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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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the next episode of federal news will be aired at 16:00, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, we have everything by this time, see you. rtr. this is more than just television, it is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres. how did i get here? are you having a corporate event? what are you? don't you know bender well? no motive is needed for murder based on cunning.
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i don’t know what it was on the strip, the dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we are putting together an orchestra, we will perform shostakovich's seventh symphony, whoever does not take risks, luck does not smile on him, we will succeed, i will operate, i am scared, as if i were not me, unfortunately, there is no motive, no murder, no connection between the murders, but she exists, and we will find her, i remind you once again that this is my investigation. let's agree in advance, you are a coach, i am a player, a dizzying show and the best music, and you generally spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, i don’t even know, i want to read, please read, i i can’t read, turn on the music, blogger, my hope is the earthly bomb, they rely on russian songs, in general, russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor and entertainment.
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passionate analytics live program 60 minutes, news is broadcast, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair, he is in the audience, like you and me we remember, everything that one cannot imagine russia without comes through these doors, only on the rtr channel planet. in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, frequency in some hertz, silence, even if you don’t breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths. and souls,
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hello, this is our program, there are letters that you cannot send by simply writing the address on the envelope, you first need to find the recipient, and then give him the long-awaited news. today we will talk about people who have taken on the mission of looking for the recipient and delivering good news from relatives in the zone. special military operation. for natalia guseva's son nikolai has always been her favorite youngest child. this is my son, he is 4 years old here. of course, it was very scary when the children told me that kolya received a summons in october. i told kolya, i say: son, i say, you shouldn’t be taken into the army. first of all, you are already 39 years old. the answer was very harsh, probably offensive to me at the time. he said. nikolai
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gusev went into a special military operation zone in the fall of 2022, there was no contact with him for a long time, and then he called and asked. a volunteer from ulyanovsk came to the rescue maxim davidov with the call sign postman. he was looking for my son. he was on a mission and came again, but he didn’t find my son. on march 12 , he was very seriously wounded. the parcel could not be delivered to the addressee, but natalya dmitrievna is not offended by this, she says: ask guseva, what should i do with the parcel?
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i just said, i say, how, where, guys, to the third platoon, let everyone use it, i’ll also give my letter, let the guys read, this is from all the mothers. gosev nikolai, our fighting brother, we found out that you are in the hospital, we max said, so don’t brother, get well soon, all your things that max brought you, he brought every single one of them to us, i saw this video, where my box is, where the film is, where axes, hacksaws, and boxes are. .. with nails, i say, lord, maxim delivered everything! now nikolai is undergoing rehabilitation after being wounded, his mother communicates with him every day, how are you doing, a few words, tell me something, some people are good, but it’s better not to see them, nikolai, you
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were lucky with doctors after all, then in general, everyone is a doctor from god, in our studio we have the mother of svo participant natalya guseva, hello, hello! how did your son end up in the military, tell me, well, he received a summons, as if he had been mobilized, it so happened that all the men fought, fought a lot, in the first world war and in the second, that’s why he wanted to become mobilized, he went to the military registration and enlistment office, he said , i will not go as a volunteer, i will not go under a contract, but i will go mobilized, everyone served with us. i won’t hide, but i just had to come to terms with it, my son had to come to terms with it, my wife had to come to terms with it, spouses, the word to reconcile, it’s something like that, you know, well, it’s kind of forced or something, no, he was proud of his ancestors, so now you’re proud of him, as i understand it, and i’m
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very proud of my son, in other words, you’re this they accepted his choice, they understood him, they supported him, of course, as if it were possible not... now it’s come, and he didn’t say it, his wife said it, she called me on the phone and said: mom, i’m urgently taking you an online ticket to see kolya a summons has arrived, and i think that you should go urgently, the only thing i asked for was, and i say: tanya, please go to church,
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get a blessing, we have my father and grandfather nikolai, he was a believer, and in general our family is somehow a believer, i say, at least a blessing from the priest, he... but she she said that she said, yes, we should go, we, well, should go, but they did so, and when i was driving up to omsk from saratov, she called me and said, we left the church, they called from the military registration and enlistment office and said that bye postponed, it seemed to be included in the reserve, maybe somewhere in my soul i was happy, then i think it’s a reserve anyway they’ll take it away, they’ll already take it away, and they’ve canceled it for a little while. then they sent a second summons, and on october 29 we escorted him from the military registration and enlistment office to the omsk military unit, well, he studied there a little, and on november 25 we escorted him on a plane to rostov, before that
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he served in the army, he definitely served in he didn’t serve in the army for a year, he just got there, so he served for 2 years, then when he returned... he ran around, but where did he serve, in what troops? he, he served in the internal troops, souriski, he was a private, a private, a guard rifleman, it was he who corrected me that i not just a private, but a guard private, what was his military specialty, he was a marksman, a submachine gunner, and did he tell you anything at all, no, he generally said that mom, don’t worry, i’m still learning, i this is not anywhere, i dug in, here we are sitting, i did everything as expected,
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and my trench is good, and my machine gun is not visible, don’t worry, i don’t even take part in any hostilities, as he said, this is not the first line of defense, reassured, of course, regretted, maybe he had something for his wife he told tatyana, not me, but how he told you what he needed.
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he delivers parcels from hand to hand, he goes to the front line, you see. collect everything, well, i called out, then everyone began to help, what they collected in the parcel, it’s even hard to say, and thermal underwear, and he asked for a lot of socks, well, probably not only for himself, and there was underwear, and he asked very much for sweets, here are chocolates, and candies, cookies and honey, i gave him condensed milk, some stewed meat, but i know he’s a meat man, i think i need to find sausage with a long shelf life,
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because well, i understand that it wasn’t just that they sent it to the city, after all, this is a special military operation, it’s all happening behind the scenes, so i found the sausage, i ordered it so that it was smoked for a long time, then vladimirovna said, the only time i called him, i said: kolya, you need to ask the guys there or anyone else what you need, well, right away he said, first of all, a chainsaw, then a chainsaw chain, oil, my mother definitely says this.
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varnishes, but then it was necessary somehow to deliver all this cargo, it was necessary either to go to ulyanovsko or somewhere else, i said, maybe i’ll take it, they said, no, it’s not necessary, we ourselves, they drove everything, reloaded everything, our postman, there was already a truck there, what is the postman's name, maxim, last name, davidov, maxim davidov, yes, well, that's what kind of person he is, what do you think he is? no, i never
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saw him, i planned to go to ulyanovsk, now i’m thinking, my son will get a little treatment, he was supposed to go to the unit, and i would then go to ulyanovsk, i really wanted him see, i just wanted to say a motherly thank you. everyone will go for the ribbon to send the entire parcel to some ordinary soldier, he is the most wonderful. about such people, for me personally, i can’t speak for everyone, but for me he’s just a hero, a real hero who spends his strength, his health, because when he just went with our cargo and with his cargo , he was wounded there, what can we say about this? here’s a low bow, but
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neither europe nor america will ever defeat us. we have there will be people who defend their homeland, their russia, mother, excuse me, let's watch a story about this wonderful person, our postman maxim davidov. maxim davydov, a volunteer businessman from ulyanovsk, proudly calls himself the chief commander in the special military operation zone; everyone in donbass knows my reputation from hand to hand. i don’t leave them to anyone, so i basically accepted, gave, found, handed over, because i have to be sure that the package will arrive, that the person is alive, everything is fine, in order to transfer the video there hello to his family and friends, so that they don’t worry, he dreamed of going to the front himself, but due to health reasons he had to look for other ways to be useful on
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the front line, this car has already driven more than 3500 km, everything is hot then... the first second lines, as it were yes, and when delivering parcels, he basically goes to the front alone, if he takes risks, then only himself. i drove all over donbass, all the way across the front line, yes, i know what is happening where at what moment, so i just show my relatives - photographs, i say, this is how it is, this is how it is, but not everything is scary there, yes, sad, for many families... maxim has long become a close and dear person, sometimes he is the only thread that connects them. for relatives who are here helping the front, waiting for their beloved husbands, sons, uh, what’s important is good news from a son or husband that everything is fine, and if they also record a video that
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we say hello, there’s mom, dad, wife , hello kids, well... the mood immediately rises and the belief that everything is fine, increases exponentially, mom, hello, i’m fine, alive, healthy, everything is in place, everything, thank you for the parcel, thank you very much to the postman, he’s just handsome, he arrived, found me, did the unreal, yes, did the unreal, that’s all something incredible, to be honest, so everything is fine, thank you very much, don’t worry, everything will be fine, victory. will be ours, yes, as long as there are such people, victory will be ours. natalya, we understand that you have never met maxim, yes, in person, no, you want to see him, if you want to meet him in person, of course, the time has come, maxim, please come in, we are waiting for you, thank you very much, thank you for
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our children, from all mothers, thank you. this is the most wonderful person, there are no words, god bless you with health, strength, patience, help our guys, you are really the only thread, maxim davidov postman, hello maxim, do you see what emotions and feelings you evoke? yes , everyone, i was afraid not to cry, they were already crying, and we were already crying, everyone was crying, we have so many questions for you, and how do you look, through what channels can you find a person there, it all started, probably after my first trip, i met there, made very good, reliable friends
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who are now helping me, i manage to do what seems to many unrealistic or difficult, because at the moment, when i personally know more than 20 brigades and regiments along the entire front line, i have traveled more than 3,500 km, from svatov to kherson there are all the hot spots, and there is not even a point on the map of the entire donbass , wherever i am i haven’t been, but the most interesting thing is that... i even spent the night everywhere, and more than once with the guys, the fate of the parcel that natalya gave you, our ulyanovsky, volunteer group, help you... employees of the ulyanovsk region, the curator rekina there, called i’m probably around 12 at night and he says:
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saratov volunteers want to hear you, i say, what happened? they have a parcel, but there is no addressee, or rather, there is an addressee, but where to lead, there is no connection, as it were, because usually a transfer occurs, we first determine where the serviceman is serving or... we designate some place for a meeting, but here everything was much more difficult, i had to find a person without contact, and even when i looked for him there for 3 weeks, i found him, i didn’t call him, they just told me the approximate deployments in the command, then i had to act according to the circumstances, that is, when i was there in lugansk, i tried to contact someone from the command, without receiving it. in the end, in 3 weeks, my friends helped me, well, there at the front it turns out to make adjustments to dock me -
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their commander contacted me, i say i need to find a goose, so he says yes , we have one at that time, it turns out that they told me that there was not enough communication with him, well, for a long time it turns out that he was there for three or even more weeks, but that’s what his mother tried to call the military prosecutor’s office, so that to find out whether he is alive or not alive, that is, before handing over the parcel, i still needed to find out where he was alive or not alive, uh, in the end they told me, now the car will leave from lugansk, reload it, it turns out that we will hand it over, to which i said that no, that won’t work, i say, and i need to convey it personally, so i say, where you are, i will dock with you. to which they told me, you won’t get here, you won’t come here, they didn’t know you well, yes, after 2 minutes of our conversation, we roughly determined where
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we would meet there in the neutral zone, when i got there, the commander just saw my car , and he simply says, this is the first time i’ve seen this, how come, you say, how did you get here, when he started to say, that’s it, you’ve arrived, let’s give us the parcels, here, and i’ll tell him, i say, you don’t want me understood, i say, i i’ll tell him personally, wow, i say, tell me this, that is , no one says anything by telephone coordinate, so a personal meeting is important, during a personal meeting you can discuss the map in more detail, see how to get there, and to agree on some then the route, that’s what he said, you won’t get there, i said, well, i drove here, the man was so healthy, he said: you misunderstood me, he says, comrade postman? you're just driving your little car, just driving your little car there you can’t get through, there’s dirt, he says, you’re bigger than your mother, he said, i’m spending the night with you today, i have my own sleeping bag, i have
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my own sleeping bag, here’s a place for me tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, when your delivery car arrives , the cart will arrive, i ’ll get there with them, hand over the parcels, the commander just stood there, standing, saying, yes, he’s saying, i’m saying, he’s just saying, for the first time i see that i have... like a child, he says he was scolded, i can’t do anything say in response, it turns out, say in response, it turns out, in the end - he agreed, we went to stay with him in dugouts, there were about 20 kilometers there, probably, and having arrived there, kolya leaves for a mission in the morning, ah, he tells me, he says, when they come, i don’t know, but i told him, let’s... bye i’ll go to svatovo, it was in the area of ​​​​the city of schastya, i say, i still have parcels in svatovo, i’ll go to svatovo, i’ll be back from there in 3-5 days, it turns out, they say, no more than 3-5
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days for a task there , to which he tells me, i don’t know how it will go, i say, well, the golden mean is 5 days, that’s there, i say, we’ll call him, i say, when he’s on vacation, i’ll stop by, it turns out that i left, nikolai, it turns out , was away from me, well, within a radius of probably somewhere from seven to 10 km at that time without communication, i left for svatovo, and 2 days later they told me that he was evacuated by the 300th, the next the day our zaporozhye guys, artillerymen, wrote to me, sent me a list, maxim is there, i need this, this, this, this, because when i travel there with personalized parcels, i also buy some additional stuff somewhere along the way in big cities equipment or something else to complete... the guys succeed on the front line, so i don’t know, by what miracle this list was exactly the same as the one i was taking to nikolai, everything was exactly the same,
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i called him. we didn’t call you on the phone then, i called the volunteer headquarters of the market ship, through which we kept in touch, i called and said, can i buy a parcel from you, she says: in what sense? i say, well, i can’t give it to nikolai, can i buy it, i have a list, i need to give it to zaporozhye, and then it turns out they called me back, there was this a general package and a separate cola, they said nothing was needed, go ahead and pass it on, what did i do when i brought it, we recorded a video with the guys, well, we supported nikolai, we thanked our mother for raising such a strong-willed person, why a package that was addressed to nikolai personally with sweets with letters, you gave them to the boys, that’s what my mother wished, when kolyus of krasnogorsk was transferred to odentsovo in moscow, here, i immediately went and
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i... give it to the boys, everything they need is there and let them read the letter, and let them use it , even if it’s a little there, it’ll still be there some kind of gift from the mothers, and kolya says, please give it to the guys, you don’t need anything, you don’t need to take you anywhere else, give it to the boys, my guys, that’s why maxim did it, and the guys need it more, but the guys, yes, he was already hospitalized , it turns out that he was wounded, seriously, what a serious wound, march 12th is exactly one year since we were treated, uh-huh, on december 25th we had the seventh operation, but the leg was saved, thanks to the doctors, well, they are still saving it, i
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put it wrong, you can’t do that. let's watch a story from the hospital, mom, for you a big, big hello, i’m on the mend, i hope the postman gets speedy delivery , a huge thank you to him for what he does for our guys, nayasovo, for carrying parcels to our guys at such a life-threatening distance, because i know it myself. to receive news or a chocolate bar from your mother is probably the most precious thing, and there you will give me my mother’s letter, maxim, you keep it with you, don’t give it to your mother, when you meet you will give it to me, if there was an opportunity, i would go there again to help our guys, well, i think i’ll get better, if it doesn’t end, then
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let's go to. well, mom, wait, see you soon. next in the program, whose letter maxim davidov with the call sign the postman keeps in his breast pocket. my dear, my dear, take care of yourself, i love you very much, i hug you, kiss you and wait, your mother. where are my children, you freak, will we find them, you? you will find, you have a brilliant intuition, indomitable, restless, today on rtr, tired of boring waffles, ugly toasts, forget about it, because with the new waffle iron power excel woffle star you will discover a new world of belgian waffles, and your children will ask you cook them again again, that's the secret,
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i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be blamed for this, even if i only knew your son, i would sing a lot about your family, he took everything from you, it’s some kind of gene that is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, that’s shurka, it’s just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday. on rtr. earlier in the program, maxim davydov, call sign postman , passes letters and parcels to fighters from hand to hand. under fire, risking his life, he searches for
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those who have lost contact with their families. i have traveled more than 35.00 km along the entire front line and there is not even a point on the map of the entire donbass where i have not been. neither europe will defeat us, a parcel for you, i think it will definitely come, my dear, they love you very much and are waiting for you, when they found out that i was collecting a parcel for you, everyone started helping, tanyusha immediately sent 1500
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rub. aunt lena and uncle seryozha gave 3.00 rubles. they asked you to buy some goodies and a huge hello with a kiss, they are waiting for you with victory, alive and healthy. kolya, take away all the sweets. lena, the girls sent lena and natasha 1,500 rubles each. we also asked you to say hello to you. lena said that they were with you. how she helps you all, she said that since you are there, it means you are our hero, well, my good one, my dear, take care of yourself, i love you very much , hug you, kiss you and wait, wait, wait, goodbye,
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your mother , maxim, tell nikolai, of course, i’ve been keeping it for a whole year, maxim, but why do you need this, to take risks like this from the very beginning, i have a younger brother, a contract soldier, he fought in syria, was in the northern military district from the very beginning, initially got in touch there in fits and starts, this time in 10 days. then he said, in 10 days i’ll get in touch, i got out after 67 days, and i was looking through all the ukrainian, non-ukrainian telegram channels, trying to find a friend there , either an armored personnel carrier, because i knew which brother of the armored personnel carrier, or a familiar face, well, it really was 67 days, probably hell in my life, my brother has already returned home, it turns out that he actually gave me a surprise, it was my brother’s 30th birthday, and my mother called me and said,
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come, i need help, here i come to my mother, i open the door, my brother is just standing there, i almost collapsed there, in general it turns out that i have now - talking with wives, with mothers, with fathers, military personnel is much easier, because i know how they feel, and i also know what is happening, there i convey before them, in simple terms, that everything is fine there, there is, because there are such cases when either a missing soldier, or the connection just doesn’t work, the parents and their wives, they seem to be really screwing it up, because everyone assumes that there’s something going on everywhere every second. explosions, shooting and so on,
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here, but there are also good moments at the front, when the guys take baths, take a steam bath, wash themselves, prepare luxurious dishes from a small amount of food, after our conversations with relatives, the fathers of the soldiers came up and hugged they told me, now we’re calm, it’s expensive, we’ll wait, we’ll wait and, because i remember from myself. i wish i knew now that somewhere there is no connection, there are some interruptions in some places, yes, even at the moment when there was an incident with kolya gusev, here in svatovo, just when i was there, here i went to the hospital, there was cellular communication, the tower was blown up, it turns out, and for more than 3-4 weeks there was no communication at all within a radius of 30 km, there wasn’t even any cellular communication, so... to get in touch you had to go somewhere by car to the nearest
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villages in order to somehow find somewhere communication, this no longer means that somewhere on the front line, already directly on the first second line, when people there walk 5 km, climb trees, try to communicate, to at least say, i’m alive, healthy, don’t worry. natal, kolya said in the story that he will recover, we have no doubt, he will go back. how do you react to this, like any mother, i will wait, just wait, and maxim will continue his work, his ministry, but now i will know through whom to send the parcels, now you calm down, everything will be fine with him, i know , y he has great guardian angels, god protects him, i will pray, this also helps, this is the most important thing, i even met at the front when people who do not... believers in god asked me for icons and even crosses, when i
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go on a trip, on any trip, our churches bless me with crosses, icons, on a trip i very often also play the role of a person who is between the priest and the fighters, who are on the front line of the fighter, by the way, how are you generally allowed in everywhere, you have some special all-terrain vehicle, pass, probably reputation, well, that too this reputation should have developed, and in general initially... it developed when i first went to look for my mechanic, tell me this story, i have a mechanic who works for me as a mechanic in a taxi, he was already over 50, he signed a contract and left as a volunteer, since it turns out that from the beginning of the special operation i was collecting cargo for my brother, with the popular front we were collecting and sending it to other units of our ulyanovsk, so my brother arrived, but my work did not stop, that is , these 6 months, even when my brother was there, i
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i was looking for an opportunity to go there, to which everyone told me horror stories, a combat order was needed there so that... we would spend the night the next day, i came up with a box, i said, i still need to find a tourist, tell him, a tourist is the call sign of my mechanic, to which i was told that you have the fifteenth brigade, and we have a squad, this is a volunteer squad,
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at that time i didn’t really understand either the territories of donbass or the units, i just looked at the map, i knew only one name: not a regional town, this is what i need i had to find it, and it was 300 km from there, my friends told me, we went, we told him, so, and i said, until i find it, i won’t leave here, so i moved from donetsk to lugansk alone, spent the night in the city of lutugino, this is our ulyanovsk sponsored city, which ulyanovsk is restoring, electricity, water, gas, and it turned out that i was lucky to call them and spend the night at least, someone helped you everywhere, well, yes, there was a big difficulty in that that at that time my russian sim card was not available anywhere in the territories i worked, it turns out i even went to lugansk like a blind kitten and didn’t know how, where, where to turn at all, wait, well, did you find the addressee in the end? uh, after 3 days, yes, in general,
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the story of my postman was probably born in these 3 days, when i couldn’t find anyone to contact. i knew that it was only a regional town, in a cafe in lugansk i connected to wi-fi, looked where this regional town was, that it was not very far away, i went, everything was broken there, when i stopped there i saw two men, i decided to ask them, where is our 15th the brigade is standing, what they looked at me, i was received poorly, i had to fight back, after that in the evening i heard from the command, you can’t go alone, you can’t go there, it’s impossible, why did you go there... and how so, but in in general, it turns out everything worked out, the next day we found the approximate location of alexander, we went there with the military, while we were waiting - along the way, where exactly are alexander’s coordinates, i was taken to the second line of defense in the urals then, at first they also told me, let’s
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overload to the urals, we’ll take it, i say, no, i’m with you, the captain tells me, it’s dangerous there, i say, well, i’ll go anyway, he says, okay, he says, we have 5 minutes there, think for a minute, you’ll say, to which i don’t hesitate, i just said boots dress, because i didn’t know where they would take me, so when they put me in the urals, we started leaving, i realized that we were going to some field, there were mines nearby, at that moment i saw mines for the first time , field, dirt, to be honest, i was in some kind of shock, as if reality had changed and i was simply brought from some broken village to a field where only mines lie. everything was shooting, there was banging, they brought me to the dugouts, then they gave me letters with them, about 50 of them, children's letters, it turns out that in the first dugout they said hello to the guys, i took out a letter, joyful, to one, to the second, to the third,
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and the guy who stood closest to me opened the letter, cried and left, to be honest, i was scared, there’s sergei, i say, i... did something wrong, he says, we’ll figure it out now, somewhere in 3-5 minutes a guy comes up to me, hugs me, says: big thank you, i say, what happened, why did i cry, it turns out that my first letter, which later turned out to have a tank drawn by a child’s hand, it says, come back, we are waiting for you at home, was handed over to the tank driver, and this he hung up the letter, he said, i’ll hang it in the tank, six months later, when i was with them, he remembers there... and i’m standing, talking, he screams, postman, let’s go, he says i’ll show you, they climbed into the tank, there he actually saved the letter, we left there when they told us that in the area where alexander... there is now shelling and well, we just happen to be there, the distance was small, 1.5 km, but you can’t drive along the road, so it miraculously turned out that his
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commander was returning just to his position, that is, alexander’s immediate commander, we met with him, docked, handed over the parcels, i left there happy, proud, but dissatisfied, so it turns out the parcel reached him, but on the second trip, when i already... went for the new year, i drove all the way in a santa claus costume defense line 1,200 km, congratulating the guys at the checkpoints, happy new year, the guys were generally shocked that santa claus was traveling along the entire front line, so on the way to mariupol i gave out 500 kg of children's gifts, so i went to sasha, we waited for him there for 3 weeks, because they had an active phase, he was in one place, then in another place. and we seem to arrive at one place, he’s not there, he’s not there, it turned out that his car came under fire and was disabled, he
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was towed somewhere, was being repaired, in the end i found him, tracked him down when he they told me to go and meet us, he didn’t even know where he was going, so it turns out i didn’t see him for three, probably four, months. and the ural just drives up and he almost crawled out the window, and he’s so bearded, i didn’t recognize him at first, i’ve never really felt such emotions, when just a person runs out and he, oh well, it can’t be, how come well, you finally found me, let's see the story about alexander, today alexander trifonov works in the ulyanovsk taxi company, how are we doing, drivers' complaints yes, so this...
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that is, there was such a santa claus, and unrecognizable, no matter what he was, the most important thing is that he is alive, i saw a group
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of military personnel, among them stood a papal, that is, this is my immediate superior, leader , this is not for the camera, there were only peaks, that is, my surprise was expressed only in peaks, when the emotions passed, i didn’t even see anything in him... and what to cook for you when you come, that is, i was already returning him home, later in
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the program, alexander trifonov will come to the studio, he hasn’t been in contact with his family for 28 days, but the postman was able to find a fighter in the northern military district zone, it was so unexpected for me that, um, emotions, i have never experienced this and i think i will never experience this again. you are beautiful, smart, you look great, my parents will immediately love you, sooner or later they will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but a girl from the outskirts, shut up, stop, take a nap, hold the cream, what’s going on? misfortunes of this kind happen to girls of a certain behavior, you are a future diplomat, and reputation, i emphasize, reputation is not an empty phrase, i want to have an abortion, he will understand everything, this is not his child, and he will always know it. tomorrow will be a new day. on
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you money and pay for itself in just a few weeks. don't wait any longer. call us now. in the near future we will live in a completely different world. artificial intelligence will force us to think differently. very fast. the name of the psychologist alexey sitnikov thundered throughout the country back in the early nineties. everyone who attended his lectures says that by just looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with. increased blood pressure and blood flow destroy the body. how to get the most out of every day of your life , achieve your desires and what to expect? earlier in the program, natalya guseva was looking for options on how to deliver a parcel to her son in the northern military district zone. for help, she turned to maxim davidov with the call sign postman. and today they are in the studio met for the first time. thank you very much.
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thank you for our children, from all mothers, thank you, in our studio we have our participant alexander trifonov and his wife, elena. hello! well, tell me, what kind of emotions were raging when you saw your boss, a flurry of just emotions, well , they said correctly in the plot, just peaks, that is, it was so unexpected for me that, um , emotions, i have never experienced this and i think that already i will never experience it again, my emotions went off scale, that is...
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every wife, every mother wants it to already it all ended, everyone came home, healthy, alive, the most important thing is still alive, this is the most cherished dream, who has relatives and friends there now, well, when sasha left, he left as a volunteer, but he did not inform me, we didn’t prepare, he confronted me with the fact that he was leaving, i was given only 3 days. so that i realize this, accept it as a fact, and of course let it go, i had nowhere to go, they didn’t ask me, so now, of course
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, they can also make a decision, i’m ready for the fact that it’s useless to argue, it’s useless, let’s say say something, because it will still be as they said. to the fact that you will be without contact for a long time, and elena didn’t even know where you were, that you were all right? well, as a matter of fact, when i went there, i was ready for anything, and not only to be without communication, of course, well, you can’t prepare for this, that’s in any case, well, i knew that this could happen, when after all, you restored this connection, when you got in touch, what you said, these were the first words, it’s just that there were days when the opportunity to call, i was like... for some reason it never happened he said that lenochka, hello, i’m fine, i didn’t say anything else, i’m alive and well, and most importantly, she certainly had emotions, if i didn’t come out, oh, finally there, how a woman rejoices when
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she finally... then he will hear his own voice, but i didn’t talk much, i’m alive, healthy and goodbye, that’s it, maxim, but what do you think, there are a lot of honorable people like you at the front, who carry humanitarian aid, a lot of people, how many people like that. .. from hand to hand, probably a little, yes, a little, so we found one, you can’t imagine, you know what he has call sign, well, almost like yours, postman, pechkin, pechkin, really, you guessed right, yes, call sign pechkin, let's see the plot, everyone calls alexei burlakov from the irkutsk region the postman pechkin, he collects children's letters and takes them to the front. here matvey writes from the fourth a class, it warms your attention that worry, you are growing up, a worthy generation, thanks again for being open, children, victory will be ours, the soldiers
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answer the children as much as possible, the postman pechkin brings letters back to kindergartens and schools in irkutsk region, you are your soldier, thank you very much for your words of support, we will try very hard to return and... bring a peaceful sky to our country. sometimes front-line leaves smell like gunpowder burning. for children they are an invaluable gift, the best lesson in patriotism and love for the motherland. oh , how, picha, you should get acquainted, i think, create a courier department, and in pechkin’s camp. maxim, you told the story so touchingly when you handed over a child’s letter to a tanker, let’s see the story of how students write to the guys at the front. i decided to write a letter because i have there. there are a lot of friends and a lot of
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relatives who have already been there, and returned, and never returned. i believe that it is very important to write letters to people who are injured, because our support is very important to them now. i would like to express my gratitude. to our soldiers, who are primarily on the front line, and so that they return home safe and sound. dear defenders, we are very proud of you and look forward to your victory for peace. maxim, you have very kind eyes, and it seems to me that you always bring good news to people, these very the letters that we just saw are here in the studio, we want to give them to you so that they can be edited out.
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“hello, dear soldier, i want to express my deep gratitude to you, we will endlessly remember you, your exploits will forever remain in our hearts, thank you for your courage, you will forever remain heroes, we will not forget you, and your family will not forget you 100% , they are waiting and love you, you are handsome, maxim, you are handsome, thank you." wishing nikolai a speedy recovery, everything
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will be fine, i know he is the best, he is for me in general, the best, and easy roads for you, thank you very much, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. on the russia channel, evgeniy’s news in the studio was detained.


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