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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 9:05pm-9:17pm MSK

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stoltenberg proposes creating a multi-year support fund worth 100 billion euros. nato is a member of the contact group on ukraine and has done a very great job. nato countries supplied 99% of all weapons to ukraine. now we will be able to coordinate this work. in fact, these will be the same people, this is the commander-in-chief of nato's combined armed forces in europe, general cavoli, an american general, but at the same time the commander of nato. the americans will coordinate everything. only their troops on the territory, the plane broke down in paris, the whole the delegation had to travel 3 hours to the belgian capital by car. there will not be a single american soldier on ukrainian soil. but some kind of nato training mission may appear there in order to share experience with the armed forces of ukraine. the possibility of deciding to create a nato mission, not military, but to support ukraine, will also be discussed. this would make it possible to use the potential of the alliance to train the ukrainian military and to use ours. in any case,
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americans do not welcome amateur activities. macron throughout for several months he convinced berlin and washington to make a strategic shift, to scare the russians by sending nato troops, but he was publicly rebuffed. biden didn't like the idea. details of this behind-the-scenes dispute are published today by the wall street journal. french chief of staff teri burghart sent a letter to his nato colleagues outlining how the allies could support ukraine by deploying. within the country, but the prospect of western personnel in ukraine, both civilian and military, raises burning question: how should allies react if any service members die as a result of a russian strike? paris brushes it off, saying that the french have died more than once in the same africa, and nothing, paris did not turn to nato for an article on collective defense, and it will not happen here. why such deep involvement? the french minister of defense, together with the polish and neme, defense spending of at least 2% of gdp is a necessary condition. and the foundation on which we build our
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collective defense. secondly, we need to use all industrial the potential of our continent to modernize its military capabilities, increase production and achieve the effect of the proper scale. we must meet the moment, which may determine the future of our children. to ensure that children in europe have a future at all, budapest intends to block all nato initiatives that threaten world war iii. we do not support any proposal that could bring nato closer to war. there are not enough weapons, ammunition, military, the effectiveness of air defense is at a dangerously low level, the coast guard is practically absent, and berlin is not ready to get involved either, but chancellor scholz is in a difficult position, the guardian believes, to send missiles or be called a russian collaborator. olaf scholz may be hoping that history will repeat itself, that he will be able to repeat gerhard schröder's trick. in 2002 before the us invasion of
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iraq when it refused to provide troops or money. estonia, which today is hosting the prime minister of ukraine, also did not dare to send troops. the set of topics is standard: using frozen russian assets, sanctions, problems on the way to nato and the european union. everyone should help kiev and not be distracted by the accompanying internal political problems of european countries, the head of the cabinet of ministers, kaja kallas, who, by the way, refused to lead nato, advised her colleagues. having given their vote to the dutch prime minister, four more countries have not yet given their consent: hungary, romania, slovakia and turkey. in favor of the prime minister of the netherlands. but on the way to an agreement, they are trying, hoping to find a compromise no later than the summer. it's the same with a new fund, they want to make a decision on its creation at the think tank of the north atlantic alliance, a summit in july in washington. anastasia bernatsky, denis sokolov, lead. brussels, belgium. today in damascus.
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heavy equipment appeared after the iranian embassy was destroyed by an israeli air strike. previously, rescuers cleared the rubble manually, but now bulldozers and excavators will remove everything that remains of the building. the attack killed thirteen people, including iranian brigadier general mohammed zahidi and his deputy, general mohammed rahimi. they were part of the senior leadership of the alkuts special forces, iran's elite. formations operating in syria and lebanon. posters with photographs of the dead were installed at the iranian embassy in damascus, where politicians and diplomats have been visiting all day to express condolences. the islamic revolutionary guard corps promised to avenge the death of the general and his assistants. the ksir command said that israel faces crushing blows in the right place at the right time. a document condemning the israeli attack was presented to the un security council. russia. at the same time, our diplomats. people
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died, more than a thousand were injured. the main blow fell on taiwan, where dramatic images are now coming from, like from the movie disaster. particular attention is now paid to the three nuclear power plants located on the island. magathe experts are checking reports of radiation leaks. almost all local enterprises have been shut down, including the world's largest semiconductor plant. the latest news from the affected areas in the report of our own correspondent in china, alexander baletsky. the most powerful push behind it there were at least forty autoshocks, 7.7 points were felt not only near the epicenter, on the live broadcast of taiwanese television the studio clock showed 7:58, the presenter could barely stand on her feet, but
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she told the island’s viewers the main news. the most widespread destruction was in the eastern county of hualien, many houses simply collapsed, became even more rooted, and it’s a miracle that... these, for example, survived, the residents escaped through the windows along the canopies and cornices. the earth is shaking, and here we live in a house that has collapsed. we brought 17 people out of here, but three people remained inside for a long time, one of them was wounded. high-rise buildings with pools on the roofs like waterfalls, bridges that curved like sheets of plastic, and yet the traffic with people on them during the morning rush hour amazes the self-control of passengers on the elevated metro.
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the higher the floor, the stronger the shaking, at first i didn’t understand what was happening at all, in about three seconds i already realized that i had to go downstairs, objects fell, drawers opened, my closet was moving there under the roof, on the tracks in in mountainous areas there are gigantic landslides, so much so that a cloud of dust from crumbling directly into the sea, the rocks could be seen tens of kilometers away, but as bridges and junctions collapsed, the entire market in asia collapsed in the morning, personnel were evacuated, will the system be able to cope with disruptions within one or two days? i think yes, each chip is individual, but production can take from several days to two, or even many weeks, depending on the complexity of the chip, so losing one or two days of production is of course troublesome, but you know, it doesn’t change anything, but even in this situation it is still unknown how they will behave after the shaking, the sensitive
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microprocessors are already ready, considering that adjustments in the past, when there was an earthquake in taiwan, the tsmc plant took 3 to 5 months to resume work. on the islands of yaaya moyakinawa, where wave heights can reach 3 m, just as it has already happened on yunagun and shigaki in the coastal southeastern regions of china, just in case , train traffic in the yendza river delta area was stopped, special services are conducting preventive safety checks of bridges, in practice, after all, delay
9:14 pm
there will be thousands of scots who have their own opinions about people who have changed their sex. about what punishment the law provides for those who do not agree to name their ex-men. women and why the writer juanna rowling has already asked to be arrested in a report by our own uk correspondent alexander khabarov. since the hate crime and anti-social behavior act came into force , police. this law is the most ridiculous, authoritarian, totalitarian regime that has ever been introduced in our country. this is the form control, dictatorship. there is no possible reason to accept this.
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convicted of possessing child pornography and former butcher andrew miller, who received 20 years in prison for kidnapping and sexually abusing a child. freedom of expression in scotland is prescribed in accordance with
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here in england. we shouldn't criminalize people who say sensible things about biological sex. according to the new law, it is possible to report hate crimes, including anonymously. for applicants who do not wish to deal directly with the police, there is the option of contacting independent centres. there are 411 in scotland, some. even if such an investigation ends in nothing, a record of the opened case will still be preserved in the police archive. will be available to potential employers, in such harsh conditions the scots will indeed have
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to choose their words, or at least their social circle, carefully. alexander khabarov, ilya murdyukov, lead great britain. immediately after our release, new episodes of the detective story series indomitable unpokoeva, where the heroine daria ursulyak faces a new complicated case. the murder of a well-known businessman in the city is causing a huge resonance, according to neupokueva’s investigators, it is connected. with a similar crime nine years ago, in order to understand the case, she will have to identify evidence, compare facts, establish motives and identify a cold-blooded and vengeful killer. two episodes very soon, immediately after the news. we move from the federal part of the news to the regional one.


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