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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 2, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm MSK

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territories of new regions of the russian federation. we continue to reduce the enemy's combat potential. since january , the ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 80 thousand military personnel, 14,000 units of various weapons, including over 1,200 tanks and other armored combat vehicles. despite the lack of results, kinyov is still trying hard on the line of combat contact. to convince his western sponsors of his ability to resist the russian army, for this he is trying to transfer the fighting to the territory of our country. news, look, it was 60 minutes, all the best to you.
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on the air of the russia tv channel big news in the studio of ernest motskevichus. hello, the main event of this tuesday in our issue. we will certainly reach the end customers. what should those who organize terrorist attacks on the territory of our country know? those who use this weapon, this weapon that is used against russia, this is obvious today, should already understand that it... this weapon is both sharp. what should our enemies prepare for and what tasks did the head of state set for the employees of the ministry of internal affairs, of whom there are a million people in the country. perhaps the terrorist attack was being prepared for easter. 600 icons with hexagen, enough to blow up a five-story apartment building. they tried to bring explosives into russia from ukraine through the territory of latvia. why didn't the europeans stop the cargo? the kalovrat drone catches up with
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the american flight in dnepropetrovsk in krivoy rog, people are leaving kharkov en masse. since january, the ukrainian armed forces have lost 80 thousand military personnel. a new world and the end of my career, it happens, i think, very well with one another. regarding completion career, it seems to me that it’s too early to talk about it. the president spoke to the serbian directors emirs of kusturica. cnn reported that attacks by kiev drones deep into russia, ukraine is working on it in advance together with its allies, was the arrival of drones in tatarstan like this? cesar presents the howitzer as if it were a new car. why did blinken fly to paris and what europe again cannot decide. could, with the help of ukraine, monitor
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the statements of russian athletes in order to prevent them from participating in the olympics and will interfere with the friendship games, scandalous confessions of thomas bach in conversation with famous pranksters. in iran, the flags of israel and the united states are being burned as tehran responds to the attack on its embassy. 13 bodies were recovered from the rubble. russia convenes the council of the un. the fas began inspections of the largest retail chains due to the prices of chicken eggs. at dawn, he goes into the forest along the sandy bottom of a ravine, the only armor he wears is a cross, a dog is running next to him, what role does he consider to be the main one for himself today, anton shagin’s anniversary.
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to the final customers of the crocus city hole terrorist attacks, vladimir putin stated this today, speaking at the annual expanded board of the ministry of internal affairs. the president called on ministry employees to constantly increase their preparedness for emergency situations, and identified the fight against illegal migration, extremism and organized crime as priorities. according to the head of state, the police need to provide russians with a quiet life, but they themselves must work in conditions close to wartime , according to the tasks assigned to the department. our columnist alexey golovko. the most important law enforcement agency in the country, in the state which serves almost a million people. the russian ministry of internal affairs sums up the results and reports on the current work. this is an extended board. the main event of the year for the russian police. fellow officers. the terrorist attack in the kroku concert hall became a challenge for the country's law enforcement system. the president sets the task for the police general to make every effort to investigate. it is important for us to identify not only
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the direct perpetrators, but all links, chains of ultimate criminal beneficiaries - i am not guided by any religious or political considerations, only financial ones, everything is also easy to sell, any information is bought and sold, so we will certainly reach the end customers. the principle of fighting terrorists remains unchanged. such criminals have no
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nationality, no religion. it was precisely this policy that helped multinational russia defeat the terror of the early 2000s. it is unacceptable, i want to emphasize this, to use recent tragic events for...
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then he applies for citizenship, even without even knowing the basic russian language, here we need modern digital electronic biometric data bases, those that are working now, they are apparently not enough, they do not allow us to fully mitigate the risks of relapses of illegal migration, while our compatriots, whose ancestors grew up in the most central regions of our country, citizens. sometimes they can’t get it for years. we need to deeply and radically update our approaches to migration policy. i ask the ministry of internal affairs, our others law enforcement agencies and special services, together with the government and the presidential administration, will work on all these issues comprehensively and in detail. special
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words of gratitude from the president to police officers working in new regions of the country. order in donbass and novorosiya is maintained by 14. and these are special, very difficult conditions of service when it comes to it.
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russia is going through a difficult period in its history and a special military operation is only part of the global one.
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back in historical periods for the unsuccessful campaigns of hitler against russia, napoleon, etc. similar, there are a lot of such historical examples, someone strives to ensure that in today’s conditions of a rapidly changing world , they maintain their hegemony, including at our expense. well, of course, a huge territory, human resources, natural resources and so on. to do this, including at the expense of russia, after its possible fragmentation, but -
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apparently, someone considered her and our country to be a weak link, they are mistaken, in my opinion , many have already realized that they are mistaken, uh, this never happened , no one succeeded, this will not happen and no one will be able to do it, just as, for example, sanctions failed to crush the russian economy? the country has low unemployment and a simple gdp rate of 4%. this is largely why the current head of state received a record 87% of the votes in the presidential elections. there can be no complacency, let alone laxity. yes, of course, your humble servant was the candidate who received a record number of votes, but this expresses the mood of citizens in relation to society and the state as a whole. all authorities last but not least, the ministry of internal affairs, you must ensure
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a normal life for the ordinary citizen of russia, but you yourself must work in conditions close to wartime conditions, i think that for the people who are sitting in this room, for the people in uniform - this is an absolutely obvious thing, i really count on you to do exactly this kind of work. the people of russia expect from you. now this message from the president and the heads of the central departments will be passed on to their subordinates, right down to every precinct officer. alexey glovko, magomed atsaev, natalya lundovskaya, anton kasimovich, oleg shavirin. news. 70 kg of hexagen in icons. the fsb stopped the supply of explosives from ukraine in the pskov region. the kiev nazis used the image of orthodox saints as a cover or bait to kill people. in total , dozens of bombs arrived on the territory of our country under the guise of church utensils, some of which
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were already ready for use. about why the explosives easily passed through european customs, what could the terrorists be planning and how were they thwarted? in the report by vitaly karmay. the special forces soldiers slowly pass the boxes to each other; accuracy is needed, because the cardboard contains church icons with explosives inside. she was being smuggled. this man, a citizen of russia and ukraine, tried to deliver cargo from kiev to moscow across the russian border. the cargo was a church shelter, kukonov, the cargo began to be loaded, but the loading took place, later they gave me the entire package of documents, after which i moved to the territory of russia to the city of moscow, where the unloading should take place. judging by the markings, orthodox icons were made in kiev, then they were taken to chernivtsi, explosives were planted in ukraine. the cargo was later transported to romania, which keeps the border under tight control. because of the constantly escaping ukrainian draft dodgers, every car is thoroughly inspected. the romanian country at
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the porubnoye checkpoint allowed explosives into the country to the city of filtecheni. then the cargo went to hungary, slovakia, poland, lithuania, latvia, so the raw materials for terrorist attacks traveled through several nato countries, 2,000 km. having reached the latvian-russian border at the exit from the schengen zone, having also presented all the documents for the cargo, examined me and checked the cargo. there were also no problems, after which i drove to the russian border, here the fsb and customs officers were already interested in the behavior of the driver, he was very nervous, the car was detained, they opened the boxes and found out that the icons contained hexogen, the power of this explosive is one and a half times more power was wasted, and the mass of the seized explosive was enough to blow up a five-story residential building. hid in these blue-red packages, the boxes with hexogen were marked with black electrical tape, the icons were containers for
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plastid, it was hidden under thin oil paper, only here there are 600 pieces, 27 of them are ready-made bombs, into which you just need to insert a fuse, there were also detonators in stock, here is the complete assembly, yes, which can be assembled into one circuit, everything is ready, battery, control board with a slot for... a total of 27 camouflaged vykonas and ready-to-use homemade explosives were recovered from the cargo devices, 70 kg of industrially produced plastic explosion.
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perhaps the organizers of the smuggling channel wanted to cause an explosion in a church or give a disguised ied to those who were targeted as victims? they could simply ask to illuminate these icons, and this is naturally not in one church, as you understand, which means they have agents here who they had to hand over this matter, because someone had to accept the cargo. orthodox christians in russia are celebrating lent now, and easter will be celebrated in a month. it's very difficult to even pick words for what. in order to evaluate such an act, when icons, objects of faith, symbols that are designed to connect a person with god, with life, with the world, serve death and murder, those who did this stepped over the border that a person cannot cross, apparently, but it was planned to strike here, this is a monster, we’re working, let’s go, in may last
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year the fsb already uncovered a ukrainian terrorist cell in crimea, 5 kg of plastic. sets of retarders used by special units of the armed forces to commit sabotage, a criminal case has been opened against the detained driver for smuggling explosives; the senders and those who were supposed to pick up the cargo in moscow are being identified. vitaly kormazin, elena fenoshina, anastasia zorina, anton sitnikov and alexey mashchikov, conduct. russian troops in
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the avdeevsky direction improved the position along the front line and repelled 11 counterattacks from four brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. novgorodsky, near novgorodsky, thin, pervomaisky and berdychi. the enemy lost over 300 troops, a tank and two armored vehicles. about how the advance of assault troops is supported by artillery with an advanced report from military correspondent alexander katsuba. full firepower on the enemy's forward positions. the hail breaks through the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces. massive artillery barrage in anticipation. places where personnel and armored vehicles gather, and other objects. at the forefront of the attack, the calculations act extremely clearly and quickly, they can copy us, we accelerate, we try to work faster. the missiles fall in a heap,
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our reconnaissance drone is among the explosions spots a miraculously surviving ukrainian armed forces soldier and comes towards us. so he throws the radio and the ammunition, and the drone was already flying above me and i, well, i didn’t see where it was coming from, and then i saw that it was already very close, well, i saw that the fire was nearby , i realized that they could to hear who was opposite, i shouted that don’t shoot, i surrender, thirty-seven-year-old vadim chernets, a private of the 150th teroborona brigade, a native of the city of sumy , in the trenches since september last year, got to the front line almost immediately. after mobilization without preparation, they gave me a call home to tell me that i was alive, they removed video message that they believed that i was whole, i thought it would be completely different, well, i didn’t expect it as it is, they fed him, treated him, the independent soldiers don’t have first aid kits with a set of basic medicines, in the near future they will be sent away from the front line, he went ,
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an adjustment is taking place now, tanker. the nevsky brigades continue to support the advance of forward detachments. heavy fire on the enemy does not allow you to raise your head. stormtroopers are preparing to enter the battle. holy, blessed grand duke alexandra, pray to god for us. and the eromonk konstantin arrived to the brigade from optina pustyn. for the second year now, he has not only blessed soldiers and commanders to fight non-nazis, but also helps the wounded. he has a medical education. in war there are no non-believers, if it is in okupa, a person, as a rule, if he has at least a little attraction to god, he will come up and ask, under the pressure of the fighters of the south group of troops, the ukrainian armed forces militants flee from their positions. alexander katsyuba, alexander. malyshev, lead the artyomovsk direction. over the past 24 hours, russian troops defeated ukrainian troops in the donetsk, avdeevsky, yuzhnodonetsk
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and kherson directions, and also repelled 16 attacks and counterattacks. that kiev has not achieved its goals. none of the areas were discussed today at a conference call between defense minister sergei shaigu and the leadership of the armed forces. in total, since the beginning of the year , 403 km of territory has come under russian control. my colleague dmitry petrov talks about how many equipment soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine lost in this case. fpv drone kolavrat of the center group against abrams. new video like ours the bird easily catches up with the american tank. another video recording of the successful operation of drones, the destruction of an infantry fighting vehicle of the ukrainian armed forces in torskoye. the crew hid the infantry fighting vehicle under a tree, but the combat drone operators easily found it. and here. the drone helped direct mortar fire on the bridge. the 240mm tulip of the rocket artillery battalion of the 68th army corps worked delicately, the
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ammunition supply route in the ukrainian rear was destroyed. shot! crews of the d-30 howitzers of the west group of forces strike at the coordinates destroy enemy sabotage and reconnaissance groups in the border areas of the belgorod region. we have cover for the objectives of the task. lost more than 80 thousand military personnel, 14 thousand units of various weapons, including over 1,200 tanks and other
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armored combat vehicles. despite the lack of results, kiev is still trying to convince its western sponsors of its ability to resist the russian army on the line of combat contact. the intensity of attacks on ukraine’s energy and military infrastructure is not decreasing. in march 190 group and two massive strikes were carried out by high-precision weapons and unmanned aerial vehicles. in kharkov, the situation with energy supply is critical, residents are leaving the city en masse, and there are insurmountable traffic jams on the road. oncoming, there are three rows, there is a row here. well, in russia, the spring conscription campaign began on april 1. at a conference call with the leadership of the armed forces, sergei shaigu pays attention to her.
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that the navy will receive new ships, of two types at once. to increase the combat potential of the navy, we continue to equip it with ships carrying long-range precision weapons, in particular small missile carriers of the karakurt type. the lead ship of this series, the cyclone, became part of the black sea fleet and successfully performs its assigned tasks. the renewed black sea fleet is commanded by vice admiral sergei pinchuk, the new commander of today. day in the northern fleet - this is vice admiral konstantin kabantsov, in accordance with the presidential decree, the entire navy is now commanded by admiral alexander moiseev, no longer with the prefix
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and about. in the ranks of the armed forces, from the eighty -first year, he graduated from the popov higher naval school of radio electronics, a military submariner, passed all command positions, repeatedly participated in campaigns under the polar ice to carry out combat missions, and successfully tested new weapons. for which he was nominated for the title of hero of russia. dmitry petrov, news. a ten-hour flight over the neutral waters of the sea of ​​japan was carried out by two tu-95 ms strategic missile carriers. as reported by the russian ministry of defense, the flight was planned and took place in strict accordance with international rules. the latest su-30 sm fighters were used to escort the missile carriers. the tu-95 ms, which nato calls the bear because of its formidable power, carries strategic cruise missiles capable of hitting targets at ranges of several thousand kilometers.
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april weather sets temperature records. last night in the capital was the warmest in 75 years of weather observations. the heat record for the second day in a row was recorded in voronezh, +23 there, in the mountains of kuban and adegei avalanche warnings have been extended. sharp warming in 26 regions is accompanied by high water levels. in the novosibirsk region there are five districts in the flood zone. varatovskaya region for pumping water. firefighting equipment is in use. emergency situations ministry employees are going around courtyards to warn local residents about the danger of flooding. difficult situation in the orenburg region. several areas were shrouded in dense fog. flights from st. petersburg, moscow and sochi were delayed at the airport. many motorists do not risk crossing flooded roads in conditions of zero visibility. sections of roads. where rivers overflow their banks, the water rises every hour. the reklinsky reservoir has a record influx in recent years, more than one and a half thousand
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cubic meters of water. second, the reset had to be increased. in orski, they are doing their best to remove danger from residential buildings. in one of the areas, a boiler room was flooded with melt water. almost 50 houses were left without heating. rescuers from the ministry of emergency situations are on the spot eliminating the consequences of the flood, evacuating residents, erecting embankments along the river banks, and strengthening the dam. about how they resist floods in the altai territory, where a state of emergency is in effect. report by ksenia klimina. consequences. the flood wave that covered the altai region is clearly visible from a bird's eye view. the mikhailovsky district suffered the most from the natural disaster. houses, lots, entire streets have been drowning in water for four days now. the kalinin family from the village of mikhailovskaya were left without a roof over their head. the walls of the house could not withstand the pressure of the water. i cried for 3 days, we will fight, we have a big, good family, so everyone will help us.
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here are the emergency situations ministry employees taking away from the flooded a dog, she sat on the roof for several days. the region maintains a state of emergency in the village. the mikhailovskaya water has almost receded, a special commission is already working here, calculating losses, regional authorities are promising payments to all victims. the commission recorded that there is water on the plot of land, 10,000 at once, which means we are sending someone to whom the water entered the house, it rose above the floor, which means 30 at once. the commission will have to look at everything else. in the neighboring village of rocket, the situation is still difficult. some days, the village of rocket was cut off from the mainland
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, the road was destroyed. now a section of the regional highway has already been restored, the passage is open, six corpses have been laid here so that the water from the resulting huge lake can drain. the water level here dropped by 50 cm in a day, but dozens of houses are still flooded. those affected by the flood live, some with relatives, some in a temporary accommodation center, the bravest ones are gradually returning home instead. altai region. you will have to wait out the onset of high water in a safe place in the near future and to the inhabitants of the safari park in the klin district of the moscow region. lions, tigers, leopards, pumas, camels, goats and other animals found themselves in the flooded area. the water is rapidly rising and the situation may worsen at night.
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our correspondents. on the spot, for a detailed report, see the regional part of our program. the development of new centers of the world is happening at such a pace that history has never seen before. inevitable processes are taking place, but not all of the powers that be are ready to come to terms with them. vladimir putin spoke about this with the emir of kusturica, whom he received today in the kremlin. the conversation concerned politics, history, and art. and, of course, the interlocutors could not ignore the events around ukraine, in which the serbian.
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i mean personal historical justice, which among us slavs was not always so visible, and the fact that... increasing the rise on a pedestal of the fascist elements of the past, giving new life in the present day, these are, of course , all very similar phenomena. it’s amazing how tenacious this ideology of human
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hatred of extreme nationalism is, which is used by so many forces in for centuries in their own, first of all, by the way, not in ideological, but in geopolitical interests. in this series, by the way, dostoevsky, gogol and tolstoy, and he also dreams of a film adaptation of lavr vodolaskin. so interesting, let's discuss them, you told me about this, yes, we talked when we were in st. petersburg, a new world and the end of my career, this is happening, i think, very well. one with the other, it’s too early for you to talk about it, it’s too early for you to talk about it, from your guernica, until today you have done so much, the merits are obvious, well, it’s even it’s not about merit, but it’s about your talent, and
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thank you, the ability to penetrate into the essence of what you are setting out, and indeed, if maya plesetskaya said that character is destiny, then about kusturica, it’s true to say that his character is his films , i give up, the collapse of yugoslavia, the bosnian conflict of kosovo through the dark days of his homeland, he always sees the light on the screen. you're all the same, aren't you? is it the love of a rural simpleton of a beautiful italian woman at the height of the bosnian war or the story of a eccentric engineer who dreams of connecting serbia and bosnia by railway. a kusturica's very first film, gernika, is all about fascism, which the russian president and conversation recall today. talks about the struggle of the soviet union with hitler's germany. hitler, he was european, this, this is the end of the colonization of the world, i think it was such, such a version of the end of the western, western
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domination and they never talked about the fact that in russia there were 27 or more million victims, now when they say about this problem.
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at a pace that history has probably never seen before, and these processes are inevitable, it’s just that no one who holds power in the broad sense of the word wants to come to terms with this, they are looking for someone to blame. the similar positions of putin and kusturica are a reflection of the mutual support of the serbs and russians. listen, man, this is some nonsense, go do it, he played a small role in the joint balkan frontier project and a huge one in history. two countries in russia , he often performs without looking back with his nousmoking orchestra in crimea, lives by his own rules in a village that he built himself not far from the border with bosnia, always repeats that it is more important to be free than happy. polina ermolaeva, polina
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gamzikova and andrey netreba, lead. prime minister mikhail mishustet held meetings with representatives of all factions of the state duma on the eve of the government's annual report to parliament; deputy prime ministers, ministers and heads of government bodies worked in relevant committees for... a month. the report itself will take place tomorrow, and today the head of government discussed the final details with the chairman of the lower house vyacheslav volodin. our columnist is in the studio. because, despite everything, they are absolutely normal
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disputes over different approaches, we manage to find appropriate, effective solutions, including solutions that are then embodied in bills. last year , the government sent 300 bills to the duma, and 200 of them have already become federal laws. in addition to presenting the report itself, the head of government and ministers will answer questions from deputies, which in turn are based on requests from citizens, since... the date of the report became known on april 3, the parliament received about 14,000 requests, 309 questions from deputies have already been sent to the government in writing . many questions are addressed to us on the topic of housing and communal services; on the one hand, these are regional powers, on the other hand, we see how regions deal with them differently. there is a topic that comes up quite often in requests, these are issues of the state of personnel in healthcare. or rather their deficit, this topic is present, we, for
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our part, also need to provide assistance to the regions, their powers, but at the same time we see that they cannot cope with solving these problems on their own. and it is known which of the ministers will be accompanied by mikhaela mishustina when they report to deputies tomorrow. we will see the exact composition of the delegation only tomorrow, but today at the final meeting of the cabinet of ministers before the report , first deputy prime minister belousov, six deputy prime ministers, and the minister were present. agriculture, minister of finance and head of the ministry of digital development. it can be assumed that special emphasis will be placed on these areas. we will tell deputies in detail about the results of our activities over the past year, about the steps that were taken on all key directions, first of all, on the decisions and instructions of the president, of course, you just need to listen to the opinions of our parliamentarians, they will also be voiced during the report. all their questions, they will ask them to me, we need to give comprehensive
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answers to them. obviously, the conversation tomorrow will concern not only the results of last year, but also, of course, future prospects. thank you, tatyana, this was our columnist tatyana remizova. the federal antimonopoly service today began inspections of the largest retail chains to prevent rising prices for chicken eggs. unscheduled offsite events are carried out in agreement with the prosecutor general's office. inspectors pay special attention to the agreement. on the volume of purchases and sales. last year, eggs rose in price by more than one and a half times. against the backdrop of such a sharp increase, the government temporarily zeroed out the import duty on products. this measure will allow the import of more than a billion eggs, including from azerbaijan, belarus and turkey, and stabilize the situation on the market. today. in russia , retail chains have emerged in a number of regions of the country, including those inspected for anti-cartel checks of the largest
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intersection, magnet, dixie, pyaterochka, tape, okay, metro, ashen. conclusions about the presence or absence of signs of violation of antimonopoly legislation will be made based on the results of the analysis of the information received. if signs of violations are detected, the fas will take response measures. today russia and belarus have a common holiday, the day of unity of peoples. it was on april 2, 1996 that moscow and minsk concluded an agreement on the formation of a community of two countries; it marked the beginning of integration processes that, in ultimately led to the creation of a union state, the presidents of russia and belarus today exchanged congratulations, as vladimir putin noted in his message, despite difficult international relations , the countries managed to develop multifaceted ties, and coordination of efforts in foreign policy, defense and security gives a good return. alexander lukashenko, in turn , emphasized that the union state, approximately. more successful integration in the post-soviet space. about real
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evidence of this success, our staff correspondent in minsk, anastasia sakhovskaya. one of the most significant dates in the history of the union state, this holiday is primarily about the closeness, spiritual, emotional, of our peoples, but of course, a good reason to take stock and evaluate plans in all areas, from economic, political, to social, humanitarian, it is obvious that we are a union of great prospects. our friendship in numbers is the constantly growing record trade turnover of $53 billion over the past year, clearly from the depths of historical memory to cosmic heights. right now it is working on the iss for the first time. impulse in new technologies, support in good traditions, the anthems of russia and belarus are performed by the hall in chorus, ribbons on the lapels of guests in the colors of national flags, our countries are inextricably linked not only by a common history,
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a single culture, when ensembles from russia and belarus alternate on stage. new transport connections have just launched a flight from gomel, from tomorrow it will be possible to fly to moscow from brest, direct, which means contacts as close as possible to people at all levels. there are very serious figures: an increase in trade turnover, export volumes, the number of agreements between 73 constituent entities of the russian federation and all regions of the republic of belarus, more than 400 agreements between sister cities, production teams, unity day is the reporting point in a series of union holidays, integration has been progressive, but most intensely in recent years several years, in december the union state will officially celebrate a quarter of a century. anastasia sakhovskaya, alexander alexandrovits, oleg peletsky, oksana serzhantova, conduct minsk. the counterterrorism channel between russia and the united states operates in a limited mode.
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the information about the planned terrorist attack that american intelligence services sent to our country was too general and did not allow it to be prevented. to fully identify, to identify those who participated in this terrible crime. stelagi, north wind, union of salvation, little horse, little hunchback, dovlatov, demons, more than thirty different roles, in films and tv series, work in the theater. today
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, one of the most recognizable and sought-after artists, anton, celebrates his fortieth anniversary shagin, a master of transformation, talented, deep, purposeful. one of the high-profile events in cinema with his participation was the drama call sign passenger about the events in donbass. the artist often visits his zone, helps military personnel, and reads his poems at the front line. he rarely communicates with journalists, but on the eve of the anniversary he made an exception for our correspondent anastasia litvinova. here we have a room where, before the performance, we are already in costume, waiting to go on stage, and following.
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his success story could also be basis for a film script, lived in a small town in the bryansk region, studied at a vocational school for mechanics and even worked for a year in his specialty, but came to moscow and entered the studiumhat school. yes, i didn’t know that in general they even teach to become artists, in vocational schools, the literature teacher for ivan ionovichkin said that you should go to theater school, i tried, thank god it worked out. and this year the call sign passenger appeared on the screens. shagin plays a metropolitan partygoer who goes to the donbass to look for his brother, passenger, you’ll go with me in the cabin, but everything you see changes so much a hero who...
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walks into the forest along the sandy bottom of a ravine, the only armor he wears is a cross, a dog runs next to him, and also comes to the wounded, organizes collections, brings help to donbass, this is the part of life where he is always as himself. anastasia litvinova, elena fenoshina, nikita korneev and konstantin morozov. news. this is great news, this is what will happen next in our program. cnn reported that ukraine is working on attacks by kiev drones deep into russia in advance together with its allies. was this how the drones arrived?
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in tatarstan? the cesar howitzer is presented as if it were a new car. why did blinken fly to paris, and what europe again cannot decide. israeli flags are being burned in iran. how will tehran respond to the us attack on its embassy? 13 bodies recovered from the rubble? russia convenes the un security council. with the help of ukraine, he could monitor the statements of russian athletes in order to prevent them from participating in the olympics and will interfere with the friendship games. scandalous confessions of thomas bach in conversation with famous prakkers. coffee, i can’t, i have to go, the premiere is on rtr, suddenly her husband found it was suicide, she died no more than
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3-5 hours ago, chichagova’s death is not suicide, you have 3 days, i think that your colleagues will cope, let’s talk, are you sure that you want to be with the person who once betrayed you? irresistible, restless, today on rtr. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation - your rules. titanic deluxe. golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday.
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titanic luxury collection, callinan bellek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time. on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence, turning your dreams into
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reality. hotel kalinan belek, where life turns into a fairy tale. sveta, i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead of us. very often, girls from another circle strive to marry rich boys. let me it’s up to me to decide who i want. sees, be happy, goodbye, at least a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow will be
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a new day, friday. nerter. big news live, we continue
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the release and the footage we just received.
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several times, well, constantly during our conversation, all the time, talk so warmly about the people you work with, the defenders, our guys, and so on, so carefully, with love, you need to treat everyone, directly to our soldiers and members their families, this is the attitude towards people need to save, among other things, anna tsivileva raised the problem of seriously wounded participants. svos that the foundation would like to help with the acquisition of means of transportation. there is already a solution. we have a category of children who are seriously injured , are currently in wheelchairs or have double amputation, that is, both lower extremities at once. and now we want to take the initiative to provide these guys with a manually controlled car
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and include it in the list. in a few hours the un security council at russia's request, he will hold an extraordinary meeting in the spotlight of israel's attack on the iranian consulate in syria, which resulted in...
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the dutch heights occupied by israel. this is not the first time that the jewish state has attacked a neighboring country, but if syria ignores this belly incident, then with iran, whose territory the embassy is considered to be, things may turn out differently. with the help and strength of the almighty, we will make the zionists regret the criminal attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. however, the army now says that the consulate was not a consulate at all, but... among them , the deputy for coordination of the alkuts unit, general mahammad hadi haji rahimi and his chief mahammad riza zahidi. the latter led the work of special forces in syria and lebanon, and before that he commanded the ksir ground forces. when you remove a key figure in the hierarchy, coupled with the death of zahidi's deputy, it causes
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institutional disarray. search for a successor, yes. the idf has been attacking nuclear facilities of the islamic republic since at least 2010, most recently with two explosions at an enrichment plant uranium plant in netenz. there were also cyber attacks on iran’s gas filling network and attacks on the gas transportation network. these messages, our team is looking into them, i'm just not going to go beyond that. in 2020, the united states itself killed the commander of alkutsk , qassem soleimani, however, under the previous administration, the statement of attacks by iraqi
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syrian militias on us troops, and this would mean that an israeli attack on iran actually targets american troops in the middle east. against the backdrop of the news, the price of oil jumped by one and a half dollars, reaching the october highs, and more to come. and... iran's entry into the war with israel has been talked about since last fall, when the main ally of the islamic republic in the region, hezbollah, began to respond to gas attacks, and now pro-iranian troops are threatening. resistance in jordan to meet the needs of 12 thousand fighters for anti-tank missiles and explosive cartridges. we will start by cutting off the land route leading to the zionist entity. gaza itself lost another humanitarian aid today due to israeli actions. mission, seven employees of world central kitchen, which distributes food in the zones.
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alexey canap, alexey mashchikov, lead the way! well, in egypt, one of the main mediating countries will continue to consistently implement its foreign policy program, which is based on balanced relations with all countries. about a bright ceremony in the new administrative capital of egypt. report by alexander belibov. volleys of salute guns echo with a deafening roar between the soaring skyscrapers of the new administrative building.
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