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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 2:30pm-2:56pm MSK

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do not release dangerous symptoms in birds; vaccination is the only way to protect the bird from death. anastasia, from the yard and closely watching to see if there is any good news, thank you, i wanted to say hello again, well, then we will communicate with the residents of moscow and the region. 300 need to be eliminated immediately because they are simply unsafe. children's playgrounds in the capital will now be tested in a new way, materials will even be examined for tactfulness. near volokolamsk he will restore the defense line, where in 1941, in an unequal in battle, panfilov's heroes stopped the nazis' advance. they produced synthetic
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drugs, they fossored them and sold them in the moscow region , the police busted another drug laboratory, playing with light, playing with music, we dance music, a ballet premiere at the stanislavsky theater, a parade of historical trams and an unusual excursion through gorky park, an interesting weekend in the capital. in the presnensky district, the northern lobby with a pedestrian gallery of the moscow city station was opened today. previously, only the southern entrance worked there. the launch of the second stage was the final stage of the formation of the entire transport hub. now it unites the mcd, the mcc and the felyovskaya metro line station. passengers will be able to change there to the big circle line, solntsevo line, as well as first diameter trains. residents of new buildings now have a convenient route to the station.
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the safety of playground equipment will begin to be checked in a new way; now experts will evaluate not only the strength of structures, but also the chemical composition of the coatings of the materials used. dmitry blinnikov knows how the checks are carried out. they inspect the swings, slides, sandboxes, and take photographs. every year in the spring, when the snow melts, capital activists study the condition of children’s playgrounds; we then provide this data to deputy mozgordov indiev.
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one small, but not fully tightened bolt can lead to the collapse of the structure and serious injuries; in the winter in the temeryazevsky region , a swing fell on teenagers, one received a concussion, the second suffered a fracture, a fracture of two vertebrae, as it turned out later, the supports were poorly secured, and incident in march a five-year-old boy broke his head on sofya kovalevskaya street, unfortunately we do not keep separate statistics on such cases, only in... in the media there are reports here and there that, say, a football goal or a child fell on a child i was injured because the chain on the swing broke there. against this background, in russia the requirements for the maintenance of children's playgrounds are being tightened, the list of standards and material research for them has been expanded, up to the assessment of the hygienic safety of products and substances they secrete. they will more carefully evaluate the strength of structures on roshchinskaya street, but for now...
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the thickness of the coating is not dense enough, on which it depends; it is determined by the potential height from which a child can fall; it performs a shock-absorbing function. and the rubber itself, which was used for the coating, poses a health hazard. on such sites, on rubber ones, they emit extremely unpleasant things, they are toxic, and this is no secret to anyone. according to the new rules , even chemical analysis of used materials. on proletarian avenue , parents are complaining about the quality of the paint that is used to cover swings, houses and benches every year. the paint stinks, it takes a long time to smell, the kids are all dirty, it won’t dry in the basement. experts and public activists positively assess the introduction of new rules; they will make playgrounds more reliable and safe for teenagers and children. dmitry blinnikov, boris agapov, mark kazakov, alena felatova, lead. a heroes desk was opened today at school number 1544 in the capital.
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in honor of its graduate, participant in the special military operation kiril ryabtsev. after graduating from university, kirill went to the northern military district zone. he died on the territory of the lugansk people's republic during execution. we work thanks to such real patriots, real defenders of the fatherland. let me remind you that the hero desks are a project of united russia, the main goal of which is to tell about fellow countrymen who have shown courage. the right to sit at such a desk is granted to students for excellence in their studies.
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the territory at the dubasekov crossing near volokolamsk will be put in order memorial complex of panfilov heroes. it is there that 28 warriors are in an unequal battle. managed to stop the advance of the german troops, the last time reconstruction was carried out here was almost half a century ago, igor yaroslavtsev talks about when the restoration work will be completed. the place where bloody battles against the fascist invaders took place 83 years ago is today itself fighting against time. this is what the trenches at the panfilov hero memorial look like. the ground has crumbled, the concrete entrance group has been destroyed, it’s difficult to understand now. in some places the height of the trenches is as high as a train, they must be taller than human height, plus they must pass here. adult men. in other words, the width of the trench should be from the entrance to the place where i am standing now. in november '41, german troops reached the closest approaches to the capital. at the dubosekov junction, only 28 soldiers from general panfilov’s division accomplished what seemed to be the impossible: they destroyed about two dozen
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german tanks and stopped the offensive. and on november 16, the nazis should have already been in moscow, only thanks to the fact that the fighters of this 175 fought selflessly here rifle regiment. they... the fascists did not manage to pass through this height here on this day, panfilov’s men held the defense a kilometer away, well, there was a railway crossing and a little to the right of the crossing, maybe three hundred meters away there were positions in the gold-destroying tanks. the memorial appeared here in 1975, on the thirtieth anniversary of the victory. this hill is entirely filled; 40,000 cubic meters of earth were brought here. at first, they installed six monumental sculptures of warriors, 10 m high, and dug trenches, which are now being destroyed. this is what they looked like after a couple of years after opening. several years ago the figures were completely restored, so there is some experience in reconstruction, although there is still a lot of work to be done. a historical, cultural, archaeological and hydrological examination will be carried out. this process is very difficult, firstly, given the status of a cultural heritage site, at the first stage we
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received a design assignment from the main department of cultural heritage of the moscow region, only then we prepared the competition documentation, all the documents in hand. hope to receive by the end of november, after work will begin: firstly, it is necessary to restore the original appearance of the trenches, upholster them with wood, which ideally is not subject to rotting, secondly, they want to install lighting here, and most importantly - to deal with the water, the area here is swampy, we want to make a certain drainage system to prevent water from collecting in the trenches, our visitors could not only observe the trenches from the side, but also go down, the employees are confident that all plans will be implemented in 2025, the thirtieth anniversary of the victory... a memorial appeared, to on its eightieth anniversary, it will undergo a complete renovation. igor yaroslavtsev, dmitry shastukhin, anton odarchenko and alena felatova. news. an exhibition of collages by alfred schnittka has opened at the russian national museum of music. it is dedicated to the ninetieth anniversary of the composer’s birth. the exhibition
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features his manuscripts and personal belongings. the exhibition is accompanied by audio recordings from the museum's collections. schnittky worked in all genres and skillfully combined them. he was the author of music for more than six. retro cars, visit high-profile theater travel back in time in premieres or experience the atmosphere of noble life. muscovites are in for an exciting weekend, especially since temperatures in the city are set to rise. artyom kuznetsov carefully studied the program for the upcoming weekend. at the tram depot named after. final preparations are underway, retro cars are being updated for an important event; tomorrow, in honor of the 125th anniversary of the moscow tram
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, a parade of historical trams will take place on lesnaya street. the column will be led by a tpf motor tram car, popularly called a lantern car. and that's why there's on the roof there were special multi-colored windows, so there was more natural daylight in the cabin. in the evening the lamps were turned on, by the way , the shades were crystal, there were 19 seats in the car, the tram accelerated to... it was one of the most popular in pre-revolutionary soviet times, it carried passengers from 1907 to 1959. the column will be closed by a three-section tram car, it has a nickname cobra, just for its three sections, is one of the most modern trams in the city, transporting passengers from 2008 to 2021. in all you can sit in the carriages and take a memorable photo, after the parade there is an open -air exhibition on the square of the tver outpost until 16:00, so... the entire park to see all its attractions will take more than one day, only the length of the embankments from
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bolotny island to vorobyovy gory is 12 km, so you can get to know one of the largest parks in the capital on a special excursion on an electric bus like this. 30 60-90 or 120 minutes, that’s how long the guided tours around the park last gorky, muzion and neskuchny garden. you will see all the sights of gorky park, photo spots, cultural heritage sites, and most importantly, you will feel it. the atmosphere of those noble dynasties that lived here, loved and, so to speak, were happy in those distant 16th centuries. we haven’t forgotten about theatergoers; there are several premieres this weekend. in the hall of the academic musical theater named after stanislavsky and nerovich danchenko, full house, premiere in dark images, ballet without scenery, all attention on the artists. we are trying to show the game. cheney, game with light, playing with music, we dance music,
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because vivalde music is still legendary music, there are six premiere performances in total in april, it will be interesting for both adults and children, the heart of a dog based on bulgakov’s play returns to the stage of the moscow theater for young spectators, this sunday the premiere, russian folk tales with a modern twist will be shown in a theater in the south-west, vasily shkvarkin's comedy of someone else's child will take viewers back to 1930, only the year of creation. it was staged about 500 times, the success was deafening, and now in the pipe theater a new version of the scandalous comedy. spring has slowed down a bit, but everything is blooming and smelling in the apothecary garden. for now it’s in pavilions, but soon the spring flower festival will welcome guests in the open air. artyom kuznetsov, vladislav dubtsov, yuri zabolotnikov and maryana pepanyan, lead. since the beginning of the year in moscow , specialists from the municipal services complex have checked more than 350 thousand gas stoves. minor problems are corrected on the spot if... the moscow government pays
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great attention to the safety of the operation of gas equipment in the city's housing stock. we carry out maintenance on all gas-powered assets. if some apartment is scheduled for january, we didn’t get there, we will definitely come in february, march, october, until we service it. check out the schedule. inspections are available on the official website of mosgaz at information stands in entrances and courtyards. a large drug laboratory was dismantled by operatives in the moscow region. on the territory of one of the enterprises in the bogorodsky urban district, two local residents rented a hangar and equipped it there production of synthetic drugs. during the search, police seized dozens of canisters of chemicals and a crystalline substance. the results of the study of part of the confiscated items showed that... the rest was sent for examination. as a result of operational search
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activities, police officers, in cooperation with the national guard, detained the suspects. a criminal case was initiated under two articles, including illegal production and sale of narcotic drugs. the criminals sold prohibited substances using caches of bookmarks on territory of the moscow region. now let's take a break for a few minutes, after the commercial, we'll continue, see you. rest is leaving yourself alone, rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is
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rest. we know everything about holidays. anex.
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you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with the help, the name of which character from pushkin’s works everyone knows, how many there will be 7 and 8, how many will there be, who is at work, speaks a lot and loudly, if answer, then... with humor, i’m chopping oak, not pinch, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one, every saturday and sunday on rtr.
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to make dreams come true? sunday. i'm counting down the minutes until the evening when we meet again. this is my lena and she will be with me. and who are you? let her tell you. well, i won’t stand in the way of your happiness. stop, please. hello sister, the situation. day off, i'll do something, i i don’t know what yet, but i’ll do it, honestly, len, sunday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, in a hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i already demanded, sure nuclear weapon, as at the front of the case, the weather
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is cloudy, hail in places. there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, watch twice a day, see you later, this is news, we continue to issue rusfond, raising money for four-year-old sonya chulkova from the moscow region, the girl was born completely deaf, has already undergone surgery to install an implant,
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after connecting such a device a person begins to hear sounds, but to learn to speak they need... the next rehabilitation course, the parents hope to pay for it with the help of philanthropists, alexander sanzhiev will tell you how you can help. mom, draw, draw, those eyes, eyes, okay, sonya chulkova is already 4 years old, but she still speaks poorly, at birth doctors gave her a serious diagnosis: bilateral sensorineural hearing loss from the fourth degree, for the parents it was a blow that i can’t even describe. in words, what you feel at this moment, it seems that everything is taken away from you, your dream was taken away, and then the unknown, you have to live. a late and long-awaited child in the family. during pregnancy , doctors did not find any pathology in the fetus. the girl was born on time. after the diagnosis, the parents gathered strength and decided that they could cope. we
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dreamed of a child, we were really looking forward to sophia, we really wanted it. in may 2021, sonya underwent cochliar implantation. the devices were installed which convert electrical impulses coming from an external microphone into signals understandable to the nervous system. this operation brought good results. with the help of sophia's surgical intervention in the internal. unexpectedly, sonya and i were driving to class with the first word, oh, it was, it was so the words became a great joy for the parents, the tram, a man came in with a dog in his arms, and
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sonya saw the dog, she pointed her finger at the dog, up. doctors say that in the future sonya will be able to hear and speak almost as much as peers, for this you need to continue to work with the girl. hearing-speech rehabilitation is carried out in close cooperation. a wide range of specialists, a doctor, an audiologist, a neurologist, a teacher of the deaf, a speech therapist, specialists, neuropsychologists, psychologists, a sensory therapist. almost 400 thousand rubles are needed for hearing and speech rehabilitation. in a family where only the father works, there is no such money, so the parents turned to rosfond. sophia's rehabilitation exceeds our family income, so we turned to the foundation for help. each of us can help sonya, to do this you need to follow the link. qr code and transfer any amount, or send an sms with the word lead to number 5541, the cost of one message is 75 rubles. this small amount will help the girl improve her speech and even go to
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a regular school. alexander sanzhiev, ekaterina cherushev, alexander kucherovsky, georgy mayorov, mariana peponyan and elena nasonova, lead. the main news in moscow and the moscow region over the past 7 days, the most up-to-date information in the city week program, watch on our channel on sunday at 8 morning. and is it possible to stop the invasion,
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the investigation of alexander karpov, if all this is torn down, if there is construction there, then we will lose it all, he even smiles, yes, they are all different, the moscow tsum and the french notre dame de paris, what do they have in common, simple a soviet person could stand in line. to defend and what will the legendary store be like after a major restoration? we decided not only to restore everything, but to restore historical justice, only we have the main stories that happened nearby on sunday, at exactly 8:00 in the morning. next the release of federal news will be aired at 16:00, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, that’s all, see you.
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rtr-planet is more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly. the loudest premieres, how did i get here, and the post is corporate, or what? what are you, and you don’t know bender well, you don’t need a motive for murder using cunning, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, dog, in my opinion, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform shastakovich’s seventh symphony, who does not take risks, luck does not smile on him. everything will work out, i will operate, i’m scared, as if i’m not me, unfortunately, neither the motive for the murder nor the connection between the murders is visible,
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but there is one, and we will find it. i remind you again.


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