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tv   Pryamoi efir  RUSSIA1  March 29, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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according to the latest data from the russian ministry of defense , 822 britons came to fight for the kiev regime, 360 were liquidated. well, now again the british healthy man ben simpson came to protect the people of donbass back in the fifteenth year, when narudin returned, he was arrested, released, despite being taken away at the british airport.
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because we believe that we are doing everything right. colonel richard kemp, former commander of the british army, rebuked them, saying that the two were an absolute disgrace and were traitors who would return to the uk should be arrested and imprisoned. they don't know who their enemy is. simpson initially traveled to ukraine in 2015, fighting alongside russian separatists in the donbass. he was arrested and charged with terrorism offenses when he returned home. russian
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army, was a member of the national front, considers putin the greatest politician on earth, if any of them try to return to the uk, they risk arrest under the conscription law service abroad from 1870, it prohibits british citizens from joining the armed forces of countries.
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former pimp natalya kurovskaya became the head of procurement for the ministry of defense of ukraine. on the internet , she offered girls to earn money by providing services known to tim, and as a result, in the twenty -first year she even became involved in a criminal case, but this did not stop her from making a career in the ministry of defense of ukraine, maybe because of the connection, i don’t know. new deputy head of the procurement policy department of the ministry of defense of ukraine. became a criminal defendant production about pimping natalya kurovskaya, it is known that she and her ex-husband alexander created the lavys whatsapp group, it posted advertisements with job offers for girls, administrators indicated not only the place of meetings with the client, but also the necessary parameters of the women and the cost of services. sex work worked in ukraine, the russian federation, belarus, kazakhstan, as well as in europe, the fromua portal shares details. in 2022, kurovskaya was charged.
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the fact is that india is in the past now come month, you underestimate the ministry of defense of ukraine, this is also the enemy of our country, we must know this enemy in person, that last year, last month, respectively, the share of india was approximately more than 40%, 35% , respectively , oil exports are approximately 1.5 million barrels per court. out of three and two, plus or minus,
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that are sent by sea, this is 32% of all exports, all imports of india, that is, you need to understand that 32% of all oil imports. india is not now - these are, accordingly, the volumes of the russian federation, it is extremely difficult to notice this. as a matter of fact, last year, 36% of energy consumption was exported to india; india and china account for more than 80% of all energy exports, respectively, of all oil exports, so , strictly speaking, it is logical to involve in this summit, which, by the way, is planned, is still planned in the spring, before the end of april , a decision should be made, but as i understand it, it can be postponed if i do not participate there. in fact, either india or china is planned speaking of connecting india there, why is this also important? now elections in india begin in april, in addition, i remind you that relations with the united states are now quite complicated, i remind you that they have cooled down after a situation associated with certain actions,
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let’s say, of a forceful nature in the united states and canada, according to the american on the other hand, plus the elections in the united states, it leads to the fact that now some distancing has occurred, as we are all fine. we know, against this background, accordingly, a lot is happening a serious intensification of cooperation, the problems lie not only in oil, for example, according to the results of the past month, according to the results of the whole year, total exports, industrial exports to the russian federation doubled to india, to the usa decreased by 7%, that is, in fact, india benefits a lot from what is happening now, it is she who is closing a whole number of areas, including. therefore, from this point of view, it is clear that there is an attempt to interact, to set up interaction with india, attracted to the summit, as if to put pressure through the economy, because the economy is the strongest in what is happening now in principle, well, hesitation does not look like a strong negotiator, but i remind you that there have been no visits for 7 years, and intensification has occurred in
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the last few months, india introduced restrictions, because accordingly the sofcom fleet, and after that large oil refineries, including the largest oil refineries in the world, fell under sanctions under the restrictions. refused, accordingly, the supply of energy resources through the sofcom fleet, now accordingly, through the shadow fleet there are reversals there, an attempt to withdraw, but in general the costs of sanctions are estimated at about 7 dollars for each barrel that is sent from the baltic ports, in total it costs about 14 dollars to drag oil to india, that is, all this logistics all these sanctions result in it costing consumers $14 in total. that is, in fact , india has been pushing it lately, in principle, the question is different: anyway, firstly, on the one hand, china is actively purchasing volumes of india , what it is doing now, it is being massively suppressed by the americans with sanctions, not ukraine, with talk about the ukrainian one, well, you need to understand that before this, accordingly, india did not seem to i wanted to interact and
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communicate with anyone in principle, now, as it were , the negotiation track is that everyone is preparing, as we already discussed, for the summer, for the spring shooting range, and they are preparing their future, how do they see it after? this is what they see after the ukrainian country consists of a formula that is in accordance with zelensky, he held summits several times, but without the countries of the great south, first of all , india, china and brazil, first of all, well , brics, as if translating into russian, this is the prospect this is extremely weak, because it is difficult to put pressure, economically, so from this point of view there was an attempt to attract china, china said that it would not participate unless all parties to the conflict participated, now there is an attempt to attract india, especially india, it enough as it were, it is subject to influence, let’s put it this way, until the presidential elections. before the parliamentary elections , i apologize, which will now take place in april , what will the situation be like after april, the question is not open, because elections will be held in india, and most likely they are winning in fashion, but elections in the usa will not take place yet, besides , the same applies to turkey, the turks are also putting pressure now, as it were, but they have a municipal choice, march 31, that is, as if at
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the end of march, that’s what will happen after them, the question is also very open, because how practice shows that a very soft position before the elections, and after the elections, when a person gains legitimacy, he horrifies his position, begins to actively engage in economics, so from this point of view, now there is a window of opportunity before... the elections, when you can try to suppress india so that it at least agrees to participate in the summit, so that this summit takes place, because if by the end of april there is no decision from india to participate in this summit, the summit may be postponed, as switzerland said, because it is now is considering options, if the summit is postponed, it will be postponed until the summer, i don’t understand why we are so fussed about this summit, he is capable of making some decision without the russian federation, how can he influence the situation at the front, they will gather, condemn, question and scold the question. the question is, who, who will gather, if, relatively speaking, let’s assume a hypical situation, which is unlikely, china will take part there, will take part, china refused, well, that’s why there is an attempt to attract these countries there, let’s assume india, which will say that, accordingly , how would we introduce some kind of economic restrictions, this will be a tool for exerting pressure, and you
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started with oil, so now, where can we get this oil, so now, as it is now, as the situation is happening now , that is, now everything that india agrees with venezuela, by the way, now there are four tankers under venezuela, they are waiting with... poland in order to supply oil from venezuela to asia, this is about the question that everyone makes money from this , without regarding how political components , but the question is different, the question is that india is of course an important partner, economically everything else and an attempt to attract it, accordingly, to this negotiation, to this yes, but it is impossible to achieve condemnation, again keeping in mind this oil . look , condemnation is impossible to achieve, for example, economic restrictions gradually, as we see with the sofcom fleet, in principle can
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be achieved, like the resolution of all these summits where they gather, whoever is supposed to condemn, the one who does not condemn does not sign declaration, how many times has this already happened, well, all the previous times it was without representatives of the correspondingly large south, without india and china, no, china, i mean, for example, the g20, where they condemned the russian federation, but those g20 participants who do not condemn the russian federation. well, yes, the communication has not been signed, but the question is, if, if the meaning of this is, india, apparently, judging by the initial data, seems to be trying to take a break, how not to react to this at all, the summit may be postponed, but if will be accepted the decision, for example, there, against the backdrop of pressure from everything else, is that he will take part and, for example, will be condemned, will begin to take some actions quietly, as turkey does, for example, this can lead to economic consequences, as it were reduce economic potential, reduce income , including for india, but i remind you that in the european union they also underestimated the economic potential... for the european union, as it were, but they reduced it, so from this point of view it is clear what the task is, so far she
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little solvable from an economic point of view, we call the european union in this context not a sovereign entity, but india in this sense is an independent decision, we need to take a break, let’s come back, today is the event of the year, the premiere on rtr, this is my first real deal, now seriously, yes, you will follow, evgeny pronin, you love me, how can i tell you, if a man has not proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to be changed, anna artova, i called all my friends, they are nowhere to be found, my nephews are missing, all three of them, vladislav vetrov, denis will help us, here’s a guy like that, my zoya.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr. yours, don’t ask stupid questions now, they are still loved, you are responsible for your words,
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i am always responsible for my words, a hero of my time, beauty, turnips, the whole brigade, only on the platform we look. please, acquaintance and roll call, without formation, i am very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea was drunk, how many stories were told. i was daring in a white tuxedo, and i'm starting, here in mark anatolyevich zakharov walks the route, and for me it was probably akin to the appearance of christ to the people, how many secrets were told, i, as a man, am a hunter of women, i like to attack, my dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is still
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to come , i foresaw my fate, now everything is just being fulfilled, are they creating? with joy, let's all wave our hands, when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday on rtr, you are so businesslike with me, i definitely won’t be lost with such a wife, look at the weekend, advice on love, in sadness in joy, in health and in illness , where does it all go, i don’t know what will be so difficult, you have a choice, he needs you, asya, don’t remind me about my husband’s illness, you yourself taught us that there are no hopeless situations, i have always believed in you , we will consider that this is a miracle, we no longer need your services, i understand, i
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love him too, on saturday on rtr, we are transferred to washington via direct communication, a businessman correspondent, ekaterina moore. katya, hello, well, we’ll have to carry manure, and manure in our mouths, i quote kirby, tell us what this saying is,
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i remind our viewers briefly, the farmer, his father, said that the best. manure sellers carry manure in their mouths, russians are excellent sellers. how common is this saying in the united states, to what extent is this statement adequate by us standards or could it be offensive, and in general, what did kirby mean by telling us about manure? hello olga, but really, this is, you know, below-the-belt vocabulary that she uses.
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it's unlikely that it was his idea, but i think that here we are talking about such a change in narrative, if we look at how joe biden behaves, if we look at his address to congress, how joe biden is openly rude in relation to vladimir putin, i think that this is exactly what we are talking about here but rather black pr, an attempt to show that we are really strong, because more and more often in the american establishment it sounds like this: such a message that everything that is happening in the world, this whole mess, is because america cannot show its strength, here they are like this in this way they are now trying, on the one hand, to show that we are strong, to show passive aggression, on the other hand, this is such a vivid image, it is, of course, designed to break such a psychological connection, to avoid altogether, in principle
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, discussing the connection of any connection between ukraine and the fact that what happened in... well, whether it will work or not is another question, but of course there is such an attempt, it certainly looks very ugly, the last such refuge is probably for the american administration, in order to divert public attention, well, dear man, you probably meant, dearest person, that he doesn’t swear and doesn’t throw public tantrums, so it’s a bit difficult to call kirby a sweetest person in relation to russia in any case. i understood you correctly in this sense, yes yes he is, he is completely open to communication, he is very tactful, and that is, we had such an experience when we communicated with him and... well , he did not use what are some negative characteristics, even though at that time my colleagues and i represented
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a government agency, that is, i think that this is not his initiative here. also , if i can just say a few words, the appearance of barack obama and clinton, biden is completely bad, what is this connected with, given that clinton, well , is also not a youth, he is 77. yes, olga, here i think an attempt to present the unity of the democratic party, but for me this choice of clinton is completely strange , because if we remember his background, the man who lied to congress, yes, the man who started the first war in europe after the second world war, this is a yugoslav company, violated all possible international norms, so i think that in this... in this trio, the appearance of bill clinton will most likely carry a negative connotation, however, obama too, yes, he began as a peaceful president,
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and ended as the one who started many wars, to him too there were a lot of questions , so the fact that biden has such presidents on his side, i don’t know how much they will help him, and somehow highlight him in a better light, you know, as they say, he will sink... they stumble and do not forget the words. obama is a peacemaker, we know, a nobel peace prize winner. thank you very much, ekaterina moore, live from washington. as for manure, you know, they have some kind of craving for it, you saw zelensky’s interview with a landfill in the background, right? at first, when i saw the interview itself, i thought, well, you never know, a man came out to take out the trash, they interviewed him, yes, and then i specifically climbed onto... the source looked, they were driving to this place, they stopped, they came, they set up chairs , that is, here, they deliberately chose such a strange, in my opinion, surroundings, so that
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the supreme commander would say that this is a safe place, so here, well, yes, well then we don’t hit landfills, yes, well, really, who needs zelensky’s landfill, i mean, at the same time, of course, when the supreme commander in chief says that we will lose everything, but this greatly increases morale, they are fighting on the side of the russian army, you know, i read material about them, they really demand to imprison them, to exterminate them, how is this possible, although it would seem that britain is not a party to the conflict, with what article, then you are talking to everyone who is fighting in this conflict treat this way, what am i paying attention to, they left this when were arrested, one of them... came to his place to get the documents processed, to extend the visa, and so on. i believe that here our migration services need, of course, to pay attention, not only to these two people,
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but of course we must do everything possible to protect those who are fighting with arms in the ranks of our army, in the ranks of our units there, so as not to create such conditions when they are forced to risk their freedom and go outside russia, this is very... close attention it is necessary to pay attention, on the other hand, urgent news must be announced, a patient injured in the terrorist attack in crocus died in the hospital, he was in extremely serious condition, the minister of health murashka just announced, so it turns out that the number of victims is now 144 people, let's come back, today is the event of the year, the premiere on rtr, this is my...
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zoya is my university friend, this is not at all what you thought. vadim andreev, they will definitely find their children. daria ursulyak, i can’t wait, irrepressible, restless, what they say about you is true, what he wants the restless, he gets the restless. from monday on rtr. i thought that. here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it,
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there can’t be two opinions, that we have as many as five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition , there are questions here, everything is so neglected, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let's go, it must be edible, i meant, of course, bear when someone like that spoke smelly little one, a hint in general , the most passionate team, if zhenya adds 100,000 of his own, many people enjoy it, the strongest love for the game, this is a five- on-one program, five-on-one on saturdays on rtr, you are my last hope, otherwise i will close this salon damn mother,
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maria kulyakova. evgenia loza. queen margo. today on rtr. the floor is shaking. three walls, big changes have come. a new season with
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a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, we are making three different functional zones from this room with absolutely no faces, ideas are flowing over the edge, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac , real stone... flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let big changes into your home, every sunday on rtr. viktor poltoranin, now i’m your upstairs neighbor, a nightmare! mar, i
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flooded you, i’m ready to fix everything, but you don’t want to work for me, vacancy husband for an hour , cleaning agency, jack of all trades ready for any part-time job, we are now not only neighbors, we are kind of like colleagues and overtime, the blackmailer knows things that i never told anyone about, all our clients receive the same letters. ivan oganesyan, i am now my own boss, he appeared out of nowhere, so handsome, attentive, courteous, maybe there is some kind of catch here, husband for an hour and a half, premiere, saturday on rtr. so, updated information on the terrorist attack: 551 people are listed
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victims, the message comes from emergency services. health minister murashka just announced that 69 wounded remain in hospital, one extremely seriously, 16 seriously, two of them are children. the minister also said that one of the patients died in the hospital, thus increasing the number of victims to 144 people. well, putin just now. held meetings with permanent members of the security council and discussed relations with our closest partners. look at the news. news is broadcast on a russian tv channel. i greet you, i maria supel. hello.
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the russian armed forces launched a group strike, including hypersonic dagger missiles, against ukrainian energy and air defense facilities. electronic veteran ids are being introduced in russia. military operations, a pension will be transferred to it, all personal data is sewn in here, even the compulsory medical insurance policy, villages in the orenburg region floated, you can paddle board like this in the parking lot , the water comes quickly , i collected two children, quickly took them out into the street, there is water in the cellar, all the jars with pickles are floating, the saratov province immediately opened there are 33 rivers from ice. clinton and obama are helping biden. to collect money for the election campaign, three presidents are here to collect money so that the fourth president does not enter the white house again, biden's election campaign is not for you voters, this is their revenge 34347, we are just beginning to reveal
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these secrets of the brain. there are amazing people on our broadcast tonight, which of the participants will be able to reach the finals? every time there are people who simply amaze us? russia's relations with its closest partners in the international arena were dedicated to the security council meeting. vladimir putin held a meeting via video link from novoogorev. the president emphasized that these contacts in various fields should be based on mutual interests. building relationships with our partners. in the international arena, we always talk to you about the fact that the greatest importance for us is relations with our closest partners, with our friends, with our neighbors, this is how it appeared traditionally, and
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the level of trade, economic, political ties with our neighbors is constantly is growing, we always proceed from the fact that these contacts. is built on the basis of mutual interests, taking into account each other’s interests, and today i propose to consider one of these areas, it seems very important to us, it is traditional, well , foreign minister sergei viktorovich lavrov will now report on this. this night, the russian armed forces launched a series of high-precision strikes against energy facilities using ukrainian air defense systems. according to the ministry of defense, hypersonic dagger missiles were used, as well as unmanned aircrafts. all targets hit. kiev previously stated that heat and hydroelectric power plants in six regions of the country were damaged, in particular, a series of explosions
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occurred near the city of cherkassy, ​​in dnepropetrovsk, and their neighbors in pavlograd and kamensky, in the ivano-frankivsk and kirovograd regions. more than 35 combat vehicles in the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed. the past 24 hours have seen special operations on all fronts. among others , the american m113 armored personnel carrier, the polish "crab" installation, the german "panzer-galobitsa" self-propelled gun and three tanks were disabled. almost 800 ukrainian militants were eliminated. the enemy tested the strength of our position several times. eight neo-nazi counterattacks were repelled in the avdeevsky direction, and four more in the kupinsky direction. operational-tactical aircraft and drones hit the tvsu facility in 130 areas. over the past 24 hours, air defense systems intercepted more than twenty hymers and vampire shells and shot down 175 ukrainian drones. in the southern donetsk direction, our artillerymen thwarted an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to strengthen its forward positions. calculations of hail caused
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crushing blows to enemy positions and manpower. over the past 24 hours , 90 militants have been eliminated in this section of the front alone. report by military correspondent eduard punigov. it is charged in the south donetsk direction - the second line of defense at the combat position of the rszz-hurricane takes a couple of minutes to prepare, clarify the coordinates and the crew opens fire. in this sector of the front, rocket artillery plays a vital role, preventing the enemy from conducting maneuvers, and destroying hangars with equipment and ammunition. the shells fly almost 40 km. behind the line horizon, aerial reconnaissance confirms an accurate hit on the apu opornik. for almost a year now, we already have a lot of experience, since june of 22 we have been working on a hurricane, but the car is unpretentious, we work on the road, we work it out, we end up and that’s it and we go home, now
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we urgently need to leave here, the enemy is constantly engaged in counter-battery warfare, the car is successfully returned, but the soldiers have no time to rest, the commander receives the coordinates of the new target and installation. they are immediately preparing for reloading, right now the crew is preparing for the next combat task, a car with another batch of shells has just arrived here. the weight of each projectile. almost 300 kg, they are loaded into the installation using a special crane. hurricane is sent back to the firing position. the crew's task is to provide fire support to assault groups on the front line. artillerymen of the vostok group are on duty around the clock, regardless of weather conditions. goals change many times a day. this team alone has hit dozens of targets, including western equipment.
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the process of receiving payments, benefits and other measures support for combat veterans becomes as convenient as possible. the ministry of defense has begun processing and issuing electronic certificates. in addition to the basic functions confirming the status of a military personnel. the plastic document received additional features of social and bank cards. and ... thanks to this card i will be able to receive the benefits that are due to me and my family, why
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not, i submitted an application, 2 days, i received a new one, 2 days the card is already ready, yes, that’s it, i’m a happy owner, you can use the id and through a mobile application, an electronic veteran’s id - this is a card like a regular bank card, but with much more expanded capabilities, a pension will be transferred to it, all personal data, even the compulsory medical insurance policy, will be sewn in here. in addition, the document has reliable protection, a built-in chip and a special touch. code. in addition, banks provide special conditions for cardholders. it is also important that the certificate, as noted by the ministry of defense, allows its holder to use not only federal, but also regional benefits wherever he happens to be. this is another step towards our officers, our veterans, participants in a special military operation, veterans of past wars, local conflicts, these are chechnya and afghanistan and other local conflicts. specified. is equivalent to a paper
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certificate of a combat veteran. the process of obtaining a document has been simplified as much as possible. a special section has been opened on the ministry of defense website where you can find out how to obtain an electronic identification card for a combat veteran in person at a bank or remotely through your personal account. within five to seven working days , a bank card arrives at the branch where the serviceman has chosen, or you can choose a delivery form in the form of a courier service. apply for and even receive an electronic id. veterans will be able to stay in the north military district zone; for the convenience of soldiers and commanders, special field offices will be organized. alexey karev, mikhail devyatkin, dmitry tolstoukhov, lead. another victim of the terrorist attack in kroku cityhole died in hospital today. as the minister said healthcare mikhail murashko, a patient who received multiple gunshot wounds, was in extremely serious condition. 69 people remain in hospitals, sixteen victims are in serious condition. you. the two
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accused were taken today to an apartment in putilkovo near moscow, which they rented before the attack on the concert hall. the cathedral mosque in moscow today awarded fifteen-year-old islam khalilov, a schoolboy who worked part-time as a cloakroom attendant at crocus and brought out publications during the terrorist attack on more than 100 people. he presented the medal for services to islam. who went to a dangerous place, from
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there, showing the way, saved more than 100 people, saved their lives, not only i am a hero who was on shift, other guys and heroes all helped as best they could, we remember we grieve the dead, and we will pray for well soon in order for those in the hospital to recover, strong wind snowstorms made adjustments to the work of tyumen airport, flights from moscow, st. petersburg and sochi were delayed, some planes were sent to... an alternate airfield. in the morning, the city is stuck in traffic jams for many kilometers. there is snow on the road swells and ice. even tractors get stuck in yards. well, in solnechnogorsk near moscow, municipal equipment is removing a mountain of sand on soviet square. having gotten wet, it turned into a viscous crack into which two children fell. they
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couldn’t get out themselves; they had to call the ministry of emergency situations to call both of them. in the saratov region they opened up almost simultaneously. from the ice of 33 rivers, according to the press service of the regional government, roads to 29 settlements are now flooded, residents of seven of them are cut off from transport links completely, melt waters drown bridges and wash away roads in the seaside, these shots were taken by residents of the partizansky district, seething mountain rivers flowed through the streets. high alert mode in the orenburg region. over the course of a day, the water in the rivers rose several meters, leaving the situation flooded. territories are monitored by vyacheslav kampe. at 5 o'clock a stream had already begun, he collected his wife and two children and quickly took them out into the street. the cause of the flood was the urta burtya river overflowing its banks. in 2 hours the water reached the village and partially flooded it. it was announced on the spot emergency mode. the water
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came close to the only road that connects zhentalap with the regional center. now active work is underway to strengthen the banks so that the village. turned out to be completely cut off, by midday the influx of water was stopped, several houses, a school and two farms were flooded, everything was flooded, there was water in the cellar, after the evacuation of four people and stabilization of the situation, the emergency mode was changed to a high alert mode, as it arrives quickly, a stormy river and steel trees right under the windows, this is orenburg, such a picture awaited the residents of several snts at once, i don’t know from the water what can be saved or not? three temporary accommodation centers have been organized for evacuees in the regional center. over two days, reports of flooding came from seventeen municipalities, 26 residents were evacuated, 10 of them children. in the region, 15 bridges are closed to traffic, and 14 overflows across roads have been recorded.
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a high alert regime has been introduced in sixteen municipalities. vyacheslav kampa, leopold efemenko, ekaterina polityka, gleb kalugin. news orenburg region. today , viewers of the russian tv channel will once again be amazed by amazing people with their abilities, immediately after the big news we will find out who will reach the final, who will continue to fight, who will leave, beginning at 21:20. anton demidov about amazing people. the amazing people show is filmed in one of the largest pavilions, because any design can appear on this stage to test the incredible abilities of the participants. + 8.398 + 9. a huge wall for the mental tests of tennis, a tea gallery from all over the world, a unique russian horn orchestra, which has no analogues in the world, every time, every broadcast,
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every season there are people who simply amaze us. members of the jury , and indeed all the tv viewers, but this time the unexpected happened, this has never happened on the show, hypnotists came to us, and naturally i couldn’t sit still and decided to try this hypnosis on myself, it’s a butterfly, a butterfly, a butterfly, it seems that such sleep, what sleep, what are you saying, is it really the first time in all the seasons that the contestants will leave the stage, and i, at least, cannot allow deception in this program, not because i’m like that... i’m sitting here honest, but because millions of people are looking at us, we can’t deceive them, the other participants did not let us down, phenomenal memory, the ability to draw with everyone parts of the body at the same time, some skills cannot be explained even by scientists, we are just beginning to uncover these secrets of the brain, we do not fully understand the mechanism of memory, a lot
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remains a secret, so it is actually sometimes difficult for me to explain incredible abilities, which of the participants will be able amaze everyone with your abilities and reach the finals? we'll find out today at 21:30. anton demidov, vitaly marchenko, lead. and that’s what we’ll talk about next in our program. the spring conscription starts on april 1. maria zakharova responded to the white house for rudeness. well, with a note urgently on the news agency's feeds, there is information about the ninth person involved in the sitikholi terrorist attacks. we'll be back on air in a couple of minutes. it gets caught somewhere everywhere. where to go and what to do? we have to ask, beg, humiliate ourselves and extend our hands, they will have to reckon with us. so, lift off the ground, take off, such a technique beautiful, how much time did you spend?
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thank you at 3:30 am, of course, i must always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see , we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back on sunday on rtr, russia, traditional, modern, technological, original, open , great. how different , but dear to everyone, all of russia is before your eyes, come to the international
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exhibition forum russia, you are looking 100 to one, what is our task, open all the boards, we can handle it, if you ask, then it’s a problem. physics, chemistry are a set for a headache and god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and
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sunday on rtr, you are my best friend, just a friend, sunday, and this is a girl from the boarding school ? lyosha, why are you scared? continue. get out of my house, now. where friendship has become the past, it turns out, judged, there is a bride. love may be the future. now our whole life is in your hand. yes. irch, there is no need to come here. uncle finds out, he won't like it. your own life, me, tell me that i love her , just like that, my beloved friend, sunday on
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rtr, music from popular soviet films of the eighties is playing in this studio, you all wanted to go to this class, you all wanted to meet these boys from me. i personally had the key to the balcony in the large hall, and we watched all the movies , everything, hello, andrey, andrey malakhov’s evening show on saturday on rtr, today is the event of the year, the premiere on rtr, this is my first, real deal, you are now seriously, yes, you will be an investigator, evgeniy pronin. you me do you love? how to say to you? if a man has not proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to change. anna ardova, i called all my friends,
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they are nowhere to be found. my nephews are missing, all three of them. vladislav vetrov. denis will help us. oh boy, like this. zoya is my university friend. this is not at all what you think. vadim andrey. your children will be found, they will definitely be found. daria ursulyak. i can not wait. unstoppable, restless. what they say about you is true, what neupokoeva wants, neupokoeva gets. from monday. on rtr. you are watching the news and we are. we
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literally just received, the detainee was brought to court a few minutes ago, where a preventive measure will be chosen for him, it is known that his names are lutfula and nazremat, other details are still unknown, we are monitoring the development of events. a civilian died as a result of a strike by ukrainian militants in belgorod, two more people were injured and were taken to the hospital. the strike was carried out using a drone that crashed. into a residential building, the windows of the building were broken, shrapnel damaged a private car, they continue to work on site explosives technicians of the ministry of defense. over the past 24 hours, the dnepr group has destroyed more than seventy neo-nazis, two tanks and two infantry fighting vehicles. during the counter-battery fight , a gvozdika self-propelled artillery mount and a d-20 howitzer were hit. the work of the geocinth battery on the zaporozhye front was observed
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by military correspondent anton stepanenko. the uaz, with great difficulty, makes its way along the muddy ruts that the trucks have dug in the field. at some point he stops, he won’t go further on his own, and there’s no need for that. the last half a kilometer to the artillery positions on foot, so as not to declassify the place where the hyacinth battery is deployed. even at close range, the 152mm hyacinth is not immediately noticeable. it is so well camouflaged even in the bare forest belt. camouflage is the key to the survivability of a weapon. and calculations , so they don’t save effort on this, the enemy fired at our position, the closest gap was in the region of 20 m from the gun, a dig was hit, without losses, of course, the camouflage of firing positions is checked regularly, they themselves raise the drone into the air and look from at what distance can a gun be seen, does the enemy know where you are? at this
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stage, most likely yes, since they work for us, and often they work - they don’t work often, they are exactly behind them, of course, behind us, but they work, they change positions often, they work on this one last time, a new one has already been prepared , they’ll work, they’ll go , are you writing anything on the shells? yes, i’m writing, let’s say, well, for donetsk, for lugansk, for the boys, for the boys, for those who are not writing with us, such inscriptions are obligatory, because personalized shells are for... on april 1, spring conscription starts in russia conscript service, as explained today by the general staff, will take place in all regions, with the exception of certain areas
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of the far north. the campaign will last 3.5 months. until july 15, the service life, as before, will be 1 year. it is especially noted that conscripts will not be sent to the northern military district zone. all conscripts will be sent for military service to points of permanent deployment, formations and military units of the armed forces and other military formations on the territory of the russian federation. to the unit's locations armed forces in new regions of russia, these are the donetsk and lugansk people's republics, kherson. military personnel undergoing conscription service will not be sent to the zaporozhye region or to participate there in carrying out the tasks of a special military operation. within two months, the ministry of transport will approve the plan for the new judga sochi route, the need for which was spoken by the head of state. the deadlines following the meeting of the board of the ministry of transport were reported by journalist marat kusnulin, noting the colossal complexity
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of this infrastructure project. also by... deputy prime minister, a phased plan for the construction of a single high-speed highway from st. petersburg to vladivostok has already been approved; by the end of this year, the route, called russia, of which the neva and vostok highways will become part, will cross the ural ridge. the door bypass will be launched on july 17 this year, that is, this section will be completely ready. then the route to kazan, it is completely ready, by the end of the year we plan to get to yekaterinburg, we have broken down the whole road by intensity, broken it down by money and before the thirtieth year wherever there are bottlenecks that are limiting, we plan to do so. the official representative of our foreign ministry, maria zakharova, responded to the insult of the white house national security coordinator against russian officials. john kirby turned to outright rudeness, speaking about the attack on the cityhall crocus, russian officials
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who admit the version of the ukrainian trace. in a terrorist attack. i remember what my uncle told me. he had a small farm and several head of cattle in a place near acala, florida. he said that the best sellers. there are no such proverbs in russian, because they carry manure in their mouths not here, but overseas, but there is our proverb: whoever hurts, speaks about it. by the way, it now becomes clear why the expression “wash your mouth with soap” is common in the states. joe biden collected $25 million for his election campaign in one evening at a show in new york; in addition to famous artists, his predecessors came to support biden’s candidacy. closed ticket price
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the party reached half a million dollars from the united states. denis davidov. biden's presidency is not called obama's third term for nothing. he shadows the current owner of the white house. the day before, we flew to new york on the same plane, and clinton also arrived there. spectators, spectators paid up to $500,000 per ticket; in one evening, biden’s company collected a record $25 million. rich sponsors are in the front row, tickets for the goal are significantly cheaper, they were bought by those who
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were tired of the course chosen by the party elite. shame on you joe biden, shame on you! the outraged were taken out of the hall, and they continued to shout about the blood on biden’s hands. the white house pool journalists broadcast from...
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here to collect money, they are here to prevent the fourth president from entering the white house again, only one single president came to pay tribute to the fallen policeman, our policemen know very well who supports them and who does not . biden's campaign accounts have twice as much money as trump's, but they won't buy votes in the fall. the rating of the current president is lower, and his merits are less noticeable. almost 40% respondents believe that biden has not had any in 3 years in the white house.


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