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tv   Neukrotimaya Neupokoeva  RUSSIA1  April 3, 2024 10:20pm-11:30pm MSK

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because someone threatened them, he was afraid of someone, forgive me, please, i just didn’t, but he somehow explained to you what happened, said that he was being pursued by some crazy person who believes that he owes him 70,000 , well , victor could have tried to pay more for dinner, yes, but victor said that he was not going to pay out of principle, and could you identify this guy? not sure, it was dark, why? zoey, because they last for 5 days, if you read the manual, what do you do? operational search work. is this an aisultan account? yes. if you want, we can bring him in for questioning if you think he might know something about the mamals. he won't cooperate with us. why? look, ayusultan is on the left, mamalykin is on the right. he and
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mamakin are fellow countrymen, and judging by the number of photos together, friends, uh-huh, you need to go here, with orange music, of course i’m hungry, but hold on, but you don’t want to, imagine, aisultan turns out to be a guitarist playing in a cover band in this club. go there today, talk in an informal setting, are you serious, this is an official task, yeah, with pleasure, i’ll tell kostya, that i can’t meet with him today, what should i do, work, we put him on a wanted list, but so far there are no results, he’s not registered anywhere, he’s hiding from collectors, he doesn’t use his cards, sim cards, of course he doesn’t use them, you read this, to the point, huh?
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in the murder of businessmen, a philanthropist is wanted: excuse me, please, excuse me, a twenty-five-year-old migrant, a citizen of a neighboring republic, according to our vska sources, the killer was in russia illegally, damn. migrants, despite the fact that migrants commit only 4% of all crimes in the country, damn it, i'm sorry, but you finally answer, yes, hello, zoya, we have problems, yes, come to the police station on the highway, i need to run, run. katyusha, the meeting
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ended early. we didn’t do anything, we’re just serious, they’re minors, this is a big fine, and maybe they’ll be registered in the children’s room by the police, mom, i’ll sort it out, i’m sorry, i called you many times, i already made a decision while you were dropping the children’s calls .
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so it will also fly to mom, kolka, kolka six, is he beating him, drop me off here, mom, the children are already used to me and they should spend the night with me, i can’t hear you now, mom, that means my mom wants the children to live with her, because i, you see or i can’t cope, it’s normal, well, this is... it’s difficult, it seems to me that i couldn’t be a good mother, a good wife and an investigator at the same time, this is some kind of impossible plan, to hell with it, you know, to hell with it, that’s it, let’s go, let's go, the other half is missing, there are bright pictures right in the very middle of the brain. the illumination of your eyes
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a half is missing and they have goosebumps on the back of another guitarist, what are we going to do ? the kiss is missing? i’m not going home, the music is so cool, let’s stay a while longer, unconditional concepts, i love you alone, half is missing, life without a half, alone in an endless ocean, floating away into the void, let’s paint a picture where you and i are very happy. let's watch a tarantino movie, suddenly we'll chat half the night, we'll wake up from the walls and paint the colors that we once wanted, our house is beautiful today, we closed our eyes and flew, lying down to settle, let's go, everyone
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hello, i won’t put you to rest, hello, i won’t put you to rest, i’m egor. let's paint a picture where there are no roads or fences, only the ashes of desperate disputes settle around us, let's decorate everything with flowers, hang the picture on the wall, lock ourselves in a small bedroom, hit the ceiling, lyosha is in bed, let's fly, you're my only one poro. do you read about the stage, do you believe in your abilities? the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part in the international popular music competition new wave. register with a star. a new wave will lift you up
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unprecedented height. discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic lucshery collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection bodroom. cognac old barrel, product of steller group. surrounded by twelve sights of moscow, visible from the windows
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of the khamovniki 12 residence. khamovniki 12 gives a piece of the great cultural heritage that will become a symbol. in your library khamovniki 12: deluxe class club house in the center of historical moscow. stearsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to have a nice rest. but we need to rest. there. where is the sun and the sea, on the first coastline, where everything is inclusive, except the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, you are looking 100 to
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one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the swelling, last name which character from the works? pushkin, everyone knows how much it will be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how much it will be, who is at work, a lot and speaks loudly, if you answer, then with humor, i am an oak tree, chop, not, pluck, problems with water, light, uh, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - a set for a headache. god forbid now beep, if you win, then hurray, every saturday and sunday on rtr, stay in moscow, i would like, of course, to get you to work in our restaurant, i also
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drew a horse with wings, a pigas after all, it will be yours, then you’ll draw it, we’ll watch it on the weekend, well, i liked it, this is zavyalov, our master, i’m afraid, what are you afraid of, wake up, i’m afraid, make some coffee, hello, are you stupid or something, i’ll have to fire you, actually i...
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oh, hello, i didn’t, i’m egor. you don’t put him to rest, i understand correctly that i slept on
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your bed, yeah, and you slept here on the sofa, yes, well, you didn’t leave me much of a choice, you didn’t tell me the address, i couldn’t leave myself in that state. are you really an investigator? oh, and by the way, last night i was on a mission, uh-huh, i really needed to talk to your guitarist, aisultan, is ai sultan in trouble? no, but he may know the person who is suspected of murder, and he... perhaps he didn’t commit it, but the longer he hides, the worse it gets for him,
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there’s someone else here, let’s go, he had nowhere to live, i sheltered him at my place. i think he can help you if he wants. broyd to you. oh, i know you. hello. sultan, i am zoya neupokoeva. and i really need to talk to you. how did you manage to contact mamalyn and arrange a meeting with him? and you went home, and i?
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the sultan said that you will help us, i really tried to talk to kositov. was waiting for his office in the courtyard of the house, but wanted him canceled his order to deduct from us for damage to equipment, well, i didn’t touch it, but where were you from the seventh to the ninth of this month? all that week he was in the hospital with our son, well, we’ll check it out, now you have to come with us, but you promised, but he’s not to blame for anything, our son is sick, i can’t handle it alone, the sultan said, what will you help us with? yes, he just wanted to collect his salary, he earned this money, i
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don’t want to hear about your fantasies, like the streletskaya case, it doesn’t matter what the relation to murder of kositov, maybe there is an old case in which he was an accidental witness, maybe an accidental one? very important, it was kasitov’s refutation of the alibi of the main suspect in that case. i really value intuition, but intuition does not equal fantasy, that's all. katya, what about momalykin? the killer cut out a smiley face, exactly the same as the one on kositov’s back, only his was sad, while
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hers was cheerful. well, bring up streletskaya’s case. that's it, 9 years ago, alena streletskaya was killed on the pipe in this house. the main suspect in the case streletskaya was vlad ryukhin. at that time, her common-law husband, they vacationed there together and that was it. three key witnesses: the director of the camp site where the murder took place, who testified that streletskaya was quarreling with her boyfriend ryukhin. kasitov, who denied alli beryukhin, and streletskaya’s son artyom, who
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was in the house at the time of the murder. with his testimony he ruined the prosecution against ryukhin. yes, i read, it’s incredible that because of the child’s testimony, that freak ryukhin, who so brutally killed his woman, remained free. judging by the similarity of emoticons on the bodies, probably ryukhin killed kasitovo, they continue to walk around somewhere. i have already put ryukhin on the wanted list, but there is no result yet. you will come with me to interrogate obashina. who is this? zoya, i wrote to you this morning. obashina, sagittarius friend. and cousin ryukhin, i made an appointment, yes, of course, i’m with you, i just need to drop by for a minute kolya, that is, you spent the whole night in this yegor’s apartment and just slept, yes, why are you encouraging her, this is generally- it could have been dangerous, oh, come on, cool story, this is a cool story, if you tell your girlfriends at 15, at
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35, this is what happened at 35, what happened at 35, by the way, i’m 32, at 32, this is a stupid story. how do you even stand it? but do i understand correctly that the nature of the behavior on streletskaya’s body is similar to kositov’s, or is it just me? no, absolutely true, unless you consider that streltsy was raped, then yes, it seems. look, the smiley face on kasitov’s body is carved in the same place as the streltsy one. also multiple stab wounds, which were non-fatal, here’s another detail, torn off nails. in your colleague's report. it is written that upon re-examination of the streltsy license plate , the dna of an unknown person was found. an old stain that could have appeared before the murder of the streltsy. the expert in the report uses the words “presumably, maybe.” what does it mean? this means that there are no reliable methods for determining the age of blood stains on not white material, but, as you remember, the carpet on which the stain was found is colored, yes,
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exactly. there are no reliable methods. medemoglobin method used on white cotton, it does not work. well, more precisely, it is unreliable with colored materials, that is, the conclusion that that the stain is old, it is inaccurate, most likely yes, great, and if you want, i can send the dna of this unknown person to the federal database, in the 9 years that have passed since the murder of the streltsy base it has expanded , perhaps the data of this particular unknown person is already there, how long will it take for an answer for a request up to 4 weeks, seriously, then you ’ll get used to it? “ryukhin is your cousin , right? yes, but that’s not why i ’m justifying him. artyom was there, he saw, he saw the one who did it, and he himself told me that it was nevlad. and where is yours now? brother? i don’t know, we haven’t communicated for many years, can you explain why all these questions are asked after so many years? we want to figure it out, well
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, your colleagues have already sorted it out, they ruined a man’s life.” vlad loved alena, everyone pointed at him, saying that the murderer accidentally escaped punishment, my break is ending. yes, sorry, and one more question, alena’s son, artyom, did he live with his father? artyom had no father, a dash in the certificate. vlad wanted to take custody, but they didn’t give him, of course. and who did he stay with after his mother’s death? i don’t know, i visited him while he was in the orphanage, bye were not taken into foster care. i can go, yes, thank you, it’s clear that she’s shielding her brother, she needs it. urgently find this ryukhin, yes, but explain to me what ryukhin’s motive was to kill kasitov, that kositov, that
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streltsy, there is such violence, that this is not about motive, this is about senseless rage, stop here, you know what confuses me, in in the materials of the case there is artyom’s testimony and he says: what did he see the mother’s killer and that it was neryukhin? who then? why isn't this in action? we need to find artyom and interview him. and in this case there is the conclusion of child psychologists that ryukhin influenced the boy, who was attached to him as a father, and therefore lied.
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and hello, your mother asked me to finish what i started, and your mother, i must say, is a wise woman, guys, come in, the car is here, hello, baby, roma, hello, right, it’s bringing it here, oh, oh, hello, just so you know, i'll still bring her back.
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oh, here you are too, hi, hi, hi, you forgot my glasses, come on in! this is egor, he is gleb's tutor. do you also have my sweater? yes, i'll bring it. what do you teach? ready?
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now on hand. where is egor? the tutor left, yeah, he was at the market, saw it, remembered what you like, thank you, decided to bring it home, since without a refrigerator it quickly spoils, sweet, hmm, how did you end up with the tutor's sweater? zoey, let's talk, come on, walk around. oh, come out already, what a pity, we were just getting ready for breakfast, well, wave, uncle , help, you have kostya, okay, i’ll go,
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see you at work, what are you, roma, i called the director of the camp site in the morning, he called us waiting, 10 years ago he was a witness in the case streletskaya. well, i couldn’t sleep that night, i went with the dog to walk around the area, and i heard. noise, the woman was screaming, i decided to find out what was the matter, i went up, knocked, it didn’t bother you that the archer didn’t open the door, well, she
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apologized through the door, saying that she and the guy had... quarreled, apologized that she would n’t make any more noise , and kills the other witness, do you remember? well, he and his wife lived in a neighboring house, i can’t say anything more about it, i understand correctly that the windows have not been changed since the crime, no, well, this window from the street might even open the child, are you saying that someone else could have gotten in through this window? “i think that everything is much simpler, ryukhin was not on any fishing that night, he and streletskaya quarreled, and he killed her. well, why would ryukhin kill kasitov, is it really just because he was checking his alibi. yes, hello , zoy, i made an appointment with mikhalovich. yes, great, i’m already leaving, send me the address, the message address, i’m on my way. pavlych found
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the investigator who was in charge of the case with treletskaya. zoy, haven’t you forgotten anything? did you know what do you have palycha has a son and grandson. don't go there. why don't they communicate? zoey, i really don’t know, i only know that you don’t need to get involved. oh, lord, give me a ride to the stop, i have an idea, i’ll look for ryukhin. servant, what courage are you on... enough, the premiere on rtr, oh, excuse me, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, from one, andrey chernyshov, what are you out of the blue, my whole life burned out, alexander mikhailov! i'm
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in a difficult situation, i urgently need work, just tell me what, where, what, marat basharov, i regretted one thing, some kind, you order, i’ll fire you today, roman madyanov, your salary should be increased, i’ve already ordered, alla taxi, how did we manage without you before, that’s it, especially me, from april 8 on rtr. veda vodka, a product of the stellar group, titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation has
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its own rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet - the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rom castro is a product of stellor group. titanic luxury collection. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you.
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morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr. could you please feed me, bon appetit. my business trip ends in 3 days, would you like
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to come with me? life gives no clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite is on the air program. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons, i’m already trebalki, the nuclear weapons have been returned, as at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commanders are acting confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight from the equipment, and in our house there is only olyos, the second tank is flying. the hero of russia will be in kind, we are all with you, including me, let’s go to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang in his head with zelensky, i’m a rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but
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we are guided by fact, watch twice a day, see you later. “i was late, no, i arrived a little earlier, i had to persuade him to meet, he was so busy, so busy, sitting on pension, and why didn’t he want to meet with us, mikhailovich was a very cool follower, one of the best i knew, so he was involved in this case, but for some reason he was suspended, why, that’s what i would like to know, well , i think we’re not wasting our time here.” the investigator who handled the streltsy case after you suspected her boyfriend, ryukhin, and
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you must have a different opinion, well, i’m interested in your opinion, that’s what i came here for, mihalovich, this is your kadryanka, it’s ripening here. this is aga danskoy, the tincture from it is wonderful and grows well. kasitov lied , so you understood that, you were suspended, right? are your young people interesting? why do you think that? but it is obvious that kasitov changed his testimony for a reason. at first he confirmed.
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he died 3 years ago, sadly, but it was not me who lost the case materials, you suspected kasitov, why? boy, son of streletskaya, photographs of persons who were at the camp site the night of the crime, he identified kasitov, he identified him, yes, he identified him. and no matter what these various child psychologists said, i was sure of what i saw, this is also not in the case materials, they were probably lost, the new investigator was more interested in uryokhin, as i understand it,
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excuse me, yes, i’m still standing i’ll bring it to try opalchi, it’s clear that if he received chemotherapy, he was probably registered in... this sounds like a motive, but mom, calm down, i don’t understand what you’re saying, it’s clear, lenochka is giving birth, mom, just take the baby with you, that’s it, i’ll
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run there now. zoya, hi, hi, mom, i came as soon as i could, i understand, i understand.
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dad, you need wedges, i won’t go, get pregnant, i’m tired, i wish she... gave birth soon, so that this will all end, when she gives birth, everything will just begin, well, you know, zoya, there are some certain things, please move, dear, you won’t leave us for a minute, well done, both of you are hiding here, great, one is on me with his pregnant... hung up was the second that i that in general, what does it have to do with who hired this
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playboy for marta as a tutor, and gave gleba this one from a dysfunctional family, like marina , yes yes, well, maybe it’s a bit of a hindrance and hammer, but marta started studying, that is, i’m wrong, but glebushka, i’m so , i haven’t seen him so happy since the days when masha was alive, everything is great... happy, without me, everyone is fine, but what should i do, fall through the earth for you, mom, mommy, mom, just wait, mommy, mom, what are you doing, well, you know that everything rests on you, you are the foundation everything, and we are all, we are around you, mom, what are you doing, my dear, what are you doing, come to me, little one, oh, can we also with...
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just don’t say that you work at night? no, this is not work, gleb needs a tutor again, me. i brought your sweater, well, i’m sorry that i lied, that you are
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gleb’s tutor, but what should i have said, that i got drunk and spent the night in the apartment of an unfamiliar man, denis would not have understood, and this is apparently important, well, so that he would understand, so, let’s do it again from the very beginning, i’m zoya neupokoeva, it’s very nice, egor. let's tell me about an important person, well, he ’s married, yeah, that’s it, that’s it, who, he’s married, you ’re married, no, no, no, i’m not married, wait, but the man who was in your apartment was playing with your child , this is not your husband, your boyfriend, everything is complicated, let's go, let's go. all
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this is you, comets in the sky, warm summer, affectionate cats, i love you, and you, you, you, you, it’s you, you, you, everything, you, you, you, it’s you, you, you, everything you , and by the way, you were a fool for leaving denis then, yes, and most importantly. he will never forgive me, but he has already forgiven me, would he 8:00 in the morning to bring berries, so you don’t know how to forgive, what do you mean? i’m talking about roman, you ’re not angry, i’m angry at roman, you’re angry, you ’re angry, you’re still angry, you, you’re angry at roman, you’re angry with yourself, because you’re a go-getter, you’d better sing, the one from the concert, it’s not enough halves, right in the very middle of the brain
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there are bright pictures, the translucence of your eyes, half is missing, and goosebumps on the back, the eternal invisible air will bind us with something warm, it’s not enough, it will kiss not just your embrace, without the conditions of concepts, i love you one, half is missing, life without a half, a piece of ice in an endless ocean, floating away into the void, hello, hello! and again family circumstances, i apologize for being late, they found ryukhin, we’re going to him right now, why didn’t they call the task force, the task force won’t be needed, you want to retake the investigator’s work regulations,
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we suspect arrest ryukhin is not a suspect, we found him in the registry, at he has a terminal stage of cancer, it is unlikely that in such a state he could have killed kasitov... have you seen olga? and then throw the corpse of an adult man into the city landfill. what's happened? olga left. “i’m sorry, but i’m not, she’s been in a relationship for a year and a half now, it turns out, zoey, i’m drawn to you, i
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can’t do anything about it, i’m sorry.” hello, zoya, we are going to the hospice for gryukhin, it’s time for us. yes, katya, where are you? i've been standing next to your car for about 15 minutes. sorry. are you sure that ryukhin, he is, let’s say... on the threshold, you are sure that he did not leave the territory of the hospice, but you will see for yourself now, no, alyonka and i loved each other, we wanted to
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get married, we were collecting money for the wedding, alyonka wanted to be beautiful. wedding, this kositov ruined my whole life, he still managed to remain unpunished, you never wanted to take revenge on him, you did have them, i had such thoughts, i wanted to punish this freak. “thank god, i realized that revenge only begets revenge, there is no justice in this, and the testimony of artyom, alena’s son, was not taken into account, the investigation decided that he was shielding us, they tried to confuse him,
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they kept him there for interrogation for several hours, showed photographs of people similar to kositov, hoped that he..." mixed up, then they wrote that he couldn’t see well and was confused in his testimony, but the topic, i remember, he was sure, there was also kositov’s wife lying that kositov supposedly returned from fishing at 2 o’clock and they were together in a hotel room, this is all a lie, a lie, i’m crying, it’s time to finish, thank you very much. well , it’s still my fault, if i hadn’t gone on this fishing trip, if i hadn’t met this freak, if he hadn’t seen that i left and didn’t understand that... alyonka was there alone, if i had been nearby ,
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suppose kositov killed the streltsy, this quite likely, but he agreed with his wife, she covered for him, provided an alibi, for this he left her an apartment, then they divorced, but then the question is, who killed kasitov? we have nothing, suspects, new leads, nothing. we have a video of a suitcase buyer. yes, but you know that i did everything i could, i couldn't track him through the cameras. the buyer of the suitcase has very conspicuous clothes. do you suggest publishing videos? red baseball cap, camouflage jacket. zoy, but we will spend a lot of time on these calls, on these conversations, a bunch of psychopaths will call. do you have an offer? no. hello, so, listen to me carefully, excuse me, i’ll call you, phew, why can’t i get through to you, i’m busy
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all the time, now you asked to check the examination of the streltsy case, found something, made a request to the archive, found out, that 3 months ago, katyusha, give me some water, please, someone was interested in the streletskaya case, yes, to marya nikolaevna. a man came up from the archive on the street and asked her for money, thank you, to copy streletskaya’s file, marya nikolaevna i asked him for his documents, but he ran away, and marya nikolaevna knew him from where, happy birthday. blow you out, on saturday, after
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graduation you fly to italy, and i’m finishing up my business here and will join you, if only you knew where you’ll lose it, dad, dad, little werewolf, if you knew where you’ll find it, i have business with you proposal, already flowers from fans, you generally loved him, mom, so from now on in more detail, come with me, i can provide for you, i want to provide for you, we have only known each other for a few days, i enough, life doesn’t give you any clues, the premiere is on saturday on rtr. cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group.
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old barrel cognac is a product of steller group.
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cnop gin is a product of stellar group. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm. and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. this is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism. this is conditional some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you care? continuation of the conversation in
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our new issues. podcasts, and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation, the first podcasts we watch, len, hi, this is vika, your sister, girl, stop mocking, vika is dead, it’s me, vika, i’m alive, sunday, my sister is coming to see me tomorrow, what about my proposal for us to be together, hi, hi, i spent the night with a guy, he’s nice, everything is serious with him, vika, i want to know who he is, meet kirill, this is lena, lena is kirill, we seem to know each other, i can’t live without you, can i kiss you, well, kiss, what ’s going on, hello sister, sunday on rtr, 65 years ago you came. to
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the maikovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty is like talent. did your heart also tell you something about lazarev? we had a very quick romance, we got married very quickly. all this was said in my heart at once. in an office romance. i always i felt sorry for you, in fact, you are a homewrecker. i am convinced that she would never have encroached on him, on his family. “she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be blamed for this, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he absorbed everything from you, this is some kind of gene that is passed on, it's just a gift of fate, here's shurka, it's just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on
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rtr. what fate? 3 months ago someone wanted to buy from the archive business with streletskaya, i guessed, but the archivist didn’t sell it, i guessed, smart, i guessed, you are the most informed source, he couldn’t help but come to you, but you didn’t tell us that someone contacted him. to you for information, it means you didn’t refuse him, you have children, there are three, and i have a grandson kostya, he didn’t get seven points for the budget, but you know how much the fee costs, but i’ve never seen or said this person, in correspondence he introduced himself as
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stas. and offered me to sell him a record, what a record, i was the same, caustic, i was passionate, i was on good track, believe me, when i was removed from the case, i understood where everything was going. that some materials risk being lost in the future, so to speak, so i kept copies for myself, which i gave to stas, a recording of the interrogation of the streltsy’s son, right? when you came, i immediately understood everything, they understood, but they didn’t tell us, and you didn’t think that he
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caused this stasis? what we had to do for this kositov to be punished. punishment, law enforcement cases. where is your mobile phone, i'm confiscating it in the interests of consequences. in the house, he is in the house. zoey, what kind of number are you? she dumped me, this is the phone number of the one who wanted to copy streletskaya’s case, can you call this number? i’ll do it, so the number from which this staz called dad mikhailovich is probably gray, yes, the gray sim card is registered to a legal entity that owns thousands of numbers, and the location of the subscriber, thank you, you’re so cool that you dialed the number so quickly,
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the location cannot be determined because the number has been blocked for a long time, are you kidding? no, you know i have no sense of humor hello, i bought you some cabbage, although i’m not the only one who has problems with feelings, what? yes, this is all because of the wedding, because of what wedding? who told you all that there would be a wedding? she refused him, didn’t offer him, he’s a fool, he’s a fool, he’s not a fool, he received a grant for an internship in germany for 7 months, but he wasn’t going to make an offer, he wanted to talk about his departure, he was very afraid that she would leave him , why?
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look, here stas directly writes to mikhailych: enough emoticons on women’s backs, we need to stop him, he won’t stop himself, even if wants, enough emoticons, well, he probably hints that streletskaya is not the only victim of kasitov, who are these other victims, i looked. the whole correspondence there is nothing about other victims, so maybe he’s lying, or it’s just such a phrase for a catchphrase, a smiley face on the back is too noticeable a detail, and even if it was a long time ago, then one
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of our people would definitely remember about it, maybe in other regions, we need to figure this out urgently, like zon, this is your first day working here, how do you think i’ll figure this out urgently, do you think i have a search database on my phone keywords, i am such a smiley back, and the base is found. seven coincidences, that there is no such database, the maximum i can do is send 100-500 official requests, to which they will answer me for months or simply with replies, you saw a guy in a camouflage jacket and a capless cap, drop me off at the gas station for the stink, this is like 23 or 24 similar treatment, they were all a waste of time, sorry, i sometimes forget how much routine... you have to do. of course, i’ll check the testimony of this gas station cashier and look at the camera, but hope for it is foolish. do you really think that kasitov was a sirinik and killed several
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women? well, stas, who studied kasitov carefully before us, apparently was sure that kasitov was a sirinist. do you think kositov also killed someone close to stas? judging by that rage. which stas tested kasito, yes, this is personal, what do you think to do, i’ll go and talk to ryukhin, stas was probably with him, i know that stas was with you, and he was convinced of kositov’s guilt, you convinced him. he said he didn't want to be together, he said he wanted something fair court, then why after talking with you, he went and killed kasitov, he lied to you,
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okay, if i'm wrong, help me find him, if i'm wrong, we are on the same side, if not, he is no different from kositov , he killed a man, here is his number, zoey, where are you? i’m going to meet stas, i talked to him, he’s at nika’s hotel, what are you doing, wait?
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she's not answering calls in number 408, she 's crazy, call again, she's already called 10 times, that means call 100 times, lie down, i say quickly, lie down on the floor, quickly, lie down on the floor, i'll tell you i say, wait, wait, stop! i was mistaken, i
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was mistaken, calm down, my friends, then i woke up because of the noise, and my mother was talking, this is the same recording that we managed to get from mikhalych, he said that he had an accident, and he ate the phone, but can you imagine, i the buyer found the suitcase, using the camera at the gas station, tracked the car and established the identity of the owner, kirigu. born in 968, this is the siren we are looking for, well done, you won’t forward it, i understand, thank you, zoya, the operational team has left, it’s time for us too, and you know, denis is ready to kill you, you need to apologize to him, we’ll figure it out, he was ready to kill me too, stanislav valerievich, a private detective, stanislav valerievich is engaged in private investigations, he was hired by the relatives of the murdered burova, yes, there was a complete deafness in the burova case, i 2 i've been searching for years.
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there is no evidence of witnesses, but i can say that i was lucky, i came across the streletskaya case, it became clear that he was a serial killer, then i got closely involved in the streletskaya case, of course, kositov inherited it in such a way that it somehow became downright embarrassing for your fledglings that his straightaway then they didn’t take it, stanislav valerievich, you understand, kositov did not kill either streletskaya or your burova, because yes, this is syrian, like this, this is on the basis of what, stanislavich, you understand, we cannot share with private individuals. who else is in the apartment, his wife and son, keep your hands behind your back, calm, calm, don’t fish. get up, why don't you get up, i
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'm afraid, please get him up, it's not him, it's not him, but where is his son? i'm here. stop it, stop mocking him. let him go. leave your father alone, he won't knows nothing. subject.
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what have you done? are you dressed? well done! premiere on rtr. vasya, i left you, i took yurka. no court will give a child to a mother who has no job and no living space. i need official registration. and she will arrange something else for us. what to do? stop, stop, stop! let's go, they ate my child, alla taxi from april 8 on rtr, bourbon steersman, a product of the steller group. the office is the business card of your business. the taller business center is located near pavelskaya square and the garden ring. author's architecture with recreated. tower,
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an access system with facial recognition, an application for managing space and time, an intelligent building navigation system, a data center, public spaces and underground parking. taller - a new height for your business. veeta vodka, a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leorests. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach. and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. rum castro, a product of stellor group. we stand up for what we have, we believe in what we
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expensive. we talk about what is important to us. and our every word is a step towards victory. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. sveta, i love you very much, you and i have our whole lives ahead of us, very often girls of a different circle strive to marry rich boys, let me decide for myself who i love , who to marry, okay, he will still be mine, i am this sheep i won’t give it away, it will be a lie, i need to entertain the girl a little, the money is up front, and there will be tears, guys, please, it’s necessary, well, this is with you, she doesn’t drink with but i’m very lit up and there will be secrets, the most important thing is your child, he will marry me, and then he will hate me, be happy, goodbye, i
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love sveta, if there is even a small chance, i will wait for her, tomorrow there will be a new one day, friday, on rtr. you dream about the stage, you believe in your strength. the russia-1 tv channel and the ars company invite young talented performers to take part in the international popular music competition new wave. registration and online submission of applications on the website miss your chance to become star, a new wave will lift you to unprecedented heights. if tyoma’s interrogation had not been removed from the case file, if everything had been
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done correctly, of course, my mother could not have been returned, all this crap could have been avoided. how old was he then? for about 10 years, i won’t watch it, i know what’s needed.


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