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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  April 5, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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rtr planet, more than just television. this is a piece of russia on every screen on the planet. let's fly! the loudest premieres. how did i get here? corporate post, or what? what are you? oh, you don't know bender well. there is a motive for murder on a trick. i don’t need it, that it was on the strip, i don’t know, it’s a dog in my opinion, exciting series, we’re putting together an orchestra, we’ll perform shostakovich’s seventh symphony, whoever doesn’t take risks, luck doesn’t smile on him, we’ll succeed, i’ll do the surgery, i’m scared, as if i'm not me, unfortunately not there is neither a motive for the murder nor a connection between the murders, but there is one, and we will find it, i remind you once again... that this is my
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investigation, let's agree in advance, you are the coach, i am the player, a dizzying show and the best music, and in general, you spend most of your life on your feet or on your head, i don’t even know, i want to read, please read, i can’t read, turn on the music blogger, i hope russia relies on songs, in general russia is a very melodious country, inimitable humor. and entertainment for every taste, i poured a basin of hot water on myself wound, i say, i’m leaving, i looked back, she’s already packed my things, kuku, meeting with the stars, and what is more difficult to become a good person or to stay, the question is of course an interesting one, both are difficult, and another, you are the most understanding program about animals, a circle of friends when difficult trials come into our lives, it is very important to unite, do not betray. no one,
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no matter what happens, live, the story of a mysterious disappearance, the whole studio discusses the nature of the conflict, why mother and son - and daughter-in-law have not communicated for 5 years, editorial documentary, now the flag of the russian federation is rising over the norwegian sea. this was one of the most striking episodes of historical triumph. the liberation of the people of europe was brought about by our soviet people. current news, political investigations. and impartial analytics, live program 60 minutes, news is broadcast, hello, key events, what will this day be remembered for, when the whole world calls black white, we choose the truth, vladimir putin is sitting in this chair, he is in the audience, like us we remember with you, he enters through these doors, that’s it, without which it is impossible to imagine russia, only on the rtr planet channel.
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“aren’t you ashamed to run after other people’s husbands,” one of the spectators, an official, once reproached actress svetlana nemalyaeva after watching the film.
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well, what are you saying, he’s not laughing, he was just consulting with me, how to help you? i have no doubt blinders that you gave him good advice. according to svetlana nemolyaeva, after the release of the office novel, she received bags of letters from viewers, almost every letter asked the question: where did you spy on my life, you guessed it, my fate, the fate of the actress herself is not at all similar to the one she played in the movie, exactly 65 years ago, nemalyaeva met the most beautiful. soviet union, alexander.
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there were many accidents in the story of their love, but it is precisely about such meetings that they say that accidents are not accidental. there was a rival there too. with his wife, alina, they have been together for more than 30 years, svetlana nemalyaeva shares the stage in her native theater with her granddaughter polina, who also followed in the footsteps of her grandmother. is it possible to pass on by inheritance not only love for his profession, but the ability to love and be devoted to one person. how today
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the actress herself evaluates the behavior of her heroine, olenka ryzhovy from the office romance. and why eldar izanov loved her so much.
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i walked in, it wasn’t mine yet, it was all foreign to me, but i realized that if they took me, if i was in this theater, then it would be forever, i understood right away that it would be forever, and so it turned out , i can’t even imagine, although my husband, sasha lazarev, we have also been together all our lives, he served in the theater for 51 years. then we were separated by his death and i was 65 years old and it never occurred to us in all the difficult situations that we had, happy and difficult and whatever, but it never occurred to us to leave the theaters, and you just
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said this number: 51 he served for a year at the moikovsky theater, this is also your date, this is the number of years you lived together, 51 years old.
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even now it’s as if he ’s sitting next to you, too, but there’s a feeling that it’s true that there in that apartment on tverskaya, that he’s still there, that here he is, of course, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, you even know what kind of
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interest i have, it always seems to me that he is nearby, because i never, well, he was the same, i can’t cope. with all sorts of technical things with, well, even with nails, i’m better than sasha sasha and beat a nail, how to follow, and i mean, well, with the keys i have. i’m happy about this, it always seems to me that he is nearby, and you know, now something amazing
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has happened to me, but it’s an event for me, because our new director, the last one to come to the theater, egor peregudov, began to do it for the centenary, his arrival coincided with the date of the centenary of our theater, and he came and the first thing he decided to stage was just... dedicated to the history of the theater for its 100 years, and he called the actors, talked to them, offered them what they wanted, offered something himself, everyone chose their own situation, well, i offered him, well, since it is connected with the history of our theater, two plays, one the laugh of the lobster, the one that sasha and i we played the second game together, long live the viva queen. these the first english bolts, luxurious plays, the performance was luxurious, and i madly loved
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this role of elizabeth, well, somehow he chose the laughter of lobsters and an excerpt, and i just told him, well, you know what the problem is, how we will do this, because that without sasha i can’t play this with anyone, with anyone, with any partner, suddenly he offered an absolutely amazing option, he said that he... the performance was filmed for television, and we will make it so that there will be his voice and you will talk to him, and for me it is it was a shock, at first it was of course very difficult for me to start playing, hearing his voice, talking to him, now it’s happiness for me, i have the feeling that we are communicating with him, talking to him, and i see him, watch...
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claps we were cast by five people, my first role, what i played was extras, i took part in all the extras that we had in the theater, and i never suffered from what we have, you know, very many actors suffer and hate these extras, scandals arise, why do i i have to play so much, why do the extras put me in, i’ve already worked for so many years, i didn’t have this, but my first role was so... such a cute play, the little student pogodin, she absolutely shone there, korlova,
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she played charmingly, i there was some kind of small role there, and i received the first flowers, listen, very soon ophelia, hamlet, yes, will happen, although of course, well, to be honest, i was very plump, like that. ask for some advice, for someone to help me, somehow, well, direct me somewhere, something
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prompted, it was pointless for kakhlopkov to contact him, because for him the main thing was hamlet, this is a powerful production, this artist is crying with luxurious scenery, when the police are near the theater, it’s impossible to get in, for him it was all mine, my little sufferings were not so important , and so i decided to turn to marie. ophelia before, here she is, she played ophelia first. she played ophelia for so many years, here you are a young girl, they came to you right away, which means almost immediately for this role, she will play aphelia, but i came to her, firstly, i couldn’t get my date, it was impossible, and i was through her, so to speak, most important friend, also a wonderful actress of our theater, i agreed on a date, i
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waited a month for this date, a month later i was admitted , admitted. why did she accept me, for which i am eternally grateful to her at home, i entered her apartment, her house, i saw her, she was divine, despite the fact that she was already very many years old, she was, i am still i remember she had this blue electric coat, the entire range of light was muted, all the light was dimmed, one lamp was burning, which illuminated her head, such a woman... a head, such rye hair, like all her cracks, light, she sat down and opposite me, said: well, girl, what do you want from me? i told her: you know, here i am playing felia, i know that you played absolutely brilliantly, you were amazing, and i’m confused, i ’m crying all the time, i’m somehow out of place and out of place,
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no one rehearses with me , i understand that i play poorly, i dream that you... who played this role, maybe you can tell me something, guide me in something, some words, she tapped her hand and said: “well, my dear, i’ll tell you, cry, cry for 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, then you will learn to hold back your tears, you will be a real actress, that was all her words, and
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already i’m talking, suddenly i start crying, you will be somewhat surprised, ask what is wrong, what happened, why? there is no reason for crying. this was the first scene, the appearance of ophelia. i was leaving, and her theme began, i i had to run up to the chair, i, tears, i began to sob and could not understand anything with you, for this they called you ironically, the mayakovsky pipeline, yes, the water supply system, the water supply system of the mayakovsky theater, yes, yes, the water supply system. i called you that and then it started happening , that’s why, of course, that’s why i understood that what’s going on here, i’m doing it wrong, it’s wrong, you know, so i asked for help, a little time will pass, or a lot, everyone will recognize this nature of yours , well, this thin skin, so to speak, in your
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little red-haired deer in the office romance, i i understand correctly that olenka... became the point that divided life in a sense into two parts, the whole country knew her too, you know, then it was a different time, then the picture was shot, and if the pictures were still made by such masters as ryazanov , then the whole country saw it, starting from the carpathians to the far east, and if the picture was good, then they watched it several times , memorized the words and entire texts, so to speak, from the film were repeated among the people. i ’ll never even forget how i came to our doctor, to natalia mikhailovna, i say, natalya mikhailovna, how are you feeling, she tells me: well, compared to bublikov, it’s good, because the whole country has already spoken with texts from the film, you know, so of course for me, well, for actors, theater actors, because
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the auditorium is one thing who comes, you are unknown to him, he opens the program, reads: petrov, some fedorov, some ivanova, starts watching until he gets used to it, when he understands that he is interested in him, the actor is not interesting, some time passes when you already know, know viewers of the film are already familiar with themselves, you are already somehow known to them, then the viewer already comes as if to a familiar person, and you don’t have to overcome this distance to conquer, therefore. of course, cinema is absolutely priceless for a theater actor in this sense. my favorite film, please play it, let’s remember it, yura, olya! lord, how beautiful you are! oh, well, it's against my background. olya, haven't you changed at all? well, yes, how glad am i to see you? and me too. guys, i would like us
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to talk. i can't get you into my office invite. kolugina ordered her new deputy to repair it. as always, you know, a new boss starts with renovating his own office. how are you? olya? i live well. i have a separate apartment, albeit outside the city, but not far from it. let's smoke, let's go, let's go, and my son vitka is already 14 years old, yes, he is an athlete, i live, so to speak, i keep up, what are you, what are you, an amazing story, i have never, how many times have i watched this film a thousand times, i have never did not look with the eyes with which they look today its many people of today's generation, when all sorts of words came, chorus.
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that is, it was, she was not a homewrecker, she would never have separated him, she herself is married, she has a son and a husband, he has a family, but
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she, well, how can i tell you, has a romantic nature, some kind of gentle, very emotional , who remembered her student love, they studied together, they had some kind of romance, some kind of relationship, they even... went somewhere to kiss in kuntsevo, it seems to me that there was nothing, no there was nothing negative, nothing that could be condemned, because her heart spoke in her, her soul sang in her, poetry spoke to me, she poured it out on paper, she simply plunged into the romantic world of her youth, her past life , she was in it. defenseless, she was, why did everyone stand up like that, all the employees of this statistical department, everyone took her
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side, everyone began to feel sorry for her, why was this self-praising person so condemned, because he was merciless, he broke her crystal a vase, it had a soul, a crystal vase, so it seemed to me, and so i tried to play. this is my acting feeling, my acting, svetlana vladimirovna, i understand why you say that, i also read stanislavsky, i’m not an actor, but i read my life in art, and i understand very well what it means to be an advocate for your role , you justify your heroine, well, in an amicable way, let’s move on from this situation, i remember you recalled somewhere how with alexander sergeevich, you once very persistently courted varvarov arbuzova, actress, remember you told me somewhere. come on, come on, borya, yes, what nonsense, nothing unpersistent, it was the same story, she really liked him, and who could not like him, well, tell me, who
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could not like my sasha, well, really, tall, handsome , so talented, and he played in irkutsk history, you know that he’s so young, but do you understand? played anna karenina, who was a young woman, anna konstantinovna was already under 60, klopkov made a revolution, he gave in irkutsk the history of the role is the same.
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she was the only one who wasn’t in love with him, well , listen, but if she started writing poems to him, sending him letters, you wouldn’t have sent her, what do you want from me, so that i don’t love my olya ryzhova, you won’t succeed , no, borya, it won’t work, and irizanov didn’t write about that, ilizanov wrote a romantic image, and not an annoying woman of some kind, too simple, who seems to want
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to break a miracle of fate. no, no, not about that, i can’t want that from you, because i myself have been in love with her all my life your olya, how can i want you not to love her, besides, i understand correctly, i’m okay, i’m generally a boy, i just like this film, and how many soviet women recognized themselves in it then, this is how many people have written to me, so i can tell you that i played correctly, i don’t don’t don’t want to... god forbid, as they say, praise this pure water, it’s true, but how many women people wrote to me, wrote to me about how you played my life, you played my dream, you played my destiny, how do you know that i had it, where did you know this, let’s talk about how your family had to go through
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a variety of trials, including how one day armen dzhegorkhanyanyan separated you and alexander sergeevich, in a couple of minutes about this, well, let’s talk, now i’ll find out, how he taught us, further in the program, how the famous director mocked svetlana nemalyaeva, no, i’m here, that he shouted, he destroyed, he would hit you, yes, he almost beat me once and again... again about love, it is very important in family life to hear not only yourself, but also your dear person, look in a few minutes, you are beautiful, smart, you look great, my parents will love you right away, sooner or later they will still understand that you are not the duchess of cambridge, but a girl
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of the edge, close it, stand still. and misfortunes of this kind happen to girls of a certain behavior, you are a future diplomat, and reputation, i emphasize, reputation is not an empty phrase, i want to have an abortion, he will understand everything, i am sure this is not his child, and he will always know it , tomorrow will be a new day, today on rtr, food prices are all time is becoming more expensive and we still let food go to waste, how many times has this happened to you, you are about to cook a meal, you go to buy a loaf of bread and find that it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save money, just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old, it looks like you
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a program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, could you feed me, bon appetit, in 3 days my business trip ends, do you want to come with me, life inquiries.
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my legs gave way, it seemed to me that it was simply unthinkable, the first adult role and such, well, if you maybe know the play, maybe you’ve heard about it, this is a very tragic role, the tragic role
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of a woman who brings to the point of madness, she takes out the madhouse and mocks her throughout the entire performance, this is a very difficult role, written by a brilliant playwright and brilliant absolutely a play. we rehearsed for about 2 years, now performances are not done so quickly, for a long time, about 2 years, my main partner was arman dzhugorkhanyan, he immediately began to work ferociously. and it was incredibly hard for me, but i somehow decided to withstand everything, that’s all that fell to my lot, to withstand everything, so, can you imagine, that’s where it started, and what was so hard with him, he was screaming, he was screaming , he destroyed, he and he, well, just imagine, we have the first scene, and gonchurov is walking, running around the auditorium shouts with us, knew all our text, all of it. here she speaks to me too, it
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’s terrible, it’s a whole, it was two or three weeks, probably, suddenly we come to the rehearsal, and you cried, you could have left, you could have stopped putting up with it, or or not, no, i had a cross, i had a cross, i told myself that i would endure everything, you would have endured it in any case, even if gonchurov had been there, i don’t know, in some kind of heat... would have hit you, yes, he and almost beat me once, but i didn’t notice, what kind of situation it was, i don’t know, because he hated me because i didn’t rehearse as well as he needed, you know, he wanted me to rehearse, to understand him, but it seemed to him that i didn’t understand anything, well, in general, we rehearsed for three weeks or two for about a week with him, he speaks with us, then suddenly complete silence and...
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what he needed, this is how he rehearsed, armen borisovich could protect you or your husband alexander sergeevich lazarev, but no one protected us , what are you doing? but it was pointless, we could have been protected, of course, all the horror was was that he was always right, you know, potters, no matter what, but he was always right in what he sought, that...
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listen, accept it, i told him armen, well, i accept it , i live in this hell, and hell was, of course, even the stage workers, our assemblers brought me some water out of pity so that i would drink and not die, put it, put it, what kind of person were you born after the murder by goncherov, put it, well, i already three times... i apologized, i need hot baths for my nerves, you are a pole,
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a healthy person, a creature without nerves, well, it goes without saying, how do you know what it’s like when you can’t find a place for yourself because of your nerves, and i’m not a pole, i’m one hundred percent american, i was born and live in greatness.
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and goncharov couldn’t stand being in the movies, so i had to ask him to go to the garage to film, it was a big problem, tricks, tricks, intricacies, anything, just... so i, for example, went to the garage, just because , that i played there, i threw myself on my knees in front of him, and began to beg him, let christ go, let me play, but it somehow had an effect on him, well, at some point, how did it happen that he
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almost separated you from lazarev, or rather, that he separated you a little, i’m talking about the play running now, and about running, he’s on the run from... he told me that garkhan will play the first performance, well, i had to convey this to sasha, it was very difficult for both him and me to go through, i told him, i rehearsed seraphim in this performance, and i said, come on sasha, i’ll leave too, i won’t be able
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to rehearse without you, but sasha told me, i ask you by god, don’t do this, don’t do it, stay in the play, play this role, in general, he... and they treated each other wonderfully and appreciated each other as two very talented people. put it on, let’s remember another favorite picture, with you in the lead role, put it on. guskov, i’ll see you for the last time
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. they’ve been on very good terms all their lives . i ask why you came home after 11 pm yesterday, only you told me. say that you had a meeting, we have two children, did you have a woman, aren’t you ashamed, why are you silent, why are you silent, why don’t you have anything to say, lord, she’s crazy, well, i of course, i understand that after all these worries with the children after this domestic ordeal, i’m no longer as pretty as i was before, but it ’s not my fault, but these are your children, these are our children, tolik, but when you will begin to study when you sit down for your lessons, my reasonable one, except you alone, i
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have no one, never had and never will, i love you alone, please, you know, just now you watched this excerpt, i remember, i bow to vali gavt, when we had a meeting with you, we held it, he came, he could no longer walk, they brought him in a wheelchair, but he still came to me. on the show to say a few good warm words, this is for the rest of my life, i was shocked, because it is very difficult to get a healthy artist out, to go, say something, or come somewhere, after all, this is all a problem, and he was so sick, he couldn’t even
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walk and he came, put it on, we shot the picture, together again, the promised one. yes, i remember how sveta came running, we were on a steam locomotive, there we were flying under the clouds, under the skies, and how she came running crying, what, what are you you’re doing, it’s all wrong, you’re going to the wrong place , what did you have there, yes, yes, i stopped you, i always thought exactly like that in the garage, this is how this picture should be played, this is what to shoot about. sometimes it’s unnecessary to be funny, you need to play seriously, uh-huh, so that your heart breaks, the great end, vali, in memory. recently , alexander anatolyevich shirvint went there to join the german woman valentinovich, you also
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knew him all your life, yes, yes, from his youth, shura shirvint, of course, he is absolutely amazing, he is an extraordinary, of course, witty person, he is very kind, that rarely happens in people, then something incredible.
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but in this film they both play very well, alexander anatolyevich and alexander sergeevich, bet that you’re friends, you’re lying, you’re lying all the time, you’re toptygin, clearly, well, repeat, i’m toptygin, you won’t repeat it, why repeat, i’m toptygin, that’s it. “she left home because of you,
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at least keep this in mind, why don’t you like this film very much, it’s not that i don’t like this film, i watched it once and said, sasha, i’ve had enough, and then, when i watched this movie after a long time and watched it often. actors haven’t played in our movie yet, put it on, i talked about the seas and corals, i
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dreamed of eating soup, turtles, i stepped onto the ship, and the boat turned out to be from yesterday’s newspaper, i stepped onto the ship, and the boat turned out to be... from the newspaper yesterday, then one winter comes, then another, and snowstorms howl outside the window, only parrots speak in cages, in the forest they forget their language, we started with this with you, well, with fidelity, with constancy, with this amazing quality of yours, with which ... you live your whole life, and today it it’s just some kind of almost relict tree, it ’s becoming less and less common in people, is
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it inherited, i’m already, let’s talk about it, please, here’s the same relict tree, let’s talk about it, more about it in a couple of minutes, see further, fidelity by inheritance, svetka, what are we doing? i don’t even remember why we quarreled, let’s hug you, have mercy and not quarrel, the art of being a mother-in-law, they didn’t argue with us, didn’t quarrel, they packed up all their things in life and moved to another mother, look right away after the commercial, i'm on i came to get a job, it didn’t work out, they didn’t rob me, no need to bless me, well, get yourself in order, get smart and... let’s go, alla taxi premiere from monday on rtr
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3:49 pm
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3:51 pm
the fate of a person, the fate of svetlana nemalyaeva, i might not have known you, well, i personally was lucky svetlana vladimirovna, thanks to my profession, i might not have known alexandra sergeevich, but i was also lucky thanks to my profession, when you interviewed him, we walked with him along tver boulevard, i was filming him for one of my reports, but even if i only knew your son, i would understand a lot about your
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family, but because it seems to me that... he absorbed everything from you, just listen to how he talks about you, put on a piece of our conversation with alexander aleksandrovich lazarev, put it here in this studio, they are completely different people by temperament. yeah, but at the same time they were one and the same, absolutely, it was at times very funny and touching to watch, because mom is always going somewhere, dad is a homebody, a homebody, yes, yes, he is such a light, well, why, where, well, no, no, let’s sit at home, well, it’s so good at home, no, go, go, well, why, well, after the performance, dad and mom came, so to speak, relaxed, undressed, everything was there, just like my father in ropes...
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he was finishing school and was a student at the house , now this is something, this is just some kind of happiness, you know, i would wish for any woman, any mother to have such a son or such a daughter, such caring and such an attitude like him, i don’t know how it happened, he was very complex, small, it was just that frying pans were flying and... these kind of lies, we had scandals without was uncontrollable, he was very temperamental, but if you see him on stage, in
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his best roles, in which he played royal games, you understand, now he is playing blackness on the run, absolutely luxuriously, here, but you can see what kind of temperament, with what temperament the child was born with, therefore... and my mother, my mother there was an interesting, very peculiar woman, she said when we shouted at him, cursed and were indignant, she told me here, well, you have a personality, why are you yelling at him, stop it, sasha and his wife were still in their early years lived with you, i, for example, immediately when shura came, holding alinka by the hand, said: “here, mom, i ’m marrying this girl, i said, i’m very happy.
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their relationship, if we say that we got used to each other, like everyone else, when they lived with us, there was something for them, like the youth in us we didn’t like it, we didn’t like something about them, but they had an absolutely amazing, absolutely wonderful manner, they didn’t make trouble with us, didn’t swear, they packed up all their things, belongings, and moved to another mother who lived in another place, it was like... some kind of adjustments arose from some kind of trouble, something turned out wrong for them, they collected everything again, came back to us again, there were such endless moves, but they were all
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very funny, insignificant and did sasha ever ask for advice, well, something like that exactly on a personal level, i didn’t particularly like polino, no, i don’t particularly remember, but i would svetlana vladimirovna come to you for this advice... however, looking at the beauty of your family, the beauty of your parents’ family, the beauty of your family your son, but how to build one yourself? you know that bor, i ’ll tell you that despite the fact that i was born in the grass of advice, i don’t like to give advice and don’t give it, but i have to tell you that the only thing that can be very important in family life is hear this... not only myself, and my loved one, here i have sasha, i’ll shout, he’s very hot-tempered, we quarrel, argue, half an hour passes,
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that mostly it was always my fault, he’s like a man, like a noble gentleman, he always came up to me, dear, well, what are you and i, i don’t even remember why we quarreled, let’s go with you. and how he is like him, it was amazing for me, it arose surprisingly, because a director and an actor are completely different things, and i never thought that he had any directorial abilities, but that’s it, what i saw for the first time in the funeral prayer, with which, by decision of the theater, he restored one of mark’s best works for...
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4:00 pm
on the russia vesti channel, in the studio evgeniy rashkov, hello, the main thing for this hour.
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the fight against organized crime is the focus of the russian security council, an operational meeting was convened by vladimir putin. the case of the attack on the murmansk governor will be handled by the central office of the ska. how does andrey feel now?


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