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tv   Taini sledstviya  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 2:05am-3:50am MSK

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“i also drew a horse with wings, a pegasus, after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll look at the weekend, well, i liked it, yes, it’s zavyalov, our master, aren’t you sleeping, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up , i'm afraid, make some coffee, hello, are you stupid, or what, i'll have to fire you, no, i don't work here, i live here, cinderella, some kind of dishwasher, here in general, it's incomprehensible to the mind, nothing, i'm still sick, or princess, who will the prince choose, and you loved her, where most likely not, but you love me, wings of pegasus, on saturday, on rtr, we let's remember songs about our home, everyone has them.
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americans trained terrorists all over the world, they believed that this was a weapon that could be used to realize their own interests, but let’s look at history, these same terrorists always later turned against them, chaos cannot be controlled, the conflict is very difficult to manage, almost impossible, and as i said our president, this is very accurate, has a sharp weapon, because you, well, that means you too... since
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international norms do not apply, it means an eye for an eye, a tooth by the skin of our teeth, and this is how it will work until the world matures enough to create a new system, well, this is the transition of the world from one stage to another, and the worst thing about this transition is that we walk all the time along the edge, yes, that is, this line, it becomes very, very thin, this walking on the edge, well, sooner or later it will lead to the fact that someone there has nerves, yes.
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confessional unity that we have, if you like, we are being tested for strength, and, of course, not with those, as they say, who got involved in this regard, it would be much easier to split europeans through this issue than us, but the question is very serious, requiring the formation of an appropriate response, a response within us , first of all, to this threat, to this challenge, and of course, this cannot be done without a corresponding revision of interethnic relations and politics in area. and interfaith, first of all, in terms of people who come to our country, there must be other norms, we must ourselves, as karan georgievich said, ourselves select those who we need, so we have a task, we we select, and not in a way that is completely uncontrolled and in any way, based on some local interests, which sometimes, and this happens, someone, based on business interests, can pursue by chance or not by chance.
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erdogan here is a much more skillful strong leader who can very skillfully disguise some of his goals, everything would be simple, again it would be black and white, but this would nullify everything that we built with great difficulty, probably one of the main tasks now is to preserve what is in russian-turkish relations, because it is quite difficult to talk about increase given the pressure that exists from the west.
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and of course erdogan played this up in the sense that it was turkish democracy that won, let me remind you that turkey is considered the most democratic country in the world, this is how democracy won, but it is clear that this is a certain kind of defeat for the ruling elite, uh, given the fact that the americans need turkey either under control or as part of an arc of instability, they will do everything to force it to collide with us.
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uttered this expression, but let’s look at the problem of taiwan, well, from the point of view of an officer-operator, is it even possible to solve this problem by military means and what is needed for this, uh, in order to take possession of taiwan, it is necessary
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to carry out the so-called airborne naval, airborne -an amphibious naval operation, that is, this implies the landing of both an operational airborne assault and a naval landing. operation, before the chinese people's liberation army such an operation was generally beyond the capabilities of since the combat strength of the chinese armed forces, in principle, did not allow it to be carried out, now they can carry out such an operation, but the fact is that almost all the leading states of the world, the armed forces, are looking closely at the experience of a special military operation, analyzing, doing conclusions, take into account the experience of a special military operation in their military development and... from the point of view of a special military operation, is it even possible to successfully conduct an air-sea landing operation like this? such, since its closest analogue is operation overlord on june 6, 1944, well , in terms of the scale of the landing, in terms of the number
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of forces involved, approximately the same operation should be carried out by the inferior liberation army of china, but here’s the thing, and why did it become operation overlord successful? firstly, it was carried out with complete dominance of the anglo-american troops in the air and at sea, i repeat, with complete dominance, if other conditions, dominance, so to speak, is not complete, well, it is impossible to carry out such an operation, from the point of view from the point of view of a special military operation, in general this is the kind of dominance, taking into account the development of anti-aircraft missiles of the air defense forces, is it even possible now in principle or not, then the same germans, they are talking about this overlord operation, its scale, the landing site. but they didn’t suspect anything, they realized that it had begun only when they saw the first echelon of landing craft that were approaching the shores of normandy, only then did they realize that it had begun confidently, somewhere the scale of this operation became clear, now the surprise maybe to be some kind or not, well
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, imagine what it means to load several hundred thousand people onto ships and ships? this should, firstly, be concentrated in the ports - in the ports of loading, really? will not be noticed by space reconnaissance means, then we begin to draw out a warrant, the so-called, these are several thousand ships, this is such a formation that no one will detect it, perhaps in the taiwan strait? further? it is necessary to carry out, as the sailors say, a passage by sea, but on this path there will also be blows, because before there were no guided anti-ship weapons missiles, both air- and ground- based, which, with one launch, can disable a large ship and send it to the bottom, then they approached, formed the first echelon of landing craft, which awaits them even on the approach to the shore, well, there are anti-personnel mines fencing, there are anti-tanks.
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it’s possible, but to do this, the whole of taiwan needs to be mixed with the earth to a depth of 10 m, destroy almost the entire island, suffer some damage yourself, you’re just already suggesting, but the americans have a different strategy, they plan to blockade, and not take taiwan, and this will not answer the question, but i never interfered in the scientific activities of mr. dean, never, okay, never, i’m talking about the very possibility of conducting an air-sea landing operation, here it is for me...
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immigrants from india and pakistan and the indigenous population there, even now, makes up
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a relatively small part, everything else, well, without any involvement, labor migrants, this is the service sector, this is the same emirates airline, if you are there if you meet at least one arab on board any plane, it will be a big discovery, perhaps the commander of the airship, but these are all citizens of completely different countries who are brought there under labor contracts, where everything is.
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i was recently able to read a small analytical one. this essay: asad durani, this is the former ambassador of pakistan to germany, then he was the head of pakistani intelligence, periodically we print, publish his articles, he thinks a lot, he is already an old man, he thinks a lot about various problems, and that’s me just to talk about israel, about the fact that
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he wrote interestingly from the conflict, a possible conflict with iran, he wrote even before this tragedy happened with a civilian hit on a civilian object, and he was just thinking about about what the conflict between israel and iran could lead to, but he looked at it, of course, looks at it from the pakistani side, i won’t talk about it for long, it’s generally interesting, we ’ll probably publish this material, there’s something else that’s interesting, he suddenly remembered there binladen, and he remembered binladen and he... thinks about this topic for quite a long time and says that, in principle, all issues that relate to the relationship between iran and israel need to be considered in the context of what happened on the territory of pakistan with binladen, we need to pay attention to the united states of america, which, in principle , is not at all interested in such a concept as the territorial integrity of a
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state, rights, etc., etc., everything that relates to this, he wrote this in context. so we will do everything to ensure that the conflict took place because in this, in this muddy water, we catch our necessary fish, which allows us to solve some of our global problems. well, as for this issue, now it’s interesting, now the discussion that has unfolded about nato, about
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how nato has proven itself and how the north atlantic alliance behaved, to defend itself like this. like an alliance, but in fact, you know, even pure chronology allows us to say that nato, starting from the collapse of the soviet union, introduced an aggressive policy towards russia, well, look, before the soviet union had time to cease to exist, well , of course, the warsaw pact disappeared, nato remained an independent organization, a structure that seemed to have no one to fear, right here with us. a balkan conflict arises, well, literally at the same time a balkan conflict arises, russia, which is the leader, that leader of that time yeltsin in congress said, god bless america and russia too, and who seemed to be the best best friend of that america and those united states america, and the united the states of america were not very worried about this,
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because the beginning of the chechen war was an absolute intervention by such people. intelligence structures that prepared in advance this operation using the wahhabis, using this wahhabi idea, which, in fact, was implemented in the first, at the beginning, and then in the second chechen war, well, of course, it was an idea, that’s it i absolutely agree with my colleague, it was built in this direction to tear apart russia, it was important to create these hotbeds unrest and even hotbeds of war, in which one could receive for oneself... dividends, understanding that sooner or later this is a big country that has a problem here, here is a problem, here is a problem, it will begin to split along some vector , which in general will be beneficial to the united states of america, well, personally it seems to me so, and you know, if we say that they say all the time, they, i mean in brussels all the time say, no, this russia is an aggressive country, russia behaves
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aggressively, listen, but i took it here counted, but in fact, over the last 30 years , terrorist acts have been like this... in germany the same thing, but it all went in a slightly different direction, there it did not go in the direction of a split in the state in the direction of a split in the foundations of the state, there they really were like that acts directed, well, in general, acts of hatred towards these states, well, i’m not taking september 11th, this is a different, different situation, which also requires its own additional consideration, but look in russia, and the first, second chechen war, a series of terrorist attacks that shocked. not only moscow, but also other cities of russia, these are attempts to transfer all this to the plane of the fact that you are supposedly doing all this there yourself, you are organizing all this yourself, well, now it’s
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the same thing, because right after the tragedy in crocus, arose a lot of ideas about the fact that the russians themselves organized this, it got to the point of ridiculousness, this organization of adjustments, which cannot be called russophile, it is rather russophobic, it was forced to come out.
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ukrainian, they are trying to push away from him, dima was hooked there by the northern stream and i will return to this, and i also believe that yes, nord stream is on a par with these terrorist acts, yes, of course, they are not similar in content, but nevertheless they are also trying to lead to the ukrainian trace , which undoubtedly exists, but it does not exist in terms of what they organized, in terms of the fact that, yes, they use it, just as they used muslims here to direct them towards isis, an organization banned in russia. this is exactly how they try to throw these ukrainian passports to the side ukraine, i, unfortunately, think that this is not the last, i in all likelihood assume
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that there will be other attempts, now the so-called fifth column, which is not located on russian territory, is being promoted with might and main, well , i see this well, being in berlin and being in other european cities, i understand that now a big bet will be placed on this. in terms of the fact that there will be stuffing, informational stuffing aimed at swinging public opinion towards the fact that look, it’s impossible to live in such a country, and let’s say something about to think differently, it is not yet clear who and how will take on the role of such leading leaders in this in this direction, but for some reason it seems to me that it seems to me that what we call the so-called elite will play . one of these is the creaking, those are there here, and there they are, that’s good, not in the sense that it’s impossible for them to live here, i agree, yes, let
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them stay there, that’s all, see you tomorrow, good evening, on the air news from st. petersburg, news studio igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. they didn’t arrive at the call in kirovsky near st. petersburg, the ambulance got into an accident and overturned. after 14 years of trials, to get back on his feet, purposeful volodya needs complex prosthetics. the fountains in the rumyantsevsky garden will soon be returned to their original place and sent for restoration. rescue from the concrete jungle on the avenue of heroes today we heroically caught a beaver. exactly a year ago
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, an explosion occurred in a cafe on vasilyevsky island, which took the life of war correspondent vladlin tatarsky. dozens of people who came to his creative evening were injured. today to people carried wreaths and bouquets to house number 25 on university embankment. behind the glass of the display case , a portrait of a journalist was restored long ago after the explosion. the ponyhida according to the vladlen-tatar language was served today at the alexander nevsky lavra. close friends of the deceased and admirers of his work came to the service. let us remind you that the terrorist attack was carried out by twenty-six-year-old daria trepova, recruited by unnamed customers. she handed the tatar a figurine with a bomb inside. the court sentenced trepova to 27 years in prison. in the kirovsky district of st. petersburg the ambulance overturned, fortunately no one was injured. the incident occurred around noon. the footage shows how cars at the intersection of marshal govorova street and...
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putilovskaya street begin to move after the traffic light turns green and at the same time an ambulance arrives at the intersection. a foreign car from the far right lane rammed a special vehicle and the minibus fell on its side. according to preliminary data, the ambulance was on its way to a call for a child, and as a result , another team was sent to the patient. now police officers and representatives of a private medical company that belongs to the injured ambulance are establishing whether the special signals worked or not. based on this it will be. it is clear who is at fault for the accident. the recreated leningrad military district began the first conscription campaign in modern history, it started on april 1. the acting head of the organizational and mobilization department of the district headquarters, colonel andrei efremov, spoke about this at a briefing at the tas news agency. according to the plan, 11,700 young people will be sent to the troops, residents of the northwestern federal district. since january of this year, the upper limit
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of the conscription age is 30.
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volodya, in order to get on his feet, the boy needs help. this time, a fourteen-year-old boy needs a complex protest. tatyana bashko will continue: every day in the morning i do exercises. fourteen-year-old vova has ordinary boyish dreams: to be strong and agile, to ride a skateboard and bike. training is ongoing, but on rehabilitation simulators. now the little boy is learning to walk on his own. i have. there are already
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a lot of achievements, the main thing for me is to learn to stand on a skateboard, he fights desperately for this goal, as he once fought for life in infancy, his left foot and both hands were amputated at 2 months, then vova miraculously survived, the soft tissues of the child were affected by sepsis even before his birth, there were no options or abandon the child or amputation, anyone could refuse there, we immediately agreed. everything for amputation, when after the amputation he was there for another two months, probably like in a cap, as they say, he was lying there, that’s all, then we took him away, so we go. vova travels a lot, but usually these are trips to hospital. doctors, first in chelyabinsk and then in st. petersburg, operated on the arms and legs of a small patient 12 times. the right leg is the only limb without a stump.
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it was hard there. deformation of the foot, we operated on this deformity so that the child could put the load on the right foot, not on the lateral surface, as was initially the case when he came to us, but on the plantar surface, the left foot had to be aligned so that it was possible to put at least some kind of foot on it. then a prosthesis. shin bones, there were more tibia and most the main fibula was sharply deformed, bent like itself. severe deformity of the leg does not prevent prosthetists from making the desired prosthesis and prevents the patient from mastering this prosthesis. vova works hard and divides her path to a big goal into several stages. thus , he became the first patient with a similar diagnosis who was able to master a special apparatus for developing legs. the boy took his first independent steps in his life, not without the help of baby carriers, last spring, and a few months later he had already walked his first 4 meters. they are working. shoulder
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the legs work, all the strength should be in the legs, but the prosthesis on the left leg is already small, in his native chelyabinsk in ova they provided another, but it did not suit the boy, a new individual prosthesis on... the boy can only be helped in st. petersburg, in the center of albracht, where he has already undergone several complex operations, but it will not be possible to do this at the expense of the state, the rules for obtaining funding do not allow, the cost of a complex mechanism is almost half a million rubles, there is simply no way for a family from chelyabinsk to get such an amount, he has a pension they pay me, and for my care, it’s simply impossible to even save up, even if we started saving, that’s how many years we would save, but this is a prosthesis, it’s simply unrealistic. 2 years ago, vova’s parents already contacted rusfond, then they managed to quickly raise money for several complex operations that helped the boy get back on his feet. the family still lives today
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in hope of kind people who will be able to feel the child’s pain and then rejoice with him in his small victories. in the meantime, vova’s dad is helping him pursue his dream; every free minute he and son. i love you, i love you too. tatyana bashko, mikhail markov and alexey chubko, lead st. petersburg. to help volodya, you need to send an sms with the word children to number 5542. the cost of the message is 75 rubles. all money raised will go to pay for complex surgeries and medications. on the website of our television company, on the website of rusfond, you can find out how much money we managed to raise, and which of the children they saved the life of. st. petersburg and the leningrad region will go into an extensive pressure depression in the coming hours, the chief warns about this city ​​weather forecaster alexander kolisov. the northern capital will experience a drop in atmospheric pressure and cooling. all this is brought to us by a weather phenomenon with the beautiful name patricia. the next
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24 hours promise winter landscapes, snowstorms and slight frost in the north-west of the region. but in the southeast on the same day it will reach +16 and there will be a spring thunderstorm. in the west, coastal settlements are at risk of flooding. in tikhven there are already damaged households, in order to reduce the risks in other areas on the pasha river the day before they blew up the ice. in petersburg tomorrow there will be sleet, freezing rain, ice and gusty winds; by evening they promise minus temperatures and light snow cover. let's find out the detailed weather forecast for tomorrow and continue. hello, with the weather forecast in the studio leonid petrov. the jokes are over, the weather in the region has decided. on wednesday, weather forecasters promise colder temperatures, snow and gusty winds. according to the hydra data of the center of st. petersburg, april 3 in the leningrad region is cloudy. thermometers will show +1-3 during the day in the estate field, but in tikhin and baksitogorsk the temperature will remain around 14°
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c. volkhov + 4-6, in kirishi and gachina 5-9 ° above zero, only +1 on thermometers and vyborg. in st. petersburg it is also raining with snow, cloudy and windy. during the day in the northern capital 0 +2, on thursday night 0.2. have a nice day , whatever the weather. in st. petersburg , city fountains are being restored, and work is underway to restore and replace technical equipment in the rumyantsevsky garden. everything will be returned to its place this year. ekaterina gritsienko will continue. floral ornaments, seashells, laurel wreaths, repeating fine patterns in cast iron is high art. experts call this type of casting.
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lost on one of the compositions, preserved on the other, restorers will restore all losses, and also remove cracks and create a protective coating so that the fountains quickly leave the walls of the workshop and return to the rumyantsev garden. this place
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got its name thanks to the obelisk in honor of the victories of count pyotr rumyantsev for the danube in the battles of the russian-turkish war. the monument was erected in 1818, then there was a square, the garden appeared in 1866. the organizer of the city garden was the st. petersburg merchant of the first guild stepan fedorovich solovyov, here is one of the navigable houses overlook the square directly. initially, water for the fountains came from the courtyard. solovyov, the system was changed more than once, here is another stage in its history: new pipes will be laid underground, a collector will be installed in the center of the bowl. from the upper part there are four spouts, from the larger metal bowl there are eight spouts, on this stand here, at the very beginning of the pedestal, there will be four lion masks installed, and from the mouth of the lions there will be a water spout, that is, water is supplied upward, and then it seems to descend from above down, yes, the shade in which the fountains will appear is still... unknown, there are several options, they were once olive, and
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historically cast iron was painted like antique bronze, but regardless of the color, the fountains will give bright emotions this year. ekaterina gritsienko, sergey tamyuk, andrey tarasov, mark polukhinskikh, lead st. petersburg. a rare animal was caught today in the courtyard of a house on the avenue of heroes; a common beaver accidentally wandered into people's homes. the large rodent created a real commotion, as can be seen in the footage, it is very well-fed, the size of... the dog, at the same time was very hostile, when trying to approach, he went on the attack, scared the dogs and could get under the wheels of cars; people did not risk catching the violent rodent on their own, but without their help the animal could get into trouble. concerned residents protected the animal from possible dangers, called specialists from the environmental management committee, and guarded the poor fellow until their arrival. luckily the wait didn't take long. the wild animal was disoriented, frightened, and behaved very aggressively. he was shown up. in the territory urban development is due to seasonal
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phenomena in the life of beavers; it is during the period of ice melting that grown-up adult beavers leave their usual shelter and settle in new territory. during the capture, the beaver offered active resistance, but was still put in a cage, he was taken to the nearest large body of water, this is the dudurgov canal, and there he was released into his usual habitat. however, the beast was in no hurry to leave ; finally, he once again showed his bad character to the saviors, only after that he proudly dived into the water. let me add the beaver, the largest rodent that lives in the leningrad region; its population is only a few dozen individuals. in search of new habitats, animals may wander into the city; if you encounter a wild animal on the street, it is better to immediately call specialists from the environmental management committee. this was the news from st. petersburg, all the best.
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kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. good evening, dear friends, i’m glad to see you all here today, we’re having something between a creative evening, conversation and communication, i’ll be happy to answer all the questions you have, or i’ll tell you everything that i know, honestly, truthfully and sincerely. from, in general, from everything that is in my
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head, this is the simple , easy evening format we have with you today, and i’m ready start off. artemy, good evening, are you a disruptor of the information field? is this a state of your soul or a certain image? i’m a pretty organic character, i don’t need to make special faces, i don’t need to invent some kind of role for myself, i don’t need to be something i’m not, i... it’s enough to use the qualities that i have and a little bit of them correct, then you get such an interesting format, say, for example, i know russian, and i know it in an extended version, that is, there is a lot there... words that are not used on tv , including on the culture tv channel too, but in life we ​​all know these words, and this is a very rich toolkit that allows us to find communication with people much deeper than if i used a stripped-down, decent censored version of russian language, i believe that in general the russian language in its expanded
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version is our unique cultural heritage, this is how it has developed in the russian language, it is also such an interesting thing, they don’t talk about it in school, but they teach it in life. that it's russian you... swearing is a language of trust, russian swearing opens such doors in the souls of readers, selects such keys, such master keys to these doors that no other methods of communication open, ordinary people speak swearing, schoolchildren, if you ever we walked past the school, sometimes it’s even scary for me to go there, because when the schoolchildren come out after classes and start talking to each other, my ears curl up into a tube, but these are schoolchildren, they study, when they are here, of course, they will use this the instrument is more refined, when the symphony orchestra is rehearsing while there are no spectators, there is a mat there as if it were just a shoemaker’s factory, in general, designers are required, all this is a working language that allows people to communicate, and if you master this instrument, it gives very interesting insight about how
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the trust built as a result can be used so that in general it is not abused, but used for good in order to convey the information that i would like to convey, i have been blogging already, i even forgot when i wrote them i started, well, 25 years old, probably, that is, not everyone in this room is as old as i have been blogging, in 25 years it somehow happened like this, although the people who started reading my first blogs are already parents themselves, some are already grandmothers, grandfathers, it works, and thus i am that reasonable, kind, eternal thing that i want to sow, and i have a very large program for how much information needs to be transmitted to the outside world so that life becomes better, so it turns out that with the help of the tools that i select... whatever else, this is very effective communication, because this is an honest open market in which the competition is huge, and there is no administrative resource, no one forces you to read my blogs, if you don’t want to, unsubscribe, so those millions of subscribers and viewers that i have, to whom i am
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terribly grateful, they come to read me, watch me, listen voluntarily. artemy, your pedigree is the history of the country, the great-grandfather of nicholas ii, great-grandfathers alexei tolstoy, mikhail lazinsky, grandfather - general lebedev, mother - a wonderful russian writer, dad is a philologist, it’s clear that you don’t think about this every day, but at least sometimes you feel proud and responsible for such names, well, each of us, of course, our history is the history of the country, because otherwise we would be here not sitting should always remember. our genealogy, we must remember as much as possible, i know my genealogy before the trilabites, my father, let’s say, did a great job of finding all the relatives that were possible, in general, there are great-great-great- great-great, including darurik, in short, you can count at least on the one hand, on the other hand you can go 400 years away, i still have many greek
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relatives, because i am a quarter greek, my grandmother is from greece and that’s why my name is artemy, actually they didn’t call me because this is just a name lying on the road, it’s in honor of greek relatives, i’m like... of course, i always remember about this, about what wonderful, wonderful relatives i had, what luxurious ancestors were, those who don’t know their ancestors, these people seem to would be a little deprived of history, culture, something very important that is in life, by the way, this is probably due to the fact that when orphans are adopted by someone somewhere, people have a need to find their real biological parents, this is apparently hard-wired, programmed in us, this desire to know who we came from, i don’t abuse this, i never brag, i don’t have anywhere... what kind of ancestors i have, what country they were from, my method of advancement, he's different, i'm advancing in my professional work, i'm working designer, this is my main job, almost all of my ancestors were philologists in one way or another, i didn’t go in this direction, although they really wanted to, i went in a completely different direction and started a completely new page, that is, nowhere for five generations in all on the other hand, except
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for some great-grandfather of the greeks, who was an icon painter, in general, no one had anything to do with design, and this allows me, in general... to be a new page, so i pass this baton to my children, of whom i have 10, and this is, in general, no less for my achievement than the fact that i had a lot of different ancestors, i still have many descendants, this is generally my main achievement in life, what do you think about the intelligentsia in general, i certainly have a lot of intelligentsia among my ancestors, but in general i am a commoner, and this is absolutely, absolutely completely unprincipled to me, we live with... by god in a country where our meritocracy is more important than origin, we have no castes, no races, any racial advantages, we have no nationalism, that like we take some, we don’t take others, from us a country. amazing opportunities evenly, any person from any very remote village can achieve anything anywhere in the country, it may even be more difficult
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to move from moscow to a village and achieve something there, because there will be a well-formed society there, from the village to moscow anyone can always come, and i, as a resident of a big city, as a native muscovite, i take advantage, this part of life is much clearer to me, i love when there are a lot of opportunities, i love when there are a lot of people, a lot circumstances, the fact is that the intelligentsia is a concept that appeared... one might say, not so long ago, it is probably 250 years old, intellectuals, i think that their peak came in the 20th century, after the revolution and about a year before the nineties, because then i found a lot of intellectuals, there was nothing left, i believe that now intelligence, of course, exists, we roughly know what it is, but intellectuals in the form in which they were back in the eighties years, i found them in childhood, now such people seem to no, this breed disappeared somewhere, transformed into something else , turned into something else. that is, this part of me, let’s say, worries me in the last place, because it seems to me that professional achievements are much more important than some
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titles or some self-name, or some people who put on a white coat and call themselves moral commertons, we know a lot about these among the very layer that should have been intelligent, but they seemed to have forgotten those values, those important things, humanitarian, that were characteristic intelligence and an intellectual, and just now everything is maximal... even wikipedia says how you didn’t like studying, you ran away from classes, you were expelled, so why didn’t you like studying so much? i didn’t like to study , not always and not everywhere, i didn’t like getting up early, so i’m already in the last class. two or three schools, i came to the fourth lesson, and although it was quite a long time ago it seemed impossible, i always somehow knew how to find
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a common language with people, i always believed that diplomacy is much stronger than force, so i don’t know how to fight , never fought in my life, but he knew how to come to an agreement, let’s say, i hated physical education, i agreed with my physical education teacher that he gives me three grades a year and never sees me, and this is absolute happiness for both him and me, it was about the same with other teachers, i studied in five different schools, they are all different in quality, one year i studied in... this is the most terrible school, i really didn’t like it there, i came back here and finished a humanities class, i had philosophy and latin at school and a little -i know a little something from them, although i didn’t get along with the latinist, so i went there i didn’t go and didn’t get a mark, but i myself read the latin textbook for medical universities, because i was just interested, in my life i learned six different languages, and i learned greek, i even knew it in childhood, well, then, when school actually ended, when my real independent... life has already begun, since then i have never stopped learning at all, i study every day, i read a huge amount of texts, information, i stopped reading fiction,
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because now, well, now i have no time for it, maybe when i retire i’ll start reading it, i i read scientific and technical nonfiction, i develop myself every day, it can be any words of foreign words, if i don’t have a ready answer, i go, so i immediately look in russian in english, i managed to learn english, i think that this is the best knowledge here is a unit of knowledge that is better - fresh knowledge all over the world, it does not belong to the british or the americans, it belongs to all humanity, this is convenient because if someone from indonesia talks to someone from saudi arabia, of course they will talk on english, they have no other options, this is my tool for acquiring new knowledge, which is generated in large quantities in the world every day, i continue to study every day, without ceasing, because i had such a moment in my youth when i realized that commercial i am in demand much more... much more than i have brains, i already received good money at the beginning of my work, because i knew how to work on a computer, i did it quickly, but at the same time i was just go in, sit
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and open it myself, just i didn't have any knowledge, nothing, so i realized that it’s not good to do this, it’s not a good thing at all, and i just went for many, many years and absorbed the entire amount of information that related primarily to my professional knowledge, i absorbed it all, so i don’t need it now i’m ashamed of the amount of knowledge that i have, but... no one taught me this, i did it all myself and every day i continue to learn, how was artemy lebedev raised by his mother-writer and father-philologist? my childhood was a little technically simplified, because we didn’t have a telephone at home, then there were no mobile phones yet, in principle, but we didn’t have a landline tv, and we didn’t have a tv, so there was nothing to be distracted by, soviet tv wasn’t the poet’s biggest dream at all, but... even when it was there, many people still switched to it, got distracted, and so on. i watched tv once a week when i went to visit my grandfather, so this,
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of course, narrowed the technological spectrum a little. involvement, but expanded all other spectrums, so throughout my childhood i read, starting from the age of 5, first through i don’t want to, and then somehow suddenly i was so sucked in, everything, then i couldn’t stop, they created a lot, we had a tape recorder where we could talk, we had cassettes, my brother and i recorded fairy tales, we had five typewriters at home, we had a greek one, a latin one, well, that’s understandable, because my father needed it for work, and there were also several russian typewriters, and that’s why i also sat and typed fairy tales as a child, they were also before... they were all preserved, it just came to me some thought, some plot came into my head, i sat down, myself typed, so i’ve been working with a keyboard for almost 50 years, well, that’s it, basically everything else, when i try to remember how i was raised, i was raised as relaxed as possible, no one ever gave me a password, no one ever, they put me in a corner maybe three times, it was my favorite pastime, in the corner there were both of them in a semicircle, i poked them
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like this with my finger, poke-poke-poke, everything was quite simple, nothing, there were no special classes there, no... special clubs, no special schools, i spent my whole life i just went to school around the corner, except for the last one, which was with humanities class, everyone else - these were just the most ordinary schools in the area where we were moving in the city, so i went to school there, and i also don’t send my children to any special schools, because i simply don’t believe in them, i don’t have a single example of a person from a special school like oba making a person, he was a nobody, look he just blossomed, so it’s quite possible that my parents treated me the same way, like i’ll be lucky with the teacher and then somehow grow up on my own if i'll have to eat some brains on the spot. accordingly, you will decide what problem you have, how you can solve this problem, how you will cope further on your own, depending on how many talents nature has given you, well, it turned out like this for me, until i was 18 years old, i didn’t do anything at all i did, it’s just that i, like ilya murina, lay on the stove, it’s a family thing for us, we all have very late development and i also have a late development. artemy, why did you run away from
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america? i ran away from america because as soon as i got there. arrived, on the third day i realized that i couldn’t be here when we arrived, it was the ninetieth year, we first settled at the kind invitation of the writer vainovich, who lived in washington, he said: please, i have a sofa, you can lie down here, we lived with him for 3 whole days, if anyone remembers, how all this happened, but now the soviet union began to fall apart, they had already given up on everything, there were no rules, morals, nothing left at all, but for the americans , the russians were such little animals that also talk, i seemed to have arrived with soviet union, prison of nations, horror, nightmare, everything is a totalitarian regime and in general, that’s all, everything is as terrible as possible, and i went to america, i understand that there is more of a scoop there than we have, that is, the freedom that was here, and freedom of movement, and freedom to gain knowledge, and freedom of communication, what was generally discussed in the kitchens there, if some evil people sat and listened, their ears would curl up into tubes, i was 16, no, i was 15 years old when i arrived and 16 , when i left, i did not find
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freedom in america, it sounds, of course, everyone says, okay, lord, you fill everything in, everything is clear, you’re all pro-putin, pro -kremlin, you get paid for it, when i was 16 years old , no one paid me for this, and my feeling is what it was, it was formed simply as a result of my very gentle , a very vulnerable, fragile device, i am a very receptive, creative person, although i can send, but in my soul i perceive mine, my recorder, he is very gentle, we have unwritten laws, which are also laws, they just weren’t written on paper , because it’s impossible, because they sacred, they need to be recognized by some... secret signals, biofields or something else in communication with different people, then in fact this allows us to develop in our culture, this is not available to americans, because they have it written like this, for it’s the most suffocating thing for me, when it’s written the way it’s written and performed, because i, well, my soul just doesn’t accept it in any way, once it even came in handy for me in america, when i had a terrible quarrel with a school bus driver because he was listening
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some terrible music, but i said: i want to listen to classics, but i don’t want your rock. listen, play me the classics, he said, like, it’s not allowed, and then, having read the clause in the rules that a student on the bus must sit in a seat and sat down in the seat, accordingly, he sat back and put his feet on the bench when he started yelling , screaming, what’s going on, i say, you see the rule, it’s written there, that’s it, here i am sitting on the seat and as if you can’t tell me anything, there was a scandal, he had a heart attack, he went with his son to chat they agreed that they wouldn’t drive me for 3 days as a punishment, so for 3 days the american drove me from... from school in his personal car and i talked with him about ostrovinsky and also pretended to be an intellectual, just in time for the question about - although i don’t know anything about stravinsky, it was important for him, so i said: yes, yes, we all listen to strovinsky from morning to evening, we are intellectuals, i want it to sound on the school bus too. well, in short, this is the episode i had, where, that means, the only time i tried somehow was this to hack the american system, but the school is stupid, the students are all kind of different, they are very much
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the same, they have late development in a different sense, because i... at the age of 15 i took the sum of the angles of a triangle, i didn’t like it, because i i had known her for 10 years by that time, so at the first opportunity i boarded the return plane, which turned out to be empty, flying from america to the soviet union. because at that time everyone was flying only there, answering the question about how i was raised, perhaps this is the most important thing that what my parents did to me was that they allowed me, when i was sixteen, to return alone to the soviet union, there was no russia yet, and russia appeared only six months later on a piece of paper, after i returned, when i returned, a week after that , a riot happened in the country, so there, probably, the parents also had a heart attack, because where did they send the child to some kind of boiling cauldron of incomprehensible passions, and i was awesome, i was high, i realized that this is where i want to be, i made this decision voluntarily, i could have become an american with absolutely no problems, but i didn’t, so this is my short biography, i came back here when it was not yet fashionable, i’m the most quilted jacket, i’m just an imperial
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nationalist and i’m absolutely not ashamed of it, i really like it here ok, everything is clear what needs to be done here, it’s good to go to america , just like going to the zoo to look at all sorts of exotic things, so i’m also ready to fly there, see, eat deliciously, travel and fly away. when i returned, realizing that i was young, i naturally went to very upbringing to her aunt, with whom i lived for a year, she was an artist at heart , a theater director, so she loved all sorts of scripts, loved to invent everything in life, she taught me a lot in this direction and she was very, very economical, very lapidary, she had, she was such a real russian... such a trauma, she believed that the russian intelligentsia owed it to the people, so she always helped all the people, the people naturally answered with what, the people wiped their feet on her, but the hardening of the aunt she was very much to me
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came in handy because she forced me to take a cold contrast shower every day, she forced me, let’s say i bought some cookies at a kiosk, that’s it, it’s a scandal, a nightmare, how dare you even do that, you bought muesli, you spent there’s money on them, what nonsense, here’s a pack of hercules, here’s a can of raisins, like pour milk on... it’s the same for everyone, it also helped me a lot, because it taught me that you can come up with absolutely anything , any degree of fantasy from a minimum amount of resources, this is for me it helped a lot in general in life, in work, in the profession, i use it every day, the simplest thing is when someone comes to you for some order, when you’re just like, let’s spend a billion, of course, if you spend a billion, you you can do a lot of things, but if you have to come up with a vivid impression for 100 rubles and so that people remember it for the rest of their lives, it’s completely different. develops brains and neurons, i'm happy that i can come up with things for 100 rubles. by the way, i also use this in relation to my children principle, because it’s one thing to organize some kind of expensive holiday for children, you
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don’t need a lot of intelligence, but it’s another thing when you have a budget and you have to make sure that all the schoolchildren remember what you did there , and sometimes it’s free, because if you allow all the children to go outside and jump in puddles, it costs 0 rubles. well, a little sterile powder is needed later, but then... it will be remembered, it’s a thrill, this is what my aunt taught me, for which i am eternally grateful, who is now deceased, unfortunately, and then from the age of 18 i became it’s almost like i’m already living alone, autonomously, without grandparents, without an aunt, without external upbringing. apparently, my period of pupation has ended, and i’ve begun to turn into some kind of butterfly, at first. educational institutions were driven away, now a successful person sits in front of us, how did you build yourself, from what? i wasn’t expelled from educational institutions, of course, i left there myself, and the only time, no,
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once i was finally expelled from a humanitarian university, it was at the russian state university for humanities, the point is the fact that when i graduated from school, the memory of my ancestors said that i needed to get a higher education, i thought that okay, good, for you, for show. somehow i will get it, because somehow i will interrupt such an important tradition, everyone has a higher education, but i turn out to be some kind of underage, i then decided, i had such a moment, i will go to the russian state university, i first i entered the journalism department because it had the lowest passing grade, i was absolutely fine with it, kind of like an advertising department, kind of like something that i needed somewhere it could be interesting, even at this lowest entrance in moscow i still passed at the semi-pass, that is, i was at the end of the line , just like this sediment at the bottom of the pan, then not yet... no one wanted to go to the journalism department, because well, it’s clear , there are so many opportunities around, why go to this rotten establishment, everything there was pretty boring and depressing, except for the wonderful dean yasin nikolaevich zasursky, and right in september i thought like that, okay, screw him with advertising, screw
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him with some my ambitions, i’ll go become a philologist, i transferred to the russian state university for humanities, by some miracle they took the papers from me, then they had a rector afanasiev, and he was on vacation, i mean, for a whole week i went to lectures of some kind, i mean i listened to them on you and there are some other things about... what -the authors, and it means that afanasyev returned from vacation, he says, what the hell is this we have here, who is this, we didn’t take him, but in general he transferred everything from the journalism department to the forest from the beach, that’s all, and that means teleporting me. back to the journalism department, so the only time i was expelled from the educational institution was at the russian state university for humanities, faculty of history and philology, where i spent a whole week, honestly pretended to be a philologist, but i’m happy that they didn’t allow me to do this, because when i returned to the journalism department, the only teacher there who told me something important, useful for life, also like this, this is the third brick in my growth of my wall of achievements, she said, like, what are you... sitting here, you can do it, this is
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what you do there, so much all sorts of work, there, here you can check it out, you can go there, like there in general, well by and large, you don’t seem to have much to study here, there are so many opportunities in the world that you can go and earn money, and i actually went to earn money, because i had a computer and i could do on it what i typed out a book in, like, half a week , all sorts of old soviet masters, whom i still had the honor of meeting, they made three books a year there, because before everything was different, much more complicated, such windows of opportunity are nothing... open, but somehow it turned out that during the life of these windows of opportunity i got a lot of sleep, and i i am grateful to fate that i found myself at such a time, when the last soviet era ended, i was 16 years old, that is, a new country from scratch and me from scratch, this is the best combination, so i have used it since then, as only somewhere a window of opportunity opens, not even necessarily, i agree with the window, if it opens slightly somewhere, i definitely go there right away, i always experiment, not for all the rubles, but i definitely have to climb into every crack to try. see what's
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going on there, i have a lot of stories like this in life, and then i just transferred to the journalism department, went to the second year, in the second year i just stayed three times, stayed again, again, and for 3 years in a row i stayed in the second year, and then i just stopped coming there, and a few years ago i remembered, i said, my school certificate is there in the educational department, and i sent a courier to the journalism department, i said, there you have some documents left from lebediv, he studied there 30 years ago and they gave it to him. they sent me my school certificate, and one more time there was an interesting story, when i was standing on bolshaya nikitskaya, i already had a job, it means that i had already started working on the design of tyra-pyra, i was standing to hand over the film for development, and the dean of the journalism department yasen nikolaevich zasursky stood behind me in line , he recognized me, remembered me, artemy said, i ’ve been following your successes, and i want to invite you to teach a course with us, and i say, i don’t have a higher education, he says it’s not a problem, and i was probably the only one.
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this was done because it was believed that the greatest achievement of all my ancestors, which my parents definitely had to preserve and pass on to me and my brother, is that money is perishable, perishable in general, you just don’t need to be distracted by it, because the most important thing is that head, i agree with this, but i just don’t mind when there is some money, sports is also some kind of thing that was considered not a worthy way to spend time, because it was better to read a book, lying on the sofa was considered the most of the highest value because you don’t just lie on the couch, you
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lie with a book, you absorb knowledge, you get smarter, this doesn’t increase your money, but it doesn’t matter, but your knowledge increases, so i was the first traitor who went, i said, i will do design, and my parents are like, ha-ha-ha, you will do design, this means that you will draw price tags for the director of a vegetable store and go to the bathhouse, that means with some sausage manufacturer, i said yes, that’s it my dream, i want to draw a label for sausage, they are like that, well these are not what we taught you, these are not the values ​​that... i once read homer’s iliad, it wasn’t about that at all, i say, it’s okay, the iliad is the iliad, and the price tag on the sausage should be good , in fact, nothing has changed since then, they draw price tags for sausages with pleasure, and even now my parents are not indignant. artemy, tell me, how did your studio start? it all started with the fact that i didn’t know anything at all, i wasn’t interested in anything, i didn’t do anything, i just lay on the couch and i read as was bequeathed by my ancestors. at some point, my father decided that it was not good, that i still needed a little something like this, everything
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is fine, yes, i need to lie down, read, but i need to have some other purpose in life, he gave me a camera , it was such a push, i was just 15 years old, i started filming a little bit at a time, and this pulled me in a little, it seemed like some other dimension appeared, it may well be that there was also a kick in that direction, that i somehow started doing something visual, at some point i decided that i would become an advertising designer, because at that time i liked the advertising pages in magazines most of all, i believed that this was the pinnacle of human creation in general, that it was the best thing to be, then i sat down on the computer and began to draw something, there wasn’t even the internet yet, i had a computer, i began to draw all sorts of different pictures pixel by pixel, this part somehow fascinated me, when the internet appeared, it turned out that my skill... the ability to draw on the screen is very much in demand, because for the internet you don’t need anything else, no need print it out on paper so that your design is considered produced, because before, when i had my first studio, it was purely graphic, books, logos, this is all graphic design, all the designers of the old school, who were still taught
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in this way all the old canons, they still believed in it, they did not overcome this, now they have already overcome it, but then in the mid-nineties, it was generally incomprehensible to them that what you see on the screen is what it is... .finished goods, this, this is a product, this resource, that’s enough, you don’t have to print it out, when the internet appeared, i’m actually like, yes, now what i can do, what i’ve been drawing on the screen all my life, i’ll just send it over the wire, it will appear for other people on the screen, and so i became, in fact, the first website designer in russia, this may sound loud, firstly, then no one needed it, no one knew what it was on the internet, there were one and a half disabled people, and most the main thing is that no one knew whether this thing would go there, it wouldn’t go, but the most the main thing...
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it’s not really needed, because it will do just fine and in general the road was laid there somehow, it doesn’t matter what it looks like, it ultimately came to the point that a certain number of still caring people looked, looked, they looked, their taste was cultivated, they gradually developed, and this all led, for example, to such wonderful projects that i have the honor to be associated with, for example, the design code of moscow, in 2013 a new chief architect came to moscow , sergey kuznetsov, who ordered the design code from us, and here is my knowledge, what i traveled all over the world... said all the signs, all the signs, everything, everything in the world, all the advertisements, all the poles and so on, i have quite a large amount of visual knowledge, as happens in the world, we made some out of this... then conclusions, principles, they wrote a document, and moscow was transformed, because before everything was hung up like in some kind of arab bazaar, banners, these kind of advertising
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structures, who would stick which entrance to the building, like so that the main thing was enough money , no one cared about that as much as you ruined the architecture of your advertising structure, we regulated it all. people liked it and businessmen, first of all, too, and the first 13 pilot streets, they so quickly this experiment turned out to be successful that they spread it throughout the whole city, now moscow for the first time in its life has become more beautiful than st. petersburg, which was previously impossible, because st. petersburg he was always so stately, noble, which means that this is an imperial beautiful europe, and moscow was just something, i don’t understand, that is, we forgot that in moscow there is also a good architecture, because it was all drowned in advertising structures, we returned this whole thing, and one of the most important things that... is, which actually makes life fundamentally different, is simply that all the letters that hang on the facade should be voluminous, but this is the principle that i spied in france and spain, it was very useful to me, in fact, in moscow, it formed the basis of this design code, and now moscow has become
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a truly different city, it’s pleasant to walk around it, moscow has returned to the people, and i every every time i walk, when i look at these signs that are made according to the rules, a warmth spreads right into my soul, i understand that it was worth trying for this. the advent of artificial intelligence makes life easier or takes away creativity. artificial intelligence is a very cool thing, without it it would be very boring. nobody knew 5 years ago that this was possible, as it is happening now, they dreamed about it, science fiction writers wrote about it, people tried to somehow come up with something. a neural network can write music, neural network can draw pictures, can write texts. the main thing that we have learned as a result of the work of artificial intelligence and neural networks is that creativity has turned out to be very much overestimated by humanity, in fact it turned out that it is just a skill that we mechanize, neural networks and artificial intelligence give us a new opportunity, a new page in creativity , which we
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could not dream of before, because before we had to take a long, tedious time to educate people, firstly, for many years, we had to find them, we had to discover these inclinations in them, it took tens of years, that’s all. for someone to at least learn how to draw somehow, then bam you have a picture in a second, then before even i even had a storyboard , even some sketch of a sketch , a living person would still go and draw you for a week, now bam that’s it, you have everything ready, the only one who suffers, the people who suffer are those who thought that if they had a mechanical skill, they are like holding god by the beard, everything in life is great, and they don’t have to worry anymore, of course they will go now on some kind of labor market, because it turns out that if you can be easily replaced by a machine, why? you are needed, you are not needed, although you need to come here, you need to remember something, firstly, there is no brain and no mind, because in artificial intelligence there is no intelligence, it does not know anything new, it only knows what i put in it . the very fact that he can talk about the topic of helicopter blades, on the topic of microbiology,
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it seems to us that wow, wow, intelligence, it’s not just intelligence, it’s just like a search engine, it just went through all pages, she remembered everything, so there is a lot of knowledge there, this is not intelligence at all, she cannot come up with anything new, she can only compile from the old, this is a fundamental difference from a person who can generate new things, and for him this is a super mega help, because a person with a neural network, armed with artificial intelligence, can create much faster, much more interesting, much richer, and my great hope is that someday, in a couple of years , technology will reach the point where a twelve-year-old girl will appear who simply not knowing anything, not having any artistic education yet, but she just has imagination in her head, ideas and creativity are rushing, with the help of these new technologies she can make a film that, i don’t know, will receive an oscar, so a person came up with some kind of... then a talented creative idea, maybe millions of people who now live on the planet, they are brilliant directors, but we don’t know about it, because they didn’t have 5 years for vgik, they weren’t taken there, and well , that’s why they work as accountants , in fact
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they have what they have inside, this potential, it now has the opportunity to be realized without intermediaries, i am not at all afraid that i will be replaced by artificial intelligence, because i know its limitations, i know what is valuable to me and what is the value for those people who come to me with different tasks, i have a very simple principle, maybe it sounds cynical. although i have very good support, my principle is that commercial demand generally decides everything determines, because if they come to you with money and say that we want what you are doing, that can be great proof that people want something from you, well, otherwise they would not bring money, at least, but i have both support and my guide in life - this is, of course, a great quote from pushkin, who said inspiration is not for sale, but you can sell a manuscript, that is, it’s one thing when you have an idea and you don’t let anyone in, when you’ve already made it, you have a finished manuscript, please sell it, earn money, get a fee, all this can be combined. artificial intelligence does not hinder me in any way in this process, and nerosseti, all
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other technologies, on the contrary, we will simply do even more design now, it will now appear even faster. have you ever faced a choice on which everything depended? i try not to have situations in my life where everything depends on my choice, because it’s a little similar. every time you find yourself in a situation like this, where you have to do something like this
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it’s fateful to choose, it’s not very comfortable, it’s not very pleasant, i probably didn’t have this right now, because those stories in my life that were where i was on the brink of death a couple of times, there’s no choice for me i didn’t offer it, i just suddenly found myself on the brink of death, once in africa, which means that night marauders attacked everything on the road in guinea, which means they stoned me and robbed me. it was not pleasant, we barely left there, the second time, for example, when i fell ill with malaria, and it also turned out that we had no one doesn’t know how to treat her, the last time we met with her was in the sixties, in short, i was like this, it seems like it’s not a complex disease, but our medicine was not immediately strong in this matter, i had no choice, but in real life, when they diagnose the question is thus, i think that there is always talk about some kind of deceit, about manipulation, and i, since i spend a lot of energy on not... bewitching myself to hypnotize with all sorts of different formulas, i am immediately very timid
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about such formulations and i just interact with them differently, so here it is so, cunningly, i often slip out of a variety of situations where it would seem other people chose the red pill or the blue one, and i went and ate the green one. do you have some kind of absurd story in your anamnesis, everyone was against it, but you did it? i have a good story in my anamnesis, it’s called the ruble sign, the fact is that when the central bank decided to make the ruble sign, it was already about 10 years ago, they announced some kind of competition, at first they just announced some kind of competition, nothing it’s not over, everyone is like, yeah, write it just a ruble with a dot, and this is the best sign of the ruble, then a certain number of years passed, they decided to return to this idea again, announced a competition again, it seemed like they chose some option that made my hair stand on end in different places, i then... i gathered the professional community and came up with this idea, again to the question of choice, because
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it would seem that everything, we were already confronted with the fact that it was about to happen, this idiotic very... bad sign could would become a sign of the ruble. i took two more companies that know how to make fonts in our country, one of us drew a ruble sign, we agreed that we do not call the authors by name, because this is a collective work, we are all authors, but we have a small circle of authors, and we use our own fonts we will insert this sign, despite the fact that the competition has not yet been announced, the sign has not yet been accepted, and we have already quickly gathered, it was just a blitz-cry, it was necessary to act very quickly, to immediately organize an intervention for this, which means bad with ours. ..
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the fact that no one needs anyone, the fact that it is unknown how to support it, new, i began to use this sign on all price tags, in cafes, to give to all designers, there was a lot of resistance, because when in some bank some designer tried to draw a ruble sign, he was told that this this, we don’t have that, we have the dollar, the yen, the euro, but there is no ruble, so don’t show off, do it normally, but little by little, little by little, time passed, the amount of use grew, grew, grew, passed 7 years, and the central bank again announces a competition and... our ruble sign, since it is already and so on everywhere, it has already become a de facto standard, it is accepted, the next day it appears on the keyboard of everyone’s smartphone, and the central bank issues 100 million ruble coins with the ruble sign, it was such a victory, it was very cool, very pleasant the feeling that you were an idiot for 7 years, no one believed in it, no one knew that it was cool, and then everyone wants to be just like you, but no one
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, the secret is that no one wants this first phase, how to be a fool, because it is not yet known whether you guessed right or not? a then everyone wants it, because it’s clear that you guessed right, yes, in this place right away, as you know, victory has many parents, yes, defeat, defeat, orphan, it’s the same thing, this principle works, i’m just not afraid get involved in some story, just some experiment, try to do something so stupid, where there is no answer whether i’m right or wrong, i can only take risks myself, and quite often this gives an interesting outcome, projects appear quite often , which well... people, other designers, they are terribly jealous, like, why this lebedev was again ordered to say that we have few good designers in the country, or what? in fact, the answer is very simple, they just didn’t move, they just didn’t do anything, they didn’t make any effort, there’s a wonderful english saying on this topic, which i always remember, don’t take a lazy dog ​​to the hunt, then fate itself will sort everything out everything good, of course
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, will not pass unnoticed... my lifestyle can be described very simply, i am an epicurean, a hedonist, a joker, a swearer, a womanizer, creator, father, everyone knows that you are a father of many children, please tell me which methods among the extensive... do you use and which do you consider unacceptable? i myself was raised according to spock, which is not very good, spock was the doctor who said that if a child cries, well, let him cry, he’ll be tired after 5 hours anyway, in general, in short, i grew up with this concept, this is not very correct, i don’t
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raise my children this way, now in this place, of course, firstly, all the children who hear that i raised them somehow will laugh, and secondly, they will laugh their mothers, who... will also say, yes, of course, you were raised there, just in general, we, your great ideas on how to raise children, of course, came to you, asked and put them into practice right there, thank you very much for in general, you taught us how to live here, i have a very similar one, one of my friends described it very interestingly, how he sees the situation, the interaction of parents and children, that children need a mother like air, that is, every second, and children need a father like water, that is, you can, in principle , endure the whole day, but then you are still without you can’t do it, but you can’t every... every second it’s imperative that he be nearby, this corresponds to how i perceive the interaction of children with parents, and then i have a few very simple principles: i never physically punish children , i never worry, it comes from some kind of weakness or from some other internal problems, i don’t have them, that’s why my children are happy, they don’t know what a raised hand is and i never took off the belt
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so that they to flog, although sometimes i want to, the second important thing is that i don’t punish for what. from the rules of life, for example, i have a celebration of the first d with my children, when a child at school finally grows up, that in the first grade now he doesn’t give d marks at all, when they start giving grades, the child comes, i... buy a cake , i put a candle there with the number two, we light it, like yuhu, a holiday, in general beauty, the first two, finally, congratulations, recently i had a little daughter, she got the first two, which means we celebrated a cake, a holiday, she the next day comes, she says, i got another one, i say, that’s it, there won’t be any more cakes, she was very upset, because she decided that now everything can be ordered for a cake every day, so i say, no, this is just one holiday it happens once in a lifetime, like this is the beginning of life, so what happens next, whether you like it or not. the point is that there are no grades in life, so it is very important for me to explain to children that they don’t have to waste all their mental strength, it doesn’t matter what grades you get at school, although at school
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it may seem important, but as soon as the last bell rings, in one second it doesn’t matter, because life works differently, so it makes sense to do it right away, to understand what is important in life, even while you’re at school, without being distracted by these are all external assessments, so i hope that the children, and for me myself... the most important thing is that i measure how the upbringing went, how lucky or unlucky it happened in general, so that the children are good people, somewhere by twenty, because before that, in principle, not it’s especially important what happens there, before that it’s all some kind of distraction, for some talents, like a beach bear show, that is, it’s such entertainment that oh, our three-year-old child reads shakespeare there, that’s all when he’s 23, and not three, no one cares whether he reads shakespeare or not, because suddenly for some reason they begin to evaluate him according to... criteria, how polite or charismatic he is, or smart, or obliging, some other things become important , he may be a genius at reading shakespeare at the same time, but the human foundation is still
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becomes much more important than just a joke, everything else needs to be given to the children, as if they are growing every year, you don’t need to do anything special for this, just feed them sometimes and so that they sleep, and so everything else will happen to them, it is necessary to have a childhood is full of childhood, there is no need to send children to school at the age of 6, this is... the greatest stupidity in the world, all this does not make children happy, because firstly, time will pass, no one will remember what it was, secondly, it's not important in life, so i just don't get distracted on meshra, i do everything right, and most importantly, we need to let the children try everything, spicy, cold, hot, whatever, they have to interact with everything, jump into puddles, cut everything with a knife, we regularly have children, although it seems there you’re already thinking, you’ve been a redneck for 12 years, your beard will soon grow. and they collect there all the products that they find in the kitchen, they have this type of malasha porridge, so they just throw everything they can throw into the pan for half an hour, i give them permission, if you want to break an egg, please,
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if you want olive oil, pour olive oil in there, stir everything, then just pour it into the toilet, of course, no one even tries, we even discuss how many millions of dollars you will eat it for, but no one agrees, and for children this is what i think the most real thing, although mothers can argue with me, say, why are you teaching children bad things, i just bought it yesterday, i think we need to go through this, because it forms a normal, full-fledged attitude towards life, where joy is this is a very important component, for some reason this is also in they don’t teach us at school, they don’t explain to us that life, firstly, is one, and secondly, it exists for joy, and even nature has rewarded us with a large amount of what we can enjoy, specifically so that we can prolong this life. so that we can have it as long as possible, as fully as possible, so that we leave offspring as happy as we are, if we have learned to use it.
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this is the kind of smoke coming out, not the one coming from the chimney, but this is a local show, and he says great words: whitefish transit, gloria mundi, father sanctus, which means,
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this is how worldly glory passes, the holy father, and the pope, who is now the king of the world, now all the newspapers, all the tv channels will write about him, he will be the coolest, the most famous, millions of people will want to bid his hand, and he can become arrogant, he can decide that now really everything in my life is that i have christ in my bosom and in general it’s a complete thrill, but... they say: dude, this will all pass, worldly glory will pass, just like we are here now ventilated this smoke, there was no trace left of it, remember that that you are just as simple, mortal, and that everything will happen in exactly the same way, these are great... sov words, like many other things in religion, in fact, you need to look not literally at what is written there, but at the conceptual ideas, metaphors , which are the basis, they are very useful for the brain in general, for ideas, for interaction in life, for existence in society, i always remember this, so the fact that i now have a certain amount of generally convenient achievements, it doesn't mean anything, firstly, because tomorrow there may be nothing, so today i enjoy it, not forgetting to thank every single day for
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what i have... it so happened that today nothing happened, my leg didn’t fall off, both eyes are looking, for now, and so on. the only thing i want is for it to last as long as possible, there is such a purely professional thing inside me, i want tomorrow i have enough brains to come up with an idea that will be stolen. people steal a lot of my ideas and so, well, that’s all in the past, because it means i was once lucky enough to come up with an idea, which someone else liked, someone stole it. very good, happy, can i come up with such an idea tomorrow? this is the only thing that i, well, not that i worry about, but i just pray that i still have this ability, because when they stop stealing my ideas, it will become clear that that’s it, it’s time for grandpa to retire, i ’ll go to monastery and i will live there with a recluse. artemy, thank you for a very interesting meeting, why did you agree to come here , why blue? i took the blue hair color from...
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children from daughters when they started in some kind of moment to dye my hair, i decided, what wouldn’t i try, i just hadn’t gotten a tattoo before, but then i started doing it, by the way, i have a very successful concept: all the tattoos are on the body, they all contain the word tattoo, i love this literalness, i have it there in japanese, for example, it says tattoo here, it is in such and such languages, at some point i discovered that the word tattoo has 10 letters, i have 10 children, and i asked for each one. write the child in chronological order by letter, they did it for me, each one drew it in their own color, this is the piece of paper on which someone brought me what, i’m going to get a tattoo on my arm, i always have all the children right here at my fingertips, what should i do when i have 10 more children, what else to write a word, i don’t know yet, but this is a creative moment, i don’t think that far ahead, it’s 10 o’clock, so it fits perfectly, it fits in great, everything is fine, and the blue color is from the same series, just why not, i have the concept
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is that what’s important is what’s inside the head... not outside, although when i came once to tractor plant, where, of course, the director did not immediately understand how it could happen in his life that someone with blue hair walked into his office, this thought hurt him, but after a couple of minutes of communication he realized that it was not really so scary, that a person has a drawing on his head like what’s inside his head, so i also allow children to do whatever they want, it matters what kind of person you are, how colorful you are , or whether you build a light bulb in your ear, well, on the contrary , it’s just cool, i just behind. why am i here agreed to come again, because it’s not very clear why i would be denied a meeting with such wonderful people, and secondly, in addition to the fact that we just had such a nice, sincere conversation here, there are a number of people like at least the same amount will be seen on tv. thank you, thank you. titanic deluxe
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titanic luxury collection boudrum. hello, it’s news time on our channel, in ladari starkhov’s studio! briefly about some of the topics of the issue. city within a city. everyday everyday things will certainly be interesting. the widest audience. work on the creation of the bakhrushinsky museum and theater quarter is nearing completion. by the will of rock. a point in you
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that you cannot betray, without relatively any events. pavel safonov staged the story the captain's daughter at the russian army theater. working on mistakes that there was no time, all of the welding is from the evil one. the historical fountains of the rumyantsev garden in st. petersburg were sent for restoration. cultural and spiritual values ​​that unite the russians and belarusians are the key to the successful development of the union state, vladimir putin said in his address to the participants of the festive concert in honor of the day of unity of the peoples of russia and belarus. it took place in the minsk palace of the republic.
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work on the creation in moscow is being completed museum and theater quarter bakhrushinsky, which will unite six buildings. the central part of the project is a museum founded by philanthropist alexei bakhrushin. anna shuster visited. 130 years ago, the owner of this house first showed stage relics from his personal collection to the public. posters, masks, letters from famous actors. now they are preparing to open an entire museum and theater district around the first literary and theater museum. his heart still remains the house of philanthropist alexei bakhrushin, and nearby, where they used to be utility rooms, a children's center will soon open, where young guests can try themselves in creative professions. and a laboratory for students, here behind us on the right hand there will be the bakhrushin theater laboratory, a place free for creativity for young student groups. in this building, architecture of the 16th century, we will present for the first time an exhibition
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telling the history of the theater, from the first folk rituals to the 18th century to the birth of the first professional theater. this is what the museum of the history of the russian puppet theater will look like, opposite in the building. the former medical unit will open an art space dedicated to the theater of the 10th century. the decoration of the walls in the center of theatrical history refers to the work of kazimir malevich. there are fragments of paintings of the cavalry red house. from the wardrobe, a corridor leads to an open storage facility, where visitors can see what was previously hidden from prying eyes. humidity strictly from 55 to 60%. the air temperature is not higher than 22°. for now, a microclimate is being created in the storage facility. nearby they are completing work on arranging a new exhibition hall, there is no ceiling between floors anymore, and this will allow multi-meter theater curtains to be exhibited here. in total, the bakhruzhensky museum has more than one million exhibits, all of them, as well as the details
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of the patron’s biography, remind us of how important the theater played in his life. at the time of his wedding, bakhrushin literally took the bouquet from his newlywed wife, knowing that his favorite actress... marya nikolaevna ermolova had a premiere that day, and he literally takes the bouquet of flowers and asks his friends, saying: please send this bouquet will probably be of interest to her, such interesting everyday household things will certainly be of interest to the widest audience, after the restoration is completed, the guests will be shown the holy of holies, the offices of the bakhrushino library, when the restorers began to examine the walls behind the chimney, they found a fragment of a picturesque frieze about 140 years old , it will be recreated, it is very unusual that they tried to imitate a mosaic using just primer, and of course, the most unusual thing is that it was not just gilded with gold mustache, the canvas was first silvered,
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gold leaf was already imitated on top using various varnishes, in our case it is amber capal varnish, among other discoveries of the restorers, a picturesque frieze with the image of a flamingo, it was hidden under... layers of paint and plaster, the painting will be restored using the technique of museum tinting, when the lost elements deliberately make the naton lighter and colder than the original, so that the viewer can see the difference; they plan to open the bokhrushin quarter this year. anna shuster, sergei skoridov, culture news. sad news, in the ninety-third year , people's artist of russia tatyana konyukhova passed away. oh, i love konyukhov. in this film, since the heroine of the film moscow doesn’t believe in tears, in which tatyana konyukhova played herself, they exclaimed in those years...
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she talked a lot about good things, about her
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partners, about actors, it was such an encyclopedia, just from her life , loved ones, loved ones, with whom she worked, from close colleagues. to other topics. the russian army theater produces the premiere, pushkin's captain's daughter. to the fore director pavel safonov brought out the love story of masha mironova and pyotr grinev. how does the story sound today about a little man involved in a lesson of events. reportage. viewers of this performance will learn the story of pugachev's rebellion, the story of two lovers, from the matured pyotr grinev. he lived a long, happy life with masha. and now, when his beloved wife has left this world, she remembers her path. director pavel safonov explains that this move reveals a poetic and philosophical dimension to the story. years of production motive - pushkinsky epigraph: take care of your honor from a young age. it seems to me that this is the best one. today's note, which i want to convey, as in different
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moments of life, ours, of course, to preserve this honor, what it is, this is some, some point in you that you cannot betray, actress ekaterina sharykina, the image of masha mironova is close, her friends and acquaintances believe that the actress and her heroine are internal. more patient with people, with yourself, with
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circumstances, with pavel safonov, i guess i understand that many can be forgiven, that some things can be forgiven, actress olga bogdanova jokes, when you take on the image of catherine ii, you get the feeling that everyone knows how she should look and how she should be played, what to do, find your own look, mr. voltaire. “i want to satisfy your curiosity about the scarecrow, in it , in this version, the person wins, there is an empress, there is a mistress, as it were, of the russian land, but there is also a person who has a heart, at some point this heart, occupies the most important place when..." she says: i am indebted to
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captain mironov. masculine approach to life and the feminine way to achieve results. the orderliness of the west and the spontaneity of the eastern steppe, love and fate, and also pushkin’s special humor. yana music, dmitry kotov, culture news. the rendezvous with russia film festival has opened in omsk; it is held with the support of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. this year is the show, which takes place in different regions every year.
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work has begun on restoring the fountains of the rumyantsev garden in st. petersburg. they have the status of cultural heritage sites. taken to restoration workshop. ekaterina gritsienko observed the process. floral ornaments, seashells, laurel wreaths, repeating fine patterns in cast iron is high art. at the same time , all elements were created as whole structures; there were no welded parts. all the welding here that is there at that time was not welding, all the welding here is from the evil one, it may be somewhere in the depths, in engineering structures, but not... not here, in the same disassembled form these two fountains arrived in 1867 petersburg from paris, their creator is the danish sculptor david enson, but art historians also mention another author. the second author is a frenchman, albert ernest karebe les, he
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has such a long name, in addition to this long name, he was also a teacher of adraden, although they say. he did not have the best relationship with hadenn on the western putti fountain, on the eastern cupid, both sculptures betray the same romantic, coquettishly sweet style of career belez. elements lost in one of the compositions were preserved in the other, restorers will restore all losses, and also remove cracks and create a protective coating so that the fountains will quickly leave the walls of the workshop and return to the rumyantsev garden. this place got its name thanks to the obelisk. in honor of the victories of count pyotr rumyantsev for the danube in the battles of the russian-turkish war. the monument was erected in 1818, then there was a square here, the garden appeared in 1866.


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