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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  March 27, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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then this is an absolute master class, i'm not saying that it's exactly them, but i believe that if it were them, then it would be a complete phenomenal revolution, let's not forget that in what sense? well, if it were ukrainians, it means they were able to penetrate russia enough to organize such an attack, this is phenomenal. the next day after that terrible terrorist attack in batoclan, the russian army carried out a massacre.
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problems, but a colleague talked about mobilization, their resources, the upcoming law, they have two more problems, well, the first problem is this is, of course, a shortage of shells , and they have collected 155 mm shells, the czechs are frantically looking there, it seems like 800,000 have already been found somewhere, collected, all that remains is to find 3 billion euros to pay these bills, they will pay, a big problem with and then the executioner of the ores cut off his head, so they took him to a korava feast in a restaurant in the nineties , the lomonosov gangs which are more complicated because, firstly, there were such massive robberies, robberies, brutal murders, then organized criminal groups felt they have always been the real masters of life , and secondly, in order to produce them it takes time, i’m not even saying that
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there is a political decision to now send all air defense systems to ukraine, even to the detriment, so to speak, of the unified air defense system nato, which is deployed in europe, not to mention the fact that these plans of scholz to create a purely european air defense system, they, i think, will be postponed, but if not for the longest time, then... at least in the middle bedside table, which still needs to be reached, everything else will be supplied to ukraine, because the effectiveness of our attacks on the energy system of ukraine, even according to their ukrainian estimates, well, maybe they are overestimated, but 50% of the country’s energy potential has already been disabled, this is scary, of course. americans
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, scares europeans, all those who bet all their political capital on ukraine to win, like biden and macron, and well, he’s somehow been more modest lately, just like scholz, these two character, they, of course, never tire of repeating like a spell that we will not allow a strategic defeat, we will never, nothing, never, we will do everything for that... so this problem, of course, it will be solved, but it is very difficult to solve, and i i don't think it's very fast. the second problem is, of course, this line of defense, which they are going to build in order to multiply the losses of russian troops and multiply reduce the losses of their troops, here it is, yes, well, here is her husband and... it’s raining, they are
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right there filled with water, i didn't see it there engineering troops, well, they should show their engineering troops, otherwise all the time they show one yellow excavator, which said goodbye to him, well, many questions remained open, and thanks to the millions of these hryvnias that they allocated in november, there is no way to find they can’t, so to speak, where they are, where they disappeared to, this, this, by the way, despite the fact that it seems like it’s not such a big problem, but it really is. a big problem, therefore, because without a prepared line of defense, in conditions of shortage of personnel, in conditions of shortage artillery ammunition, they will roll back like that. moreover, i will say that we have almost completed the formation of two combined arms armies, so i really hope that we will have a summer campaign, and we will still go on the offensive in order to break through the defenses. at least
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in two directions, so to speak, well, in the donbass it’s definitely probably somewhere near kharkov, so one more thing. i already told a colleague about the cercon dagger, excellent, of course, things are going well, iran, it turns out, and even.
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so to speak, this is a tragedy, but i think they got used to it a long time ago, they broke the blockade, broke the blockade, yes, they broke the blockade , i think china used to help them, so to speak, according to gray schemes, i think china is doing the same now will think, will think, will begin to implement this matter more openly, to implement it, the absence of international law is the only right step, of course, of course, financial times appeals to the un charter, to sanctions, what kind of structure is this.
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well, it's better late, of course, well, yes, we'll be back, we need to take a break, advertising, i'll sweat you, uh my mom and dad are missing, please help me, i’ll try, the premiere is on rtr, so maybe this is their cool version, just the most successful, the most working, what was that, standing? i have a different plan for this evening , you have someone, this doesn’t concern you, vasnitsova, today on rtr, i thought that here everything is kind of more serious, you sit and think,
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there’s no need to think about it, here this is it everything, to play or not to play, yes, yes, everything, there cannot be two opinions, because we have. the strongest love for the game is the program five against one, five against one on saturdays on rtr, this is for you, well, get some sleep,
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gentlemen, just a minute, attention. today is a big day, a big holiday, nah, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, derzhki, white, well, you know, for every cool fighter he will find an even cooler one, you fell in love with them, but who is good for you, your wife or your boys, don’t ask stupid questions questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words, i am always responsible for my words. heroes of their time, beauty, repin, the whole team, just look at the platform, people of different professions are waiting for you here
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and animals of different breeds, but they have one thing in common - sincere, strong friendship. to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white cat, here it comes, oh you are good, to caress the obstinate one, he loves to grab there with his claws. so to tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw , well done, well done, warm up a stray , a parrot flies from the sky onto my shoulder, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance, you’re in a hurry, that’s it , guys, should i feed the hamster, you... among friends, among friends, program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr.
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victor poltoranin, now i’m your upstairs neighbor, a nightmare, i got you started, i’m ready to fix everything. and you don’t want to work for me, vacancy husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now not only neighbors, we are kind of like colleagues, and overtime, the blackmailer knows things that i don’t tell anyone at all i told you that all our clients receive the same letters, ivan aganisya. i’m now my own boss, he came out of nowhere, he’s so handsome,
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attentive, courteous, maybe there is some kind of catch here, husband for an hour and a half, premiere, on saturday on rtr, well, incredible footage was at our disposal from brazil, apparently french president macron, as if... rummaging through his pockets, standing in an embrace with the cathedral, probably in search of money for ukraine, while making a visit, he has already disgraced himself, or rather he was disgraced, in any case, the president of brazil lula da silva, simply confused him with the previous one, he says that i have a meeting ahead, sarkozy, but he arrived macron. tonight sarkozy and i we are going to go to rio de janeiro. oh,
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today macron and i are going to go to rio de janeiro. french president emmanuel macron is beginning a three-day trip to brazil as part of his challenging strategy to build bridges between developed countries and the so-called global south. at the center of his agenda will be trying to persuade brazilian president luiz and nasia lula dasilva to take a stand on the war. lula has so far sought to position himself. its country as a neutral country that can maintain ties with both russia and ukraine. macron has emerged as one of the strongest voices in the conflict, warning western allies that russian president vladimir putin poses an existential threat to the european union. lula has repeatedly refused to arm ukraine, arguing that us and eu strategy undermines the prospect of a negotiated solution. oh, says macron, at the same time the president.
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unexpected, many thought it was an alarming statement from the president of serbia. vucic said that there are difficult times ahead, there are understanding why there is suddenly some development of these events? yes, ol, good afternoon , indeed, today all of serbia is discussing what president vučić had in mind, adding to the tension here, in general, is the atmosphere of the last few days, measures have been strengthened in serbia. security in crowded places , armed special forces are on duty , machine gunners are present in shopping centers,
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this was the decision of the national security council, which took place after the tragedy in the moscow region, we really don’t know the details here, why it was such a decision was made, what threats were received, and the president of serbia stated precisely that now the national, national security of serbia is under threat, some important decisions are expected in the next 48 hours, by the way... by the way, about the tragedy in the moscow region, the serbs here perceived it as their own, as a personal tragedy, many came to the russian embassy and expressed condolences, but it is no secret to anyone in serbia now that she herself... is in a difficult situation, faces serious pressure from the eu and nato. belgrade they are inclined to recognize the independence of kosovo and to impose sanctions against russia, these are the conditions for continuing rapprochement with the european union, but so far belgrade has not succumbed to pressure. today, vučić did not explain what exactly could happen in the next 48 hours, but most likely we are talking about the admission of
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the self-proclaimed republic of kosovo to the council of europe. in this case, aleksandar vucic has already promised. consider the possibility of serbia's withdrawal from this organization. it is no secret for russia that, unfortunately, the council of europe today does not fulfill its functions; it has already become a politicized instrument in the hands of the european union and nato. and this conjecture is indirectly confirmed by the statement of serbian defense minister milos vucevic that vucic is talking about leaving the council of europe. he said on one of the tv channels this morning that the council of europe should think carefully about whether they need the so-called kosovo or the republic of serbia, which... has been accepted into the council of europe within its full borders, that is , including kosovo, as if there is some paradox, how can the council of europe accept kosovo separately if serbia is accepted into the council europe within the borders that include kosovo, but nevertheless, today the council of europe, despite these paradoxes, promises to consider the initiative to accept pristina, the likelihood of the organization, the consensus that is necessary
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to admit the country to the council of europe, in the case of pristina, of course there is no, but it is possible that the rules here can be adjusted for... the adoption of an unrecognized republic, however, if the initiative is approved today, this is only a consideration of the initiative, not a question of substance, then in the future the council of europe will consider the admission of kosovo in april in may and even then, at a meeting of ministers, kosovo can join the council of europe. but another option for the development of events, what president vucic said today is being discussed in the serbian media, is the possibility of voting in the coming days at the general assembly. un to recognize the events in srebrenica of the genocide of muslims by the serbs, and automatically this will mean that this will automatically mean the recognition of the republika srpska and the serbs responsible for the genocide, and this may accordingly entail some consequences up to changing the status of the serbian entity within bosnia and herzegovina. it is no secret to anyone that milorat dodik
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, the president of republika srpska, has long irritated western countries that support the muslim federation. and the croats, perhaps this is just such a way, also to blackmail dozik, blackmail the serbian republic, at these moments, i know that the president of serbia is now meeting with representatives of the so -called quinta, these are the ambassadors of western countries, five western countries are included here, and after the end of this meeting some details, we will monitor the situation, olga, thank you, dasha, very much, our european correspondent, daria grigorova, on direct line belgrade, please in principle.
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ultimately, kosovo is in different forms, soft, hard and the like, so the scheme will be something like this, this will be the price accordingly for the situation they have as complex as possible, it’s also not easy not to flirt. well, yes, because it should be noted that a significant part of serbia’s export component largely goes to the external perimeter, respectively the national currency itself, as if in this case dependence on energy, i remind you, russian companies own it, respectively, accordingly it comes on the one hand to take sanctions, in part serbia seems to impose them, but on the other hand it seems... it depends, but it to the question that, as it were, in 10-20 years, as if the most terrible tragedies that happen, accordingly, they can be forgotten, in fact, that’s why, or in extreme cases, as if integration, the economy can break the whole thing, so this to the question that it’s important to decide in due time regarding the situation with macron, well, anyway, we won’t say yes, that those events are forgotten, here rather the country is faced with a situation, a geographically
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difficult situation has been created, because it has an economic complex, as it were. well, it’s the economy, it’s always the economy, that’s what concerns the situation with macron, macron, as predicted, went to brazil, by the way, there will be difficult negotiations there, because within the framework of the agreement with the farmer, i i remind you that he was just negotiating with latin america, a free economic zone, which they wanted to get to supply a significant part of agriculture, he limited this before the elections, the second very important point, last wednesday, in fact, he was going to. as we said, his naturally tough position is due to the fact that inside he is trying to knock down his rights, he just doesn’t look like an influential leader if he doesn’t even remember what to call him, no, he remembers, i think that he remembers that the interlocutors forget, well, it’s just with... it’s especially insulting, because sarcose is actually under persecution, as if he was secularly accused of various things and found guilty by the court, so it’s
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like something else with saland, but with chirac , but in sarkazy it’s very well with shirak, with shirak , no, well, silva caught everyone, as if he was a man , well, he just wasn’t caught in this position, but he seems to be a very, by the way, very old man, so what is all this for, all this is to say that it would be very negotiations, why else is this connected to something, we remind you that in 2 months there will actually be elections to the european parliament, we have the latest data, in fact, which led to the fact that as you can see technologically, what is the result of flirting with the right, here this whole story, respectively, with a tougher position, with muscles, with this with the so-called bc look, respectively, with a blow, the meaning is the following, now, according to the latest data, lepen is gaining 30, respectively, well more precisely, it’s like there’s already a new head there, but in fact it’s a national assembly, so it’s gaining 21 accordingly. on macron’s movement, and accordingly, 11 are, as it were, pursuing, and the right scored plus one, that is, they still have a gap
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of 9%, which is a lot, in fact, it’s more than it was before started, that is, the problem is the following, his right ones can’t do what to do, plus everything, his left one begins to break away from him, after he has done so accordingly the statement is kind of environmentally friendly for everything else, the problem is this, he is now fighting for his political legacy if he loses the elections in france lepine. more precisely, the lipen party, it will simply be very dangerous, because he does not have a majority in the lower house of parliament, this could lead to a very serious problem, another very important point, accordingly, as we said on tuesday, a vice president was appointed accordingly to the third candidate kennedy, and this is the candidate against biden, this is shanohan, respectively, this is brin’s first wife is an environmentalist, a democrat who financed democratic parties, he will fight, steal votes from biden, not from trump, that is, we wish him good luck.
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my nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, oh, guy like that, zoya is my university friend, this is not at all what you think about, vadim andreev, your children will be found , they will definitely be found, daria ursulyak , i can’t wait, the indomitable restlessness, they say the truth about you, what the restless one wants. it’s coming out quite well from april 1st on rtr,
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please, introduction and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea i drank, how many stories i tell, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i start, then the ore leaves. zakharov, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, a hunter of women, i like to attack. dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband. how much more is there yet to come? i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true. i give up everything, with joy. let's let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov. on sunday on рrt. you are my best friend, just a friend, sunday, and
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this is a girl from the boarding school, uncle lyosha, why are you scared, go ahead, get out of my house. immediately, where friendship has become the past , it turns out, the bride is judged, love can become the future, now our whole life is in your hand, yes, ir, there is no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, you me, tell me that i love her, and tell her, my beloved... friend. on sunday on rtr. one of the victims
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of the terrorist attack in crocus died, he was in extremely serious condition, the number of victims of the terrorist attack thus increased to 100 people, minister murashka announced this. watch the news, bye! i have a job for you. so you don’t understand that this is a beauty salon! beauty, do you want it to be controlled by some, some kind of superintendent? do you even understand beauty? we will deal with delays especially strictly, is everything in place? martynova is not here, what is her name? margarita, hello margarita, she's a master, am i a bad master? yes, you,
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listen, i'm an excellent master. you are a soldier, can you tell me where to start? to begin with, show everyone that you are not a robot, but a person , i also thought, you know, that your master classes should be called queen margot, margartha, she is the queen, i gathered you all to announce to you about our victory, i realized that i love another man. queen margot, friday on rtr. rtr planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres. how did i get here? you corporate event, or what? what are you? oh, you do
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n't know bender well. a motive is not needed for a cunning murder, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, the dog, in my opinion, is an exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shastakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks has no luck, we will succeed, operate i’ll be there, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, no motive for the murder is visible. there is a connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation, come on let's agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, i don’t even know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, hope my home is underground, holding on, in general russia is a very
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beer-drinking country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste. i poured a basin of hot water over myself and told my wife, i ’m leaving, i looked around, she had already packed my things. ku-ku, meeting the stars. what is more difficult, becoming a good person or staying? question, of course, it’s interesting, and it’s both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals among friends. when in our lives. difficult trials come, it is very important to unite, not to betray anyone, no matter what happens, live: the story of a mysterious disappearance. the whole studio is discussing the nature of the conflict, why mother and son - and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, advanced documentary films, and now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. our
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soviet union brought liberation to the peoples of europe. people! breaking news, political investigations and impartial analysis. live program 60 minutes. the news goes on air. hello. key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white. we choose the truth. vladimir putin sits in this chair; as we all remember, he enters the hall through these doors. everything you can’t imagine russia without. only. on the rtr planet channel. information service of russian tv channel continues his work on the air. you are watching the news. my name is maria sittal. hello. 210. ukrainian drones were shot down over
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the past 24 hours in the special operation zone of our air defense system, armored vehicles and infantry of the ukrainian armed forces that were shooting at the belgorod region were destroyed. today is national guard troops day in russia. for more than two centuries of history, they have always guarded the country of the people. you fight fearlessly, putting yourself at risk. delegates from all over russia took part in the congress of the world russian people's council. the cities of the volga region were flooded. in talyati, rains broke records dating back half a century; in the samara and ulyanovsk regions , cars are stalling in puddles. the unexpected death of the polish general marczyk. he died while off duty. this is especially emphasized. a strange series of deaths of polish soldiers in march, and today, on theater day, a monument to the outstanding actor, director and teacher, mikhail ulyan, was solemnly unveiled in moscow. so, 210 ukrainian drones
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of various types were shot down over the past 24 hours in the special operation zone of our air defense system defense more than two dozen jets were intercepted. highmarc and vampire shells. operational-tactical aviation, missile forces and artillery defeated libra's manpower and equipment in one and a half hundred regions. the assembly and storage sites for drones were destroyed. over the past 24 hours, about 600 ukrainian militants have been eliminated on all sectors of the front. two dozen combat vehicles and artillery pieces were disabled, including two american paladin self-propelled guns, a polish crab and a german panzer-howitzer 2000. our units repelled 12 neo-nazi counterattacks, pushed back the enemy and improved their position in the donetsk, yuzhnodonetsk and ovdeysk directions. our assault teams are always accompanied by
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attack drone operators on the front lines. maneuverable and fast copters with properly selected ammunition radically change the situation on the battlefield. it is no coincidence that the enemy fears our drones like tanks. report by military correspondent eduard punigov. drone operators are always located somewhere near the assault units, in fact, these are their eyes, the main thing they provide fire support, it is almost impossible to dodge such a bird with ammunition, because it flies at a speed of over 100 km/h. these mobile crews, vostok groups , repeatedly came under return fire. when enemy reconnaissance detects a drone operator, they do not spare shells on him. the fact is that a small drone poses no less a threat than a tank. she can fly anywhere. the tank is not suitable for work, it is maneuverable, very fast, and with proper control you can dismantle a two-story building if you hang it up correct projectile. the drone operators jokingly call themselves ornithologists, the fighters are preparing the next bird: komikaze drones
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have fundamentally changed the course of military operations, such a bird with a gimbal can fly away at a distance of about 5-6 km, the accuracy of the hit is almost one hundred percent. the operator sees in real time everything that is happening on the battlefield and, if necessary , can... depending on the target , different ammunition is used, drones with so-called carrots are sent against heavy equipment, this is a shot from a grenade launcher; if you need to hit enemy infantry, they hang up pencils and fragmentation shells. we work on targets, this is the enemy’s manpower, also lightly armored equipment, heavily armored equipment and the shelters themselves, that is, dugouts, both fortified and lighter types. drones, along with heavy guns, clear the way for our... hunt, here is footage of the combat work of an assault unit on the front line, these are attack aircraft of the fortieth marine brigade of the pacific fleet, the soldiers understand each other perfectly, everything
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the actions in the group were brought to the point of automaticity , they stormed to mallorca, everything was worked out to the smallest detail, every minute was worked out as planned, everything was done instantly, they just immediately raised their hands there, they handed over where they had everything. rap is standing, just a perfect storm, even after taking the supporter , you can’t relax under any circumstances, the cleanup is going on, a good cleanup, everything is checked, everything is pulled back , which is suspiciously pulled back by the tripwire, because they leave a lot of vile surprises, they fight very vilely, you lie down chocolate, they plant explosives inside, you bite it, an explosion occurs. stormtroopers have already carried out so many successful operations that it is difficult to surprise them with anything; soldiers have learned to detect and neutralize even the most.
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social fund. on the fifth day , flowers and toys are brought to the spontaneous memorial near the concert hall and candles are lit. among the lamps you can see wardrobe numbers and paper figurines of cranes. every day a ponyhid serves at the site of the tragedy. dynamo moscow football players came today to honor the memory of the victims. the head of the club noted that ticket proceeds from the next match will be directed to a fund that helps victims. an updated list has been published on the ministry of emergency situations website. with the names of the victims, including three children. 120 bodies
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were identified; the rest are undergoing dna testing, which will take some time. the search operation has been completed; work has been going on around the clock since the day of the terrorist attack. more than a thousand specialists and 300 pieces of equipment were involved in eliminating the consequences of the fire. almost a thousand cubic meters of collapsed structures were removed from the crocus. in the state duma schoolchildren-heroes were honored today. on march 22, they worked in... nikita ivanov, islam khalilov, artemy filimonov. thanks to these children, dozens of people were saved from terrorist bullets. their parents came with them to the award ceremony today. the chairman of the lower house committee for family protection, nina astanina, presented the heroes with certificates and valuable gifts. and vice speaker anna kuznetsova, thank you. what should adults do? we
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believe in our children, we know that they are all our heroes, we raise real heroes, because that russia is a country of heroes, and we can’t do otherwise, but wants adults to do everything so that children don’t have to show this heroism in such situations, there was panic, but i don’t know if it was something... that’s what told me inside, that i must save and help people, because they are just like me, they are also afraid. we ran to the fifteenth door in the utility room and also led other people behind us, then there was a very scary moment due to the fact that we could not enter, because there was a large crowd when we came out already in the utility room, we escorted people there, helped them find the right way out, because they simply went into tukaki already on the street also...
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to divide people according to religious principles and also pit one against another. of course, we cannot allow anything like this in russia. the worldview and moral unity of orthodox and muslims is in many ways the stumbling block that defeats the efforts of our opponents and enemies. the leaders of foreign countries continue to express condolences to russians. on the telephone in a conversation with vladimir putin, the president of the transition period strongly condemned the terrorist attack.
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the president of the republic of congo also called vladimir putin. denis expressed deep condolences and a sense of solidarity with our country in connection with the barbaric terrorist attack. the implementation of the agreement was discussed . presidents at the russian africa summit last summer. the congolese leader highly appreciated the work of russian epidemiologists in eliminating the outbreak of infectious diseases in the republic. check how fees are calculated for heat supply, why is it higher in remote regions than in the capital? this is the instruction given by speaker vyacheslav volodin at a meeting of the state duma, where today they heard the report of the accounts chamber. vyacheslav volodin highly appreciated her work, emphasizing that. this supervisory body not only monitors the expenditure of budget funds, but also
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gives valuable recommendations, through this institution we respond to the issues that voters pose to us and which we see on our agenda, it requires control by the accounts chamber, the efficiency of the accounts chamber the chamber has grown a lot, we are working together with the government and with the president in order to assess how... but the budget ruble is spent, we have done everything to increase its impact, this is extremely important. russia needs to build up.
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gas, oil, coal, metals, groundwater, all this constitutes our national sovereignty, it is very important that we not only account for and monitor our subsoil, but also develop new deposits, as is the case today with the work of your department, we are active today we are working in new, new regions, mainly, as you noted here, we are working on underground water to supply water to populated areas, because today...
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the cities of the volga region were flooded, in talyat they broke records from half a century ago and a bridge that collapsed in the baltic sea could carry away the bottom of the american economy. all details in a few minutes. it's not mom and dad who are missing. i will try. premiere on rtr. so maybe this is it
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and this is a cool version, just the most successful, the most working. what was it, stand, i have a different plan tonight, you have someone, this doesn’t concern you, vysnetsova, today on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, on ordynka, on ordynka,
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morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, you i have such a business life, i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife. look at the weekend, advice and love, in sadness, in joy, in health or illness, i don’t know what will be so difficult, mom, you have a choice,
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he needs you, asya, don’t remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations? "i'm into you i always believed, we will consider that this is a miracle, we no longer need your services, i understand, i love him too, on saturday on rtr. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power." beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh,
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it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, it’s mind blowing, this world is worth it, to see him, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say, a properly made bukharian scabbard. with a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on saturday on rtr. zoya, can i invite you to dinner? premiere on rtr. i'm with roman. this is the one who never married you in 7 years, my girl.
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i especially want to mention our comrades who are serving in the donbass in novorossiya, in areas located in close proximity to the combat zone. i know that you fight fearlessly, taking risks. protect the lives of civilians, carry out bold, daring operations, destroy enemy
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sabotage groups, help ensure the cover of the state border, the reliable operation of army communications and the security of the rear of our units and units. we will always remember the heroes who died in the righteous struggle for russia, for the future of our people. at the monument to soldiers of internal troops in the capital area. the memory of those killed in the line of military duty was honored by the leadership of the russian guard. led by director viktor zolotov. army general and heads of structural divisions of the central office of the department laid red carnations at the wine monument. a company of honor guard passed through the square. most employees of the russian guard celebrate their professional holiday at the combat post. they are not serving.
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inspection, the place was found in an abandoned house, in the basement, a suitcase, so-called, on which there were
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foreign-made ammunition, in particular an american hand grenade, a german grenade, residents of the front-line zone recently have become russian citizens, but the russian guard is already actively helping; during a survey of local residents who remained, thanks to them, not without any indifference, let’s say, to the population of their locality, they indicated a suspicious place, long abandoned, standing on the outskirts. here is footage of the discovery of a large cache, 78 min 119 grenades, cartridges, house bombs, the enemy planned to carry out major sabotage, these plans were thwarted by the soldiers of the russian guard and their assistants, such as the brave thor, this is the call sign of the combat mittelschnauzer, which the cache is found almost every day, give me the ball. it’s really not difficult, the main thing is to do it correctly and just pay a lot of attention to it. here the tor, sensing the smell of waste, sat down, this is how it indicates
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a find, then the sappers are working, here on the roof. another cache was discovered at home, more than a dozen grenades, 18 grenades, one erdedshka, efki. mobile posts have been set up on all roads adjacent to the special operation zone. good morning, checking documents, passports. let's take a look from the back door and trunk. soldiers of the russian guard provide it with a reliable barrier on the roads, control all passing vehicles in the frontline zone. all the best, the path is on the left. front the checkpoint is the basis of the control and barrier system, which ensures the safety of the civilian population of military personnel, we constantly find something, ammunition, weapons, drugs, on the side of the road, as local residents reported, there is a large shell, this is also a job for the national guard, a fuse no, yes it is safe during transportation, if necessary
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, special equipment can be used for mine clearance on site, to minimize personnel losses and if we do not know which explosive object to protect ourselves from, we work with the help of a robot. the main task of the russian guard is to ensure security and peace in the rear, but sometimes you have to engage in battle with the enemy regularly. operators of unmanned aircraft from the russian guard have a large list of destroyed enemy equipment. new items are almost arriving. every day everything, something is updated, everything is new, well, roughly speaking, let's just say we don't lag behind. rosguards are at work on any holiday, for such a service, weekends are often more active than weekdays. on their professional holiday , the unit also continues to carry out combat missions. nikolai dlagachev, magomed bashir aliev, maria bulgakova, news. the polish ministry of defense announced several accidents in the troops that resulted in death. so in the tatars
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an avalanche descended on the special forces soldier. two sappers. were blown up during an exercise, and high-ranking brigadier general adam marczyk died suddenly of natural causes and while off duty. all these the messages followed exactly after a series of effective russian strikes on a number of targets on the territory of ukraine. by decision-making centers, by military-industrial complex enterprises, by places of deployment of national formations of foreign mercenaries. the strikes were carried out using land-based, high-precision weapons. macron's statements about the possible sending of the french. troops to ukraine are unhappy in washington, bloomberg writes about this. american officials fear that such a move would provoke a clash with moscow. the publication notes that with the help of ukrainian on this issue, the french president is trying to stand at the forefront of european foreign policy, but not everyone in the west agrees with this. meanwhile, paris announced that in the very near future it will supply kiev with another batch of weapons, the ukrainian armed forces will transfer 78 cesar self-propelled guns and 80,000
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large-caliber shells. and this despite the fact that the pace of military production in france is very modest, 3.00 shells per month, which is approximately how much the armed forces of ukraine spend in one and a half days. people and cars floated. heavy rains led to large-scale floods on city streets ulyanovsk and samara regions. in less than a day, as much water fell on these regions as does not fall in a month and a half. based on the fact of massive flooding, the tagliati prosecutor's office is checking the actions of the administration. and organizations that are responsible for maintaining roads and stormwater communications. artyom morin is monitoring the situation. after heavy rain , the entire samara region is floating. on some streets, parked cars went under water, and passengers went to stops straight into deep muddy puddles. and especially resourceful they take out the oars and inflate the rubber mattresses. a transformer substation in talyat was flooded, leaving an entire area without electricity. on
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officer street in talyat , water flow is completely blocked. couldn’t cope with the water captivity, even an suv, the driver was evacuated by a rescuer, he left the car right on the road, now specialists are working here, more than five streets have already been saved, the flow of melt water, it doesn’t have time to cope, the lines are all clogged and the receivers, you see, are all full , the lines don’t work, the line here they beat and beat us, it although it has passed, it has passed a little, but the water still does not completely drain; in a few hours, 22 mm of precipitation fell in the region, more than half the monthly norm. in the regional center, the situation on the roads is much better, however, huge puddles have formed in the courtyards of residential buildings in parking lots, and not all drivers risk crossing them. such a lake was formed at the site of a public transport parking lot in samara. yesterday it rained with sleet all night in the samara region, the air temperature in some places reached 10°c, and such mountains of snow began to melt.
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meanwhile, in ulyanovsk almost a month's worth of rain fell in 12 hours. there is a flood of precipitation in the city, there are no sidewalks, and the roads are under water, cars float on them, the risk turns into serious problems, in some sections of the streets the water reaches the hoods and is poured into the interiors; they were unable to block the water barrier. overcome dozens of drivers, stalled right on the road, perhaps we are about to drown, what is this, what is this? the state traffic inspectorate asked citizens to refrain from traveling and not to use personal transport; the flood situation worsened sharply in orenburg. to meltwater was also added to rainwater, which led to the flooding of 65 houses, 50 private and 15 apartment buildings. people are being evacuated from the village of berdy in the orenburg region. dacha gardening cooperatives were caught in the flood zone. russia is interested in deep economic ties with asian countries, this
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position was voiced by deputy prime minister alexey averchuk at a forum in china and noted the importance of creating controlled and shorter supply chains with the countries of the global south in order to reduce the influence of the west on the economy of our countries, especially in the context of washington's unilateral restrictions. our trade with the people's republic of china has grown from 104 billion dollars in 2020 to 240 billion last year. a bridge that collapses in baltimore, america, could cost
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the american economy one thing. this is the opinion of large logistics companies about the imminent threat of a shortage of goods, the country’s transport minister also said. the commercial port, where a cargo ship literally demolished a road overpass, is among the top ten in the world in terms of cargo turnover. per year he serves. bridge, six people are listed as workers missing as a result of the collapse of mexico, guatemala, and el salvador. today after the evening news on our channel there is a continuation of the detective story. vosnetsov series. police major veronika vosnetsova, while investigating the disappearance of a married couple, is faced with the mysterious murder of their acquaintance. and another complicated case - an orphanage pupil was killed.
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all the clues are in the new episodes, starting today at 21:20. vesti continues to monitor the breakdown of major events in russia abroad. stay with us. in the avdiivka direction , a unit of the center group of forces repelled four counterattacks by brigades of the ukrainian armed forces in the areas of the settlements of novogorskoye, vodyanoye, pervomaiskoye, tonenkoye and berdyche in the donetsk republic. this made it possible not only to improve our position along the front line, but also to deprive almost 300 ukrainian military personnel and several nato howitzers and self-propelled guns of combat effectiveness. for the first time, a captured german infantry fighting vehicle became a success.


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