triage, especially with the mass arrival of the wounded; any military field surgeon understands that inevitably, the more wounded arrive at the stage, the greater the number of them will be severe, well, as a rule, up to you worked as a military surgeon on a ship, there is also a certain specificity, but you are actually alone there, the space is isolated, you need to make a decision on your own. well, first of all, i graduated from the faculty of training doctors for the naval photo of the military medical academy, well, in principle, probably, since kursan we were already trained to be naval doctors. specificity is certainly present, our faculty
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is naval, it traditionally produces the largest number of surgeons, because the ship requires surgical specialists, due to the fact that the ship, including my ship on which i served, was located. in single voyages, we have repeatedly gone on long voyages, so these skills are simply were necessary, but what are the specifics of working on a ship, what is different? due to the distance from the main base, there is often no possibility of evacuating a wounded person by helicopter; our ship had helicopters, but in certain locations of the ship it was simply impossible to do this, so the surgeon must be ready to do it. required range of operations. now you work at the narafama hospital, and since 2009 i have been serving as the head of the surgical department of the narfamin hospital. let's plot let's see about this. 8:00 am,
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surgeon alexander roshkov’s working day begins with examining patients. how are you feeling? everything is fine. does your leg hurt less? yes, much less, the cast will remain with you for another 2 months, since the wounds are gunshot wounds. this means it will take a little longer than usual, we will let you go on vacation and there will be an opportunity to get better, so in principle , next week we are planning to let you go, great, in the military hospital of norafominsk, as there are several operations in the past day, today is calm, surgeon rashkov has only one scheduled: a patient with a hernia. while in the zone, he was dragging boxes of ammunition, in connection with which a relapse of the hernia seemed to occur, now we will install a mesh, after the operation he will have... sick leave, after which, as soon as he recovers, he will be able to continue his official duties . what kind of wounds do the soldiers arrive there with? our hospital is actively involved in treating the wounded from the beginning
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of a military operation. the spectrum of injury is completely different, we certainly accept at the initial stage of the wounded who were directly taken out from behind the ribbon, and we also provide follow-up treatment for the wounded who were undergoing treatment. in other hospitals, in addition to treating patients, we also carry out their rehabilitation and prepare the necessary documents so that they can leave or the following.
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seconds of this shock, they began to provide assistance, we had no light, since all the generators were damaged during the missile strike, but the roof building was on fire, it burned so brightly that, in principle, we were able to compensate the patients who received storage on the remaining transport that survived, and to take them to a safe place, moreover, at that time there were quite a large number of wounded at our stage, because we had been actively working all day the previous day. at that moment when the hymos arrived, where
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were you, weren’t you standing with a scalpel in your hand, we had just finished another operation, we had just entered our rest room, it was 1:30 a.m., maybe that saved us , since we ran out to what we thought was a safer place, but it too it turned out to be under fire, but when we returned to our room, well, first of all, it was on fire, the sleeping bag was cut by shrapnel, wow .
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danil went on his first business trip to the special military operation zone in may 2022 . our task was to provide assistance to our guys at one time, when all this worked out, everything else turned out to be a trifle. danil petrovich, hello. military surgeon. hello. hello. these trips to the ne zone are a duty.
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due to your line of work, you have to face difficulties, but what? it was the best for you difficult when traveling there? it wasn’t morally difficult, the task was to go directly there to carry out combat missions, which... to help wounded servicemen and to do this correctly , not to let anyone down, it was directly , but one could worry about this, as for the provision of medical care, that means they are connected some cases involving the provision of resuscitation measures, after which it was possible to save the patient, there were
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several such cases, these are more memorable, this is our main with gratitude when the patient survives, here we have... a video of one completely unique case, when alexander yuryevich pulled out a grenade that did not explode from the back of a wounded soldier. let's get a look. on november 18 , 2023, a seriously wounded soldier was admitted to a field medical hospital. according to x-ray data, alexander had an unexploded ammunition in his back.
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felt at the moment when they took out the ammunition, because it could explode at any moment, or the feeling turns off, rather turns off at the stage of preparation for the operation of course, the biggest fear was that , as a result of the explosion , the patient himself and the colleagues who helped me could suffer, so in fact, in order to protect themselves as much as possible , they put on body armor, helmets, it’s hard to work in a body armor, no, i’m still the first to wear a body armor from experience. on a business trip we had to work often, because before we had to work during mine shelling, when all the extra people went to the operating rooms, the team in bulletproof vests stayed and worked, on the last business trip, thank god, this is the only episode when we had to wear body armor in the operating room. i would like to note, firstly, all the personnel in the hospital, because
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these are not big words, but everyone wanted to take part in this operation, there was no one who said, i’m not ready, i’m afraid, the operating nurses. izists, our young surgeons are wonderful, but we decided that due to the fact that the fragment did not lie so deep, daniil petrovich was also there, but due to the fact that we decided not to risk all the surgeons, plus there should have been a team in case the ammunition after all, it will detonate in order to provide assistance to those who will suffer, and how long did this operation last, literally about 15 minutes, in what condition did the fighter arrive, in general, how did it happen that this ammunition hit him in the back, he himself was a little seemed... lost, because firstly, there was a shooting battle, he listened to explosions, and secondly , there were quadcopters above them. he understood what happened to him, that he had ammunition in his back, yes, we told him, he said, i’m probably happy that it didn’t explode, i i say, well, let’s wait, i say , we’ll get it now, the surgeon has already reassured us, let’s wait some more, we need to get him out of there first, yes, all
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surgeons are opinionated , so we can’t say such things ahead of time, there was no anesthesia, there was local anesthesia, even it's clear that i'm on time. it didn’t hurt , it didn’t hurt, he was absolutely tolerant, he and i brought a bucket of sand, where we put it, we talked when the operating nurse took away the ammunition, but then i already congratulated him for telling him that he really happy, that's what you felt when you put it in the bucket, you realized that all the relief, during the operation, we , frankly, were carried away by it... extracting it, that they were not quite, probably, aware that this could be done with anything come across, daniel, what were you thinking at that moment? at that moment i was in close proximity to alexander yuryevich, and was ready to provide help, god forbid, what would happen , i was worried about aleksandr yuryevich, you were scared, we are already accustomed to this, no, well
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, wait, it’s impossible to get used to fear , the situation is extraordinary, our task is to help the wounded... there is no other way out , because no one except us at this stage will do it, what did the sappers say, they have seen this at least once, the sappers have seen something like this, well , probably, yes, well, in fact, those who are sick constantly have to deal with ammunition, so why it didn’t detonate, they didn’t tell you, but it’s not clear, maybe because the patient’s soft tissues were not deformed enough during the contact, but you remember this fighter, good, alexandrovich, yes, enough. his name was alexander, well, we met him even before the operation, but he was no longer a young patient, well, but he behaved well, literally an hour after this operation. we had an evacuation and he even reached the ambulance with his own feet and went to the next stage,
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you don’t know the future fate of alexander, unfortunately, no, he came to see you to say thank you, he came with his wife, alexander and ekaterina, recovered well, yes, everything is fine, i’m very happy for you, i can hug you to express gratitude. thank you very much, hello, you have been through enough, yes, yes, alexander, ordinary work, everything would have worked out thanks. alexander, are you afraid of anything in this life? well, of course i'm afraid. with the richest medical practice and experience, this has never happened before, something like this. yes, of course, colleagues at the sevastopol hospital, i know. they removed unexploded ammunition, but there is experience from the chechen war, as if i were still an intern as part of a group
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that included our now boss surgical department of our second hospital, they also recovered unexploded ordnance, there weren’t many of them, but there were some, now, due to the large use of mortar rocket weapons, unfortunately, such cases will probably occur more often, but in general, how did it all happen, how did this shell hit you in the back, did it happen? there's a minka next to me, he's tearing my armored armor, i'm throwing it off, well , because i got hit in the back by another blow when i came to my senses, we lost consciousness , it was a short-term thing, that's when you came to your senses, well, i was moving forward myself, because that the evacuation group could not reach us, because there were a lot of birds, so as not to expose the guys to attack, we ourselves moved towards it, so alexander says, he talked to you during the operation, do you remember what he talked to you about, yes ? it was interesting, alexandrevich asked, how were such operations, you told me, yes,
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remember, yeah, and you set the interest rate 50/50, so i lay there and thought about fifty dollars, but you realized that this could end badly , yes, i already realized, as i already knew, that i was there when i they put me in armored armor, and the guys who were traveling with me at once all stopped talking, they just looked at... at me, there we were heading towards you, yeah, this is even before our stage, yes, guys, keep quiet, well, if he tears me apart like that, you won’t get anything, but they still all looked at me, so i say, calm down, everything will be fine, when i lay down, when they started to perform surgery on me, i’m somehow calm about it how i felt that everything would be fine, when they put it in, removed it, pulled it out, that’s all, alexandrovich, tell me honestly, this one here equanimity, did it help you morally? of course, i want to say that, after all, of those people who participated in the operation, alexander was the only one without body armor,
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the projectile was already located quite close in the tissues, so he should have been the most worried, but thank you, he trusted us, in fact , the most important thing is that when the patient does not interfere with work, here he completely helped us, and thank god, everything ended well, alexander, what did your colleagues say to you when they found out that everything was in the bucket, spellbound, spellbound, and what did your wife tell you , ekaterina? do you remember your first words that you said to your charmed loved one, when you found out, there was a package and something else, so i swore. that he didn’t tell me that i would find out everything from the group, and what did he answer you, he didn’t want to bother me so that i would cry and
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worry, well, you were pleased that he was taking care of you, or they argued even more, of course it was nice, no, it was nice, and then what are you doing now, i ’ll be leaving in 2 days, there, yes, continue to serve, yes, of course, alexander, and you are a volunteer, how did you end up in the svol zone, yes i volunteer, what did your wife say to you when you made this decision? i didn’t know until recently, i also didn’t know until recently, my wife thought that he went to work, and what does your husband do, he earned money as an installer, a high-altitude worker, and he went to his place of work, well, tell me honestly, you are proud of your husband, i am, of course , and the children are proud, ekaterina, what would you like to say to the doctor, the doctor who practically saved a life, well, express my deep gratitude to him for saving my husband, thank you, thank you, let’s see a story about another colleague of yours, vitaly alexandrovich. at the moment
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, a planned operation is being carried out on a victim from the special military operation zone, restoration of the crococlavicular joint is being carried out, during the season of the special military operation a heavy object was created on the victim shoulder girdle, left, thereby damaging the splenic articulation. on the tenth day we now operated on him. the operation is over, thank you all. vitaly sych, a trauma surgeon, graduated from the military medical academy, faculty of training of doctors for the air force, has been serving in the norafaminsk military hospital since 2015. since childhood i wanted to be a doctor, so i made this choice, well, now i don’t regret it at all, i love my job. after a business trip to a
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special military operation zone, he received the rank.
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"it takes a lot of strength to do something like this, veronica is completely, don’t turn on your insight, she’s always ready for a new business, so let’s go, she’s always looking for new versions, it dawned on me when i was eating potato pura, i almost guessed, but is she ready for a new relationship, from you , there’s something interesting here, captain liskoe, i just don’t know what to do with it, so open it, vosnetsova, are you sure you want this? absolutely. today on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history. conquer! the squad is ready! explore! nature, mother, dear, simply
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incredible beauty. have you figured it out yet? this is the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation; there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became real. a talisman for its owner. a secret to the whole world. on saturday on rtr. it is for you. well, did you get enough sleep? gentlemen, just a minute, attention. today is a big
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day, a big holiday. yesterday. hey, it's been a while since we've seen each other, sovereigns. bela, you know, for every cool fighter he’ll find an even cooler one. they fell in love. yes, who is good to you, your wife or your boys? don't ask stupid questions now. they are still loved today. are you responsible for your words? i am always responsible for my words. heroes of their time. beauty. reppin! the whole brigade, only on the platform we watch, you dream about the stage, you believe in your strength, russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young gifted performers
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to take part in an international popular music competition. new wave registration submission of online applications on the website don't miss your chance to become a star. “a new wave will lift you to an unprecedented height, you are my best friend, just a friend, on sunday, and this is a girl from the boarding school, lyosha, why are you scared, go ahead, get out of my” house immediately, where friendship has become the past, it turns out, is the bride, the future may be love, now everything is in your hand
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our life, yes, ir, there is no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have my own, tell me that i love her, a fact, tell me, my beloved friend! on sunday on rtr. earlier in the program, major of the medical service, surgeon alexander razhkov, spoke about how military doctors save the lives of soldiers, often risking their own. six rockets hit our hospital. the hospital building was... do you believe in god? yes, i believe, there are no unbelievers in war. footage of a unique operation. volunteer alexander was one step away from death, a fighter saved by the surgeon’s high professionalism and,
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of course, a miracle. alexander, are you afraid of anything in this life? well, of course i'm afraid. i'm afraid i won't see my family. the soldier’s wife could not hold back her tears, thanking the doctors for saving her life. directions of our western military district , i had the opportunity to work in different areas of our mobile medical groups - at the base of medical battalions, i returned from a last-minute deployment in early december
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of 1923, what was the hardest thing there? well, you know, i'll say this, the hardest thing there, especially at first, it was timely, competent to make the right decision, because of the time. on reflection , it happened that under conditions of mass admission there were no wounded at all, and mass admissions is how much mass admission, but when an ambulance arrives on three operating tables and let’s say more than a dozen wounded are delivered, it is important to sort them out, it is important to correctly, quickly admit decision, because some wounded are already on the table, some are waiting for our help, you make collectively, do i consult with someone, or is it just your decision? i’ll say this, but at first, at first everything was collegial and they consulted, why? because no one was fully prepared for a gunshot wound
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, not exactly, but no one was fully prepared, especially in conditions of mass admission, then of course, after a while we got used to it , each of the doctors, each team of trauma surgeons, was assigned to his own operating room the table was already directly accepted. a decision is on the table, this concerns the massive intake of wounded, here well, plus, being there behind the tape, being there for more than one day, we all live one small life, which is completely different from the current realities, because of this it is important to work collectively, because we are turning into one big family, which is probably unacceptable for you at work , slack or irresponsible attitude to the matter, i, of course , asked this question to alexander yuryevich. how long is a working day? the longest? the longest? nooch correctly noted that he and i were in neighboring mobile medical groups in the kharkov direction at first special military operation, so
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on the longest day, yes two, or even 2 days, you will find somewhere there a stool for 15 minutes , sleep back to work, let’s just say that it ’s interesting, human power is not limitless, but there some additional energy is acquired, how are we all in touch there... contact with parents 3 months later, i was already there, the first time, it was july of twenty-two, we usually communicated through friends via special communications, the family of alexander yuryevich helped a lot with this, at least we have some news we received what was going on there, it was very pleasant, all this helped, of course this moral support was felt, plus they also sent parcels with all sorts of goodies, which we didn’t have there, it ’s nice and this... there it’s valued threefold,
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otherwise and even more, what is the most delicious yummy? sausage, i understand, tell me how to maintain the spirit of wounded soldiers who are recovering, that you need to be sentimental with them, you need to feel sorry for them or, on the contrary , be strict, you need to be constantly in contact with them and tell the truth as it is, not hiding, but why, he will find out one way or another, wait, vitaly, here it was a 50/50 situation and it’s true. true , they hovered, but you had situations when there was a risk to your life, there was a situation when our exposed medical group was bombarded with petals with cluster munitions, that is , anti-personnel mines lay around us, work was paralyzed, okay, we were transporting the wounded, because this was difficult, we had to call a group of sappers from our neighboring units, did they know on the other side that they were hitting the doctors? we were close to
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central district hospital , one of the settlements of the kharkov region , so everyone knew about it very well, of course, they knew, that is, it was not a secret place, absolutely, plus due to the fact that we had to regularly provide medical care to civilians, in any in the case of a sarafan radio, it was playing , everyone knew perfectly well who was there and what was standing there, and how this situation was resolved, we called a group of sappers, and a group of sappers collected everything that... they could find, far from us , the destruction of these petals was carried out, but civilians, one at a time from us, they were there , probably over the course of a week, they brought casualties to us - wounded, including limbs from these anti-personnel mines, alexander yuryevich told us when they were fired upon by hymers, they were our neighbors, they, they were then to everyone they came to our mobile medical group, and naturally everyone met. we were glad that everyone was alive and
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well, that there were no wounded, they gave us shelter, yes, aleksandrovich fed us - a delicious late or early breakfast, it was about 4 in the morning, with sausage, with stew, but, but it was very tasty, and this was just not enough, because we had just finished evacuating the wounded, we were already leaving for the last time, and there was a feeling of some kind of temporary loss, then we saw familiar family faces who knew that they were nearby, but intensely... the work is such that we were several kilometers from each other, but did not see each other, i suspect that you will remember this particular dinner for the rest of your life as warm memories, it was then that we realized that we are all charged with one goal, fulfilling the necessary work, and we realized that without us, well, in no way, but we can say that you rallied and became like brothers, each other , definitely, of course, of course, this is not forgotten, but tell me, have any of you ever treated a wounded ukrainian armed forces soldier, everyone has. we all did this, well
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, tell us about your experience, what they are like, what they are, what you feel at the same time, vitaly, you know, i can’t say much about this, a wounded fighter, well, he is a wounded fighter, we helped them assistance in absolutely the same volume as our soldiers, absolutely no different, well wait, nothing humanity is still not alien, these wounded soldiers, the same wounded soldiers sent these shells into the backs of our guys, is there really nothing inside... it’s crazy, we didn’t really talk to them about these topics, you cut off all this, yes, there was no time, and i didn’t want to, let the competent authorities talk about who should do this, we don’t need this, we did our job, that’s all, alexander, you don’t have a job, a job is a job, it’s understandable, like treating a wounded man, we didn’t have any negative feelings for them, i even had the patient, whom we thought was our wounded man, was brought in on armor , but our scouts quickly removed him, he had
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extensive burns, and i asked his name, he said: “alexander yuryevich,” then i was a little embarrassed , but then our competent authorities came up and explained to us that he was a saboteur, the paradox was that we didn’t even have a place to put him separately from the rest of the wounded, they were lying in the corner of the company commander, alexander yuryevich, whose foot was torn off petal, here are the wounded and even they didn’t have any... negative situations, everyone received treatment, regardless of daniil, they also had to directly provide assistance to the wounded.
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volunteer, name is oleg, this was my first business trip, the beginning of a special military operation, i operated on him in may, i was surprised to find him when he arrived home, turned on the phone, in september a text message came with warm words, at first i didn’t understand who this in general, then we talked more, i realized that it was our wounded man back in may of 1922, so in fact, we keep in touch to this day , it’s nice, of course, we have a video in which soldiers who are in the hospital turn to you, i ended up in the hospital after a shrapnel wound, i’m very glad that i ended up in this hospital, they treated me attentively doctors and medical staff immediately carried out an examination
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, established a diagnosis, i am recovering very quickly with their help, everything is healing as well, thanks to them, i was in the seventy-fourth brigade in an assault... the task was completed, well, i didn’t have time to run out in time, i was wounded, after being wounded i literally immediately ended up in the hospital, the doctors treat me well, all the medical staff too, today the doctor took off my cast, i’ll be able to walk soon , i haven’t been home for a year, i didn’t have time, we worked, a lot of work, that’s how everything is good . received a slight wound from a tank, ended up in a hospital in the moscow region, the treatment is excellent, the attitude of the doctors, the nurses are wonderful, the orderlies are almost like home, i’m very grateful to the doctors, they quickly put me on my feet,
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i’ll be back on duty soon, we’re working, guys, tell me honestly, you work, well, 24/7, for you a visiting artist is more, well... so that they have the opportunity to watch and listen, you are now working in the narofominsk hospital, so the working conditions, the specifics of the work, well, that is, it’s easier than working in the northwestern district, or there are some nuances that deserve special attention.
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working in a hospital is also intense work, moreover, it takes part in it, and as you know, war is a traumatic epidemic, due to the fact that... all our departments are helping us now therapeutic hospitals that also treat wounded victims. while on a business trip there is no time to rest, but the specifics are that you provide assistance to the required extent and send the patient to the next stage of evacuation, in the hospital, well, often this is our final stage, so we are already completing treatment to the end, this is a longer period, so this is kind of the specificity of our family... of our hospital, it is all aimed at maximizing the healing of all the wounded who come to us, i believe that in some aspects there is even a lot more work at our place, because as aleksandrevich already noted, it is a multifaceted
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work there, many more people are involved, they are drawn into this work, plus we must not forget that no one has canceled the paperwork either. and there is a huge amount of it, because every soldier must leave us with a full package of documents, this is very important, it is important to draw them up correctly, to do it in a timely manner, so i believe that it is impossible to compare work in the rear in a hospital and behind the scenes. tape, why because the specifics of the tasks are slightly different, but the intensity of work in the hospital is no less, i’ll tell you, we just want to understand how you live and what gives you strength, but this is our job? we love her, if we didn’t love her, it’s probably love, yes, it’s love for our work, for our work, we’re used to it, in our hospital, you just asked, there are no ... days off, we are also accustomed to this and now everyone, all military doctors now
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work like this, not only we, the central hospitals, we know, and not only the military, yes, therefore, we take this for granted, and many complex operations are performed in the fields, that is, it is clear that they are trying to transport complex ones to other hospitals, but still there have been cases when there is no way out and it is necessary to carry out a complex operation directly on the spot, no, definitely not with us. the story of the mobilized viktor belyaykin, who was seriously wounded, but miraculously survived. there was professional help from the very beginning to the end, from the front to the hospital. soon we will live in a completely different world. artificial
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intelligence will force us to think differently, very quickly. the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. those who attended his lectures say that by just looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with, increased blood pressure, blood loss, this destroys the body. how to get the most out of every day of your life , achieve your dreams and what to expect from the future. about this and more in our program. now i'm your upstairs neighbor, nightmare, i flooded you, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy for a husband for an hour, a cleaning agency, a jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now not only... neighbors, sort of like colleagues and
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overtime. the blackmailer knows things that i have never told anyone about. all our clients receive the same letters. ivan oganesyan. i am now my own boss. he appeared out of nowhere. he's so handsome, attentive, and courteous. maybe there is some kind of catch here? husband. for an hour and a half premiere, on saturday on rtr, the floor is trembling, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator . barts will have plenty of surprises and a lot of work , plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i
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adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, much will become clear, but dreams become a reality, as you see , let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, you are my last hope, but whose close this salon, what’s your mother, we have a wonderful salon, wonderful craftsmen, but you will ruin it all, martynova should be fired , others.
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we treat with all standards, we eliminate all life-threatening conditions. and of course, the heroes of the program could not help but remember the warmest moments of their service. these are greetings packages from relatives. what is the most delicious yummy? sausage? understood? let's see the story of one of your patients who is currently being treated in your hospital. january 6, 2023. mobilized viktor beleikin was seriously wounded, we evacuated the wounded man, returned to the dugout, got caught in a firefight, at that moment i was in the trench, a bird flew in from above , dropped a shell, hit his leg here, his hip, it turns out his arm, the fighter miraculously survived, for god’s sake
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asked to stay, well, to stay alive, because... at that time, it turns out, my hands were generally incapacitated, my colleagues quickly gave the wounded first aid help , victor got to the nearest medical station on his own, gathered his strength and got there, i got there, lost consciousness, so they brought me to my senses and began to treat the wounds. when i was already in the hospital, they gave me an x-ray to see the severity of the wound and prescribed surgery. on january 18, victor was taken to the military hospital in narofaminsk. hello, victor. hello. viktor belyaykin, one of the patients of your hospital. today in our studio. victor, what happened to you? gunshot wounds, shrapnel wounds.
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this happened in... in the kharkov direction, i ended up in an evacuation group, for the last 3 days they helped the wounded of the 300th, well , they pulled me out of the training camp and just like that i was wounded, how quickly you received help, within a day i was evacuated, thank god, i remained alive, there was professional help from the very beginning to the end, from the front end to the hospital, what are your forecasts, what are your plans? at the moment, as soon as the wounds recover, an operation must take place and after the operation there will be prognoses. where are you from and do you have family? that's right, i'm from stavropol region, my family is in st. petersburg, my wife, child, mother are in the belgorod
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region, and you have been fighting for a long time? in general, in the army, as if i was from the fourth to the eleventh year, i have two fixed-term contracts. i was mobilized from the very beginning, from september 25, the twenty -second, it turns out that i haven’t seen my son, since april, that’s how i got to rafaminsk, my wife came to visit me, as if she saw me, it seems to me that the time has come for you to meet wife and son, they came to us specifically to see you, anna and timofey, please come out, dad, hello, hello, timka, how have you grown, hello, hello, hello, anna and timofey, haven’t seen each other for a long time, well, i just recently went to see him, thanks to the hospital for allowing me to kind of to see him, but he hasn’t seen his son since april, almost a year. timofey,
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what do you dream of becoming, a military man, a military man. like your dad, yes, but what kind of dad do you have, how brave, brave, kind he is, you will be the same, but you haven’t chosen a branch of the military yet, or just a military man for now, just a military man for now, what if you you will be a military surgeon, it’s quite possible, yes, why do you think so, he loves all of this, um, anatomy, this is what he loves very much, yes, yes, timofey, do you have it? a unique opportunity to ask some question to the most powerful military surgeons. what subjects do you need to take to get into medical school, well, firstly, biology, chemistry, russian, and since you want to be a military man, well, if you’re a military doctor, then you
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definitely need physical education. victor, haven’t you seen your parents for a long time? yes, mother for a long time. i haven’t seen you for a long time, like a long year, a year, and she actually knows that you’re wounded, yes , she knows, and you want to meet her, well , i would like to, of course, emilia, come in... emilia, hello, hello! a joyful meeting! emilia, how did you find out about your son’s injury? i called, my daughter called me, yes, she always tells me everything right away if something happens. well, how very bad the state was, such an alarming one, but at first i’m still glad that i’m alive, well, no, at
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the beginning my head was like this, well, i couldn’t think of anything, of course i’m alive, thank god, here's what you can tell your mom, emily, here's how you can reassure her about her further recovery. her son, we probably won’t make any forecasts, forecasts, we will clearly build a plan according to which we will go, at the moment his wounds have practically healed, so, accordingly, in view of the severity of the injury received, we will plan it for central hospitals, burdenko vishnevsky or the military medical academy in order for him to receive high-tech care in the future. help, well , he says that he needs surgery, yes, well, his hand will move, everything will be, of course , it must be, i think that with the symbiosis of the patient and
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the doctors who will be treated, everything will have to be good, everything should be good, or very good, we will pray, yes, god willing, and so scary, oh, be ashamed, that’s scary , calm your mom down, please, here are the pins , that’s what it is, a military-field apparatus for extracellular synthesis, it... allows you to kind of combine the bones until the inflammatory phenomena caused by the early projectile are stopped. vitaly, now it’s simpler for mom, this is a treatment and transport option immobilization now, it is imposed until the wounds heal, in simple terms, yes, his wounds have practically healed, that is , soft tissue defects, yes, this is a wound, a gunshot wound, and, accordingly... on the healing of these wounds , this wounded person will be further sent to, as i said earlier, to the stage of providing high-tech medical care and must be obliged after how long, well
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, we probably won’t guess this, i won’t guess it all individually, so i don’t want to voice it, but what would you say to the doctors about i’m grateful i am very grateful to the doctors and all the specialists. that you are saving the lives of our children , thank you very much from the bottom of my heart, i am grateful to you, and i think all mothers are grateful to you for saving our children, and we have for you, our dear, dear, and doctors, physicians, surgeons, surprise, video surprise, attention to the screen, dad, we love you very much, we adore you, we, we can’t do anything without you. dad, i love you so much, i can’t live without you, i need support at school too, i’m always at home at night, when you come, we really love you
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we love you, so we want you, i think you already understand this, you know that even though you are often far away, we are always there and support you, yes, good afternoon, son, a unique opportunity has arisen to convey to you a huge greeting from me, from dad, from your older brothers, zhenya and maxim, we know that wherever you are, always and everywhere you fulfill your military and professional duty with honor and dignity, we are very proud of you, dad, i love you very much and i say hello to you, you are our best caring. "we always worry about you , we love you very much, we kiss and hug you tightly, we really want all the guys to return home quickly, everything is fine.
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vitalik, hello, hello, vitalik, we are glad to see you in this wonderful program of ours, we are very we are proud of you, proud of how you fulfill your military medical duty, how highly you carry the honor of an officer, the honor of our family, your own officers, we wish that all your patients always get better and always remember you with a kind word, we love you, bye bye bye. we are waiting for you very much, we love you, we miss you, we love you, we always worry about you, and mentally we are always with you, victory will be ours, we are sure of it, of course, we also wish you that all your patients get better, and we wish so that your families are healthy, so that everything is fine in your home, thank you very much, low bow to you from everyone, it’s like from my family i bow to you all, thank you very much for saving,
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supporting, treating them, putting them on their feet and sew up your hands, sew them on, in general, thank you thank you very much, we are trying to find words to say thank you, but there are probably no such words, you are the main people now, you are saving our soldiers, you are saving us all, thank you very much, we are very proud of you, thank you, low bow, low bow, thank you, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. the period of combination, there were songs that seemed to write the biography of the country, the era. the time was so daring and we were wildly interested in plunging into all this with head. alena apina. if they told me now, if i had gone through the same path, i wouldn’t have dared. a difficult combination of her fate. you
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went after love, after a man. set priorities and parted ways with the group, why they were at their peak. i decided then to get married and decided to start all over again. i myself didn’t understand anything about what i was doing, i just stupidly followed some hormonal, emotional, female processes that were taking place in my body, from head to toe. those 25 years that we lived are wonderful 25 years, the picture is joyful, life is completely different, but now i will show you my other life. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. news is broadcast on the russia tv channel. i greet you, maria sil. hello.
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basmanny court of moscow. for the arrest of four accused in the case of the terrorist attack in kroku city hall. 101 people remain in hospitals in moscow and the moscow region. and this is a spontaneous memorial at kropus right now. sea of ​​flowers. and the situation on the fronts of the special operation is news from the military correspondents. belgorod has been under enemy artillery fire all weekend. serbia after 25 years after the bombings. important statements by president vučić in prokuplje, where the first victim of nato aggression died. and yesterday the international premiere of the film belgrade by documentarian andrei kondrashov took place in the narrow house of belgrade. it is very important. and the reaction of the audience. four accused of committing a terrible terrorist attack in the crocus city concert hall were taken into custody until may 22. the decision to arrest was made by the moscow basmanny court. some of the meetings were held behind closed doors due to
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the need to maintain the secrecy of the investigation. those arrested face life imprisonment freedom. according to the latest data, 137 people were killed and 182 were injured at the hands of terrorists. about the progress of the process, dmitry petrov. basmanny court of the capital, we are waiting for the arrival of paddy wagons with suspects in the terrorist attacks in crocus city hall. enhanced security measures have been taken here today along kolonchovskaya street and additional fences have been put up. there are guards around the perimeter of the block. police patrols, the internal diameter is being worked out by the national guard. journalists outside the perimeter, all parked cars have been evacuated, there is a clear space around the courthouse, but the four citizens of tajikistan who were detained the day before are just being taken to the building of the investigative committee at this moment. rootstock blindfolded on white minibuses without special signals with tinted windows, this is also for the sake of safety, so as not to...
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introduce the participants in the process, read out the circumstances of the case and after that make a decision on choosing a preventive measure, let's take the next one, fsb operatives are the first to initiate.
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he doesn’t remember being registered, communicates in court only with the help of an interpreter. investigator requests that the case be considered in a closed meeting. the judge grants the request and the press is asked to leave. after 5 minutes we come back again to listen to the decision. set
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the period of his detention for one month and 28 days, that is, until may 22, 2024. in satisfaction of the defense's request to elect zada, the preventive measure is not related to detention . the third suspect is shamseddin fariduni, he tried to hide in a tree in the bryansk forest, and then tremblingly told operative, why did he so easily go kill unarmed people, there was an unaccountable fear in his eyes , because he probably, when he was leaving on white from the burning concert hall, expected that at that moment he would be safe to count the money, it turned out differently, the fourth terrorist, he saved his life, to appear before justice, however, he still needs medical help. until recently, fayzov worked
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as a hairdresser in ivanovo, but now he pretends that he does not understand russian. and for these two, fariduni and fayzov, the court also determines the measure suppression in the form of detention. months until may 22, everyone is charged with organizing participation in a terrorist attack with a large number of victims, the maximum punishment is life imprisonment. dmitry petrov, alexander smychik, viktor prikhodko, matvey sidorov and ivan knyazyev, lead. this morning, despite the start of the work week , people are walking to the spontaneous memorial near crocus techola, with flowers, toys and portraits of the dead. search for rubble. work continues, dog handlers are working with dogs, there is a russian mobile station nearby red cross, payments have begun for the return of personal belongings. now our correspondent ainur valiakhmetov is going live. ainur,
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hello, what information do you have up to this minute? maria, hello, well, as you rightly noted, the analysis of the rubble continues, and the work inside the winning concert hall does not stop. literally not for a minute, now the employees of the ministry of emergency situations have already cleaned out about 400 cubic meters of various designs and now they are working together with heavy equipment, well, in fact, dismantling all these metal foundations , a static crane is waiting here any minute, which should also help unload large large-sized parts, now a site is being prepared for it, well, it must be said that, according to some data, the area of ​​the roof collapse was about... 7,000 km, it must be said that also the area of ​​the cordon has increased, metal fences have been installed compared to yesterday, perhaps this is due to the fact that a large number of people come here, of course, a spontaneous memorial is growing,
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its area is now probably about 20-25 m long, people bring flowers, people bring soft toys, because children died in this terrible tragedy, and despite ... in principle, it should not happen that innocent people are subjected to such terrible acts, i’m just saying no, it seems to me that at such a moment we should all unite. and this pain, i am sure, affected everyone. in
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one of the neighboring buildings of cityhola, since yesterday they have already begun issuing personal belongings to the victims, this procedure takes place in several stages, first checking documents, then a short conversation with the investigative committee, only then he receives the things, they were packed in these blue bags, my mother-in-law and... my husband’s brother, they were in a terrorist attack then, but survived, well, scary, yes, now they’ve arrived with those who don’t have license plates today will be launched only from wednesday, there ’s now a whole survey going on besides this, and how you got out of there, only god knows, honestly, we don’t know, we probably went down from the third floor in minutes 40, we were leaving there, excuse me, after checking the explosives. they also started issuing personal cars , there were 383 cars in the parking lot all this time
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, this procedure is still ongoing today, maria, thank you, ainur, our correspondent ainur valiakhmetov was in direct contact with the sitihol office, where the search for the dead continues to clear the rubble, the attack is based on the latest data claimed 137 lives, 68 dead have already been identified, in many cases a dna test is needed , there were 182 victims in this monstrous terrorist attack, they are being provided with all the necessary assistance, many of those admitted to hospitals are in serious condition, including two children, from her ambulance named after sklefasovsky, olga mishcheryakova goes live. olga, hello, tell me, how many people remain in hospitals at this hour and how do doctors assess their condition? hello maria! yes, we are now in the nizklefosovsky court building, most
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of the victims of the terrorist attack were brought here - 29 people, the rest are in other leading moscow clinics in four clinical hospitals near moscow in krasnogorsk, dolgoprudny, odentsov and khimki. and here are the really updated data, their presented by the ministry of health of the moscow region, the total number of victims of the terrorist attack is 182 people, 101 people remain in hospitals, the list is published by the ministry of emergency situations, 61 are in outpatient treatment, 20 in the column have been discharged, but the necessary blood components, medicines, equipment are all there, doctors confirm this. now, as for the nature of the injuries, namely the injuries received by the victims, they are extensive, these are not only gunshot wounds, there are many patients with fractures, poisoning, carbon monoxide and combustion products, very severe burns, including bone structures of internal organs. dozens remain in intensive care units. person, the day before the moscow department of health reported that
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procedures for identifying the dead had begun in the capital, according to the latest data, as you already said, there are 137 people, it is not yet possible to establish the identities of everyone, a molecular genetic examination may be required, which will take at least two weeks , that is, a dna test. psychologists of the federal medical-biological agency provide round-the-clock assistance to the loved ones of the dead and wounded we recruited the best specialists with many years of consulting experience. a sea of ​​fresh flowers, candles and white cranes flying into the sky. the action of grief and solidarity with the loved ones of the victims united the entire country. words of support to all those who have lost their loved ones in the material by dmitry kayster. the beats of the metronome
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beat the moment, dividing the memory into before and after. the clock shows 19:55, the exact time when the terrorists entered the concert hall building. on the wall of the burnt crocus city hall , a projection appears with snow-white birds that soar high in a wedge to the song cranes of muslim magomayev, in whose honor this concert complex is named. there are a thousand lit lamps on the ground, they form the date of the tragedy, we remember the words and the figures of cranes, this poignant action of memory was organized by the activists of the movement together. we have gathered here today a large team of victory volunteers, we are lighting a large fiery picture in memory of those who died in this terrible tragedy, we are grieving and, of course, we wish a speedy recovery to everyone who suffered. all the fire cranes turn into white birds,
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like angels going into the sky, a symbol hope for immortality, which is gained by the souls of those who have left this world, people shocked by the tragedy come to...
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what exactly happened on friday and in general, what happened in general, there are simply no words, i cannot say, the wedge of white cranes soared high on the city hall crocus building and flew further across the country, carrying immortal souls on their mournful wings, in st. petersburg, images of birds appeared on street screens on monitors in public transport, in melitopol , a thousand candles were lit, with which they laid out white outlines cranes.
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the detention of terrorists, awards to the fighters of the group covering the state border were presented directly at the positions by the deputy commander of the leningrad military district. today’s lesson on talking about important things is dedicated to the unity of the peoples of russia. teachers tell schoolchildren and college students that terrorism has no nationality. in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks in crocus cityhole. students across the country joined the nationwide flower of hope campaign. they use paper to create a crocus flower and pin it to their school uniform. and today, in one of the schools of krasnogorsk near moscow, the commissioner for human rights, the child maria lvova bilova awarded the children who saved people during the terrorist attack. fifteen-year-old islam khalilov and fourteen-year-old artyom danskov were awarded certificates for dedication, courage and personal
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courage. all the people began to run in a panic to the service premises, all this was on the minus first floor. while the terrorists were on the first floor and those whom we evacuated, none of them were hurt, no one remained there, we tried evacuate absolutely everyone, you are watching the news, we will return to the air in a few minutes, and we will continue, do not switch, in an abandoned parking lot, they shot a man, which prompts intuition, keep silent for now , vasnetsova, prime minister. today on rtr , there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad
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is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what kind of vietnam. favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million drivers here mopeds, taste them! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, this world is worth seeing, a snake charmer is the most ancient profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for one’s... in secret everything light, on saturday on rtr, you are my best friend, just a friend, on sunday, and this is
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a girl from the boarding school, lyosha, why are you scared, continue. get out of my house, immediately, where friendship has become the past, it turns out that the bride is judged, the future can become love. now our whole life is in your hand. yes. irina, there is no need to come here. uncle will find out and we won't like it. you have your own life, i have mine. convey that i love her. pass it on. my beloved friend. on sunday on rtr. here you will find people of different professions and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common:
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sincere, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat, here he comes, oh, you’re good, to caress the obstinate one, he likes to grab there with his claws, so tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done! to warm up a stray on my shoulder a parrot flies from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you're in a hurry guys, i have to feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on rtr , i’m sorry for falling like snow
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, he was declared dead, now he has appeared , you should introduce me to my son, my answer is no, why do you think that it was your ex-husband who kidnapped him, i feel like this is crazy, everything will be fine, you tell me the main thing is to believe, husband for an hour and a half, the premiere is on saturday. on rtr, a forty-year-old volunteer from bashkiria, evgeniy volk, is looking for a young fighter, whom he calls his guardian angel and who saved his life twice on the front line. contact with the serviceman was lost in the hospital, where they both ended up after being wounded, and evgeniy does not know whether his savior is alive or what his fate was. we found the family of that same soldier, the story of people who know how to value friendship. malakhov today on rtr.
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this is the news and we continue publishing. more than 700 ukrainian militants were eliminated over the past 24 hours on the fronts of a special operation. the most significant enemy losses were in the novomikhailovka and novo-bakhmutovka areas. two tanks, seven armored personnel carriers and a dozen vehicles were destroyed. in the kupinsky direction, our helicopter crews destroyed camouflaged enemy equipment. the k-52 attack alligator, under the cover of the mi-35 and mi-8, hit targets with unguided missiles. the success of our units on the front line directly depends on military equipment. rembat works completely close to the contact line, quickly returns combat vehicles to service. reportage. these fighters have not fired a single shot in 2 years, but without them
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the normal work of our units on the front line would have been impossible. in this hangar , repair teams of the vostok group work around the clock, servicing and restoring military vehicles and guns. today, a 100-millimeter mt-12 rapier anti-tank gun was delivered to the hangar. the commander closely monitors the progress of work. artillery crew with the call sign doc, our rotary mechanism broke down, we we couldn’t aim quickly, as we needed, and it’s somewhere in this area, the technicians are now working on it, it follows that some damage is being repaired. the repair hangar of the thirty-sixth army from buryatia is located near the line of combat contact. the soldiers take all precautions, the building is carefully camouflaged, and equipment is brought in only in small quantities. during the special operation, the specialists gained vast experience and learned to troubleshoot any problems. they also restore equipment that was damaged as a result direct hits from projectiles. complex repairs take a maximum of 2-3 days, and the gun
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is sent back to the front line. there is another gun nearby - the d-30. she had a problem during intense fire work. guys, when we were working, the weapon went into critical mode, that is , there was a rollback, back to the working position, the weapon does not return. they brought the gun here and carried out troubleshooting. we'll film. the malfunctions are typical of civilian vehicles. in our conditions, the clutch doesn’t last long, because it’s very, very difficult field conditions, these are muddy. the craftsmen do the work conscientiously, as if for themselves. the speed of repair should in no case affect the quality, since in a real battle any breakdown can be too expensive for soldiers. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. we will not allow serbia to be torn apart, we will not
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recognize kosovo. and we will never join nato. such promises were made by serbian president aleksandar vucic at a memorial ceremony dedicated to the anniversary of the bombing of yugoslavia. she passed near the city of nis, at the place where 25 years ago , the first victim died from western air raids. in 80 days, 1,700 people were killed, including 400 children. the film belgrade by our colleague, general director of the tas agency andrei kandrashok, is dedicated to the anniversary of the barbaric bombing. the premiere took place yesterday on our tv channel in belgrade itself, daria grigorova talks about how the film was received there and why it is a must-see. the premiere of the film , the investigation of andrei kandrashov, takes place in the belgrade russian house, it was opened back in 1933, and this is the oldest institution russian culture throughout europe. the film
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belgrade is about the common fate of two nations, serbia and russia, as planned, until...
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a number of prestigious music awards, the start of the pianist's career was given by the famous blue bird competition on the russia tv channel. yuno was a finalist in the very first season. in fact, it is a great honor for me to perform today at the russian center in madrid, because i believe that our russian classical music has the ability to unite people around the world. this concert,
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like many others, will be held as part of the project russian muzymir. today on our channel the premiere of the astro-plot detective series vosnetsova, a police major and a mother of many children returns to service after a ten-year break, how the heroine of anna mikhalkova proves to everyone that she is a great professional and how paradoxical logic helps her solve the most sophisticated crimes, ekaterina frolova will tell. how do you tolerate it? she's cooler than sovuska. have you seen us reveal ourselves? brilliant professional and charming.
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not what he said, but what he was talking about kept silent. veronica has an experienced , reliable team of investigators behind her, who are ready to support their boss in any, even the most adventurous undertakings. by the way, have you noticed that we are gossiping? me, yes, and you. but it’s easier for a sought-after investigator to find a criminal than to sort out his personal life. it is especially difficult to set the record straight in a relationship with an ex-husband who still cannot come to terms with the divorce. yesterday i had a hard time overcoming the temptation to open a criminal case against you. and nika, don’t, don’t, i i will repent, i will repent, there are many different situations when she needs to make a choice, whether to return to him or start building her
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own life, despite the fact that it is absolutely clearly shown that in either case a person can live happily , this week new exciting detective puzzles set against the backdrop of the incredible landscapes of kaliningrad. continuation of vosnetsov’s favorite series on the rossiya tv channel. ekaterina fralova, vladimir overin and olga sukhorukova. news. vesti continues to monitor the development of major events. stay with us. i have a job for you. don't you understand that this is a beauty salon? beauty. do you want it to be controlled by some, some kind of superintendent? do you even understand, sir? we will deal with delays especially strictly, is everything in place? martynovy no, what's your name? margarita, hello margarita, she
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’s a master, i’m a bad master, yes, you, listen, i’m an excellent master, and you’re a fool, can’t you tell me where to start, first of all, show everyone that you’re not a robot, but a human, i just thought , you know your master classes... call queen margot, margarita, aka the queen, i gathered you all to announce to you about our platform, i realized that i love another man, queen margot, on friday on rtr, you dream about the stage, you believe to yours. strength. the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part in the international popular music competition new wave.
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registration and submission of online applications on the website don't miss your chance to become a star. a new wave will lift you up unprecedented height. forty-year-old evgeniy volk, a volunteer from bashkiria, and for several months now he has been trying to find the young soldier who saved his life twice on the front line, well , probably i was some kind of guardian angel, i literally almost stepped on it.
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it didn’t bother me at that moment, i probably would n’t have survived, i wouldn’t have gotten out of the basement on my own. evgeniy only knows that the guy’s name is arthur, he is 21 years old and that he was also seriously wounded in that battle, but he does not remember his last name and cannot find out anything about his future fate. now evgeniy has been discharged from the hospital and wants to go to the front again, but before that he dreams of personally thanking arthur and his family for saving his life. evgeniy volk is in our studio today. how are you feeling? have you been discharged from the hospital? yes, now i’ve almost stopped completely, and now i’m about to go back. before...
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returning, i want to find him directly, maybe in a poseable manner, it’s more convenient for me, but i want to find galila, well, see him in general, how is he , well, thank him, probably, for everything this is what happened then, but tell me, after all, you were wounded twice, you have now refused rehabilitation and are rushing to the front again, i don’t know how to explain this, you know, there are guys there, look at galya, look at the same guys who are there, they have a huge passion , they are very active, they are very cheerful , they have little fear in them, but they are inexperienced and in order to somehow help the guys, to stay alive, so that well, this will all end like this well, in a better direction with fewer losses, probably because of this i’m there because of these guys.
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something like this, but as i understand it, the last time you saw a fighter with the call sign galya was in the hospital where you ended up, but not with, well, yes , we were taken out, the last time we were taken out together, we were evacuated, but there - we ended up in the original hospital together , they already separated us there, that’s where we separated, i was restored to one unit, well, they took him to another, they took him to another hospital, and there we got lost, and since then... no matter how we didn’t see each other, i came back and decided now , before leaving, how to see him, meet, remember, that’s all, yes thank you, it seems to me that gratitude is a very important quality in life, it seems to me that we generally say so few kind words to each other, thank you and just thank you for your help, for your participation , for your concern, for your courage, i’ll probably say more , these are the people who are there, the guys who are there, the vision
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in general for our world changes absolutely, if here, being, when i was here, that is, i was engaged in civil affairs, before all this, i had some well, here’s my opinion to the people, well, to other people relationships, well, probably as standard , here are strangers, well, there are strangers, there are our own , when you get there, when you understand the essence in general, that’s why this is all happening, this situation is happening because they just want us , how to destroy the russian people, crush them, these guys, how to say , they stood up on their own, they all went there themselves, when everyone came there, it all becomes, you know, it’s not like in civilian life, here’s a neighbor and there, everyone becomes relatives , everyone becomes brothers, one for all, all for one, here i am i don’t know, after this it’s not just seeing each other there, it’s probably the biggest joy to see. here’s a brother, yes, a brother
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, a colleague, well, it’s simply impossible to convey, but the call sign galya came from the surname galiev, a guy from ufa, we found his family, and today his mother, arthur goleev’s mother, rita goleeva, will tell about what happened to her son, she is meeting here today, thank you very much. thank you, thank you, he says, hello, as i understand it, you knew nothing about your son’s exploits, and he didn’t tell you anything about this? no, i didn’t know anything about this act, and i am very grateful to zhenya that he remembers, and i am very grateful to you for raising and giving birth to such a child, for the fact that... there are more such people on earth, if
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only our world would be beautiful, thank you so much again for what you have done , probably the greatest miracle on this earth, that thank you, the world gave birth to such children, thank you very much, well, tell us about arthur. how is he now, what’s wrong with him? well, now my son is undergoing rehabilitation, at the same time he does charity work, helps guys like him, soldiers who are now at the front, well, they help as much as they can. let's listen to what you told us about how your son told you about his injury. arthur himself called me. and in a cheerful voice he said,
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i say, the load is 300, and most importantly he is silent, i say what happened, he tells me, i lost my right hand. well, in front of him, i didn’t show that i felt bad, i somehow steadfastly talked to him, i said: son, don’t worry, we’re all with you, everything will be fine there, the main thing is alive, but when i put phone, i just didn’t cry, and i didn’t cry, i whined, it’s probably possible. so to speak, from pain in my soul, it was very difficult, when i flew to him in moscow, i apparently took myself into such an iron fist, i
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didn’t shed a tear, i didn’t want to cry in front of him, so as not to make him more painful, he felt bad, he had pain, there was everything ... the wound was still fresh, there was pain and his moral state was also there, he with all the fibers of his soul, it seems to me, with all his strength, he doesn’t show it, but i’m like a mother i see that it’s hard for him too, and this is not his first injury, yes, as i understand it, he hid it from you before, yes, this is not the first injury, the first one, he sent a photo, and this photo was... well, how can i say, he sent it to me later, when he was already healthy, when he was already without these bandages, without anything, he actually told me that he was in voronezh, i was so calm that my child was not there, not in a combat zone , and somehow i’ve
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already calmed down at home, i think, okay, my child will now have at least a little rest in voronezh, and as it turned out, at that time... he was wounded, here’s a photograph, he sent it to me much later, only then he said that mom, i told you so , so that you don’t worry , now everything is fine with me, now i’m alive and well, don’t worry, but it’s clear that a mother’s heart can’t help but worry about her own child, now, let’s say, you’re still, i know, worried about the fact that the girl who was waiting arthur, having found out what... happened to him, yes, left him, maybe, yes, maybe, i think that first of all, probably, his injury led to all this, but again i’m not sure, i ca n’t tell you specifically, but arthur did not lose his
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cheerfulness, and the first thing he did when he returned was to go to his grandmother, who was also worried about him, i prayed, i waited, let’s see , it’s okay, let’s come guys, let’s do it, i missed you, of course, how arthur was taken from us, i always listen. news, opened the map, i’m always sitting watching the progress of the special operation, i’m sitting with magnifying glasses, i follow everything every day, but i worry about everyone, not just my arthur, i received the wound as a matchmaker, somewhere here is the city of krasny
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liman, i already found out when his arm was amputated in moscow, i always smile, but i have tears, yes. don’t worry, everything will be fine, of course, it was a very pity, he’s still young, well, the most important thing is that he doesn’t lose heart with us, he’s great, he holds on when he arrived , he says, dad, he says, don’t cry, he says, i said alive, if he said i had my hands this wouldn’t have happened, i say it worked out now.
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played hide and seek, i always hid here, once even a chicken pinched me in one place so much that i remembered it for the rest of my life, one rooster was worse than a dog, it’s easier to knock out tanks than it is for you to feed your chickens , a chicken sits here, sits here, one got out, two eggs already , two sorrows. hold, they sit there, but no longer, in the winter, even if before i
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could clear the snow, now, unfortunately , i can’t, because not only am i right-handed, i was right-handed, but now i have become sharply left-handed, i’m still i don’t despair, i help with everything i can, everything that doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, and i will only be stronger, i will continue to live an ordinary life the same way i lived before, who do you think he’s like, tell me? well, you know, he has been since childhood, and he was like this, he was ahead, as they say, of the whole planet, he always protected those who were younger. always cheerful, i want to say that the girls of the kindergarten itself
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ran after him in crowds, the teachers even told us, you probably earn money for birthdays, especially to the girls, well , you went to the boys too, but more to the girls, i always i tried to raise him in such a way, you know, that he would be an independent person, since i myself was left without a mother very early... from the age of 19, i worked part-time as a nurse and studied at the same time at a medical college, so i tried to have the son was also strong in spirit, so that he would not have any obstacles in front of him, well, at least somehow, so that it would be much easier for him in life, you know, always when he grew up, he took on these. such family, yes, so to speak, these are the circumstances on your shoulders, i say everything, mom, i will do everything,
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i, everything will be fine, he loves his family very much, his younger brother, i love him, well, zhen, i think it’s time to invite your friend, brother, as you say, arthur goleev, to the studio today in our studio. well, how are you, hello, hello, everything is fine
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, i’m the only one, i’m a little worried, i was sitting there, watching on the screen, yes, on the screen, and so many things were filmed about me, and it was practically a movie for me, of course, you, well, did you know why is zhenya looking for you like this? i was looking for my wife myself, i only knew his name and that i’ll call him a wolf , we always called him that, that’s all, i also tried to find him, he’s a volunteer with us, he was seconded to us, literally 3 weeks before what happened, so i couldn’t find my wife, brother, it's okay, i've grown up.
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but especially since you even there, as they told me, almost filmed videos, and i had like my own video blog, video blogging, i filmed everything related to my own, well, for memory, not for general viewing, for memory, this, for example , was there just a video on the approaches to severodonetsk or now? when we they stormed, these are the approaches to the flint, well, let's see. hello everyone, you are on the artur play channel, today we are in the lugansk region, oops, it flew, my hands are already shaking, oops, it’s flying again, and we’ll sit, then there will be something
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to watch, there are memories here, tell me, what are you- then i found out the rules for you , here... yes, i always have a set of rules, when i realized for myself that first of all, the most important thing is that if there is a whistle or some kind of rumble, always lie down on the ground, because that first of all mine, she always on approach it whistles, even if you didn’t hear the exit, there is a 3 second gap from the exit, lie down on the ground, cover your face and head, the most important thing is everything and wait for the gap, the gap has passed, you get up... already looking for cover, i had a second rule: never leave a comrade, you will either be doomed to destruction or death , because you always need to save your guys, when now there is a short commercial break waiting for us, there is a surprise ahead of artur goleev, in his pocket he carefully keeps a letter
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to a soldier written by a student medical college, alina protsenko, we found a girl. but arthur still doesn’t know anything about this after vasnetsov’s advertisements in previous episodes, i’m major vasnetsova, investigative committee of the kaliningrad region, i have a personal request to you, keep an eye on her. investigator veronika vasnetsova, a divorced mother of four children, is just such a mommy, well, is that bad? she opens it up with ease. the most difficult cases, have you seen anything? well, why didn’t liskov figure this out? he was not driven by maternal instinct, but in his personal she has difficulties in life. let's go have some coffee, i'll enjoy it, but how's your ex? so, what is this? oops, this is our anonymous
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paternity test, positive. i will repent, i will repent. what did you do it with? vasnetsova. we'll watch the continuation today. on rtr. you're looking at 100 to one. what is our task to open the entire scoreboard? can we handle it? if you ask, it’s a tricky one. the surname of which character from pushkin's works is all the same? they know how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i cut down oaks, no, pinch, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i
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don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache and god forbid it’s pibi now. if you win, then 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr, you are so businesslike with me, i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife, look at the weekend, advice on love, asya, don’t remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself he taught us that
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there are no hopeless situations, i always believed in you, we will. that this is a miracle, we don’t need your services anymore, i understand, i do it too i love you, on saturday on rtl, your favorite songs are heard in our studio, let's go, birthday, your favorite music never gets old,
1:56 pm
hello, andrey, andrey malakhov's evening show on saturdays on rtr. good afternoon, today we have a story of salvation and friendship. earlier in the program, forty-year-old evgeniy volk, a volunteer from bashkiria, spent several months trying to find the young soldier who twice saved his life on the front line. he only knew about his savior when he was 21 years old. he didn't have any more information. the last time the fighters saw each other was last may. years, after that the connection was interrupted and before leaving
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for advertising, evgeniy met with arthur and thanked his mother for saving his life. if you just turned on your tvs, here's what it was like. saved life, that 's what evgeniy's parents say, pay attention, he named the guy, and he said, i was drowned in the house, he said, i was without... there was no knowledge, he dug me out , began to call the orderlies, then something flew in again, i i thanked god, thank god my son is alive, i thanked that guy, thank you that
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he didn’t leave him, that they were there for each other closer than his family, thank you very much, very much, my soul wishes for him that everything will be fine for him after this, i would worship him at night. if i saw him, i would bow to his feet for the fact that he watched him so closely, looked after him, military friendship, it is a very strong friendship, i served myself, i know it myself, god grant you, son , health, to your parents, health , your mother, i want to say, thank you, dear , for raising such a son, and what are you doing now, tell me, well, after
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what happened, first of all, i realized that i need to help somehow, right now i can’t participate directly in hostilities, i’m just helping the front, doing humanitarian aid to our guys, we send cargo to everything... that’s right, well, let’s see what relics you keep myself at home, i think it would be interesting for my wife to see, here i always hang my uniform, when i wake up at home, i always look at it and remember... all the good and bad that happened to me,
2:00 pm
mom, please help, not completely, that's all, thank you, i was awarded a medal for military distinction and the order of courage, this is a copy of the order of courage, the original... of my father, because thanks to my father i became what i am now, and this video is the moment an artillery shell arrived, if i were 3 m to the right and i would have died, in this photo is my first wound, and i was sitting in a trench and a mine fell nearby, it pierced my helmet, but... thank god it didn’t pierce my skull, this photo was taken 6 hours after my '.


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