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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  March 28, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend?
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nightmare, i’m the one who fooled you, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy for husband for an hour, cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we’re not only neighbors now, we’re kind of like colleagues and overtime, blackmailer . knows things
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that i never told anyone about, all our clients receive the same letters, ivan oganesyan, i’m now my own boss, he came out of nowhere, he’s so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there is some kind of catch here, the husband was at the hour and a half premiere, on saturday on rtr, the period of the combination, there were songs that seemed to... cleanse the biography of the country, the era, the time was so daring and we felt wild it’s interesting to plunge headlong into all this. alena apina. if they told me now, if i had gone through the same path, i wouldn’t have dared. a difficult combination of her fate. you went after love, after a man, set your priorities and parted with the group, and at its peak. i decided then to get married and decided to start everything again. i didn’t understand anything myself. what am i doing,
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i just stupidly followed some hormonal, emotionally feminine processes that were taking place in my body, from head to toe. those 25 years that we lived were wonderful 25 years, the picture is joyful, life is completely different, and now i will show you my different life. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. mash, i love you very much. on sunday, dima, you know each other, you grew up in the same house, now she comes out, you understand that your friend is your life breaks, i am not guilty of the accident, go away, my beloved friend, sunday on rtr. so
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the terrorists who attacked kroku city hall may have been under the influence of narcotic or psychotropic substances. this was reported by law enforcement agencies about an impending terrorist attack in moscow. the german intelligence services, unlike washington, allegedly did not know, olaf scholz said in an interview with the german newspaper allgemein. site later, it turns out, as much as 5 days after the terrorist attack. the german chancellor says us intelligence agencies could know about the impending attack, but did not consider it necessary to notify germany about it. also, sensations are coming out today in the american newspaper new york times, which confirms the version of the director’s words. fsb bortnik, that
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the information that the americans ultimately shared with russia was of an exclusively general nature, supposedly something will happen? everything, that is, how it turns out, the americans knew and did not say, which means the americans are complicit, we look, the day before the us embassy in moscow published a rare message about the possible attack by extremists, the cia locally broadcast a private warning to russian officials that included at least one additional detail that the alleged plot involved an offshoot of the isis group, it said. officials during the monitoring, which used electronic interception tools, people, informants and other means, american operatives received fairly specific information about a terrorist attack being prepared in moscow, but hostile relations between washington and moscow did not allow u.s. officials to share any
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but the most essential information about the attack due to concerns that russian authorities might learn u.s. intelligence sources or methods. again. non-russian propaganda reports that they accuse us of disinformation for days in a row, as the state department said, putin is looking for a reason to escalate the ukrainian war, no, this is not putin, not bortnikov, this is not patrushev, this is not russian propaganda, this is new york the times claims that due to bad relations between washington and the official moscow washington did not consider it necessary to share information about the terrorist attack, in which, according to the latest data, 143 people were killed about the terrorist attack in moscow. this is of course crazy. dmitry gobitovich, well, it should be noted that
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taking into account the fact that in the near future, in the coming months, the parties are preparing for a serious escalation. here. first of all , we are talking about the military, which sides? well , accordingly, we and america or we and zelensky are actually now preparing, now i’ll explain how this will happen approximately, judging by the information that it’s starting to arrive, accordingly, the preparation of additional contingents, as if it was calculated, as it was supposed to be for the spring and summer, is now proceeding at a fairly active pace, let’s do this just so that it doesn’t seem to anyone that, god forbid, you are giving away some secrets, we appeal for what? to western propaganda, just right next to moscow, confirmation is being prepared about the preparation of the army, respectively, two one there is 120, well, this is not for an attack on ukraine , but according to the official rhetoric, let’s say so, let’s say so, accordingly this it also confirms from the russian side that this army exists, so we are
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talking about exactly what we are talking about in response to nato expansion , well, let’s quote close to the text, yes , i’m talking about what will happen approximately and somehow the tenth moment will be formalized. so, accordingly, that is, apparently there will be some kind of impulse in the summer, spring, by this time, accordingly, they are preparing, as it were , economic impacts, accordingly, this is approximately june, and, in fact, when preparing for the possibilities associated with the reduction financing, including, for example, the downplaying of the fact that the state debt ceiling, and accordingly the oil ceiling, which is now being discussed, was actually discussed, but well , this will be discussed, it has not yet been supported, because now, in principle, there is a ceiling, but it is also not being implemented, the question is that they have tightened it, but if it is lowered, then simply... you need to understand that since december a number of countries have already greatly reduced the impact of sanctions, including, respectively, turkish, respectively, chinese, and, to a greater extent, indian, himself in fact, they are tightening it, that is, now it is difficult to transfer transactions, that is, money really flows there for a month, especially with turkey, and most of all with china, in fact the problem is china, now yes, because china is the main trading partnership, this is the export
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component, there some banks are starting to fall off, but in principle it’s like a general flow, that is, there is a possibility of overlap, but turkey has been chosen, apparently, they now seem to have taken a more tough approach to this issue, while one russian bank has been officially named , which cooperate. now with china , we won’t talk about it, i already have queues for it, because it is a bank that has its representative office directly there, but there are, as it were, queues of queues, that is, there is contact with china in this sense, now it’s quite difficult with turk, so that we need to understand what is happening, so that , well, we’re just somehow all around, we need to substantively prepare, as it were , for an escalation accordingly, by this time, since december, it became clear that in order to prepare everything for this, they tightened up accordingly sanctions in order to accordingly reduce the financial financing of this process, in parallel, accordingly, all these statements that
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the sumy region goes to the kharkov direction, therefore, most likely , such movements are connected with this, by the way, as, accordingly, as if the latter , as it were the line that is happening, that is , you need to understand that this is where all this is going. this is a question of timing, when will it all start, why are there elections to the european parliament in early june, elections in november respectively, the president of the united states , that is, strictly speaking, the summer campaign , respectively, in june just before the summer , it would seem to work out if it starts before that, that is, for example, i wanted to say elections in ukraine in may, then i think, oh my god, he’s dictator, he canceled everything, i remind you that there will be a parade in may, accordingly, and apparently it will be, that’s accordingly, as it were, that is, the timing is important here, because all political movements are connected. just in
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time for this, what's happening escalation , economic, political, military components are being prepared for this escalation, respectively, after this there will be some kind of completion of it and the basic scenario , in principle, two, as it were, which are now being discussed in detail, by the expert community as a last resort, the first scenario is the dprk’s sister, that’s where we got there and stood there, the second accordingly is exactly why schroeder spoke to us today as if that,
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according to our official version , we sent three letters to washington to the tsarnaevs and boston, they responded to the third, that we don’t need your help and information, and then there was a terrorist attack, three people died, here the situation is much more serious, firstly in terms of the number of deaths. but the main thing is that they didn’t send us anything here, it’s simply believed that the parties are actually transferring
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data, despite this, the situation with iran was the same, i just wanted to say, the americans have a difficult relationship with iran, they transferred data to in fact, to one degree or another, no matter how it was prevented, and it was very serious, by the way, the same goes for the data, that is, in fact, this system, it still seems to work even with opponents, so from this point of view, this is a very important story, as if i think so, now they will fight back from it, but the second question is...
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he would rather work on bridges, and not on his reproduction in the homosexual sense of the word, he already has three children with his husband, let’s go back, how she’s dressed, what hairstyle she has, how the table is set, as if it’s some kind of date, vosnetsova, what happened, how it all happened, exactly we’re finding out everything now, she was able to become an investigator, who’s great, i’m great, but how
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can she avoid becoming a victim of crime, this happens, it’s quite possible that you ’re bothering me, you’re interfering in my affairs from the very beginning, you’re ruining everything, please give me the gun, urgently group of the invader, vosnetsov, final episode, stand up, today on rtr. the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come. in the new season with a new renovation, with a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this absolutely faceless room, ideas are overflowing, we want turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore
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plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, things will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes. real stone flowers, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, you are my best friend, just a friend, on sunday. is this a girl from a boarding school? lyosha, why are you scared, go ahead, get out of my house, immediately, where friendship has become the past, it turns out that the bride is judged,
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love can become the future, now our whole life is in your hand, right? ir, there is no need to come here , my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have my own, tell me that i love her, so tell her, my beloved friend, on sunday on rtr, russia. traditional, modern, technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum
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russia, film series! kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov too young, he doesn’t have enough combat experience , there won’t be a war this year, and what will the blacksmiths tell us about this, we won’t save the entire fleet, but we have to save the sailors, soldiers, women and children, big premiere, your husband violated comrade stalin's order, admiral kuznetsov, is already on the platform, look, i said, i want a white cat. you , oh, you’re good, he loves to grab there with his claws, ah, so, voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, you’re in a hurry, you’re among friends, with friends, program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr
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, i'm sorry that i was smiling... i was as small as snow on my head , he was declared dead, now he has appeared, you should introduce me to my son, my answer is no, why do you think that he was kidnapped it’s your ex-husband, i feel that this is german, everything will be fine, the main thing is to trust me, husband for an hour and a half, premiere on saturday on rtr, so, if you believe bloomberg, it turns out that he angered the americans with his creative idea to fight putin, in chose brazil as an escape, went there with three-day visit, head of our european bureau, anastasia popova on direct line, nastya, hello, what's what? macron
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really knows how to anger his allies with his policies of ours and yours, but in the end he doesn’t know what he’s saying. his idea was to scare russia, make it doubt and wonder whether france would send its troops or nato troops to ukraine or not, but in the end everything turned out completely differently, not the way macron intended, the fact is that there are already troops there in ukraine some european countries, which they did not want to talk about openly, were forced to openly declare that they would not send troops there, this became... what macron said showed that there is a split within the eu, but nevertheless , it was necessary to choose words carefully, still not to state categorically, because... that the troops are present there, this is known to everyone, especially to the europeans in the first place, since it was they who sent them there, but nevertheless, this is unauthorized macron's behavior, inconsistent with his
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allies, of course , chancellor shultz surprised everyone here a little in the first place, but i must say that such an idea was still supported by the baltic countries, poland, so the conversations do not stop, and despite the fact that we have data that the french after all... really plans to send a contingent of 2,000 there, paris itself categorically rejects this, says that it will not do anything for escalation ; russia is always to blame for escalation, but it should be noted that on french television every day, without exceptions, there are discussions about why the french should defend odessa, why odessa is important for france and for ukraine, insofar as there are french troops nearby, where they can go, where clashes will begin, all this is said every day ... , that is, such plans do not just exist, but rather prepare public opinion, explain why russia poses an existential threat to france and why france should act, and most importantly how,
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where and the question remains only when, well for now macron does not specify, he is really in brazil trying to attract the whole of latin america to this adventure, since brazil , one might say, represents the central country there, reflects the interests of the entire global world, but for... a nuclear reactor, but in any case france is not giving up this, so we will
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see how these new agreements come into force, colleagues, thank you very much, nastya, head of our european bureau, anastasia popova, brussels. it is obvious that the initiative in the company now belongs to russia and those timings that we talked about are really important. taking into account the statements and actions of certain international players today. it is surprising that the islamic state, banned in the russian federation, also seems to take these timings into account. the same islamic state x or k, which did not appear spontaneously in afghanistan. let me remind you that at one time the russian special services provided materials that the americans were directly transporting terrorists there, the same islamic state that was before leaving. to the americans afghanistan practically did not show itself in any way, and after that it began to raise its head in afghanistan to fight the taliban, which is also quite a banned organization for now
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in russia. the westerners at the same time launched an active campaign to cover up their steps, these are the stories that it’s definitely not us, miller is there and so on, it’s not us, not britain and not ukraine, for sure, scholz responded to this, but we weren’t at all i know, americans most likely yes.
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vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, a guy like this, zoya, my university student comrade, this is not at all what you thought, vadim andreev, your children will be found, they will definitely be found, daria ursulyak, i can’t wait, irrepressible, restless, they say the truth about you, what restless wants, restless gets, from monday. on rtr, you look 100 to one, what is ours?
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we can handle the task of opening the entire board, if you ask , then with a hint, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much it is 7.8, 7.8, 7 and 8, how many, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i would chop oak, not pluck. geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr. you are so businesslike
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, i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife, look at the weekend, advice on love, in sadness in joy, in health and in sickness, i don’t know what will be so difficult, you have a choice, he needs you . you don’t need to remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations, i always believed in you, let’s assume that this is a miracle, we don’t need your services anymore, i understand, i love him too, on saturday on rtn, we...
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have our own pill, where can we look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit the entire body: two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take comprehensive care of your body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing, from monday to friday on
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rtr. you are my last hope, no one's, close this salon, damn it, we have a wonderful salon with wonderful masters, but you will destroy it all, martynova should be fired, others will have science, she cannot be fired , there are no irreplaceable workers, there is no, there is no , it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen, except for her, sit down, anatoly, and i’ll sit down anywhere, what are you making of me?
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the news is urgent and so good shaigu, the minister of defense presented a gold star to the commander of the group of forces center, colonel general andrei mordvichev, who led liberation of abdeevka. watch the news, bye. hello on the russia vesti tv channel, in
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the studio denis polanchukov and the main one. by this time. ukraine attacked donetsk with cluster munitions. about 40 strikes, some dead. there is a special pirate in the zone. and russian artists sang songs by muslim magamaev: proceeds from listening will go to help those affected by the terrorist attack in krasnogorsk. so,
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another american abrams tank was shot down in the special operation zone. these frames show the moment of its destruction. our strike drone overtook an armored vehicle not far from sat down.
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each other, the reconnaissance group is sent on a mission, we have to move practically without raising our heads, look, look , be careful there, there is a former enemy trench ahead, there are abandoned tubes from grenade launcher shells, a former position of the ukrainian armed forces, you need to walk carefully here around the minefields, they took it completely recently and the area has not been fully surveyed, the enemy’s trench becomes our excellent observation point, 400 meters away, they are digging something, probably a fresh opornik. in the hands of a scout periscope, in periscope novomikhailovka, they are now marching for this village there are fierce battles, now we are seeing two germans, now i have written down the coordinates in the march, and they can pass them on to the officer and work them out. it is better not to linger on the ground, but to leave
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the dangerous area, preferably as silently as they came. 2 ghz telemetry channel detected. this means that the tron is somewhere above us now. in principle, we were already planning to leave the position, but it’s better to stay, reconnaissance data goes to headquarters, and this means timely work for our small aircraft, we see, we understand, yes, where our enemy is, which means he is hiding equipment, accordingly today we are working on it with the fp crew, here in the dugout they are preparing releases for combat drones, this is a shell from a grenade launcher, in its standard form, as it is now, it will not detonate and we put our own detonator, we take it... from any grenade, at the position crewing drones like this with the wind, it’s dangerous to walk for a long time, the area is open, it’s better to overcome this section as quickly as possible, but today you will be on combat work in real time,
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now the position is ahead of us, the guys are collecting, preparing the birds, the first thing to do is get to the position they install a mast, this is the connection between the operator and the copter, the operator is in a shelter, and the drone is in flight, drones are point-to-point. and therefore an extremely effective weapon , where they flew, your practice, they flew into windows, into dugouts, a combat drone goes to work, at this time it is better to keep your distance on board 2 kg of explosives, the tiger volunteer battalion was formed in primorye, but today there are fighters in it from thirty regions of a large country, mars is here for his son, who remained at the front forever, died in the kherson region, he covered the withdrawal of troops. uh, i i think that if my son was here, then i simply do not have the right before my country to remain on the sidelines. the operator is guiding the bird wearing special glasses, here are the shots of objective control, as the pilots promised, the drone flew
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right into the window of the house where the enemy grenade launcher was located. yes, when it gets knocked up, of course, i mean, that’s it, it’s a thrill, it’s in the top nine. tigers return from hunting, the village remains somewhere beyond the horizon, but with each new one. sergei shirigu awarded a gold star to the hero of russia, commander of the central group of troops, colonel general andrei mardovichev led the capture of avdeevka. the order conferring a high rank on him was signed by president vladimir putin. in addition to the medal, the minister of defense presented the officer with an award saber, thanked him for the exemplary performance of his tasks, and wished him success in his service. this is the highest rank in our country. and of course you... deserve it, so words of gratitude
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not only from me, but naturally from all those whom you are protecting today, protecting at all borders, doing it with dignity, confidently, which is why the supreme commander-in-chief of the country appreciated your military work, highly appreciated your work combat aviation was given by vladimir putin. the day before, in torshka, this is the tver region, the president visited the center. combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense. the supreme commander-in-chief inspected the latest models of flight equipment, aviation weapons , simulators and emphasized that pilots make a huge contribution to the overall achievements of the russian armed forces. report by andrey grigoriev. the duty officer meets the russian president at the helicopter, which took part in a special military operation. lieutenant colonel. it is located in
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torshka 344 center for combat use and retraining of flight personnel of the ministry of defense, he will feel the rise, takeoff, landing and execution of the cream. yes, it really does work completely. these simulators completely imitate a combat vehicle, there is even an option for flight in the dark. one very respected person said that to fly a helicopter. much more difficult than everyone else, i tried, tried, put on a helmet, it’s just, well, yes, the controllability couldn’t be kept from him ; vladimir putin also tried such a program in night vision goggles, the pilots are also introduced here to the entire range of missiles that a helicopter can carry; for the president they were put in a row: needle, attack, supersonic, whirlwind, chrysanthemum with an enlarged warhead, when a missile hits a tank, the tank has a straight... turret they tear it off, it’s not because the ammunition
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explodes, it’s precisely because of this powerful warhead . putin carefully reads the tactical and technical characteristics of each. well, one of the best developments of our pc is the x39 missile, this is a target missile that allows you to work on armored vehicles, fortified areas, areas of personnel deployment, bridges, crossings. the personnel who are undergoing advanced training courses at the center... are well acquainted with the ukrainian special operation in syria, how do you assess the actions of our military aviation during the special military operation, excellent, everyone works perfectly, they fight without fear, but enormously , a huge contribution, achieving general success, you know, you on earth have always been expected from the effectiveness of your work. depends on saving your personal screensaver. their faces
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it cannot be shown, and it is not clear who exactly is asking the question, but the president answers each one in detail. western countries are planning to supply their fighters to ukraine ; the media are discussing that the f-16 aircraft will be used in a special operation zone against russian troops and facilities, including from the territory of nato countries. will we be allowed to hit these targets at nato airfields? if they deliver f-16s, the pilots are talking about it.
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now we will do it during a special military operation, we are protecting our people, living in our historical territories, if after the collapse of the soviet union, as russia proposed, we had built completely new security relations in europe, nothing like today would have happened, we would have been moving towards
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the borders of those countries that were part of the nato bloc, we didn’t touch anyone, they were moving towards us, or what? this myth that russia, having finished in ukraine, will certainly go further and attack nato countries, is needed by western politicians to justify the economic decline, which is again associated with military and financial support for ukraine, what they say about the fact that we are going to attack europe after ukraine is complete nonsense, intimidation, intimidation of its population.
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confessional, we must always treat our brothers and representatives of other faiths with respect. at the front , russian soldiers are not divided according to religious principles, they all defend their homeland, and those in the rear need to remember this. when i listen to patriots, including those who say that
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russia is only for russians, you know, i get a feeling of trio, why? because what, if we keep in mind that we have 190 ethnic groups living on the territory of the country, and some nationalities are represented by millions of peoples, millions, and as soon as we begin to implement these destructive thoughts about the fact that everyone else is strangers here, we will collapse country, and the main victims will be the russian people, so you need to treat this component very...
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they show themselves from the best side and treat their small homeland, our common big homeland. since i think that in others, in other parts of the world, no one belongs to their homeland. we must be very careful about the unity of the russian people. separately, the president communicates with the widows of russian hero pilots who died during the special operation, they will be provided with any assistance that ... they may need. andrey grigoriev, irina kharvalova, arina tretikova. news. vladimir putin outlined his fundamental assessments of the situation around ukraine today by telephone to the president of south africa. putin stressed that russia has always been open to a serious and substantive conversation on resolving the conflict by political and diplomatic means.
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cyril romaphosa confirmed the intention of the south african republic to continue working to resolve the ukrainian conflict. taking into account russian interests. the head of south africa expressed deep condolences in connection with the terrorist attack in crocos city hall. 90 victims have already been discharged from hospitals in moscow and the region. this is the latest data from the ministry of health. 74 people remain in medical institutions. three patients are those who received gunshot wounds and deep burns in extremely serious condition. another 18, including three children. heavy, people continue to bring flowers, toys and light candles to the spontaneous memorial of the concert hall. the list of victims includes 143 people. eight defendants have been arrested in connection with the terrorist attack. four are charged with aiding terrorists, since they knew about the militants’ intentions and did not
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prevent the tragedy for the sake of personal gain, law enforcement agencies reported. the department also described how, in the shortest possible time , they managed to determine the attackers’ car and their subsequent route. immediately after the report of the terrorist attack, the chief of police arrived at the scene krasnogorsk maxim mikhkov and his deputy dmitry novikov. before the fire spread throughout the building, they managed to seize the video.
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you are watching the news: ukraine attacked donetsk with cluster munitions, about 40 strikes, there are dead, they talk about this only right after the advertisement, stay with us, how she is dressed, what her hairstyle is, the way the table is set, as if this is some kind of date, vosnetsova. what happened, how did it all happen? we’re just now finding out everything, she was able to become an investigator, who’s great, i’m great,
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but how can she avoid becoming a victim of crime? this happens, it’s quite possible, you ’re bothering me, you’re interfering in my affairs from the very beginning , you’re ruining everything, please give me the gun, an urgent capture group has been bought, vosnetsov is in the final episode, they’re standing! today on rtr. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues. place nuclear weapons. i already demanded, give it back to me. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy with hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, it takes eight from the equipment, and
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we have one car in our house. the second tank flew in from ukropsky. the hero of russia will be on the tour. we are all with you, including to the end. what is his image of victory for you? will he destroy the gang in his head with zelensky? with a rag. there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you, you are my best friend, just a friend, on sunday, and this is a girl from the boarding school, fucking lyosha, i... was scared, continue , get out of my house, immediately, where friendship has become the past
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, it turns out that the bride has been judged, love can become the future , now our whole life is in your hand, yes, ir, there is no need to come here, my uncle will find out, he won’t like it, you have your own life, i have mine, betray, that i love. we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go out in these, every evening.
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he doesn’t have enough combat experience, there won’t be a war this year, but what will kuznetsov tell us about this? without the fleet we will no longer be able to save, but the sailors, soldiers, women and children must be saved, big premiere, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin. admiral kuznetsov, already on the platform, look. alena apina, i sang the song ksyusha, only at that moment i understood what the s... what the crown on the head is, when you sang about ksyusha and vityusha, i always imagined myself in vityusha’s place. i have one of the gifts for you, this is a man. well, finally, lord, where is the man? the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. you watch
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the news, we continue the release. at least, three residents of the donetsk republic were injured today as a result of shelling and drone attacks. in the regional capital, about a dozen residential buildings and infrastructure were damaged. another missile from the kiev formation was fired at uglegorsk in the gorlovka region. report by vadim topalov. the crater is several meters deep, this is a consequence of another meanness of the ukrainian nazis. at night, the kiev regime struck in the rear. which stunned me, i don’t hear anything, the house didn’t receive any serious damage, the old stalinist building withstood the blow from nato weapons, fragments from exploding ammunition, corresponding to the haymars missile , yellow in color, serial number 70272 is indicated here, as well as
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the scaly appearance of the shell, characteristic of this type of missile, already familiar... the picture immediately after the shelling , the real heroes of donbass, utility workers, begin work, cover with sheets chipboards, broken window frames from people are being removed and sidewalks are being cleaned. representatives of the russian investigative committee are also working at the scene, removing fragments for study. fragments of fragments were discovered, presumably from nato type projectile. all fragments of fragments found at the scene of the shelling will be confiscated and sent for examination to clarify the specific type and type of shells. this is already the fourth. per day, the fact of an attack by ukrainian militants on residential buildings, as a result of which a total of three people were killed and four were injured in the republic. vadim topalov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead donetsk. the lugansk people's republic has joined the all-russian campaign, let's take the day of passing the unified state exam together by parents. the action is aimed at adults were able to test for themselves what
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the unified state exam is. two sites have been organized in lugansk. parents of schoolchildren will go through the entire unified state exam procedure from registration to receiving results and will then be able to share their experience with their children. schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other buildings with large numbers of people should be protected by the russian guard. this initiative was made today by the chairman of the just russia for truth party, sergei mironov, at a meeting with mikhail mishustin. the head of the cabinet of ministers is holding a series of consultations. with parliamentary factions on the eve of the government's annual report to the state duma. at the beginning of the meeting , mishustin thanked the fair russians for their support of the special operation fighters and their families, and sergei mironov noted the government’s attentive attitude to the legislative initiatives of his party. i would like to thank the distinguished deputies of your faction for their most active position on issues related to
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the special military operation. for readiness immediately. engage in the legislative process on behalf of the head of state in this sphere, this allows us, taking into account the support of other factions and colleagues in the duma, to quickly help our defenders and, of course, their families and their loved ones. our faction unanimously supported the president’s decision to conduct a special military operation; it is necessary not only to approve a special mortgage program with a 2% rate for svo participants, as the president proposed, but we also have a proposal to issue. protection of minors, which will significantly expand the ability to block illegal content. about this today a new bill is being prepared in russia , which was discussed at a meeting of the parliamentary commission to investigate crimes against
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children in kiev. they propose to hold them accountable. there were victims, in addition to the work carried out by roskomnadzor, together with the ministry of digital development, this is not enough, and we see that as legislators, we must also make our own changes to the legislation, carefully work on it so that there is no such information, which is inappropriate for minors, destructive content, we obliged.
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roskomnadzor is monitoring the internet after the attack on crocus. according to the department, about 600 resources with fakes and extremist content, the purpose of which is to intimidate people, have already been deleted or blocked, including 11 telegram channels where they announced false reports about new terrorist attacks. a sandstorm that formed in the gobi desert over china and mongolia hit the border areas. this is the picture seen today by residents of blagoveshchensk and other settlements in the south of the region. cars move along the roads in thick snow yellow fog. the sky was covered with
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black-brown clouds, and soon dirty and sticky rain poured out of them. and this is footage from yakutia. three avalanches hit the kalyma highway at once. road services spent the entire day clearing snow debris. by this hour, all work has already been completed, traffic is open. however , avalanche danger still remains; heavy truck drivers are advised to refrain from traveling on this road. in the altai territory, rescuers are trying to protect residential buildings in the regional center of mikhailovskoye from high water. introduced in the locality state of emergency, 11 streets are flooded. today they began to deploy dams there and build earthen embankments. water is pumped out using motor pumps. due to flooding in the kostonay region of kazakhstan , more than 400 people were evacuated, and a state of emergency was introduced there. the water came so suddenly that the rescue operation began without waiting for dawn. many victims
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were taken from the roofs of flooded houses. the situation is difficult in several cities in the north of the republic. the rivers overflowed their banks and flooded the streets. in liquidation more than a thousand have already been affected by the consequences of the flood. in the north of moscow , a new highway overpass was opened six months ahead of schedule. an additional 520 m of overpass should significantly relieve traffic at the entrance to sheremetyevo airport. the bridge was erected to replace the old one built back in the sixties. now it crosses the moscow high-speed ​​diameter railway line; in the future , a section of a new high-speed line will pass under it to... today, after the evening news on our tv channel, the continuation of the detective series vosnetsova. police major, veronica is conducting a new investigation into complicated crimes,
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one of which turns into a risk for the life of the major himself. all clues in new episodes, starting at 20.


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