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tv   Ya tozhe yego lyublyu  RUSSIA1  March 31, 2024 12:35am-4:01am MSK

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or you can, of course, i have never eaten better, nothing extra, pure taste of meat, argentina has two long-standing traditional activities in which it is extremely successful. horse breeding and riding. and when these talents converge, another great argentine passion is born. pollo. let's go try it. why is polo so popular in argentina? this is probably largely due to the fact that horse breeding was historically very developed here. in general, argentina has a lot of land and fields. and people always.
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persia and these skills were used in the military actions, this culture came to argentina from europe, along with the gauchos, immigrants from spain, very experienced horsemen. by the way, they were surprised how easily our people are governed.
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we don’t use force in striking, we just swing, like in golf, like a pendulum , yes, with this same pendulum, a team of four people must score the ball into the enemy’s goal, on horseback, it’s not just about scoring, at least just holding on. you
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need to relax, exhale, super, if you want to stop, tilt your back back closer, pull closer, closer to you, got it, yeah, bravo, almost russian, you learn faster than me. what do i need an aristocrat? will aristocracy survive? when will riding connect with the stick? the question is, if anything, rhetorical. now we’ll get there, come on, we need it, fir-trees, now, so, my friend, you can come to nothing, a little more, but a dozen admonitions from the horse, let’s go, baby, let’s go!
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a couple of misses, and a little more, my little victory, just think, without a team without a goal, but on oneself, excellent, very good, professional dancers have been honing their movements for years to to reach the pinnacle of excellence in argentine tango, but the argentines themselves seem to be simply born with this skill. tango for any resident of this country is a vital necessity , passion, religion, if you like, in general, tango is a whole world, now you will see this, and my guides to this wonderful world will be hullia and betto, dance partners in life, but before you see all of us on the large parquet, among a crowd of like-minded people, we decided to meet on the small parquet, in their cozy apartment.
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part-time dance studio, you and childhood, you probably dance tango, i started dancing at 20, and i at 14, wow, i at five, uh. the whole life of tango. many of our viewers will be very interested to know the history of tango. tango originated here at the end of the 19th century, moreover as an improvisation rather than a set of precise movements. how it was. buenos aires received a large wave of emigrants from europe. these were mostly single men. they left their families in their homeland and came here in search of a better life and work.
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there are certain rules, for example, i know that when you invite a partner, you need dance at least two dances with her, actually tanda, that’s what they call a classic tango set, it’s four dances, four, four, so,
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the first rule is wrong, i knew it, from what i remember and was told, it’s considered bad tone. say thank you after the dance , that’s right, that’s true, yes, why, if i liked it, i want to say thank you, hug , say thank you again, and hug again , you can say it, but what’s the thing, we ’re dancing the tanda set of four compositions, and you invite, as it were, to tanda, and if in in the middle of the set me or the girl say thank you, it sounds like i don’t want to keep dancing with you. so on , you can invite you to dance with your eyes, yes, that’s right, if you come up, invite, and the person has to tell you no, it may sound rude, awkward, but this method is more gentle
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for both people, now i’ll try to invite you to the dance with my eyes dance, and you say that this is so, what is wrong, you don’t need to invite like that, be sure, you want to dance with someone, look, decisively, accurately, this is super important, it’s clear, you would immediately i said that, i was just a well-mannered boy , i was shy, that’s how it turns out. argentina is a sensual tango with life itself. here, playing sports is always exciting, and preparing a steak fills you with real passion. here, the love for tanga creates couples on the floor in life and unites the whole country. here you want to feel life
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with every cell of your body. i take this with me. you will find all our episodes on the media platform watch, download the application or go to the website, this is the news of the week and i dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. how they escaped from bullets and fire. and how they rescued , where, where, where, but who can’t be returned
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, we mourn the barbaric terrorist attack, so what fate awaits these four now, for life, who else is with them and why washington loudestly excused kiev from complicity in the terrorist attack, it is their ally , executor of their will, the latest on the progress of the investigation. it’s better for europeans not to come here, for what are
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yens, rubles, dollars, francs, but why do afghans value pigeons so much? and a new breath of bama, like the rails stubbornly cut the taiga, now from yakutia to the sea of ​​okhotsk, along the railway under construction, which is 530 km, there is not a single one. what was the record? the biggest was -72. news of the week with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr. you are beautiful, smart, you look great. my parents will love you right away. sooner or later, they will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but a girl from the outskirts. shut up, stand by. misfortunes of this kind happen to girls of a certain behavior, you are a future diplomat,
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and reputation, i emphasize, reputation is not an empty phrase, i want to have an abortion, he will understand everything, i’m sure this is not his child, and he will always know this, tomorrow will be a new day, friday on rtr. hedgehog cat, sometimes we talk with annoyance, sometimes with surprise, hedgehog cat, and sometimes with joy, hedgehog cat, what do you think, like...
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a real river republic, 190 rivers flow through it, the largest and most famous of them, of course well, mother volga. almost the entire territory of the republic is located on the left bank of the volga, but on the right bank there is one single region, mountain mari, and the center of this area is the very unusual town of kozmodemi. and this is the first city that meets us on the way to the capital of the republic.
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kozmodemyansk is one of the most beautiful towns in russia, founded back in 1583 by tsar ivan the terrible. after the capture of kazanie, returning along the volga river, he saw a beautiful, high hill and ordered the construction of a city here, and since the decision was made on the eve of the holiday of kozma and demyan, the city was named kozmodemyansk. the grandmaster went e2 e4, that’s exactly how the great strategist started simultaneous chess session. this happened in the town of vasyuki on the volga, and so the prototype of vasyuki is the moriya city of kozmodemyansk. in this place, famous by ilf and petrov, nothing has changed since then, except that the ostap bender museum opened, where we were met by master nikolai ledeneikin. the fate of our hero is no less interesting than the life of the heroes ilf and
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petrov. he ended up in this town thanks to chance, but an unusual one. our city is wonderful, i, like ustab bender, appeared for the first time in this, but not in the white countries, in black, in the eighties, i came to visit unexpectedly, and i didn’t think that i would end up here, and i stayed, because they just took me and gave me a house, i went through the streets to look for where to recover, i saw an old woman sitting, how then she turned out to be blind, and i say, now let me spend the night, she says to me: “if you stay with me, i’ll be at home for you.” i’ll give it to you, so i unexpectedly found myself in this city for 35 years, not every person manages to open a gym during their lifetime, but mine was opened, thanks to whom, my city, i am very lucky in life, and i try everything for them to do, everything you see here is work i donated to the museum myself. it is interesting to note that every year in kozmodemyansk
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the humorous festival benderiad is held, dedicated to the main character of the roman 12 chairs, ostap bender. and here everyone started playing chess, diamonds, everything is playing , together with them i decided to play chess and invent, these chess will soon be given to koryakin, the world champion, this is the king of the forest, they are all different for me, i don’t like repeating all the figures different too, what material do you think these figures are made of, here i am i thought that it was made of... clay, ordinary clay, but in the hands of the master who made these sculptures, she transforms, just like himself. i really love wood, but wood is such a labor-intensive material, and in order to make such sculptures, we don’t have such wood. i decided to lie under a tree like a chameleon, pretend as if it were a tree, so i
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cover them with first oil paint, when dry, and a special beeswax composition . if the sun shines, so as not to evaporate from the sun, because it is rising. nikolay ledineikin has sensitive and talented hands, creating magical fairy tales from ordinary clay. he is a member of the union of artists at unesco. his works were acquired by museums of applied art in prague, warsaw, sofia, usa, germany, france, russia, it all started with devils. i sculpted three devils of jurals. they were so beautiful. i... ran to the department store, handed them over and waited all day, whether they would buy it or not, when they bought it from me for 8 rubles, i ran to the bookstore, bought a shagal with that money, it then cost 8 rubles a stick sausages, and he came home himself, our whole family lived on 100 rubles. that’s where my story goes, but nevertheless, i want to make the most beautiful shuralette, i have a lot of
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sketches, so that i don’t have to return to this two-meter thing again. forest maiden , if you look closely, you can see a lot of things that a woman actually wants, and these are the roots, that the roots seem to just grow, and these are the roots of a woman - this is a home, a family, a homeland of a kind, and a nurse, a mother screams, the boss is calling who you think is calling the man, and these are the same people, after all, you just have to look at each person as each person stands for something. i call this sculpture miracle-yudo, it’s even my self-portrait, look, the same nose, mouth with a wart, so i also call myself miracle-yudo, but in addition to all
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the masterpieces recognized in many countries of the world, nikolai ledeneikin created from his little cat. which he gladly demonstrated to us when i arrived, i was glad that there were about 100 people here, there were artists in such a small town, when i was invited to live somewhere, i always i walked the streets, i go out and see if i can live here, i was invited to the czech republic to work in karlara, and the clay is good, bone china is like that, imagine, i lived for 2-3 days , everything there is not mine, and the clay is not mine, well, don’t worry . i want to be buried by a museum, and to be taken away from my hall. well, let's say goodbye to the charming kozmodemyam and
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his inimitable master, and move on. in search of the homeland of yoshka the cat, we will visit another small town, zvenigovo, it is located only 90 km from the capital, the town of zvenigovo is a little over 200 years old, and its main attraction is vladimir zheludhin, who was born in this city , a master of surprises, each of his birch bark products contains some secrets and surprises, this duck, like this, for example, it can turn its head from left to right, you will be surprised how many guests from all over volosts have gathered, flapping their wings with joy, you can be welcomed here, here it turns out that we have in mariskaya... a duck - this is considered a symbol of the republic, this thermos, i tried to make it so that it was beautiful, so that it was pleasant, it it’s old, so it wouldn’t be visible , i just braided it with white, it’s full of tea, i
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open it, as they say, pour the tea and i can calmly drink hot tea, here in front of you is a box with a handle, with a lid, a box for flour, you can carry the box using this handle, but you need a handle to open the lid. be sure to turn it in this position, the lid opens , turns over, there is a scoop, there is one more lid, we pour flour with a scoop, it turns out that the sieve lid is also in addition to everything, carefully sift the flour, bake pies, delicious and when the grandchildren want to serve the pies beautifully on the table , we lift this lid, the handle, insert this bottom into this sieve, we get a basket in which you can serve the pies on the table, birch bark, it has up to 90 shades by nature, you select it specially,
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in order to set off a light birch bark, with a dark birch bark, somewhere if we insert a pattern, it is definitely somewhere on a dark background, but in a large box it is required that it be strong, of good quality, the lining is strong, the birch bark is thick, they like that, that means they were rude, it seemed there would be growths on birch bark, a growth here, a hole here. it happened, but i closed my eye , i suggest, whoever is looking, i say: open this little eye, but don’t open this little eye, and they read: there is no hole, many amazing things can be made from birch bark, sometimes you really want to make something with your own hands, you think it ’s difficult, no, just such a simple little thing that will delight any child, but... you can do it right in front of his eyes or with him, which will double the joy of what is happening, a signal horn is made here
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from birch bark, usually in pieces, the width of the tape is about 2 cm, the length of the tape, the longer, the larger the horn can be, this part of the birch bark, what was... we will have it on the inside, we must clean it, the edge is cut this ribbon with curly scissors , like this, this tool did not appear immediately with us, at first we made each clove with a semicircular tomes, using a hammer, everything takes a long time, i have already made this edge beautiful, if we want it even better , it’s more interesting to make this horn, design it, you can apply a chased ornament along this edge, we all have different types of embossing , there are all sorts of different patterns on them, each pattern is called differently, here is the lemon, of course, you need to make markings, but here the products
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are simple, i can do it by eye and we mint , and so on until the end, the blows should be clear, strong, so i minted, and now i take a smaller pattern, i will place it between these lemons of ours, this is the pattern, i think it will look good on our pipe, we can already start twisting this one horn, take some tube and start twisting it onto this tube as tightly as possible, you see, i don’t overlap the pattern, because i only have half of the tape covered, this edge is glued, let the glue dry, otherwise it won’t stick, in principle, the horn is ready, but it still doesn’t have a voice, but in order... to give it a voice, you need to make a tongue, the tongue is made of thin birch bark, we take a ribbon of approximately this width, fold it approximately. a little
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larger than the width of our horn and cut it a little to a cone, try it on like we have there this tongue comes in, so i inserted this tongue into the blank, and now we must carefully trim this edge in a semicircle, i’m not sure that it will start buzzing right away, well , let’s try, let’s try, so here’s how to make a person big, for example, sit on his palm an elephant, but as a small one, sit a person under an incredibly large flower, theater director and decorator lyubov ivanova deals with just such transformations, this is my first flower, corrugated paper, that’s where it all started, that’s corrugated paper, what it is it’s good, it can be given any shape, it’s
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light, on the one hand. but the disadvantages are that it is afraid of moisture, it gradually fades, for this it is replaced by another material, this is isolon, what is good about it, it can be washed, it does not wrinkle, it does not lose its shape even when it fades, and another material - this is foamiran, the palette of colors is very rich , you can make any lamps, this is a table lamp, it can be an excellent gift for any event, birthday, march 8, this is also... a strong flower, but already wall-mounted, this flower is monochrome, but you can do it a little more, as if to apply the tint, first paint it, then use a hairdryer to shape the petals, fix the paint, then we wash it off, and that is, then we can wash it with you, the paint no longer comes off, flowers have become the meaning of life for another master , vera shulyatyeva, the only one in the republic who practices ashibana, an ancient art from...
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a distant eastern country, ashibana originated in japan, in her painting pressed flowers are used instead of paints: oshi - dried, bana - flower. six centuries ago, only men, and samurai warriors at that, women received this privilege only 300 years ago. autumn leaves that have fallen and seemingly disappeared, quietly rustling under our feet say goodbye to us, but no, to them. maybe a second, no less bright, certainly longer life, for example, this picture, which i would call autumn blues, is made from just such autumn leaves. the main component of the charming ashibana paintings are dried leaves, flowers, grass, buds, even pieces of fruits and vegetables, cereals and
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peels can be suitable, the main thing is imagination. what i am i’m doing this floristry , herbs, we actually take everything from here, when you walk, you raise your head up, yeah, the leaves have appeared beautifully, which means you immediately tear up these leaves , that’s the same thing, you bring it home and immediately dry it, this work takes a lot of time, because what comes to the garden, some flowers have blossomed, then others have bloomed, they must be collected on time, because if they stand for 3 days, they will no longer be beautiful, they no longer lie like that, the dress is the leaves. this is a white peony, it is not pure white, it is rare here he has white stripes, here he is so reddish, a pink peony is also used here, a bright red peony is used here, the peony emphasizes all sorts of folds very well, there is somewhere darker, a white peony, it means it’s done very well, the piano is devesil, black keys, this is a dried banana, a banana peel, it’s very good to work with a banana, it’s very beautiful to make from moss, i like moss. but
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the most common are the leaves of silver poplar, they are of different colors, that is , you can make a whole picture from silver poplar, this house is made of silver poplar dark, if the silver poplar here has light snow, then the other side of this poplar in this case is dark brown, the girl is wearing a scarf, so this scarf is made of a mad cucumber, the sky and water is a silver poplar, then there is a dark brown roof at home - this is also a silver poplar, well , this... the bridge is made of lily leaves, narcissus or iris. the main one is silver poplar. master vera shulyatyeva refused to get sick and grumble in her old age. she chose another more interesting one for herself life has succeeded in this. her works are known not only in her homeland, but in korea, france, and spain. when participating in korea, they send us these gifts for participation. flowers
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and leaves of korean herbs are very beautiful and i use them all the time. this work was at an exhibition in korea about two years ago. so that's basically it here. here we use daylily, only daylily, because the table is made of daylily, and the background is made of daylily, and i used the flowers that were sent from korea, this is one of the very first works, these are these the silver line is garlic, and in order to show the shadow on the garlic, we put raspberry leaves under the garlic, i wanted something so lyrical, for the background i took the most ordinary autumn leaves of different colors, somewhere darker, somewhere lighter, because you can’t do one tone either. this means that mainly autumn leaves are used here, silver poplar, a lot of raspberries are used here, these bright tsshita were sent to me, they were sent from america, and of course peony leaves, the balcony is made of silver poplar, this is silver poplar
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dark light, i don’t know how i got a balcony there, but in my opinion from afar you can see that it really is a balcony, when i make people, i make skin from my houseplant, aglanema. yes, it takes experience and talent to make such a painting, but ashibana can bring joy to the novice amateur. these are the kind of pictures that can decorate any home and can be made without any effort. the master, so in love with flowers and nature, lives in the capital of the republic, yoshka rula. the city is located on the banks of a tributary of the volga, the maloye river kakshaga. it was founded in 1500 by the son of ivan the terrible, tsar fedor ioanovich. yoshka rola means red city in the mari language, and the city is really very beautiful. in the republic you can find neighborhoods built in danish, italian, and old russian styles.
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there are many architectural copies in yoshka-role. it has its own spasskaya tower, its own lascala theater, its own bruges embankments and much, much more. and very soon we will meet yoshkin. was born here and lives, once at school he said that i want to be an artist, i was in our class they didn’t laugh, they said something like that about the artist. they use linden for carving, the softest , most flexible tree, which warps less and dries better, sometimes customers
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ask for hard wood, sometimes they ask for oak, but mostly it’s good, it’s worth the needles, rots less, poplar, aspen, so far i haven’t yet reached the point where i like my work, i really like making toys, i like it. many people know and love the king’s toys made by the hands of gennady efremov, which is why he was entrusted with the design of the town near the very the kremlin wall, this is masha and the bear, then baba yaga, two guslars, the russian guslar satko and the mari guslar akpars. create toys that please the eye and warm the soul. became the life’s work of another master, natalya lyukhina , she is the only one in the hedgehog king, she sews tilda dolls, she saw a doll on the internet , she caught fire, i thought, let me try, i tried it, i was so fascinated, i liked it,
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and in the evenings and nights i just started sewing, imagining, embodying life, and i was asked to give a master class in correctional women's colony, in general , after my... the creator, norwegian toni finnenger , helped many people in this life with her talent. in 1999, the first tilda doll appeared, it’s unclear how among the abundance of plastic bright toys that simply make your eyes run wild,
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the tilda doll has become so popular, for some reason i like that they just have two eyes, and you put your soul into it, it acquires some kind of emotion without a nose, sponges, but... they are all full-fledged, for me this is some kind of like magic or something, i don’t know, it’s a secret lies in the very appearance of the toy; only natural fabrics are used for these dolls. calm and delicate pastel colors, non-creative style, and tilda is not necessarily sewn in the form of girls, they can be bunnies, cats, and angels. well, this characteristic tilda doll is a scops owl, children love to sleep with them, they drive away nightmares. my first doll is this fabric, my grandmother’s, from her only one belt from a dress remains as a keepsake. and when the metilda doll caught fire, i decided, so that it doesn't lie around. idle and there was a memory of my grandmother and it reminded me, it
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kind of started with her, i sewed this doll personally for myself, since childhood i had a dream of opening my own cafe, i was closely involved in cooking as a talisman, i made just such a cook doll for myself so that it would give me reminded that dreams should come true, they are stuffed, and synthetic fluff, she herself tinted the cotton fabric with coffee and cinnamon, that is, she dyed it and only then stuffed it, but the main secret of the success of tilda dolls lies in the fact that, like any other thing made with her own hands, she carries the spiritual warmth of the creator, such a doll can be not only a toy or decoration in the interior, but a talisman, and like all the craftsmen in the republic of mari el, natalya also made her own yoshka cat. i finished off yoshka’s cat at first, probably just 7-8 years ago, he was so cool and fat. he may look like
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this, or like this, or like this, but yoshkin the cat yoshka roly, where, according to the moritzians, he lives, looks exactly like this, and despite the simply fabulous beauty of this city, everyone wants to do a photograph with exactly this... and according to the residents and guests of yosh-korola, if you rub a cat, it will bring good luck in new travels and discoveries.
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“we will find them, you will find them, you have a brilliant intuition, irresistible, restless , from monday on rtr, rtr-planet, more than just television, it’s a piece of russia on every screen of the planet, the loudest premieres, how i got here, are you
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having a corporate party or what? what are you like? you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder based on cunning, that it was on the strip, not i know, dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shastakovich’s seventh symphony, those who don’t take risks have no luck, we will succeed. and i will operate, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, there is no motive, no murder, no connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again that this is my investigation , let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on the head, even i don’t know, perzhe wants to read, please read, perzhe can’t read. turn on the music blogger! nadezhda, my
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earthly dompas, they rely on the songs of russia , in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment for every taste, radov poured a basin of hot water over himself, i told my wife, i’m leaving, i looked back, she had already packed my things, cuckoo , meeting the stars, and what is more difficult, becoming a good person or staying? the question is certainly interesting, both difficult and different. you are the most understanding program about animals in the circle friends. when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite.
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the my planet tv channel presents the chuysky tract - one of the most picturesque roads in russia. today this highway is of federal importance, almost a thousand kilometers long. it starts in novosibirsk and ends at the border with mongolia. this path has been known since
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ancient times. its development began in 1756, when the southern altai voluntarily... became part of the russian empire. by the way, at that time the tract was only a narrow path with rock ledges above the gorges. with them as they passed, the driver walked to the beginning of the bottleneck and placed his hat on the road so that the oncoming caravan would notice and let travelers through. otherwise there was no way to leave. igor gennadievich, hello. i'm andrey, you're waiting for me. yes. what did you mix into the crimean air? i go and rest. volatile, odorous aromatic substances, you see, coniferous trees grow around, it is they who emit them. the embankment is there, let's go. igor
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gennadyevich smirnov, native yalta resident, old-timer, local historian, tour guide, spileologist, hydrogeologist, landslide specialist, all in one person. walks all year round because he works outdoors. in crimea, the sun shines 2,500 hours a year more than in central russia, and we are walking along the embankment. until 1886, it was an ordinary coastal strip, then it was raised, strengthened with stone blocks, and surrounded by railings, creating the illusion of the side of a ship. a familiar hotel, have i seen it somewhere? probably in one of the old soviet films, the final episodes of the movie asa were filmed here. exactly, asa, asa, asa. the main character of the film, krymov, booked two here rooms - for yourself and for your young companion. in soviet times, if
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there was no stamp in the passport, vacationers were placed in different apartments. in the private sector , they usually did not ask for passports. in the eighties no. krymovo cost 67 rubles, now 700 cu. who is this handsome guy sitting there? and this is a monument to the man who founded all of russian cinematography. in the vastness of a sixth of the landmass of the russian empire, it turned out that yalta, the southern coast of crimea, is the best place for filming films. khadzhonkov, khadzhonkov, alexander khadzhonkov. his house and film studio were located not far from here, on sevastopolskaya street. now, unfortunately, there is only one fence left of the territory with about 20 employees, of which 15-18 are watchmen, but there is an order from the new russian government to revive the yalta film studio and to
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restore cinematography in crimea. bronze alexander alekseevich has ladies. they’re asking for an addition to the family, that’s why he’s so brilliant in places, it’s somehow strange, here directors, producers and screenwriters should rather be clearing themselves away with requests as soon as possible launch a new film, give more money for production, write a decent script, and so on. film production in yalta is seriously ill, we hope for his speedy recovery. where have i seen this cable car? well, probably everything is in the same film.
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mikhalkov shot his graduation film here, pugovkin worked here since 1952, he highly praised the local kefir and fermented baked milk, ptushko and rowe, tarkovsky and gaidai worked here, and the films that were made were classics. this is the valley of ghosts, a natural monument nearby from alushta. a cluster of rocks of unusual shapes on the western slope of the demerdzhi or kuznets mountain ridge. with their shapes, the stone sculptures resemble people, mysterious creatures, and phalluses. the valley is sometimes called the valley of the phalluses. from russian regions, where does the tourist come from? mostly? mainly from moscow and st. petersburg, from moscow and st. petersburg, yes, basically, what draws them here so much, natural
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curiosity, they are interested in everything that we have here, history, nature, wine, springs, nature - the best in the world artist sculptor, works with the sun, wind, precipitation, earthquakes, they are for her hammer, for her chisel. i should grab some pebbles from here for my collection, these are from 800 million to a billion years old, did i destroy the fortress too? no, the ottoman turks did this quite a long time ago, they captured the southern coastal fortresses of the genoese italians and the greek mountain fortresses, and this was the easternmost of the greek fortresses, oh, those turks. dimerzhi is a wild place, but nice, cinematic and not at all dangerous. over the past 50 years, there has been one accident, but
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very resonant, from this very tree yuri nikulin, a dunce, fell in sixty-six during the filming of a scene of the unsuccessful abduction of a caucasian captive. the tree is called nikulin nut. next to nikulin's nut there is a varley stone, on which... the actress danced to a song, somewhere in this world, also a memorable scene, and now with both legs, the tv channel my planet presents.
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the creator of the first geographical map is considered to be the ancient greek scientist anaximander. in the hundredth century bc, he drew the first map of the then known world, depicting the earth in the shape of a flat circle, surrounded by water. the first map of russia , called the big drawing, was compiled by our compatriots. as scientists suggest in the second half of the 15th century, but unfortunately, it has not reached us, in 1745 a russian atlas was published, it is considered the first official atlas of the russian state, they reached the fishing spot, night, the ideal time for fishing, the team decides , should we put a trap here, well, let’s put a trap, why
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not, then we’ll pull one out, on the left side, come here, on the starboard side, catching saury, amazing. a spectacle , it will amaze anyone, old sea wolves are waiting for the start of this season, for them it is a special pleasure, sai are caught at night on a beam of light, the entire stern of the vessel is hung with powerful spotlights, chandeliers, it is in the bright light that schools of fish should come to fall into a trap lowered behind board. the trap has moved away from the side, i turn on the remaining chandeliers on the starboard side.
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this is just the first test, something like a training session. fishing is like an ocean wave, as experienced sailors say. the one below, otherwise he can throw you up. unlucky now, lucky then. an experienced captain explains that the water temperature for saury is not the same, and that’s not because of the catch. at the moment the fish does not react to light. the temperature is 12, that is 15°. well, in short.
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now, in short, she’s just running around the ship, the captain is contacting other ships in this square to find out the situation from his colleagues, well, now here somewhere, probably three or four tones were caught there in about the evening, yeah, yeah, there’s nothing else , but be satisfied. okay, good luck. everything is ok as well. but today fishing is not going well. the failures continue. it was announced to all vessels assault warning. fishing has become very dangerous. kalinovka anchors in the bay of shikatan island. the crew was ordered
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to stay until tomorrow. the morning after the first fishing , sailor ilya kosyanenko shares his impressions: there is no romance and no fish yet, but there is plenty of hard, monotonous work and unpleasant rocking underfoot. well , let’s go out, everything will start right away, the work will go away , that is, the days will fly by unnoticed, but for now everything drags on for a long time , that is, yesterday something broke, there was no fish, they didn’t find it there, or well, how am i in this? i’m not a pro yet, i don’t know, but everything is great, the team is wonderful, it’s interesting to communicate with everyone and something new, that is , i learned something like this for myself,
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i was tormented by seasickness, for the first 2 days i was actually pretty stormy. it was bad , but it’s as if the body had already mastered everything, got used to it, that is, this is no longer the case, that is, this makes me happy, and even though the sailor did not see a big catch, the first few days at sea were not in vain, new ones were born lines, those distant shores are a thing of the past, people old chords, guitars in a smoky cabin, battened locks, rising waves of oval and baroque burning hearts in the port... there is the ocean, space, freedom, lonely, that wild storm, the southern rise of the east, the romance of the depths, under the purity of the skies, the southern tide , longing for this long flight.
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oh, get excited, it means so, we’ve all known lyuba
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for a long time, as they say, she grew up before our eyes, she was like this, and now she’s a beauty, a smart woman, a housewife , a wonderful person, whatever anyone needs, she’s in love right away, we’re nowhere without her, and most importantly... oh, remember, damn it, he will appear. hello, hello, well, lyubonka, hello, i came to congratulate you, so to speak, on
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your birthday, but i didn’t invite you, but you don’t need to call me, i’m the government, i come when i want, well, actually i’m on duty , for what other service, am i worried about your son, and what is his age? you know what? one step and the boy will end up in the wrong company, that's right, wait, what do you take, let's go, let's go out, i'm now, well, let's go and you, i 'm the government, i haven't been prying into the village for 15 years, now i've come, i'm not showing off, apparently with my love i came to make peace, i probably remembered my first love, but why haven’t i measured myself for 15 years, and the girl is in a position, and he went to the city. and i heard that they kicked him out of that city , he exceeded some authority there, now he’ll be a district police officer, and goodbye to our quiet life, let’s get some love,
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really, some love, well , i wanted to talk about something, in what company, styopka, but not yet in any way, but then pashka recently sat back, he’s putting together a new gang for himself, look, i’ll see styopka next to him, don’t look. what son, i’ll close it, you leave the glass in peace, so that i don’t see you next to him, you ’d better say thank you, i’m worried about the child, you’re worrying in vain. and you don’t need to scare me, understand? i understand , he’s just at a difficult age, the boy needs a father, are you aiming for his place, well, why am i bad, my love, then galya wants to say a toast, i want, in general, i told you everything, well- well, go, go. “
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you’ll still be mine, well, ivan denis, it’s ready, just a second, come on, come on, that’s it, that’s it, come on, that’s it, styopa, you ’re good today, you did a good job”! well, they definitely fixed it, like new, keep it, earned it, thank you for what you spend it on, i’ll buy mom a gift, well done, look, don’t drink it, but i know, and why did this guy just come, there were no problems, and now rumors will spread around the village, they will creep, they will creep , that’s why i left for moscow, is it okay that i’m alone there, why am i alone?
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but no one interferes in my personal life, not like here, in the village, mother, but i’m not afraid of these rumors, katya, i’m only worried about styopka, because sooner or later he will ask me who his father is, and what will i tell him then i'll say and why are you delaying, that’s what you are delaying, i should have told syopka everything a long time ago, let him learn better from his mother that vitka is his father, and vitka is not his father. what? who then? is this the summer resident or what? what was his name? nikolai? nikolai. wow! kohl, open the door! yeah, come on
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, oh, thank god, we're home, yeah, well, come on , hello, mother, russia, i don't understand why we couldn't stay in spain, but well , you and i agreed, because it's true, i have the contract ended, everyone else’s ended too, you know, they somehow made a fuss, only you can’t do anything, you can’t do anything, here, give me my boots, oh, nikolai alekseevich, hello, we’re back, that means, i’ll return you asked me if i wanted to go to moscow, asked me if i wanted to go to moscow, i don’t want to go to moscow, i want to go back to spain, where the sun is, where these faces aren’t there, yeah, take the change and my business card just in case, the last numbers are 68, 1 2 3 4
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five six, what did you let go- in general, how are we going to drag it all upstairs, how do you listen, go to the apartment, open it, open it, i’ll tell you myself that you put the carpet here, you actually have a brain, darling, let’s really look at things, whose not a girl anymore, you need a man, styopka needs a father, victor, he ’ll be next to you now, but what kind of victor, katya, i don’t love him , lyuba, why is there love, but with your... poor fidelity you will drive yourself into the grave, 15 years have passed, well, as you know, yes, as i know, you thought about me? listen, i ’ve been thinking about you all my life and doing what you want, maybe it’s finally time to do what i want? this is something new, well how are you, how interesting do you want, how i want to live like all normal people, i want to have children, a family, i want to live in my own house, not in rented apartments, great, old song, family, children, you know what?
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if you want a family of children, you would marry this village chick , what’s her name, nadya, katya, or whatever her name is, she would give birth to a bunch of children for you and cook borscht for you all day long, i understand, you finally understand that i you’re not a nanny, not a volunteer , and not a cleaning lady, and i don’t want to look like a hundred-year-old woman at 40, it’s clear to you, you’re already you look like a hundred-year-old woman, especially when you’re angry, are you going to call or not, i won’t, great, so that means, or are we going back to spain? or i'm leaving you, understand? alla, stop getting started out of the blue, i’ll move to my father’s now, i’ll come back later , we’ll talk, you want to go to your father again, do you understand, do you want to leave me? well , in this, in this hole, i can’t , it’s stuffy, dusty, that’s it, you, what, are you thinking at all, since, well, okay, okay, so, okay,
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okay, okay, don’t you want to? in a good way, hello, listen, you just need to give us a lift from the airport, i need your help, styopka, how you scared me, are you sneaking around like a thief, why are you sneaking, i thought you were sleeping, well, aunt katya is sleeping, and i’m waiting for you, where were you shying away? -until midnight? that he was shying away, they were repairing the tractor , but what was it impossible to warn, well , what to warn, well, he’s not little anymore, okay, go, i covered you in the kitchen, don’t forget to wash your hands, yeah.
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this is the same cathedral, yes, from spain, listen, you have already returned forever, yes, listen, how much time has already passed, and you have already they came back, somehow little, dad, as always , that they had a quarrel or something, but i told you, we should have had
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children, as soon as we got married, so immediately father’s children, there was no need to marry, there was no need to listen to you and mom then , well, son, well, we thought that it would be better this way, well, she’s a good girl, we thought with her mother, worthy, with good taste, come on, and you got involved with this village girl, what’s her name, lyuba, dad, well, lyuba, you had your whole life ahead of you, an internship ahead of you abroad, and you’re with this lyuba, lyuba, son, are you serious? i still haven’t forgotten it, so much time has passed and anyway, what’s the difference, come on.
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horror, service industry, maybe a coffee? i , man, my god, and man, i’m sorry , but it happened, oh well, i was just asked to help, but i’m okay, i understand, the client’s desire is legitimate, yes, my mother thought you
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were a decent girl. yes, she , apparently, was mistaken, i told you, i need to get a divorce, it’s simply impossible to get married to you, i spent so many years on you, i thought you ’d at least become an ambassador, but you, you can’t do anything, you’re like a piece of wood, which floats where they sent you, come on, come on, come on, hurry up, come on, come on, come on, get out of here, i hate you.
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it’s a good fish, it’s good, it’s necessary , our love is considered a criminal if the police are watching her day and night, but listen, grandfather, go where you were going, and make sure you don’t break your eyes, otherwise you’ll catch criminals by touch, listen, old man, i’ll catch you without my eyes, i understand, well go, catch, catch, catch, milk milk,
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does everything for people, but no matter what she does, there’s no man, no one is waiting at home, why is there no man for her necessary, and you need housing and communal services you have to, well, go, and i’ll piss you off, come on, you’re a deaf aunt, great daddy. “healthier , in the air, what did i want? yes, here’s stepan, i
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told you about him, he’s a momma’s boy, he’s a normal kid , we go to school together, let’s see how normal he is, we need to register, we have money, we have it, now, enough for two bubbles , that’s okay, now we’re stuck, let’s go to the house, we’ve got our eye on a place here, drive it, they won’t sell it to me?” gully seems to be working there, these are the kids, okay, i’ll run away, stepan, haven’t seen each other for a long time, what are we doing here, mm, and i bought this chewing gum here, mm, chewing gum, yeah, you don’t want anything else, but i ’ll show you now, i’ll give it to you, i’ll show you now, come here. i know your chewing gum, put your passport where it’s going to go, the milk on their lips hasn’t dried
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, give them a beer already, roll, well, you’ve seen this, and if i told my mother, she’ll give you some beer with i didn’t even go into the store, shut up already, everything is fine, it happened that hello to the representative of the authorities, low bow to you? oh, the cops are not kents to us, in short, let's go from here, and we'll grab some beer on the way in lolka , let's go, what is this, is lyubkin styopka smoking a mischief, no, where did you get it, mityok , lyubka has a good boy , he's a nice sight, why are you praising him to me, grandma, it’s okay, i thought you ’d be interested in knowing, what i’m interested in knowing, i ask myself during interrogations. oh , oh, how strict we are, how can he ask about his son
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, he’s also my father, yes, rumors will spread throughout the village, poor lyubka, and that she’s poor, a man and a prominent, for his position, stuck to lyubka, as if there are no other women, well, he still has that from school, oh, i’m already in front of him, this way, that, and that
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, ekorny babai, and where are you flying, schumacher, you’ll be running around like that, i’ll confiscate the lumberjack, and i think somewhere dogs are barking, and these are our local youth he’s raising you, grandpa , and i see that you yourself are like a greyhound, like a dog, ready to bite you in the ass, if only you could sit in your city and not come here to ruin people’s lives, she lived for so many years without you, and didn’t know grief.
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so calm, calm, aunt zin, i ’m the power here, anatoly nikolaevich, let’s go, let’s go, what we must do, but i decided to stop by to check you out, which one? check how you are here without me? listen , see, there’s no time to joke with you, if you want to say something, say it, but no, lyuban, lyuban, good afternoon, i’ll just be a minute, here’s this for you , the rabble of my hotel, thank you, they gave me financial assistance, well don’t make things up, aunt zin, well, really, don’t argue with
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your elders, beat me, well, really, don’t, so that’s it, i’ll put it here, and you decide for yourself. goodbye, once again, thank you, you won’t be sick, it’s us who are breaking the law, a bribe to an official while on duty, what have you got here? it’s just a hotbed of corruption, lyubanya, it’s not good to break the law, convince your hands, are you getting out of here, getting out of here, aren’t you being nice to yourself, why are you waiting for a prince, and i also want a princess with a trailer. you bastard , vitka, lyuba, what am i, oh, excuse me, listen, you should go home, and leave me and styopka alone, lyuban, come in, aunt zin, what do you want, well, well,
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there seems to be no one in this house , let's go stay for a while, guys, i completely forgot, i need to go home, excuse me, you're a bitch too! no, let's go!
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even the lights were turned off, well, the refrigerator is also garbage, there are a lot of all sorts of trinkets here cool, probably, professors lived , and summer residents of all moscow, stepan, what are you doing there, guys, look what i found, but some kind of garbage, and in general there is nothing here except books, but in general the place is good, but you can
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come here get ready for my birthday, and just stand there, what the moroders said. come on, stand still, that’s the point, well, put it down, put it in its place, like this, we’ll call the police, no need for the police, i ’ll fix it, i’ll put it in. everyone is here, they’re silent, you’re robbing houses, yes, no, it’s my first time with friends, i just believed you, it happened, yeah, i see, fix it, you can, i can, just don’t call the police , please, okay, if you want without the police, yes, well, let’s come to an agreement like adults, my name is nikolai alekseevich, and i’m stepan, okay, a neighbor
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got fried in my lawn, but now i will have a legal document, congratulations , well , finally, i thought you would spend the night at work if you earned that much. and how much you work, you would have become a millionaire long ago, oh, katya, i don’t have time to do anything, and all day long people just walk without taking a break, and even this vitka showed up today, and what are you doing? nothing, i sent him, that’s right, that's right, attention, girls, pull up to the side of the road, i repeat, pull up to the side of the road , i'm not far away, girls, maybe when the wind blows, hello, see, are you going to catch criminals or relax? rest, lyubay, sit down, i’ll give you a ride, yes, if
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my legs had withered, i wouldn’t have gone with you. maybe you can give me a lift, otherwise the bag is heavy , i’m afraid i won’t be able to carry it, you’re stealing a lot, okay, i’m kidding, i have no time, i’m serving, which is not given to you, lyubka, nothing, nothing, i’ll get my way anyway , she won’t want it, so through her son
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i’ll get it, okay, what does love have to do with it, what can you do with it, put a suitcase or pay with a card, god , don’t be a fool, i need to make peace with kolya , get him back, yeah, now, i’m about to get divorced, you know, how old are you, education no, there are no children , that means there will be no alimony either, mom, you know, i can’t be with him, how do you think about going to bed with him, it’s right for me, but my girl, so that a woman can feel good with a man in bed, she 8 cm is enough. and if kolya leaves you, you won’t even have these 8 cm, so don’t be a fool, talk to him , apologize, he’s a good guy, he’ll forgive you, it’s necessary, it’s necessary, but this is a dress, i’ll probably keep
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it for myself, it seems to me, it’s very nice, and you have a broom, i don’t know, i, i’m here i haven’t been there for 15 years, and it’s dark there, there’s no electricity, well, then i ’ll bring mine tomorrow, yes, i see, you’re really not afraid, but why should i be afraid of her, i’m the only man in the family, i need to help my mother, but where is dad, who the hell knows, well, yes, in short , come on, it’s too late today, go home , mom is probably waiting for you, and tomorrow i’m waiting for you, alchka and kolya decided to get a divorce, i think we shouldn’t allow this, but they want to get a divorce, let them get divorced, people in... the adults will decide for themselves, alchka is in a very depressed state, maybe you could still
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talk to your son? no, i wo n’t meddle in their affairs anymore, you must, 15 years ago you didn’t think so when you divorced your son from this, what’s-her-name, village girl, with love, what kind of love, her name was lyuba, and if.. frankly, maryana, i really regret that i got into their lives then, i wouldn’t have gotten involved, now the grandchildren would be running around the house, and i wouldn’t have a conscience. tormented me, what kind? we are conscientious, why didn’t your conscience torment you before when you slandered this love? you know what, go away, thank you for the clarity, and for the tea too.
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here, no, here.
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good night, son, good night,
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hello, i brought a glass broom, i came anyway, i promised, well, yes, i brought the tools, come here, yeah, well, come on in, hero, go fix it. oh, what are you doing, and the guest worker is a damn thing, and you don’t understand, and you don’t understand, you ’re kidding me to invite a translator, but let’s
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go? come on, move it, b. have to explain to you popularly, what are you doing here? and we are planning a cultural program; we will show local attractions to foreign tourists. what a program, his working day has just begun. that's great. it will continue, only in a different place, tiles will be placed in the chamber. no, it won’t work that way. i need him here, so quickly uncuff him. naughty, what if i take off the handcuffs from him, i’ll put them on you, and you’ll look at the naughty one, don’t talk to me about it, he has registration, looks like, well that you really are right away, your people, maybe we’ll go to the basement, i ’ll treat you to tea and sweets, i’m generally on duty, and i actually don’t bite, will you go in order?
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well, just wait a second and don’t go anywhere, okay? well, let's go, shin! kai, have you seen the broom? i saw that his styopka took him, where is he? but i don’t know this, i ran off somewhere with a broom, i wonder where, hey, tourist, don’t break government property,
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i’ll rent it now, you register him. otherwise i’ll come again, i scared you, come, i have enough candy for another 100 years, listen, hmm, your friend, lyubanya, with whom she eats candy in the evenings, but i don’t know, i, i don’t stand with a candle, listen, what did you find in her, so i would love you, respect you, and feed you candy, okay, “i’ll go , i have no time, i’ll come in in the evening, well, the guest worker is free, and you saw rodriguez and molensky
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, who are they, well, boxers, who are 12 rounds, and you saw how tyson khalifil bit off the spirit, no, that was a fight. and karpov , kasparov, what kind of boxers are they? they are not boxers, they are chess players. the fight lasted 5 months with only 40 draws. this is a fight. no, i play chess i do not know how. here i will teach you. i'm sure you'll like it. good game. ready. come on. yes, you're probably a hack. wow. better than the old one. well, who did it? what a pity ? we haven’t worked with you much, it’s okay, i ’m going to dismantle the garage tomorrow, if you want, come over, what’s so and so? well, all sorts of nonsense, pieces of iron, i think the bike is worth it, oh, the bike, can i take a look, listen,
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it’s late, well, let’s go, let’s go, oh, look , it’s almost new, they gave it to me when i graduated from school. it’s not true, i drove it for a whole month, i was generally the king of the road, then got into a ditch, was in the hospital for 2 months in a cast, in general, you see, i tried to touch up the paint, and then gave up, well, it can be fixed , well, we’ll see tomorrow, it’s not for nothing that i sat in mechanics’ garages, well, great, then let's go home, see you tomorrow, otherwise mom is worried, maybe let's go! great brother, why are you now running back and forth to the dacha, and what are you, an errand boy, or have you decided to hand us
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over to this guy, yeah, i have nothing else to do, wherever i want, i go there, just try something blurt out, yes he will blurt out, he’s probably already blurted out, he’s now messing with the cops, what kind of cops, don’t worry, i’m not a snitch, i’m worried, your mother is with the new district police officer in... what did you hear, you’ll soon be walking hand in hand with him, in general they say that he’s his dad, there go, what are you doing, come on, shapanu, shapanu, stand, and you will come with me, come on, let’s go, 15 days for a fight of public revenge, now you are in trouble with me, do you have the rights that i will decide what i have? i don’t have anything , i understand, you’re like a greyhound, but you’re all about your mother, get in, sit, don’t rock the boat, that’s right, vityushenka, well done, you’re definitely not in love apparently, i’ll also add some butter to
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the fire, laris danilovna forgot the certificate, thank you, but for live bait and animals, listen, love, i have a stamp on my pubka, that’s it, run quickly, vitka, sadyuga, i’ve just tied a tape, the police lucky, just like a criminal. i put handcuffs on, wringed my hands to the police, and for you, now, i’d better wait here for you, son, you’re like, mom, everything’s fine, don’t worry, and if i were you, i wouldn’t make such loud statements, young man, what are you doing? what you're doing, come on, let him out quickly, let him out somehow, is he a criminal? what is he like? criminal, this is styopa, my son. so what if he is your son, gives him the right to beat people in the face in a public place, and to insult a representative, whether this is true or not is up to me to decide, but for now... your son gets 15 days, 15 days for what?
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for that, but since you and i have known each other for a long time and people are not strangers to each other, everything can be solved in my office in just 15 minutes, and it won’t be 15 days, and well, you’re a bastard, and i’m not a bastard, i’m fair , well, let’s go, don’t go, or i’ll draw up a protocol, so what? let's go to, well, a book, oh well, see, let’s go without these, without the pretense. no, i can’t do that, but
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i can, quietly, quietly, i myself, you wanted this, you didn’t understand, lover, well, let me go, what are you doing, but let me go, what am i telling you, oh, oh, they let you go, you’ll break the police , hold on, what are these, the keys to happiness, so wait, from what other happiness, from yours maybe, but definitely not from mine, vitya, bastard, i hate you, styopa, son, well, wait, stepan, what? is it true
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what people say? don't listen to anyone. why didn't you talk about your father? let's go with we'll talk to you at home, okay. no, i won't just leave it like that. oh, that’s right, vityush , don’t leave me, let’s eat, i cooked everything for you, he’s eating with his food, but i don’t want to eat, mm, and i see that lyubka really hurt someone, yes, i don’t care for her i need this lyubka, it’s clear, yes, that you are, why did you then cling to her, and since school you’ve been running after her, running, now i’m speaking in... i
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promised to talk to styopka, do you want? it's
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time to tell him about nikolai. stepushka, i’ve been wanting to talk to you for a long time, about your father? yes, the thing is that your father, he? not at all i need it, i know everything. what do you know? the whole village already knows. “you know, we don’t need anyone , we can handle it ourselves, i won’t hurt anyone, no one, my son has become some kind of grown-up, forgive me, okay, for what, for the fact that you had to grow up so early”?
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well, doctor, what's the verdict? well! well, we need to digest the muffler , check the brakes, well, that’s all, oh, close it, of course, it will drive, it will, we’ll parrot the grandmothers in the village, yes, it’s easy, i’m kidding, well, that’s enough, that’s enough, of course, here you go, come on, well what should i do? good afternoon, now, who is this, this is my ex-wife, well, little ring, why are you doing this, not yet your ex, hello, i brought you something to eat, won’t anyone here feed you? let's go to the house, i'll feed you, but why did you come? why can’t i come to my husband’s dacha? let's go, let's go feed you, let's go, little girl, let's go, my dear , stepan, hold me now, i'm used to working alone, so, wow, i'll have to clean up here , if now i'll feed you, what's wrong, i
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heard, i’ll feed you for the first time in 15 years of marriage, if only from a restaurant. "kol, why are you saying that? please sit down and eat. sit down, please, kohl, ring , please sit down, kohl, darling, you know, i really, forgive me, please, i, i changed my mind so much during this time while i was alone, i, really, i, i know, that i’m not a gift , i’m sick.” true, all this time, all our lives, i tried for you, did everything, that i didn’t understand what you just said, about me, about me, you think i don’t have children i wanted, you know how much i wanted children, i always wanted children, you just don’t know how difficult it is for me
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falling asleep and waking up with the thought that you and i will never have children, all these abortions that i... all for your sake, i just thought that you had a new position, that we had a rented apartment, a new country, where we still had to have children, little ring, just understand , well, now i’m the only one to blame for everything, i don’t blame you for anything, you blame me, i know, no, i never deceived you. kul, please, let's not get divorced, please, i beg you, let's not get divorced, if you want, if you want, now we’ll just live separately, and we won’t get a divorce, if, please, okay, okay,
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if i bring you some water, thank you very much. hello, i haven’t forgotten my sadness yet, yes, that sadness, i say, i haven’t forgotten my own, well done , her name was lyuba, ah, lyuba, lyuba, lyubonka, but
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shut up, your concert about the poor sheep is over, i’ll tell you everything, it’s great that it’s over, you know, i’ll tell you, i hate you, i’ve always hated you , i understand, i understand, drink some water, goodbye, you won’t get sick, otherwise, styopa, i’m sorry, yes, i see it’s bad your affairs, yes, are normal, but if you don’t get a divorce, now we’ll get a divorce, here she is, let her live in the city, but... i’ll live here , the roof is leaking right there, it’s better to step, let this roof leak than here, and we’ll fix this, you’ll help, i’ll be glad, i’ll help, but why don’t you love her at all, stephan, love is a complicated thing, but i understand that i had a fight with a girl
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, what a girl, this cop goes to his mother, stephan, maybe it’s love, what love? styopa, don’t judge your mom, don’t judge, mom will figure everything out on her own, but what about me here? in your village there was true love a long time ago, and a cop also crossed the road, by the way, but not a cop, then still a first-year cadet at this cop school, like they have a child there, in general, yes, we have no luck with the representatives of the law. go away, i can’t see you, i actually
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came on duty, i want to know in what conditions your son lives, who is raising him, and so on, i’m raising him alone, i understand, alone, and his conditions are normal, he doesn’t complain , i heard you, lyubov sergeevna, after your extravagant act yesterday, i listed your son as difficult teenagers, first on the list, okay, what does that mean? and if i catch him again for being a hooligan, then i will take a commission; you will be deprived of parental rights, as an irresponsible mother, with all the ensuing consequences, listen, you, if you even lay a finger on my step, i will rip your head off, you understand, here you are right, if you had let me touch you, i would have left your son alone long ago, but expect trouble, if i was planning to bend someone, then i will definitely do it, i caught it, mom, ha... here and the juvenile delinquent complained, listen, get out of here, and i’m asking you, okay, i’ll come back later, i hope you understand
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me, bye, son, what kind of asshole came again, he’s smeared with honey here, son, well, you understood everything wrong, but i understood everything, and in general, you decide who you need more, me or him, styopa, styopa, wait, i said, stepan, what did he say? leave me alone, mom, so, have you decided to get a divorce? yes, we decided to get a divorce, and you tried to dissuade him? what should i persuade, mom, he loves his collective farmer, you understand? what collective farmer? you don’t know what kind of collective farmer, he still keeps the photo, do you understand? you’re kidding, so much time has passed, mommy, remember, you said that this stupid village was waiting for a child, so it’s a child, i don’t remember, maybe they said? listen, lyubka didn’t have any children at all then. well done, mom, you even remember
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her name, that’s enough, a divorce means a divorce, the most important thing is that after the divorce you still have an apartment, i understand, mom, you ’re only interested in money, yes, yes, honey, because the woman is in your age much more respectable, looks with an apartment than without her, let him remain his love, and i take this question to myself, that’s all. great, styopa , come here, come here, i’m telling you , come in, what happened, he came, come on, sit down, what a jerk, yes, the district police officer, well, so what, yes, the whole village is talking about he is my father. so what, maybe this is not bad, maybe you want to improve relations with you, i know that he
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wants to improve, he takes advantage of the fact that my mother is naive and kind, he’s an asshole, i understand, well, let’s talk to him, i’ll figure it out myself, come on sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down, what do you have there are no plans for the evening, well, great. you saw the antenna on my roof, it’s so crooked, i did it myself, unscrew it and throw it away , you can put a new one, because i ordered a dish, but we don’t have a tv , no electricity, the cheek needs to be changed, registered, certificates for this we need some, but this is for my mother, why does she work as a secretary in the village council, well, great, i’ll just go and meet her, why are you sitting, get up, wait a minute... wait, wait, wait , hold it, i didn’t do it for
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the money, you earned it, honestly, hold it, if you buy your mother something, she will be pleased. so so so. fine.
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“go to your mother, i see you haven’t changed, because now you’re fighting with the children, wait, this is styopka, my dear son, listen, my dear, pack your things and go back to the city, it will be better for everyone, no, after all... i will live here, okay, if you want to live here, then you will live according to my laws, clearly, some kind of bullshit, i heard this many years ago, i’m warning you in a good way, i’ll see you at lyubkina’s hut, i’ll bury you, cut off, heard , and
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now, mr. policeman, i ask you leave private territory immediately. go ahead, well, well. what? styopa, styopa, where is this from? open the dish.
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where, i ask. have you gotten in touch with pasha, or what? lord, why do i need all this, i earned it, but where did you earn it? a guy at the dacha, what kind of guy, an ordinary guy, his name is nikolai alekseevich, he lives at the professor’s dacha, god, mom, what are you doing, if you want, i’ll return them to them, i’ll return them myself.
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lyuba! you, hello, hello, kolya, i just came to return the money to you, we don’t need any of this, and you don’t have my styopka respect, lyuba, you have a great guy growing up, a real assistant, the money is his , he earned it honestly, i envy you, lyuba,
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wait, lyuva, let’s talk, there’s nothing for you and me to talk about, so, this is mine, this styubkino, where did nikolai get this from? have you seen him? i saw each other, and my styopka, it turns out, has already become friends with him, but how do you know? today i found money at the styopka, a lot. but it turns out that he worked for nikolai all this time, so did he come for you? oh, i don't know, katyusha, wait, you the most important thing for me, tell me, but he knows about styopka, i’m not sure, but styopka is about him, lord, what will happen now, why am i
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so unhappy, this is where the fun begins, and i have to leave, katyusha, you you see, i’ve been waiting for this meeting for 15 years , i thought, when i see him, i’ll tell him everything, we met, but i didn’t tell him anything, well , mother, you don’t have a life, it’s just a movie, the car has arrived in town, i need to go, listen, i’m coming now i’ll quickly go to the city, take a vacation at my own expense and come back, and you hang in there, we ’ll handle it, just wait for me, little sister, here we go ok, now i can go on vacation, but... there will be such a mechanic, thank you, i’ll say say that we are waiting for him, the guy has golden hands, definitely, call the next one,
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welcome, come in, hello, lyuba, why did you come, i on business. yes, i know you, he’s walking here alone on business, are you talking about victor, or something, about him, no, i’m really on business, i’m going to change the meter, i need to register it, i ’m going to live here now, i need some kind of certificate, probably , yes, you will live here, uh-huh, you will help, well... my job, what is your plot number? yeah i don't know, that's what i have i have a certificate, lyuba, how are you here? ok,
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but what about you, family, children, no children, i’m getting a divorce. i don’t know how to congratulate you or sympathize with you, congratulate you, maybe, maybe sympathize with you, i’ve lived for so many years with a stranger, i understand that you and victor are not together either, no, not together, but styopka, what’s styopka, a boy without a father growing up, why, but my father abandoned us. “i understand, it was hard for you, but nothing, i’m not complaining , styopa, what an eagle it turned out, styopa
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is excellent, so, let’s see what we have here, oh, i don’t understand 3d, i need to figure out what kind of 3d is, so, oops, well, the root, i won’t leave it to you like that. do you still wear it? you know that i
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will prepare all the certificates for you, so you can come in the evening to pick up something else? “i’m very glad to see you, call the next one, i’ll come, i’m talking to you about something, that we need to write to the district so that they can re-register everything , look who’s coming, niketos, he’s showing up, hey, healthy, loshara, healthy, hovered, and who are you talking about, about your city guy, or what, i told me you’re interested, so he’s going back and forth”? get out of here, you sucker, you yourself are a sucker, what, what did you hear, you'll screw me again puppy, do you know what will happen to you, what?
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that's it, let's go, freaks , hello, stand around once or twice, how are you, i haven't gotten into anything else, fuck you, son, didn't you cheat, and i'm not your son, and in general it would be better if you weren't here, ha? young people, vitok , are you healthy, alone, i, listen, you ’re not immediately recognizable in civilian clothes, yes, well, what about, i don’t always go into combat, sometimes i have to wear civilian clothes, especially since today is a special case, well, what, if it’s not a secret, it won’t be a secret, today they brought 3d to our village, we ’re off to admire it, wow, well done, listen, what’s up is this 3d, and is there a movie with glasses?
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it’s like yours, or something, like mine, is it a clone, or something, hello, hello, ladies, and i see you don’t understand normally, but no, i don’t understand, get out of here on good terms , for good reason, you’re not making a furrow in your own garden, there’s no point in fooling a woman ’s brains, you want problems, you have a conscience, you left her alone with the child, listen, you bastard, pray,
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oh, i’ll go, i’ll tell lyubka, lyuba , lyuba, go figure it out, there are two roosters in your thief, what kind of roosters are there, aunt, mine and the smokes are not a joy, my love, it’s like your little ones are fighting that again stepan, what stepan, your two roosters are empty, let go of your hand, get it!
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well, they got up, i'm not on duty, well , they dispersed and quickly, get out of here, let's go, i 'm not on duty, okay, let's go, let's go, let's go, i went to the service, oh, kolenka, kolenka, hello, dear, well brought you to our pinatas, wasn’t it sweet, why so, i decided to visit you myself, i need to sign some documents, what kind of documents, well, you decided to get a divorce with a little stick, so you sign, that after the divorce, don’t mind the apartment being transferred to her, but you won’t drive your wife out onto the street, really, yes, mother, nature works wonders, both mother and daughter.
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well, my dear, these are the times, without money you understand, you can’t go anywhere , and i don’t see anything reprehensible in this, i’ll change clothes, wash myself and sign, yes, thank you, yes, i’m waiting, okay, uh, hello, hello, you to to whom, i brought documents for registration to nikolai, he asked, he asked for it himself, and you know what, if i’m not mistaken, lyuba, yes, so you won’t get any registration, nikolai after. divorce
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leaves my daughter’s apartment, so there’s no point in coming here, forgive me, i don’t understand you, but you understand perfectly well, i wanted a moscow registration again, but i can’t sit in... the village, so you’re not ashamed, not only was your husband taken away, so you're still aiming for an apartment, leave, there's nothing for you here , so, of course, i wasn't going to take anyone away from you, i'm not going to now, goodbye, goodbye, cultural , lyuba, lyuba, wait, so, so, just a second, now let's where where here you go everything is so calm, no, no, no, here it is, great, that's it, please, no, not everything, here it is, the last one, the last one, that's it, you
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're happy, i hope we'll meet again, yeah, yeah, oh , very happy, mattress, lyuba, wait, you've got your certificate, love, what are you doing? why don’t i need anything from you, understand? then you didn’t need anything, and now even more so nothing, solve all your problems yourself without me, lyuba, lyuba,
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lyubka still hasn’t received it, and then we created all the conditions for you, who else created the conditions for whom, yes, if it weren’t for me, your daughter would be left without a husband, and you without i won’t let my son-in-law take it, so why are you looking at me, the shoes are not for our roads, sit down, i’ll give you a ride, on this one, on this one, on that one, now i’m always a cowboy, oh my god, please, princess, princess, quieter, quieter , oh, let's go, oh, hush, hush, hush, we've arrived , burns, yes, lord, with a breeze, yes, oh,
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by the way, and when you take your treasure from here, it ruins all my cards again, oh, i don't know, i don’t know, you’ve become smart now, adults, 15 years have passed, you can’t really control you now, but be so kind, well, try, save me from your prince, but no, vitenka, you yourself, please, try, and i’ve already done my business here, well, come on, be, oh, my god, my god, the princess. some kind of horror , your mother came to you and cursed, don’t be afraid, oh, shot, she didn’t curse, but then, i don’t know, i would have known,
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i would have figured it out, uncle, if i can’t understand , why did my father leave us? step, well , he was probably young, this is the way it is, he was afraid of responsibility, well, don’t rush to conclusions anyway, take a closer look, get used to him, but let’s go, listen, you can’t do this, that’s how it is if you had done this, i wouldn’t have abandoned you, of course, what are you, what kind of structure do you have, but nothing. well, if you want, let's light a fire, bake some potatoes, in foil, you tried it, by the way, we have foil, if you want , you can stay with me, two rooms are free, choose any one, well, what about mother, what about mother, go to mother i’ll go and talk, i think he’ll let me go, i agree, i agree, well, it’s great that you’re sitting
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, come on, light a fire, and wherever, wherever you want, just not in the house, styopa, come on, come on, don’t sit. lyuba, if you allow me, come in. styopa and i are here talked about what? about fatherhood? so that
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means you guessed everything? well, of course, how can you not guess? what is the next? but he would still find out. listen, can he spend the night with me tonight? you know, i don’t think this is a good idea, why would a boy poison his soul? wait, we can’t figure it out on our own, and styopa is just starting to live, so i’m talking about the same thing, well, maybe you don’t need to talk to him now, well listen, styopa trusts me, to be honest, i’m sincerely worried about him, no what is victor, and what is victor, well, victor, victor, victor, he he behaves not like a father, but like an idiot, and styopa doesn’t feel his father in him, doesn’t feel him at all, victor! well, yes, if he wants to, let him spend the night, of course, just so that
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he comes home tomorrow morning, that i will go then, yes, yeah, kolya. yes, i’ll get you some food, you see, and the potatoes are ready and your hands are clean, come on, oh, come on, come on!
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“listen, i’m going to moscow tomorrow on business, can you take me to the station on your motorcycle, on which one of yours, like on this motorcycle that you fixed, styopa, i ’m giving it to you, it’s true, there was a helmet there, well, it was like that , in short, i’m going to moscow, you stay here, i’ll leave money on the table under the book, people will come for dinner, bring a new tv and a plate. you’ll taxi, that’s it, yeah, well done, yes, tomorrow i
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pumped you up with such a breeze on my motorcycle, step, don’t rush, let’s slow down, yes, yes, yes, well, who are you waiting for, ma’.
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if we have money, we’ll just go to a new friend and borrow it, let’s go, we’ll come over in the evening, little cherry? well, i’ve already signed everything, the documents are with the lawyer, yeah, well, yeah, and i got you, and him? "hello, yes, son, come urgently, i need i need to tell you something, no, you should tell me now, tell me, yes, no, okay , dad, well, again, son, when you were on
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an internship, she..."
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that city guy over there is running after you , by the way, he came to me for some bread, nothing so polite, you completely twisted the heads of the men, at least leave one for a friend, and you choose anyone, oh, just like anyone, you ’re breathing unevenly at this city guy, our store, uncle , petya, it’s closed for me, it will be re-registered when tomorrow, well, tomorrow is like that... listen to what you want, jackdaw, and what do i want, i want happiness, like everyone else, but you’re fooling me, but i don’t need your victor, i understand, and the city guy wants it too, so
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what did you even want? now just a second, please, thank you, all the best.
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mom, hello, hello, hello, hello, bro! what are you enjoying? well, my dear, now i’ll arrange it for you, we’ll have a serious conversation, fucking dachas,
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look, nikitos, how they patched up the hut here, don’t be afraid of the morofet on... drove the six, get out of here, no one called you, what’s this so rude and we came here to honestly figure it all out , that is, listen, we set up this house for you, and what are you doing here, sitting alone, getting fat without us, it’s not good, so brother, i’ll go rummage through the refrigerator, otherwise, uh, put it down, fuck off, put down the money , what money, we weren’t here at all, nikitos? shuker cops, let's go, everyone stand, police
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, stand, well, where, yes, i'll shoot, styopa, styopa, what's wrong with you, styopa, money, styopa, it's money, not me, what did you do, i didn't mean to, i shot in the air, what are you saying?
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what's wrong with him, where is he? in the operating room, knife swarming, village hooligans, what are you talking about? did you do? well, how could you let this happen, huh? loving, how could you, lyuba, don’t touch me, are your parents here? yes, i am a mother, my condition is serious,
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there is a lot of blood loss, i need a donor, what is your blood type? the first is positive, my fourth is negative, lucky guy, quickly, quickly with me, quickly! “lord, have you really not understood anything yet, that the fact that styopa is your son,
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you see how i have to tell you about this, i also guessed, chess players, my love!” "forgive me for everything, well, it’s my fault, forgive me, love, it’s my fault in front of you, today my father told me that you wrote me a letter, but i didn’t know anything , i really didn’t know, i loved you all my life."
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quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, don’t get up, you can’t, you’re like a hero, okay , we’ve been here all night, night, yesevka, how did you scare me? and you’ll still be with me, you won’t leave, now we’ll always be with you, son, what are you talking about, my beauty, well, let’s go, let’s go, let's go, okay, i've waited,
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well, that's it, i filed the files, drew up a report, the criminals are in prison, the plows are shining at least five, vityush, maybe i can give you something to eat bring it here or something, it ’s a pleasure for me, now i’m flying, standing, why, what, i’m not a person, or something, the working day is already over, there’s borscht at home. and there’s borscht , and potatoes and herring, and there ’s candy, the sea, but if that’s the case, mat, listen, well , what is it, where did you learn to play like that, and your father taught it, let’s try again, well, let’s go. i
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have wanted to do this for a very long time, what are you talking about and better late than never, marry me. how well everything turned out, oh, good.
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what is your name?
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da qui se accorge netta la cupola favolosa è la sagoma della cattedrale di sant isacco centro di un altro insieme architettonico creatasi intorno sulla parete della cattedrale sono tutt'ora visibili le ferite delle bombe hitleriane come tutta la... anche suoi monumenti artistici soffriro molto durante lungo assedio di 900 giorni senza arrendersi mai . santizaco è una delle più alte costruzione cupola al mondo è orgoglio di leningrado dei suoi abitanti. alle ore 19 visita al teatro kirosski. libere, buon appetito a tutti, grazie, grazie, andiamo, stupido, ciao, ciao bellezza, ciao,
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arrivederci. potatoes, don’t touch, on felix
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, something quick, okay, uh-huh, i want something to drink , you want something to drink, we’ll bring it now, now, be careful, help yourself, you know, they gave us a phone number, they gave it to you, you got an apartment, here you go , write it down, tell us the hostess that the waiter is me, well, write it down anyway, okay, what do you want some lemonade? where's the lemonade? there, there? pour lemonade, pour it, pour some for mom too, i can’t get it, marisha, no way, and now with me, give me a spout, where is our spout, where is our spout?
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daughter, wait, we’ll find out, felix, put her down with marishka, let's dance, let's go, sit with marishka, okay, okay, here you go, waiter, come on, yeah, i'm going now.
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well, say, well, well, how much , how much do we owe you, are you a millionaire or something, well, seven , what’s 7, 7 rubles, 7 rubles, nelya give him 7 rubles, i don’t have it, now hold it, thanks guys, wait just a minute, i'll be right back, where are you, why are you crying, and where is grandpa felix, here he is grandpa felix, hold on, that's it, you and him, okay, bye, goodbye, let's go , let's go, goodbye, let's go, come in,
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now hold on, taxi, taxi! now! taxi! nelya! let's! let's go! so we also have a child. i must have some apples lying around. we are in a hurry! go!
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sleep tired. they turned it on, it doesn’t work, uh-huh, well, i’m convinced , yeah, maybe you can take my coat off first,
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actually they say, please, please, hang it on a hanger, please hang it up, okay. let me help, no, no, no need to help me , well, well, what is this, come on, come on, come on , faster, come on, daddies, what else,
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yeah, well, what’s going on, tell me, tell me, let’s go for a walk, how let's take a walk, and the child, let's ask this, did she hire us, or what?
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ask a person who wanted to study, again he doesn’t... you pass, why again? i don’t know, maybe because i’m stupid, just kidding, who’s stupid? i’ll tell you who, come, come, i’ll tell you who’s stupid, yeah, yeah. exactly, absolutely,
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“great, are you going to study like this, yeah , all night, come on, come on, can you imagine, he can’t stand smoke, who, yuri timofeevich, well, i told you about him, he’s a felcher who completed two medical courses, yeah, and he what didn’t you like, no, why a good person? you see, he’s a very good person, really , he, you know, yesterday we walked with him,
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we walked around the city for a long time, we went to the theater in the evening and he, you know, what he told me, in general, yesterday he told me that he and i, well, in general, we’ll sign, that’s how things are, imagine, congratulations, just like that. light, what is this, you have a new method, right? listen, we are there, you look like this and remember, right? no, light, i wanted to say, listen, light, yes, you see, light, here’s the thing, i owe you an apartment for 2 months, i, i now i have to receive the bonus, i... i’ll then give it back right away in two months, well, of course, seryozha, of course, what are we talking about? you know what i
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like about you, seryozha, is that you take care of your family, well, light, well, well, light, well, stop it, and light! tu, sapties ceļinies, tu augstu augstu
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gaista, kas slappas taista, viņš jau nežēlos, viņš netīsgries nātkā, lapas dzeltenais, klatas spošis s'. hello, nelya, tickets, theater tickets? no, i didn’t
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see, no, how many, 26, no, i didn’t see why i’m indifferent, i’m not indifferent. no, i'm not laughing, neel, hello, hello, neel, hello, hello, come, smile, tell everything, the main thing is to charm the man, under no circumstances, you have lost 26 tickets, are you laughing, try to please him with everything, you can’t do this, he’s not the same person, these numbers don’t work for him, for everyone they pass, it will pass, go and don’t be afraid, you can come, yes, yes. i ask you, thank you, tomorrow by 10:00 am, so that he will be with me, that’s it, there was someone asking to go to the catholic
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church, this is... have you never been to a russian hut? call later. you see, vladimir vasilyevich, i actually have a different question. yes, i know. you are having personal difficulties with your apartment, that’s right.
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uh, ok, i'll go, do you have my phone? no, is it yours? well, yes, no, here you go, if suddenly there is some kind of force majeure, please, well, well, you know, it is possible that
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they did not lose these tickets, that is, they did not disappear, well, that is, in the sense that we have them, if you have them, then what kind of conversation can there be? no, young people love us everywhere, old people love us everywhere, forgive me, please, but that’s the thing, i’ll just wait a minute, you know, what’s the matter, the fact is that these tickets they are not sold and not lost, you understand, that means no one can use them, you took advantage, you took advantage, young man, you’re just standing there, well, believe me, we’re not just standing there, well, we’re standing there, dragging him. no, you didn’t explain, there are such cases , it’s true, this is not the first such case for you, it ’s your tickets that disappeared, mine, mine disappeared, but they didn’t disappear at all, they didn’t disappear, no, come to me from there, through that door, thank you, i
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’ll be right there, how long will it take? let's go, it's okay, he promised, he said that will try. what's going on with you? why are you so gloomy! no need to be confused. and you are resourceful, and i didn’t even know it. yes, but why is that bad? fine. don't get lost.
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as a last resort, you can say, you understand, something is bothering me, oh, wait, wait, now, now one second, let him come in, come on, come in, come on, come in, come on, come in, so let him look, i i really like it, yes, force majeure is an unforeseen circumstance, i don’t want
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anything, nothing, but i imagine it will be like this, yes, and i will be like this, you won’t say anything more, no, on... yours is not a new blouse , brand, you buy, but how much, how much, you hear, well, can i go, how much, no, i won’t raise mine like that, you first find a husband, i will find you, don’t worry, you’re a mirror - then buy it, real husband, i’ll buy it, for a new apartment, for a new one, for a new one, when it will be, by the way, keep in mind, your wife is a charming woman, and in my opinion, buttoned up better, uh-huh, uh-huh, fool, now
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everything is like that they wear it, their chest is open, that’s all the charm, what a charm, look at the letter w, and i’m like that, i have an exam.
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well, how are you, fine.
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went, how do you know, and how many times have you come on, good guy, listen, you, show me the ticket, you , but the ticket, show me, why, well, look, well , be a man, show me the ticket, well, he won’t go, he won’t get in, what do you feel sorry for? hey, show me the ticket, well, i’m working out, don’t mind, well, go ahead, i’ll just look, don’t press, i’ll look and give it to you, oh, i’ll look and give it to you, a good ticket, yeah, look at me,
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why, what’s hard for you to watch, look, it’s also a good ticket, not mine, listen, let’s go crazy, no, what am i asking you for. man, he doesn't write down the numbers, i'm third once i go, i still come across tickets for you, comrades, you’re in the way, well, okay, come on, that’s it, back, give it back, i’m asking you as a person , but what am i doing for the third time, yes, i’m giving it for the third time, well, this is the second time, so what? , well, who is the bravest, who will go to answer, give the ticket, give the ticket, well, give it, per oggi le nostre attività sono finite, ci vediamo domani, a che ora c, e
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prego la puntualità. hello nelya viktorovna! hello, how was the tour? everything is fine? yes thank you. where is your home? in what sense? in direct? i'll give you a ride. no, no, no, i'm not going home. no, please. no, thank you, i, i'm asking you.
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thank you very much, goodbye, goodbye, you haven’t forgotten anything, no, it seems, all the best, goodbye. excuse me, please, i was at the institute, they told me that you were at home, but who are you? eh, you might be surprised, evgeniy yeseevich, i am kononov, sergei konanov’s wife.
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ok, let him come, excuse me, but he did, but unfortunately, it wasn’t very successful, well , he already came, this is the second time, you can wipe it off. maybe i can help you, no need, so, well, land somewhere here, let go, please, uh-huh. so,
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please listen to me, it’s not because he’s my husband, he really knows, no worse than anyone else.
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you understand, he is like that, well, not like everyone else , because it is impossible to learn everything, you understand, but any normal person will find a way out of the situation, well, they will tell you something, you were a student, you know how it’s done, you were a student, that they weren’t a student or something, well, they wrote crib sheets, well, they wrote crib sheets, well, they wrote, but he wasn’t, he’s so honest, he reads below his own level. check this out you, just don’t tell him, please , that i was with you, okay, he’ll come to you next week to retake the test, if you allow it, of course, let him come, but of course, he needs to prepare, yes, well, of course, of course , he will be obliged to prepare, i ’ll bring you some tea now, oh, yes, what are you saying, yes, no tea needed.
3:47 am
have you forgotten yet? what is this? take it, it might come in handy. this is the address, i sent the car, i think it will be better.
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and today is my anniversary, exactly 15 years ago i first came to this city, right? where are we going? i personally feel completely different side. where is the turnaround, let's go back.
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hello, hello, great, we had dinner, no, they were waiting for you, and the child is hungry? well, why is he hungry, why don’t you undress, wait, undress, what did you do, walked, what happened, fever, well, what is this, what is
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this? what happened ? what happened? or something, i was at work too, i followed marishka, no, well, well, what happened, well, i wasn’t out for a walk, honestly, well
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neel, and he left work himself , he left on both sides, they and i, the clients naturally interfere, they sit, and i stand there like a fool, so he left, he did the right thing, well, of course it was right, that well, well, well, well, that’s it,
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pour some hot water, yeah? okay, thank you, and to you, uh-huh, come on, thank you, maybe stronger , okay, sugar, thank you, well, take it, take it, don’t be shy, seryozha, thank you, and you eat, guys, seryozha, well, take sugar, eat it, i don’t want. we offered to work in a postal carriage, yes a postal carriage, and ride in a postal carriage, imagine, no t-1 bosses and a carriage on wheels. in the morning i opened my eyes, and there you are, where are you? do you want some jam? can i
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stay with you? of course, of course, stay, then i’ll stay, okay, your tape recorder, mine, like it, good.
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when will you buy a mirror? let's buy, let's buy, a new apartment, right, seryozha? and you turn away, what are you looking at? where are you going? to work? do you think i can still wear it? is it possible, is it possible?
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guardate, eccolo lì nel centro, il sanzole, questo mi ricorda le fontane di tre, la conta anche me, pronto dorato, sì, esatto, signorina, mi scusi, quante ha detto ci sono le contato? 64, ho detto, limpino architettonico da una parte elementata dal mare, dall'altro lo continue dell'armonioso palazzo dello zar dietro il grande. quello di sopra a cui lavori presero parte anche gli altri, senti, hai filmato la cascata? andiamo, andiamo vedere, non saprei dire con
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precisione, comunque raccontavano che un giorno ha picchiato lungo il maestro il famoso architetto francese che gli costruivo perché quello vuole mangiare. proseguendo la nostra visita e il discorso delle indole di dietro, prego, andiamo, mom, what are you doing there, come out quickly.
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you learn, yes, you will pass, i made a wish, yes, of course, i don’t understand anything. what, you were smoking, but come on, apart, well, apart, i say, come on,
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come on. let's go wherever, wherever, come on.
3:59 am
hi hi! did your earring call? yes, what is he? i asked you not to say, well , he wants to buy you that english blouse. oh, i remembered. tell him that there is no need, what are you? why? yes so. are you waiting for someone? no, i'm just standing there i breathe air. it's clear. do we have any interesting company coming up this evening? yes, take the earring, come. you know, maybe we'll come. uh-huh, of course, uh-huh. well, i'll wait happily, happy, bye.
4:00 am
where were you before, when 15 years ago, 15 years ago, i was little, we’ll be on your terms, okay?
4:01 am
for what? and for nothing? don't you like it?


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