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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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i drove, i brought them weapons to these guys who attacked the korkusekhol in the city of moscow, i brought them weapons from makhachkala, i’m just armed with everything and finances. all the details are in the news, it was 60 minutes, all for you. goodbye and good-bye, hello, news on the russia tv channel, in the rina rossius studio and the main topics for this hour. the troops are ready to go to the front,
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only 25 out of 200 ukrainian recruits are ready. abandoned nato equipment is being restored and is already actively attacking mercenary militants of the kiev regime. we have svo chronicle. highest state awards. by decree of the president of the russian federation. stars of heroes of russia for courage and heroism were awarded to colonel leonid bashkevich and major igor chin. a paint shop is on fire in yekaterinburg. the fire area is already 4,500 km, rescuers are increasing their group, there is a threat of explosion. saps for movement. let's get closer to each other. in omsk, meltwater flooded the city. difficult flood situation in the altai territory. within hours, dozens of houses were under water. and what ivan what does steleydy consider to be the main award? handshake of a patient discharged after a complex operation. russian surgeon,
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oncologist, academician krahn is celebrating his anniversary, he is 60. a system of round-the-clock assistance for the families of participants in a special operation to earn money in the vologda region, acting governor georgy filimonov has just reported to vladimir putin about this. a unified platform for targeted delivery to fighters has also been created in the region.
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both curators must be available 24x7 and have full information about what worries the family, first of all, i emphasize once again, this includes the preparation of a package of documents for receiving payments, these are everyday issues, this is contacting the management company in order to conditionally subordinate the battery, full turnkey support until the problem is resolved, operatives of the federal security service detained. as the fsb public relations center reported less than an hour ago, the criminals were directly involved in financing the killer, supplied them with weapons, where is the bomb, i brought them weapons to these guys who -
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apartments. what were they going to blow up? kasshi embankment. during the search, investigators found a homemade explosive device and an automatic weapon on the suspects. immediately after the attack , the criminals intended to escape from russia. during the interrogation, it turned out that the militants were involved in organizing a terrorist attack in the town of sitikhol, near moscow. moscow demanded that kiev hand over the head of the sbu vasily malyuk, as well as everyone else. was involved in a series
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of terrorist attacks in russia, as our foreign ministry noted, traces of the attack on the concert hall in crocus, as well as the murders of daria dugin and vladlin tatarsky, the undermining of the crimean bridge and a number of other similar crimes lead to... ukraine, while kiev has international obligations within the framework of anti-terrorism conventions. their violation entails international legal responsibility. russia demands that ukraine extradite all those responsible, compensate victims, and immediately stop any support for terrorist activities. documents for appealing to international courts regarding ukraine’s involvement in terrorist attacks in russia have already been getting ready. russian units took up new positions and immediately improved the situation. in several directions of the special operation on the zaporozhye front, the crews of the k-52 aligator and mi-28 night hunter helicopters attacked ukrainian groups in the vicinity of rabotin, destroying over thirty militants and three armored vehicles. in addition, the bridge that the vysu used for supplies was hit.
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crews of su-34 fighter bombers trained on targets in the south of the dpr. in the vdeevsky direction, the brave fighters of the group planted the flag of the donetsk people's republic republic in the village of vodyanoye. destroyed near marinka. tank. our specialists have restored the first of the german marder infantry fighting vehicles captured from the ukrainian armed forces. as the engineers said, the armored vehicle has extremely low cross-country ability. well, the new trophies of the russian group were the american bradley and the armored personnel carrier. and there is a tape for the machine gun, there is a tape for the cannon. plus a submachine gun, smoke grenades, well, everything is complete, absolutely everything is complete. in the near future , the equipment is planned to be repaired and accepted in... russia, personalized weapons. details from mikhail
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fedotov. by decree of the president of the russian federation, in a solemn atmosphere surrounded by the country's military command , the minister of defense presents the highest state title. lieutenant colonel leonid pashkevich and major igor yurgin were awarded for the courage and heroism shown in the battles of the golden stars of russia; a personal gift from sergei shaigu was an award weapon, an officer's saber and a pistol, as signs of special respect for the feat of our soldiers. i sincerely congratulate you on these high awards, on these titles, titles of hero of russia, health and good luck to you. everyone and of course victory. major igor yurgin began his service in the northern military district zone as a senior lieutenant. already in the first days of the special operation , his platoon liberated several settlements. now yurgin commands a detachment of attack aircraft. in one of the directions, his subordinates immediately defeated six units of the ukrainian armed forces that were trying to break through the front line.
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the hero receives a high reward; this is the merit of all his fighters. the task was carried out unquestioningly, everyone knew their maneuver, everyone acted confidently and harmoniously. fear, of course there was, but everyone overcame it, everyone completed the task, not even 100, but 200%. we crashed all six elite units along with their commanders. lieutenant colonel leonid pashkevich also shares the award with his entire battalion. the battalion commander and his fighters stopped the ukrainian breakthrough on one of the front sections. over the next three days, the enemy also made eight attempts to break through the battalion's defense; it was revealed that the enemy had lost 14 tanks, 22 armored combat vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as up to 500 manpower killed. entire military formations have received honorary names today. the minister of defense sent telegrams to the twenty-ninth brigade of the russian chemical defense forces and the seventy-fifth control brigade. these units, which fight in the kupinsky
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and south donetsk directions, became guards for mass heroism and high military skill of their personnel. exhausted at the front, units turned to marketing, the new york times reports. ukrainian commanders call the official conscription system gromos, corrupt and dysfunctional. the recruits they supply are mostly old, sick and unwilling to fight. a representative of one of the battalions gave specific figures: out of 200 recruits who arrived, only 25 showed interest in being sent to the front. it is because of this formation that the ukrainian armed forces are trying to launch their own campaigns to recruit soldiers. we invite you to choose your military specialty yourself. there have been few successes, however. residents of kiev told new york times correspondents that no amount of advertising will change their opinion those who refuse to fight. to other topics. preferential mortgages will appear in russia for defense industry workers. based on the results
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of the meeting with the forum participants , vladimir putin gave the government everything for victory. the terms of the program in regions where there is a shortage of personnel at defense enterprises must be determined by the cabinet of ministers by the end of april. during the same period, the president instructed to make changes to the legislation, which will make it possible not to take into account the income of the amount of one-time financial assistance of svo participants when applying for various social measures. support. also, ambulance drivers will be covered by social benefits that workers receive for working with the wounded in the ied zone. at the same time, the vehicles of medical teams within a radius of 15 km from the line of combat contact will be equipped with protective equipment, including electronic warfare. a few more lessons for the ministry of industry and trade. the department should expand the production of drone detection and suppression systems, as well as special-purpose textiles, including non-flammable fabrics. yarn and today the list of orders was approved president on the implementation of the message to the federal assembly. the document is extensive,
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it contains 30 points from various social guarantees of taxes to healthcare, education and technological sovereignty of russia. the key task, as stated in the first paragraph, is to ensure that by 2030 russia enters the four largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. congratulations on the anniversary are being accepted today by one of the country's leading oncologists , academician ivan stelide, director of the national medical research the blakhin center itself carries out complex operations, constantly improves the work of the oncology center, and at the same time develops oncology care services throughout the country. report by daria okuneva. guests are always greeted at the bar-relief of the founding fathers of the anka center. blakhin, trapeznikov, davidov, the latter, are sure to be quoted. a surgeon's most joyful experience is shaking the patient's hand.
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how many days nastya and her mother spent in intensive care and countless. 4 years ago the girls
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were diagnosed with meeloid lycosis. the chances of survival in her case did not exceed 2%. but academician stelidya i believed the child. i am still alive, i will live, i will fulfill all my dreams, and this is all only thanks to the doctors. the oncology center is changing before our eyes, the cardiovascular department has been opened. for older patients, cancer often hits the heart. the country's largest nuclear center operates, where radiopharmaceuticals are created. a center for psychological assistance has recently opened, it is not enough to perform a good operation, stitch it up nicely and leave, it is necessary to work with patients, why do patients complain, you know, only because that they didn’t communicate with them, she felt attention immediately, as it turned out in the information center, they couldn’t remove a giant tumor in her city, they created a 3d model of the formation, but they still decided to operate.
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salpakh are moving and
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today they presented the index of the quality of the urban environment based on the results of 2023, all the details after the advertisement, see you, my name is zoya, i am from the investigative committee, the premiere on rtr, look at her hands, there is no dirt, neither on her clothes, nor under her nails , are you sure... there is a theory, yes, this is revenge, it will not rest, i cannot wait until all the criminals you have committed are caught. mistake, all this can still be proven, and we will prove it, irrepressible, restless, so it was you, today on rtr,
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discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise opens in titanic luxury collection bodrum. the office is the calling card of your business. the taller business center is located near paveletskaya. square and garden ring, original architecture with a recreated historical tower, an access system with facial recognition, an application for managing space and time, an intelligent building navigation system, a data center, public spaces and underground parking. taller - a new height for your business.
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we gathered about ten people into the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when? my soldiers came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, and this, let’s say, is my trophy, we were in a famine, here comes my grandmother, she herself is hungry , but she brings this kurba, shelters, she says , baby, feed the dogs, lend a helping hand, olga and i decided that
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we need to take the guys with us, i got such people, they care, support with a word, hello, dear soldier and matter, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. happy birthday to you, blow it out, on saturday, after graduation you fly to italy, and i’ll finish my business here and sit down with you, if only you knew where you’ll lose, dad, dad, little one, if only you knew where
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you’ll find it. i have a business proposal for you, you already have flowers from fans, you generally loved him, mom, so from now on, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we are only a few familiar for days, not enough, life doesn’t provide any clues, premiere on saturday on rtr. this is news , we continue production in yekaterinburg, at these moments a large fire is being extinguished, a column of black smoke is visible from different parts of the city, an operating paint shop is on fire at one of the industrial sites, according to the ministry of emergency situations, the fire was localized over an area of ​​4,500 km, the roof collapsed, more than 60 people are working at the site, 22 pieces
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of special equipment are involved, and at this moment there is no information about casualties. warm weather has settled in in several regions of russia at once, temperature records were broken in st. petersburg, pskov, lipetsk, rostov-on-don and kaliningrad; in the far east, winter is not yet giving up. in kamchatka , school classes have been canceled due to snowfall, and there are many accidents on the roads. in primorye, the cyclone hit the northern and central regions of the region. on sakhalin, where the winter was very snowy, cars are now floating along flooded streets. a similar situation is in omsk, natal and voda are drowning residential areas and passages. during the spring flood in... it has already entered the active phase in 25 regions of the country. in the orenburg region has introduced a high alert regime. water enters the garden community and floods the roads. where passenger transport cannot pass, it comes to the rescue. in front of the bridge there is an overflow of water, information about flooding comes from the saratov region, where
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more than 60 settlements are cut off from the outside world , but the most difficult situation is in altai, where there has not been such an intense flood for the last 40 years, in the southwest region , almost 500 houses, about a thousand plots were flooded, reporting by ksenia klimina, dozens houses. surrounded on all sides by a seething stream of water. mikhailovsky district territory has been drowning for three days now. the village of the rocket was cut off from the mainland. is it possible to get there now except by boat? six calves in a flooded area. all that remains of the recently rich estate of alexei klimov. the pigs drowned. i don't know what to do with them now? i don't know at all. in general , i have no idea what to do. big water came to the altai territory on saturday, literally in a matter of hours, dozens of houses were under water, in the rockets the flood came at night, at the scene of the emergency, rescuers worked around the clock
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, they pulled people out, tried to save sunken cars, even saved livestock, those whose houses were damaged by the flood, most of all, now live in a local school, here in the classrooms they organized...
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a special commission was created, in settlements where the water has already receded, they conduct door-to-door surveys and calculate the damage. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, vesti, altai territory. and now there is an urgent message: washington risks becoming suspected of involvement in international terrorism. this was just announced by the russian foreign intelligence service. thus, the svr commented on the actions of the biden administration in connection with the terrorist attack in kroku city hall. so, according to the data. our intelligence in the united states is intensifying its work to form a distorted picture of this tragedy. it is also noted that kiev, when preparing terrorist attacks in russia , uses satellite information that it
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receives from american intelligence. dozens the bodies of the dead were found today on the territory of a hospital in gaza city, which were abandoned by the israeli military. for two weeks , idf units fought there with the palestinians. as a result, the hospital building was practically destroyed. according to eyewitnesses, among the victims were soldiers. operations, many civilians, well, in israel itself, the most massive anti-government protests since the beginning of the war in gaza, the resignation of the netanyahu government and the holding of early elections demanded hundreds of thousands of people, in their opinion, the prime minister did not fulfill his promise to destroy hamas and return all the hostages home, well , netanya himself, leaving for the hospital for an operation to remove a hernia, rejected all demands. in his opinion, early elections will paralyze israel and freeze negotiations on the fate of the hostages. today in moscow there was a presentation of the urban environment quality index for the past year; it is calculated by the ministry of construction of russia and the development institute of the house of the russian federation based on 36
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parameters. these are indicators of improvement, safety, quality of public transport and roads, accessible environments for people with limited mobility. over the past year index was calculated for more than a thousand russian cities. the presentation participants emphasized that this is not a competition. the index helps to understand which areas need to be developed in each. ekaterina foralova has already watched the first episodes. i think that if the investigation tries a little, just a little, then they will do it. zoya is restless, smart, ambitious and accustomed to living at high speed, and her restless character pushes her to unpredictable actions. will you ever marry me? here you go? consider
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this a proposal, i can't say what she has everything works out, everything comes easily to her, but she is not discouraged, damn it, nothing can break her , she somehow shakes herself off, moves on, on the same day, a promising lawyer for neupokoyev manages to perform brilliantly in court , lose her job, be left without a lover, the firm belongs to him, i have nothing at all, i need to start everything from the very beginning anyway, while zoya is thinking about how she should live next,
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so we write, write, write these meaningless pieces of paper all the time, intriguing detective riddles against the backdrop of touching family stories, starring daria ursulyak, anna ardova and vladislav vetrov. if a man has not proposed to you in 7 years, he needs to be changed, the series, it is so without rules, we are in confusion from morning to evening, at least this is at least cheerful confusion, empathy, good intuition, the ability to gain trust, here are the main trump cards. don't miss the news from ekaterina fralova and ivan murashov. central russia starts with record heat. already at this hour in moscow
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the record of 1983 has been broken. we are not expecting precipitation until wednesday, and the south is not far behind, in in sevastopol 24, in krasnodar +27, only in sochi due to the fresh sea breeze is about twenty, but residents of the north-west can already prepare for colder weather. on tuesday in the kaliningrad and leningrad regions the temperature will immediately drop by 10-12°.
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hello irina, 27 million rubles. this amount was received by an entrepreneur who decided to open a sausage shop. to do this, he bought the building of a former hypermarket, which the investment map of russia helped to find. the production today produces one and a half hundred types of semi-finished products, from sausages and cutlets to
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dumplings and delicacies. elena , thank you very much, good news for you, we are now moving to blagovishchensk, where pupils of one of the kindergartens today saw with their own eyes how vegetables ripen, we have timur zlevko live on the air now, timur, hello, what did the young woman show, comrades? hello, irina, the guys who study in the agricultural class and are familiar with gardening visited the teplichny plant, one of the largest in the region, in order to get into the kingdom of vegetables, they were given special clothing, they need it... in order not to be brought into greenhouse infection, such excursions help children and adolescents decide on a profession. thank you, good news for you, and we will continue with the viewers of moscow and the region.


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