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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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and even a forty-year-old sierra for a new car, and that says a lot. our program today is coming to an end, you can’t even imagine what strategic plans each of us has, svetlana won’t let us deceive you, there are plans, we will definitely share some plans with you, for this subscribe to the telegram channel of our program, yes, it’s quite interesting there , there ’s enough there, it’s very interesting, who’s interested will be on air tomorrow, tune in on saturday, let’s see you with... hello on the russia tv channel to conduct in studio rina rossius and the main topics for this hour. governor of the murmansk region andrei
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chebbes, who was attacked with a knife by a local resident, came to his senses after the operation, i will recover and continue to fight, only forward. what caused the attack? what data did investigators find in the phones of the terrorists who attacked the company, about the organization and financing of the terrorist attack by representatives of the ukrainian special services? the evidence was obtained, despite...
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the urals flooded all the beaches of the embankment in orenburg, where the roads also turned into rivers? on sakhalin they are deciding how to save the unique lighthouse, aniva, the hallmark of the island, but now it is in terrible condition, looted and extinct. the wounded governor of the murmansk region andrei chebbes came to his senses after surgery, investigative committee. reported the results of an interrogation of a local resident who attacked chibis with a knife. he cited nuisance as the reason for his actions. after the assassination attempt, he tried to escape, but was detained by russian guard soldiers. the investigation of the case is under the control of the central office of the investigative committee, examinations have been appointed, including psychiatric. all the latest information is in the report by oleg posobin. andrei chibes came to his senses a few hours after the operation and returned to work. he promises as soon as his health allows. dear
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friends, i came to my senses after the operation, i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors who saved us, did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting us, thank you very much, now i will recover and continue to fight just forward, everything will be fine, after the operation, he was transferred to the intensive care unit of the central city hospital under the supervision of doctors, as well as special forces soldiers and people in civilian clothes. in addition, investigative actions are being conducted here, and those who were close to the governor at the time of the crime are being interrogated. the condition is serious, stable, medical care was provided to the required extent, laparatomy, revision, hemostasis, suturing of wounds and damaged organs were performed, now in the immediate postoperative period the patient is in the intensive care unit.
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here, at the exit from the construction workers' recreation center, andrei chibes met with local residents, they received him very warmly and the armed attack took everyone by surprise. this is footage of the investigative team working at night; forensic experts are taking fingerprints from a car that belongs to bydanov; in order to open it, they had to break the glass. the operatives worked every inch here, collecting all the evidence. an eyewitness to the attack was the governor's press secretary, liliya sechki. the governor was already
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leaving the meeting, here he is right there i had just left the stroiteley palace of culture when a man ran up and inflicted a fatal wound on the governor. andrei vladimirovich was conscious. him right away, he walked to the car himself, we quickly got to the hospital, he was immediately taken to the operating room, the governor was also conscious, the very first thing he did was immediately call his wife to reassure her, after that he was finally taken in the operating room, in the cultural center, andrei chibes talked with residents, judging by the filming, he was in an excellent mood on the eve of the incident i myself announced this meeting on social networks, good afternoon everyone, on thursday, i plan to work in the city of apatity, and, of course, in the evening i will meet with residents, so come meet me, the investigation will have to understand the reasons for the assassination attempts, answer the question of whether the attacker has accomplices , or maybe the masterminds of the crime. oleg posobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvostnyuk, lead
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the mormon region. the terrorist attack at crocus cityhall may be associated with a special military operation. investigators came to this conclusion after studying the terrorists’ phones. attackers at the concert hall. the criminals tried to destroy the device, but did not have time, and experts managed to extract important data from them. the photographs show military personnel with the ukrainian flag, a ukrainian postage stamp that glorifies the armed forces of ukraine, in addition, phone screenshots with images from the internet, the entrance to the crocus building and the access roads to it. they were taken on the morning of february 24, the second anniversary of the start of the north american war. at the direction of the curator who led the action. these data may indicate a connection between a committed terrorist act and a special military operation. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational measures
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to verify the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in organizing and financing the terrorist attack continues. our military is destroying ukrainian defenses along the entire front. explosions were heard in kharkov that night; metro work in the city was suspended. in the south of the dpr , aerospace forces pilots destroyed an underground shelter in iisu, the strike was carried out using a volumetric detonating aerial bomb, it was impossible to defend against it. hide in a bunker. the ammunition sprays an aerosol that penetrates enclosed spaces and then explodes. fierce fighting is now taking place on the ovdeevsky front, drone operators are burning armored vehicles, including western ones. in the kupinsky direction. counts of hail struck the hangars where military equipment was located, as well as ammunition depots and enemy manpower. in the zaporozhye sector, fire support for the assault detachments is provided, among other things , by the crews of t-80 tanks.
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the ministry of defense spoke about new exploits of our military today. almost three dozen ukrainian militants were eliminated by a fighter from the vostok group, radomir maksimov. having been wounded, he repelled counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces for two days. reporting by eduard punigov. south of the donetsk people's republic, the vicinity of the village of novomikhailovka. the assault unit of the thirty-ninth motorized rifle brigade of the 68th army corps is heading to the ukrainian armed forces stronghold. come on, come on! the infantrymen quickly jump out of the vehicle, then the most difficult part is the assault on fortified positions in the forest belt. the soldiers jump over the barbed they begin to clear the wire from every corner in the opornik; it is an extensive network of trenches; the enemy has excellent
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orientation here and can strike from any side. look to the left, ags, throw grenades, let's shoot. and this is what the assault looked like from a bird's eye view. at some point , five attack aircraft were cut off from the rest, almost all were injured. private rodimir maksimov took command and began firing at the enemy with a machine gun. there was shelling, everything that happened, everything was flying, they were sitting, then the team was there, defend yourself, there are guests there, they drove up to you, he ordered everything at once, everyone came out, well, four boys came out. to meet them, soon the armed forces of ukraine carried out a counterattack, using nato infantry fighting vehicles, the unit commander monitored the battle using a drone and helped his subordinates change position in time. accordingly, we allowed the enemy equipment to approach and decided to target the enemy equipment with the anti-tank gun, so
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accordingly, my anti-tank gunner immediately opened fire and hit the target. the next counterattack of the ukrainian armed forces. now a tank and kamikaze drones were thrown at the attack aircraft. just. but took command upon himself, continued to carry out the combat mission, and repelled repeated enemy counterattacks, that is, everything was unemotional, communication was made without shouting, calmly, clearly, radimir’s numerous wounds fortunately turned out to be insignificant, it is clear that he has difficulty finding words when remembers the assault, but noticeably perks up when it comes to his... home, he came here from yakutia, since childhood he went hunting with his brother, and for another 6 years
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he studied at a music school, played the piano and studied pop vocals. family i hoped that he would become a professional musician, but radimir signed up as a volunteer for a special operation, and now he is ready to return back to his comrades. why do you want to return? there are too many of my boys for showing. the heroism of radimir maksimov was presented with a high state award. eduard pongov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. in the lugansk republic , fsb operatives detained an agent of the ukrainian special services, he was transferring personal data of russian border guards to the enemy. service security of ukraine recruited the suspect 5 years ago. the militants threatened that if he refused to cooperate, they would kill his relatives. they live in territory controlled by kiev. since 2019, he has carried out their instructions related to the installation of personal data
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of russian border guards, as well as their vehicles. a student of one of the lpr universities, who filmed the movement of military equipment in a criminal scheme, was involved in deception and is now awaiting the end of the investigation. employees of the ukrainian special services communicated with her under the guise of a famous blogger. he replied that he was interested. the suspects face up to 20 years in prison, the fsb urged not to enter into conversations with suspicious users and immediately report them to law enforcement. to other topics. on sakhalin, a group of scientists and designers began examining the aniva lighthouse. an architectural monument, one of the most beautiful in the world. is collapsing, restoration is needed, the nine-story tower was erected by the japanese more than 80 years ago, it still
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attracts many tourists. elena's report zhenchenko. proud and lonely, my kaniva welcomes the first guests of this season , perhaps the most long-awaited. as the ship assembles , a group of researchers approaches the sivuchya rock. the expedition includes several dozen russian scientists, design engineers, specialists in the study of concrete structures, ecologists and... a feat of engineering thought. it was built using sea sand and water, because bringing other materials here is problematic.
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the lighthouse is installed on a lonely rock in the sea, in a place difficult to reach from the mainland. before him shipwrecks often occurred here. however, since 2006, aniva has been abandoned. however, it is a place recognized as one of the most beautiful in the world. thousands of tourists visit every year. but it was impossible to carry out reconstruction or even just repairs. the facility was owned by the ministry of defense. we agreed with the ministry of defense on the transfer of the lighthouse. moreover, work was launched to prepare repair documentation. together with the ministry of defense, we continue to work on its reconstruction. specialists every floor of the building is thoroughly examined, engineers cut out concrete samples. it is important to study not only the degree of wear of metal structures. ecologists measure background radiation and examine samples. water and also take concrete samples in order to understand how to safely dispose of
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industrial waste. one of the main questions facing scientists is where to locate a site for the delivery of materials. this requires a flat surface, meanwhile, the lighthouse itself is located on a rock. together with engineers and builders, every floor historians bypass the unique lighthouse; they dream of opening a lighthouse museum here , so they compile a detailed description of all the objects. that have been preserved inside, the task is just to look, to find which artifacts have been preserved in order to use them in the museum space, before major repairs are made here, we will take them out and carry out repairs.
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rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. rum.
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castro, a product of stellor group. titanic luxury collection baudrum whiskey. product of stellor group. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodroom. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to
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a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secret. raya opens in titanic luxury collection bodrum. cognac monte shoca, product of stellar group. we go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go. forewarned is forearmed. any remedy has a downside. with the most necessary knowledge, health. we dispel myths and help you find out. how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before, what to pay attention to? each risk factor should have its own pill, where can i look for help? you only need five ingredients that will benefit your entire body. it takes two decades from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined.
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the most important information from the most competent sources. forget yourself. about your body in a comprehensive manner, take care of yourself and be healthy, about the most important thing, from monday to friday, on arter, i came to get a job, it didn’t work out, i was robbed, well, no need to bless you, just put yourself in order, get smart, let’s go, allah taxi, premiere from monday on rtr 65 years ago you came to the mayakovsky theater, you still serve there, i realized that if they take me, it will be forever. svetlana nemalyaeva, loyalty, how talent. did your heart also tell you something about lazarev? we had a very quick romance, we got married very quickly. in my heart, all this was said at once. in the office romance i always
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felt sorry for you, but in reality you are a homewrecker. i am convinced that she would never have encroached. on him, on his family, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, she could not be blamed for this, even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your family, he absorbed everything from you, what a gene -that which is transmitted is simple a gift of fate, that's shura, it's just some kind of happiness, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov, today on rtr. this is news, we are continuing the release. in russia, the number of regions affected by floods increased to 36. almost 2.0 houses, 190 bridges and 120 sections of roads were sunk. the evacuation of the population began in the kurgan region. in neighboring chelyabinsk, a state of emergency has already been declared in two districts. dozens of houses and garden plots were sunk in the omsk region.
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the crops are under threat; a stormy stream has washed away the fertile layer of soil. poronezh region records everything new overflows across the routes. in the novosibirsk region, residents of the village of zhulanka are cut off from the mainland, the road bridge is flooded, there is no access to a hospital, school or store. in the samara region, the number of victims. the current is stronger than on the volga, there is water in the house, higher than a scalp. 15 people are in temporary accommodation centers, and those residents who were able to return to their homes are beginning to count their losses. we'll find out if any of the equipment remains, our white floors, but they really were white. the most tense situation in the orenburg region areas. the water level in rivers and reservoirs is rising every hour, and additional rescue forces are being deployed to the region. report by murat zaripov. on the streets of the village
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, both rescuers and residents of nearby houses were on duty around the clock throughout the night. those who did not want to evacuate in the evening are now packing their things and preparing to leave for relatives. in just a few hours this morning, the ural river came close to the houses. the water flows instantly, right from those gardens everything was flooded. everything was completely flooded and i didn’t even we couldn’t get through now, we haven’t had such flooding for a long time, people are taking things out , rescuing pets, the water continues to flow rapidly, the river level is rising literally before our eyes, in some places in the lowlands the building has already sunk under water up to the roof, that is the water has risen by more than one and a half meters, in general, in the village, flooding has been observed so far in three streets, now three villages in the suburbs of orsk are in the risk zone, but the dangerous territory may expand as the water rises...
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closed first military operation in palestinian enclave, washington demanded it. vice president haris said that if israel does not change its approaches to palestinian refugees, then the states will change
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their attitude towards tel aviv. the white house gave netanyahu another instruction to make a deal on hostages. the cia director and the head of masada are heading to cairo for negotiations with arab mediators. the united states is concerned about the likelihood of a full-scale war between iran and israel, the national security adviser said. in tel aviv, sources told axios that in response to the destruction consulate in damascus tehran will soon attack israel using ballistic cruise missiles and drones. prime minister netanyahu said that israel is determined to further escalate the conflict, thousands of police officers are stationed in jerusalem, today is the last friday of ramadan, special forces will closely monitor the behavior of believers who will gather at the alyaksa mosque. the largest robbery in the history of los angeles: the attackers took $30 million from the vault. the money disappeared in sunday, we noticed it only the next
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day, and everything became known only now. according to the police, the thieves acted through the roof and it is still unknown how the robbers bypassed the alarm. the name of the victim has not been named, but on the territory where everything happened there are facilities of a private military company from canada, which, among other things, is engaged in ensuring the security of cash. in crimea, in the nikitsky botanical garden, due to the warm winter, tulips bloomed unusually early. this year, local flower growers planted 160 varieties and 40 of them are new. some do not at all look like the flowers that we used to call tulips. report by jan cherbata. on the southern coast, symbols of the coming spring, tulips of all kinds of shapes and colors, from delicate, white, to bright, completely unexpected shades, bloomed. and this is not even the peak of flowering yet. multi-colored buds bloomed against the backdrop of still snow-capped mountains. this year the tulips bloomed extremely early due to the warm winter. this is a new product, the variety is called irina. and it’s remarkable, probably, first
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of all. because it is an early flowering variety. a multi-colored carpet of 105 bulbs, and not every variety is immediately recognizable as a tulip; there are ones similar to peonies, a palette of colors that would be the envy of any artist. palpana is, these are our favorite spring flowers, because spring is the beginning of everything, everything blooms, everything smells, the sun is shining, so we waited, we really liked these, we paid attention to them, we arranged a photo shoot here, boar is one of the favorites of this year out of 160 varieties, 40 new items, in the shape of two velvety fish, very beautiful, an unusual variety of the black sea coast lined up achievements of world selection, among them very rare crown-shaped ones. the collection of the nikitsky botanical garden, a collection of tulips, is the largest in the russian federation and includes more than 600 varieties. of course, the exposition annually presents the very
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best. a world classic, but choosing one of the most beautiful varieties seems impossible, this is a task for garden visitors who come here especially for the parade from all over the country, but most of the tulips that i have never seen here, and for me this is a discovery big, they look so graceful, bright and i already have a lot of photos with them, we came from yaroslavl, we are very glad that we came across such beauty, you can see the colorful blooms until the end of april, yana shcherbaty and andrey terentsev, lead the way! crimea. rosfond is raising money for four-year-old sonia chulkova from the moscow region. the girl was born completely deaf and has already undergone surgery to install an implant. after connecting such a device, a person begins to hear sounds, but in order to learn to speak, constant training with urdologists and speech therapists. the parents hope to pay for the next rehabilitation course with the help of philanthropists. alexander sanzheev will tell you how you can help. mom, draw. draw
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what? sonya chelkova is already 4 years old, but she still speaks poorly. at birth, doctors gave her a serious diagnosis: bilateral sensorineural hearing loss of the fourth degree. it was a blow for the parents. it’s impossible to even put into words what you feel at this moment. it seems that everything has been taken away from you, your dream has been taken away - and then the unknown. and it is necessary live. sonya is a late and long-awaited child in the family. during pregnancy , doctors did not find any pathology in the fetus, the girl was born on time, after the diagnosis, the parents gathered strength and decided that they could cope, we dreamed of a child, we were really looking forward to sofia, we really wanted it. in may 2021, sonya underwent cochliar implantation and installed devices that convert electrical impulses coming from an external microphone into signals understandable to the nervous system. this operation brought good results. with the help of sophia's surgical intervention
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electrodes are inserted into the inner ear. a speech processor is connected externally, with these devices sophia hears, but to undergo cochlear implantation surgery is very little. sonya has already undergone rehabilitation at a specialized center; her parents were able to pay for these courses themselves. the girl began to understand speech and remember the words and names of objects. give me a frog, please. the first word spoken by the daughter was for the parents. with great joy, the first word, oh, it was, it was so unexpected, sonya and i were driving to class from the tram, he entered a man with a dog in his arms, and sonya saw the dog, she pointed her finger at the dog, the doctors say that in the future sonya will be able to hear and speak almost like her peers, for this she needs to continue working with the girl. hearing-speech rehabilitation is carried out in close
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cooperation with a wide range of specialists. almost 4,000 rubles are needed for hearing and speech rehabilitation. in a family where only the father works, there is no such money, so the parents turned to rusfond. sophia’s rehabilitation exceeds ours, our family income, so we turned to fund for help. each of us can help sony; to do this, you need to follow the qr code link and transfer any amount. or send an sms with the word lead to number 5541, the cost of one message is 75 rubles. this small amount will help the girl improve her speech and even go to a regular school. alexander sanzhiev, ekaterina cherushova, alexander kucherovsky, georgy mayorov, mariana pepanyan, elena nasonova, news. we have all the information by this hour, irina rossius and my colleagues were with you, all the news is always available on the media platform, look at application or on the website see you.


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