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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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weight, nothing will change, it will always be a temporary story, and the most important thing is that all such means, they really make a person unhealthy, and this is visible, of course, this all affects the quality of life, beauty and your long life, thank you , yeah, friends, the program time has come to an end, please take care of yourself, be careful, use it. only
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the drugs that the doctor prescribed for you, goodbye, hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your live favorite program 60 minutes about the most important things. we have a special issue, starting with shots of the day. the russian ministry of defense publishes footage of the destruction of the railway bridge in kurakhovo in the dpr by the crew of the uragan missile system. this road was used to supply the group; now there are serious logistics problems on the front line. another bridge not far from kupinsko-uzlovoy in the kharkov region is smela. kh-38 high-precision missile fired by
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a su-35 fighter. these shots show the destroyed temporary deployment point of the ukrainian armed forces in selidovo. ballistic missiles were used on it iskan missiles. right now, the russian army occupies more advantageous positions on the approaches to chasovui yar. over the past 24 hours, our soldiers defeated the twenty-fourth, twenty-eighth, and fifty-third mechanized brigades of the ukrainian armed forces. in these frames, the valiant ivanovo paratroopers are already. less than a kilometer from the city, today they took new important heights. one of the largest ukrainian army outposts in the dpr is only a few hundred meters away. it is no longer their own military command that motivates the despondent militants, but anglo-saxon mercenary. look, here is such a speaker in clean tactical shoes and military jackets, through an interpreter, calling on vsushnikov not to be afraid of the russians and to run into the attack, no matter what. no matter what,
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bloomberg is sounding the alarm, according to information from the publication russia's summer offensive, that russia's summer offensive could break through the defenses of ukraine, because it is already april, the russian military-industrial complex is ahead of ukraine's allies in the arms race and the production of shells. zelensky volunteered to calm the country. the day before he signed the law on mobilization, according to which the conscription age was reduced from 27 to 25 years, in kiev... the usurper was never able to answer that on the fronts, look, when ukrainian artillerymen try to fire at russian positions, they always have a stable connection thanks...
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to thousands of terminals, but as we managed to find out, russian soldiers began to use starlink more and more often. we are at the secret information interception center of the ukrainian armed forces in the donetsk region. analyst mijas showed us what they found on occupied russian troops territories.
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this imbalance makes it increasingly difficult for ukrainians to contain the russian advance. if we get shells, we will at least try to hold on to what we have, show it and only lose. i know people who fight for this flag, who fight for freedom. and i 'm telling you that you didn't choose this flag.
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they climb and climb, yes, we are now very inferior in power, there is nothing, we are fighting with the trench method, this is not a way out of the situation, in the fifteenth year we had more drones than them, now ours is one hanging, there are eight of them, under avdeevka.
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throw multi-ton aerial bombs here. in the sky we notice a contrail from an enemy aircraft, which, after working on ours , leaves the front line. it is through such massive airstrikes that the russians are trying to advance east of the hourly area. they move in small groups, sometimes they move in columns, they try to storm, they try to storm. the commander of a british 105mm gun claims there is no way to enjoy the spring weather in the bakhmud direction.
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the guys are working intensively in the neighboring positions in the sky, because surveillance uavs are constantly circling here in the bakhmud direction. they are watching us, launching drones from the hall and... the eagles are constantly flying. white house strategic communications coordinator kirby revealed the name of the base. ukraine is losing territory in the donbass, and the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine are forced to decide which positions to maintain and which not. but still, the west still helps with some goals. the british guardian claims that kiev is going to attack the crimean bridge in the first half twenty-four. the ukrainian armed forces can launch an attack using drones. it is noted that the head.
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years, otherwise the slogans are: nato is stronger and closer to russia at the expense of finland and sweden. by increasing its contingent to 300,000, nato supposedly guarantees its security from russia, and they will support ukraine to the end. the wall street journal today publishes a sensation from macron. even if russia strikes the french military, there will be no need to attract other nato and us contingents. true, no one intended to. chapter state department blinken made it clear to emmanuel: there will be no american troops in ukraine.
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according to blinkin, the united states does not intend to enter into a direct conflict with russia and provoke a nuclear war. however, if putin decides to go to the baltic states or poland, then the united states will still intervene, that is , washington is still ready for armageddon. these are not just our arguments. on the eve, trump again threatened the planet with world war iii if he did not occupy the oval office. but... perhaps the main disappointment that came from the mouth of the head of the state department: russia is still not an outcast, still standing, how can it be that our economy is destroyed, blinken admitted, 13 packages of sanctions failed, now the united states, it turns out, is ready to talk to putin, but only after a change in russia’s policy and the withdrawal of russian troops from ukraine, they are waiting the new nineties, when russia will become.
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i firmly believe that it is important that the allies make decisions quickly, and that includes, of course, the united states. because the united states not only supports ukraine, in fact, european allies and canada provide. usa, european allies and canada. but, of course, the united states is the largest ally and provides the greatest military support. and the fact that no agreement was reached in the us congress on additional support or its continuation has consequences. this is one of the reasons why ukrainians have to ration the number of artillery pieces. why is it difficult for them to counter russian forces that are superior to them with overwhelming
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military power, using more ammunition and artillery. and the answer to this question is to make a decision and not least in the us congress. any delay has real consequences on the battlefield. we need to increase the dynamics of military supplies, making them mandatory rather than voluntary. that is, we should not count on volunteerism, on the professionalism of the alliance, not on short-term solutions, on comprehensive quality supplies, we support the efforts of the secretary general, thank you, it is very important that our attention is focused on ukraine, for this i will be holding meetings here in nato format in the next 2 days, this is absolutely it is critical that the uk.
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private risk or will it involve nato? everyone must make a decision based on national interests and the interests of the alliance. so there is an agreement within the alliance. i understand.
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re-election of the secretary general of the alliance, a position, of course, unenviable, moreover, of little significance, there is still no unity, among the possible candidates, the names of the estonian prime minister kallos, the british ex-prime minister may, the head of the government of the netherlands ruet and the president of romania iohannis are mentioned. most supported so far uses rutty. more than twenty countries out of 32 approve of his candidacy, but poland, for example, is categorically against it because it wants a pole to participate in the elections. among the countries that did not support
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the candidacy. also called hungary, romania, turkey and slovakia. who will be the successor? measures to undermine collective security, proposes to make assistance to ukraine mandatory for members of the north atlantic treaty organization, that is, it is trying to drag out a clash with russia even more for those interested in this state. ideas the anglo-saxons like stoltenberg. former british prime minister and current foreign secretary cameron believes that nato members should increase defense spending in light of the conflict in ukraine and a more tense situation in the world. the uk is so actively encouraging its allies to invest in the military sphere,
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probably because its own defense is lame. propagandists. russian invasion of ukraine. the british is regaining its relevance. since its inception
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, the bunker has attracted mainly tourists, but amid fears of future wars, he again warns the ministry of defense that the world is moving towards a pre-war state. sources told sky news there is no national plan to defend britain or mobilize the population in the event of a full-scale conflict.
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we began to think, if we wanted to think about it, what we should do, and this is very important. we are talking not only about the military industry, but the most important role
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of society. the existing car factory in birmingham was once an ordinary field, which then built a factory for the production of speedfire fighters on the eve of the second world war as part of the so-called shadow scheme. these innovations were inherited from those times. sources say current leadership should look to this experience as they consider confronting current threats. while no money has been given for the new five-year war with russia, the ukrainian boys will have to take the rap. zelensky signed. law 92 81, according to which, as washington demanded, to call ukrainians to the front in connection with mobilization is possible from the age of 25, in general,
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everything is according to the precepts of the cannibal linsigram, you are young people right now, we have weapons in america, but on credit. moreover, after zeev shaiko signed another law 10313, which abolishes the norm on those with limited fitness, only the fit and the unfit remain, there is no third option. of course, the guy was in poor health, but he was kidnapped by military commissars in the khmelnitsky region. according to andrei’s mother, the military registration and enlistment office employees mocked him, ignored complaints about poor health, when the guy’s blood pressure rose, and denied him medical assistance, they said, they will help near avdeevka. as a result, the guy did not end up from the military registration and enlistment office. to the hospital where he died. these shots show the confrontation between ukrainians and ludolovs, as military commissars are called, in a hot phase. a frightened military commissar runs away from a crowd
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of angry women, then one of them breaks the windows of his car. the new age itself is 25 years old, they say it’s just the beginning. on ukrainian tv they argue that, in fact , an eighteen-year-old is more maneuverable, faster, smarter, more efficient. soldiers on the streets of ukraine are usually greeted with looks of gratitude and respect, but if you are a representative of the tsk, people cross the street to avoid meeting them, they look for men of military age, and then check whether they are registered with the local military registration and enlistment office? russian successes have forced ukraine to think about expanding conscription requirements.
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students on the steps of shevchenko university in kiev look like they have the world at their feet, but they live in a war-torn country. i think everyone is afraid now, and i am one of them. danil is 17 years old, that is,
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a whole decade separates him.
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country romania, under close surveillance border guards are 9 km away, civil servants agree to show us the places from which ukrainian men most often try to escape to europe. from here the evaders try to cross the state border; there is a section a little higher where it is more difficult for us to notice them. that's where they taste the stink. there they try, but they fail. observation towers, night vision devices, that's how we find them.
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prime minister mishustin today delivered an annual report on the results of the government’s work, this is his fifth speech to deputies state duma. it lasted almost an hour and a half out of the key hour. the russian economy has all the prerequisites to become one of the four largest in the world. russian gdp grew by 3.6% last year, twice the average of so-called developed countries. federal budget revenues exceeded 29 trillion rubles. this is almost 5% more.
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3.5%. in the next 6 years, 70 production facilities will be created; as a result, the city has grown by new production facilities to produce 500 new types of machine tools. for these purposes. 300 will be sent billion rubles significant growth is observed in aircraft shipbuilding, where indicators increased by 20 to 4%. accordingly, it is also planned to increase the production of civil helicopters by 30% in the twenty-fourth year. as for the military service, the cabinet of ministers pays special attention to the prompt provision of benefits to the military. right now they are simplifying the procedure for issuing a veteran’s certificate. on instructions from the president, the government will exempt the participants in the special operation from paying. property tax and interest on loans, including mortgages. the most important task in the past year remained the logistical support of units of the russian army that operate in the combat zone.
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scientists and engineers who developed advanced models increased the production of equipment, weapons, protective equipment, electronic warfare, sets of medical equipment for use, including in the field, in military equipment, in many respects.
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thank you. and despite the increasing pressure, russia successfully passed the difficult period of initial adaptation. by according to rosstat's preliminary estimate, the volume of domestic product increased by 3.6%. which , by the way, is more than twice as high as the average for developed countries. this ratio has become one of the consequences of sanctions, which inevitably hit the economy of their initiators. according to the global assessment. bank of russia is one of the five largest economies in the world in terms of purchasing power parity. recently, in his message , the president set a more ambitious goal of entering the top four. and there are prerequisites for this. our construction industry shows
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excellent results. our annual growth is about 8%. this is one of the drivers of the country's development. and for more than 4 years. by a quarter last year, over 110 million km were built, this is a record figure in the entire history of the russian federation, both for apartment buildings and individual ones, and almost 4.5 million families improved their living conditions. the main tool for solving this issue is a mortgage. at the end of last year, life expectancy in russia reached almost 73.5. years, which is higher before covid values, such indicators have never recorded in the history of the soviet union of modern russia. russian economic successes are forced to be recognized in the west. bloomberg laments that 13 packages of sanctions
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have failed to undermine the russian economy. moreover, acceleration began at the beginning of the year against the backdrop of strong consumer demand, investment and exports. separately , the surprising stability of the level of consumption in terms of purchasing power is noted. let me remind you, russia is in fifth place in the world. the business climate in russia turned out to be the best over the past 12 years. investments are growing, the largest domestic companies are in a stable financial position. now, for contrast, look at the latest cover of newswick magazine. trump is also happy and claims that 4 years ago the united states was prosperous. the problem is that the caricature portrait is drawn against the backdrop of covid teams, which are in the hundreds. american citizens who died during the epidemic are loaded onto refrigerated trucks. this is the cover of the new issue of the spanish satirical magazine el huevis. according to the caption, it depicts kings , queens and other parasites, who, judging by
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the dotted line, are asked to cut off their heads so that the common people in the west can have an easier life. since the authorities, for example, in canada, every day they offer new sums of ideas, for example, listen, the mayor of toronto, like prince lemon from the fairy tale about chapalin, proposed introducing a rain tax for city residents. the rate depends on the amount of rainwater that falls on your property and from there to the city sewers, which may not be able to cope with the volume of water, so instead of repairing or improving the drainage system, a tax is introduced, the purpose of which is to encourage people to plant grass and plants on their property that will absorb the water. let us remind canadians that after the tax on ... rain, janiradari proposed to collect taxes for snow, dew, fog, air, so it’s time for
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canadians to learn to breathe every other time, summer rain, summer rain, started early today, summer rain, summer rain of my soul will wash wound, grieve with him together, at the blind man’s. a rain tax threatens the city of toronto, officials are considering it. here are the details. this is called flood water collection. there 's already one in mississauga. if you own property in mrs. soga, your invoice to the plant will show a fee for. what should this mean to you? what is
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storm water and why? is all this so important? stormwater comes from rain and melting snow. this is the water that flows down the gutters on the street where you live, on the outside of your home, not inside. collection of flood waters water is calculated based on the number of hard surfaces on your property. for properties with a large number of such surfaces, the tax is higher. the more level sidewalks you have, the more rainwater will run off.
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or should people be a little worried? no, i think it's normal, just based on what you said in mrs. saugie, which is adjacent to toronto, and in many other municipalities, this is happening right now. toronto really needs this income and i know torontonians have a... at the moment, you don’t necessarily have the money to pay more. but our infrastructure is pretty outdated, we have water pipes that haven't seen construction or light in about 180 years, it's really bad, so things that need to be done, need to be done, they need to be paid for, so i know, i hope what this means is that the city will be able to work on a number that doesn't bother homeowners too much. just look at what’s happening in toronto in canada, you know, we already thought that things couldn’t get any worse there, they’re taking taxes from you, and that’s why taxes are being levied. for that, but now it's better not to go to toroto at all because they are going
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to tax you when it rains. i'm not kidding, they are considering a rain tax where they will assess how much flat concrete space you have on your property. you have to pay for the terrible damage you caused to the environment by laying tile, concrete and whatever else. okay, how will they calculate this, like they literally say: so, 50 mm fell yesterday rain, and you have 5 square meters on your plot. it’s outrageous to breathe anymore, in addition,
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a new tax on precipitation is being introduced, for ordinary rain 100 lire, for heavy rain 200 lire, with thunder and fire 300 lire, obviously. toronto, if you collect rainwater , you pay for it. now if you let it all go down the drain, you are now taxed too. wait, wait, so it turns out that in toronto you have to pay for water that falls from the sky .
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“arrest me,” demanded british writer joanna rowling after criticized yet another crazy law to protect the rights of transgender people. the fact is that in scotland they passed a law that prohibits calling transgender women men, that is, it prohibits calling things and people by their proper names. rowling, who is surprisingly known for her traditional views, published photographs of trans women who became rapists and attacked normal women, calling them men. it turns out that the writer violated the new law and sarcastically called for her to be held accountable for this. now she's outside foggy albion, but according to her, she will look forward to the arrest upon returning home. even prime minister rishi sunok stood up for the popular author, the sun newspaper notes.
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the head of the british government comes out and understands the absurdity of the new law, but is in no hurry to repeal it. a real state man. idiocy, on the other side of the lomanche, legislators have not yet thought of such measures, which is why both the french press and the public feel quite frivolous when discussing the gender identity of first lady brigitte macron. chita makronov like this i'm tired of the kind of attacks that brigitte tiefen ozier's daughter sent her. by profession, by the way, she is a lawyer on national television, to refute officially vile insinuations and defend ma.
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that was the name of her alleged brother, but then the brother disappeared somewhere, and now, look, macron is gay, obviously. madame macron's man is, in fact, her brother, jean-michel trogneau. this is perhaps the biggest political scandal in human history. your mother was the victim of absolutely disgusting fake news. we all think about it. it is known that emmanuel macron also spoke out on this matter. but the worst thing is false information,
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fabricated scenarios that people believe, harass you, invade your privacy . it would be difficult for me to answer if i were in her place, but she would still have to answer, for me, as for a person close to her, this is all grotesque, just as grotesque as all other conspiracy theories, for example, that the earth flat, i think my mother responded to the rumors in the best possible way, she and her brother, my uncle, filed a lawsuit and justice will make its decision, for me this is the best answer to these rumors, it was the best...
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march, a show called first lady of france man, an episode that, by the way, seems to have been cancelled. the main claim in this episode is that prigitte macron and her brother jean michel trognot are actually the same person. she claims that jean michel lived as a man for 30 years, became the father of five children, and then aged.
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we soon see that conspiracy theorists are trying to portray the couple we know as unreal, that others are behind it relationship and that macron is having a homosexual relationship with someone else, after the election, i am declaring you macron is gay, the attacks on breit are really just wife -hating, but it becomes especially toxic when it comes from heads of state.
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with a hypersonic gliding warhead. as a result, the hypersonic development reached
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a range of 1.00 km from the launch point. during the flight, after separation from the upper stage, the hypersonic block performed vertical maneuvers at an altitude of 70 to 100 km. for reference, the distance from pyongyang to tokyo - 1200 km, to siula - 200 km. well, an important detail. the shape of the north korean missile seemed to many to be similar to our vanguard, the most important representative of moscow’s nuclear triad. and while pyongyang is increasing its hypersonic capabilities, the rebellious island of taiwan, and this is already a red line for xijenfin, which he personally told biden about the day before, today almost went under water. the island suffered the largest earthquake in the last 25 years.
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a powerful earthquake occurred in taiwan, which collapsed a building and caused a tsunami. the epicenter of the tremors was recorded. closer to the capital of the state, a small tsunami has already affected the southern part of japan. the taiwan earthquake monitoring agency put the magnitude at 7.2 on the richter scale, and the us geological survey at 7.5. you can see the buildings shaking and the camera shaking. an evacuation has been announced in the area. people are advised to move to higher ground. some buildings are falling off their foundations.
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it is rocky and mountainous, there are valleys and high mountains, their height reaches more than 12 thousand feet and many of them go straight into the ocean. the earthquake greatly shook the island, huge clouds descend into the sea, into the valleys, they block passages, cut roads, and wash away bridges. now the situation here is extremely difficult, the main city of the eastern part of the island, hualien, a rather small and remote city, was hit especially hard, with two large buildings partially collapsing. we
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see that there are buildings that have moved off their foundations and they are not completely destroyed, at least in the frames that we see, there is no catastrophic destruction, however these buildings tilted quite dangerously. there are reports of people trapped in these buildings and power outages. and new footage has also emerged of one of the railway stations, which seems to have gone out of reality, so that trains across the island stopped moving, and people had to move away from the railways. it is worth admitting in fairness that the chinese are building excellently, with such a force of the earthquake, of course, the damage and destruction is minimal, i remind you that in haiti the earthquake was one and a half smaller,
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yes, it was six on the rector’s scale, simple. then later our army will face a powerful defensive line in the area of ​​​​slavyansk, kramatorsk, druzhkovka. this tactic corresponds to our general strategy for introducing hostilities, it involves coercing forces, well, it turns out that we are exhausting them to the fullest. this forces the enemy to expend material and technical resources, reserves and ammunition.
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it is still too early to talk about a full-scale battle for chasyar. but we are already less than 500 m from this settlement, the main clashes for the city, based on past experience, will begin, well, after our forces are able to surround it from several sides, this process, of course, may take, well , quite a long time, we have already seen similar development scenarios, we have already observed in popasnoe, severodonetsk, lisichansk, solidar, bakhmut, and of course, the very recently liberated avdeevka. evgeniy, as for articles in western publications, yesterday it was standard, today journal writes about the inevitable collapse of the front in the summer, that ukrainians have nothing defend, but reports from our ministry of defense from our fighters, in principle , do not predict anything like this, at least for the moment, with which such panic
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articles are connected, well, in order to... mobilize, most likely, uh, those people who are still hiding, let’s say, in big cities, because they were scooped out mainly from towns, settlements, and small ones. now , after the energy infrastructure was destroyed, it is very difficult for people to be in big cities, they are trying to move out, leave, again the soldiers catch them and send them to the front, as for these specific articles, well, naturally, a breakthrough may be, it basically goes along the entire line of combat contact, this is the solidarity direction in the hour, this is the begorovsky direction...
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you know , well , i can’t talk about the plans of the command, because i’m not privy to them, but judging by the latest events, we, in principle, are constantly moving from the avdevi front, that is, there isn’t even a minute for our army to dig in somewhere and conduct positional battles or this there was a blind defense, that is, every day we move there in one direction up to one and a half kilometers, a breakthrough is made, in the other direction up to 500 m.
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it will attack this summer, it doesn’t stick, it doesn’t mount, as they say on television, with what they are doing nato countries, because today’s package is 100 billion, it is designed for 5 years, the next 100
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billion nato will spend on ukraine in the next 5 years, although the new york times writes in the wake of the summit, which has not yet ended, a number of nato states are putting questioning stoltenberg's initiative to create a fund of 100 billion to pay for arms supplies. in ukraine, however, nato does not discuss the presence of combat units in ukraine, we are still talking about the supply of military assistance, this is also stoltenberg, his actually final speeches as head of the north atlantic alliance. oleg viktorovich, please. of course, today, probably like you and millions of our fellow citizens, i am impressed by the government’s report. the whole country saw the prime minister’s speech, the answers to
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questions, and the speech of the faction leaders live, by the way, the speeches were very sharp, critical, with proposals, our committee is tasked with summarizing these proposals and then discussing them in the house, but before we talk about the speech itself, and i will not talk about the details, because you showed the numbers and the country i saw them, before talking about the format of this speech itself, about the most important thing that was in it, i would like to return to the nato summit, to these figures, to the speech of stoltenberg and blinken, you know, in their ideology, in their statements there is one deepest mentality... it’s a mistake they believe that if the problem with these evil russians is solved, if ukraine is pumped up with these billions and weapons, the world, this whole
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huge world will return to its previous blissful state according to their patterns, that it’s all about russia and putin, if this problem is solved, everything will be fine, everything will be as always, as it was robbed. the rest of the world, so we will rob, like with a dollar, which means we robbed the rest with the help of unequal financial exchange, so we will rob, we will carry out coups d'etat, we will bomb when... “we just need to deal with the russians, the consequence of this mental mistake is another one, which concerns our economy, you remember the well-known sayings, what is the russian economy, and this is only 3% of world gdp, this is the world’s gas station, and this is an economy that, as a result of sanctions, will be torn to shreds, so i just want to draw the attention of our tv viewers, these gentlemen, that it’s time, well, okay, you..." went along this
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line of thinking, but somehow that's how life should be i would like to correct you somehow, well, you would have to make some amendments to these reasonings of yours, no, you cited a table here, if you can return it, where are the rankings of world gdp, look, in red triangles, yes, look, who went down at the end of the year: germany, france, britain, italy, spain, canada. who went up? countries that are friendly to russia and did not join the sanctions went. so this table here is just amazing proof of how these turned out 19,000 sanctions on the russian economy. all those who supported these sanctions went down today, because of this. yes, it’s true that the americans have not gone down, they are still second, but the fact is that the americans have been pursuing this entire policy. is carried out at the expense of the european
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economy, this is quite obvious, returning to mishustin’s report, you know that the most important thing in my opinion was in this report, not the numbers that we all heard, although, of course, i, for example, were impressed by the numbers growth in those industries from which we some time ago, according to for various reasons, i’m not taking them now... because i have my own very critical opinion on this matter: we left these sectors, manufacturing, aviation, shipbuilding, the automobile industry, for all these indicators, the twenty-third year demonstrates not just growth, and growth is rapid, that is, russia is returning to those segments of the economy where it was once competitive during the soviet union. then she left there, as a result of
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well-known processes that took place in our country, today we are returning there, and this is also a surprise for our, excuse me, in quotes, western partners, because we recently demonstrated our newest russian turboprop engine, which will be installed on our short-haul aircraft, we have not produced our own turboprop engines for 30 years, which means we are making our own turbo. the question of why we didn’t do this also needs to be answered, well, i won’t have enough of the whole program if i start answering it, i want to emphasize the main idea once again, we are returning to all those segments economy, where, firstly, we absolutely need to be present, without this russia cannot exist, and secondly, we are returning there at a pace that is completely unexpected for our opponents, secondly,
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during the first world war we were also exporters of grain, true, there were completely different indicators of food consumption, but it could not be called food security, so the question did not arise then, today we are a country that has completely solved this problem. the third point is what is called technological sovereignty. today mishustin spoke about the breakthrough decisions that are being made in the field of digital technologies, that is, where today the whole world competes for rights.
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never happened, just never, every minister, every official, not just a minister, every official, he sees every day in his personal computer, his yellow, red or green light is on, but if the red light is on, it means that here - now
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the time comes when he must carry out this or that decision, depending on how it turns out completed, the future depends on both his fate and the fate of those -
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our ancient partners have left, but nevertheless, these are high-quality products, these are high-tech products, and mishustin started with this, that we have built a technological modern management system, this is probably what he is responsible for, the main thing
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is to build this system, it gives its fruits and results, of course, none of the industries where they are trying to bend us to... is on our knees, in other words, it is impossible to find here, not forgotten, not passed, we're not passed by, we’ll catch up in any case, so there’s no chance here of implementing those plans that blinken again unveiled and saying that they would have to shave off, in no case, they still say that we have already lost strategically and that, naturally, the strategic defeat of russia remains the main goal, let’s listen, this was actually said by the head of the state department at the same time as mishustin. russia, in my assessment, suffered a strategic defeat in ukraine, it is weaker militarily,
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weaker economically, weaker diplomatically. ukraine is now more united than ever before. europe is getting rid of dependence on russian energy resources, our nato alliance. became stronger, now there are two more members. please, amazing fairy tales, well, you know, mr. blinken is simply blatantly lying, because if we look at what he is left with from others collectively, then not only did it not succeed in destroying russia, we are now actively forming a new world order, based on us, is oriented , today, support us, dozens of state. world, for which russia is a symbol of that fairer future to which we are all moving, and blinky on the usa is still, that’s how they believe, the american establishment, the shining city on the hill is no longer there, there are a lot of problems in this city, starting from social ones and ending with the fact
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that fecal waters flood the corridors of the once brilliant ones, built according to the classical... to make sure that in this agony during the transition period, the united states does not unleash either the third world war or any other war besides those which they unleashed. now by in specifics, of course, the most important thing is... economics, starting from the brilliant speech of oleg viktorovich morozov, i will focus on two factors, by the way,
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starting from your speech, you said the growth of mechanical engineering, what is mechanical engineering, first of all, it military-industrial complex, we not only turned out to be self-sufficient, today we have provided our armed forces with those weapons systems that, at a minimum , neutralize the enormous potential of nato's american one. military assistance, which comes to kiev, this is very important, over these 2 years we have achieved such indicators of defense production that, in fact , honor our designers, directors, and most importantly, the working engineers who are forging weapons of victory with their own hands today, this is very important well, the second no less important industry, which we should not forget in terms of global, technological, competitive, including military confrontation with the west, is space. space, we’re talking about things that were underestimated in
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the old days, shipbuilding, aviation, especially civilian, it is important for us today to critically pick up the pace in space, this requires one thing, money, money is the lifeblood of the economy, and i believe that it is necessary here, then i’ll interrupt you for a second, i remembered another brilliant one because it happened, well, i would say this is already a natural cleansing, today young people do not
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want to become bankers, lawyers, ineffective managers, well, they want, they want, i say again, the role of engineering specialties has sharply increased, and the main thing today for us, of course, is to ensure this process, returning to space, in 2027 we will have to build our own orbital station, russian plus...
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such a term, well, from our films about crime, i’ll say, this nato gangway, they will shout again in impotent anger: we must help ukraine, we must, means, to ensure the defeat of putin and russia, but they can’t really do anything, we are in a situation where today we, well , actually have the initiative, but our main task today is, again , to understand the risks of the threat, although blinken says, that... nato will not enter, american troops will not enter ukraine, there are such risks, we
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must calculate them and, most importantly, have response plans, including relying on all components of russian military power. and macron says that he can enter with french troops, and at the same time does not need, here is the new leader of europe, the help of the united states and nato. let's go in, he says, even without nato help, let's listen. french president emmae macron in february, during negotiations with joe biden and olaf scholz, offered them to take a position of strategic ambiguity towards russia. washington's approach was calibrated to avoid actions that could provoke moscow and lead to escalation. macron , on the contrary, wanted to stop broadcasting the boundaries of western interaction, the so -called red lines, and instead force the kremlin to suffer. biden questioned the need for a change in strategy , officials said, amid concerns it could lead to escalation. scholz also opposed this idea, saying that it is fraught with the split of allies and the transformation
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of nato countries into parties to the conflict. and after the february summit, macron stunned allies by telling a news conference that he should not be ruled out. no military options in ukraine, the administration of us president joe biden has expressed concern that russia could attack any french troops sent to ukraine. in the future, this could lead to the involvement of france and other western countries in the conflict, said an official familiar with the issue under conditions anonymity. however, macron told the allies that there was no need for nato or the us to get involved if russia attacked french troops, he concluded. incredible. we'll be back. he was found by one of the workers from the landfill. premiere on rtr. the wound was inflicted in such a way that he would not die for as long as possible. you have no suspects, no leads. it’s difficult for you, and you can’t cope, i’m taking the children with me. and your mother, i must say, is a wise woman. you can only trust facts.
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guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr.
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look, this is how the french satirical newspaper charlie hebdo reacted to the legalization of marijuana in germany, reflecting on what would have happened if it had happened 100 years ago, a stoned hitler. asks his red-eyed generals: should we attack poland? to which he receives the answer: tomorrow we'll decide. well, the current head of the bundesfer went to the staunch defender training, where he was shown a new miracle weapon against putin. vondervafa turned out to be an ordinary-looking white umbrella, which is capable of making german soldiers invisible, literally, since it protects not only from rain and snow, but also from thermal imagers, this is not... yeah, der king of
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twitter. the task of such homemade zantes is to make enemy reconnaissance almost impossible with the help of eyesights, that is, zantes in the hands against putin.
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that the presence of their soldiers in ukraine they deny, and russia is sold for 3 kopecks, sorry for interrupting, bedspreads and thermal imagers that reflect the rays that are directed there, that is, passing it off as some kind of modern invention will probably still require the budget for these umbrellas, maybe a tin foil hat, yes, remember, don’t tell me, they’ve attached knitting needles here, it’s like an umbrella, you can still hide from the rain, so development and you need money from... it’s already the same, that is, they’re already used to it, like ukraine does, they’re jealous, now they're trying to steal this money, that is, zelensky , in order to replace all this, yes, that is , for mobilization, the americans came,
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they said, give us people, yes, so he gave, and for a second we are talking about a huge number of people, that is here is the fact that he lowered the period of mobilization from 27 to 25 years, this plus 19,000 people who are subject to mobilization, immediately by one law, of limited fitness, and in ukraine there are 3 million disabled people, of limited fitness, that’s well...
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they became at least bulgakov’s white guard, he later wrote that kiev was a russian city, that all this ukrainian stuff just came, that they began to knock down signs from the streets in russian, sculpt them in ukrainian, that cats became whales, and chickens became kuryt, but this was all under bulakov, how could he despise something that was not it was, and moreover, that is, that kiev was russian, even today there is a ukrozaleznitsa, it has a division of the southwestern railway, yes, but it serves, that is, it operated under bulgakov then 100 years
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ago now. are active, it hasn’t been renamed yet, it’s a historical name, but the southwestern railway of ukraine does not serve the southwest of ukraine, it serves the north and center of ukraine, because it was southwestern to its former capital st. petersburg, which ukraine are we talking about, that is, it’s not donetsk that has become donetsk now, it’s donetsk that has become donetsk, the whole well , the name is toponics, it was all russian, so they say, by the way, i liked the phrase there, as they called bulgakov of all the writers who lived in that period. was closest to the ideologies of putinism, can you imagine, even putin didn’t exist, but bulako managed to live 100 years ahead with their views, this is how they live, you know, those sharikovs whom bulgakov ridiculed have now become the power in kiev, and, apparently, they are taking revenge on him, yes, well, if you hear, blinkin’s relatives, ancestors fled from the ukrainian pogroms in the russian empire, by the way, he is talking about
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pogroms. the situation is bad, we only have a few shells, and before there weren’t many, but now we have almost nothing left, what they give us is enough for a maximum of half an hour of work, just for one combat mission. on these footage of the russian fvedron kalovrat dives into the roof of the turret of an american abrams tank, the result of the hit remains behind the scenes, and this is a guaranteed damaged, burning m-109 paladin self-propelled gun, also made in the usa. kyiv.
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in these frames, the torch, after the arrival of loitering ammunition, turns into another ukrainian self-propelled gun. bandera’s men tried to disguise it as a landing, but it didn’t work. it is quite obvious that the ukrainians are now forced to go on the defensive, but this has been observed since the fall of last year, after the failure of a major counter-offensive. and now, of course, the ukrainians notice that... they lack not only ammunition, but above all strength. and in ukraine they are increasingly discussing how to restore this deficit of forces. one thing is for sure. ukrainians must reduce their front lines now. they will also likely have to surrender individual cities from time to time to avoid the danger of a frontal breakthrough. azim is 32-64. so, the russian army is advancing in the southern donetsk direction. primorye tank crews
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are destroying supports with direct fire. apu point that interfered with the advance of assault groups. and this is already severodonetsk direction of the attack aircraft crew on su-25 aircraft, covering positions in the ukrainian armed forces with unguided aircraft missiles. and here are the shots from the ground, taken in the area of ​​krasny liberated in march. two pairs of the same attack aircraft throw out heat traps and return to the airfield after training on the enemy. the russian army continues to push the ukrainian armed forces back from donetsk. in the avdeevsky direction, our fighters gained a foothold on the southern outskirts of semyonovka, and also advanced to berdychi. russia is trying to push ukrainian troops further west, over the past few days there have been small successes here and there, for example, vodyanoye, such
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a small place, not far from pervomaisky, like everything west of the large provincial capital of donetsk, and as i said, the goal is to push the ukrainians back as much as possible further west to contain the russian offensive, kiev... zelensky signed decrees to abolish the category, the regime is sending more and more ukrainians to slaughter. limited fit for military service on reducing the age of mobilization from 27 to 25 years. laws come into force. today the american institute for the study of war reports. those associated with russophobia are happy that this will help solve the problem of the shortage of cannon fodder in the ukrainian armed forces. soldiers have been here since the very beginning of the war, they hope that as part of the rotation they will be sent home, but at the same time they understand that ukraine is doing very poorly with recruits, to be honest, new soldiers rarely appear here, to be honest, i don’t
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think that i will be sent back, for me everything will end only with the end of the war, or i will be killed or wounded, published footage combat...
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defensive positions in the trenches are not far from the muddy ditches, as it should be, built fighting positions with fortified walls and protection from attacks from above are extremely rare, the military in the forward units are simply too tired, ill-prepared or insufficiently equipped to build what what is necessary. in these frames, the lancet loitering ammunition hits the american m113 armored personnel carrier of the armed forces of ukraine in the kupinsky direction, and this is the zaporozhye front, where our soldiers are a trophy. the second german bmp mardor has already arrived. captured bmp martor. on a few days ago the first such car was captured near avdeevka and taken to the rear. american cnbc cites the opinion of military experts. the stalemate at the front is the best
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kiev can hope for now. the russians have an advantage; they can break through the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces. standing against the backdrop of the kremlin, a german reporter is also worried that the russian army is about to launch a large-scale offensive. the situation this spring is completely different than a year ago, when everyone was waiting for the ukrainian offensive and believed that this would be a turning point in the war. now, after last year and failed offensive, we see that russia is already about to launch an offensive, which many are expecting, especially in donetsk, in the donbass. moscow retains a significant amount of superiority over kiev, both in military equipment and in manpower, the washington times reports with reference. based on british intelligence data. the russian army has the resources to continue to wear down the ukrainian armed forces. the financial times writes that nato is developing a five-year plan to finance ukraine for $100 billion. it is designed to protect kiev
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from trump coming to power in the united states, who wants to end the conflict, and not arm bandera. the current democratic administration has other priorities. the white house said that congress should have allocated more money to kiev. because greater support for ukraine is not love, but an investment in one’s own security. hungary. opposes the initiative of the north atlantic alliance
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to increase its coordinating role in the supply of weapons to ukraine and the training of its soldiers, said the head of the hungarian meat, peter szijart. stoltenberg also stressed that nato does not discuss the presence of combat units in ukraine. we are still talking exclusively about the supply of military aid. and he added: it will not be possible to accept ukraine into nato according to the eu accession scheme. we need to increase our support now to ensure that our support does not dry up in the future. in our meeting today , we discussed how to organize our support on a more solid, sustainable platform for the future. all allies agree on the need to support ukraine at this critical moment. we are united in front of our purpose. allies today agreed to begin planning for nato's larger role in coordinating security assistance and training. russia receives support for its war from china. north korea and iran , as authoritarian powers
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increasingly unite, it is critical that countries around the world stick together to protect a world order that is supported by law, not force. nato continues to support ukraine, continues to strengthen our alliance, and continues to work with our partners. we don't discuss military nato presence in ukraine, we are discussing how we can coordinate and deliver assistance to ukraine. but in ukraine, in attempts to get rid of everything russian. outplayed themselves, the dnepropetrovsk renamed pushkin street into pushkin street, but now the toponym is not in honor of the great poet, in honor of his namesake, hero of the ussr, lieutenant general of the tank forces efim pushkin, who died in 1944, that is, instead of the imperial one, as they consider pushkin, now they consider him communist. going more successfully war with monuments, hands have reached sculptures. in the national museum of the history of ukraine,
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a bas-relief of a kurdish battle and other elements that, according to bandera ideologists, carry soviet propaganda, are going to be demolished from the wall. the national museum of the history of ukraine in world war ii announced the dismantling of the bas-relief called the battle of kursk. i am near my mother’s homeland in a memorial complex, where there are many murals, many bas-reliefs dedicated specifically to the soviet period. however, at the national history museum ukraine in the second world war bariliev,
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the battle of kursk, like many other elements that carry soviet propaganda will be demolished. the museum believes that this is a symbol of bolshevik propaganda in monumental art; in general, there are plans to replace the architectural landscape here at the memorial , plans to replace the architectural landscape here at the memorial, dismantling all monuments, dismantling all monuments and elements of soviet propaganda that promote precisely.
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on the ground floor for free inspection. citizens will have access to draw conclusions about what element of soviet propaganda this is. i would like to emphasize that when you remember the ukrainians in the battle of kursk in the second world war, our museum is the national museum of the history of ukraine in the second world war, and not a museum for the preservation of russian narratives in the second world war. lightning from the royters agency, french defense minister lekarnu had a telephone conversation with russian defense minister shaigu. while there are no details, the intriguing news, to be honest, is, of course, only one detail for now: the head of the french ministry of defense, in a conversation with shaigu , strongly condemned the terrorist attack in crocus city hall , expressed solidarity with the families of the victims, we need, of course, official confirmation
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of this conversation from the russian ministry of defense and details. ask. our day today in the state duma was devoted to the report. the government of the russian federation, i am sure that you have already talked about this, it will probably be analyzed today in all news programs, on all our television channels, the government was supported by deputies, by all factions of the state duma, and , in fact, the fact that despite the unprecedented number of sanctions, 19 sanctions are more than there are in principle in total for everyone...
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the last one before the inauguration of the elected on march 17, once again president vladimir vladimovich putin, after this the government will have to resign , a new government will be appointed, we will not guess now who exactly will lead it, it is very interesting, although this is of course
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interesting to everyone, but it seems to me that the government the current one looked very solid today during the report and personally...
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there will be calls, and it seems that they will be carried out in order to give the entire work with migration a much deeper , important systemic character, the fact that our ministry of internal affairs is dealing with migration is, of course, it is important, and this reflects concern, in today's situation, precisely the need that, when it comes to migration, the movement of persons, security issues come first. there is no doubt, but on the other hand, migration is also important from a labor, socio-economic or other point of view, we need to understand what kind of labor we need, where they can come to us, what they will be like, whether, as the president says, they will understand our language, understand our
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traditions, history, culture, here there are a lot of different kinds of considerations that should be taken into account, i personally believe that without increasing... the status in the government of this entire area, without having it in our budget instead of defining migration to budget only as in the fight against crime column, in fact it must be migration, separately highlighted from the point of view of all its sources, the consequences of everything else, and it is also very important, and what does it mean to increase the status, well, this means that, as we say, that department , which, if it is actually created, we don’t know yet. such proposals are also heard from the president himself; on december 14, on a direct line, he said that the ministry of internal affairs apparently is not enough in this regard, because migration is a multi-layered phenomenon, socio-economic, labor, national, cultural, foreign policy and of course law enforcement, there is also such a side of the matter in migration, such as, for example,
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repatriation, which is very important for us, we just in the state duma yesterday adopted the first, the first law, where word.
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i want to note that now the fact that ukraine is weakening is coming to the fore, in fact the population of ukraine is getting smaller, less and less would like to be cannon fodder, at the same time the authorities ukraine cannot withdraw from hostilities, they are just raising tensions by launching these terrorist attacks in all directions over long distances only in order to... in the spotlight of their western allies, so that they finally give what they have they are asking for unimaginable quantities of shells, money, everything else,
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people in ukraine are already tired of the war, the authorities cannot get out of this war, this is a deep contradiction, the weak point of this whole story today for the west and for ukraine is how times the population of ukraine. yes, konstantinovich, first of all, i congratulate you on the fact that we finally have a word in our law. repatriation, you broke a lot of copies before this happened, the presidential decree was really studied for a long time, it took a long time to sign, because it’s clear the topic is complex and delicate, but putin told his interior ministry colleagues about another problem, absolutely unequivocally, even the current one legislation, which, of course, needs to be put in order on migration in accordance with new conditions, is not complied with. because absolutely, there is a corruption component. putin gave these examples when a migrant who does not know the language,
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who does not know either tradition or culture, who has a trail of crimes behind him, comes to us, and naturally, does not go to work, anywhere, in order to promote his own income, our economy, he goes to commit a crime, moreover, then he drags his own here...
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for example, a person from chasha yar, he should receive an automatic passport, he is waiting for us there right away, he can’t get a passport automatically get it, let's see, i'm speaking conditionally automatically, let's see, i'm for russia, i'm all for russia, yes, yes, i have grandchildren, children, all my relatives there, then go there, and half there, but how can i let them out ? here, then you take it and go to zero, huh?
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there are no doubts waiting for us there , there are no details of a telephone conversation between mr. shaigu and... the french minister of defense, licanu, the french minister of the armed forces, in a conversation with shaigu, announced his readiness to strengthen cooperation in the fight against terrorism.
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youth, for which she could not be condemned, even if i knew. only your son, i would like everything from you, this is some kind of gene that has understood a lot about your family, it has absorbed and is passed on, it’s just a gift of fate, that’s shurka, it’s just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between. a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature in our family, orientalism, this is some kind of conventionalism. parallel agenda, why not, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything,
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i can’t understand at all, why is this a difficult choice for anyone, really, i can't understand it, but we have an election to go through and i hope people understand what's at stake as we face there are quite existential questions, what kind of country will we have, what kind of democracy will we have, she mentioned prosecutions against donald trump, there is only one question, why have not charges been brought against her yet?
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will biden live or not? ask? well, purely legally, if the situation somehow worsens before the conference, which will take place in the summer, in principle, you can replace it manually. so, that's when , accordingly, a person went to the polls for anyone, anyone, in fact, with from a legal point of view, in fact, because there are, as it were, options, but as soon as a person made a choice, he won them, so accordingly there are no early elections, that is, the vice president reaches the end, that’s why from this point vision. so it’s like the timings are always there always 2:2 so it’s clear why the situation is happening now because now, well, heavy artillery is coming obama , on thursday about...
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it will accelerate, as expected, in fact, the topic is related to eco, with florida, with this female component, health, will start with it, most likely, this is the topic that is advantageous for biden, he is trying to hammer it into foreign policy and the economy as much as possible, we’ll see how it turns out, that ’s why there are women’s positions there very few, and by the way, the current deputy representative has a low rating in terms of positions, because actually the prosecutor is like that, by the way, the question is even different, she doesn’t really fit into this youth agenda at all, it’s coming. organs, here in
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to which the bl movement specifically relates, in short, this suggests that women’s positions are now being sought, by the way, speaking of the issue of trump, now his most likely candidate is according to the same aggregator and k street, but these are, in short, lobbyists , this is tim scott, that is, most likely an american as vice president, but not a female position, that’s for now as the main option, because there are not so many female positions there, that’s why the law of the genre needs a vice president of a different race, want.
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this is exactly the situation that will be like this, apparently it will be like this, this is all what this is all about, to the fact that everything is heating up there, all of this is also influenced by the situation, as it were, with the economy, and why does it influence, because in our country energy prices seem to be storming to 90, i keep you informed about what 90 is for a brand, this means that urals are 77.9 now, practically 78, we subtract 14 dollars, we get the cost at the exit from the directly north-western port bush, that’s why from this point of view it is sure. very serious a blow to all economies, and most importantly, as if the middle east has not yet accelerated properly, this is only the beginning of a long journey, so from this point of view , of course, this is a very important factor that also affects biden’s election campaign , because, judging by the operational data , the golon has already gone beyond 4.6 to 3.6, which is why from this point of view, it’s as if he is also trying to resolve the issue with the economy, so he will try to solve the issue of the middle east as quickly as possible, the more salon now is not a train aravi, because he damaged a rib there, so now he’ll have to somehow blink.
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sanctions on the supply of chips, most importantly, tiktok is a very important topic for china, and there is a very serious one going on there too. taking into account the fact that china showed 4.8 in the first quarter, is now reaching 5.1, most likely in the second quarter, then in principle it will reach its 5%, with a high probability, by the way, i would also like a higher gdp , what we discussed here, respectively, the government report, the most important, the largest the problem is inflation, it is now growing at 4.75, but in fact there are four and 7.75, now 7.4 they say, the most important thing is to beat inflation, this is the first and second , respectively, gdp growth without the military-industrial complex, that is, gdp without the military-industrial complex, accordingly, as if in the opinion of the central bank, this is approximately 1.6, 1.8, it is necessary to grow by ...
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2%, so that in russia it would be at least faster than the united states, and some kind of abnormal consumption in the country cannot the central bank can't figure it out, economists can't figure it out, they note abnormal consumption, which in theory, according to according to the laws of the genre, according to economics textbooks, it should have decreased at the beginning of the year, but it doesn’t decrease at all, details of the conversation and shaygu, chapter appear. france, in a conversation with shaigu , said that paris does not have any information about the connection of the terrorist attack in crocus with ukraine. the french ministry of defense officially declares this. is this what you called for? we'll be back. it was found by one of the workers from the landfill. premiere on rtr. the wounds are inflicted in such a way that it lasts as long as possible. didn’t die, yes, you have no
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suspects, no versions, it’s difficult for you, and you if you can’t cope, i take the children with me, and your mother, i must say, is a wise woman, you can only trust the fact. indomitable and restless. today on rtr. we present to you the legendary horse balm from the czech republic with horse chestnut extract, which will relieve you of pain in the muscles, joints, spine and tendons. the balanced formula of medicinal plants provides an immediate pain-relieving effect. the balm is produced in the world-famous czech resort of karlovy vary using ancient swiss technology. for more than a thousand years, horse chestnut has been used to treat and prevent many diseases. it has a strong antibacterial, absorbable, healing and anti-inflammatory effect, and provides invaluable assistance with muscle sprains,
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be happy to join in this exciting process. cooking with power xl is easy and simple, the light indicator will always tell you when the waffles are ready. breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert with the incredible new power xl waffle iron you will surprise everyone! why torment yourself with old waffle irons and toast in which it is impossible to add toppings? with the power excel woffle star waffle iron you can always prepare waffles 5 cm high in in record time with extreme ease. waffles with apples, cinnamon and caramel, cherry, waffle pizza, toast with cheese, french toast or hearty beef waffles? forget about the mountains of dishes left behind. cooking: breakfast, lunch, dinner or dessert. power xl is pure waffle fun for the whole family. call and get your unique power xl woffle star for your perfect waffles and more. the manufacturer's recommended price for the waffle iron is 79.95. but you will receive your
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dishes will come out in perfect shape, won’t fall apart, and most importantly, cooking will be quick and easy, cut the pieces to the size of the mold, put them in the cells, add the right amount. press the special lever, you can make a kilogram of dumplings in just 5 minutes, take advantage of these incredible offers, call and order the machine for the most relish for only 4.95. catch a fish, big or small, well, in general , you have chosen the right place, have you ever wondered why people count fats, carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can tasty foods be healthy? inflammation levels decrease, pain decreases, can healthy things be enjoyable, fantastic, can whether scientific be clear, and you make a wish, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes again, every
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person in any region of russia can make their own. it is not only tasty, but also healthy, and it lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on sunday on rtr. i came to get a job, it didn’t work out, i was robbed, no need to cry, well, get yourself in order, get your hair done, let’s go, allah, taxi premieres from april 8 on rtr, you dream of a stage, you believe in your strength, russia tv channel. and the ars company invite young talented performers
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take part in the international popular music competition new wave, register by submitting online applications on the website 3wnew don't miss your chance to become a star. the new wave will take you to unprecedented heights. mark rueth is likely to become the new secretary general of nato, dutch media report, he has already secured the public support of twenty-eight members of the alliance; it remains to receive the approval of turkey, romania, hungary and slovakia. so at the 75th anniversary summit in washington, stoltenberg will be at most a guest of honor, if at all will be invited. the head of the us state department, blinken, today thanked gens in advance for.
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now, and also to make sure that the countries we face continue to do their part when it comes to helping ukraine, in order to deal with the ongoing russian aggression, if indeed it is confirmed that ruth will be nato secretary general, we would like to remind you that this citizen is from the netherlands. the main lobbyist for the transfer of f-16s to ukraine is going to
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supply the actual dutch aircraft. petrovich, please, where were you? in ovdeevka? in ovdeevka, including, well, i have a section of the front from ugledar to artyomovsk, so this is, as it were, the entire area of ​​​​responsibility. yes, the last trip is avdeevka, liberated, our avdeevka, and a little further there to the thin one and further, further, that is, beyond avdeevka, where we drove the enemy. well if. now nothing has changed significantly, we have both moved forward and continue to move forward, not without leaps, without jerks,
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quite systematically, today they just asked me a question about why we are at the hour is so long that sometimes a kilometer remains, sometimes half a kilometer there, well, firstly, it’s worth pointing out that firstly, the clock itself is located on a hill; difficulty, this is the first difficulty, and the next moment is what about a year ago at about o'clock the survivors retreated...
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we went to avdeevka together with the commissioner for children's rights of the donetsk people's republic for her core tasks, we identified families with children there, you know , not that we stayed there, we identified several , well, we are not naming the numbers yet this is not one we were told by a dozen families in which there are children living, and those who still have these children at home. and other civilians that the armed forces of ukraine, in particular the azov regiment, together with the sbu, forcibly removed children from families, that is, they organized entire raids, sometimes night raids on children. namely, they seized children for supposed evacuation to europe in order to save them, in the end it is clear that there is no connection with these children, most likely, as the locals say, they were simply sold, either for organs or to pedophiles, as they say accepted, the children whom you saw, who stayed there, were shod, clothed, fed, sent to school for rehabilitation, but
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what a trauma this is for this work, this is exactly the work of the commissioner for children’s rights and there they are. in fact, now the entire civilian population who remained in avdeevka in the same liberated cities is being helped, their needs are being clarified, that is, what is needed, this is medicine, this is food, some need evacuation, some are moving to temporary temporary accommodation centers , someone stays at home, most often the elderly, old people very rarely leave such areas, so their supply of medicines and food needs to be established locally, what’s next, that is, the hour of fyar is clear. the battle for chasov yar, now it has already begun, then kramatorsk and slavyansk, yes, chasov yar, the capture of chasov yar will open the way for us to kramatorsk, to slavyansk further, and we shouldn’t underestimate the grouping of chasov and the enemy, because - its strengthened, they were waiting for this assault, they strengthened it for several months, they were preparing,
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therefore - we are in no hurry, that is, we first, reconnaissance and copters work, then vks aviation works. the same factories, destroying just these fortified areas, the artillery works only then the assault infantry will go, it is important for us to take care of our people, shell hunger, old soldiers, this is all that we read in the western press about the ukrainian army, what really, really in fact , there is a shortage of shells in ukraine, in the ukrainian armed forces, they, this does not mean that the artillery is silent, they are just saving ammunition, there is actually little of it, and they are compensating, they are trying to compensate. copters, but a copter cannot completely replace artillery, because it is tied to weather conditions, it does not fly in the rain, it does not fly in strong winds, when the lower edge of the clouds does not allow it to work from a height, well, it’s just visible, well, plus in operating conditions of electronic warfare, of course they don’t fly either, we saturate the front with electronic warfare, because the task
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, as far as i understand, is for every car, every armored vehicle to have a reb installation, but even before that... it’s a long way off, yes, that’s so far we have not actually equipped all equipment using rap means, you need to understand that - rap means at the front, they must also make it possible for our communications to work, for our same products to work, the same drone, that is, we organize the same raids on enemy fortifications with the same drones, as if nothing new, here it’s like a fight with more tactics, everyone, but each pilot comes up with his own battle tactics, as it suits him, as he feels comfortable, precisely in these conditions, that is , this is such a struggle... both technologies, and directly the pilots themselves. offensive it’s already coming, or as our western regions write, may and june. you know, i think, in my opinion, the offensive is already underway, and what we meet on the line of combat contact is a large number of primarily mobilized ukrainian
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citizens, they are trying to keep combat units, professional units intact, they are taking them somewhere , this. says that they cannot stop our offensive, they are only trying to slow it down, and if we talk about kharkov, for example, now there are reports that in kharkov they have become azov fighters will be deployed in large numbers, these people will not fight, these are punitive forces, they are most likely deployed in order to fight pro-russian citizens, we’ll come back. we ’re missing some courage, the premiere on rtr, oh, excuse me, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, alone in front, andrei chernyshov, why are you out of the blue, it
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moscow demanded that the consideration of the russian law be removed from the agenda, at first they shouted, then they began to fight, in the end the smutyanov were taken out of the room, georgia does not want to turn into a new ukraine yet. news, look, it was 60 minutes, all the best. on the air of the russia tv channel, big news in the studio ernest motskevichus, hello, the main events of this wednesday are in our release.


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