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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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don't miss the news from ekaterina fralova and ivan muroshov. all news can always be found on the “watch” media platform. on the website, this is how and where it is more convenient for you. well , the news continues to follow developments in russia and abroad, so stay tuned. friends, our destiny is in our hands. everything we dream about
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for years to come, tickets for trainings and master classes are almost impossible to get, and his videos on the internet receive millions of views. i think everyone is tired of the emptiness, surveys were conducted, the majority people wrote that this was the first time we encountered meaningful content, simply explained. those who attended his lectures say that by just looking at a person he can determine what problem he came with, and with the help of his proprietary techniques he helps to find the answers himself. important questions: how to get the most out of every day of your life , achieve your desires, is it possible to deceive fate, how to start the process of self-healing and what to expect from the future, about this and not only today in our program. good evening, petrovich, thank you very much for being with us, in one of your television video messages you said that we have begun.
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but when it is increased, it is approximately the same as on a car, remember, old cars, or now on atvs, jet skis, there is a throttle valve in order to start the engine, so that it warms it up, so that it rests, we use this throttle valve when we open it, more gasoline is thrown into the cylinder, but when we’re already moving, we need to close it, otherwise it will burn out, it’s completely clear that this gas pedal, which is cortisol... and from this the engine not only runs, but from this it also breaks down, the same with the human body, we have a structure, here it is called the reticular formation, it is responsible for analyzing the significance of external signals, it is around the clock analyzes everything that happens around us, young mothers know this well when , tired, tormented by a sleepless child, she falls asleep with him in her arms, next to her husband, who is watching football, she does not hear football, but as soon as the child moves. ears on
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the tops of the head, yes, the cortisol has been released , the blood has flowed to the sense organs , the ears are filled with blood, you can see better, hear better, now more blood has come to the muscles, it will jump further, and if there is enough information to make a decision, then here there are two structures called amygdalae, amygdala, they take part, including them, take part in decision making, and a decision is made: there to hunt, run away, catch up, fight, and if there is not enough information, the brain makes the decision to go into a state of such standby , this is a state of such, such anxiety, anxiety and fear, this anxiety immediately goes away when the actions begin, for example, i didn’t sleep all night
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because there was an exam, i came to the exam, took a ticket here i calmed down, tomorrow i have a boxing fight, i was worried before the fight, but when i entered the ring the fight began, there was no more fear, no more anxiety. there is already an action and when the action occurs, then this cortisol is simply eaten, the increased pressure is utilized, and indeed the fact that the muscles are given more, more blood and sense organs, the reaction is faster, i think faster, the senses work better, i see better in the dark, and accordingly i can do more physically. you also said that meditation helps a lot, let's listen. meditation calms and stabilizes the psyche, gives a good mood, and relieves stress. from a physiological point of view, this is one of the best ways of anti-stress, without the use of any drugs, if there is no need for this and there is no therapeutic appointments. meditation is really capable, if practiced regularly, of teaching a person to quickly enter a default state,
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in which a person is able to hear his own thoughts, his own ideas, in this default state , self-healing mechanisms, the so-called naturopathy, are launched and... it is indeed very good for health, to lower cortisol, adrenaline, lower blood glucose, which leads to changes in metabolism , weight loss, lower blood pressure, a decrease in the activity of psychomatic diseases, and low cortisol levels are a direct path to a long life, a healthy life and normal immunity, which is able to cope with a large number of infectious diseases. and even with oncology, and it is necessary to train the cortisol system, for example, children must read scary fairy tales, i am now reading the fairy tales of the brothers grim, i want to say that this is also not for the faint of heart, but an adult
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must definitely engage in some kind of extreme activity sports and sometimes you definitely need to watch a horror movie, you need to train the cortisol system.
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and this blood must be taken somewhere, the blood is taken from the internal organs, vasoconstriction occurs there, vasoconstriction occurs, blood flows out from there, which means there is less oxygen, less glucose, fewer leukocytes, fewer lymphocytes, accordingly there is less immunity there, so irritation begins intestines, here's dysbacteriosis, here's a manifestation of the gastrointestinal tract, doctors call cortisol the death hormone, because the rapid release of cortisol under high pressure and the blood thickens. this is the reason heart attack, stroke, thrombosis, and constantly elevated cortisol due to anxiety is the cause of virtually most of the diseases from which we suffer. i want to show you one video where you talk about kashpirovsky, considering that he is 85 this year. come on, i am very friends with yuri gorny,
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he is a very famous person in the psychological community, because back in the soviet years he traveled around the country and promoted self-regulation techniques, a challenge, offering to enter into a battle of hypnotists with any of us, either gorny or me, and did not receive an answer, the effect of non-feedback is vicious, when you influence a person, you definitely need to watch him, because there can be so many consequences of negative reactions, and if a person loses consciousness, and if he... his blood pressure will rise critically, and if he will have an inadequate reaction to this hypnosis,
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influence, i won’t even see it, so influences through tv, without feedback, when i don’t even know that this person has died, when the kashpirovskys appear, when the authorities support mysticism, archaic models of thinking and an explanation of what is happening, it means the authorities are trying... to calm and deceive the people, did you meet kashpirovsky at least once, like that somewhere, no, and he did not answer your call, yes, yuri gorny sent him our proposal, there was no answer, and if in the year of his eighty-fifth birthday he answers, and speaking about hypnosis, i read a book and even years... 8 years ago we had an inclusion with michael newton from america, this is an american
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scientific hypnotist who is sure that a person does not die, the soul travels, and you are in in these lives you meet those with whom you did not work out in the past, how do you feel about this theory, what is in the theory of rebirth, that i don’t know, your wife in this life in the past could have been your sister, brother, i am a neurophysiologist by first training . it will be awkward for me, of course, to upset those who believe in rebirth, but i, as a neurophysiologist, am forced to state that consciousness does not exist in the absence of working nervous tissue, unfortunately, and i would really like to believe in it, but they all tell who was at he is under hypnosis that they saw something, traveled, remembered some stories, the brain finds a huge number of metaphorical... tools to support our versions. you say the age
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of aquarius is coming, what does that mean for all of us? somewhere around 200 years, the point of the vernal equinox is located in the zone of some constellation. and for 200 years from the birth of christ we were in... before that, in general, a person, without tools, could only
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catch a rat or a rabbit, but you can’t go after a tiger, the opportunity arose to actually change this world, but this weapon ended up in the hands of men, the woman was permanently pregnant, she had children of the same age hanging in her arms, men and women have slightly different nervous systems due to ... here is an enlarged structure called the corpus callosum, the connection between the right and left hemispheres, therefore women have much better developed intuition, women perceive the world differently, feel it differently with their bodies, smell, taste, colors differently, due to this woman can hold there are many objects under control, and a man is focused on the goal and achieving the goal at any cost, without thinking about the consequences, while a woman is more likely to think about the consequences. and the fact that humanity has been moving towards some goals for 3000 years, without thinking
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about the consequences, we have already polluted this planet so much that we ourselves don’t know if we have enough water, food, air, so nature felt if there is god, then he is so wise, if not, then nature felt, we just celebrated march 8, and here is the beginning of feminism, when women first began to give the right to receive education. then voting rights, this has been happening for quite a long time, let me remind you that switzerland, a developed country in europe, women received voting rights only 50 years ago, and we see how... more and more women are on boards of directors, in politics, ministers, prime ministers in america. hillary clinton, i'm sorry, got 3 million more votes than trump. if there was direct suffrage, then she would have won. look how more and more women are in parliament, on boards of directors, ceos of companies in business, this gives good results, by the way, and we see how
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this feminine energy is rising more and more. this is the manifestation of this era. the female yin type of thinking gives an advantage. what is the difference between yin and yang? once upon a time, the chinese very wisely understood the difference between these two energies. yang counts on internal resources, internal strength, internal power. the metaphor for i is not the knife. it has a resource - length, sharpness and strength. when two knives fight, the one will win a knife... which has more internal resource , length, sharpness and strength, in sports - this is boxing, the athlete who weighs more, has more experience, has a stronger blow, yes, more technicality, everything is very simple, the yin is a metaphor , will win water, it has no need to destroy the stone, break
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the wall, penetrate inside, it has no need. dig a channel so that it flows, she will find a way through, she will find some damage to the surface, she will find a gap in the wall, moreover, she will not destroy this stone, she will drown it, that’s when the yang a son meets, it seems to the knife that it is cutting water, but nothing happens, it seems to him that he will win, because it is sharp, but in fact the water will defeat him, because he...
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the only thing that is needed is the indian thinking, yinness, this femininity cannot be lost. this is probably why there are so many beautiful, modern, successful women at your lectures. attention, i was on alexey. it was amazing, immediately then the results began to appear in my activities, in my life, i just came from the urals with yekaterinburg, because he is a doctor of science four times, he has such a synthesis of knowledge that it is impossible to get anywhere else, only in this place, a woman receives energy, she is the main element in this world, and the task of
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a man is to use the opportunities that nature gives him, feminine energy, well , you can simply hold a beauty contest there, well, now information for those who want to become rich and bring their lives into the financial flow, the more you accept the patterns of behavior that financially independent people follow, the closer you are about to get rich. the first is the love of reading. reading is one of the main habits
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of the rich. second, waking up early. avoiding procrastination. fourth. finding reliable mentors and passing on knowledge no matter what you do, ninth, others, last, tenth, positive attitude. alexey petrovich, let us now turn to a short advertisement, right after this. how do dasha zhukova and her mother elena manage to marry the most successful people in the world? we will talk about birth programs, as well as who in the family needs reverse attention, if you are choosing a husband or wife, after advertising, my name is zoya, i am from
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the investigative committee, the premiere on rtr, look at her hands, there is no dirt, neither on her clothes, nor under her nails, we are sure you already have a theory, yes, this is revenge, she will not calm down, i can’t wait until she catches all the criminals, you made a mistake, all this still needs to be proven, and we will prove it, not the stolen restlessness, so it was you, today on rtr. olds barrel cognac is a product of the steller group. do you want twice as much yield? the best solution for you will be mini-greenhouse-granary. it will protect plants from
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frost and retain heat. it will accelerate the growth of fruit ripening and extend the gardening season; the presence of zippered windows will provide quick access for watering and maintenance. we offer a choice of two sizes of mini-greenhouses - 120x60x60 cm and 120x90x90 cm. you can use. on the terrace for growing seedlings or exotic ornamental plants. thanks to its compact size, the mini-greenhouse-breadbasket will be successfully located even in the most inaccessible places on your site or premises. durable frame mini-greenhouse made of metal pipes is resistant to corrosion and protects plants from strong gusts of wind. thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order mini. face granary at an amazing price from only 29.95 gin snob product stellor group mega sale carpet
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of a magnificent century at the lowest price from only 9-95 we present to you a carpet in a magnificent century, with it you will not only in a matter of minutes update and decorate your usual interior, but forget about complex care and expensive cleaning, the classic design fills any space with warm notes of nostalgia and without... the material reduces the time for care. the carpet does not collect dust and does not attract wool, and is simply cleaned. the magnificent century carpet is an ideal solution for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, corridor and even balcony. the carpet does not absorb odors, does not fade or crumble over time, and dirt can be easily removed with a soapy sponge or wet wipes. two bright colors to choose from: blue red, two sizes 70 by 120 and 150 by 200 cm. mega. sale of a magnificent century carpet at the lowest price from only 9.95. take advantage of this incredible offer. call now. steersmann bourbon is a product of the stellar
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group. veda vodka, a product of stellor group. to make dreams come true. sunday. i'm counting down the minutes until the evening when we meet again. this is my lena. she will be with me, and who are you? let her tell you, well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness, please stop, hello, sister, the situation is hopeless, i’ll do something , i don’t know what yet, but i’ll do it, honestly, len, resurrection on rtr, we stand up for what we have, we believe in what’s dear to us, we talk about what’s important to us , our every word is a step
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towards victory, good afternoon everyone, today on the program malakhov is a unique person, doctor of psychological, economic, philosophical sciences, professor alexey sitnikov, for those who have just joined us, today alexey petrovich tells how to change your life for the better, by the way, about music, i was also at... they performed jazz pieces like classics, classical pieces like jazz, it was difficult to understand in what style this music was written,
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an amazing musician, i remember. and when i taught, we had three professors in oklahoma in the city of tulsa, gaidar, yavtushenko and i, and alexy semenovich came to visit me, lived there for 2 months, when he left tulsa, atalsa is the capital of the oil industry, you know , oklahoma, as it is, the oil industry, when he was leaving, the russian embassy decided to hold a reception for oil company executives, they filmed large hall and invited a leading jazz group from new orleans. jazz, and such venerable musicians arrived, so cool , they enter the rehearsal, and alexey semyonovich comes, they are like, what kind of russian, now who will play with us, we will applaud, what kind of russian has come, okay, let’s listen, there was a rehearsal for 3 hours, alexey semyonovich went to put on his jacket, and i stayed with the musicians, with the americans, and the leader of this jazz group nervously lit a cigarette when he finished smoking.
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musical group, which is generally in siberia there was our own musical group, i see, yes, that’s what we knew, a great musician, but you were also quite famous, they recognized us on the streets, as they now recognize, for example, the same one there, the same seryozha shnurov in st. petersburg, and we were laureates of the world festival. so maybe we can gather everyone and we gather, yes, we gather for some anniversaries, and somehow this is such a part of life, we toured the country for 7 years, was practically a semi-professional musician lena, we have a call center, what viewers say, what they write in editor, tell us, a lot of calls are now
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coming in, a lot of calls from... fans of our today's hero, here is one of the frequently asked questions, there are a lot of videos that collect a very large number of views, in one of these videos you said that one of the main the devourers of our energy are the inability to control our mind, that is , unproductive spending of time, as well as our unproductive thoughts. please tell me how to deal with this, how many times a week, what needs to be done to recover, still retain this energy within yourself, especially now in such difficult times for us. well, there’s just no answer to this question, thank you very much for the question, the first thing to do, of course, is to set goals, the fact is that you can’t leave somewhere, you can only go somewhere, remember how to get lost in the country miracles, tell me how to leave here, it depends on where you want to come, but i don’t care where to come, then it doesn’t matter where to go, the fact is that in the world there is nothing good or bad a priori, rain, is it good or bad
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, it’s just rain, “if i woke up in the morning and wanted to go fishing with the children today, it’s bad, and if i didn’t want to go to the dacha in the morning to water the garden, then it’s good, good or bad , appears either right or wrong, appears in our head when we compare what is happening with where we are going, only then does understanding appear, every day assessments and choices can be made.
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think that you will only become happy when you find yourself a man, in this state, you can only attract to yourself an abuser who does not know how to live as a happy person, when suddenly you start to achieve something, he will not give it to you, because it is beneficial for him that you are not happy, you will first become happy, fill your life. sports, trips, interesting events, interesting meetings, hobbies, hobbies , professional growth, you become like this, only then will you attract a man who, with such a happy, fulfilled woman, can live happily, okay, then excuse me, i’ll interrupt just a question that now in all the moscow living rooms, they always talk about you involuntarily, all
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the march holidays everyone was discussing how... they married a rich, successful man for the second time, after 4 years he drank himself, lost everything, began to beat me, only after the fourth divorce before me it dawned on me that it’s not them, it’s me, and so dasha, her mother, they
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seem to have very good birth programs, the men next to them take off, behind each one taking off... when a girl chooses a man for herself, she needs to see what his father achieved, and his paternal grandfather, because the ability to implement ancestral programs is passed down through the male line; when i say achieved, it’s not about money. lived a happy, full , interesting, healthy life, when a young man chooses a girl for life, then he needs to look at what her father and
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maternal grandfather achieved, because if they achieved something, it means their mother and maternal grandmother there are effective birth programs, which means that... another video that has received more than 3 million views, how should you pay attention to signs from the outside world? for in order to understand that there is some kind of flow next to you, in order to understand what is happening, you must learn to hear the signs, the sign. it is a combination of several unlikely, unrelated random processes. every case, every unlikely event is an accident. but if several
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unrelated accidents occurred in a row, then it makes sense to pay attention to this. let's learn to hear the signs, and not... deny us, are we moving in the right direction and are we unconsciously in agreement with the movement towards this goal? here now the question is how to learn to recognize the signs, they appear in the information we receive, in the meetings that take place, over what duration, yes, considering that if 2024 is the year of karma, what should we prepare for? woke up in the morning, overslept.
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i’m going down to the car, i forgot my keys, i got into the car, my pass was left at home , i was fiddling with some papers at work , i was late for this meeting, look, five events in a row, each of which is unlikely, they are not connected with each other, what is the connection between because i forgot my pass and because i overslept, these are five unlikely random events, in mathematics there is a formula for calculating the total probability, it is calculated, it is called conditional probability, you need to multiply the probabilities of all five events, each of them, suppose, once every 3 months i wake up, i forget, each of them has a probability of 1 /0, multiply five times , one hundredth, this is one ten-billionth, this means that this cannot happen by chance during life, something connects them, they are connected by the fact that the unconscious does not want to go to
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this meeting, considers it either dangerous or harmful, or useless, then , i go to the museum, they drag me to the museum, but i want... a zoo, internally i think about the zoo, i dream about the zoo, i project images of seeing a hippopotamus there, buying ice cream, in addition , the zoo is not in the same direction as... the museum, so my head is a little bit, the muscles here turn my head in the ideomotor direction where i would like to go, i go here, a conflict arises between the muscles moving here and the muscles that think about it, react there to what i want in the other direction, here's your neck being pinched, here's your headache because the arteries are being pinched, then here's osteochondrosis after some time, here... it's the spine, moreover, images pop up
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that obscure my path, i don't notice obstacles, i've stumbled , fell, broke, dislocated, scratched, crashed the car, these are the very signals that together are called the sign, i’m going the wrong way, unconsciously you don’t want me to go there, and if i continue to go, having already scratched, broken, dislocated, forgotten having overslept, i did not pay attention to these signs, unconsciously. thinks oh you you go there , it doesn’t matter, but you don’t fulfill your needs, and you don’t need to go there, and you don’t need to live, and cortisol rises, this anxiety arises from the fact that i’m not going towards my goal, immunity decreases , the process accelerates , which is called antapoptosis, the self-destruction of the body. remember, friends, all our great actors, butterfly, orlova, yes, they all passed away,
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psychotherapy was used in european america for 70 or 80 years and psychotherapy was quite active in order to give the opportunity to talk with the unconscious, we have two mechanism for controlling our muscles: the first muscle control system -
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i just took a glass, yes, i consciously directed the movement towards this glass, yes, i consciously control, here we have the will, here is the subcentral gyrus, which is an element of the so-called pyramidal control system muscles, because here the pyramidal cells are of such a pyramidal shape, this is volitional muscle control, and there is another system that, for example, now controls your posture. you don’t think about her, do you? andrey? or when i walk, talk on the phone , my legs move on their own, this is the extrapyramidal system, it is controlled by the unconscious, this is the unconscious, these are unconscious muscle control centers , there is a hierarchy between them, if consciousness becomes interested in some movement, it takes control , just like, well, if i’m driving a car, the car is controlled by an autopilot, yes, it will go around other cars, obstacles, but it’s unlikely to go around a puddle , i see a puddle ahead, there are people standing here, what will i
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do, i’ll grab the steering wheel , i'll go around this puddle, and then i’ll let go, at that moment the car doesn’t become, as soon as i lost interest in control, the automation took control again, and the same thing with a person, as soon as consciousness loses interest, or is distracted from some muscle group, it controls. ..
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come on girls, let's try this simultaneous game right away. relax, everything will be fine, please, i ’ll move my hand now, and you close your eyes and start counting to 100, from 100 to one, from one to 100, your hand will be there all the time follow mine, and the higher the number, the
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deeper you will plunge into this state until your hand is completely numb. close your eyes, the hand touches mine a little , touches me a little, a little, count from one to 100, when you fall into this state until ten, continue counting, close your eyes, count from one to ten a little, just a little bit, touch my hand, your hand should follow my hand. but you are numb, and you continue to count, your body has become absolutely weightless, you are falling through in a distance until the hand goes completely numb, while alexey petrovich continues the experiment, we will break for commercials, do not switch, in these frames the actor yuri
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shibanov is at the zenith of his fame, playing the role of skinny sergeant fakhruddinov in the series. soldiers, but more than 10 years ago the actor disappeared from the cinema, we found the star of the series, god apparently wanted me to remain on this planet. the tragic story of the interrupted career of a star of the 2000s, under whose influence yuri shibanov is, why fans are sure that he is needed urgently save. malakhov, soon on the russia channel. sveta, i love you very much. you and i have our whole lives ahead of us, very often girls from a different circle strive to marry rich boys, let me decide for myself who i love, who to marry, okay, he ’ll still be mine, i’m not alone in this sheep, it will be a lie,
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i need to entertain the girl a little, money in advance, there will be tears, guys , please, it’s necessary, well, it’s with you, she doesn’t drink, she’s really fun with us and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he ’ll marry me, and then he’ll will hate me be happy, goodbye, i love sveta, if there is at least a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be a new day, friday, on rtr. rom castro - product of stellar group mega sale system for moving furniture conveyor at the lowest price for only 9.95. simply lift a heavy object with a special lever, place it on the moving platforms and move it wherever you need. the finished system makes it possible
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to move furniture weighing up to 150 kg, with or without legs, standing on a smooth surface or on parquet make sure to take advantage of this. incredible offer, call and order a system for moving furniture conveyor for only 9.95. whiskey mancacher, a product of the stellar group. mega sale, machine for dumplings and dumplings, the most smag at the lowest price for only 4.95. now your favorite dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy. cut the blanks to the size of the mold and place them in the cells. add the desired amount of filling. in just 5 minutes, hurry up to take advantage of this incredible offer, call and order the most delicious machine in just 4:95. cognac monte chococa, a product of the stellar group, we present to your attention a real hit of sales,
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a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather, an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag, made in patchwork style and goes perfectly with any. genuine leather chocolate for only 1995 old barrel cognac product of stellor group, where are
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my children, freak, we will find them, you will find them, you have a brilliant intuition, irresistible, restless, today on rtr, once again, good afternoon.
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thank you, and now i ask you to unconsciously make any other movement, with any other finger of your left hand, which will unconsciously answer my questions no. thank you, and now i ask unconsciously. answer the question: does it unconsciously consider it possible for you to drink red wine? thank you, stay in this state. does the unconscious mind think it is possible for you to eat red meat? thank you, stay in this state. i ask you to answer me unconsciously. do you need wear high heels? thank you, stay in this state. i ask you to unconsciously
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answer how it thinks whether white suits you . thank you, thank you. yours unconsciously came into contact with me, answered questions about what it thinks, what your intuition thinks, what your body thinks. bypassing logic. bypassing the superconscious, bypassing all superficial social norms, fashions, principles, we talked with your unconscious, i thank the unconscious, each of you for contacting me, we are returning, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, returned, thank you. thank you, you’re great , don’t be afraid, everything is fine, i was afraid, thank you, that is, you brought
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them into a state where they responded with finger movements, no, i took them into hypnosis right away, when they entered this state, i was already talking to the unconscious , the unconscious has already answered bypass... we have projections, this is when the unconscious tells us how what patterns of behavior, what objects of the external world can realize our internal needs, and there are intrajections, this is the term welfreight once upon a time, when we allow social norms, it is necessary, must, must, it is so accepted that they think that, as read in my environment, it is either superconscious or conscious.
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owner of the house, father-in-law, so it’s better, of course , to feel like a master, if there is a young family starting their own life, building their own destiny, i would highly recommend it, start, live your life, be the masters of your life, and what are you then tell us about such traditions when the youngest son, for example, should stay with by your parents?
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if a russian doesn’t do something, then he doesn’t do it because there is a possibility that he will be punished, and a japanese person doesn’t do something because he will be ashamed, a completely different motivation, for example, a russian person, when he gets acquainted, his the task is to say your name, and a second later he asks him a question, what did your interlocutor call himself, but i didn’t even pay
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attention, we don’t remember the names of those we greet and introduce. beliefs, this is some kind of thought that someone put into me, you know, infected me like with herpes, then she lives in me, well, for example , the teacher gathers the class, says: so, we are preparing for the entrance exams, which means we are choosing a university, we forgot about moscow state university, how, how, or a mother says to her daughter: “well, look, look, you are planning your life, but keep in mind, here i am, grandma, look, we all, we all
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endure, we all endure, we are doomed to be.” not happy, she programs her for this, she programs her to find an abuser, yes, unfortunately, these limiting beliefs, these paper ceilings, above which we cannot we can jump, it’s these ceilings that we remove during re-flashing, well, the task of a psychotherapist and coach is to work with these limiters, but this is a separate topic, when you collected the opinions of people around the world for several years, you made your 54 laws. karma , i listened to this lecture, it’s also incredibly interesting, but i like this law , which i would like you to talk about separately today, let’s listen, you can’t take more from this world than you put into it, this is the law of conservation , this is the law of balance, the world exists in harmony, in balance , the comings and goings, as in the economy, must be coordinated, an attempt to take
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more from this world than... there was enough to eat, this is such a test, fate tests how motivated you really are, this is very me close, because i believe that this is also a skill - by the age of 50, learn to part with everything easily, learn to give more than you take, when you give with some kind of pure heart, i don’t know, the subject, things, knowledge, that comes later always comes back to you, even several times
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times more, this is some kind of truth. this is the law of karma, it exists, and i absolutely believe in it, if my opinion can join those that you collected. indeed, this is the action of the universal law of conservation, the law of balance, try to take more bath water, but it will go under your arms, the only thing is that you create a wave, you created it yourself, if you are next to a person who is doing the same thing, then the waves will interfere, from you will remain in this world with everything you gave, and not what you took. well, perhaps the main one a question that worries us is... what awaits us in 2024, you also have a separate monologue on this topic on your channel, let's listen to a fragment: astrologers believe that metaphorically we fall into the zone of some
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energies, for example, now it’s twenty the fourth year is considered the year of karma, why? because the symbols of karma are eight , and 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 is 8. and i, as the person who once came up with the karma logic project, really like this story, since people will think about karma, it means maybe , realize what place do my actions today and my decisions yesterday have in my life tomorrow? that’s what it is necessary to analyze in the year of karma, what i did in the last day. 5 years, it’s useful , it’s generally useful to do every year, what we need to plan, set goals, hear ourselves, it’s wonderful when we pay attention to it, what’s recommended in the twenty-
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fourth year, to be mindful, is wonderful, what is recommended in the twenty -fourth year is to give thanks, feel a sense of gratitude and show it feeling, it’s wonderful, that in the twenty -fourth year... it is recommended to forgive, let go, it seems to me that this is very useful. our destiny is in our hands, and even if this is sometimes not the case, it is still useful to think so. and our fate depends on four things. first, it depends on how adequately we are. how this world works, how we observe its laws, secondly, on how wisely we use the resources we have and how to develop them, thirdly,
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on how much we can learn, develop, change, and fourthly, on how much we we manage time wisely, if i took control of these four processes, then it is me, it is only me who controls my life and my destiny, professor alexey sitnikov was our guest today, thank you very much for this wonderful hour that we spent together with you, we are waiting for your calls, friends, and letters to the editor, you can always find on the internet to get to know alexey petrovich better, take care of yourself and your achievements, goodbye.


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