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tv   Vasnetsova  RUSSIA1  March 27, 2024 10:20pm-11:21pm MSK

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will hear us, that’s it, mentally returning to the conversation with vitalituyevich, well, i’m a jew, the existence of my people is possible only thanks to the russian people, the russian people saved us jews, and not only during the great patriotic war, the term pogrom generally infuriates me, because when the west stuck the term pogrom and branded the russian empire with it, well, politely speaking, this does not correspond.
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relating to the traditions of peoples to the faiths of peoples and russian statehood, in this regard i understand the patriarch when he understands as a russian, as lofty, conciliar and , by and large, there is nothing to compare with, because this is more than the concept of a nation offered, say, by americans or europeans, where it is just belonging to a certain state, where it is belonging to citizenship, this is much more, this is us, we are a civilization. we
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are exactly this civilizational phenomenon, well , in my opinion, i may be wrong, so the greatness of the russian people lies in particular in the fact that we managed to create this great ark, the great ark, you know, oh i would like to say two things, about sympathy about culture, you can give examples, they talk about a french journalist who spoke out there, look how well done the french woman is, the french woman, in my opinion, if the ukrainians did this, then what kind of professionalism have they achieved? , and we are surprised, how every time we are surprised, we talked for a long time about the imperialist plans of the west, we talked for a long time about how for centuries they did not accept our east slavic russian civilization. there were times when they were in themselves
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they destroyed sympathy for us, for our tragedy, for our misfortune, this is not a made-up phrase, it was the elites, the people who certainly sympathized during the war, collected money, helped during the famine, the twenties, but the conscious elites consistently eradicated this, so now , when you talk about this in the west, they are surprised, for them, for them, the image of russia is formed as some kind of not very understandable half-evil. was, now they are increasingly trying to say that this is evil. for many, the mysterious russian soul is not a positive term, this is a definition that you can expect something bad, including this was achieved through an entire ideological industry of denial of our tragedy during the great patriotic war, take soviet prisoners of war, why they were destroyed, they say in the west, that is, soviet prisoners of war along with them.
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and if there is, they say this: special conditions of war on the eastern front, caused by what? a clash of two totalitarian regimes, this explains everything, everything, here is stalin, hitler, they are equal. and that means they destroy each other, these are our peoples, as timothy snyder wrote, these are these bloody fields between stalin and hitler, that’s it, we are hostages, these two totalitarian regimes, and a lot stems from this, which is surprising, and maybe not surprising, it’s natural that such the same policy is being pursued towards the serbs, no one in the west knows the tragedy of the serbs during the second world war, without understanding this tragedy it is impossible to understand what happened in... but the serbs, along with jews and gypsies, became objects of nazi terror and the croatian ustashes subordinate to them ,
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these are wild scenes, but everyone knows, speaking to the rebels, in majdanok, in treblinka, dachau, buchenwald, who knows the jasenovac camp, which became a symbol of the serbian tragedy, where thousands, tens of thousands were exterminated. serbs of the territory of croatia, bosnia and herzegovina , the tragedy of the serbian orthodox church on a national basis, who knows about kosovo, which was destroyed by priests, bishops, hundreds, serbian villages were completely slaughtered, and without understanding this it is impossible to understand the policy pursued by alexander vucic in general impossible serbs understand, every family keeps the memory of this, in every family, karadzic, mladic, vucic have relatives.
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the functioning of the pro-western regime of mabutu, and then this massacre that was carried out in rwanda, this is a consequence, some colossal things happened there, terrible, millions of people died, who knows about it, who cares about it at all, these are others, this is not europeans, this is not from their civilization, this is where the end of history did not come according to fukuyama, it ’s not just that he declared the end of history, he said that there is such a line, somewhere the end of history will come, and somewhere there will be these uncivilized countries, in general, if we go from their concept, and exactly the same...
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they easily rely on terror, they easily proclaim the abolition of culture, they easily choose who to sympathize with,
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and who can’t sympathize with this selectivity, pseudo-elitist, it lies in the essence of that civilization, not civilization, i would say, in the essence of the phenomenon that confronts us, beautiful, advertising, where are my children, freak, we will find them. you will find them, you have a brilliant intuition, an indomitable restlessness, from april 1 on rtr, please, acquaintances and roll call, it’s possible without formation, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how much history was told, i was bold in a white tuxedo, and i’m starting...
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everything at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, i have a job for you, how do you not understand that this is a beauty salon, beauty salon, you want it to be managed by some, some kind of foreman, do you even understand, with we will deal with delays especially strictly, everything is in place, martynova is not there. the name of? margarita. hello. margarita, she's a master. am i a bad master? yes you?
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listen, i am an excellent master, and you are a soldier. can you tell me where to start? first , show everyone that you are not a robotic person. i also thought, you know, that your master classes should be called queen margot. margarita, aka the queen. i have gathered you all to announce to you. our carriage, i realized that i loved another man. queen margot, friday on rtr. ask. thank you, i'd like to.
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call a lot more shells, but also, so to speak, surprise our great western friends with such technical innovations as adjustable air bombs or, for example, s-400 systems, so to speak, which are actively used during military operations, or the same hypersonic systems, the most important reason why the west is now losing this war is that in the sphere of soft power the west unexpectedly for him it came... as a complete surprise, he turned out to be completely powerless, powerless, so to speak, to unleash
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some kind of internal unrest in russia, to provoke a clash in the elites, and between the elites and the masses, well, something that, in general, the west is very worked well for about 30 years ago, when the soviet union was collapsing, now is our time, our, so to speak, western ill-wishers used all the same well-established methods of the same gene sharp and others in order to, so to speak, provoke in russia.
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the fact that he is clearly now losing the arms race, including conventional ones on the ukrainian front, as well as the fact that the west is now beginning to lose the war of ideas, and this, in my opinion, is a much more serious threat than the underproduction of some drones or some artillery shells or or short supply.
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objected, but everyone agreed, especially ordinary soviet people, who were tired of standing in line all their lives for a piece of food on ration cards or chasing some kind of shortage, here they were offered, so to speak, we didn’t stand on ration cards all our lives for a piece of bread - with potatoes we don’t, no , i didn’t say that for a piece of bread, for groceries for kars still for well, i mean, cards appeared under gorbachev, well, it’s not all my life, it’s in moscow didn’t appear when... there were no cards in uzbekistan in a tin in a tarshka everyone went to the restaurant ate pozharsky coffee in the city of gorky, among other things , the workers there were given meat only on very big proletarian holidays, this was back under leonid ilic, dear, like this, so
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i’m returning the holiday ration system that it was gradation more.
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membership of the russian federation so that these remnants, so to speak, of russia would then have to pay reparations throughout life , so to speak, for the lost war, and at the same time, that’s what always amazed me, is that ours, so to speak, these representatives of these western elites are sincerely offended by the fact that why haven’t the russians yet caused this internal turmoil, why haven’t they burned down their own house,
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shame on them, well, here i would like to say that... for yourself an islamic a world accepting lgbt plus agenda, this is beyond my understanding, yes, so to speak, a gay pride parade somewhere in erriyadh or tehran. yes, so, what this united west is now offering to the rest of non-western humanity now looks, well, far away
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is not as attractive as it was relatively recently, the consequence of this is a serious weakening of the west’s position not only in the hatpau sphere of hard power, but in the sphere of soft power, joseph nye in his time. hollywood has not created something like this, and this is no coincidence, because there is an lgbt plus agenda, and not everyone is ready to look at the black snow white or the dwarves,
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who are all transgender, so to speak, this is also, in my opinion, such a marker of that that in the sphere of seven gns everyone has a unique gender identity, so by the way, this would be cool, now we need to patent it before...
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energy policy - horrific energy prices that have made our companies uncompetitive.
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or robert habak, people who dropped out of university go into politics, people who do not have a professional education, today become either politicians or journalists, that’s the whole problem, i’m sorry. remember what happened before the demonstration against the alternative for germany in podzdam, the minister of economy habeck was unable to get off the ferry. he escaped on this very ferry, instead of what...
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his duty, as the minister of economy and energy, is to get off the boat, meet with these people and discuss their problems of complexity, this is his job, this is the co-chairman. her wife is a woman, this is just to make it clear that these are absolutely normal people, the same as everyone else in germany, for her , therefore, it’s completely, let’s say, normal in german, normal in german, i mean that , but... well, i wanted to start with something else, but of course i can’t just after the fact that she she said, she said everything correctly, she really said everything correctly, and what we are going through now in germany is
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very difficult. to describe, to tell, if i now start to tell and say that the availability of the internet, if we compare, say, berlin and moscow, and moscow, well , it’s hard for me to simply explain this, because in berlin it is much more difficult, that is, the speed of the internet there can to be somewhere more, but to get this internet everywhere, since this is happening here in moscow, it is impossible, but if we take, well, the most simple areas of life, well, let’s say... delivery of something there, try ordering something in germany, so that they bring you some pies there in 15 minutes, well , next week, you’ll probably receive these pies, but they will already be cold, hard and tasteless, try to make an appointment with a doctor, i know very well, in my family, one member of my family is a doctor, and i know very well i understand how it all works there, make an appointment with a normal doctor in germany today is months, and if you
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want to get to a highly specialized to a doctor, for example, such as a cardiologist , who, for whom everything is full , everything is completely full, he has his own practice, you will call there, they will answer the phone and ask, but you have already been to us, if you have not been to us, no, then excuse me, look for another doctor, well, if you have a bad heart, call an ambulance, then a fireman will come, in moscow they come, in berlin a fire truck comes, if they know that there is, say, something wrong with the heart, then another will come , some will actually come.
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the leadership of the koch institute is being interrogated. the koch institute is the highest authority in germany, which determines all these degrees of danger: epidemic, pandemic and all these other matters. so it turns out that there are several protocols for the beginning of the pandemic, for the beginning of the declaration of a pandemic in germany, several protocols drawn up at the koch institute, one of which says that in principle there is nothing wrong with this, and we should calmly . treat this like a flu epidemic, another protocol says that no, it’s all very it’s difficult and in general you need to think first of all about a vaccine called astrazenesa, because you need to buy this vaccine, they started to figure it out, so maybe there’s some kind of chemistry involved, maybe we’re talking primarily about profit, let us know these protocols, they give the protocols to this commission, they receive these protocols, in these protocols half of the pages are crossed out in black, nothing can be read there, they say:
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give us open protocols. at the koch institute they say: please, through the court, if the court makes such a decision, then we will do this, this and this, this is in everything, this applies to everything, well, of course, i am silent about the auto industry, which now, probably, in a certain sense will be dying, i am silent about, well , perhaps, only rine metal we can say that thanks to the fact that they are participating in the war in ukraine, they really have them and their shares are growing, they can develop and can work. but now let me move away from this economics and return to the question of the national national idea, which is also for germany is extremely important, well, firstly, vladimirich, i don’t know if you know that in fact, if you count germany, then the aryans are you and me, because the first jewish community was founded in germany, you you won’t believe it, 1700 years
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ago, a long time ago. before today’s germans began to consider themselves germans and began to consider themselves the same mittons that they consider themselves to be today, almost no one knows about this; i did not become an ari. germany always has such an expression in germany to enter or step into a pot of dirty water or dirty dishes, every time they step into these dirty dishes, they talk about nationalities all the time, but we have already overcome russophobia, what putin said in germany about this is now bashfully hushed up, but it’s literally a year ago ago, dostoevsky was actually closed, and pushkin was closed, and in general there was nothing at all.
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photographs of this player, who, to which he made some kind of gesture, which was taken by reichelt to be the used gesture of a radical islamist, and he wrote about it big article, he immediately said so , well, it’s clear, well, what kind of guy is this, this is a german, this is actually some kind of arab, who allows himself to use this kind of statements, this kind of gestures, now they will sue, now they they will be sued, and now we are basically talking about the fact that... as it were, well, if a german would have done this, that’s one thing, but this dark-skinned man with a beard did it, and in general, in principle, he is not ours, and a few years ago , also a player of the national team of germany, mezus azil took a photo
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with ardogan's t-shirt, on which was written my president, in principle there is nothing special about this, the fact that he showed it, he probably has two passports, he has two citizenships, this is quite official, it is completely permitted , how did it all end, no, what are you like? german, despite the fact that you are a brilliant player, despite the fact that the victory of the german team at the world cup was largely your merit, but you are still not, you are a turk, you are a german with turkish roots, well now returning to the fact that vitalitovich started the conversation, vladimirovich, as a russian person to a russian person, so i actually turn out to be non-persons in russia, and yes, this question is of course a very serious one.
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there were about 50 riot police there to protect him, because the farmer also wanted to kill him, so he gave an interview in a separate room, and he didn’t even have time to meet him, why is this important, because to explain what macron is doing now, he has very strong internal problems,
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he has strong problems with the french people, with whom he is fighting, he will not fight against russia, because we no longer have an army, but he continues his war against our people, he also now has internal problems there, like with... the president, he is in such a situation, therefore, every 2 days he explains that he wants to send troops or not send them, or in any case, all he is trying to do is put our people under stress, constant stress, and once again he will not fight against russia, well, if maybe he he could he it. would have done it, but he didn't maybe our main conflict now
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is the olympic games, there are not enough, these are the official figures of 10,000 people, well, to protect, to organize, so we have already taken a soldier there to do this, so there is no need to score when you comment, will you still comment on all this macron’s speeches, what does he say, it’s not very interesting, it’s all about his internal problems, he has very big internal problems, secondly,
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in the tv channel there are ours and he is very sad after not a month, well because that russia wins, 3 days ago he admires, finally the russian dies again, well, that ’s me, i’m watching this after not 3 days, i was already nervous, but that’s how it is, but that’s what i wanted so i thank you for you are inviting me here, this is not the leadership class , this is not the french people, i was
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yes, the word pogrom, by the way, is one of the russian words that has entered all languages, first in english, french, pogrom and it says that pogroms no need to explain anything, but sorry cards and... salons are different things, cards were in our country, if you take it, the civil war, a little more bad , then they were canceled, after the war they were canceled, cards were canceled during the war in england, great britain, in the soviet union they were canceled faster, but coupons are completely different, i i won’t explain to you now, but these are different things,
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these coupons, not cards, arose in moscow, in large cities, under gorbachev, even under the late gorbachev. it’s not the same thing at all, it’s a very specific term, even economic, card, i don’t know how to other countries, in our country , now i’ll argue again, so i talked more about internal problems, why two aces beat even a point, a ten with an ace, patriarch kiril referred to vladimich putin, i will refer, onich, ask, you now -
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to assert, that this is some kind of discovery, that here we have bashkirs and tatars merged here, that is , the rest are not needed, now you will also tell someone what to do, which means that now insert him, they pointed out his infidelity, they say there is no beast, i said that in i don’t have a beast, well , speak for yourself, because it’s good, vich generalized, he said that there is a beast in each of us, that is, there must be a snake, as the bg not yet foreign agent says, but maybe already a foreign agent,
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in humans, here are animals to betray, or we no longer belong to the world of animals at all, we are ephemeral substances, there are different internal beasts, there is one frondish version, maybe it sits in everyone and those present here, since there are men here, no, well, it’s clear what i mean, no, it’s not clear, because now it’s time to end the program, you are proposing a discussion , in parallel also i'm trying to argue. he said, excuse me, that means he just said, it started again, yes , now i’ll come here to you all, now i’ll give you all grades, that means, everyone handed in their diaries, and well, well, now they took it and just told him.
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well, well done, even before the verdict you managed, as soon as you managed, there is such a word, professionalism, oh well, professional, i heard that you married someone from the prosecutor’s office, wasn’t it her, but she’s not my type, well -give me, oh no, i’m afraid, you’re not her type, who you married, you’ll be a lot know, you'll be ready soon, understand? everything is so clear, you’re selling your body, and oh, just don’t need this, please listen, guys, soon there’s no more strength, marish, be patient, be patient,
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they sat for 2 months in the process, they’re through 5 minutes and the deliberations came out, it’s like in that joke, we sat in the deliberations room for 5 minutes, and then read the verdict for 2 hours, that’s it, gentlemen, journalists, please vacate the room, you will get all the comments later below, well , finally, not even six months have passed . hmm, prosecutor's office, please call me shvetsov. call her at home, can i have her home phone number? oh, home phone number now
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, we don’t give home phone numbers to employees, all the best, the person said , it’s really necessary, buevich, how old are you, how can you be so gullible, listen, you can find out your home number in 3 seconds, databases are sold on every corner, yeah, well, let them go buy it, the verdict has been rendered on the maniac, huh? how great, i need to call masha. the verdict has just been announced. the jury found the defendant guilty of all charges. you satisfied? we are waiting for the punishment to be imposed. the verdict must determine the legal word they have spoken, and now the judge is qualified to impose a punishment. this is the first guilty verdict handed down by a
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jury in the last six months, what explains this, has it changed? from the politician , the jury understood that the criminal should be in prison, and the process went very smoothly and logically ended with a guilty verdict, first of all, this is the merit of the district prosecutor's office, which conducted a high-quality investigation, excuse me, hello, yes, i'm listening, this maria sergeevna shveytsova, yes, i, we need to meet, i want to see you. who is this i'm talking to? you will find out when we meet, well, we really need to see each other, but i don’t, we will meet anyway, not at all,
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until you introduce yourself, there will be no conversation, well, i’m waiting. go to hell, hello, mash, are you really telling me to go to hell? zoya, wait, you just called on your home phone. well, yes, forgive me, please, you already heard about the verdict, and we’ll drop by today. it should be noted, okay, okay, okay, mashulya, what should i bring you? yes, nothing for me it’s necessary, well, we’ll bring something, okay, we’ll be there soon, yes, bye, bye,
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yes, diman, listen. you have my joy, how are you feeling? passable, congratulations, you already know, the city prosecutor’s office admitted that the investigation into madyak was carried out at a high level, convey it through all channels, i heard, dima, there’s some idiot calling all the time, on his mobile phone, on his home phone, turn it off, and the door don’t open it to anyone, i’ll be there soon, kiss me, bye, look, i probably need to go to the store, buy something, of course, not empty-handed. yes, you understand a lot, we we are going to visit a sick person, she will have to treat us to tea, and we are already with our cakes, by the way, my staroseltsev will also be there, oh, central, wake up,
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hello, i need to talk to maria shilitsova. so you need to call the prosecutor's office, but they told me that she is sick, well, i'm sorry, i can't help you, but i really need it, connect me with her, we don't give home phone numbers, whatever, nothing, you are not suitable for shvetsov, why, i don’t know, probably, again another man in love with the press has read a lot, central, connect me with shvitsova, please, i said , we don’t give home phone numbers, you don’t understand, this is very important, she turned off the phone, that’s it, don’t call again, it’s clear, you’re interfering with our work, then maybe you won’t fix it, don’t call here anymore, i said, i wonder if he’s crazy, maybe he can figure out where he’s calling from, so he’ll be fooling around, well, he’ll call again, we’ll figure it out, i ’ll read it, go ahead and take it.
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what do you need? hello hi. excuse me, please, i brought this pizza to apartment fifty-seven. and what? and there, there is a corpse, it seems. dead body? could you look, otherwise i'm scared.
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and why should we call the police and an ambulance, well , an ambulance, yeah, marya sergeevna, life is getting better, for the verdict, if it seems to you that the situation is improving, then you misunderstand something. antosh, what they say in press circles will leave us with an investigation, but live in peace until the fall, until you return home from the holidays, there will be no new bills, well, thank you, the old man explained, otherwise we ourselves didn’t
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know, they’re asking you specifically, later, marsergeevna , you have a lot left before retirement, maybe you shouldn’t even twitch, well, you bastard buevich, oh, mash, i brought you a magazine, come on, the portrait turned out simply amazing, well, what, what! so, in the biography of almost every serial killer there are moments when he was humiliated, insulted, abused, the victims of serial killers are those who even involuntarily somehow awakened these unpleasant memories in them, by killing the victim, the maniac thus kills these ...
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volodenka, you’ve been on vacation for a long time, you’ve been resting for a long time, i’ve already forgotten how you rested, help me turn it over, wait a minute, what this is, after all, i’m on vacation. that i haven’t been here for years, look at the weather, hmm, and i ’m poking around in the corpse, then i’m doing expert examinations, i don’t see the white light, that’s a little girl, that’s how life will pass, and what will i remember,
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hmm, hmm , i wonder who read this magazine before going to bed, do you think before going to bed, what is there to think about?


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