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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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well, after the june heat, moscow was hit by an unexpected arctic cold snap; weather forecasters warn about the risk of temperature changes. today in the capital it is 0°, and this is only a degree below the climate norm; on saturday night in moscow it will be -5, but on saturday the heat will return, first +12, on sunday. hello, on the russia tv channel, the news in the studio of irina rossius and the main topics for this hour. for an attack on the governor of the murmansk
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region, a resident of apatity faces up to 20 years of freedom. andrei chibes, who was wounded with a knife and has already been operated on, is in intensive care. will recover and continue into battle, only forward. in kharkov and odessa, after the attack on power facilities, there were rolling blackouts . crews of k-52 helicopters , mi-28 alligators, night hunter. destroy enemy targets, hail struck military equipment, ammunition depots and enemy personnel. journalists from the new york times have learned that kiev will definitely not receive an invitation to the nato summit in july. and how elon musk responded to blinken after he promised ukraine a place in the alliance. bulk purchases of groceries and essentials. the israelis panic, many are sure iran will be responsible for the attack on the consulate in damascus. and in denmark with a scandal. from the position of chairman of the general staff,
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he tried to hide from the head of the ministry of defense what the whole world saw. vladimir putin has set the task of strengthening the fight against organized crime. this issue was discussed today in the kremlin at the russian security council. the operational meeting took place an hour ago, this is how the president outlined the topic of the meeting. dear colleagues, good afternoon, our main issue today is increasing efficiency in dealing with manifestations of org crime, crime in general, the speaker is the minister of internal affairs, vladimirovich kolokoltsev, let's start working, please, vladimirovich, the floor is yours. the attempt on the life of the governor of the murmansk region will be investigated as soon as possible , including the special services. must draw
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conclusions on the safety of officials, presidential press secretary dmitry peskov said when commenting on the attack. vladimir putin will call andrei chibes as soon as the head of the region’s condition improves. tomorrow the court will choose a preventive measure for the resident apatitov, who stabbed the governor, the article for attempted murder provides for a punishment of up to 20 years. the duties of the head of the murmansk region will be temporarily performed by the deputy governor, nadezhda aksyonova. report by oleg posobin. andrei chibis came to his senses a few hours after the operation to return to work, he promises as soon as his health allows. dear friends, i came to my senses after the operation, i want to say a huge thank you to our doctors who saved us, did everything quickly, clearly and correctly, and of course to all of you for worrying and supporting, thank you very much, now i will recover. and further into the battle, just
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forward, everything will be fine. after the operation , andrei chibbis was transferred to intensive care. andrey chibbes is in the apatity-kirov central city hospital, under the supervision of doctors, as well as special forces soldiers, people in civilian clothes. in addition, investigative actions are ongoing here. those who were close to the governor at the time of the crime are being interrogated. the condition is serious, stable, medical assistance is available the required volume was provided, laparatomy and revision were performed. hemostasis, suturing of wounds, damaged organs, now in the immediate postoperative period the patient is in the intensive care unit, intensive care under supervision. the governor of the murmansk region was saved by a miracle; a few more centimeters, the blow of the knife could have been fatal. in fact, he was very lucky that his aorta was not damaged, so further treatment will take place in intensive care. there is an escort car near the reception department, probably suspected of an attack. is in the same hospital as the governor.
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forty-two-year-old local resident alexander bydanov was wounded during his arrest, the investigation is trying to establish the motive for his action. during the investigation of a criminal case of an attack on the governor of the morman region, the attacker was detained and interrogated, who was also provided with proper medical care. during the interrogation, the man explained that he felt displeased with the governor, despite the fact that he had not previously known him. it was established that the man was prosecuted for committing crimes provided for in article 115 of the criminal code of the russian federation, causing minor harm to health. currently, investigators are establishing all the circumstances of the incident. the attacker caught the official in apatity. here, at the exit from the construction workers' recreation center, andrei chibes met with local residents, they received him very warmly, and the armed attack took everyone by surprise. the investigation is trying to establish the motive for his action. neighbors who lived with bydanov for many years noted his behavior
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small oddities. i saw only one, i didn’t see anyone else. no money, no wife, no one, only he walked by like that, quietly, not like that, and opened the doors . hours in the cultural center, andrei chibes talked with literally the next few residents there, judging by the filming, he was in an excellent mood, on the eve of the incident he himself announced this meeting on social networks. good afternoon everyone, on thursday i plan to work in the city of apatity, and of course in the evening
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i will meet with the residents, so come and meet me, the investigation will have to sort out reasons for the assassination attempts, answer the question whether the attacker has accomplices, or maybe... those who ordered the crime. oleg pasobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry kvastnyuk. news morman region. the terrorist attack in crocus cityhole may be associated with a special military operation. investigators came to this conclusion after studying the phones of the terrorists who attacked the concert hall. the criminals tried to destroy the device, but experts still managed to extract all the important data. the photographs that were stored in memory speak for themselves. this is the image militants of the kiev regime with the ukrainian flag in the background. destroyed houses, a ukrainian postage stamp with an anti-russian message and various ukrainian symbols. in addition, phone screenshots were found showing the entrances to the crocus building and the access roads to it. as the investigative committee notes, these screenshots were taken on the morning of february 24, on the second anniversary
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of the start of the special military operation. at the direction of the curator who led the terrorists' actions, the crocus city hall concert hall was chosen as the location. committing attacks. this data may indicate a connection between the terrorist act committed and the conduct of a special military operation. the implementation of a set of investigative actions and operational measures to verify the involvement of representatives of the ukrainian special services in organizing and financing the terrorist attack continues. the investigation committee also noted that all this was confirmed by one of the accused in his testimony by the work of investigators in collecting evidence. evidence continues, the search for accomplices continues and organizers of the terrorist attack. in kharkov, after russian attacks on infrastructure facilities, rolling blackouts are being introduced in response to attempts of similar attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. in total , over half a million people were left without electricity.
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in the morning the metro did not work in the city. arrivals at energy facilities were also recorded in odessa. in the kupinsky direction, hail crews hit military equipment, ammunition depots and... enemy forces. the crews of the k-52 alligator and mi-28 night hunter helicopters also worked on targets. on south the dpr pilots are knocked out with the help of one and a half ton aerial bombs, they destroyed the underground shelter of the ukrainian armed forces. it is impossible to hide in a bunker from a powerful blow. and this is footage from the other side - russian paratroopers broke through to the outskirts of the city of chasov yar. and our military showed a ukrainian armored vehicle.
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this year's first batch of su-34 front-line bombers. the aircraft were assembled in novosibirsk at the chkalov aviation plant, which carries out state defense orders. in the near future the enterprise is planning a creature. increase production power. the combat vehicles have passed the entire range of tests and have already been sent to the troops. over the past 10 days , 16,000 volunteers have signed contracts to participate in a special military operation. 550 people applied to selection points for military service in the sverdlovsk region. there are more than 100 in murmansk. all of them have already started preparations. on the basis of training centers, many decided to join the armed forces after the tragedy in crocus cityhole. in connection with
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the latest situations in the cityhall circle, the fact that a terrorist attack occurred, i cannot remain in on the other hand, i think i have an obligation to protect my people, to go serve in the army. the contract forced me to sign the following actions - this is the terrorist attack that took place recently in croca city, i decided to bring it. your best, your best help, so that this happens as little as possible. every day , up to 1,700 people come to contract selection points across the country; in total, since the beginning of this year , more than 100,000 citizens have already entered the armed forces for military service. in the luhansk republic , fsb operatives detained a ukrainian agent intelligence services, he transferred the personal data of russian border guards to the enemy. security service of ukraine. recruited the suspect 5 years ago, the militants threatened that if they refused to
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cooperate, they would kill his relatives who live in territory controlled by kiev. since 2019, he has carried out their instructions related to the installation of personal data of russian border guards, as well as their vehicles. a student at one of the lpr universities, who filmed the movement of military equipment into the criminal area, is now awaiting the end of the investigation.
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for rescue teams, they are hunting for doctors, employees of the ministry of emergency situations and people included in repair teams who come to the aid of civilians who have been hit by artillery and missile attacks by ukrainian militants. kiev will not receive an official invitation to nato at the july summit in washington, the new york times writes about this today, citing sources in the alliance. nato wants to show support for ukraine, but not that much, the author of the article notes. according to the politician’s information about ukraine’s unwillingness to join the military bloc, they say berlin and washington, and
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elon musk responded to us secretary of state blinken, who loudly declared that kiev would be accepted into the alliance. the billionaire wrote that it would be like the beginning of a film about a nuclear apocalypse and attached footage from the film the next day. it has already passed in donetsk. the second event since the beginning of the year as part of the sadmemory campaign, hundreds of seedlings, coniferous and deciduous trees were planted in the soldiers' park. on most of the signs, the names of those who died defending the borders of the donetsk people's republic, on the territory of one of the city schools, a whole birch alley. in total, this year, thanks to the siege of memory , 20,000 trees will be planted in the republic. this is the news, this is what will happen next in the program. in russia, the number of regions affected by floods has increased to 36. massive. purchases of food and basic necessities, the israelis are panicking, many are sure that iran will answer for the attack
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on the consulate in damascus, in dani the chairman of the general staff was removed from his post with a scandal, he tried to hide from the head of the defense what the whole world saw. details after the advertisement, see you, it's a pity that we don't have enough courage, and the premiere on rtr, oh, sorry, svetlana kolpakova, but wait, she’s drinking champagne with my husband, from one. why are you out of the blue? my whole life has gone dark. alexander mikhailov, she is in a difficult situation, she urgently needs work. just tell me what, where, what? marat basharov, regretted one. if you order it, i’ll fire you today. roman madyanov, i have already given orders to increase your salary. allah, taxi.
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how did we manage without you before? here's my name. especially me. from monday on rtr. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence. dreams into reality kalinanbelek hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale.
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titanic luxury collection boudrum.
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svetlana nimalyaeva, it was, of course, a test, it was very difficult, goncherov
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wanted to work with me, but at the same time i had the feeling that he hated me, he shouted, we won’t save the entire fleet, but the sailors , soldiers, women and children, you must save, big premiere, your husband violated the order comrade stalin, admiral kuznetsov, is already on the platform, look, this is news, we continue
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the release, 36 regions of the country are already in the flood zone, the penultimate orange danger level has been declared in the leningrad region. in the altai territory, the water is gradually receding, more than 2.0 people are involved in eliminating the consequences of the disaster, and the affected residents have begun to receive the first payments. in the samara region, the flood is rapidly gaining strength. if yesterday 36 houses were flooded, today there are already 650, almost 500 people had to be evacuated. the current is stronger than on the volga, the water in the house is higher than the ankles. in yuzhnouralsk, a new embankment was washed away, bringing even more problems. rescuers are gathering additional forces in the orenburg region, where the scale of flooding has been growing for several days in a row, evacuating not only people, but also animals, and taking horses out of the equestrian club.
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water discharge has been increased again at the reklinsky reservoir, reporting by murat zaripov. on the streets of the village , both rescuers and residents of nearby houses, those who those who did not want to evacuate in the evening are now packing their things and preparing to leave for relatives, in just a few hours. in the morning the ural river came close to the houses. the water comes instantly, right from all the gardens everything was flooded, everything was completely flooded, and i couldn’t get through even now, we haven’t had such flooding for a long time . people take things out and rescue pets . the water continues to rise rapidly, and the river level is rising literally before our eyes. in some places in the lowlands , the building has already gone under water up to the roof, then the water has risen by more than one and a half meters. in general, flooding is noted in the village. so far on three streets, now there are three villages in the risk zone in the suburbs of orsk, but the dangerous territory may expand as the water rises, yesterday there was no water at all, that is, well, somewhere over there where the bushes there was
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water, but today already this morning the water has risen so much. currently, three villages in the suburbs of orsk are at risk, but the dangerous area may expand as the rivers rise. the difficult situation continues in almost the entire region, in the villages krasnokholm continues. rescuers literally carry people out of flooded houses in their arms. the water is gradually receding, but it is still unsafe to stay in houses. residents of the village of pogromnaya also needed help. there are flooded houses, somewhere the level reaches the windows of the first floors. there is a state of emergency in the region; more than 500 houses and 2,000 household plots are flooded. an airmobile group of the ministry of emergency situations left perm to help the rescuers of the orenburg region. units also provide assistance to those who find themselves in the disaster zone russian guard, which. orenburg region.
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at this moment, israelis are panicking and sweeping essential goods off store shelves. the country is preparing for tehran's response to the destruction of the iranian consulate in damascus. axios agency writes that tel aviv is confident that iran will soon launch a strike using ballistic cruise missiles, as well as a drone. prime minister netanyahu said that he is determined to further escalate the conflict. twenty- eight israeli embassies around the world have been suspended for security reasons. moscow is also not one of them. against this backdrop, thousands of police are marked in jerusalem. today is the last friday of ramadan, special forces will closely monitor the behavior of believers who will gather at the alyaksa mosque. in denmark, he was removed from office due to a scandal. chairman of the general staff, he tried to hide from the minister of defense the dramatic details of the military operation that the royal frigate carried out in the red sea back in march. during an attack
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by houthi drones, danish sailors were unable to launch anti-aircraft missiles for half an hour due to come out and build a radar. at the last moment , the air defense system was finally repaired. four drones threatening the frigate were shot down. footage of the crew’s sincere joy then went around the world’s media. the anniversary of the university of world civilizations named after vladimir zhirinovsky is celebrated at these moments within the walls of the university , celebrations are taking place, the leadership is rewarding the best students, the university created by zhirinovsky in 1999 continues to develop, new specialties and faculties are opening there, its graduates do not have problems with employment. our graduates are in demand. state power of management in business, a graduate of the university of world civilizations has fundamental training, he will always and everywhere
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be a welcome employee, an expert, this is a person who will feel confident all his life with a cmc diploma, the calculator girl is unique. an expert on birds, the strongest programmer in russia, tonight the viewers of our tv channel will be amazed by amazing people with their abilities, which of them will reach the finals, who will leave the project, we will find out immediately after the big news. behind the scenes anton zemidov came to the grand show. amazing people continue to amaze, amaze, and sometimes even shock with their incredible abilities. this evening an international team of superhumans will gather on the stage of the project. is expanding, i don’t know if there are other continents and countries where we haven’t had participants, this is great, it increases competition. in the seventh season, each
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test is a real mini-performance, for which any scenery is built from scratch. preparation of props for testing takes place not only inside the pavilion, but outside. here, for example, these blocks of ice especially these will also serve to test our participants. jady anderson flew from overseas specifically to evaluate the strength of russian ice. today will be the most dangerous and risky performance you have ever seen. i'm sure you'll like it.
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to be surprised at the level of the task, and the new properties, unusual facets of our brain. new episode of the show amazing people today at 21:30. anton demidov, pyotr ponkratov, lead. a sharp cold snap awaits residents of the urals. today in yekaterinburg, chelyabinsk about 15 warm, and tomorrow there will be precipitation, the wind will pick up and the temperature will drop to 0°. the center of the country is still in the bitter cold, but weather forecasters are hopeful that warmth will return to the region this weekend. tatiana. you are also already with us in the studio, tatyana, well, we are waiting for good news from you, perina, with pleasure, the forecasts are really very good, there will still be frosts in the center next night, and it will be cool during the day tomorrow, and on sunday there will be a new surge of heat up to 15 °, next week it will be 20, well, a cyclone with warm air is approaching from the west, in the middle zone tomorrow it will mostly be from 5:00 to 12 warm, we expect rain in the western regions, here in the east of the capital there is no precipitation, in the south it is sunny in april.
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comfortable from +14 at sea resorts to +20 in astrakhan. residents of the north will not be pleased with the winter weather in arkhangelsk -2 during the day and up to -100 at night, plus snowfall. in st. petersburg , the snow will change, finally with rain, and by monday it will warm up to +12. in moscow, next night 0. -2, tomorrow day +6:8, on sunday up to 15, well, in the middle of next week we will approach the may +20. where does all this come from, you’re retired, vtb is retired the rate for pensioners on a vtb savings account is up to 18% per annum vtb, together everything will work out. the federal part of the broadcast is now over, regional news is ahead, there is a rush demand for bottled water in barnaul. my colleague nikolai poteshkin joins us live. nikolay, hello, what is the reason? irina, hello, the reason is that you drink
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tap water. even after boiling it is impossible, it is yellow with an unpleasant odor. it's all about the flood that came to the region this spring; the soil in the fields froze to depth of 2 m. melt water is not absorbed into the ground, along with its top layer flows into rivers, including the ob, from where water is taken for barnaul. vodokanal disinfects it and considers it safe to drink, but the townspeople have a different opinion: the problem will be solved after the ice drifts and warming. thank you very much, nikolay, good news for you, we are now moving to udmurtia. vaccination of poultry has begun there, we have anastasia berezina going live, anastasia, hello, where are veterinarians waiting first? good afternoon, irina, from the bird chickens, ducks and geese are vaccinated against influenza at poultry farms in villages, primarily in those areas where there were outbreaks last year, due to the fact that many then lost all their poultry, today there is no need to convince residents, veterinarians advise not to release
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birds from yard and... closely monitor for dangerous symptoms; vaccination is the only way to protect the bird from death. anastasia, oh, thank you, good news, i wanted to say hello again, well, then we will communicate with the residents of moscow and the region. 300 need immediate liquidation, because they are simply unsafe. children's playgrounds in the capital will now be tested in a new way, materials will even be examined for tactfulness. near volokolamsk, he will restore the line of defense, where in 1941, in an unequal battle, panfilov’s heroes stopped the advance of the nazis. they produced synthetic drugs and concentrated them in excess.


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