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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 11:30am-2:00pm MSK

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join the first investigation today. a detective with a restless character only on our channel. do not miss. ekaterina fralova and ivan murashov. in the new episode of the program our history of the residents of ulyanovsk. maxim davidov left a successful business and went to a special operation zone. his call sign is postman. he delivers and personally hands over parcels and letters from loved ones to the fighters. watch today at 15:00. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, a special episode of your beloved is live.
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military-industrial complex for the manufacture and repair of weapons, military equipment and ammunition, as well as energy infrastructure facilities.
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dpr. the release of vodyanoy will complicate the situation of the ukrainian armed forces in the neighboring village of pervomaiskoye. a little further north, in the avdeevsky direction , another abrams was destroyed. this is the sixth american tank that has burned down in the donbass. this is how he was hit by lantsev’s loitering ammunition. these drones have it in march. record: 174 successful episodes of their use were published within a month. in these frames, a captured bradley infantry fighting vehicle, which, despite being damaged, chassis, our soldiers were able to drag it to the rear. there was even ammunition left on board that could be used to defeat ukrainian militants. this is a german bmp marder, which russian soldiers first took as a trophy. our repairmen restored it. but they are unlikely
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to be used in battles due to poor maneuverability. on this howitzer, the paladin of the ninety-second brigade once again changed the barrel; it fired so intensely that the metal was worn away and the caliber increased by as much as half. the wear on the trunk is such that the trunk is no longer 155, and 160 mm. there are already 26 thousand rounds on this gun. but the time when there were too many shells is a thing of the past.
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now let's look at the footage showing how russia is using increasingly powerful and deadly bombs, and what we see here is the odap 1500. i can immediately explain, what we see here is a target in the sumy region, which means that filming is being carried out from russia and now we will see a powerful explosion. which is happening before our eyes, right here, and now we see that something similar to a small crest-shaped cloud, we see how this cloud moves here, rises above this city, the whole point is that this is an odap 1500, which is a half-ton bomb that does not work with a traditional counter, with an aerosol mixture, which means we are dealing with
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an aerosol bomb , which sprays a large amount of flammable mixture in all directions at a height of 5 to 10 m above the target, the distance is calculated by the bomb as it falls, and this mixture then ignites and thus russia uses from 50 to 100 similar bombs every day, but not only such bombs, this is the heaviest of those that it uses, but it also uses lighter bombs, and thus poses an extreme danger to the ukrainian army, the main front of the war, artillery, is at work here. every minute we meet a small group of drane handlers in a trench a few kilometers from the russians. a soldier with the call sign sever says that they spend day and night here. it’s very humid here, very windy all around the field, very, very cold, but we’re getting used to everything, there are a lot of mice here, it’s the problem is not only here, but in other trenches.
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some soldiers now complain that they are given little respite at the front due to a shortage of soldiers. a new warning cry that vladimir issued. ukraine is not prepared to deal with a new russian offensive that could begin in may or june, and this has been confirmed on the ground in the past few weeks and months. ukrainian soldiers do not have enough equipment, and they themselves do not have enough either. in recent weeks , a real race against time has begun to build defensive lines from north to east and to the south. i spoke with a ukrainian soldier who fought near avdiivka for several months. and he told me that they were digging trenches right during the fighting. now that they have retreated, they have construction equipment, but they are digging under constant attack from numerous russian drones. today the front extends for 1,200 km, and there are rumors, there are information leaks that the russians would like to continue the offensive on the kharkov region or even on the city
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of kharkov, and the front could expand even more more, at least another 300 km, the moment comes when it will be very difficult for ukrainians to hold such an important front with a length of 1500 km. in ukraine the second largest city is kharkov, which is here in the north, very close to the russian border, 30 km, if we try to see what kharkov looks like from a bird's eye view, it looks like this, its total area is 350 km, about a million inhabitants live there, the city of sumy is located not far from kharkov, why is it remarkable because it is about 100 km away the russian side documented a fairly significant concentration of russian troops. which we suspect will be targeted amounts in the coming days or weeks. zelensky’s advisor podalyak said that ukrainian militants are on the defensive, and the russians continue to advance and put pressure on them. propagandist belf röpki writes that kiev’s chances of seizing moscow-controlled
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territory in the next few years are approaching zero. there are only two scenarios for the development of events. negotiations and subsequent stopping of the conflict or further offensive of the russian army, which. will occupy even more territories. elon musk expresses a similar thought. he writes that the longer the war continues, the further the russian army will advance. masky expects that the russian army will reach the dnieper, and if the conflict drags on, then to odessa. then ukraine will lose access to the black sea. therefore, kiev should come to the negotiating table before this happens. musk also called the obvious failure of last year’s counter-offensive of the ukrainian armed forces. according to him , any fool could. say failure attacks on a larger army with defenses in depth, minefields and air and artillery superiority. ukraine itself should have started building a fortification a year ago,” said the american businessman. the construction
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of fortifications in the dnepropetrovsk region was demonstrated by local authorities. the photographs show anti-tank ditches, they seem to have been dug over 42 km, as well as dragon teeth. they... according to regional authorities , more than 11 thousand were stopped. they are not far behind in the kiev region, there are 10,000 dragon teeth there. this is what fortifications look like from the air. ukrainian team.
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drones rule the skies, there is still a place in 21st century high-tech warfare for such a basic physical barrier. when russian troops invaded ukraine in 20202, they crossed into the territory from belarus to reach the capital. these newly built fortifications are intended to ensure that this does not happen again.
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may simply stop and not start at severe subzero temperatures, people too they are cold and sometimes cannot work , so we installed special heating points so that employees can warm up during breaks between work, and there are also rains, do not forget about the terrain itself, there is groundwater in this area, somewhere you dig 2 meters and it’s dry there, but somewhere you just have to dig with a shovel and water is already visible, it requires us to make a trench 150 cm deep, in such cases...
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it’s obviously easier to protect, because nature has already done most of the work for you, but where you as you see on the screen, open terrain is the hardest type of terrain to defend because there is no cover, so one of the things you do by digging trenches and creating strong points is effectively creating cover where there is none, but i would say probably only 10 to 20% of the front line has these natural defensive barriers, so it's a big project.
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the informant shows how the daughter of the mayor of kiev elizaveta and son maxim hang out in hamburg, germany, buy alcohol, organize parties with dancing and gambling, the daughter klichkov shows off a very deep cleavage; at the party they also drank a cocktail called a white russian. in general, the children of the ukrainian elite are having a great time, while ordinary mykol and tarasov are sent to slaughter.
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nato is also planning to fight russia and increase the size of its armies. the italian career of dela sera writes that the eastern flank of the alliance is under threat, and believes that to protect against the russian army, it is necessary to concentrate up to 300 thousand soldiers between the baltic and black seas. rapid reaction forces are actively preparing warsaw, the publication reports. polish prime minister tusk is also pumping up the tension, saying that this is the pre-war era and absolutely any scenario for the development of events is possible. warsaw this weekend. once again scrambled aviation in connection with a missile attack by our aerospace forces on the western regions of ukraine. the polish border guards were alerted. someone tried to enter the territory of the country, but the violators turned out to be non-russian saboteurs and not even ukrainian draft dodgers, but look at a flock of sheep. it turned out that
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the ukrainian shepherd simply let go of his exodus to the territory of poland, saved ukrainian ones. grass, along with the aggressive poles , the baltic states are also preparing for war, saturday, early morning, drizzling rain, temperature +3°, from here to the border with belarus is just a stone's throw away, on such a day many would prefer to have a good night's sleep and soak in a bed, but not the lithuanians, who, to put it mildly, are not very lucky with their neighbors, rida rida commands. in this paramilitary organization and like this in the baltic states there are countless numbers, on weekends their members learn to shoot and take up defensive positions, the accounting of cartridges here is again kept by the editors, the cartridges are blank, however, for a military uniform and a machine gun, everyone in this group paid themselves, all machine guns are of the ak-47 type, swedish made, each costs 4,500 euros. yes, at
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first glance, all this may seem sporty.
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motorized infantry units and french and british troops were deployed here from here, only 130 km from here. laura, one of 300 french troops who were recently transferred to tapa. we are french, we have come to prepare to train in climate conditions which we don’t have at home in france.
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attacked the london-occupied malvinas islands in the south atlantic outside nato's area of ​​responsibility. hawaii, by the way , is a historically sore place for americans. it was
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japan's attack on pearl harbor in december 1941 that pushed the united states into entering world war ii. now washington fears that china will strike in the same place. another manifestation of american paranoia: local daredevils are trying to connect with the actions. moscow in the case of the so-called havana syndrome. he got the name due to the fact that it first appeared at the us embassy in havana in the sixteenth year. the syndrome itself is a collection of neurological symptoms, such as sounds in the head, dizziness, loss of orientation, a year ago the us intelligence community called it extremely unlikely that a foreign enemy was behind it. now the media has allegedly been found again.
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the first thing i began to notice was the level of our officers who were exposed. this did not happen to the worst or average representatives of the officer corps, but to five to ten percent of our best officers from the military intelligence service, there was always a connection with russia, that is , it turned out that they all somehow either worked against russia, or were focused on russia and achieved enormous success. how did this affect the national security of the united states? as a result , our intelligence officers and diplomats serving abroad were forced
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to leave their posts due to traumatic brain damage, they were neutralized. this tells me that there are no obstacles in front of moscow, after that, at least at least four americans in frankfurt reported having symptoms, also as revenge, for example, in 2014.
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the driver of this mustang was implicated, who was traveling at a speed of 170 km/h. and in 2020, near a city in florida, police tried to stop a mustang for speeding. he managed to drive 24 km until he hit a spike strip.
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and from which hundreds of american diplomats suffered. in august 2021 , 11 people suffered from havana syndrome in vietnam, nine of them worked in the pentagon and special forces it was an experienced team that prepared the visit of vice president kamela
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haris. we as a country and as a government do not want to face the truth. the truth is, can we keep america safe, is this a failure of counterintelligence? can we protect american soil and the american people on this soil? have we been attacked? and if we were attacked, it appears. ratings of russian emitters, old joe is very unhappy that the press is choosing unfavorable polls for him, in which he lags behind trump, writes the hill. based on the results of more than 600 polls alone, the publication notes that he is really ahead, including in a number of key states such as arizona, nevada, georgia, and north carolina , fox news attributes biden’s catastrophically low ratings to the fact that he
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avoids communicating with pres. and people, although perhaps the white house simply understands that the less often biden opens his mouth, the less stupid he says. the us president held only three personal press conferences last year. for comparison, in the last year of trump’s presidency there were 35. at the same time eighty-one-year-old biden himself believes that his competitor, who is 4 years younger, is old and out of shape. and he challenges donald to a golf match, even promising to give him a head start if he does. trump will agree to carry the bag of clubs himself. the former us president has not yet responded. instead, he published another mocking video about elderly joe. in the twenty-second video , several pickup trucks with trump 20-24 slogans and stars and stripes are driving along the road. on the trunk of one of the pickup trucks there are large images of biden tied up, as if he had been kidnapped. thrown into the back of a car. the democrats
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are completely hysterical. they claim that publication is a crime, a threat to the life of the us president, which means trump should be dragged to court again. former us president donald trump sparked a new wave of criticism after he shared his story.
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and the insane are not only calling for heinous violence against president trump and his family, they are actually using the justice system against him. let's just describe what actually happened in this video. it was filmed on thursday at long island, it shows two trucks driving down the road, decorated with trump flags and posters, the second truck depicts joe biden, tied, as you said, hand and foot. trump supporters saw similar images from time to time during his election campaign, on the internet on the back of cars. it's another matter entirely when a president, a former president, and a person running to become president again distributes such an image. and this is what...
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and this, by the way, is correct that the administration biden is aggressively pursuing him. he tries to combine political humor and negative pr, however, not very successfully,
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this is typical of donald, as joe said, he is characterized by such inflammatory statements that lead to violence in the country. this isn't the first time, and i don't expect it to be the last. this frankly fits into trump's broader pattern, in which he has not been shy about some even more violent imagery. and, of course, this week we learned that the extortion trial is ready to begin money. the former president threatened not only the judge, but also a member of his family. so this really puts those who support former president trump in a difficult position. how they perceive these images and messages coming from the former president. this is a threat to the president of the united states and... is a crime, now we can argue about it, whether it is a crime or not, but no other citizen could do something like this with impunity, but donald trump does it because no one tells him no, no one is telling him to stop, this man
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is simply out of control and the institutions of power seem unable to restrain him. the point is also that it is scary. trump posted this last night and how many of my former republican colleagues have reached out. all sorts of perverts have been celebrating it for more than 10 years, but now the biden administration has actually declared this day a national holiday. the progressive old man joe himself personally congratulated all the trans people
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of america on social networks, noting that they play an important role in the life of the nation. the oil wagon is fueled by the fact that they announced one visibility of transgender people in washington on good friday, the most. a strict day of lent, when it is customary to remember the suffering of the death of jesus christ. but that is not all. at an art competition honoring national guard families, the biden administration banned children from submitting easter eggs with bible scenes and other religious imagery. american believers are shocked and angry. on social networks, look, it’s finished video of one of the falls of the us president. ladder, only here biden falls not himself, but because the old man is beaten by the easter bunny. the trump campaign demands that biden apologize to millions of christians and calls the actions of the white house blasphemy and an attack on the christian faith. the democrats
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immediately rushed to make excuses, saying they didn’t want to offend anyone. easter falls on a different date every year and here, quite by chance , it coincided with a non-binary holiday. the white house faced unprecedented backlash because it decided celebrate trans day of visibility on easter sunday. transgender day of visibility has been celebrated annually since 2010, but joe biden became the first president to issue an official proclamation, this has been happening every year since 2021.
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the white house features an image of the easter bunny in the white house logo, and the president announces the celebration of transgender day. quote: we honor the extraordinary courageous contributions of transgender americans. in his annual proclamation, biden also said: today we send a message to all transgender americans. you are loved, you are heard, you are understood, you are america. my entire administration, and i personally, support you. fairfax county council. also made his statement. i am thrilled that we are recognizing
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a community that has too often been overshadowed and celebrating yet another community that is so diverse brings great joy to our county. republicans are outraged and criticizing president biden for daring to celebrate march 31, transgender day of visibility, which coincided with easter this year, but the president...
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flash your chest, which we realized a year ago, also there you can ask one of your transgenders to take someone else's suitcase at the airport, it will take several attempts before he is fired, we have moved to... la land. i honestly can’t understand all
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this, because such an act is equivalent to joe biden telling muslims during the month of ramadan: “okay, now it’s time to eat pork and bacon.” absurd. so joe biden should be ashamed. and yes, all these people say: “well, every year on march 31st we recognize the appearance transgender people." okay , great. well, can’t we celebrate this on another day? why does this have to be done? the germans are also being asked to give up easter eggs, because this product is supposedly very harmful to people and to the environment, experts from the german society advise. replacing eggs in your diet
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with plant-based foods will not only help avoid obesity, but will protect nature by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, france is going crazy in its own way, the mayor of paris, anne edalgo, distinguished herself last week visited kiev, met with klitschko and received a badge from him for assistance in the defense of kiev, then gave out a portion of selected russophobic nonsense. hidalga directly stated that... at the olympics in paris, russian and belarusian athletes are not welcome, but ukrainian athletes will be very happy, who will be greeted as a hero, the russian foreign ministry will answer: you won’t believe it, congratulations.
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wars defeated napoleon's army, useful reminders for macron. in addition to the fantasy of sending troops to ukraine and striking french farmers, he has a new concern. the paris olympics are less than four months away, and the capital of the fifth republic is filled with homeless people, who are being taken out of the city en masse to create a pretty picture for the guests. hello, is anyone here? homeless people are evacuated from paris, put on buses and taken away. beyond ilde france, at any
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cost, beyond ilde france. right before the olympic games, the mayor of orleans confirms this. according to him, buses arrive every 3 weeks and they are in each one. i don't know where i am, i come from bangladesh and i don't know if there are other bengalis here. i don't i speak french, but i try, it bothers me. most of my friends are still in paris. the operation to move homeless people out of paris has been going on for several months. in march of twenty-three,
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the state created 10 emergency regional services outside ile the france. do you know if your movement is somehow connected with the olympics?
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there is something to worry about, about the conditions for their reception, about emergency shelters that are already overcrowded. according to the mayor of orleans, local authorities did not warn about the need shelters were built, and local associations were surprised to discover these movements. for some migrants, this turns into a trap; they end up in temporary detention centers with an obligation to leave
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the territory. such a detention center was built several months ago a few kilometers from the orleans emergency accommodation center. others eventually return to... in direct communication. nikolay, is there a lot of contradictory reports coming from under the clock? evgeniy, hello, but now under guard intense battles and clashes are taking place, literally hundreds of meters separate our
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units, our fighters from this settlement, which is strategically important and essentially controls an important section of the road to kramatorsk and slavyansk, well, first , konstantinovka and druzhkovka, now this is one of the hottest sectors of the front , where is the nonsense. artillery is used by our units, aviation, which decides a lot on the front line, the enemy is not only trying to maintain his current positions, but is trying to carry out attacks in order to slow down the pace of our offensive, the enemy is unable to achieve anything, all his attacks are repulsed with heavy losses for the enemy, ours systematically continue... to move, to approach this populated area, so we are monitoring what is happening, yes, indeed, this is now one of the
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hottest areas where the question is being decided, this is the fate of this section of the front. nikolay, we see numerous footage of how the kiev regime is preparing fortifications along the entire front line, quite large-scale construction work, as far as possible affect the speed of our progress? can we oppose these works? well, as far as i have information, the enemy is building fortifications, including deep in the rear, around kiev, kharkov, dnepropetrovsk. obviously, the command of the ukrainian formations does not rule it out and considers it a high probability. breakthrough or collapse of the front, in fact, now the enemy does not have so many reserves, the personnel are demotivated, there is
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less and less equipment, there are also few artillery shells, but it relies on technical innovations, drones, which are relatively cheap and now at the front, in this sense, it also cannot be said that it is completely calm, the enemy has no teeth at all, no, he has more, but in fact , in this sense, the enemy does not have much of a reserve of strength... and we understand that the constant pressure that our units exert on the enemy along the entire front line, in a number of sectors, especially strong ones, including the use of aviation and massive artillery strikes, can lead to the fact that the front will be torn apart and the enemy will have to retreat far into territory, but the preparation of these fortifications is quite far from the front line, they are talking about this , this is something effective... to build directly on the front, the enemy is unable to do so, where our units are working intensively and actively, there is
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a fortification strengthening the enemy, but he does not have such opportunities to directly build something effective, nevertheless, in any case, deepenings, in any case, transition lines, they affect the ability to hold certain territory, here to help our units and artillery, i repeat, aviation. they write a lot, since about our possible imminent attack on kharkov, they indicate a specific offensive direction, namely kharkov, what can be said about this? well, if we just look at the map of the fighting, it is clear that kharkov seems to be close, but at the same time, in order to cover this fairly large city, many more settlements need to be liberated, that is , this task is not easy, but the whole configuration front and the events of recent months show that the enemy will most likely
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not be able to hold the entire front line and at some point it will crumble, but in this sense , it is obvious that those preparations of units of ukrainian formations in the kharkov area obviously indicate that they are preparing to such a negative development of the scenario for ourselves, it is obvious that with the establishment of very warm weather strong... soils of obvious superiority of our units, there will be progress, but i would not predict here from the point of view, there will be some direction, and whether kharkov, but it is not excluded, this cannot be excluded either, and here, if we talk about lines, then the question is about what the nature of the military operations will be now in the spring and summer, at the pace that we we have seen the last few months, the task is not easy, but... and the pace may change depending on what kind of weapons are changing and what the balance of forces is, we see that the enemy
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is weakening, he himself understands this and is already preparing, well , let’s say, a cushion. the economy is stable, and of course, determined the actions that our wars are taking right now are having an already serious impact on the still, unfortunately, strong ranks of the enemy. please, andrey konstantinevich. yes, things on the hot front for square are not very good, but on the front of the struggle to build
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liberal democracy, over the last... days they have achieved just a few fantastic milestones, fantastic ones that no one has yet achieved, so we discussed here with absolutely zelensky recently gave an interview to a western journalist, this interview was published in style, everything is gone, the plaster is removed, the clients are leaving, it’s a disaster, but it’s interesting that on the same day tsirsky gives an interview to ukrainian journalists, listen, everything is the other way around, everything is fine, beautiful marquise. it turns out that over these few months, ukraine occupied more territories than russian troops, which ones are not specified, but this does not matter, it is now successfully preparing for a new counter-offensive, which will be as successful as the counter-offensives of the last twenty-third year. one might think that between zelensky and syrsky, as between zelensky and zaluzhny contradictions, i think
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this is not so. syrsky, absolutely zelensky’s man, came out with an interview on the same day, simply. this is called some words for kitchens , others for streets, for the western average one information, for its citizens completely different, that is, the ukrainian state has adopted and demonstratively pursues a policy of official lies to its citizens, here is an official official who is not a public politician, an official reports lies to the citizens of ukraine, while the president where it is needed, it provides truthful information: yesterday the first round of presidential elections took place in ukraine, who won? should have happened, friendship won, as always, which means it should have happened, but it didn’t, why? because it is impossible to hold elections during a period of martial law, which means that mr. zelensky intends to continue holding the post of president without any elections. previously, a similar situation
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happened with the rada, its powers expired last fall. but in relation to the rada there is at least some kind of legal wire design, the fact is that in accordance with the constitution of ukraine, this means that the powers of the rada expire at the moment when a new convocation of the elected rada meets, while it is impossible to choose a new convocation, because there is martial law in the country, who introduced martial law, and martial law the provision was introduced by the verkhovna rada, that is, it was created.
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first, the first meeting of the new convocation is convened by the president, and martial law, which could prevent the elections, is announced by the federation council, the state duma has no tools to extend its there is no authority, in a democratic ukraine the rada can do this as much as it wants, declare martial law and sit, because it is impossible to choose a new composition, but with regard to zelensky, the problem is that in relation to him, even such a ridiculous mechanism does not exist, i’ll be glad to explain this.
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performs his duties until elections become possible, there is also a consensus decision of the party that he continues to fulfill his duties, including poroshenko. what remains here the president. the consensus decision of the parties, as well as the opinion polls that are conducted, is not a constitutional norm. the speaker of the state duma already teaches us that democracy is about rules, procedures and norms. there are no rules, procedures and norms when it is possible to gather a sabantuichik of individual deputies of the state duma, they are, i beg your pardon, in this case the verkhovna rada. they will say: yes, let the president sit as long as he likes, this simply cannot happen. i would like to remind you that presidential elections took place, including in those regions where martial law has been declared, and we have created all the legal and technical possibilities for this. let's go
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further if we compare authoritarian russia with democratic, liberal-democratic ukraine. our mit demanded that ukraine hand over the terrorists and participants in the terrorist acts that were committed.
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this means that this would be in accordance with all world canons, and the ukrainian authorities recognized this murder, there was even a competition between military intelligence, the sbu, i did it, no, i did it, so ukraine is publicly admitted that she had committed a gangster terrorist act, because there were no legal grounds, no decisions that would allow this to be done, the same can be said about the terrorist acts that were committed against. in relation to vladlen tatarsky, in relation to zakhar prilepin. an investigation is currently underway, but, as our law enforcement agencies have stated, there are huge grounds to believe that the monstrous terrorist act in crocus city
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also involved ukrainian perpetrators. therefore, the russian federation officially declares at the international level a demand to the ukrainian state to hand over the terrorists for official investigation. and i.
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if negotiations really take place, perhaps, we don’t know, with zelensky, or with his administration, then what will be the further fate of these agreements, if...
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this discussion can move to international platforms, to international institutions, the un , the osce, to state parliaments , our foreign partners, for example, in the united states congress, this may be the topic of the election campaign in the united states, i i don’t exclude this either, and ukraine will be accused of allegedly usurping power, this is a very dangerous thing, if they start accusing us of this, it means that by saying yes, they can.
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in this regard, zelensky, of course, went the furthest, he simply threw it in the trash can and said: now i am here and will be the constitution, because in fact , according to the constitution, elections should have taken place yesterday, but they didn’t take place, you too have been for a long time worked in ukraine, and you know what, in general, the ukrainian people could objectively boast of, so this is the right to change their president in the next elections, they had such a right, so zelensky came and decided and deprived them of this right, their last right.
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there is as much as you like, but its legitimacy or illegitimacy will directly depend on the situation that will develop on the battlefield within the country. here, if we consider the situation inside the country, of course, zelensky has opponents there, they may not be ideological in terms of the country’s foreign policy and so on, but there are people, let’s say, aspiring to the position of president and such there, you know, there is a very, very long bench, formed yet.
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klitschko spoke on this matter about the impossibility of freezing and negotiations, of course, this is not the result of his analytical mind, it is a feeling in his gut that this is impossible, but in essence he is right about what? the fact that negotiations are impossible, and there are objective circumstances that tell us that negotiations are impossible, what am i talking about? i am talking about the fact that it is clear who to talk to in the russian federation. took place in the russian federation. zelensky is out of the question, in britain until january 25 , they are next, before january 25 next year, they must hold elections, we are waiting a whole year, then the european parliament, they must hold elections in the summer of this year, we are waiting,
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in the fall of this year elections will take place in the united states of america, we are waiting, that is , the russian federation is sitting at the table and saying: so who is there from you? tell us who represents your interests, we can understand who represents ukraine, who represents the european commission or the european parliament, who represents the british, who represents the americans, well, with the americans there is generally a classic of the genre, i don’t know, in the nursing home, in my opinion, some kind of spring aggravation is happening, then one of the congressmen actually proposed a very effective way to solve the ukrainian poll, says: listen, not a cent, not for ukraine, not for gas and in general, let’s just give them. there , let's listen to his name, why are we spending our money to build a port for them. joe biden is convinced that we should deliver humanitarian aid to gaza, and i don't think that we should, i don't think it should be
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any part of our aid that goes to israel, to support our greatest ally, probably around the world to defeat hamas, iran, russia, a good ally, but there's a question right there what , man, the europeans need to think about this , that is, their allies, the united states of america , quite imagine the possibility of resolving the conflict situation in the center of europe by using nuclear weapons,
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well, what a wonderful ally, yes, that is, they, they are already something... then the europeans are starting something understand, because here one of the general - one general director of a serious defense... defense concern in europe said that listen, but generally speaking, well, the americans will not come to our aid, never, and he did not indicate in any way trump there or under, he basically recorded the fact that the situation is developing in such a way that they have come to understand that in the event of a military conflict on the territory of europe, the united states will not directly intervene in this conflict and will not provide its guarantees security of europe. they are slowly beginning to rethink that all the services that europe provided to the united states of america in exchange for their own security, but they turned out to be, in fact, that’s all, well, the service provided, as they say, is worth nothing, the americans will proceed from their
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national interests without taking into account the interests of europe itself, it will be profitable for them to fight, they will fight, it will not be profitable, they will not interfere, where the guarantees are generally unclear, but at the same time they continue to demand a promotion from them. crisis in which the combined geopolitical tasks and the way out of that state of america at the expense of its allies find themselves, i don’t know when comprehension will come to them, but i think, sooner or later this is bound to happen anyway, of course, europe in general. excluded from the process, because even if we look at some big economic calculations, europe is not there, hong kong, china, taiwan and the united states are there, in this geopolitical confrontation, economic, for example, over chips, yes, it is not present there at all european union
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or in the automobile market, there is no presence of the european union, the great union in the past, which produced the lion's share, for example, of cars and the same computers. premiere on rtr, look at her hands, there is no dirt, neither on her clothes, nor under her nails, i’m sure you already have a theory, yes this is it. there is, she won’t calm down, i can’t wait
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rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest.
12:45 pm
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12:46 pm
it will be mine, i won’t give it to this sheep and it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, money in advance, there will be tears, guys, please , it’s necessary, well, it’s with you, she doesn’t drink sleep, i was really into it, there will be secrets, the most important thing - this is your child, he’s going to marry... me, and then he will hate me, be happy , goodbye, i love the light, then if there is at least a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be a new day, on friday at rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters come running, they carried me away, it started. another shelling , they put me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is,
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let’s say, my trophy, we were hungry then, here comes my grandmother, she’s hungry herself, but she’s carrying this kurbu parish, says: baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that we need to take the guys in, i came across such caring people, support them in word, hello, dear soldier, and in deed, without your help you wouldn’t survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday, on rtr, you dream about the stage, you believe in your strength, russia 1 tv channel and the ars company invite young gifted performers to take part in international
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who wants to hit ukraine in the very heart, because kiev needs more money for weapons, at the same time, klyachko’s children are vacationing in germany, throwing parties with cards and cocktails, white russians, breasts on camera, white russian cocktail, cigarettes, children of kiev mayor vitaly klitschko showed how
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went on a break in hamburg, the youngest children of the capital's mayor celebrated the end of the working week with a home party with friends, with alcohol and dancing, details. april turned 19 years old in hamburg, where their mother natalya egorova already lives. first they showed how they went to the store to buy alcohol on a smart brass. such a car, by the way, costs around 45 thousand dollars. at the party itself, young people played cards, drank cocktails and danced. lisa showed off her charms on camera. and the incredible efficiency of our factories, writes the british times. russian glide bombs can. change the course of the conflict, collapse the front and force the ukrainian armed forces to retreat. russia is striking ukraine with glide bombs, with russian troops dropping 700 of these destructive munitions in just a week, according to one official. glide bombs allow russia to strike ukrainian troops and keep planes dropping ammunition at a safe distance. and this is
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a problem, because the only way to counter a bomb is to shoot down the plane before it hits it. will reset. shooting down fighter-bombers means bringing them closer. valuable air defense forces to the front, where they will be more exposed to risk. this also means that it is necessary to divert forces from other directions; ukrainian air defense also does not have enough ammunition. ukrainian foreign minister dmitry kuleba said that russia dropped 700 bombs on ukraine from march 18 to march 24, that is, in just 6 days. russia's main advantage on the battlefield now is the widespread use of these bombs, the foreign minister said. alexey petrovich. well, the west is now learning a new term: glide bomb. this. a term that is between a free-falling bomb and an adjusted aerial bomb, and if you consider this situation, which is now called that we have weapons of retaliation, yes, then at the beginning of a special military operation, when we hit concrete fortifications, such ammunition like -120 mm, 152 mm, when the shell arrived, it didn’t
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always even damage these structures, so i talked to our soldiers, they say: they were tracking, the mine exploded, there were no traces on the concrete, that is, there was strong concrete, that’s when we did the work, or rather our aviation did the work to destroy all these air defense systems in the front-line zone, when reconnaissance assets began to actively work, then we began to use aerial bombs, but of a different design , an aircraft bomb is one of the cheapest air-to-ground munitions, but our defense industry has created the munition. which, when manufactured, is already highly accurate, that is, where robotics is used, assembled, that is, when it even if they fall freely, it deviates very minimally from the trajectory of the ballistic flight path, we added to this a computer on board a bomber such as the su-34, a universal planning and correction module, and as a result we received high-precision
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ammunition, cheap, which began to be actively used on the line. those who were in the boom felt that they could no longer resist, when the 1500 factories with the same device were used, there, as they say, the fear was already prohibitive, the west, of course, writes, that - russia shouldn’t use the fab-3000, because it will be bad for our aircraft, well, in the sense of bad for our aircraft, the ammunition was created in 1954, but now it is a completely different ammunition, it can... be used by our bombers , such as tu-22 m3m, tu-95 ms, they can, without entering the enemy’s air defense zone, drop such ammunition and destroy
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enemy communications, such as, for example, railway junctions, we can cover entire oil depots with such ammunition, but this is only high-explosive bombs, and there are also volumetric detonating ammunition, this is something that the enemy, when faced with this, well, they experienced the same shock as... experienced the militants of this terrorist organization isis, where we also used odams, this is volumetric detonating ammunition, and an aerosol is sprayed , then an explosion occurs, everything on earth simply , as they say, ceases to exist, no, buildings are not destroyed, but everything living, that is, this is for the destruction of enemy personnel, and if it is also used in the otzab version , then more an ignition occurs, everything will burn with flames, that is, those fortified areas that they are now building and say, they are not criminal... there is a serebryansky forest and so on, because if we now begin to use these ammunition en masse, everything will lead to this, because knocked out all the advanced air defense, and by the way, as
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many experts note, the reaction to a detected object, that is, they found it, destruction occurs in 3-5 minutes, that is, to play their favorite game of pumping artillery or pumping air defense, now the enemy can no longer or may with difficulty when klitschko declares that... kiev will be a serious obstacle for us, we built a line of defense there, these are exactly the kind of aviation ammunition that are used to break into defenses, no dragon teeth, no trenches one and a half meters deep, ours saved these fortifications, we they helped , you see, we were the authors of these and we made the case conscious, they are making a certain replica, but they said that they would make an analogue of the surikin line, we are all now...
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and we see how this glide munition works, that they reset it, open wings, pilots control it? no, the following is happening here, which means
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that on board the fighter-bomber there is a ballistic computer that knows exactly the flight parameters of this ompc, and a target point is selected, yes, there is a point with coordinates where the bomb needs to hit at a certain moment the computer, based on various factors, gives a signal to the pilot, he will reset it, then automatically... cheap, effective, highly accurate, and the enemy is already shaking, counteraction, counteraction no, the fact is that perhaps, no
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, the fact is that the radiation stations of all anti-aircraft missile systems, anti-aircraft gun systems that are in ukraine, western-made, are not designed to detect, destroy such objects, there is no heat, there is no engine, there is nothing, not even the location. how to determine that this is an object, that is, they do not have the ability to shoot down such gliding aerial bombs; our bombs hit the most complex ones with precision.
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says it was the first time he saw the minister in person defense and admits that he still has not realized that he has become a hero of russia. he deserves this title because, together with his colleagues , he defeated six elite units in the armed forces of ukraine. the battalion of another hero, pashkevich , held back numerous enemy attacks for three days and did not allow a breakthrough in the defense. the forces of the unit destroyed 14 tanks and 22 armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces in 3 days. also. up to 500 militants. the kiev regime no longer thinks about a re-offensive. the militants went into deep defense, the russian army is moving forward. let's see. direct hit with volumetric detonating
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aerial bombs caliber. tons at positions of the armed forces of ukraine in the area of ​​the village of velikaya pisarevka in the sumy region is recorded by a russian reconnaissance drone. a mushroom cloud of incendiary mixture rises hundreds of meters. the explosion incinerates all living things within a radius of 200 m, which is comparable to the destructive power of an entire package of the sunsingers' heavy flamethrower system. it is impossible to hide from such a formidable weapon. the mixture that the bomb shoots out occupies all the folds of the terrain, penetrating into the dugouts of the trenches, and the combustion temperature is over 1.0°. the russian aerospace forces is using more and more powerful and deadly bombs, and what we see here now is 1500, here is a target somewhere in the sumy region, and we now see a rather powerful explosion, it looks like a small mushroom cloud that rises up, which is why it can be seen pretty far away. adab 1500 is a half-ton bomb that carries a non-explosive substance, an aerosol mixture, which means that the bomb
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is distributed at a height of approximately 5-10 m above the target. a huge amount of highly flammable substance in all directions, then this air mixture flares up, thus causing an even stronger destructive effect. these frames show the defeat of a temporary deployment point in the ssu by a strike from a tactical aircraft missile product 305 in the kharkov direction. the crew of the k-52 attack helicopter adjusts the flight of the projectile to a distance of more than 10 km from the target. technological boom of russian guided weapons. business insider finds out that, according to the publication, the armed forces of ukraine are urgently moving the air defense system closer to the front line, trying to track russian planes, because they can shoot down none of the western-supplied anti-aircraft missile systems are capable of gliding bombs. without western fighters to provide the necessary air cover, the ukrainian military has nothing.
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what could protect them except prayer. already the sixth main battle tank m1a1 abran from the usa is being destroyed by our iksovods in the area of ​​​​the village of solovyovo in the ovdeevsky direction. the lancet hit the camouflaged tank and hit the turret exactly. before attacking the target, the drone performs an evasion maneuver from the enemy machine gun fire. another thing in the bradley bmp is the fighters of the beshi brigade.
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the turret is still moving, even the guns are loaded inside, and this is already restored, handed over to the bondospheres for the needs of the armed forces, after local repairs, the armored vehicle will return to the front to carry out russian tasks, although, as our mechanics admit, before moving through the donetsk mulyaka, the german marten will not suitable, seriously inferior to russian technology in cross-country ability, made in germany, so to speak, restored. this footage shows a failed counterattack attempt. the ukrainian armed forces of the pobeda settlement, under the cover of night, the militants tried to reach their lost positions on the american tracked
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dtr m-113, but were defeated by oncoming artillery fire. the armed forces of ukraine are also retreating on the southern front, under work. here, 600 km from kiev on the southern front in the rabotina region, life is rewarding. we've lost a lot of the men we fought alongside, and now i hope they're watching from the sky at what we're doing, watching us. unique footage of the work of russian unmanned tracked systems is recorded objective control of the 47th brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. such armored robotics with installed ags-17 grenade launchers. suppresses any attempts to rotate personnel, which is why bandera has to spend several fp-vidrons on one unmanned platform. according to the new york times, sick and old recruits are being brought to zero, causing daily casualties
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to grow catastrophically. people are already really exhausted, there are not enough people, there are not enough people, the tiredness is replenished. the last replenishments that we received, this was likely. in the summer it is still likely that people will storm the yew , people will storm the yew, climb, run away in the other direction, until the hour of the yar of the largest fortified ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction, the russian fighters have 650 m left, the advanced assault groups have already come close to the kanala area, this is the eastern part of the settlement , the battle for the city will begin very soon, the ukrainian ministry of defense has allegedly already given an order to evacuate, the residents are being forced. we are on the defensive now, they are putting pressure and pushing further and further on various
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directions, this is the donetsk region, and lugansk, and zaporozhye. the russian army is well armed, and they have well-established logistics chains. zelensky gave an interview to the washington post, complains that the delay in approving a $60 billion military aid package has cost ukraine too much, without additional artillery shells and anti-aircraft missiles, kiev will have to decide which areas the militants can defend and which will have to be left without a fight ? if there is no support from the us, it means that we do not have air defense, no patri missiles, no jammers for electronic warfare, no 155mm. artillery shells, this means that we will retreat, retreat step by step in small steps, if you do not take steps to prepare a new counter-offensive, russia will take them, this is what we have learned in this war, if you do not do this, it will russia.
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according to the head of the regional administration, ruslan kravchenko, more than 10,000 dragon teeth have been installed in the kiev region. urgently fortifications are being erected, with an extensive system of trenches and other types of shelters. the commander of the ground forces , pavlyuk, assures that there will be no lightning-fast breakthrough to kiev. around the capital, bandera’s supporters erected as many as three defensive rings, primarily from the chernobyl direction. the mayor of kiev klitschko explains why without the help of the west, the ukrainian army is doomed to defeat. we are much better prepared than 2 years ago for possible new attacks on kiev. it's no secret that kiev was and remains a target for putin.
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shot dead in the parking lot of his home in villajayosa. kuzminov was shot six times, then his body was run over in a car. at the liquidation site, 9 mm caliber cartridges were found, probably from a makarov pistol. spanish researchers consider them important evidence. the shooters, according to investigators, are two men, clearly professionals. kuzminov himself, before he was killed, burned 30 pieces of silver received from kiev in spain. i was driving around... then i decided to contact my ex-girlfriend who was in russia. this is exactly what could have happened
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the american newspaper reads the quote mistake that killed the defector. in this regard, we recall putin’s words at the recent fsb board meeting. we will punish traitors without a statute of limitations, no matter where they are. the death in spain of maxim kuzmenov, the pilot who flew secret documents to ukraine by helicopter, has raised fears that russia's european spy networks are continuing. the kremlin, despite concerted efforts to eliminate them. mr. kuzmenov led an immodest life in spain, a senior official said civil guard. he went to bars popular among the russian ukrainian culture, burning money received from the ukrainian state, and drove a black mercedes c-class. it is unclear how exactly the killers found him, although two senior ukrainian officials said he contacted an ex-girlfriend still in russia and invited her to join him in spain. it was. mistake - said one of the officials. two hooded killers appear in
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surveillance footage from an apartment complex garage kuzmenova, who were clearly professionals, completed their mission quickly and disappeared, police representatives said. here in spain, it's not common for someone to be shot multiple times, said pepe alvarez of the vilio hayossa police department. these are signs that indicate that the murder was well planned and the work of professionals. the people who killed maxim kuzmenov wanted to convey a message. this was obvious to the investigator in spain even before they... who is he, the killers not only shot him six times, but ran over his body with their car, according to investigators, they also left an important clue to their identity, a cartridge from nine-millimeter cartridges for a makarov pistol, standard ammunition of the former communist bloc, it was a clear signal, i will find you, i will kill you, i will run over i will humiliate you,” said a senior spanish police official overseeing the investigation. oleg antonevich, indeed , this will probably happen to everyone. the traitor will suffer such a fate, just like all those
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who have now been requested to be extradited by our foreign ministry, let me remind you that for those crimes that were committed by a terrorist act, including the crimean bridge, and the high-profile assassination attempts that took place here, documents were drawn up... our investigative committee records everything, conducts it very carefully, in addition, public activists keep books that are books of crimes of the fascist kiev regime, and we make corresponding requests, it is clear that they will not be satisfied for some time, but they think that they will then escape somewhere to the west, here is an example of how they escaped to spain and what then it happened to him and i think that
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the west doesn’t have enough for all these feeding troughs for all the performers, organizers and others who were going to run away there, the west is not rubber, as you know, they have enough of their own homeless people of all kinds , they can’t cope in any way, they are now evicting homeless people from paris on the eve of the olympics. remember, at one time they accused the soviet union that in the eighties, before the olympics, we cleared moscow of all questioners, homeless people, so to speak, evicted them to somewhere in the territory russia, but let me remind you, and many of us remember this time very well, we didn’t have such a large number of them, there were these so-called heat spreaders, yes, they were some small colonies... there were 20 people, somewhere they nested in some parks, in general
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, this is not as critical as in paris, in paris entire streets and blocks are occupied by these tents, and this has been going on for the settlement of paris for many years, and those russians who have been in the last 10- we were in paris for 15 years and were surprised that it was 2 km away. 3 km from the same eiffel tower, from the louvre and so on further, you simply can’t get through because of these tents, clothes are drying there, everything is painted there, people are sleeping in these huge camps, and where to put them all now is completely unclear, because there are no places suitable for this, according to according to the world bank, and in france there are several million people who are not easy. below the poverty line, and below the poverty line, that is, they live on less than 2
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dollars a day, that is, this is the poverty line, let me remind you that in russia, for example, the world bank did not find such people at all, then there are... we don’t have people in that degree of poverty, poverty, but those who are starving, we really don’t have starving people, but in those whose income is less than 4-500 rubles, but this does not mean that we don’t need to solve the problem of poverty , of course it exists here, we are dealing with it, and you know that last year we even managed to reduce the betel rate a little, although there is still a lot of work to do here, and of course we will continue with all this. .. to do, we need another 10% of our population lives for feeling poverty, yes, yes, almost 10%. and, of course, we need to do this, except for these problems that they have with poverty, now the wall street journal published not very pleasant news for kiev, which
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reported that even if they wanted to supply more shells, but produce them there is no possibility because of... gunpowder, but gunpowder, which in turn is made from substances, let's say, chemicals, which are obtained from cotton, and not from cotton, not just any cotton, but a certain type, and almost from the root, buying even in america, russia buys all this cotton, and european corporations are faced with a situation where they cannot buy it. because everything has already been contracted, or someone simply doesn’t sell it to them, the same situation, at this time, while there are real real problems, biden frolics and talks about how it is necessary to meet transgender people, which means, uh, that they should be visible, announces all this on easter and so on,
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being like, why is this, well, there is catholic easter, well, let people celebrate it normally, why? democrats, so-called, yes, not either, well how many of these lgbt people are there, how many of these transgender people and so on, are there them in the world, is it really 50% of americans who will have to vote for this, but no, there is some small mini-percentage, and because of this mini-percentage, you are inciting both the conservative majority, and even
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the majority of people who, well, in principle , consider themselves ordinary people, why do you need to push it like this, but... it just says that the top management, which actually pulls this narrative, which pulls this ideology , it absolutely doesn’t give a damn about democratic procedures, about anything else , their task is to promote and do it, why is this being done so persistently, again, and the most powerful ideological confrontation that exists here, let me remind you, this whole infection. called yes, the french postmodernists brought it to america, there was such a philosopher, godrida died at the beginning of the 2000s, who was not so much popular even in france, but it was precisely in america that his american comrades promoted him universities, held a huge number
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of lectures, seminars, books were published, in general , the entire intellectual community was infected with all this, and so in the philosophy of jaka daida. principle is what he called diference, a french word with an unpronounceable a, and it meant a kind of separator, yes, the whole world holds together, as if instead of god, he replaced it with this separator, let me remind you that the word devil is greek, translated as dividing, that is, a person who put the devil in the place of god, and here is the confrontation, i would say so:
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they say that they need to understand more broadly than they explain to him in some other way, the old dogma and so on, that they need to understand more broadly, so to speak, i think they are telling him. i became an investigator, premiered on rtl, and
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will you ever marry me, independent, you don’t give me advice, especially when i don’t ask for it, well, who if not me, irreplaceable, i’m drawn to you, i don’t do anything i can do about it, tireless, i ’ll come now, don’t drive me like that, just don’t drive me, inexorable restlessness, well, you and i want shall we get married? and what is on rtr today, we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in patk style and goes well with any clothes and shoes. she will become your reliable companion to work, on a visit, or on a walk to the store. soft. it will emphasize the femininity of its
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make some coffee, hello, are you stupid? complete victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov to tell the truth, our task is to achieve today on rtr that dreams
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come true, on sunday. i’m counting the minutes until the evening, when you and i meet again, this is my lena and she will be with me, and who are you, and let her tell you, well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness, please stop, hello, sister, situation hopeless, i’ll do something, i don’t know what yet, but i’ll do it, honestly, len, sunday on rtr. paris will send hundreds of armored vehicles to kiev, said the french minister of defense, medicine, we are talking about outdated armored personnel carriers in af, whose age can be up to 40 years. the army of the fifth republic refuses them, dumping unnecessary junk in ukraine. she promised ukraine anti-aircraft missiles, and the head of the french national assembly, yael braun pivet, has a belligerent attitude. she visited odessa and said there that paris does not exclude the introduction of french
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troops to the territory of ukraine. the idea itself will remind you. belongs to macron, but the whole world is making fun of emmanuel’s attempts to portray a brutal match. remember, harsh black and white photographs of macron’s boxing training, where he has impressive biceps, they were compared with photographs from brazil, there were some 10 days between photos, but macron’s biceps incredibly deflated during this time, some kind of natural anomaly, or the photo of the militant emmanuel is simple. were airbrushed out that macron is in fact a cowardly weakling, mocked by belgian comedians who presented his meeting with putin, look, support my tornado, please, this is napoleon’s suit, it suits me, doesn’t it, by the way, from now on, curl me,
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the last man of the free world, your threats. don’t affect me in any way, i’m telling you this straight to your face, i’m not afraid of you, repeat what you just said, i’m not afraid of you, vladimir, say it again, say it, looking me in the eyes, mevarze, you accidentally no napkin. vladimir, i do not rule out that if necessary, i will declare if russia continues to follow the path of vile provocations , i will immediately announce that this is very likely, there would be an assumption that we could declare our own rights, this is our path, i didn’t catch anything, i ask you
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to liberate ukraine, please . well, it’s just that belgium has a specific attitude , in fact, there is a separate system in france , it’s just very specific, look at the whole show, that’s what’s special, as expected. spoke, in fact, an important event of this weekend - the elections in turkey took place on the thirty-first, erdogan, like the forecasters , in fact, lost all the major municipal ones, it’s not very clear how you can win anything with inflation of 70%, well, argentina
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shows that it’s not really possible either, but the problem is this, the economy, of course, the most important factor was an attempt to maneuver in two directions , which led to the following consequences, so this led , in fact, to what happened, this is very important, because the next presidential elections are under him... we have such a funny thing, he too there is, then there is a question of succession, a question of transfer of power, this requires respectively support in large agglomerations, primarily in istanbul in ankara, etc., this is what is now lost, in fact, and under which a whole series of movements seem to have taken place recently, this is serious complicates the process of just managed succession... but the economy is the most important thing, the economy actually
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very much determines the electoral component, so if someone wants to do something somewhere, then first of all they start with the economy, so the economy must be defended with both hands and feet, in principle, turkey is a classic example of this, i remind you that the head of the central bank came here, who was tough, tough, he raises the interest rate up to inflation, but something somehow it didn’t really work, because inflation once... lowered the rate during the crisis, but as we see, it didn’t help, i remind you that during the crisis we lowered the crisis rate, during, respectively, after the twenty-second year, at first it was tightening rates, then easing the rate, then tightening
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again, of course, when stability was achieved, the rate began to be lowered a little, yes, that is, it was just low, and now it is high again due to inflation, that is, the problem is this: mardoga, many by the way, heads interfere in the policy of the central bank, and this does not always come with consequences, so we have examples of low rates. let’s apply the same thing to japan, they had a negative interest rate until recently, but recently they just raised it, it was negative 0.5, minus 0.5, it’s normal to live with negative interest rates, the question is different, that he even decided to tighten the interest rate, but how could they tighten it like that, which is better, which is very they are tightening things up poorly, they are accordingly chasing inflation a little bit at a time, without putting it up immediately, naturally protecting it there too, this is a scheme of natural protection, then a gradual retreat, trying to catch up with inflation is a so -so idea, as it would seem, strictly speaking, on the electoral component , this despite the fact that, in fact, for the lira as a whole, the weakening seems to be quite good, as if for export, but from the point of view of citizens who receive high inflation, especially in energy resources, the story is so-so, therefore the urban population, which inflation has eaten up more, in principle, it obviously reacted to this through bulletins, so it’s necessary to deal with the correct economy and it’s better to deal with
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it anyway, so as not to rake it up later , what is it, why is it also important, because accordingly, turkey is one of the largest export partners, and accordingly is in third place. lately, there has already been some kind of parallel import, so from this point of view, with a high degree of probability, we will now have some specific actions. that is, how will the situation unfold now, usually when there are weak positions, a military operation is a self-propagating action and phenomenon, which is why the likelihood of an operation in iraq increases very much in order to interrupt the agenda, in kurdistan in iraqi kurdistan, but this is iraq is considered in principle in world practice, as if i think erdogan thinks a little differently, well, as if he still considers it iraq, so they announced there. actions may be intensified this summer , apparently. the second very important point is that today it became known that today, well, yes, in fact today it’s just a delay, industrial production in china is starting to increase sharply, that is, it is
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the main consumer of energy in the world, accordingly, it activates demand , this is already visible in a number of areas, the data comes from industry, by the way, the question is how china punishes its partners, the example of hong kong, hong kong did not sharply drop trade turnover over the past year by 14% in last year. who came out on top, all the continental ports of china, he china took and redirected cargo to its internal ports, and before the largest was hong kong, it was the main exit to the external perimeter, and accordingly it is the same does, in principle, that is, he begins to gradually switch his chips accordingly, gradually switches, begins to switch, that is, he actually begins to put pressure on his partners economically and thus creates a very serious system, especially taking into account the fact that a significant part of gdp is precisely domestic consumption, by the way, is the first time in many years in the russian federation, as i understand it here. exports have fallen in percentage terms, what does this mean? means that the bulk of production goes to domestic consumption, that is, in principle , it turns out to be such a quasi-china, that is, as china actually became, only the population is a little less, well, this is for any country.
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by the way, it’s relevant, there are examples of south korea, their population is not very large at all, but accordingly, they first closed their domestic market with chaebols, well-known lg, this is all chaebol, but only they previously experienced collapse and default in 1987, well, actually, they took money from the imf under such guarantees and conditions that no a sovereign country cannot afford this, i remind you, firstly, they had a war, by the way, accordingly, which never ended in peace, in principle. that is, they have a correspondingly frozen conflict, the dprk is a frozen conflict with south korea, there , respectively, the demarcation lines are mined and the like, so the example is very relevant, korea has opened its markets completely to the west, it is actually an economic appendage now, and this not a metaphor. look now a significant part of the company, which is represented in the russian federation and in world practice, they first of all took the south korean market, all the largest companies that wrote off lg. they do everything else
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, well, you just need to look at the beneficiaries , is it korean or is it a korean korean company , that is, the problem is that they were all originally state-owned companies , that is, they were cheboali, that is, state-owned companies, corporations exactly in our understanding, that is, they were state-owned, groups were created and they became accordingly massive economy, and then they began to show a sharp expansion, the country, which is located on a very small territory, captured a significant part of the external component, and is now competing. with japan, which also occupies a small volume with china, which seems to be very much more massive, so from this point of view, all countries start with the fact that - first, they respectively receive their own market, but it is somehow strange to count on export potential, if you first, accordingly, do not take your market. china first he took his market, a giant market , of course, made a lot of money on it, and then he begins to export the same electric cars to the outer perimeter , everything else, so from this point of view, the very fact that against the backdrop of what is happening is happening a sharp development of domestic demand and domestic production, there is another question, as if where, how and but in the end
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, this is still the path that the asian tigers have followed, that all major major economies have followed, including the american one, which was then deindustrialized to the greatest extent, let's go back, where are my children, freak, we will find them, you will find them, you have a brilliant intuition, an irrepressible restlessness. today on rtr.
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, strong friendship. love the white fluffy one. i said, i want a white cat. here they come, oh you’re good, to caress. you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, go today, and the child, i don’t care what happens to him, on saturday, well, you can’t be with a scorched
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child on the street, come to me, live as long as you want, but we won’t be long, we’ll take the baby away, it’s not... a child, but it could be ours, life doesn’t give us any information, the premiere is in saturday on rtr, in the near future we will live in a completely different world, artificial intelligence will make us think differently, very quickly, the name of psychologist alexei sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties, those who attended his lectures say, that he... only by looking at a person can he determine what problem he came with, increased blood pressure, thickening of the blood, this destroys the body. how to get the most out of every day of your life , achieve your dreams and what to expect from the future. about this and more in our program. malam today on rtl. you are beautiful, smart, you look
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great, my parents will love you right away. sooner or later they will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but a girl from the outskirts. klep, close it, stand still, where is the bread, guys, what is going on, and misfortunes of this kind happen to girls of a certain behavior, you are a future diplomat, and reputation, i emphasize, reputation is not an empty phrase, i want to have an abortion, that’s everything will understand, i'm sure this is not his child, and he this will always be known, tomorrow will be a new day, on friday 65 years ago you came to the maykovsky theater, you still serve there . i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent. and about lazarevo, i also said something to you in my heart. we had a very quick romance,
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we got married very quickly. all this was said in my heart at once. office romance. i always felt sorry for you, in fact, you are a homewrecker. i'm convinced she never would. did not encroach on him, on his family, she she just plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she couldn’t be blamed for that, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he absorbed everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s simple a gift of fate, that's shura, it's just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. breaking news, the fsb public relations center has just published footage of the detention of four foreign citizens who were preparing a caspian terrorist attack in places where people were in large numbers. also the intelligence service was informed that
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foreign fighters detained in dagestan participated in financing and providing terrorists from the khola network, see. on march 31, the fsb of russia in the republic of dagestan suppressed the activities of a terrorist cell consisting of four foreign citizens who prepared a terrorist act in kaspiysk in places of mass gathering of people. where are the weapons? where's the bomb? in my apartment. what they were going to blow up. it was also established that the detained militants were directly involved. participated in financing provision means of terror by the perpetrators of the terrorist act committed on march 22 in the kroku city hall concert hall in moscow. the investigation continues, this is not the last footage of the arrest. let's move to washington,
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the kommersant newspaper's own correspondent, ekaterina moore, is in direct contact with us. catherine, hello johnson, the speaker of the house of congress said that. on april 9 , put to a vote the question of allocating money to ukraine. how likely is it that the kiev regime will get money from america? hello evgeniy, well the fact is that the question was precisely whether to put this bill to a vote, because taking into account the sentiments in the democratic part of the house of representatives, and partly in the republican one, most likely this bill will still be destined to pass a vote and then go on approval by the senate. the only question will be what exactly will be contained in this document, and what will be
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the principles of supply, credit, lendlis or some other options or a combination of these options, but in my opinion the question is what the house of representatives will vote if this bill is put to a vote, i have no doubts on this issue, please tell me how new... the third candidate, mr. kennedy , may confuse the cards for biden and trump, given the mess with the polls, which sometimes gives trump an advantage, but now it seems that this advantage has already been lost. well, look, the question is not exactly how much candidates get in national polls, for example, joe biden gets there, as far as i understand, about the same now, how much and... trump is ahead in
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numerous polls, if you add them all up by 0.9% of joe biden's point, but the question in america is precisely what is happening in key states, now joe biden, as the hill says and other other outlets, they say that now joe biden has stopped bleeding and... as a result , he is gaining momentum in that same blue wall, the so-called democratic one, in the state of winsconsini, in pennsylvania and in michigan, where sentiment is very strong were about what is happening in gaza, there are a lot of muslims there, they just didn’t want to vote for biden, but now they still believe that the better of two evils must be chosen, as for candidate kennedy, then indeed, if in the polls... begin to include kennedy and other third candidates , then donald trump begins to get ahead of joe
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biden, the whole point is that kennedy and other candidates are more liberal, joe biden, yes, he gravitates more towards the left wing of the democratic party, and of course, this all dilutes his advantage over donald trump, who is right-wing, who is for traditional values, so naturally the third candidate... the stronger he is, the worse it is for joe biden. thank you very much, the businessman’s correspondent, ekaterina moore is with us in direct communication from the american capital. vladimir vladimirovich, please. regarding the traditional church, values, adherence to the church during the easter holidays, a very indicative history of great britain, our favorite, once favorite lisa tras, remember such a supporter, and therefore a specialist in tatar and mongol invasions, yes, i decided.
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you know, we never doubted that , with regard to american assistance to ukraine, they would eventually allocate something, yes, all or not all, that’s another question, but the money will end up somewhere, and the lion’s share will end up in weapons, and they explain why, also great , again to the question of values, yes, we must not forget the environmental agenda, today the times newspaper, well, they need, you know, stories of successes, victories, victories, yes, but,
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because on the field no fight, found today, in the times newspaper published an article that the bears of ukraine are winning, winning, why? because, as the population declines, yes, there is a sharp increase in the population of bears, lynxes, and wild animals in ukraine, it’s wonderful, because, it’s great, you know, it brings to mind the british media, because... because from here you can go further further conclude: you supply more weapons, they will kill more ukrainians, people, yes, and the bears will live well and prosper there, that is, how uncynical this sounds. forgive me, but the essence of such winning relations in quotes is - this comes down to this. well, in the west, you know , you mentioned this, and peskov now, dmitry peskov mentioned this now, a new victory for our enemies, adversaries, they found, revealed our crimes, in quotes, again according to the famous govan syndrome, the culprits were found , our
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old belinkets, insiders , whoever they were, that means... gristo grozev and other foreigners who joined them uncovered a terrible crime, they said, this is the belli incident, this is a migraine, remember the american diplomats in different parts of the world, here proved that these are all russian agents , and well, in their traditional style, at first they said that no, and now again, yes, in their traditional style they said, they are laying out, here is the billing of cellular networks, it is practically impossible to verify this, but if you are not a special service, yes the instinct of these christo groserovs is why only in russia. it works, they found something simply wonderful there, there were several cases of hot flashes in the eleventh year, it seems, or well, in general , relatively recently in tbilis, an american diplomat’s wife photographed some a young man with a girl dressed as if for a parade means under suspicion , well, our special agents on missions always , you understand, looked like james bondon, so
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i took a photograph, and now they showed her a photograph of someone there, what are they for, why are they asking us to cause a migraine american diplomats, they also explain, but for american diplomats to be afraid, so that they feel discomfort when they work in the russian direction, this is the goal, you know, the very goal that russia has in this very sacred struggle against america, and this same investigation has been dragging on, the investigation, in
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quotes, since the sixteenth year, well, they discovered the first ailments in cuba, well, you see these. the secular community itself found out that, well, yes, after all, of course, neither the russian nor any other special services have any intuitive sense of these migraines, look, here is the guy, intelligence, the situation, let's come back, today is the event of the year,
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zoya , my university friend. this is not at all what you think. vadim andreev, your children will be found, they will definitely be found. daria ursulyak, i can’t wait, irrepressible restlessness, what they say about you is true, what restlessness wants, restlessness gets. today on rtr. we present to you the legendary horse balm from the czech republic with horse chestnut extract, which will relieve you of pain in the muscles, joints, spine and tendons. the balanced formula of medicinal plants provides an immediate, more quenching effect. the balm is produced in the world famous czech resort karlovy vary using ancient swiss
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dagestan has already admitted that he was transporting weapons from makechkals to the terrorists who attacked the cityhall campus. during the shaking, two bells and 460 fuli were found in the apartment. i drove drove. they gave them weapons to these guys who attacked the corcus etihol in the city of moscow, i took them weapons from makhachkovy metichi, i only had financial and weapons, all the details are in the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you and goodbye.
2:00 pm
hello, on the russia tv channel , irina rossius will present in the studio and the main topics for this hour.


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