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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  March 26, 2024 11:00am-11:30am MSK

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this day, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin sits in this chair, he, as you and i remember, enters the hall through these doors, everything without which russia cannot be imagined, only on the rtr planet channel . the rossiya tv channel is broadcasting news, i welcome you, i’m maria sittel, hello, we are interested in who the customer is? vladimir putin held a meeting at which the measures being taken were discussed. in place of the heated hall
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, the most dangerous area remains - this is the removal of rubble on the balcony of the auditorium, dog handlers are examining every meter. the fsb detained a group of the head of the ministry of development, who are suspected of raider attacks in the stavropol territory. which german was captured? marder walks like a donkey on the lead. the soldiers of the first guards won an excellent trophy. rifle brigade of the first army corps, in perfect condition, the vehicle is fully operational, fully operational. in the american city of balti sea, a bridge collapsed after a cargo truck crashed into it. and in russian schools, early unified state examination in the russian language has begun. the early period will last until april 22. perpetrators of the terrorist attacks crocus cityholi. are known, now the main task is
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to identify the masterminds of this monstrous crime, which benefits those who are fighting russia with the hands of the kiev regime. vladimir putin made this statement late the night before at a meeting with the government, intelligence services, and the heads of moscow and the moscow region. the circumstances of the incident and the progress of the investigation were discussed, measures to support the families of the victims and assistance to the victims were discussed. andrey grigoriev followed the progress of this meeting. the tragedy in krokul hurts. diseases to the relatives of those killed as a result of the bloody barbaric terrorist attack on march 22, i wish a speedy recovery to the wounded, i thank everyone who saved people in the most difficult conditions and helped the victims. our society.
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and discord in our society, but were met with unity and determination to resist this evil. in the west, they are actively trying to convince them that these are all radical islamists from isis, banned in russia, although this version is raising more and more doubts. the united states, through various channels , is trying to convince its satellites and other countries of the world that, according to their intelligence data, there is supposedly no kiev trace in the moscow terrorist attack, that a bloody terrorist attack was carried out.
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followers of islam, members of the isis organization banned in russia. we know by whose hands this atrocity was committed against russia and its people. we are interested in who the customer is. in the course of joint work between our intelligence services and law enforcement agencies, it is necessary to obtain answers to a number of questions. for example, is radical, even terrorist, really islamic? organizations are interested in striking russia, which today stands for a fair solution to the escalating middle east conflict, and how radical islamists, who position themselves, by the way, as devout muslims, professing the so-called pure islam, are willing to commit grave atrocities and crimes in the sacred. all muslims are in the month of ramadan,
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it would be more likely that western intelligence services or their subordinates in ukraine could be suspected of involvement, which is even more likely, the kiev regime has been involved in this more than once. the question immediately arises: who benefits from this? this atrocity can only be a link in a whole series of attempts by those who have been fighting our country since 2014 with the hands of the neo-nazi kiev regime. and the nazis, as is well known, never disdained to use the most dirty and inhumane means to achieve their goals. moreover, today , when their advertised... counter-offensive has completely failed, this is already recognized by everyone, it is not disputed, the russian armed forces hold the initiative along the entire line of combat contact, all measures taken by the opponents to stabilize the front they are not bringing success, hence attempts to gain
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a foothold in our border territories, shelling, including using multiple launch fire systems, of peaceful neighborhoods and civilian objects. for the kiev regime, all is not lost, to tell its own population that they only need to carry out the orders of their western curators, fight to the last ukrainian, obey the command from washington and adopt
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a new law on mobilization, create something like hitler yugand, in the new one, of course , editions, knock out new weapons for this and additional money, a significant part... it is clear that those who support the kiev regime do not want to be accomplices of terror and sponsors of terrorism, but there are indeed a lot of questions. investigators already know in seconds what happened in
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the concert hall from the moment the terrorists burst into it. the biggest question is raised by the fire that quickly engulfed the entire building. the angry hall occurred as a result of the actions of the accused. combustion elements, according to experts, the system failed to extinguish the fire due to development of combustion over a significant burning area, within the framework of the materials that were on
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the walls that were burning, we were able to eliminate, completely eliminate the fire only today at 18:40, we had to extinguish it with the help of... an unbroken chain of buildings, and there was a very noticeable danger that the fire could spread to even more serious objects, this was prevented thanks to the work of firefighters and rescuers. it will be completely finished tomorrow. search operation, and accordingly, every square meter of the hall, porter and balcony, floor, which is higher, they will be dismantled, in time to adopt new safety standards,
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the russian prosecutor general is already doing this. the scale of the terrorist attack turned out to be many times larger and incomparable with the provisions of the legislation on security at such facilities. taking into account the significant increase in the level of terrorist threats, executive authorities and constituent entities need to update the safety passports of facilities with large numbers of people, we will do this in the near future... we will make a decision on financial assistance to families the dead 3 million rubles, the seriously wounded 1 million, those who received minor injuries 500. for relatives of the victims who come to moscow to identify bodies or to search for their loved ones, we provide free food and accommodation in hotels, we also provide the necessary assistance and support for them to find their loved ones. necessary...
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in a difficult hour they came to the aid of people in trouble, once again proving that our
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country is united, and in the face of the most difficult situation, we are together, both passers-by and medical workers who are not directly related to emergency services and employees of other services, unquestioningly, simply immediately ended up where they should be, helping people, this of course demonstrates the maturity of our society. your willingness to defend your interests, to fight for yourself , for your loved ones, simply for those people who need help and support, this is a very important characteristic of the current state of our society, you are absolutely right. vladimir putin once again thanks the russian security forces who they worked quickly and efficiently, managing to detain all the terrorists alive in less than 24 hours. andrey grigoriev, lundovskaya, kiril. the area of ​​the collapse in the crocus was 700 km. by this moment
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, the ministry of emergency situations employees had cleared more than 90% of the rubble. the search operation continues. a list of names of 95 victims whose details have been identified has been published. holy candles have been carried to the spontaneous memorial at the site of the tragedy for four days. now our correspondent ainur valiakhmetov is in direct contact with the studio. ainur, i greet you. tell me what's your news and will the ministry of emergency situations finish removing the rubble today? maria, hello, but they will probably complete it, because rescuers have already eliminated more than 90% of the collapsed structures, there is only one difficult area left, this is the balcony of the concert hall, now there is the largest amount of rubble, in parallel , work is underway to dismantle and remove metal structures, let me remind you that now the rescuer is being taken out straightaway. from two exits, because the day before an additional tunnel was made, and of course, the work of kenological services is underway,
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which inspect literally every meter, because also, according to some reports, there may still be bodies of people under the rubble; now the work is focused on dismantling the structure, clearing out the rubble, depending on the current situation. more than 90% of the concert hall area has been cleared, now we are carrying out inspections meter by meter , with the help of a construction complex we are dismantling the metal structure and flooring. currently , about 150 rescuers and thirty pieces of equipment are involved at the site. just a few hours ago we witnessed how happened. the employees who are here have changed their shifts, those who worked all
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night have left, and of course, let me remind you, the search work should be completed within today, and of course, in parallel, work is underway to distribute things to the victims, about 300 packages have already been issued, very well arranged, that is, they explain everything, show things from the wardrobe, everything seems to be what was in the pockets, everything survived. if i didn’t find something, the person writes a complaint, they accept it and, as it were, describe it, if i have everything was intact. the spontaneous memorial is not empty either, people continue to bring flowers and candles here, now the russian red cross has deployed a mobile point not far from this place, it will work around the clock, you can warm up there, drink tea, and of course all the necessary medical psychological assistance will be provided. maria, what are the data for this minute?
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ainur valiakhmetov’s film crew is working near the concert hall. we found a common problem. response in the hearts of millions of russian citizens. on almost a billion rubles have already been collected in targeted assistance to the families of the victims and victims. queues form at donor centers; doctors continue to fight for the lives of seriously ill patients. our correspondent, anastasia litvinova, works at the sklifosovsky institute of emergency medicine and is now going live. anastasia, good morning. is it true that today there are many people who want to donate blood? yes, maria, good morning, here we are. we just visited the institute of transfusiology, the sklifosovsky institute, where they continue to accept donors, here they collect both whole blood and all its components, on the first day after the tragedy more than 500 people came here, now the flow of people does not stop, let's listen to what the doctors and people who come to the clinic to donate blood say? i have a radio film
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with telepathy, i decided that i have time, and since this is needed now, have you been there before? yes. in total, 24,000 people throughout the country became donors these days, donating their blood to the crocus victims in hospitals. at the moment, there are 93 victims, 38 patients in serious or extremely serious condition. one of these serious patients is a boy, a child, whom the terrorists hit with their car when they tried to leave. it is important to note that
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the best doctors are involved in the treatment and rescue of victims of the terrorist attack at crocus city hole. four moscow region clinics and 14 metropolitan hospitals, including federal medical centers, are involved in assistance. at the sklifosovsky institute, where we are now, the heaviest cases were brought here by air ambulance. patients with severe burn injuries , a total of 29 people were brought to the clinic, and some of them have already been transferred from intensive care to regular wards, some have been discharged, but as of yesterday, in total , 52 people were from all the hospitals where the victims are being treated. discharged and there is information that today doctors are preparing to discharge new patients. maria, thank you, anastasia, anastasia litvinova about the condition of the victims who are being treated at the sklefosovsky institute. you watch the news and after a short pause, here are the topics that will be further. senior officials of the ministry of economic development and businessmen of the stavropol territory were detained by a special operation of the fsb.
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the first so far only trophy in the form of a german marder infantry fighting vehicle was obtained by the soldiers. the first slavic brigade in baltimore , the main city bridge collapsed, more on this and more in a few minutes. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes today on rtf. you are my best friend, just a friend, on sunday, and this is a girl from the boarding school? uncle lyosha, why are you scared, go ahead, get out of my at home, immediately, where friendship has become
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a thing of the past, it turns out that the bride is judged. love can become, now our whole life is in your hand, yes, ir, no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, me yours, tell me that i love her, tell me the fact, my beloved friend, on sunday on rtr. i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions. because we have five of them, that's a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition,
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there are questions here, everything is so neglected, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let’s go, it must have been edible, that’s what i meant , of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 1000 is not married. and what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, oops, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr, look, love is when look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, carefully, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign
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at the same time, sign, look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just watch a movie, catch a fish, big or small, well, in general, did you choose the right place? why do people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can delicious food be healthy? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant, science fiction, can something scientific be understandable, and you make a wish, right? once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy,
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and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the food formula on saturday on rtr, who is here, the premiere on rtr. what was she drinking? a wealthy housewife goes crazy from idleness. today on rtr. you are looking.
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currently seven are in custody; on sunday night, a measure of crossings was chosen by the four alleged perpetrators of the terrorist attack, three more accomplices were detained the night before. the fsb of russia, together with the ministry of internal affairs , uncovered a corrupt criminal group consisting of leaders of the ministry of economic development and old polish businessmen. the detainees illegally revoked the license for the extraction of mineral water by one of the enterprises ahead of schedule. they are accused of involvement in rail takeovers and theft of natural gas. the attackers have repeatedly made demands for the programs.
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during searches in moscow and the stavropol region , large sums of cash were seized in private homes, including currency, firearms and premium cars. several criminal cases have been initiated under articles of abuse of power, theft and extortion. development officials were detained at their workplaces. all defendants have been charged. 400 neo-nazis were eliminated over the past 24 hours in the special operation zone. more. total enemy losses in the andreevka and novomikhailovka areas. a tank and two armored vehicles, including an american bradley, were disabled there. our units have improved their
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position along the front line. six more tanks three artillery pieces were destroyed by fighters from the center group. this is footage of an attack on a temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper. our reconnaissance transmitted the location coordinates to the hurricane crew. the unique trophy was evacuated from the front-line territory. our scouts. the german bmp mardor could not cope with off-road conditions.
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rifle brigade of the first army corps made in germany rain metal, again german tanks with crosses on russian soil. well, guys, you made your own choice, come. these are reconnaissance group personnel, we need it was necessary to determine the extent of damage to the equipment and the possibility of its evacuation; upon closer examination, there were many small curious details. but in germany, infantry fighting vehicles are locked with such locks so that no one steals anything. marder discovered. near the village of severnaya to the southwest of avdeevka, an area of ​​intense fighting, despite all the danger, it was decided to take the trophy, we waited for the weather and waited for the situation at the front, the work happened at night, constant shelling from the enemy, we walked blindly along the intended route, which we lay there in advance , without even flashlights at all, without flashlights, without anything , so as not to be exposed to the enemy, the mardr is an armored infantry vehicle, developed by germany
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half a century ago, despite... 432 km without a run in russia, and this is not an advertisement about sale of the car, and the last journey of the german armored vehicle marder. the numbers are so frozen on the odometer, and the still clean interior smells of diesel fuel, but it’s even nice, the body is really scratched. already during the evacuation, the enemy tried to destroy his own equipment so that others, as they say, would not got it.
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cars, large hail with squally winds hit the chinese province of jetjiang. dozens of victims required medical assistance. large-scale forest fires caused by an unprecedented drought and strong winds are being extinguished in mexico; territories in 15 states are engulfed in fire. graduates of russian schools today take the russian language exam ahead of schedule, and have already passed exams in geography and literature. all in all, for early delivery.
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just a pen, a passport of your own knowledge. conditions and requirements remain unchanged, take with you today after the evening news on our channel there is a continuation of vosnetsov’s detective series. police major, mother of four children, veronika vasnetsova is investigating two mysterious crimes. a chapaholic housewife and a street artist were killed. meanwhile.


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